
The Official TTC Thread!

holy cow, maybe i better jump back in bed with dh then because i must be super ovulating!
dh is convinced i am preggers bc of my newly found constant desire for cookie dough blizzards
he won''t believe me that i just think they are yummylicious lol
mtjoya, you are SO blessed with your little Jacky! Awwww, I hope to be like you and have those incredible experiences one day. Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, it has been a long journey! Sometimes I think about it and it feels like forever. Hard to believe I found out I was first pregnant October 31st. There were several of us who got bfps then! Wow, that was a happy time...and a hard time following. We waited 3 cycles and this was our second one. Looking back, I had no idea what kind of journey it would be. I feel like the sadness started to lift after 3 months of mourning. Then the next months were hopeful. Wow, what a miracle it is to even conceive these days. It's so hard emotionally and I wish I had been told earlier or at least in school! It was career, career, career and I totally put marriage and babies on the back burner. Sometimes I wonder if we would have had an easier time had we started in our twenties? Ahhh, must not look back!

Smurfy, thanks! Go get a copy of Taking Charge of Your Fertility! It is awesome and will fascinate you. I have a feeling you may be a jerkstore, but you should get it anyway! It is really amazing to learn so much about the female body. We are incredible works of art inside and out! Women rock.

GERI! Oh, geri. My TTC sister. We have been through so much together. Congrats on your wedding!!!! I know you will fill your home with a family soon. Super hugs to you!!!

CatLuver!!!! Oh dear, thank you! I walk around in disbelief. I kind of feel like it's not quite real. Thank you and everyone for the best wishes for my friend!!!! We are all happy that she is so much better. It's frightening when someone completely healthy has a health scare like that! Oh CatLuver, sorry about the BFN but it is freakishly early. I mean, FREAKY DEAKY EARLY. I almost never believed it and always assumed people might have mixed up their O dates. Now I believe! I don't think most people get their BFNs until about 13 DPO! Hang in there! I have a good feeling about you! Oh and hooray for jumping around to Glee songs! Good for you! I think exercising and getting your endorphins is fabulous for your eggie. Just don't overdo it, but shake it! Shake it, sista! LOL On another note, I have never gotten replies delivered to the e-mail. Maybe in your personal section you can opt out?

NOELWR!!!!!! Awww! I hope so, too. Thanks for popping in! Yes, you are right! I do want to see Dr. Kind & Nerdy to confirm the pregnancy but also to ask about progesterone supplements and maybe even taking baby aspirin to prevent clotting. I know, I am so paranoid! So many women seem to take progesterone to support their pregnancies and it doesn't seem to hurt anything... so I might ask what his opinion is. My progesterone levels were good during my last pregnancy, but my last OB mentioned a study on Cytotec (misoprostol) that made my ears perk up. She said people who don't respond to it have issues with progesterone getting to the right receptors... so I was curious thinking maybe my levels are good but they aren't locking in with the receptors; maybe there aren't enough carriers or there are inhibitors? I wrote it down when she told me but I've forgotten exactly what the issue was.

Anyway, it can't hurt to see my OB and put my mind at ease, right? He is so great and told me to come in as soon as I get a positive HPT. Also, horrid thoughts run through my head about whether or not this pregnancy is viable. I keep thinking, blighted ovum? Molar? Ectopic? I never did before, but alas... now I do. Innocence lost!

Whew, so how are you? I can't tell you how excited we all were to hear your beautiful news!!!!! Oh, so happy for you and Mr. Noelwr. I hope I get to go along this journey with you! Here is to a happy, blessed and healthy 9 mos for you!!!!

Po!!!! Oh, Po! Thank you so much for the wee dust fairy! She is precious!!!!! So precious! She will dust us all and give us good luck this year!!!! Sending tons of dust and love your way, too! HUGS

Miscka!!! Thank you! Way to go on the Pre-Seed! Don't worry, it only takes one BD session! Sending prayers to your FIL and for your MIL as well...and to you and your DH! You are so right. We are very blessed to have our DHs. Even when they leave their socks on the floor.

