
The Official TTC Thread!

fingers crossed and tons of dust for you Houie!!!!!!!
Noel, any news on when you'll be able to make it home? The disruption this volcano is causing is crazy! At least you're in sunny Miami. There are worse places to be, I'm sure.
If you get bored of the warm weather, beach, great shopping, and restaurants, feel free to join us in NYC. There's a few of us here who can keep you company before you head back to Holland.

Hou, that chart is looking great!
Hi everyone!!!!

HOU that chart looks AMAZING!!!! How are you feeling today?? I have the same therm, and it does that too! Glad you enjoyed your minivaca.

I am worried about Bliss, I hope she is well (esp her tummy ache!)

CDN I think it was you who asked ab the prenatals...they are good! Although I almost ralphed yesterday when I forgot the whole "taking them on an empty stomach" thing. Oops! How are you? Getting geared up to officially start?

Noel, HUGE congrats!!!!!! Hope you guys get home soon, though I love miami!


This weekend my DH and I went to a maternity fair (LMAO) and met the lady who wrote all the "what to expect" books. We also accidentally won a membership to this local maternity spa place that does gender determination/belly casts/etc etc. I hope we didn''t jinx ourselves!!! Maybe it will work like "the secret" hahaha.

We are also going to look at the CUTEST house ever today, my fingers are crossed hardcore that we work something out. Our housing situation is driving me nuts, I want to be in a house ASAP!

I am going to attempt to attach my chart. I am CD 17 now, and I think maybe 3 DPO?? I kind of screwed myself with the outliers. I threw out the #s from mornings after I drank. I normally DO NOT drink that much, but we have friends moving out of town, DHs brothers band played, etc etc etc and I am really regretting it now, since I wont be able to tell when I Oed
But I think if my temps are up tomorrow I will get crosshairs, is that right? My little traffic light went from green to red on FF, lol, so I assumed thats what it meant.

Any thoughts? Also, is it ok for me to go to Yoga this week? I know you arent supposed to go to regular when you are pg, will this mess with anything?

Baby dust to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it is raining in Miami
, but at least it is warmer than back home. if the volcanic ash cloud stays a while, I will ask my company to send me to Houston and work out of our office there (then they can also pay our hotel bill).

I came down with a cold so at least am getting this time to rest. am afraid to take any decongestants, so am taking some kiddie tylenol drink before I go to sleep which was so disgustingly sweet but at least helped me to sleep. oh, plus baby vicks vapo rub.

just to let some ladies know, the 2nd time around is different than the 1st for me. regarding symptoms, got sore bbs at 9DPO and last time had that at 6 weeks. the dull uterus aches are back (not same as AF cramps). DH came up with a lovely girl's name so we are already calling the baby that (if it turns out a boy, he's going to have identity issues), and I'm working on feeling much more connected this time. after the m/c, I thought about how if for some reason I never got preggers again, I didn't really bother to enjoy it. so this time I'm going to enjoy it 150% despite how short/long it lasts, but hopefully for the full 9 months.

HOU - I don't know anything about charting, but from what you say, it sounds really positive! plus you feel positive about it. I also did. don't know if it was coincidental, but it helped!

Miscka - as long as you have been doing yoga regularly up to now, then I believe it should be fine. however, if it's new strenuous activity I would stay away. (I always think of it this way: all doctors agree that having sex is not bad during pregnancy, and how many things are more strenuous than that?) but maybe check with a doctor or your yoga instructor if you want to make sure.
Miscka, it''s hard to tell without having an accurate CD 15 temp...but I think you could have O''ed on CD 14 or CD 16. Either way, your BD is covered!

Laila - thank you!! Soooo hoping it means something good.


Bella - thanks for the dust!! And for the crossed fingers!! hehe!

CDN - thank you very much!

Miscka - I am still vaguely crampy today, so hopefully that's good!!! Ahh, another goofy Walgreen's therm...I wonder why they do that? Maybe something to do with the memory? Makes me wonder how accurate my temps really are! Oh, and booooo for prenatals on an empty tummy...nooo good. I LOL'ed when you said "ralphed"....haven't heard that term in a while. hehe!! Maternity Spa sounds cool!! Maybe it's a good sign that you won it?!??!!

