
The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the well wishes Catluver, Po, Allie and Krissie
I appreciate your happy thoughts!

Bella: Good luck on the BD''ing marathon! Have lots o fun

Po: I am more than happy to keep the list. I think we have all done it at one point or the other, so just doing my TTC neighborly duty
. I think I might get right on schedule with you for the next cycle. I believe AF will show her ugly-Medusa looking head on Friday or Satruday for me too. Just in time for my half marathon. How thoughtful of her
. But, it will be nice to have such a lovely cycle buddy
. So, may I ask why you think a Summer or Fall PG? Are you having some issues or you just want to wait?

Allie: Thanks for the cheerleading, I appreciate having you around to keep my positive. I can''t say that I am too positive right now, but it''s nice to know you girls have my back
. Btw, how are you feeling? You are almost into your 2nd trimester, aren''t you?

Krissie: A temp spike sounds very promising
. I hope that means something really good for you. Good luck in holding out till you decide to test and LOTTTSSS of sticky dust!

Houie: Are you taking a hiatus to keep yourself from going POAS bonkers or working crazy hours? I much rather hope its b/c you had some good news and are enjoying some time with your DH! Either way, pop your head back in when you get a chance and let us know how its going. I am sending all my happy thoughts your way sweetie!

Bliss: I am hoping you are just taking a self-imposed break and that everything is ok with you. If you are just lurking, please know that we all miss you and hope that when you are ready to come back, we will be here to welcome you with open arms!

As for me, I got a a BFN and a slight temp drop this morning. Plus FF decided to move my O date back a day, so now I am CD 11 again. Double boo.
. I am still about .5 degree above my coverline, but the downward trend is not a good thing. Also, Since FF says about 45% of people have positive HPT''s by this time, it looks like I may be out of the running for this month. I will likely continue to test until Friday, just to be sure b/c I am supposed to run a half marathon on Satuday, and wasn''t going to run it if I was KU,. But assuming that I still have a negative by Friday morning, I am off to the races, so to speak.

So, I am going to start shifting all my sticky dust to you, Houie, Krissie and Miscka. I hope that at least one of you ladies will help make this a record BFP month and become proud PS mommies!
Thanks for all of the advice about how to not drink without people noticing! I think I can handle if we are at a bar type situation, my biggest concern is if we have dinner and order a bottle of wine or something - I''ll just pretend to drink it slooooowly haha hopefully they won''t notice my glass is always full!

Miscka - No, its just a pic I found online, but I love it! It reminds me of our two dogs - we have one grey female who never shuts up and a black male who I think would like to do what the husky in the pic is doing!

I got another BFN this morning - I couldn''t resist not testing! I feel like I''m probably out. I just don''t feel as optomistic as I did late last week. I think I''ll test again this weekend if AF doesn''t show Friday or Saturday, but I have a feeling that won''t be necessary. Although it is weird - I usually breakout before AF shows and so far no signs of breaking out at all... so who knows!?

Keeping my fingers crossed for BFP''s for all of you!
popping in to say:

huskylover, I would totally tell them you''ve been extra dehydrated that day and simply can''t add alcohol to make it worse. That REALLY works if you can add in that you had a headache earlier and took a tylenol. Not advocating lying...but most people are dehydrated already.

Does anyone remember the line from Oaklahoma where the grandmother says to the sherrif, "We''re not breaking the law, we''re just bending it a little." ???

Aww DC that''s rubbish news to hear you got a bfn, however, there''s still time.

The reason why I think it will be a summer or fall pg is because I''d like to lose a few more lbs and feel comfier plus we''ve had a stressful few months and thinking of taking a step back from the ttc madness as it can get all consuming at times. So we''re going to take next month and June off then starting again in July, but I''m going to continue using my monitor and just try and relax about it all.

No-one tells you how stressfull it all is until you start down this path.
Hello all!

