
The Official TTC Thread!

Date: 5/10/2010 11:18:12 AM
Author: dcgator
And, since its been about a week, here is where we all stand:

Also, now that we have some people graduate from the list, I thought another update was in order. Smurfy, feel free to add yourself on. KTF, I think I have your CD wrong on here, so please feel free to udpate that as well. Anyone else I missed, please jump on, if you would like

CD4 - Bella_mezzo

CD12 - Miscka, Gaby06

CD13 - KeepingtheFaith21

CD14 - Krissie, Huskylover

CD16 - DC Gator

CD17 - HOUMedGal

CD19 - PO10472

CD25 - Catluver

CD26 - inhisarms17

CD29 - Sweetlime

CD31 - CDinNYC

CD34 - Brightlight

CD38 - caitlin

CD68- Ryan Claire

I''m CD 21 :)
congrats and I''m so happy for you.
Lots of sticky dust to your little bean.
As for the symptoms or lack of....don''t worry too much about it.
I had absolutely no symptoms w/ my first.
Just a couple of days where I needed a short catnap around 5 wks.

*hugs* that''s an awfully long cycle...hope your AF shows up soon.
I may have missed it, but are you seeing a RE for this?

Thanks. She''s a little handful.
Year of the Hare starts on Feb 3rd, 2011, so that little bunny might be in the making ^.^
LOL...I really don''t know what the characteristics of those born under different signs.
This is what I found on the internet
Keen, Wise, Fragile, Tranquil, Serene, Considerate, Fashionable, Sneaky, Obsessive
Fingers crossed for a BFP in the next week or so.

So many of you are in the 2WW....I wonder if we''ll get a double digit for this month.
May is already off to a good start w/ 4 BFPs in a row.
Bliss! Your uplifting posts have caught my eye and I just wanted to say sending you mucho baby dust right now! Hope your little bean sticks around. And a line is a line is a line, and those are definitely lines. I will keep dropping in to check on you!
Congratulations, Bliss!
That's great news!

smurfy, at 4 DPO, it's too early to be feeling symptoms. Didn't you say you were feeling them a couple of days ago, too? It's likely wishful thinking. Were you using OPKs or temping to confirm ovulation? If not, having EWCM could mean you haven't yet ovulated. Everyone's different- for me, I noticed I had "wet" CM after ovulation the cycles I wasn't pregnant. If I remember correctly, it became thicker (creamy) the cycles I was.

I highly recommend a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" if you don't get a positive this cycle. It's got a lot of great information that'll help you better understand the whole 'process.'
Hey EB :) It is totally wistful thinking for sure haha!
I know we bd when I ovulated though because I track regardless of ttc or not, it''s just good to know when my period is in case I have to tell a doctor or something. So in relation to that, I''ve managed to track my ov too, plus I have the same cramping and cm consistency each time the ewcm is what we looked for :) But we also bd''ed before that and after so only time will tell. I usually don''t get the wet stuff after I ov though so that is a little strange...maybe from not having sex so often around the same time?
Congratulations Bliss!!!!!!!!!!

Smurfy, hopefully you are pregnant otherwise it sounds like you''ll drive yourself crazy analyzing every single thing you feel!!! and that can get pretty tiring/frustrating if you don''t get pregnant right away!. It''s definitely too early to be feeling anything (I think)...but, we all go through the "could this mean I''m pregnant" period. Just don''t drive yourself nuts over it!
Bliss!!!! A HUGE CONGRATS to you!!! I am so happy for you! Sending prayers for a sticky bean your way!
Date: 5/10/2010 5:16:09 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved

eta: what is a jerk stone? lol I googled it and nothing came up
Jerkstore means getting pregnant on your first try.
Oh! No wonder I didn''t see it in google!
Just wanted to pop in and say congrats and many many sticky vibes a going your way BLISS!!!!

To everyone else - hope to keep reading happy news!!
BLISS! I congratulated you on the Just Barely Preggo thread, but wanted to come here as well....CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Sending heaps and mounds of sticky dust your way!!!!!!!!

