
The Official TTC Thread!

Plantationcatt - Thanks. It''s getting exciting now! I think we are almost cycle buddies - AF is also due for me on the 26th too. Re testing, I think people''s experience varies - last time, I got a BFN on 14DPO and so didn''t test again until AF was a couple of days late and then got a BFP on 18DPO, but most people seem to have gotten their BFPs earlier. I may test tomorrow on 12 DPO and take it from there. Do what you feel comfortable but know that it takes longer for some people to get a BFP than others. Best of luck to you over the next few days!! Best of luck to your mum too - I hope it goes well.

LV - Thank you!! I hope all went well for you on the weekend and good luck for the IUIs. I hope this is the cycle for you!

Krissie - I am in the 2ww as well and going crazy overanalysing everything so you are in good company!! I wouldn''t worry if you don''t have implantation spotting because most women don''t Good luck.

Dcgator- hope you got your big O!!

Noelwr - very clever! Thanks. I''m with you on the luggage - SO asked if we would share a suitcase for the honeymoon and it didn''t even take me a second
to say no!

Bella - you are my packing idol! I wish I could do that!

Lynnie, Dreamer_d, Icekid - Thanks for the compliments!!

Brighlight - Fingers crossed for you.
Brightlight - good luck!! I''ll be hoping for a BFP for you!
Dust to icekid, Krissie, geri and plantationcatt as well! Fingers crossed for a plethora of December babies!

Noel.. thanks for the list. Good idea, and really nice to see where everyone''s at.

I had an interesting weekend. BIL (DH''s brother) said he & his gf had some news, and wanted to come over. We were thinking they got engaged. Turns out she''s pregnant! We''re the only ones that know (she''s 2 weeks late on AF, and got 3 BFP''s). She can''t get into her doc''s for 2 weeks. They''re really nervous that her family''s not going to take it well (traditional Catholic family, and they''re not married). But they''re really happy, and we''re happy for them. But I can''t help feeling a twinge of jealousy, too. I know it''s wrong to feel that way... I''m also worried about getting pregnant right behind her, and I don''t want to ''steal her thunder'' in any way. We didn''t mention that we tried last month... they were both so happy about the news. It''d be cool to have a preggo buddy, though. And cousins so close in age.
My luck this month is working against me... starting tomorrow, I''m scheduled 6/7 night shifts. Looks like DH & I will have to BD in the mornings, after work... which neither of us is used to at all (sorry if TMI). Fingers crossed it all works out. Our 1 year anniversary is 4/18. I keep thinking to myself how cool it''d be to POAS and wrap it up as DH''s anni present, haha. But then I don''t want to get ahead of myself, either.

To those Oing... get busy, girls!!! ***** Dust *****
LV: Good luck today!

LV & dcgator: I''m going to test tomorrow morning. Thanks so much for the thoughts about Mom.

krissie: I had cabbage on Tuesday AND Wednesday!

Kunzite: Thanks for the dust.

geri: I know! We are definitely cycle buddies. I''m going to test tomorrow and see what happens. Good luck to you, too. Thanks also for thinking of Mom, she needs all the thoughts and prayers she can get.

bella: you need to start a "carry on packing" thread to share your wisdom.

Good luck everyone!
Lynnie, yall will make it work in the mornings! (Or work it, so to speak!) It''s hard not to be at least a little jealous of people with their good news, even if you are truly happy for them! Hope you can give your husband a good anniverary present!

Hey ladies - sorry to be a little mia lately... just nothing to report unfortunately. CD 22 and no O, temps changes, or wet/EWCM. It''s frustrating for a lot of reasons... one, cause it means Clomid (at this dose anyway) was ineffectual, and two cause I have been off birth control going on 8 months with no ovulation. We can''t even get to the 2WW... Before I throw myself a pity party, I realize many women have had much more difficult and long journey, including my sister and many of you... so I am trying to keep it in perspective. I realize stressing out about all this is counterproductive too... So DH and I did have an awesome day on Saturday - slept in, went for a run together, ate lunch outside, napped, BDed, visited a museum, hung out on a friend''s roof deck, went out for dinner, and watched a movie... just a really nice day to reconnect and focus on the US part of this TTC journey... I also decided to make an appointment for acupuncture to try to get my periods to return and my cycles to regulate a bit. I made two appointments with people who seem to specialize in fertility and women''s health. I have a consultation today with a woman and another with a man on Wednesday. If I like the woman today and her prices are within the range I''ve heard (70-80 a session!!!!!) then I will probably stick with her... if not at least I''ll get the feel for someone else on Wednesday. So I will let you know how that goes. It''s cost prohibitive to do consistently, but I am hoping to at least try a few sessions and get a feel for whether it helps (whether real or placebo).