Would love to hear more about the house...hope it works out! I think you O'ed on CD14 or 16 looks like you had good timing!! Yoga right now is probably OK...especially since you're only 3 dpo. Once you are confirmed preggo, I would ask your doctor. Usually they are OK with you doing most of the activities you used to do, just not anything that is MORE strenuous than what you have been doing. Plus usually they want you to give up anything that involves too many ab muscles and/or bearing down/straining. Here's hoping you'll have to switch to prenatal yoga soon!! hehe!!

Noel - good to know you felt positive about it too! Did you have a strong suspicion that you were preggo??

Where, oh where has my little Bliss gone?! Geri has a good excuse because she's still in that newlywed haze, but I wanna know where Bliss went!! Did she run off with Mandango!?!


Updated chart with today's temp, which was just a teensy bit lower than yesterday but still up high...I played around with FF and if my temp tomorrow a.m. is up where the last couple of day's temps were, FF will call it "possibly triphasic".

I would post it but I'm at work and can't.

I'm on call today, but it's really slow, so I'm hanging out in my call room playing on the internet and trying not to pee on sticks!!!!!!! LOL!! (ok fine, i'll admit i brought one with me from home...but it's supposed to be for tomorrow morning!!)

BFN this morning (9dpo), but still with the dull crampy feeling, just feels SO much like there's something going on down there. And I'm about to flip out from the suspense!! LOL!!

THanks guys for the input!

Laila-do you think I could have Oed on CD15?

Noel - LOVE the concept of enjoying it 150%. I am a megaworrier and that makes so much sense to me. I am glad you are enjoying it!

HOU - the house was TERRIBLE, but we did see some cute ones, we are a few months out from buying (sept/oct) so we will see. Now that we are TTC I am even more impatient about it! I am impressed with your patience. I think I will be scared to temp when I get close to POAS, I am afraid I will read WAY too much into the temps. I am excited for you to POAS tomorrow morning, 10dpo right?

Question for those who have been sans chemical BC for awhile. What is normal for O symptoms? As in, my bbs are still sore, when is that abnormal? Does anyone get mood swings with O? I am REALLY pms-y today, and it kind of makes me worry that my cycle is off. I havent had an au naturel cycle in forever, so I dont even know what is the norm. I really think its been almost 10 years! Crazy. However, this experience has given me so much respect for the repro system! The temp thing is just the coolest.
Congrats noelwr!!!!!!!! I guess April showers bring December/January flowers!!!!!!!

noel, at least you and DH get to spend this extra special time together after your BFP which is amazing!!! Did you have an inkling that this cycle would be it?

miscka, I have that same question about yoga. I''ve read that when you''re pg, you''re not supposed to do anything that contracts the abs, stretches the abs, or where your head is lower than your heart - which rules out a lot of poses, including downward dog, and makes me feel like there really isn''t much you can do. I asked my OB about yoga and she said that you shouldn''t do certain things in the 1st tri, but that during the 2WW anything is fine, even going upside down. I''m still not sure about it, so I haven''t been doing it during the 2WW. Re: being off BC, I get sore nips pre-O that continue but gradually lessen until the end of my cycle, and sore boobs towards the end of my cycle.

hou, I am betting you are totally pg. Porbably tonight or tomorrow you''ll get your BFP! I''m going to keep charting for sure, as a goal-oriented gal, I can''t not!

dcgator, it makes sense to me that if the timing works out for you, you may as well start trying now, especially after you have all the cycle data you collected. Good luck waiting and w/your testing!

LV - I definitely would not take the herbs from China. I try not to eat anything made in China, well except if I am in China and there''s nothing I can do about it then.

dcgator and hou, my HS 10yr is also this year, so we''re all about the same age.

As for me, AF came to visit and I''m on CD 3 now. Trying to see it as a blessing because a January baby would be better for me work-wise (not tax-wise I guess), not that I can control any of that anyway!

Dust to the 2WWers!

Hi girls!

I am so excited to see how stinkin’ busy this week has been on here! Congratulations to all the mommies in the making!!
Lanie, Wow, girl!!!
All you needed was for that egg to drop and it was done! Awesome, and enjoy every moment of pregnancy. Please do stop in and say hi and let us know how you’re doing when you have the chance. Wishing you all kinds of joy and happiness throughout pregnancy. (Do you have any feelings regarding the sex yet? I always wonder about that….)