Wow - this thread is going through a preggo streak - keep it up ladies!!!
Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well today. To update the list from yesterday:

CD3 - Brightlight
CD5 - Bella_mezzo
CD13 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD15 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD17 - DC Gator
CD18 - HOUMedGal
CD20 - PO10472
CD22 - Smurfy
CD25 - KeepingtheFaith21
CD26 - Catluver
CD27 - inhisarms17
CD30 - Sweetlime
CD32 - CDinNYC
CD39 - caitlin
CD69- Ryan Claire
KTF: You have a great approach to a possible BFP this month. I wish you lots of sticky dust, but should AF decide to show up, I hope her stay is short and sweet
so you can enjoy your b-day!

Bliss: It''s so true about the running. When I went on Sunday, I was making really good time and feeling pretty good. I am not sure if it was the great weather or that I hadn''t run in about 1.5 weeks, but whatever the reason, I was loving it. Unforunately, my nagging hip issue popped back up, so I am going to have to shelf the running for another week or two, but I look forward to hitting the pavement again soon
. Either way, let''s hope it helped out in the TTC department this month...Btw, what is this tea you speak ok?

Brightlight: OMG, your Tiger line is soooo naughty
, but funny (and true). Sorry to hear about AF, but it looks like you are taking it all in stride. Sounds like you are well equipped this month though with you spit kit and consistent charts. Good luck!

Lili: Hmm, it sounds like I might not make it until year of the hare (or not likely) if I get KU this month. FF is telling me I would have a DD of January 27, but who knows...Thanks for looking all the stuff up though, it''s good to know, just in case
I also hope we get our record BFP''s this month. So far we have had 2 months with 5, so here is to a record month!

I hope everyone has a great day, and for the ladies in the 2WW, hang in there

Congratulations Bliss
DC-you are so sweet for keeping this list. Thanks:-) I always forget what CD I am, so it''s a great reference for me when I don''t feel like logging onto Fertility Friend:-)

So, I used to play capoiera and loved it but had to stop due to that weird unexplained bout of uncontrolled uterine bleeding I had two years ago and then I was just too busy to go back. Well...tonight I am going to play:-) I''m sure I will suck and it will hurt like crazy, but I am really excited
if it helps in the TTC dept. so much the better, and if it helps me lose weight then YAY!!!, but really I jsut miss playing.

Well, my temp dipped more today, so I think I''m ovulating TODAY rather than yesterday! I did have a lot of O cramps yesterday and even a little EWCM
so I''m hoping we caught the egg! We BD last night around 7 pm. Might give it another go later today after work, even if it''s too late

DH has his "man appointment" on Monday, so if all else fails, at least we''ll know more going forward to the next cycle!
Bliss - CONGRATS!!!
Brightlight! Go on with your bad self and your super curves!!! Hooray for a brand new cycle. So glad AF isn't being mean go you.

lili!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy you're TTC!!! This is so exciting. Awww, you have the most gorgeous daughter so I can't wait to see what comes next! Some women just seem to have the most beautiful kids one right after another! Woohoo! And you had a nice pregnancy without symptoms? You are triple blessed!

Oh ChinaCat! Thank you so much. I hope this bean is a sticky one... You add so much to PS and it means so much coming from you. I've always been a big fan of yours!

EB, thank you! How are you doing? LOL - your little baby foot avatar is... deliciously cute!!!!!!

Mandarine!!!! Your twins are the best!!!!!! I love the monthly photos and think they are priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much love and blessings to you and your family.

inhisarms17!!!! You are so sweet!!! Tons of dust and hugs to you, too!!!! Oh, I hope for a sticky bean!

littlelysser!!! Hello new mommy!!!! Oh, you are a lucky lady! Thank you for the sticky vibes, pretty mama!!!!!

lovelylulu!!!!!!! You are just like your screen name. Your belly is SO beautiful!!!! I love love love your bling belly shot!!!! LOL How did you manage to keep your figure throughout your pregnancy? I bet your body will be even better after the baby!