Dcgator - any better luck with O? Hope your temps have finally shifted and stayed above the coverline. I also get my OPKS from early pregnancy as well. Pretty easy to read and pretty cheap. I hear you about fashionably late!
Catluver - sorry to hear that AF reared her ugly head. I think a sushi dinner is the perfect way to deal with the disappointment. Also, when I started temping I was preoccupied with it and whether I would get 3 consecutive hours of sleep so I would keep waking up to look at the clock... I thought I''d never be able to adjust but I did within a week or two. Just hang in there. I do mine at 5am and then just fall back to sleep. Hope you and your hubby are doing ok post mini-freakout.

Brightlight - I am definitely more aware of my body in TTC mode... a blessing and a curse. I wish could add some insight to your CM mystery, but I am just not sure what it could mean. I do know many women still have fertile CM after ovulation so it could just be your body''s normal. Also, sorry to hear the state of your family, sometimes it''s hard to think about bringing little people into this world with all the mess that will go on around them. And doing it without the help of family is really hard... Hope you are feeling better.

Pcatt - Sorry about the BFN... hope that it was just to early. Keep us posted.

Krissie - hope the 2WW is going by quickly! Any more symptoms?

LV - Thanks for the encouragement! This is my first clomid cycle... my doctor said we should try it for 2 months... so presumably we will do it next cycle as well. Your journey seems to be going well (I know you don''t want too many follicles... but it has to be good news that you have a handful of good sized ones) and I am very excited that you are not canceling this cycle... sounds like your husband was reassured and that helps too. Also happy to hear that your age does have a few advantages in terms of lower risk for multiples. I don''t see Octo-mom in your future... but I feel good that you are on your way to being a mom. Hope your IUI went well today - please let us know how you are feeling.

Lanie - I can make an appointment after I have reached CD30... then more provera and another round of clomid. Booooring. I would not trust myself with unlimited access to an ultra sound machine :) But I would love to know what is going on down there without having to go to the doctors every week. How are you doing? Any side affects with the Femara? Glad you like the Raspberry Leaf Tea - I think it''s good too... nothing too strong. What are you pre-O temps? Mine are generally between 97.3-97.8...

Bella - how are you doing? Back to peeing on sticks :) I have adopted your at work method... can''t imagine getting caught and trying to explain it!

Noelwr - Sorry about AF, but glad the cramps aren''t too bad. When is your cruise? I use OPKs twice a day... I figure they recommend it for a reason. Thanks for your lists too! I can''t believe we have had such a dry spell this March...

Kunzite - I hope it''s a CD16 O for you! I hear you about week day BDing... it''s so much more convenient on the weekends :) Congrats on your anniversary too!

Icekid - sorry you and DH didn''t get to BD closer to O but there is always hope... hope he does have supersperm :)

Lynnie - I think your feelings about your BIL and his GF are totally nature... you seem supportive and genuinely happy for them ... but twinges of jealousy and concern for "stealing thunder" are normal too. You can''t plan around other people and I hope you it does happen this month for you guys so that you can enjoy having a pregnancy bud. I do understand how taking BDing out of your routine times is an adjustment... almost puts unnecessary pressure on it... but I hope it all works out for your anniversary!

Anyone else gain a little weight in this TTC journey - I am trying to eat more good fats (fish, avocado, pumpkin seeds, whole fat dairy) and have cut out a lot of the low sugar/low fat processed foods I used to eat... same exercise level (gym 3-4 times a week) which is all good for me, but I''ve also gained about 5 pounds in the last 3 months. Still within normal range... just kinda bummed about it. Especially after gaining all wedding weight loss back in the last year. I know what I need to do to lose it, but I also don''t think it''s the best time to diet. Just gotta make some better choices I guess... more of a vent than anything... thanks for listening.

Sorry for the spelling and grammer mistakes - can''t proof read before my next meeting!
Happy Monday, everyone!

Even though I''m only around 10 DPO, I decided to POAS this morning - negative, of course! I had continued cramps and sore BB on the left side over the weekend, so curiosity got the best of me! Plus, I felt well and truly exhausted yesterday. No more cramping today and no real fatigue to speak of today, but my BB is still a bit sore. I''m not going to POAS again until Saturday! FF wants me to wait until 3.31.10 (18 DPO), but I figure that''s a bit extreme.