Lynnie, Yay!!
How fabulous for you and your hubs! How have you been feeling? I think (now, of course, I will likely feel differently when the time comes) that I’d prefer to feel *symptoms* often, and right from the start. Like constant reiteration that it’s REAL, you know? Anyway, hope you’re feeling well and that this pregnancy is wonderful for you!! Was it you who set up a treasure hunt for your hubby to tell him the big news? How did it go? I actually have been planning that, too... made the "clues" when we first moved into our house.... I'm not sure that's how I'll do it now, but it was fun thinking of different areas to hide clues and treats along the way to the BIG news! You'll have to tell us how your hubby enjoyed it!!

Laila, Whooo hoo!!!
Congratulations!!! Has it sunk in yet? Have you told anyone in real life? I hope you're feeling good and that you give updates on your pregnancy along the way. When is your estimated due date?

Noel, sorry you’re stuck in the States, but a HUGE congratulations on your pregnancy!
I think the stand that you’re taking to enjoy and live up each moment is very important, and I’m proud of you taking that stand. There is a lot to be said for a person’s attitude and worrying doesn’t help a thing, so enjoy and treasure ALL 9 months you have remaining, dear!!


Plantation, I didn’t know you were in NC. Are you? We go there often (some family there), but rarely as far east as Outer Banks. I loved that place. I told Paul now that we’ve seen the “sights,” next time we go I’m plopping down at the beach and I’m going to stare at the waves and just talk with God. I miss that about Cali…. Used to go to the beach a lot when I just wanted some quiet time. Now, I settle for the front porch.

I will continue to pray for your mom. It’s tough seeing someone you love and who’s been so strong be at a point of weakness. One blessing Paul’s mom has found in going through the sickness is that she’s more thankful and appreciative of everything now… she finds joy in the day-to-day things that are so easy to find mundane, and she enjoys simple things (like the sunshine, gardening) and worries less about getting the laundry done on certain days. She says once you get past the point of worrying about your own life, you’re free of worrying about anything. I admire her so much. It was scary hearing her say things about who she wanted to have what if she passed on, but I think it was important to her to know that life would go on for those she loved if she didn’t make it. At any rate, I know the power of prayer full well and will be lifting your mom up through it!

(And today, while I was working on a painting project, I got to thinking about you and felt like you’d be announcing you’re pregnant soon. Yep. I did.)
Hou, I’m lame. I think I just realized that HOU stands for Houston (does it?) All this time, I’ve thought it was your initials or something. It’s so odd how we make up in our minds what different posters’ names mean. Weird. Kind of sad it took me this long to think it could also mean a city. Thinking good thoughts for you, girl. Positivity is never a bad thing, and you sure have a lot of it!!


LV, Good to hear from you. I hope to hear fabulous news from you soon, and I'm confident it will come. Indeed! Glad to hear that accupuncture has been healing and relaxing for you. I love yoga for the relaxing nature of it. Ah.... and chiro helps me sleep and be less tense, too. It's amazing how much tension we can carry without even knowing it, isn't it?*******

Baby Book---- That is so funny how it worked out that two of you who just got your husband’s BB are pregnant now. Right before Easter when Paul and I were at his parents’ house, his mom said she’d been cleaning and came across his baby book. She asked if we wanted it and Paul and his dad both said that they (his parents) should keep it. Dang. If I knew what I know now, I would have insisted to have it! Haha…

I’m so excited to see how many newly pregnant friends there are here!!! April has been a rockin’ month and just think, there’s two weeks of it left! I just bet there are at least a few more to come, too!

This week has been dramatic! I lost something very important (and costly) and was in a frenzy looking for it for two days. Thankfully, it turned up right where I lost it... and right where I'd been frantically looking for it, not seeing it at all until I stopped looking. Imagine that! My temps have been going all funky, and I have been given crosshairs on FF, but I'm not super confident in them at this point in time. I'm familiar with where my post O temps should be, and I'm just not in the range that I typically am yet. Weird. I'm certain it will be just fine.

In keeping with my theory that staying busy will keep me from over-worry with regard to our baby coming along, I've been working on painting the porch. Seemed like a fast, easy project, but man, painting little spindles takes time!! It's been lovely weather, so it's been great.

Also, that strawberry patch I planted a couple weeks ago gave the first fruits... a tiny little berry. I shared it with Paul (although it was the size of my pinky nail) and it was great. Little joys, little joys.

Enjoy spring, ladies. It's such a wonderful time of year. And next spring, we'll be busy caring for our new babies!


I keep checking to see if you''ve done it yet :)....Your chart does look promising. Are you still having s/s?
Date: 4/17/2010 8:40:12 PM
Author: HOUMedGal

LV, thank you! I am hopeful the good chart means something!!

