
The Official TTC Thread!

bliss and Keepingthefaith, to threadjack scarlet's question, am I correct that it's more important to consistently check the temperature at the same time every day, rather than consistently checking whenever I wake up?
I quite often wake up at 4AM, toss and turn only to end up not being able to go back to sleep. In that case, I should check at my normal waking hour, rather than right when I wake up at 4AM? Thanks.

ETA, congratulations Bliss!!
Hello Ladies :) I am popping in to ask for anyone to spare some dust for my friend/coworker. She just went through her third round of IUI and she finds out tomorrow if she has a little bean growing in there. The last few cycles when she found out she was not pregnant have been really hard on her. Her and her hubby have been trying for almost 4 years. This cycle I told her to eat pineapple core. I figured it couldn''t hurt, plus I really think this is it. She has that look :) but she could still use some dust.

Thank you ladies!
Lots of luck to your friend! Was it a medicated IUI?
The only thing she is getting is the progesterone injections. She ovulates on her own.
Oh Allie-tons of dust for your friend! please do keep us updated!!!
I will...we are all on pins and needles. She gives blood tomorrow morning and we will all find out by the afternoon. By we I mean my group of girls that I work with. We are rooting for her and a little bean.
Date: 5/13/2010 3:09:55 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
The only thing she is getting is the progesterone injections. She ovulates on her own.
I''m sending her lots of dust!! Just as a word of advice to her, if (God forbid) this time didn''t work, she may want to try Clomid or injectables along with the IUI. Many women already O on their own--the meds simply increase a woman''s chances even more.
But hopefully this is IT!
Allie, lots of dust to your friend!!!!

And lots of dust to everyone TTC!!!!!

Date: 5/13/2010 12:40:49 PM
Author: choro72
bliss and Keepingthefaith, to threadjack scarlet''s question, am I correct that it''s more important to consistently check the temperature at the same time every day, rather than consistently checking whenever I wake up?
I quite often wake up at 4AM, toss and turn only to end up not being able to go back to sleep. In that case, I should check at my normal waking hour, rather than right when I wake up at 4AM? Thanks.

ETA, congratulations Bliss!!
Choro thrilled to see you here!! I remember you well from the LIW days and I remember your amazing ring - I''ve loved that design from the concept days.

I believe it''s most important to be consistent with the time rather than whenever you finally wake up for the day. If you wake up almost every day at 4 AM - you should test at 4 AM if possible. Tossing and turning can impact your temp. If you happen to find that you oversleep (or wake up early) on a particular day, there are converters you can use that will adjust your temperature based on an equation. I use a converter when I temp early or late - and I noticed my chart was much more consistent. If I find that I am starting to toss and turn and I know I have less than three hours of sleeping time ahead of me, I will temp. My general rule is if I am awake enough to think about temping I reach for my thermometer. I then convert my temp based on my usual temp time and make a note in my chart indicating the difference.

For example: my usual temp time is 6 AM but on weekends I frequently forget to set my alarm and I wake up around 8. I will use a converter and note in on my chart: temped at 8 AM - true temp 97.5, converted temp was 97.2. I chart the converted temp but track of my actual temp via my notes section just in case. Not sure if my method is a good one but it works for me and it reduced the number of peaks and lows on my chart that I knew were inconsistencies due to time. I hope this helps!
Date: 5/13/2010 6:54:17 PM
Author: Keepingthefaith21

Date: 5/13/2010 12:40:49 PM
Author: choro72
bliss and Keepingthefaith, to threadjack scarlet's question, am I correct that it's more important to consistently check the temperature at the same time every day, rather than consistently checking whenever I wake up?
I quite often wake up at 4AM, toss and turn only to end up not being able to go back to sleep. In that case, I should check at my normal waking hour, rather than right when I wake up at 4AM? Thanks.

ETA, congratulations Bliss!!
Choro thrilled to see you here!! I remember you well from the LIW days and I remember your amazing ring - I've loved that design from the concept days.

I believe it's most important to be consistent with the time rather than whenever you finally wake up for the day. If you wake up almost every day at 4 AM - you should test at 4 AM if possible. Tossing and turning can impact your temp. If you happen to find that you oversleep (or wake up early) on a particular day, there are converters you can use that will adjust your temperature based on an equation. I use a converter when I temp early or late - and I noticed my chart was much more consistent. If I find that I am starting to toss and turn and I know I have less than three hours of sleeping time ahead of me, I will temp. My general rule is if I am awake enough to think about temping I reach for my thermometer. I then convert my temp based on my usual temp time and make a note in my chart indicating the difference.