I decided to start checking the friz (aka "frisbee", aka "cervix")* over the past few days, but I can''t figure out anything for the life of me. It always feels the same, IMO. So, I''m just sitting tight until Saturday and wishing lots of support and dust to you all, particularly my cycle buddies!!

* In my desperate efforts to learn what it''s "supposed" to feel like, I read a description that the cervix feels like the underside of the frisbee. I think it''s a much catchier name!
ok, I love that she helps me figure out when I''m about to O, but I am starting to think that Eva is a bit of a scam. last cycle I Od somewhere between CD13-15. today I am on CD6. so why in the world is Eva asking me to POAS already? I thought she would wait until CD9 or 10, but now already? it doesn''t take rocket science for me to know it will be a low fertility day... I think part of the plan is to make us spend money on the sticks. so if you''ve got the OPKs down, I wouldn''t recommend spending all the cash on the CBFM.

Ryan Claire - I''m sorry that O is MIA, and please don''t feel that you can''t let out your feelings here. we''re all here to support you. I do hope the acupuncture helps. I exercise 5x a week, and I haven''t lost any weight.
but I think I "look" slimmer. oh well.

Lynnie - it''s ok to feel a little jealous. it''s not like it''s going to get out of control. more than anything, you are happy for her, and I don''t think that she will at all feel like you''re stealing her thunder if you get preggers, too. it might even help to relieve some of the stress that she feels due to the traditional expectations. the family won''t be focused on just her. I read somewhere that morning sperm is the most fertile, so maybe the night shift work will be a blessing in disguise.

dust dust dust: geri, brightlight, icekid, Krissie and plantationcatt!
Date: 3/22/2010 2:08:28 PM
Author: noelwr
ok, I love that she helps me figure out when I''m about to O, but I am starting to think that Eva is a bit of a scam. last cycle I Od somewhere between CD13-15. today I am on CD6. so why in the world is Eva asking me to POAS already? I thought she would wait until CD9 or 10, but now already? it doesn''t take rocket science for me to know it will be a low fertility day... I think part of the plan is to make us spend money on the sticks. so if you''ve got the OPKs down, I wouldn''t recommend spending all the cash on the CBFM.

Ryan Claire - I''m sorry that O is MIA, and please don''t feel that you can''t let out your feelings here. we''re all here to support you. I do hope the acupuncture helps. I exercise 5x a week, and I haven''t lost any weight.
but I think I ''look'' slimmer. oh well.

Lynnie - it''s ok to feel a little jealous. it''s not like it''s going to get out of control. more than anything, you are happy for her, and I don''t think that she will at all feel like you''re stealing her thunder if you get preggers, too. it might even help to relieve some of the stress that she feels due to the traditional expectations. the family won''t be focused on just her. I read somewhere that morning sperm is the most fertile, so maybe the night shift work will be a blessing in disguise.

dust dust dust: geri, brightlight, icekid, Krissie and plantationcatt!
Hi NoelWR! Don''t knock Eva just yet! I think I read somewhere that she''s programmed to require POAS in 10-stick bursts. Since you O''d somewhere between 13-15, it makes sense for you to start testing on CD6 (which would catch the surge based on your last month). I''m only in my first month with Eva, but I was shocked when I had to start testing on CD6 (of course, my prior month was over 40 days in length) but luckily it enabled me to catch O on/around CD14. If I hadn''t O''d then, I would have had to break into the next 10 sticks. I''m grateful it didn''t happen this cycle, but I''m fearful just how much it could cost me in future cycles when it takes *much* longer to O...

Re: exercise -- I started a really good routine at end of Feb/early March. In fact, I think it''s partially responsible for a normal-ish cycle for me now. But of course I got sidetracked over the past couple of weeks. I''m starting to hit the gym again today this afternoon!
Go LV! Go LV! Go LV! pulling for you today! Great that you got those stats from your doc. Your lining numbers are fantastic and three good follies are fabulous.
pulling for you LV!
LV, best of luck to you today!

Ladies, look what I found today. Seriously, I need to stop stalking baby websites!

plantationcatt - Thank you!! Excited to hear the results of your test tomorrow. Sending lots of dust for a BFP!!

Ryan Claire - I am sorry that things are not straightening out with the clomid. I am so happy that you are going to see an acupuncturist. If I hadn't had my recent experience, I would still be skeptical re: whether it works or not. It did help me with that one issue (clotting), that was perceivable to me, so now I am a firm believer that it works. I will be going again this week and have been going once per week since I started. By way of comparison, I am paying $100 per visit, which I think is higher than the first place I went (it was $75 there, I think). I liked it there too. I only stopped going due to the distance. My current acupuncturist does a sliding scale. Even though I don't get a discount myself, I think it is really nice that she discounts her services so that patients from all income levels can benefit from her practice. There are a lot practioners who specialize in fertility issues listed here: There are different styles of acupuncture, so it will be interesting to hear what you think of the two different practioners. PLEASE report back here after you go!!!