Krissie - thanks for the positive vibes!! :) I think your chart looks just fine!! Implantation dips don''t always happen...lots of people end up preggo without having one, so don''t discourage yourself over that! :) Also not all women have crazy high temps when they''re preggo..if you go through the chart gallery on FF you''ll see plenty of preggo charts where they were hanging out a few tenths of a degree above coverline the whole time.

Miscka - dust to you! LOL @ "stick your landing..."

DC - hey lady! Sorry about the BFN''s. Booo. Yeah, I didn''t post last night because I didn''t have any good news and I was trying to avoid obsessing.
And have had a busy day at work today....I''m doubting myself now too. I am just flabbergasted at how I managed to make up all these symptoms!! I was really convinced by them...I hope you get your BFP very soon, and if you don''t, that you have an AWESOME half this weekend!!

Bella - woohooooo!!! Catch that egg!!

Po - thanks so much for the positive vibes!!
You''re soooo right that no one tells you how stressful this TTCing stuff is....I hope your couple of month hiatus puts you in a good place to dive back in once July comes!!


My temp took a BIG dive this morning....just below coverline. So either it''s a really late implantation dip (I''m thinking not likely on 12dpo) or I''m out this month and AF will show soon. BFN this morning, of course. I have attempted to attach my chart but I don''t know if it will work, since I''m at work and my computer here seems to not want to cooperate...if it doesn''t work I''ll try again when I get home.

I DID have an implantation dip with my last pregnancy, but it was on 8dpo, so I''m not feeling too confident about this temp drop. If it bounces back up tomorrow I''ll feel a lot better, but as of now, definitely feeling out and bummed. I am just totally floored by all the symptoms I had this month...I was *really* convinced by them!! I am not going to trust ANYTHING I feel from here on out! AND next time I am not going to start testing so early...I wasted so much money on negative tests this month.


Po, I TOTALLY agree this is way more intense than I anticipated! The 2ww may be the death of me yet.

catt- that is a GREAT idea. I will have to remember the dehydration excuse!

HOU - it aint over till that b*** sings! Haha, I hope your temps are back up in the am!!!


Boooring day here. 4DPO and just chillin. Having issues with my temps bc I keep waking up earlier than I meant to (SO not like me), and I think its bc of the temping stress (as in, TRY NOT TO WAKE UP EARLY DONT WAKE UP EARLY WHATEVER YOU DO....oh crap, I woke up early)

Baby dust to all!
Miscka - yeah, I''m not gonna give up till the fat lady sings!! hehe. I wake up early sometimes, and I just try to go back to sleep until temp time (I set my cell phone alarm for 5am every day and that''s my temp time regardless of when I have to get out of bed...then I go back to sleep until it''s time to get up!). I usually have pretty good luck doing it that way without too many weird fluctuations.

Yeah, the 2ww sucks, doesn''t it?? I''m so impatient, and this is really only my second 2ww, because I got pregnant our first month of really trying (and I found out on 9dpo so really it was a slightly-over-1-week wait!) and then this is our first month of really trying post-MC. I think I have to get a handle on myself and my obsessive testing before my next 2ww.
I guess something inside me just thought it would be just as easy to get pregnant this time, and that I''d find out just as early as I did last time! I kinda wish I had nothing to compare to so I wouldn''t try to decide if I''m feeling the same way I felt when I was preggo....I was way more calm about it during that first 2ww!

I am so impressed with the ladies who have been working at this TTC thing for a long time...I honestly don''t know where you all find your strength, because this can be tough stuff.
good luck Houie! I know this TTC thing is so frusterating!

So, I am on CD 14, lots of EWCF but still not a positive OPK, hope it gets positive soon:-) (and yes, I am sure the EWCF is not man-juice:-)

You know, I still find myself looking at the road of TTC, which is so different for each of us, and just being in awe of how strong we (individually, in our marriages, in our faith, in our hope, etc....) are. Because there really is NO realm of life that is perfect, that is predictable. Weird/odd/*wrong*/confusing things happen all the time that we can't control.