Bella, that''s right, flush any bacteria outta there!! Good luck, I hope the cranberry and hydration does the trick!!

Noel, would love to adopt you if I was in FL!! :) At least you get to enjoy a little more sunshine before going home! How are you feeling so far??


We''re back from our mini-getaway! It was only for one night since I''m on call starting tomorrow morning.

But we had a lovely time!!

No BFP yet, but it''s only 8dpo. My temp, however, DID shoot up this morning.

I''ve been feeling a little crampy/twingey down low since earlier this afternoon...would be AWESOME if these were implantation pains again! 8dpo is when I had them last time....i hope i hope i hope!

Also, this is kinda weird, but there''s something else I noticed early on last time that I''m noticing now....sorry if TMI! LOL!......but the little bumps on my areolae (Montgomery Glands) are more prominent. Or maybe they''re there off and on all the time and I just notice them because I''m looking..I dunno.

Of course I''m obsessively observant of every little thing that seems different right now!!!

I''ve got my fingers, toes, eyes, etc. crossed....I will be sooooo happy if this is it.

Also, I''ve got a really good feeling that we haven''t seen all the BFP''s this month...I''m thinking 2 or 3 more!!
OK just read another post of yours.....You went on a mini get away..... (as you know, that seems magic baby making activity around here)??!!!! Im definetly optomistic for you :)
Hi ladies, Just popping in to see if there were anymore big announcements
HOUIE-can''t wait till you POAS already:-) BLISS-I miss you! GERI-Hope that you are loving being a newlywed! FISHER_Glad that you are enjoying spring! I am on CD 11 and just trying to relax and enjoy this cycle. BDing for fun, less so for regimented babymaking, so we''ll see what happens
Miscka, sorry the house wasn''t what you hoped. But I''m sure you''ll find the perfect one for you guys!! Don''t be too impressed, because I''m really not that patient!! LOL!! I have been dying to pee on multiple sticks all day long!! I will definitely POAS tomorrow morning on dpo 10....and I will probably pee on one before bed tonight too.
That''s when I got my 1st faint bfp last time...right before bed on 9dpo!!

CatLuver, thanks for the confidence!! hehe! I''m sorry AF came to visit.
But you seem to have a good attitude about it...just think, it''ll be time to start your baby making marathon again in about a week!! :)

Fisher, yup, it''s for Houston.
My initials are actually APW (and now that I''m married with a hyphenated last name, they''re APW-O). Thanks for the good thoughts!! I love them!! I''m so glad you found what you lost...maybe your stress over the situation messed up O? Yanno, I think the mindless activities like painting the porch are therapeutic sometimes...especially if you''re doing it in nice weather! I really enjoy that kind of stuff.
Congrats on the first fruits of your hard work...glad you got to share it with P! Hoping for some more "first fruits" for you very soon, lady!!

Luvinlife, Oh, I have been peeing on sticks. Just haven''t gotten the answer I want yet!
Last one was this morning...If I realllllly use my imagination I could *almost* make a line appear, but I''m really not sure. Likely a BFN. I''m definitely having s/s....lots of them. Definitely enough to make a girl crazy during this wait!!

Bella, goooooooood luck!! I hope the less regimented babymaking does the trick for you!!


OK, so I''m gonna pee on another stick before I try go to bed....just because that''s when I got my BFP last time (around 9:30 pm on 9dpo). Symptoms definitely in addition to the dull cramping, I''ve been having these weird twinges starting in my uterine area and radiating downward into *ahem* my girl parts. ??? Also indigestion and gas. Lovely. lol.

I will let you guys know how tonight''s results go in a little bit...I''m gonna have to try and not be disappointed if it''s still negative, because I know that just because I found out on 9dpo last time doesn''t mean I will the next time I''m preggo. Plus, 9dpo is still pretty early....
Aww, Tao, thanks for the love!

No good news yet. Still BFN. Boo. Oh well....I''ll try again tomorrow on dpo 10!!
Sorry for the negative....tomorrow is another day.

After reading through this thread....I definitely need to buy stock in pee sticks!
Tao, I could make your stock holdings worth plenty on my OWN!!! LOL!!
ha-ah-ha-ha-ha that will be my new investment: pee sticks:-)

Houie-good luck tomorrow!!!
Date: 4/18/2010 10:38:45 PM
Author: HOUMedGal
Tao, I could make your stock holdings worth plenty on my OWN!!! LOL!!
LOL, I''m so cheap that I wait until I miss my period to POAS! What brand do you use? I''ll have to buy some shares!
Good luck!
Hi everyone

I got back from honeymoon today and can''t believe all the fantastic news to catch up on!! So exciting to see all the April BFPs!! Congratulations Laila, Charbie, Lanie and Noelwr.