Oh Blushing!!!! Thank you so much!!!! Hehehehee, I love the party hats!!!! Oh, thank you pregnant goddess! SOOOO excited for you!!!!! Oh, wishing you a wonderful beautiful pregnancy as well!!!!! Hugs

dcgator!!!!!! Wooohooo on the running! Sorry about the hip pain. Ouch! But so happy you got that run in there!!! Hope it helped in the TTC dept!!!! Ohhhh, very exciting! I got the tea from Yogi - they sell this brand at Whole Foods and everywhere else. It's called Woman's Mother To Be. I'm a tea lover so it caught my eye. It has raspberry leaf, peppermint leaf, stinging nettle leaf and etc. I heard it was good to drink while TTC as well...but who knows? It sure is relaxing and I think anything relaxing is good! This process can be so...well, you know...crazy! lol

GABY!!!! Thank you! Truckloads of dust and hugs to you!!!!

BELLA! Capoiera sounds amazing!!!!! I bet you are a great dancer, too! I always thought you were a very artistic spiritual person! Wow, how cool!!!!!!!!!

Krissie!!!! EXCELLENT!!!!! Keep BDing! BD until you see a sustained thermal shift! YAY! Ovulation Celebration! And how awesome about your DH's man appt. That is so great... sending tons of dust!!!

Scarlet16, THANK YOU!!! Oh, sending you tons of fairy dust!!!!!

SWEETLIME... Yay for prometrium! I hope AF treats you well this cycle and then...doesn't come back for 9 mos! Hugs

OK, ladies! Remember to relax and take mini breaks when things get stressful. The 2WW is torture!!! I promise we will all get there...each day is a day closer to the goal! Think positive thoughts and don't feel guilty about obsessing over symptoms. I found it made life easier for me if I allowed myself to obsess a little each day. Then I'd get it over with.

This process can be so hard. I felt like my mc was a wound that would not heal until I was pregnant again. And in many ways, I totally understand what you are going through now. It is hard! But you know what, when you do get pregnant (and I know you all will) it will be like all the pain and longing were erased and healed all in one swoop. It will have been worth it. No matter what.

So smile, stay LOVELY...and mysterious (because all women are goddesses)...

And remember that we are going through a very sacred and meaningful process. Creating life is such a miracle. May all of us be blessed very soon and rejoice in each other and our triumphs great and small. I believe women are incredible healers and we can heal ourselves and each other through faith and love.

Date: 5/11/2010 11:44:59 AM
Author: dcgator

Hello ladies,

I hope everyone is doing well today. To update the list from yesterday:

CD3 - Brightlight
CD5 - Bella_mezzo
CD13 - Miscka, Gaby06
CD15 - Krissie, Huskylover
CD17 - DC Gator
CD18 - HOUMedGal
CD20 - PO10472
CD22 - Smurfy
CD25 - KeepingtheFaith21
CD26 - Catluver
CD27 - inhisarms17
CD30 - Sweetlime
CD32 - CDinNYC
CD39 - caitlin
CD69- Ryan Claire

KTF: You have a great approach to a possible BFP this month. I wish you lots of sticky dust, but should AF decide to show up, I hope her stay is short and sweet
so you can enjoy your b-day!

Bliss: It''s so true about the running. When I went on Sunday, I was making really good time and feeling pretty good. I am not sure if it was the great weather or that I hadn''t run in about 1.5 weeks, but whatever the reason, I was loving it. Unforunately, my nagging hip issue popped back up, so I am going to have to shelf the running for another week or two, but I look forward to hitting the pavement again soon
. Either way, let''s hope it helped out in the TTC department this month...Btw, what is this tea you speak ok?

Brightlight: OMG, your Tiger line is soooo naughty
, but funny (and true). Sorry to hear about AF, but it looks like you are taking it all in stride. Sounds like you are well equipped this month though with you spit kit and consistent charts. Good luck!

Lili: Hmm, it sounds like I might not make it until year of the hare (or not likely) if I get KU this month. FF is telling me I would have a DD of January 27, but who knows...Thanks for looking all the stuff up though, it''s good to know, just in case
I also hope we get our record BFP''s this month. So far we have had 2 months with 5, so here is to a record month!