Sometimes I feel so bad about how much time/thought/prayer I spend on things TTC when in reality, I'm blessed beyond measure. I mean, I have health, a home, all of my basic needs are met and then some, I have a husband who I love and trust, employment, family, the joy of springtime, so many things.... and I'm complaining over not having a child when there are so many things to be thankful for?? It's hard... A balance I have a difficult time maintaining sometimes.

It's true that NONE of us know what will happen with regard to TTC. As you find strength in those of us who find ourselves on the TTC journey longer than we intended, I find equal respect and admiration for the women (and families) who overcome miscarriage and loss. That is something I'm so certain I couldn't deal with, handle, recover from..... But none of us know how strong we are until we're placed in a particular circumstance. None of us give ourselves enough credit in regard to how much we can endure, and overcome, and rise again out of.

Regarding the testing: Yeah, back in the day (way back!!) I was a pee stick addict. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of catching the *news* as soon as possible, but over time, for me, it became more stressful. And honestly, I enjoy the wait because it gives me just a little more time to dream of the promise that is held in each cycle. A wonderful opportunity at life and one I have learned to relish. Haha. Very weird, but over time it just developed into a quiet expectation..... And I'd much rather have a temp drop followed by a new cycle than a trash can full of tests with only a single line on them. It was about my sanity much more than about the amount of money that was going into the tests, but the extra cash is a perk.

I'm thinking of you, and hoping only good things. I continue to have positive thoughts for this year for all of us here.

(My best friend had an early loss last spring and is 15 weeks pregnant now. Her story is much like yours; she was pregnant the first cycle they tried, and when she lost her baby and took time to get ready to begin trying again, she was crushed when it didn't happen again right away. They took 4 cycles off following her baby's loss.... she was pregnant after three cycles of trying the 2nd time. The odds are very much in your favor that you'll have a pregnancy again soon. Maybe not comforting all the time, but try to find some strength in knowing it will happen!!)

HMG – I’m sorry about the BFNs. I had such strong positive vibes for you this month. But, as you say, it’s not over yet so hoping for a temp spike for you tomorrow! I agree it’s so hard when you know what symptoms you had last time. I swore I wasn’t going to test early last month and then I cracked because I was experiencing the same symptoms as last pregnancy

. Unfortunately, I can’t just get rid of that knowledge.

DCG - Sorry about the BFNs but you are not out yet. n your stats from FF, the majority haven’t had a BFP yet so my fingers are crossed for you! Good luck with the run on the weekend if you do it. I did a half marathon a few years ago and was very proud of myself but have never done another since so I’m impressed by your stamina!

Krissie – I think your chart looks fine too. Good luck holding out on the testing and hope you get a good result!

Miscka – Welcome and congrats on the cross-hairs. Hope you survive the 2WW!

Huskylover – Welcome and good luck with the 2WW. I think covering up the non-drinking of wine at dinner is the hardest when you are PG. When I was PG, we had a wedding in wine country and there was wine everywhere! I kept leaving my wine glass close to DH’s so he could drink from it but half the time he would forget! And if you get busted, it’s a little hard to explain!

Lynnie – That’s such a great story. You and your DH obviously take a lot of care to do special things for each other which is really lovely. I hope all is well with you.

RyanClaire – I’m so sorry about your long cycle. I hope the cross hairs are right and that you get some resolution soon.

Catluver – Thanks for the welcome back. I hope all is going well this cycle.

Bella – Good luck with the BD marathon! I would maybe start without the positive OPK because you never know!

Po – I also find this process much more stressful than I ever imagined. I have so much admiration for friends I know have TTC for a while (not that I didn’t before, but it is even greater now). I hope taking a break gives you some peace of mind.

Fisher – Your posts always move me. Your faith and graciousness through this process is really inspiring. Thanks.

Noelwr - Hope you have managed to get home now that flights are running again and that all is well with your little bean!

Bliss - Missing your wicked sens fo humour and hoping you are okay.

Bella, Fisher, and Geri....thanks so much for your kind words. :) I will post a better response later, but gotta get to work this morning!