CDinNYC!!!! Hey sister! Have fun visiting friends!!!! Oh thank you so much for the cautiously optimistic congrats! Just what I needed! Thank you for the thoughts on my friend. Thank you thank you thank you! Sending you prayers and love plus dust! Your avatar still makes me go, "Ahhhhhh! Serenity now!" Calgon, take me away! LOL

Bella, that Ovulation Celebration is TOO FUNNY! It runs through my head! It's crazy! I love it! The dancing pee sticks are craaaaazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Play it when you ovulate! You will crack up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK, so to further convince you (if you aren't convinced already) that I am Gonzo the Weirdo/cuckoo/nutty lady.... here are some photos of the Wondfo Early Detection Strips. I got them off Amazon after spending hundreds of dollars on FRERs! These are super super cheap! You get about 50 for around $10. And they are super reliable. I used them with FRERs when I was following my HCG down...and they detected even under a level of 5. It was a ghost line, but it impressed me enough to restock. It can be hard to see what they look like because there are plenty of pics of other HPTs but not as many of these. I never knew what I was supposed to be looking for in terms of where the line would show.

So here is my progression of Wondfo Amazon cheapies! They weren't kidding with the early detection, either! I was like, "Eh, sure... these internet cheapies say early detection but how good could they be?" Today is 10DPO but I got my first lines at 8DPO. Sorry about the blurry camera phone pics! I have no idea where either of our digi cameras are... can't find them!

On another note, I was watching Hotel Rwanda last night. And DH came over to snuggle and he was deeply affected by the terrible violence in the movie. It is such an amazing film, but very tragic. He goes, "I don't want to watch this anymore." I asked why and he goes, "I don't watch violence anymore! I'm a Daddy now." HA! Whatever!!! He just didn't want to watch the movie!!! It was so funny because he tried to pawn it off as sincere and said it so seriously. What a joke! I was like, "Daddies can easily go into the other room to watch something else, you know!" Too funny!

We're not really believing anything is real until the 1st tri is over. THEN we'll believe and even then... I don't know!
I guess life is never the same after a pregnancy - you worry from the beginning of conception to forever. Even when the kid turns 50, I'll be like... "Did you eat breakfast today?" LOL

Anyway, lots of love and dust ladies! Sending you prayers and good energy!!!!!
Oh I am such a doofus... here is what a Wondfo positive looks like. These are the Amazon cheapies. They're ridiculously cheap, like 50 tests for $10?
So sorry about the photo quality. I cannot find our digi cameras so these are horrid camera phone pics!

And here are the ones in chronological order... they don't darken very quickly but then again, I took about 3 tests a day!

I am surprised at Wondfo Early Detection Strips. They really do work well! Hope this was helpful!
Yes, I am Gonzo the Weirdo!

:-) Go Bliss!!! those are nice dark lines! I have a bunch of those strips too (I bought the OPKs and got like 10 pregnancy strips free) hopefully this month I''ll get to see a second line:-)

I love Hotel Rwanda, such an amazing story of human strength and compassion, but it is really intense and disturbing.

So cute about your DH:-)

MY trick that I try to play off as sincere is teling my DH that I need the most comfortable spot/the "choicest foods", and the most sleep so that I can incubate our future baby
he thinks it''s funny and insane all at once:-)
LOL, Bella! You do need the most comfy spot, the choicest morsels...and of course, your cabana DH to fan you daily as you lounge on the couch eating grapes!
He should also dress up like Tom Cruise in Risky Business every time you ovulate and dance/sing to Ovulation Celebration!!!!!!!
Bliss, what lovely BFP''s you have!!!! :) :) :) Nice progression, too!! I am so happy for you, lady. So I think that only leaves me and Geri out of that group of us who had miscarriages close together....Geri, you and I better get busy and catch up with these new preggos!! hehe!

Bella, I like the way you work it. LOL! You''re right, the baby incubator deserves ALLLLL the best!! Just tell him that, since it''s impossible for him to carry the baby FOR you, he should just do the best he can at making your life easy while you''re in the process of making the baby and during the incubation period!!
Oh, and I LMAO''ed at "poo parlor".....HA! Sorry AF is such a meanie...she''s pretty mean to me in that department as well.