Swimmer!!! - How are you doing? Thank you for cheering me on!!! It means a lot to me, particularly because I know you've been right where I am now!


This morning's IUI went great. I was a wee bit nervous because the nurse who had an issue with my cervix last time was performing the IUI, and I don't think the other nurse who stepped in last time was in the office.

For those that are curious as to how this works, I bring in a sample that my DH provides at home. The nurse processes, or "washes" the sample and then puts it in a tube attached to a catheter. (I do not know much about this process, but it takes about an hour, so I leave the office and come back.) I got back early, so they put me in the room about 15 minutes early, which was great because I was able to relax beforehand. The nurse came in and reported the estimated sperm count to be 77 million after the wash (the numbers are higher before the wash)! Motility was also excellent! The nurse threaded the catheter through my cervical canal and injected the processed sperm directly into my uterus. This process took less than 60 seconds. I then stayed on the table for another 20 minutes, in hopes that this increase my chances of getting pregnant. And, after all of this, I still made it to work by 9 am.

So, with 3 eggs + 77 million sperm today + another IUI tomorrow, I had better get pregnant!!!!!! But, seriously, even with all of these factors going in the right direction, they still say there is only a 20% chance of implantation, though the RE did acknowledge I have a better chance given that it worked last time. Here's hoping!
Date: 3/22/2010 3:27:58 PM
Author: CDNinNYC
LV, best of luck to you today!

Ladies, look what I found today. Seriously, I need to stop stalking baby websites!
Thanks, CDNinNYC!!! And, how cute is that?
Hi ladies..... using a little TTC thread action to get out of my little (big) depressing slump today.

Lynnie- Thanks for the dust! Unlikely, but I''ll cross my fingers regardless
Congrats on the new baby in the family. I definitely would have had a bit of jealousy though, too. It''s natural. A little cousin for BIL''s baby sounds perfect!

Bella- I have a feeling your hubby will be hearing this from your friends, as well. But I would strongly caution against going into medicine at this juncture. It hurts me to say that, but we''re going down- and quickly!!

RyanClaire- Sorry to hear about your frustrating cycle. Sadly, I know the feeling! Darn clomid. I told hubby about the unlikeliness of conception this month but he, like most men, seems to be convinced that his sperm are winners! hahaha.. men!

Catluver- Glad your hubby is already finished with residency. Despite his busy schedule, he better be available at your beck and call when the baby arrives! How is he feeling about "healthcare reform?"

Krissie- Sorry about the BFN, but there is definitely still hope! Loooooove the "frisbee!!"

noel- I was wondering the same thing about Eva. The strips are certainly pricey and I bet they "require" more than would truly be needed. Grr. If no BPF for me this month, OPKs will be on the way to my house.

LV- Sooooooo excited for you! Sounds like the IUI was pretty simple and uneventful. Now find the egg little swimmers!!

CDN- That onesie is soooo cute! Love it.
Lynnie -- I know what you mean about the twinge of jealousy for your BIL and his gf. Read my story down below....I am right there with you!

RyanClaire -- so sorry about this cycle. Believe me, I know how frustrating it is when you pop those pills and think to yourself that this could be the cycle that you ovulate....and then it isn''t. I have been off bc for exactly a year, and the only time I can 100% for sure know that I ovulated myself was in May of 09. Since then, not a thing. So one year with one ovulation, and we were avoiding at that time! I have never officially had a 2ww! No side effects from Femara other than slight headaches. I talk to the pills before I swallow dumb is that. I tell them they need to make me ovulate! Is there any reason why you are going to see an acupuncturist rather than an RE? Just curious...I''ve heard good things about acupuncture (even besides Loves Vintage), and am curious about it myself. I might do it if Femara doesn''t work for me, but I HATE HATE HATE needles or even the thought of them. Let us know how the visits go! Also, is there any chance you could have PCOS like I do? How did you find an acupuncturist...reference or just look them up?

LV -- yay!!!! Was it the same level of discomfort as your HSG? Hope you are nice and fertilized!!! When did they say for you to start testing? Did your husband''s sample have to be under an hour old? I can''t wait to see if this works!!!!! IMPLANTATION DUST!!!

plantationcatt -- yay for POAS!!!! Hope you get a BFP!

noel -- I think CBEFM is somewhat scammy as well. But I still use it!