Lanie - I''m so excited for you after all you have been through. Congratulations and dust for a happy healthy pregnancy!!

Noelwr - Wow. That is such fantastic news for you and DH! I''m so happy for you both. I have to ask though - did you POAS on the cruise??!! Loads of sticky dust to you and I hope you can savour the process.

Bliss - Thank you for thinking of me on honeymoon. We also went to Cozumel so lets hope the fertility goddesses bring success to us soon. Hope all is okay with you.

HouMedGal - Thanks for thinking of me. Your chart looks great and I have my fingers crossed for you! I feel such positive vibes for more BFPs this month. With Noelwr leading the charge, I hope the rest of us won''t be far behind!

Bella - I am really enjoying married life although I still feel weird saying I have a husband! Best of luck for you this cycle.

DCG - Any news from the 2WW? Best of luck.

Dust to everyone for even more good news in April.
Checking in to see if HOU has POAS yet!

Brighlight, get the internet cheapies! I got a box of 50 from Amazon for like $11. Not fancy, but I hear they work! I am too fond of POAS (or PIAC actually) to hold back! haha.

As for me, temp rose again but no crosshairs? So I am thinking I O''ed on CD16. That puts me at 2 DPO, with a pretty good BD pattern around O! Here comes the 2WW, partay!
Keep us posted, Hou!! Fingers crossed for you

I''m 7 DPO; temp dropped past 2 days, but still above coverline. No real symptoms that aren''t in my head
so I''m just sitting tight. Will probably test this weekend, but for some reason I''m feeling down on my chances today. BOO!
Hey ladies,

I''m back! Sounds like everyone had pretty good weekends.

CDNinNYC: While I can''t say my cycles are too long, they are usually not this short. They have ranged up to 31 days, so it just kinda depends how stressed I am that month, lol. I hope your wait goes quickly so you can get to some fun BD''ing marathon

modernsparkler: Welcome to the TTC hood!
There are a few ladies who are just wading in the water here, so enjoy your stay before you really start the TTC process.

LV: Yikes indeed on those herbs from China. I think you are perfectly right to be a bit suspcious. I would def stick with the other ones. Enjoy the meditation and accupuncture and thanks for checking in

Houie: Too funny about reunions. Half the people there I probably won''t see for another 10 years, but it was great to see some of them. As far as the small town thing, did a lot of people just stay there? In that case, maybe every time you go home is like a reunion, lol. I''m glad to hear that you enjoyed your vaca. Sorry about the BFN''s but it is indeed still early. All your signs sound pretty good too. They say that bumps/darkening on the areolaes is one of the signs too. Let us know as soon as you do b/c we are all on the edge of our seats! Lots of dust for you dear!

Bella: Glad to hear it looks like you don''t have a UTI. I think your plan sounds good as far as progressing with the BD''ing marathon. Good luck with it
. Maybe we can fit you in this month too

Noel: Sorry you are stuck, but I guess it could be worse than Miami, right? Also, sorry about the cold, but it sounds like you found a decent solution. The signs you have all sound pretty good. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying the pregnancy this time around and that you have such an awesome outlook. I do hope that your little bean is a girl too, or else they might wonder why it has a girl''s name, lol
I hope that you will be able to get back to NL today. Fingers crossed for you

Miscka: That is cool about the maternity fair. That actually sounds like a whole lot of fun, I want to go to one! That is also really cool about the maternity spa thing, I''m sure it will come in handy soon
. Good luck with the house hunting, I know that everything you see isn''t great, but keep looking for that perfect one. I can''t shed much light on your chart, but I think you may be in the 2WW now. Good luck and lots of dust

Catluver: Sorry about AF crashing your party, but it sounds like you are ready for a January baby! Thanks for the well wishes. We shall see...Yeah for all of us 2000 grads. I am happy to be in such good company

Krissie: You are a champ for hanging in to test that long. I have my fingers, toes, etc crossed for you!