Welcome, Smurfy! Good luck, hope you get to be a jerkstore!! And Mmmmmmmm cookie dough blizzard....sounds SOOO good right now.

Miscka, sorry to hear your FIL is ill.
I hope everything is OK. *hugs*

CatLuver, 8 dpo is super early and you''re totally not out of the game with that negative. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

Geri - hello dear! How are you?? I hope you are enjoying spending time with your brand new hubby!!

Krissie - I bet you''ve started the marathon by now....hope it''s going well and that you enjoyed your oysters and lobstah!! hehe!

Melz - OOOMMMMGGGGG Bailey is sooooo adorable!! I loooove cockers....had one when I was growing up and she was the sweetest best dog ever!!

Brightlight - hmmmm, big swollen sore boobs, eh?? Sounds like a really good sign to me!! Keep us posted!!!

dcgator - Hello friend! We did indeed get our BDing in....luckily my fertile days fell between my in-hospital call days, so we were able to catch O-1 and O day. I sooo hope we get our BFP''s together this month tooooo!!! Sounds like we probably O''ed within a day of each other...I think mine was on Thursday 5/6! So we get to 2ww together....ahhh the torture!! LOL!

Ryanclaire - sorry you''re still waiting on your long cycle to come to an end. Boooooo. But YAAAY Costa Rica!!! That will be soooo much fun...I''m totally jealous! Re: instead cups....I have liked them!! I just had one at the side of the bed when we DTD and put it in just after, before I got up or anything, then got up, went to pee (I get UTI''s if I don''t) and went about my business! Left it in overnight and took it out in the morning. If for no other reason, I liked the fact that it contained the mess and I didn''t have the leakage while sleeping issue!! We''ll see if it worked in other ways soon!!

Lili - yaaaay! So excited for you and I hope your stay with us is short once you''re officially trying again!

Scarlet16 - did you get Taking Charge?? It''s a great book, I learned soooo much! Hope you enjoy it!!

LTP - welcome back!! I hope you ate lots and lots of crepes for me while you were over there!!! hehe!

Amandine - welcome and congrats on starting to TTC!!
That''s wonderful news that DH''s CF test came back negative!! Yaaay!!

To all the newly preggos who still lurk and/or support those of us still trying, I hope you all are feeling well!!! Sending anti-MS dust and healthy sticky baby dust to you!!!!


So my temps have stayed above coverline 3 days and FF gave me crosshairs!
I still get excited every time I see those things, LOL. Anyway, looks like I''m 3 DPO today, which means O came a little early this month (CD 13) so I''m glad we started our BD marathon on CD12!! I usually ramp up to O for a couple days and O around CD 15 or so, but this month, it feels like my LH spike came quick and O came quick too.

OK, so during this 2ww I resolve to not make any predictions about my state of preggo-ness or non-preggo-ness, because last month I was obviously dead wrong. I will only make totally objective reports about any symptoms I may have, and you ladies can speculate at will, but no predictions from me!! LOL! Today I have sore bb''s (and starting to feel sore at the nips), but that''s it.

I also resolve to only pee on the Wondfo cheapies I bought instead of wasting a bunch of expensive FRER''s....I will only use an expensive test if I think I have a positive Wondfo. As Bliss did a lovely job of demonstrating, those things are pretty good on their own anyway!!

Dust Dust Dust!!!
Hey, how many ladies are in the 2WW? It''s so exciting to think that you could be mamas today!!!! I bet there are a few of you who are mamas today and don''t know it!

HOU! I laughed at Bella''s poo parlor joke, too! Hahahahaha! Is it all the estrogen that causes that? Good Lord, it''s no fun! Ahhhh, YAY FOR THE CROSSHAIRS! You need to watch the Ovulation Celebration song!!!!!!! Hey, sore bb''s and nips this early is a very good sign. OMG, wouldn''t that be amazing if we were KTFU together again? Please do share your symptoms with us! And yes, the Wondfo early detection strips rock! I am a believer now. The Amazon reviewers liked it, too. I think a few of them got early results as well. I don''t even want to use FRERs anymore! I am tempted to use a digi for fun, though.
Ohhhh, sending tons of dust your way. Eat pineapple! Eat lots of pineapple, girl!!!!!! The crunchy core, too!