So...I was at a house party the other night, and I have this friend who has endometriosis, and a tilted uterus, and is on birth control (Nuvaring). She had horrible periods, and has a family history of bad bad female issues. She announced at the party that she and her husband are pregnant. 13 weeks. I was utterly SHOCKED. They obviously weren''t planning on it, and they were going to officially start trying soon, but she told me a couple of months ago that she predicted she would have problems bc of all of her gyno issues. She even asked me if I liked my RE because she was probably going to have to go through him to get knocked up. Nope. She managed to be the .01% to get pregnant while on birth control.
I looked at my friend who is also going through infertility treatments after she announced it, and we just had our mouths open wide. I am very happy and excited for my friend, obviously, but I couldn''t help but wonder how it was possible that she could get pregnant and it''s taking me longer than I thought. ARGH. I was so sad. Still am sad. BUT thank God this was announced while I''m at the happy point in my cycle. If it had been a couple of weeks ago, I would have been a blubbery mess. I''m also glad that this will be a baby raised in a loving household, albeit shocked household, but still loving.
wow ladies, this thread is hopping today!

Ice-Thanks for thinking of me!!! DH is really liking his job at the clinical lab, so we''ll see. As long as he doesn''t incurr huge debt for the career change I am totally cool with it. I think even with all the potential changes in healthcare in the US, there will still be some kind of opportunity that he likes. The post-bac will only be a few grand a year and his job will pay for some, so I figure in a couple years when that is done he can decide to continue with the med school plan, or go to PA school, or become a science teacher, or do somethig totally different, whatever he wants. Meanwhile, I''ll still be working my a#$ off to pay off my business school loans ASAP
Hopefully, whatever he decides, by the time he has to decide re med school it will be clear what the opportunities are in the US and waht is a wise debt load to incurr to become a physician at that juncture.

Lynnie-congrats on your BIL''s expecting, but I can imagine it is a shock. I think it''s totally natural to feel a little jealous and this is the place to talk about it for sure
no judgements, lots of hugs, and a ton of empathy

Ryan and Lanie-I am sorry that this is being such a difficult journey for you both. it''s ok to be discouraged and I truly hope that something works out for you both. I''ve heard great things about accupuncture from several people besides LV.

Krissie-ROFLMAO re "friz"

Noelwr-Sorry Eva is being a scammer. I think she''ll have good news for you in a few days (maybe around the same time as me since I o''d at CD 17 last cycle) let''s see, it''ll be like Celebrity Death Match between Eva and my AMazon OPKs:-)

I have totally gained at least 5 lbs since january
I had the horrible realization that my jeans are all extremely tight this weekend. I have 2 pairs of dress pants that are still comfortable, but everything else is a no-go
I think every month I''m like, oh maybe I''m pregnant it''s ok if I eat a little extra of this. So, I guess that''s a great lesson to learn. I can''t cut myself slack in that department and I have to keep excercising.

CD_that is too cute!!!! about stalking baby websites...I may or maynot have a HUGE Amazon wishlist that is updated almost daily of all the top recomended items from my new mommy friends, and the PS threads...

glad it went well today (can''t believe you went to work, and on-time!!!) hope tomorrow goes just as well and that those fabulous little swimmers meet your awesome eggs and beautiful twins come out of the mix

I still have negative OPKs, fade-in hasn''t even started yet, so I am thinking that I may always O on CD 17 which would explain a whole lot of things. We''ll see...
LV... Yay for IUI!! I''m hoping this does the trick for you! And thanks for explaining, too. I''ll be the first to admit that I''m totally lost when it comes to fertility treatments & issues.

And to all the rest of you, thanks for understanding about the jealousy. I am totally happy for them, and cannot wait to meet my niece or nephew... but, well, you guys understand. ''Oops'' for them = "Yay! But dang..." for me. You are some amazing women

Lanie, I feel your story... wow, all those issues, and she still managed to get pregnant on BC?? That''s nuts! And especially for you... a year with one O? And they don''t know why, right? Sorry, I''ll have to go back and research a bit. I''m not the greatest at keeping track, especially this thread. There''s a lot of folks here!