As for me, I am 9DPO and one BFN down. Took an HPT this morning an no second line. Boo. Oh well, if at first you don''t succeed, try, try again
. I said I wasn''t going to try again till Wed, but I''m sure I will cave and try tomorrow, lol. As far as symptoms go, I was feeling really light headed and fainty in waves on Friday. Other than than, I still have some sore BB''s, and they are a bit large. So, while I think I timed it well, we shall see. Either way, if it didn''t happen this cycle, there is the next one and more BD''ing marathons
I will let you ladies know tomorrow morning.

I hope you all get through your Monday''s alright and good luck to the rest of your ladies in your 2WW and in the middle of your BDing marathons
Hi everyone! I am coming out of lurkdom - I have been lurking on this post for almost a year now. I was posting more actively in the BWW forums previously when I was planning my wedding, but my username was a bit too personal, so I decided to re-register when brooching this topic

First - BIG CONGRATS!! to all of the BFPs recently! So exciting to have all of this action going on.

Now for my story. I have not been charting, but have been taking note of cycles/CM - no temping though. I have never been on hormonal birth control due to an increased risk for blood clots. I''m always very regular with 28/29 day cycles.

My husband and I have been talking about TTC, but haven''t 100% decided to jump in. Then on CD 16 this past month we decided to go for it! So late night CD16/very early CD17 we BD''d. I had EWCM CD 15 and 16. This was 8 days ago. So, I don''t know my exact O date, but I think we were pretty close.

Over this weekend I had some dull type pain in my stomach, but nothing else. Then this morning I almost threw up in the car on the way to work. I also have lower back pain and some soreness in the bb''s.

Part of me feels like I am just noticing these symptoms that could be nothing because I''m hopeful.

So my question is - when do I POAS?
AF isn''t due again until Thursday or Friday, but I don''t know if I can wait that long.

Also, two of my best friends are having birthdays later this week. I''ve already avoided alcohol this past weekend - but I know people are going to start asking. Not that I drink all of the time, but having a wine or beer or other drink when out to dinner is pretty normal for me and I think people might start getting suspicious - especially on a birthday celebration. If we are all at dinner it is hard to order without them hearing, but I don''t really feel comfortable telling them I think I might be pg or that we are TTC. Just something odd about saying "hey everyone at dinner - hubs and I are having unprotected sex a lot in order to hopefully have a baby - what are you up to?"
So any advice on ways to not drink without it being obvious I''m not drinking?
I was really hoping to see some more BFP''s! Continued dust to DC and Houie... fingers crossed!!!

My hubby is amazing... he had a whole weekend extravaganza planned for our anniversary!

I was gonna set up the scavenger hunt for Fri evening, but we ended up babysitting unexpectedly til 9pm. He was itching to go out to dinner, but we stayed in and made pasta instead. So I woke up before him Saturday, and set it all up. He had presents hidden along the way, including 2 great seats (row 2 by the first base line) to a Phillies game. He was beyond thrilled at that. I had decided to go with a onesie and a little pair of newborn socks that say "Daddy''s little helper" as the final gift. So he opens them, and there''s that moment of confusion... and he goes, "You''re pregnant?!?". And I said ''yeah!'', and it was hugs and kisses all around. It was great - he''s thrilled, excited, nervous, etc. I was a little afraid he''d be upset that I''d known for 3 days without telling him, but he wasn''t at all. He''s still in shock a little, and worried about all the stuff we have to get done before baby comes (we have been planning to renovate the basement and half bath this summer). Funny... one of his first questions was "Which time (DTD) did it happen?". We had DTD every other day, so I really don''t know... and he''s kinda upset that we don''t know ''which time''! lol Men...

*a little background* - We bought this house in October, and had obviously put a nice chunk of our savings into the down payment. Don''t you know, the weekend we moved in the transmission in our car went. So rather than jumping into a car pymt with a new mortgage, we bought a ''beater car'', a real hunk of junk for $400... it''s got a hole in the muffler, no radio, a cracked window, it''s LOUD, and it starts to overheat after about an hour on the road. We bought it to get us through the winter, knowing we have a nice tax return that includes the first time homebuyers credit on the way (STILL waiting on it, too
). Anyway, the beater car got us through the winter, but we can''t really drive it for longer trips. I can''t wait to get our tax return, though, b/c we really need a reliable car.