CatLuver, fingers crossed for you!

Krissie! Eat up! You need strength for your BD marathon!

Brightlight - big time dust!!!!

Ryan Claire, sorry about the long cycle...sending you AF dust! Let me know if you need to flash a pic of Mandango because she can''t seem to resist him.

Lots of love and dust!!! I think there will be more than several Valentine''s babies!!!!
Smurfy, I can only speak for myself, but yes, my cm did always go back to a thicker consistency after ovulation. It would go from creamy, to thin stretchy EW, to gummy (like a sticky, rubbery, gluey consistency, back to creamy to nothing. This was over the course of about a week total.
Oh Bliss! So so so cautiously optimistic and thrilled for you!!
Love the pee stick progression. The cheapies really do work. I got my first BFP at 9 DPO with one of the dollar store sticks.
icekid! How are you doing, pretty mama! Ohhh, so excited for you! And thank you!!!! Yes, those IC tests are awesome. Who knew??? Why don't they sell them in stores? Do the FRERs and EPTs somehow prevent it in their negotiations with retailers? They should be available to all! Internet Cheapies for All! One for All and All for One! I'm going to protest so that more women can POAS without spending hundreds on HPTs! LOL

Hey HOU! I went like this
when I saw that you wrote: I loooove cockers.... I had to back up and only THEN did I realize you were talking about Melz's cocker spaniel! OMG, I should not skim posts EVER! Oy vey! Clearly, I need some coffee... like now now now! I was like, "Boy, this BD talk has heated up the TTC thread!"

Lots of dust and love, ladies!
BLISS!!! LMAO!!! Hahahahahaha! Maybe I should have gone ahead and written out "spaniels" after "cockers".....hehehehe! Glad I could provide a little humor to the thread. ;)

IceKid, hey mama! How are you feeling?? I hope all is well for you and your little peanut!!
Well, I still feel awful so hopefully that means the kid is continuing to thrive. Ultrasound #2 coming up on Tuesday, will be 10 weeks and 3 days then. It''s exciting, but at the same time quite scary. I saw some really sad stories on OB this month... it is really amazing that so many manage to have normal pregnancies and healthy babies.

Fingers crossed for you this month, it looks like you timed well despite PICU! We''d love for you to join us ASAP
Hi IceKid- Sorry you are still feeling
but hopefully you''ll have a great ultrasound!!!!!

you''re killing me with the I love cockers:-) spaniels, yes, spaniels! No naughty BD talk here
Bliss, huge congrats to you!!!!
Bliss: I am sort of in the 2WW. This was our very first attempt and was within a few days of having my Mirena removed. Even though I am technically in the 2Ww at 8DPO with elevated temps I think my sore BBs are more likely due to AF making advanced reservations.

Rather than truly looking forward to my testing date, I am looking forward to pin-pointing CD1 for my first "real" cycle. Although my provider reminded me that I could get pregnant as soon as my Mirena was removed, I am focusing on learning what subtle changes are happening in my body as it adjusts to the Mirena''s departure.

If I reach 18 DPO with no AF I''ll be running to POAS without a doubt (a date which happens to fall one day before my bday. As slim as our odds are this month, It would be such a blessing if I got to share such an amazing gift with DH on my bday!). are such sweetheart! You inspire me! You are such a strong woman and having went thru that pain you deserve the best! You without a doubt will be an awesome mom! I know it! Truckloads of dust for you and your family! Forget the past and know that this is your time. No matter how old you are, it''s meant to be now!
Take care sweetie!
Bliss I am thrilled to hear your news..!! I will keep my fingers crossed that the bean is super sticky and everything goes a-ok for you, lady!
speaking of cockers ....... last night at our family dinner out there was "cockles and mussels" on the menu. there was some discussion about what cockles are, and my DF''s deaf-ish grandfather wanted to know what we were talking about. "cockles" I told him. What? "cockles" What? "COCKLES COCKLES" and so forth. definitely seemed wrong after yelling "cockles" about the sixth time. CM would become sticky/creamy after O and then completely gone in a few days.
The month that I got pregnant my CM stayed very stretchy, EW, and continues to be very abundant to this day.
I think I am finally caught up!