For example: my usual temp time is 6 AM but on weekends I frequently forget to set my alarm and I wake up around 8. I will use a converter and note in on my chart: temped at 8 AM - true temp 97.5, converted temp was 97.2. I chart the converted temp but track of my actual temp via my notes section just in case. Not sure if my method is a good one but it works for me and it reduced the number of peaks and lows on my chart that I knew were inconsistencies due to time. I hope this helps!
Nice advice, Keepingthefaith! Hey Choro, sorry I didn't see this earlier! Yes, I agree with KTF. The time seemed to hold the key for me. You might want to experiment. Take your temp when you get up at 4am and once again whenever you wake up at your normal time. My money is on the 4am being more consistent and reliable because it's after a block of sleep, rather than the later time after you've been tossing and turning. The latter temp might be more erratic and harder to track. So remember, take your temp before you get out of bed at 4am! Just roll over and stick the therm in your mouth!

ETA: Thank you and welcome to the TTC thread! I guess you're going to have a little Aragorn or a little Arwen Evenstar in your near future?
Thank you bliss and keepingthefaith! That helps a lot! We''re not ready to TTC yet, but since I predict fertility issues, I wanted to start now instead of wasting time figuring this stuff out later. My sister gave me a basal thermometer a few years ago but I''ve lost it
. I''ll have to go get one this weekend.

I''m beyond flattered that you remember such details of me! I hope Eldarion will not be too far in the future
Bliss, HMGal, KTF21, Lili, Bella, DC - thank you all for your kind words, they mean a lot.

Anyhoo.........lets get down to business.

So, I''m currently 8dpo and since 5dpo I''ve been experiencing af-type cramps which are so like the witch is about to arrive but there''s nothing there (not due til next Thu/Fri). No changes to cm that are noticeable, bbs feel slightly fuller, have a constant gag feeling in my throat and wee''ing more than usual. I feel different, very hormonal, which is over and above my present situation and what''s going on about me. If I''m not pg then my body is playing games with me cos I feel pg. Im just hoping its not a chemical.

Tested with a 10miu this morning in the vain hope, nada, zip, zilch. Not suprised. Will try and hold off til the middle of next week if I can, but should I develop anymore symptoms, I''ll be on here like a flash.

Hope you all have a good day.

I forgot to add, sore back and superman-strength sense of smell.
oh Po, keeping my fingers crossed for you!

8DPO is so early!
Po -- those signs sound sooo promising! I hope this is it for you!!!

DCGator and HOU-- how are ya'll doing???? When are you testing?

KTF -- any news yet?

Choro -- I remember you from the ring design days as well. Not sure if I was on LIW/BIW at the same time as you, but I recognize your name and avatar. Welcome!!!
Date: 5/12/2010 10:51:32 PM
Author: fiery

DCgator-waiting foe good news!

Lots of dust ladies!!
Hey Miss Fiery!

Thanks for asking about me. I am hanging in there, trying to hold off a couple more days to test...Wish me luck

Btw, OMG, your little one looks like a cherub, how sweet!
And how big she is getting
, how old is she now? Funny enough, I will be back in the old hood this weekend, and I am really looking forward to hitting the beach at some point
Date: 5/14/2010 10:35:50 AM
Author: dcgator

Date: 5/12/2010 10:51:32 PM
Author: fiery

DCgator-waiting foe good news!

Lots of dust ladies!!
Hey Miss Fiery!

Thanks for asking about me. I am hanging in there, trying to hold off a couple more days to test...Wish me luck

Btw, OMG, your little one looks like a cherub, how sweet!
And how big she is getting
, how old is she now? Funny enough, I will be back in the old hood this weekend, and I am really looking forward to hitting the beach at some point
Aw yay! Hope you have fun at the beach this weekend. The weather has been perfect for the beach! And thank you
. She''s 10 months (or 1 month, 2 week, and 4 days until her first birthday...but who''s counting?

Lots and lots of dust!

I''m sure we are all glad to be approaching another weekend sans work and such. I hope you all have nice weather on tap for your weekends so that you can enjoy them. Or, if you are about to embark on your BD''ing marathon, enjoy the great indoors
. Oh, so I found this kinda cool chart I thought I would share with you all. It compares the sensitivity of HPT''s:

While it is not 100% accurate (ie the Clear Blue in the U.S. acutally has a 25 mIU/ml hCG reading level), it is a pretty helpful guide.