On a side note, I had stopped taking prenatals once AF arrived. Well, about 4 days sans vitamins, my legs started cramping up something fierce!! I could barely walk! So I''m back on them. I was inconsistant with regular vitamins before TTC, but I really wasn''t expecting anything like that!
noelwr - thanks for reposting the “schedule.” Re: exercise, even though you haven’t lost weight, you probably have built some muscle which weighs more than fat, and also can tend to hold water.

icekid - DH expects to take a couple weeks off when we have a baby, and about a month after I return to work - so he’ll have to figure it out 100% at some point! Re: healthcare reform - he thinks that the current system is massively inefficient, and there’s no way it can go on this way, so something needs to be done. I forgot, what specialty are you doing?

Ryan Claire - thanks for the thoughts. Hubby and I are doing well! I’m still waking up early in anticipation of temping.

Re: eating while TTC - interestingly, at least one study has shown that eating full-fat dairy is good for fertility, while low- and no-fat dairy is bad. That was one surprising conclusion from this Newsweek article that you may have seen. (bring on the gelato and cheese!)
The rest seems to agree with general healthy eating guidelines - less animal protein, trans fats, high-glycemic carbs and processed foods, and more whole grains, plant protein, fruits and veggies. Also, regular exercise. I’m thinking that the more healthy I can be now, the easier it will be to control while pregnant and after…I am afraid of doing certain exercises while possibly pregnant though, like jumping around and sprinting.
Forgot to answer 2 questions...

My temps are at their lowest at 96.8ish and never have gotten above 98 (I think), but I still haven''t had an ovulatory cycle.

And to whoever asked if the rasberry leaf tea tastes like raspberry, the answer is NO. It doesn''t have a strong flavor but it''s not like black tea or green. Hard to describe...but not hard to drink the recommended 3 cups. I''ll find out at my next ultrasound on the 29th if it makes an impact on my uterine lining!
Date: 3/22/2010 5:23:45 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo

let''s see, it''ll be like Celebrity Death Match between Eva and my AMazon OPKs:-)

bring it on, sista!
LV - Well your acupuncture stories helped push me in that direction - so thank you. My consultation yesterday was good, but I am going to another practitioner on Wed. who I feel might be a better fit. I''ll keep you updated on which one I choose and why - I am very excited about starting though. It feels proactive and healthy. (And it''s helpful to hear that you spend 100 dollar a session too... worth it if it works but definitely will add up). MORE IMPORTANTLY, Sounds like your IUI went really well and that you guys have optimized your chances... it''s pretty much out of your hands. I truly hope this is successful for you.

Krissie - sorry for the bfn, it is early though so hopefully you''ll get your BFP soon.

Noelrw - thanks for the support... it''s nice to have a place to vent. I am impressed with your exercise regime, I am sure it''s making a difference. I think CBEFM is designed to have you spend money... but it also help confirm O, which is a pretty awesome for women TTC... so I guess you have to accept the good with the bad.

Icekid - I love these men who think their swimmers can trump nature :) I try not to burst DH bubble too much.

Lanie - I know you can relate! Our stories are (sadly) similar and it''s always nice to hear your point of view... Not ovulating is the worst - it doesn''t even feel like we are actively trying... just trying to try. Haha if talking to your pills helps I''ll give it a whirl :) I am going to an acupuncturist because of their success rates with getting women regulated (and hearing other people''s success stories)... and because my OBGYN is taking a more "relax it will happen approach." I am not seeing an RE yet because the problem (as I know it now) is more about not getting my period/ovulating than structural or true infertility. My assumption is that if I was ovulating, I would have the normal chances of conceiving (knock on wood). If this continues I will see about a referral though. I like the idea of starting with acupuncture though cause it seems like a good mind-body holistic approach as well as a stress reducer. Hope the U/S on the 29th goes well and that the Raspberry lead tea made a difference... keep us posted.

Bella - thanks! Sorry you have also gained some weight... It''s easy to make allowances when you are trying to make your body a hospitable home for a LO. I have to try to live more in the now... easier said than done. Good luck with your OPKs. I am interested to see if you have a fade in again this month or if every month is a little different.

Catluver - love that article... very clear and to the point. I am trying to eat whole fat Fage yogurt but it''s A LOT of fat.


I am joining the "YAY FOR THEM - DANG FOR ME: friends/family just announced they are pregnant" club with Lanie and Lynnie - my SIL and BIL are preggers. They told DH yesterday. We are very happy for them and excited to be aunt/uncle again. (They have a daughter who is 11 months old). Obviously twinges of jealousy... they know we are trying too so they''re sensitive to it... I just wish I had their luck! They got pregnant on the second month of trying with each. (Lanie I can''t believe your friend got preggers on BC - that is insane to me!!!) I just keep telling myself it will happen... it will happen... it will happen...
ha-ha-ha noelwr

It looks like the fade-in is happening we'll see if this keeps up over the next couple days, but i went back and re-read last months comments about my opks on fertility friend and yeterdays looked exactly the same as my CD11 test notes from last month...I'm hoping I O on CD 17 again this month b/c we'll be on vacationand will actually have time to BD:-) I am in midterms this week
and DH is exhausted so we're not such a sexy pair right now
lest night we were both like, um we're not feeling the magic, we're feeling getting some sleep
LV... Yay for IUI! Thanks for the explanation. Hope this does the trick for you!