BLISS! I am so excited for you, and hoping that you have a sticky bean. Congratulations lady!!

What a wonderful batch of BFPs!


The oysters and lobstah didn''t materialize due to a busy schedule on Saturday! However, we made time for BD yesterday - I thought I was still a couple of days from O, so I didn''t use pre-seed, throw the legs up over the head, or anything. Well, this morning I got a really strong "peak" and temp dip, so I think I''ll probably O later today. Hoping we have time for a quickie after work

Since I didn''t put all the planning, prep and tracking into this month, I am not sure it''ll "stick" - but I''ve honestly enjoyed being a little more relaxed this time around!
Hello Ladies!

I hope all of you had a lovely weekend. For those of you with recent BFP''s, I hope that you had a great almost Mother''s Day. For the rest of us, I hope that at this time next year, we will be having a Mother''s Day of our own

Houie: I''m glad to see you back in here. I''m sure work is tough to handle with all the sick kiddos, but hang in there! That''s awesome that you were able to get some BD''ing in though, how thoughtful of your schedule
. I really hope that we both got our elusive BFP''s too. Yeah for crosshairds and confirmed O dates! FF actually had me O''ing on Thursday too, but it just changed it to Friday, so now I am one day behind you. And yes, welcome to the 2WW to you too. The waiting does suck, but hopefully work will keep you busy so you aren''t thinking about it to much. I agree with you on the symptom thing. I am not going to look to much into it, just going to take it as they come. Good luck lady!

Brightlight: I''ve got my fingers crossed for you too lady! Did AF stay away this weekend, b/c if she is not here yet, and you still have large BB''s, I think it could be a good thing.
Let us know...

Bliss: Sounds like you are right back in your cheerleader position. It really is quite nice to have you back sweetie. I know you will probably move on the Barely Preggers in the coming weeks, but do hang around here a bit if you can, b/c we all
you here, hehe. Btw, your hubby sounds absolutely adorable. How sweet he is rubbing your belly
. As for me, I did get my confirmed O, so here''s hoping this is it this month

Krissie: Hello there chica, good to see you again
. I am sorry that you didn''t get to enjoy your oysters and lobsters but I''m glad to hear that you were able to get some BD''ing in. Hopefully you can catch your little eggie. Good luck!

Geri: It''s lovely to see you in here as well. How is married life treating you? Do you still have the honeymoon glow

Catluver: Funny you should ask. I hadn''t been running in the last week and a half b/c of some new injuries/pain, but I was feeling better, and the weather was lovely, so I went for about 4.5 miles last night. Unfortunately, my new pain is back, but otherwise, it felt great to get out there. I am of the mindset that if it''s going to happen, it will happen, running or not. Plus, I want to be in top baby shape and not gain lots of weight while KU, so I am going to try to keep up the running if I do get KU. We will see though, they say some people can keep up with running till weeks before while others can''t handle after the 1st trimester. As for you, dance around and be happy. Endorphins make you smile and be happy, so that kinda positive attitude will be good for a LO. Btw, did you try testing again or are you going to wait till AF is supposed to come?

Miscka: I am so sorry to hear about your ill FIL. I hope that he makes a speedy recovery. And thanks for the words of wisdom, I will make sure to give my DH and extra kiss tonight b/4 we go to sleep

Smurfy: Some people do have fertile CM after O, though most people don''t. I think it depends on your body and your cycle. Do check out the TCOYF b/c that has some good answers. I do hope that you DH is right. Good luck in the 2WW if you are there!

Icekid: I would say that with all your m/s, etc, your baby is getting really comfy in there, so not to worry
. I do hope that s/him gives you a bit of break though, b/c I can imagine that feeling sick all the time sucks, hang in there though, you''re almost through the first trimester. (btw, I can''t believe that it''s been that long already).