KTF: Sorry about the slow to arrive AF, but hopefully she has decided to make her grand entrance so you can get on with your next cycle! Sounds like you are rip roaring to go with your smiley faced OPK''s

Choro: Welcome to the TTC ''hood.
even if you are just dipping your little toe in. I also remember you from the BIW thread, so hello again. As to your questions, I also agree with pp about taking your temp at 4 am (your first wake up) b/c your temp should be taken at a consistent time each day and with as little movement as possible, including rolling around
. And getting a BBT is pretty easy. You can get one at any major drug store or Target. Let us know if you have any other questions as you begin your journey.

Allie: I wish your friend lots of dust (sorry for being late). I hope that she gets some SUPER POSITVE results today

Po: I didn''t realize you were so close (in DPO) with Houie and me. I am 7DPO and I believe Houie is at 8 DPO as well. OMG, I am popping out of my skin to test too, but I am going to try to hold it together. We should totally start a "hang in there" cheer for all us ladies waiting to test! I am totally not trying to read into the signs, but I need something to keep me upbeat about it
. Your signs sound REALLY promising though. Just out of couriosity, where did you get the 10 mIU/ml test. That is crazy sensitive! I wish you luck with waiting to test and LOADS of sticky dust! Good luck my dear

Houie: I know you are probably working a crazy shift schedule right now, but do pop in and let us know how it''s going. When are you going to test? I am going to try to hold off testing till Monday morning, but I guess we''ll see if I can hold it together that long
. Otherwise, how are you feeling?

Lanie: Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling, ok, some possible symptoms, but everything is a guess until I dare to POAS... How are you and your LO doing? Yeah for TTC graduates

Well, I am chugging along at 7 DPO today. I am trying to to read into my symptoms too much, but I can''t help but notice (TMI alert) that I have had lots of creamy CM, which my What to Expect Before You''re Expecting book sites as a possible pregnancy sign. In addition, my tummy was all kinds of wierd the last day or two and I have been really tired too (despite getting about 7 hours of sleep each night), so fingers crossed that this will be it for me! As far as testing is concerned, I am going to try to wait till Monday to test, both for a decent amount of DPO and b/c I am traveling home w/out my husband this weekend. So, if I get a BFP say on Sunday (I don''t get back till Monday), I don''t know if I can keep that kinda secret till I get home
. We shall see though, the temptation might be too great, lol
. I hope the rest of the ladies in the 2WW patience and LOTS of sticky dust!!!
On calll....again. Hmph. So this''ll be a quickie post!

Allie, loads of dust and fingers crossed for your friend!! Do let us know how things turn out!!!

Choro, I agree that the most important thing is a consistent temping time. I temp at 5 am when my phone alarm goes off, no matter what time I''m actually getting up that day. These days I have to go ahead and get up at 5 after I temp, but on my days off I just go back to sleep after!

Po, I''m 8 dpo too! Your symptoms that sounds soooo promising!!! Fingers crossed for you!! I hope your body isn''t playing games with you like mine did last month.
Keep us updated!!

Lanie, thanks for asking! :) Hope your MS is getting better!

DC - yup, I''m 8 dpo. Creamy CM and being tired sounds promising! Good luck waiting till Monday...I''ve already pulled out the IC tests, but we all know I''m a POAS-aholic.


I''m 8 dpo today....temp up about .2 degrees from yesterday''s. Have a little tummy off-ness and gas, as well as watery/creamy CM and sooooooooo tired. But it''s hard to interpret the tiredness when I''m in the PICU working so hard. Used an internet cheapie this morning, BFN. Not POASing again till tomorrow morning...we''ll seeeee!! I hope I hope I hope!
fingers crossed for HOU, DG, PO and everyone else in the 2ww!!!
Just a drive by, so sorry for not responding to everyone...

Po - really just wanted to offer my condolences... I am happy to hear you were with your FIL and that he went peacefully, but it''s a deep loss and I hope you and your DH are doing ok. Whether it''s this month or soon, having a new life to celebrate will be a wonderful experience for your family. (Although your symptoms make it seem like it very well could be THIS month - dustx10)

Smurfy, DCgator, Houie, Krissie, Po - GOOD luck with your 2ww. I signing on hoping for the new round of BFP to start coming in. Pulling for you guys.

lili - thanks for the hugs, I appreciate them :)

Cutluver, KTF - I hope your predictions are wrong and your are just late BFP people. But I do think sometimes you do just know... boohiss. Dealing with the disappointment is tough but I hope you have fun weekends planned to take your minds off things.