Just wanted to share my chart....BFN this morning, but temp went back up this morning and no AF in sight so I''m still holding out some hope!

Yay for temp going back up!!
sending +++Positive+++ vibes your way HOU!
Thanks for all the long-wonky-cycle empathy ladies! I am in the rare minority who will be jazzed to see AF :)

Krissie and DC - still sending positive sticky vibes your way. Thinking about you!

Hou - Sorry about the BFN, but I am really happy to see that temperature rise back up... perhaps it was late implantation or just a fluke? As many people have echoed lately, the 2ww can be agonizing. With your recent pregnancy and m/c experience in particular, it''s gotta be extra hard to just have to wait and wait and wait and see. It would be impossible not to compare symptoms... Deep breaths!
oh yeah dust to Miscka and Huskylover too! And anyone else in the 2ww I forgot.

Po - sounds as though you are trying not to get too sucked into the TTC madness and make sounds decisions for you and your dh. Hope that the mini break is just what you need.
Hey girls! I've been laying low from Pricescope but still lurk all the time.

dcgator -- I'm still holding out hope for you! You have been so sweet and such a cheerleader, so thank you thank you!

RyanClaire -- UGH. I remember those cycles all too well. I think my max was either 71 or 79 days. I remember posting a very frustrated post a few months back about people whining about their DPO's when I didn't even have an O! So I completely understand where you are coming from. Hopefully you'll get AF soon. Did your acupuncturist say anything about taking Provera, or would that interfere with treatment? I hope AF shows up so you can wipe the slate clean and get started on a new cycle!

Bella -- good to hear you are in the clear with the infection. I hope you get a positive OPK soon!!!

HOU -- yay for the temp spike!!! That's promising! I hope this is it! I'm pulling for you too this cycle!

geri -- glad to see you back. I hope you had a good time on your honeymoon.

AllieLuv -- I like your new avatar (if you're reading this)!

fisher -- I definitely hear you on being thankful for what we have. I think it's a healthy attitude.

Plantationcatt -- hope your mom is doing okay. Is this a hereditary condition? I hope not, but I know my mom has glaucoma and I have to get checked myself all the time, so didn't know if eye conditions are that way a lot of times. Anyway, hope she's hanging in there!

I wonder if Bliss was really intending to go MIA on purpose for awhile, and wanted to throw the idea out there, but not say she was leaving outright? I hope you are happy and in good spirits Bliss if you are reading this...I'm sure you are!

Sorry if I missed anyone...if I did, I'll post again! It's so nice to read this thread and we are all supportive and cheering each other on. I hopped onto the preggo thread and the newborn thread (I used to read those 2 months before TTC) and it's kind of rocky over there. I don't mean anything by it (if anyone is lurking and reading over here) so I don't want anyone coming and blasting me here, but I'm glad we haven't really gotten into that. I love you guys!
That's all!
Date: 4/22/2010 10:24:16 AM
Author: Ryan Claire
Po - sounds as though you are trying not to get too sucked into the TTC madness and make sounds decisions for you and your dh. Hope that the mini break is just what you need.
Y''know the mini break is exactly what we need as you can feel the stress building and that''s not baby making territory.
Hi Lanie!

How are your symptoms doing? Hope you''re feeling good!
So I am delighted that my cheapie ovulation and pregnancy tests arrived. I feel so organised, it is funny.

I mentioned that I was a clockwork 26 day cycle, except for the last month which was 28 days (it was after a pretty nasty colposcopy; could that extend a monthly cycle
)? I would have expected to test positive for ovulation by today/tomorrow (based on the new 28 days) but nothing as of yet. Of course now I am imagining all kinds of scenarios where by I actually don''t ovulate. A little information is a terrible thing.

Hi Huskylover - your avatar is adorable. Welcome to TTC, sorry about the BFN.

HOU: I hope you have not been faked out by your symptoms; good luck.

Dust to all, sorry to post and run but I cannot keep up with the thread.
Bella - thank you!! Looks like O is just around the corner for you...goooooood luck catching that egg!!