Lynnie, count me in on the Yay for Them... Dang for Me! bandwagon. I found out this weekend my cousin, who is very irregular, didn't know for months she was pregnant. She only suspected something was up when the weight started coming on. And get this, they're having TWINS! Yay for them... Dang for me!

We're still not actively trying yet but I have to admit, a part of me secretly hopes for an oopsie baby.
Well, this morning was a negative on the test...but it''s only 74% accurate three days early, so there''s still a chance. Trouble is, my mom''s having radiation this week starting tomorrow (brachytherapy for radiation) and I don''t know yet whether it''s safe to even go in the doorway. Pregnant women aren''t allowed visitation at all, and all others are given 30 minutes a day at six feet away from the patient. We''re not telling anyone we''re trying and would like to keep it that way if at all possible. Do I just get the doctors to tell them that people of childbearing age should avoid contact? This is horrible, I can''t even hug her maybe.
and...thinking of geri, hope you got good news this morning!
Hello friends! :)

Can''t stay long, busy visiting my big sister in Florida (and we''ve got SHOPPING to do!! hehe!) but just wanted to drop in and say hello.

LV, so glad the 1st IUI went well!! And good luck with the second. Fingers crossed for you...I have a good feeling!! :)

Icekid, why the big depressing slump? Too much work? *hugs*

Wow, we''ve got a lotta newly preggo family members around here, don''t we? The jealousy is so hard...I don''t have family members who are getting preggo, but I have coworkers who are, and I must admit to a bit of jealousy too. But just makes me more excited that we are officially trying again this upcoming cycle! I''m CD30 today, no AF yet, but I didn''t O until CD17 so expecting her in the next day or so. Then once she''s gone it''s GO time!!

Gotta run...good luck to all, and here''s hoping that we squeeze in at least 1 March BFP! :)
Hi ladies,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. Sorry for being MIA the past couple days, but I will do my best to catch up with everyone...

Noelwr: Thanks again for updating the CD list, it is quite helpful! Are you almost ready to start your BD''ing marathon

Cutluver: I am glad that you were able to talk it out with your hubby and that he is getting on the same page as you. Also, how did you BD''ing go this weekend? As for PAOS, I don''t do it twice a day for potential O b/c I tend to have 2 days of positives before O, so I think I adequately catch it. But, some people are shorter, so why not do it twice a day?

Bella: I am totally with you on the carry-on only bags. Any hard core traveler will agree there is just way too much that can go wrong when you leave your luggage in the airline''s hands
Hopefully you will be able to catch a few good BD''ing sessions in between the busy schedules...

Brightlight: How is it coming?

LV: Congrats on the great IUI. How exciting for you
I am thrilled that everything went so well with you 3 folicles and DH''s swimmers. You should have had your other IUI today already so now, on to the 2WW!I am thinking there will be a real "love connection" this month.

Kunzite: My fingers are crossed that you O''ed and you will get your anniversary baby! Good luck in the 2WW. You are clearly going to be in good company

Icekid: Sorry about the slump. I hope you are feeling better today. Sounds like you are on the right track. Even if you get AF in the next couple days, at least you can look forward to POAS with the OPK''s. I think a lot of us are shooting for April BFP''s, so I think we might be setting up for a big party

Krissie: Sorry about the early BFN, but other ladies have had early BFN''s only to get BFP''s in the days following, so hang in there. We are pulling for you

Any news?

I am sorry about the BFN today, but like you said, there is still a chance. I will have my fingers crossed for you. As for your mom, I am so very sorry you have to make that kind of choice. While I don''t know all the details, perhaps you could tell mom that you and DH are trying, just so she knows and then if anyone else asks, just tell them about the women of childbearing age thing. That sounds pretty plausible. BIG (((((HUGS))))) for you and please let us know if you need to talk more...

Lynnie: I don''t think it''s wrong to feel jealous. It doesn''t mean you aren''t happy for her, you just want a LO too. No shame in that. As long as you are happy with her and don''t make any negative comments, I think you are just fine. As for your BD''ing situation, I think you guys can make it happen (a baby is good motivation
) and then perhaps you will get your cool anniversay gift. Good luck!
As for the prenatals, why don''t you just stay on them consistently? I don''t think there is any harm to it and it will help you to get in a rountine for when you really need to. That is pretty wierd about the reaction though.