Scarlet and choro - I am also a BAD sleeper and I just resolved to set my alarm for 5am and hope I was able to at least string together 3 hours before that. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don''t. You can experiment in the beginning and take a few different times and see how much a difference things make. Good luck!

Miscka - I would be pretty embarrassed if anyone saw my amazon recent purchases - how can you explain instead cups, vit B6, raspberry leaf tea, and preseed to the outside world?

Emeraldlover and choro - you ladies are smart to be planning ahead... fingers crossed you have an easy time getting preggers but the more prepared you are the better.

Allie - dust dust dust... hope you report back with good news for your friend.

FYI - I think that site - Beautiful Cervix is awesome. I give that woman so much credit and I wish that kind of honest information about our bodies was easier to get.


CD76 - yawn. Nothing new to report. 8 weeks of acupuncture and herbs down... no change. I knew it would take time and not be a miracle, but I am feeling a little disappointed. I made OB and RE appointments for end of May and mid June, so we move forward from there. Since my presenting issue is ammenorhea and ovulation disfunction it should, in theory, be easy to treat... it''s been 9 months since coming off BC... I know some sources say it can take a year... but come on.

Not loving my OB so if Bliss or Bella would not mind sharing the info on yours that would be great. Not sure how that all works with the moderator??
Date: 5/14/2010 12:34:24 PM
Author: Ryan Claire

Miscka - I would be pretty embarrassed if anyone saw my amazon recent purchases - how can you explain instead cups, vit B6, raspberry leaf tea, and preseed to the outside world?


CD76 - yawn.
The highlighted part made me giggle - I remember when I was in highschool I worked at a pharmacy part time and one of the bigger aspects of our training was not reacting to a customer''s purchases because people frequently buy personal items at most pharmacies. Well, I remember this one time a lady came into the store and purchased a pregnancy test, maxi pads, tampons and condoms. It felt like I was being set up by a corporate secret shopper because the combination seemed so odd to me at the time. Of course now it doesn''t seem quite sooo odd (although the condoms will probably always throw me off).

RC - I am sorry you are still hanging around waiting for AF. I''m doing the same - although I am only CD28 I certainly have my worries that AF will not return for some time. According to my last few cycles (with Mirena), I am actually a day late right now but my temps are not reflective of pregnancy so I have that possibility completely out of my mind. I am just trying to figure out what my new "normal" is and quite frankly, right now my body feels anything but normal. I''m trying to stay positive but at the same time I feel my hopes slipping a bit each day. My heart truly goes out to you and I will keep hoping for a positive turn around for you! Am I prying too much by asking what form of BC you were on prior to TTC?

Allie - Any news on your friends outcome??

PO - I''ll be hoping for you over the next few days!!!

Lanie - Thanks for asking - still waiting for AF to drop in....still hoping it will be annnnyyyyy day now....

DC - I will be thinking of you...even I am not sure I can wait for Monday to hear about your test!

HOU - Nothing wrong with being a POAS-aholic - that''s why they sell ''em in bulk quantities!
Po... you sound really preggo to me! The af-type cramping since 5DPO, fuller bbs and increased frequency of pee...and the sense of smell going thru the roof.... um... wait a few days and test again! SUPER DUPER DUST TO YOU!

dcgator.... SUPER DUPER DUST TO YOU! Sorry the 2WW is such torture! It really really is!!! 7DPO... signs look good... oh, all we need is a few more days! Oh, lots and lots of dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fiery, your cherub is the sweetest - dcgator is so right!

HOU... remember last time you were preggo and I said I'd bet money on it? Um - the tummy upset and gas... that is VERY familiar... no? Usually that's a surge in hormones, right? Did you have diarrhea, too? Wait a few days and test... I think you may be KTFU! Squee!!!

HEY BELLA! Hope you're getting ready for your BD marathon! You're so lucky to have shorter cycles! More chances to try!

Ryan Claire... ohhhh, lots of hugs. Is there a shot a doctor can give you to bring on your period? I'm sorry if that's a dumb question. I know after I had my m/c, I was thinking about getting it because it took so long for me to get mine back. I am sending major AF dust your way! It sounds like they could easily get you back on track - hope the days fly by before your OB and RE appointments. It will be a relief to know what is going on and to treat it... Oh, are you in NY? I would be happy to give you the name of my OB. I'll msg the admin!