KTF: Good luck to you lady! That would be pretty crazy for you to get KU so fast, and you would definitely be a jerkstore (getting KU immediately). Are you really gong to wait 10 more days to test. Wow, I envy your patience b/c I have none. Fingers crossed for you!

Melz: OMG, that is pretty funny. I can only imagine you yelling the word "Cockles" really loud in the restaurant and people not quite hearing it well were probably a little taken aback, LOL.

Well, to answer the question on the floor, I am officially in the 2WW as well. While FF initially gave me an O date of Thursday, it was later moved to Friday, so I am 3DPO. After all was said and done, we BD''ed on O-3, O-1, and O+1. Unfortunately, the day the DH and I were too tired, it turned out to be O day
, but oh well, whatever is going to happen will happen, right? I really have a good feeling about this month though b/c my CM was quite quality at all the right times. Anywho, I wish all you ladies in the 2WW and BD''ing lots of luck!
And, since its been about a week, here is where we all stand:

Also, now that we have some people graduate from the list, I thought another update was in order. Smurfy, feel free to add yourself on. KTF, I think I have your CD wrong on here, so please feel free to udpate that as well. Anyone else I missed, please jump on, if you would like

CD4 - Bella_mezzo
CD12 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD13 - KeepingtheFaith21
CD14 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD16 - DC Gator
CD17 - HOUMedGal
CD19 - PO10472
CD25 - Catluver
CD26 - inhisarms17
CD29 - Sweetlime
CD31 - CDinNYC
CD34 - Brightlight
CD38 - caitlin
CD68- Ryan Claire
Bliss, yay!
I''m thrilled for you! The preggo thread is gonna be bumping at the end of the year!

Smurfy, everyone''s CM pattern is different and CM can be extremely hard to interpret if you''re new to it. If you start charting CM along with your temp, you''ll get an idea of your own pattern...if you don''t get a BFP before then!
Date: 5/10/2010 11:18:12 AM
Author: dcgator

And, since its been about a week, here is where we all stand:

Also, now that we have some people graduate from the list, I thought another update was in order. Smurfy, feel free to add yourself on. KTF, I think I have your CD wrong on here, so please feel free to udpate that as well. Anyone else I missed, please jump on, if you would like

CD4 - Bella_mezzo
CD12 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD13 - KeepingtheFaith21
CD14 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD16 - DC Gator
CD17 - HOUMedGal
CD19 - PO10472
CD25 - Catluver
CD26 - inhisarms17
CD29 - Sweetlime
CD31 - CDinNYC
CD34 - Brightlight
CD38 - caitlin
CD68- Ryan Claire
I am actually CD24 today.

Yep, DC - I am going to wait another handful of days to test. Mayyyyybe if I get to Sunday and AF hasn''t dropped in for a visit I''ll test. I''m okay with waiting as I am using this cycle as more of a test cycle - see how things are progressing since saying bye-bye to BC. I am tempted but I realize just how unlikely it would be for us to have gotten KU so quickly which is keeping my patience in check. Don''t get me wrong, I''d be psyched to be a jerkstore but I know better than to be too hopeful. So far I believe all signs point to AF making a trip on over for a few days (assuming my cycle sticks to its old roots). I hope she doesn''t decide to overstay her welcome, I''d like to have a good bday
HOU! Ha! You're next! I just know it. Maybe this month! You are one so incredible and have such a huge heart. I know you will be an amazing mom soon!!!!

Bella!!! LOL - I know! I know! Melz's story about her grandfather asking about the cockles...the COCKLES COCKLES cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Melz, you are killing us with that story! It is too funny!!!!

FL Steph, awwww! Thank you! You are so blessed!!!! I hope to share in this incredible experience, too! Still terrified, but happier each day. Super hugs!

Keepingthefaith! Ohhhhhh, very exciting on many fronts!!! Huge buckets of dust and happy birthday in advance! Sore BBs are a great sign!!!

mtjoya, Oh! Your baby is soooo precious. So amazing! Thank you so much for the dust. I will do my best to look forward. Oh, many many blessings on you and your family as well. Hugs!!!