Fisher - thank you for that heartfelt post. :) I totally know what you mean, I am blessed beyone measure too. A baby would truly be icing on my already awesome cake.
I admire your attitude of gratitude!! I agree, I have the same respect and admiration for everyone who experiences difficulty in this journey, whether it be miscarriage/loss or difficulty conceiving in the first place. Both sides can be equally (crushingly) disappointing. I simply cannot imagine how difficult it must be for women who have had multiple losses AND are still trying for their first healthy pregnancy...sooo soo hard. But you''re right, we don''t know the strength that we have until we''re forced to find it. Before, I thought having a miscarriage would be absolutely devastating...and while it was super super hard, with time and the love and support of my awesome husband (truly don''t know what I''d do without that guy!), I started to feel better. I really like what you said about waiting to test...."a little more time to dream of the promise that is held in each cycle."
If pregnancy isn''t in the cards for me this month, I will remember that the next time I begin that two week wait, and I know it will help! It''s amazing how a different perspective can help totally shift your attitude toward things...instead of "that dreaded 2ww" it becomes 2 weeks to dream about the possibilities....sounds much more lovely, doesn''t it?? Thanks again for your kind words and your positive thoughts!!

Geri - Thank you for the positve vibes. :) Sending the same back to you!!

Laila - thanks girl!!

Luvinlife - thanks for the vibes!! Keep ''em comin!!

RyanClaire - I am sooo hoping you''re right, that it was a late implantation dip or just a weird fluke. I think what makes this one hard is that I kinda got excited that maybe I''d get preggo again just as easily as I did last time (which was our very first month of officially TTC), which I know would be too much to ask for, and statistically not too likely, but I still got my hopes up. And when I didn''t get a BFP by the same time as last pregnancy (which was early, 9dpo), I started to think I wasn''t gonna get one. I still may not, but I''ll be fine if I don''t, and I''ll focus my energies on the next cycle!

Lanie - thank you!!! I hope we get to have December babies together!!! :) Are you feeling OK?? Any MS?

Po - agreed. Stress sure doesn''t help. Yanno, sometimes women get all wound up in this process, and the time they end up preggo is when they make a conscious decision to step back, let go a little, and just have fun with it. Hope that''s the case for you.

Steal - woohoooo for internet cheapies!!! hehehehe! Have fun with them! I bought a bunch of those when I first started TTC....I''m out now, but will probably buy some more if I''m not preggo. Thanks for the good luck!!!

Bliss, if you''re reading, I miss you!! Hope you''re doing well.


No new news, except AF still hasn''t shown up (yay!) and I continue to have some creamy CM...also had a few weird twinges on my lower right side today, almost like O pains. Haven''t really been crampy the last couple days, but my bb''s still look like when I was preggo and I noticed this morning that my lower tummy area looks veiny too, which is interesting. I mean, I''m about as white as a ghost so it''s easy to see my veins anyway, but they do seem a bit more prominent...

Hope I''m not jinxing myself with all these "symptoms" I keep finding! LOL!
Those are good signs.
Fingers crossed you get your answer soon.
If it makes you feel better, I didn't get my positive until 18dpo.
It was negative at 15dpo.
Ooooh Lili, that does make me feel better.
Thank you for sharing!! And look at what a lovely lady you now have in your avatar...
I think FF is about the darned coolest thing EVER.

HOU when did you get sore bbs? I am 5dpo and SUPER sore but idk if its imaginary? ALWAYS possible with me, I think I have a strong psychosomatic connection or w.e.

However, FF in its really amazingness says that 18% of pg charts had tender bbs at 5DPO. Even if I am not KTFU I just think it is SO COOL that I can know that!

Steal, I know nothing (have you ever watched Fawlty Towers?) about OPKs, but I would imagine any kind of procedure could mess with your cycle? Crazy the things that can.

HOU, I am still super hopeful for you lady!
Date: 4/22/2010 6:13:10 PM
Author: Miscka
I think FF is about the darned coolest thing EVER.