I hope everyone has a great day, and for the ladies in the 2WW, hang in there

just stopping in to say that i''m CD2 today (thanks to prometrium). i didn''t ovulate last cycle, but i''m hoping for better results this time around with more clomid.

good luck to all and congrats bliss!
Bliss, congrats, and dust for a sticky bean!!!
Oh vesper!!!! Thank you! Congratulations on your new baby Connor! Oh, that photo of Andrew singing to his baby brother... is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Your family seems so much more complete and bursting with love. Awww.
Hi everyone, just popping in to say I''m out this cycle. 12dpo and no hint of a line whatsoever, I couldn''t even imagine one up if I tried. although AF is not due or here yet, I just know that I''m not preg. I''m disappointed and worried there''s something wrong with me, but trying not to worry too much. Maybe the extreme stress I was feeling during the 2nd week of my cycle had something to do with it, maybe not, who knows. So, at this point, I am REALLY hoping for a rabbit baby!

I am sure we will have more BFPs this month so I am just waiting to hear about them! esp dcgator and hou, I have a feeling you''ll be graduating soon.

Bliss - super congrats to you and I hope you''ll still grace us with your presence every now and then!

Good luck to the 2WWers!
CatLuver, I am so sorry. I know how crushing the disappointment can be. But are you sure? 12DPO is still early! It isn't over until AF shows up! Lots of ladies here got their bfps at 13, 14, 15, 16+ DPO. Late implanters can throw you for a loop! And the HPT stays stark white until the bfp. In my last pregnancy, I had crushing stark white HPTs until 13 DPO, I think. So many women don't even get the faint line fade in. It'll be bfn bfn bfn and suddenly a bfp. So don't lose hope just yet! But if you feel you need to move on mentally, we're here for you. That is a huge bummer. Just take care of your body until AF shows... huge hugs to you.
Awww, Catluver . . . First things first, it''s not over, til it''s over, and plenty do not see a line just yet. Still, you sound really certain that this is not the month for you. Uggh, I know how disappointing it can be. How many months have you been trying? I know that it''s easy to worry that something is wrong, but chances are, it''s just a matter of the time being right -- it will happen when the time is right! And, if there is something going on that needs to be looked into, then you will do that, and you''ll deal with it. And, we are all here to support you along the way, whether you get a suprise BFP tomorrow or your road is a little longer. Either way, it will be ok. Chin up, Catluver!

Dcgator, I bet Nike never thought Tiger would take their slogan so literally!Ha!


Krissie, I hope you were able to catch the egg!Lots of dust for your hubby’s man appointment!

Bliss, I caught a glimpse of your fuzzy little poppy seed.It’s the most beautiful fuzziness I’ve ever seen!

Catluver, Try not to worry about something being wrong.I did the same thing during my loooooong 45 day cycle.Stress can really affect your cycle.It made my egg go into hiding, and it didn’t come back out for another two weeks.Maybe you ovulated late b/c of the stress.So, you still have a chance this month.I just keep telling myself that it will happen when it’s meant to be.

Bliss and LV, thank you so much for the support. You are so sweet. It really helps to have you all as an outlet and support because I can''t really share this with people in real life. DH knows how I feel, but doesn''t think we have any problems (of course I''m sure he is trying to be optimistic). My 2 real life friends with kids got preg the 1st month "trying" but not really trying, and my other friends are trying hard not to get pregnant. I haven''t told my family we''re TTC bc they drive me up the wall about it anyway. And my OB thinks I''m crazy for charting and even worrying we might have problems. So, I am really thankful for you ladies!

This was our 3rd cycle trying, 2nd with temping and opks. I know it''s not that long, but of course I remember more the shorter TTC journeys of others and the unknown is just so unknown. I think I''ll give it 2 more cycles and then go in for testing. I''m not getting any younger and I feel the clock is really ticking bc my mom had secondary infertility, though she was older than me when she had me, but we definitely want more than one.