Ryan Claire: I am so sorry for your situation. Also, in the future, please feel free to tell me to quit my belly aching. Here I am making a fuss about one lazy egg and you have a whole mess of diva''s who don''t want to leave the Ovary party. I feel just awful for my whinning and hope that you don''t think I am a punk
I hope that another round of Clomid is the answer or that you find a fix in the acupucture. Big (((HUG))). Hopefully the coming month will bring you an eggie.
And I TOTALLY hear you on the weight gain. I added a quick 10 lbs. right after I got off the pill and while half of it has come off, the other half has not
. Another joy of being a woman ehh?

Lanie: I am sorry to hear about your O''ing issues as well. Please also feel free to tell me to shut it if I complain to much
. That is really crazy about your friend. I guess the world works in crazy ways. All I can say though is that I am glad that we have such a great group of girls to cheer us on
. Good luck with the tea and Femara.

Houie: I am jealous of Florida, yeah for warm weather and shopping!
. Good luck in the next cycle. I have got my fingers crossed for you!

I do not even know what possessed me to test today, pretty much I did it on a whim. And I was absolutely SHOCKED..... but thrilled! More later
Good Afternoon Everyone,

Today's IUI was just as easy as yesterday's. DH's sperm count was very high again, and the nurse mentioned the sperm's motility rate (95%) was "like unheard of" high. Yay, DH!!
She said she has a very good feeling about this cycle. I was very happy to hear that! I think they tend to say less and wouldn't say something like that if I didn't have a very good shot.

Lanie - You asked about testing. I thought I would test on 4/1; however, I was surprised to learn that I will take one or maybe 2 more HCG injections, which will cause the production of more prometrium to keep the uterine lining thick. Last cycle, I took prometrium in pill form, but for whatever reason, they like to use HCG when using injectables. So, HCG is the pregnancy hormone that is picked up by HPTs, so it looks like I won't be testing until around 4/8.
Grumble, grumble, grumble. Oh well, it just means I have to wait longer to find out. Patience, patience, patience.

Also, to answer your other questions. Yes, I have up to an hour to bring DH's sample into the office. Fortunately, the drive is relatively short! No, the level of discomfort (I refuse to call it pain
) is much less than with the HSG. For the HSG, they must have to use a lot more pressure to get the dye up through the fallopian tubes. It is this pressure that I think causes the minor cramping. With the IUI, the only thing I really feel is the catheter going though the cervical canal. It is almost like a pinching feeling, but less sharp, and drawn out. It's not a scraping, and it's not pain, but it's like a long dullish pinch that you feel as it is going through. It was seriously less than 30 seconds today. I will also say, when the doctor did the IUI last cycle (nurse did the first one, he did the second one), I did not feel the catheter AT ALL. Amazing.

RyanClaire - Thank you! Let us know how acu apptmt #2 goes!

PlantationCatt - What a terrible predicament to be in!! Uggh. I feel for you. Will you be there tomorrow morning before her treatment starts? Can you visit with her then, and then buy yourself some more time before you test again? If not, then perhaps you can talk to her doctor, and see what he or she advises?

HMG - Thank you! Have fun shopping!

Lynnie and CDNinNYC - Glad you liked the explanation. I remember when I first officially joined this thread last summer. A number of posters were taking fertility drugs and pursuing treatments. I really did not understand any of it, at all! So, I was hoping my explanation might give some context.

I also wanted to explain a little more about the fertility drugs earlier, but never got around to it, so I will give it a go now. Basically, our ovaries typically produce a few follicles each month, but usually only one matures and releases an egg. The objective of the fertility drugs is to get more of the follicles to grow into mature follicles that will each release eggs. There are a few different types of drugs, and some work for some people, others work for others. Clomid is the most common and is typically used first. It is also the least expensive. There is also a lot of monitoring involved, bloodwork and ultrasounds, to make sure the follicles are growing, in preparation for IUI or IVF. In IUI, I think 3-4 mature follicles are ideal, whereas more are desired in an IVF cycle, so higher doses of medication are used.
Hi Icekid - I hope today is a better day for you!
Date: 3/23/2010 1:06:20 PM
Author: icekid

Ahahahaha!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ICEKID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like you are having a better day today, huh!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOO-HOOOOOOOOO! I totally got the chills when I saw your post!! I''m so happy for you!!!!!