HOU when did you get sore bbs? I am 5dpo and SUPER sore but idk if its imaginary? ALWAYS possible with me, I think I have a strong psychosomatic connection or w.e.

However, FF in its really amazingness says that 18% of pg charts had tender bbs at 5DPO. Even if I am not KTFU I just think it is SO COOL that I can know that!

Steal, I know nothing (have you ever watched Fawlty Towers?) about OPKs, but I would imagine any kind of procedure could mess with your cycle? Crazy the things that can.

HOU, I am still super hopeful for you lady!
I love Fawlty Towers, love love love. Many of the cute quotes and ''in-jokes'' DH and I share are from that series. From ''I learn, I learn'' to ''One moment please, I will get your bill'' Fawlty Towers keeps me smiling. I have the series on DVD and will never be able to watch it enough. Did you know that there were only 12 episodes made?

I am hoping that it was the colposcopy that has thrown my cycle off and that it will come back. I miss my reliable old 26 day-er.

Hi ladies,

Well the good news is, its almost Friday, yeah! I
the weekend. Also, I am heading to TN tomorrow with DH for our run, so that should be fun! Anyone have any other plans for this weekend?

Huskylover: Sorry to hear about

Plantationcatt: Hello there lady, good to see you
. How are things going with you? How is mom doing?

Po: I really feel you on the stressful TTC thing. It can really get to you. I was in some kind of bad way yesterday and just wanted to punch someone and cry at the same time
(that was quite a fun feeling). I like your plan of enjoying the summer. Just imagine all the fun things you can partake in before getting KU, such as margaritas and cold beers on the beach (or lake, not sure where you are). Enjoy your summer of just chilling and we will be here when you get back
. Btw, thanks for the words of encouragement. I apprecaite the good thoughts

Houie: So, not quite the month we thought it would be, eh?
Oh well, I guess my baby wants to be born in February. As an Aquarian myself, I can''t blame my future LO for wanting to be cool like me
. That being said, maybe we will shock ourselves yet. As I was looking around in FF at other charts, I noticed that a lot of early ovulators (me this month) had really later BFP''s (like 15DPO and 16DPO). Plus, FF only gives you a 50% chance of getting a BFP before 14DPO, so there is still a shimmer of hope. So, maybe we just jumped the gun a bit. Like others said, it''s not over till the Fat Lady sings! Plus, you are having signs, and I think that is all good. Just keep your chin up and keep those temps up too, and maybe you will get your BFP yet!

Miscka: That waking up thing will get better. I did the same thing for a couple weeks. Just give it some time and your body will adjust. Continued luck in your 2WW!

Bella: I hope you get that positve OPK and enjoy the BD''ing

Fisher: You are totally right. It''s all about perspective. The situation always seems so much more challenging when you are in it and once you get past it, you can smile about what a big deal you made about it when you were in it. Plus, we all have so many things to be thankful about. I do thank God everyday for my lovely DH and my job, and my family, and my kitties, etc., etc. I think I need to invest in a healthy dose of your laid back attitude. If only I wasn''t so OCD,
Thanks for the happy joujou and may we all have such grace

Geri: Thanks for the well wishes. I must have seen those same charts in FF, b/c I came to that same conclusion. We shall see...As for the halfs, its less about stamina and more about stubborness. My DH does them, and I want to keep up and be as tough, so here I go again
But, I am taking a break for a few months after this one. No more till Oct!

Ryan Claire: Thanks for thinking of me girl. I am sending AF vibes your way

Lanie: We shall see what''s in store for me. I am just rolling with it all now. And I am happy to share my cheerleading skills. This place just has so many wonderful ladies, its hard not to support eachother
I do wonder/worry about Bliss too, but I hope she is doing well.

Steal: That is tres exciting about the tests arriving. I love that organized feeling, and yes, I am totally type-A,
. Try to relax about the ovulating. I have ovulated from DC 12-17, so it can vary. Bottom line though is if you are stressed, the little egg will crawl back into its hole. Just try to let her do her thing, and then she should appear.