I know it''s not impossible for me to be preg now, but I just don''t think so. If it happens, I''ll be thrilled of course, but I''m not going to keep hoping and testing bc it just keeps making me disappointed. So I''ll be here to cheer on the rest of the 2wwers!

Well, I am going to try hard and not be stressed next cycle so hopefully that will be good for my eggs!

Thanks again!!!
Date: 5/11/2010 3:29:26 PM
Author: CatLuver
Bliss and LV, thank you so much for the support. You are so sweet. It really helps to have you all as an outlet and support because I can''t really share this with people in real life. DH knows how I feel, but doesn''t think we have any problems (of course I''m sure he is trying to be optimistic). My 2 real life friends with kids got preg the 1st month ''trying'' but not really trying, and my other friends are trying hard not to get pregnant. I haven''t told my family we''re TTC bc they drive me up the wall about it anyway. And my OB thinks I''m crazy for charting and even worrying we might have problems. So, I am really thankful for you ladies!

This was our 3rd cycle trying, 2nd with temping and opks. I know it''s not that long, but of course I remember more the shorter TTC journeys of others and the unknown is just so unknown. I think I''ll give it 2 more cycles and then go in for testing. I''m not getting any younger and I feel the clock is really ticking bc my mom had secondary infertility, though she was older than me when she had me, but we definitely want more than one.

I know it''s not impossible for me to be preg now, but I just don''t think so. If it happens, I''ll be thrilled of course, but I''m not going to keep hoping and testing bc it just keeps making me disappointed. So I''ll be here to cheer on the rest of the 2wwers!

Well, I am going to try hard and not be stressed next cycle so hopefully that will be good for my eggs!

Thanks again!!!
Oh Catluver, I feel you. We''ve only told one person we''re ttc. My in-laws are constantly on us about babies too. FIL prays for us to have a baby every night, and MIL constantly talks about what our baby will be like. She keeps asking when we''re going to announce I''m pregnant. I sometimes wonder if I waited a few years too long. Then, I remind myself that we''re both still young. We''ve only been trying for a few months and each month I have to wait will make me cherish it even more.

I''ve not been around much lately, mainly due to the fact that my father-in-law took ill all of a sudden 4 weeks ago. He was diagnosed with primary cancer of the gullet and secondary cancer of the liver and his kidneys started shutting down and he went into acute renal failure 9 days ago. Well he sadly passed away this afternoon. His condition deteriorated rapidly and he slipped away in his sleep peacefully. DH and I were with him. Am so gutted, he was a lovely man. This has been all so quick for us.

I''m also 5dpo and been experiencing af-type cramps tonight with shooting pains in the boob area and just wondering if it could possibly be implantation cramps or my imagination. I''m also feeling a bit nauseous in the back of my throat too. Now I could just be feeling the physical effects of today but if I keep feeling like this, then I''m going to test next week.

How amazing would that be, a life goes and a life begins, that would be wonderful but I''m not going to get my hopes up as it may just be wishful thinking on my part. I will let you all know how I get on with my 2ww and hope to pop in every so often to catch up with you all. I may not be the best poster, but I always like to keep up to date and read everyones stories.

Hope you are all well and I''ll try and catch up soon.

Po, I am SO sorry about your FIL. Wanted to pop in to give you big hugs and dust. On the 5DPO cramping, it''s definitely possible to have implantation cramps that early. They even say it could start as early as 3DPO in rare cases. I had shooting cramps in the center of my uterus on the morning of 5DPO. My last pregnancy, I also had cramps on 5DPO but on the right side. If they are implantation cramps, you might be able to get a result in 3-4 days. Super hugs and dust for you. Just rest a lot because emotionally, you are going through so much.
Bliss- You are so sweet!!! Capoeira should be fun. I do love to dance, but I don''t do it that much. I''ve had a super bad day at work-tons of deadlines, tons of pressure, my admin and the other admin for our group are on vacation, and stupid little things have been turned into like def-con 3 level proportions today
Unending stress for no reason
My stomach has been in knots all day b/c of this, not to conducive for getting KTFU, right

everyone else, I;ll be back tonight with more.