Mara!!!! Holy moly, sometimes I read your posts on the preggo/newborn thread and I cannot believe that you have a baby already! Oh, Julian is amazingly gorgeous. Your posts are always so much fun to read. And I must say, I have learned SO much from them, too. You're a gifted writer - ever thought of writing a book? It wouldn't even have to be a book on mommyhood! Oh, thank you for the crossed fingers! I do pray this is a sticky bean! The Kegel cop is back!

Krissie! Thank you, sista! Ohhhh, nice work on timing the BD! No worries about the absence of Pre-Seed or anything. We never used it - OK, I tried it once and it was like a slip n' slide! So we didn't use it again... I don't usually need lube so the Pre-Seed was like a super slip n' slide! Wheeee! Who wrote hotdog in the hallway here? LOL Was it Allie?

dcgator!!!!! Yes, I am back!!! Ohhh, thank you so much. I would love to hang around and be the cheerleader/wacky mascot! Hey, congrats on the confirmed O! Ahhhh, such a wonderful moment. You have to listen to the Ovulation Celebration song, now!!! I commend you for going running. I swear, I felt SO much better once I started running again. It totally lifted my mood, changed my body in subtle ways inside and out...and just recharged my life. I think it's a lifesaver! Sometimes I wonder if we got knocked up this month bc of the increased blood flow/endorphins. With your quality CM and etc... I think you might have gotten it!

puppmom, HEY PRETTY MAMA! How are you doing? Oh, thank you!!!

So a bunch of you gorgeous ladies are in the 2WW! It can be torture! But I know that we'll all get through it together and with good news for many at the end of it. Lots and lots of dust!!!!!!!!!

And eat that pineapple, ladies! There is a great pre-mom tea made by Yogi that's pretty yummy.

Think positive thoughts! Hugs and love!
So, I got a Mother''s Day present yesterday .... AF came to visit. I wasn''t surprised. You hear about some women just knowing they''re pregnant. Well, I just knew I wasn''t pregnant this month. I just didn''t feel it. So much so that I went ahead and ordered my spit kit last week. So, I''m armed and ready this month. Anyway, my temperature dropped on Saturday, which coincided with a drop in boob soreness (I''m hoping they retain their fullness
). I''ve been looking at my charts, and my CM is a really good indicator of when I O but something always happens where we can''t get in that one last BD. I told DH we have to be like Tiger Woods and just do it even if it''s five minutes of fury.
Brightlight, woohoo on the great chart! Here''s to a new cycle!!! I think it''s fantastic that you have such a strong chart. That is a very good sign. Hope AF is nice to you. If she acts up, let me know! I''ll send Mandango over!!!
Date: 5/10/2010 4:58:08 PM
Author: Bliss
Brightlight, woohoo on the great chart! Here''s to a new cycle!!! I think it''s fantastic that you have such a strong chart. That is a very good sign. Hope AF is nice to you. If she acts up, let me know! I''ll send Mandango over!!!
Oh no, she''s been very kind to me! She gifted me with full knockers this cycle.
I'm definitely running the 2ww marathon right now...ok not really running but ykwim lol

I'm 4dpo so everytime I feel something that could be a symptom I just tell myself I am imagining it lol I don't want to get worked up over nothing!!! are my symptoms (imaginary or not haha) still wet down there,; extreme back ache 2 days ago on the left side (and I didn't lift anything heavy, it happened after I woke up from sleeping, on my back...nothing unusual), slightly getting better; headaches off and on; cramps on left side; temperature has stayed up; gassy (ugggh this is the worst lol); slightly sore bbs on the sides; acid reflux; slight constipation; and fatigue (the other night I slept for almost 14 hours no joking). So whilst it is EXTREMELY too early to tell and these have all been off and on over the last couple of days, I'm not putting all my eggs in the bucket (i think that is the saying). Can I also take those moment to mention that I am a hypochondriac and so is DH *sigh*

eta: what is a jerk stone? lol I googled it and nothing came up