Lili: That is totally nice to hear. Fingers crossed!

As for me, my temp also went back up this morning too. Another BFN, but I guess I am still in the game. We shall see, right? I will try to post my chart later, but I am at work right now, so its a bit difficult. Good luck to all of those in the 2WW and those trying to catch their little eggies
I will catch you ladies later

Steal, YES! FINALLY someone who knows my references! My mother and I had the tapes, and now I watch them on instant Netflix. Manuel is my fave, for quotes. "I know noothing" and "que?" are the ones I use though no one gets them!
Miscka - I had tender bb''s from a couple days before O through about 5 dpo. I always have them for a day or two before and after O, but usually it stops of the first things I noticed when I was pregnant was that they stayed sore for several more days after O. Maybe it''s a good sign for you??? :) I hope so!! I understand the wondering if you''re making stuff frustrating!!

Steal - I guess theoretically the colpo could have messed up your cycle...maybe it made O come later, which makes your whole cycle longer?

DC - maybe we''re meant to be preggo together NEXT month. That would be cool!! :) OR maybe we''re meant to be preggo together this month and we just don''t know it yet! You''re right, it''s encouraging to search FF for "late positive HPT" charts...I think we still have some hope! Plus with the temp going back up, you''re definitely still in the game! I figure as long as temps are high and AF is nowhere to be seen, we are still in the race!!
DUST to you!!!

You''re my favorite PSer tonight!! You called me laid back!! I love it! I will have to show Paul this... he will laugh his bum off!!

I tend to be an anxious person, it''s something I''m working on. I''m a self-admitted worry-wart (Paul likes to use an acronyn he learned in school on me.... I don''t remember what it stands for, but it goes like this: You''re a worry wart, but beautifully built. Haha. Cracks me up!)

I think that with time, you have to learn to let go a little. I still go through phases, but of the whole, I''ve learned that this is NOT something I can control and so, I try my best to remember all the great blessings and keep the hope alive for those yet to come.... (you know, the kind with 10 fingers and 10 toes!).
dcgator: Haha - egg crawling back! I can so picture that.... I am keeping my fingers crossed for you; isn''t thoughtless of pesky work getting in the way of chart posting

Miscka: I totally get you. But you are in the US are you? I''m surprised that it ''translates''. Heck I''m only across the water from the UK and many of my Irish countrymen/women don''t get the references or find them funny, even if they do get them. I on the other hand crack up every time. Did you know that at the time of filming Cleese (Basil) was married to Booth (Polly). I can''t ''see'' them as a couple. As you (and everybody!) probably knows DH and I are building and one of the many quotes that keeps us going is from the episode when O''Reilly comes back to fix the mess up where the door to the dining room was blocked up. He is assessing the work and says
"Look, this lot here... an hour and a half.
This one easy... lick of paint, lick of paint,
lick of paint, one hour.
- What time is it now? - Ten to 9:00.
All right, 10 to 9:00 and two and a half hours is
plenty of time. Give us a biscuit."

We love that bit, because we have so much to do every single day the only way to get through it is with humour so we say (insert crappy job) that will just take a lick of paint, lick of paint, easy, one hour.
TGI (almost) F!!

What a tough week this has been. Hugs to all my TTC friends!!


So, I tested at 10 DPO today and of course it was a BFN. I fully expected that, so who knows why I felt compelled to test!
I''m holding on til Saturday or Sunday (if I can wait that long again). No real symptoms but my cervix is really high - I''m going to see what it did at this time the last cycle.

Interestingly, I just checked FF and saw this. Makes me feel better about last month''s tremendously sore BBs - when I found out I wasn''t PG, I figured it must have been in my head! From FF:

While some women say that tender breasts are an early pregnancy symptom, there is no way to know if you are pregnant by the sensitivity of your breasts. Breast sensitivity may be linked to increased progesterone. Progesterone is increased both during the luteal phase of your cycle whether or not you are pregnant and during pregnancy.