After DH recovered from the scavenger hunt, he tells me the first part of his presents for me is to go out to lunch. He tells me I can drive, so I take the keys and start to get into the beater car... and he beeps the alarm on a nice new Impala, and says "You''re in the wrong car!" haha... he had rented it for the weekend! So we go to lunch. And we''re sitting in the restaurant, and he tells me that his next present might not be good for the baby. He said it was gonna be a surprise, but he wanted to tell me what it was so I could decide. "I wanted to take you shooting" he says. Going to a shooting range was always something we talked about doing, but never did. He''d shot guns before, with his dad in NC, but I never did. I decided it''d be fun, and not harmful to the bean, and we went and had a great time. And yes, I''m a better shot than him

Sunday, the day of our anniversary, DH took me up to the place we got married (a historic site about an hour north of where we live). We had a picnic lunch at the spot we exchanged vows. Super romantic of him
. We walked around, reminiscing. It was sooo nice, even though the weather was chilly.
After that, we drove to Atlantic City for the evening. We didn''t hit it big, but we didn''t lose big either. We had a nice (late) dinner, and headed home. Then we ate our 1 year cake. Yum!

Whew... it was an action packed weekend!

Miscka... Good luck with the house! And continued baby dust!!!!!

Fishie... thanks
I feel okay... BBs sore, and bigger (DH LOVES), drinking/peeing a lot, and just feeling tired. Other than that, nada... no M/S, cramps or anything. I had a dull headache yesterday, but I think it''s from getting too much sleep... I''ve been sleeping for 11 hours a night!
Yes, spindles are intricate little suckers, aren''t they? I''m glad you enjoyed your strawberry! Too cute! We planted a bunch of seeds about 2 weeks ago (Herbs and veggies)... the lettuce is starting to sprout. Spring IS amazing

Krissie... don''t be down on yourself! I went from ''not feeling it'' to ''feeling it'' to ''not feeling it'', and was guessing to the end! You never know!

Looking back, the only ''real'' sign that I was preggo was INSANELY sore BBs 7DPO. Then they went back to ''normal soreness''. Weird.

Sorry for the super long post!! I''m thinking of ALL of you and praying for more BFP''s!!!!!
Bella -thanks for the good wishes!! :)

Geri - welcome back!! Did you have an awesome time in Cozumel!??! Hoping you soaked in plenty of fertility vibes down there. :) Thanks for the good wishes...I am hopeful!

Miscka, you gotta love the 2ww.
I am SO not a fan of it right now. LOL. Congrats on the rising temps...hopefully you''ll get your crosshairs soon! It always feels like an accomplishment to me when the crosshairs show up, haha!

Krissie, keep your head up! Symptoms or no symptoms it doesn''t necessarily mean anything...some people do have them, but some people don''t have any! :) Good luck this weekend!!

DC, sorry about your BFN today, but you''re right, it''s early!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Huskylover, welcome!! If you were me, you''d start peeing on a stick now, because that''s just what my obsessive mind tells me to do, LOL. If you want to decrease your chances of getting a false negative, wait a few more days (till around 12 or 13 DPO). As far as drinking goes, you could always wander up to the bar alone and order a tonic water with lime (and no gin)....then go back to the table with it and no one but you will know it''s not a gin and tonic. Or something similar. It''s hard to hide when you''re with close friends why you''re not drinking.

Lynnie, what a fabulous weekend you had!! I am so glad you and your DH got to celebrate your anniversary and your "new beginning" together on the same weekend!!
I hope you continue feeling good!! Keep us up to date!


Alright, so chart officially went "possibly triphasic" today according to FF, which is cool. But still getting a BFN as of this morning. I''m starting to get bummed every time I see that lack of a second line....maybe my POAS-itis is getting out of hand!!
But 10dpo is still early, right???

Lynnie, super cute way to tell DH! Happy Anniversary!

dcgator, 9 DPO is still're not out yet.

Hou, keep trying! It may be too early still.

**Dust** to everyone in the 2ww!
Hou, that chart looks awesome!!

DC, thank you!! So when are you gonna test? Likewise, fingers crossed for you!! Easy for me not to test this time around, because I''m convinced it''s gonna be negative (I don''t know WHY I''ve had that shift in opinion overnight, but there we go!) And I''d rather not see a negative test when I''m already feeling ... negative!

Hey, so did I tell you all that I''m going on vacation (er, a "working vacation") next week? I should know by then whether I''m KTFU, as AF is due the day I leave ...
Laila and Krissie, thanks for the encouragement!
I love this group.....

OK, so I''ve decided I''m going to be stong and not POAS again until tomorrow. All the BFN''s are playing with my head.