KTF!!! Sending AF vibes! Don't worry! She will come soon!!!!!!


OK, ladies in the 2WW! Eat pineapple plus the core! Zen zen zen... positive sticky dust!

There are quite a few of you ladies using the Wondfo Early Detection Preggo strips - and I wanted to pass along some info that would have helped me. The second BFP line does NOT come up immediately unless you are further along. The pink kind of washes along the strip and you immediately get the control line...and negative space in the test line area. You have to WAIT to let the reactions take place... and then slowly the other pink line will appear (during the 2 min or so) but not immediately. So don't be crushed when you see an immediate BFN because mine were all that way the first couple of days when I got my faint BFPs... For some reason, those tests need to "marinate" a bit before the test line appears within the alotted time. But if you're like me, you'd lose patience and throw it out after you didn't get an immediate bfp! It wasn't until 13 DPO where the test line came up immediately... so don't throw those sticks away!!!!

Lots of dust, ladies!!!!!
Wow, so many of you are close getting an answer soon.
Good luck to Po, dcgator, HouMedGal
Hope to see some BFP by the end of this weekend.

Any news?

I hope you have your little bundle of joy soon!
You got to post a pic of those "smiley" OPK when you get them.
Sorry about the hectic schedule.
TGIF now and hopefully you can relax and enjoy the rest of the week.

That would be something else to share a bday w/ your little one.
Mine almost share my wedding anniversay. She came out a few days before EDD though, so it was off 5 days.''s harder but definitely less up and downs during the 2WW.
I guess after months and months of getting my hopes up only to be crushed by the glaring red presence of AF, I''ve learned to just chill and not really think much of it until my AF is at least 5 days overdue. It''s harder in the BD department in that we have work and a kid who only needs little sleep. She''ll fight us and stall every night to stay up just a little longer. So every little time for cudding if you know what I mean.

KTF and RyanClaire
Sending you both AF dust.

Sending dust to your friend.
Hope she gets some wonderful news soon.

Have a great weekend ladies!
it didn''t happened for my friend and her hubby. When I heard the news I went to my car and cried. She seems to have a much better outlook on things, they are moving onto IVF next, our work insurance pays for 2 rounds so she is hoping for a July and an August round. Thank you for all of your dust!
KTF: I felt like such a wack job when I had to go to the pharmacy after my m/c. I had cytotec to induce the m/c, percocet for the pain, a big pack of maxi pads bc I was anticipating the cytotec to WORK and I was told id be filling pads quickly, a pregnancy test to see if i was still testing postive...and to top it off a prescription for BC bc I decided we wanted to wait until the end of the year to ttc, a box of saltines, and some lemon drops. I wanted to add in a bottle of wine, but couldn''t bring myself to do it.
Allie - So sorry to hear about your friend. 4 years is such a long time to be patient

catluver - don't discount this month until AF shows. I know it's hard to do, but let me tell you!! Last cycle I said the entire month, this just isn't our month. I just feel it, it's not going to happen this month. And all month my DH kept telling me that I was wrong and that our peanut was already there. So let that be my lesson for the day

PO, dcgator, HOU and everyone else, tons of dust for the TWW
I have such a good feeling about you ladies!!
Hi everyone! Well, I''m officially out and on CD1 now. My cycles have gotten progressively shorter from 31 to 28 days, and I''ve been having several days of spotting pre-CD1, so maybe my cycles are still normalizing from the pill. Going one more step next time and will try the Instead cups!

I read about some app (iPhone I think) that allows your DH to track your cycles so he can plan business trips around them, etc. I have no idea what app it is or whether it''s any different from a regular charting app for yourself, but when I saw that, I thought of you all.

Po, it really sounds like you''re having preg symptoms! I''m sorry about your FIL; that must be so difficult being so sudden.

dcgator, I know it''s sooo hard to wait those last few days! Your signs sound promising. Good luck! I am trying not to stress about work to make sure my eggies stay happy. Thanks for the link about the tests. I bought a bunch from "early pregnancy tests" that are only 50ml and they cost more than the more sensitive ones from Amazon that bliss mentioned, so I will definitely check those out when mine run out.

Hou, can''t wait to hear about your results too! At least your busy-ness keeps your mind off obsessing about TTC, maybe? Dust to you! Thanks for your message. I am taking the average 6 months to heart and if it doesn''t work after that, off to the dr.!

Ryan Claire, thanks for the thoughts. I''m sorry you are still waiting for AF. The end of May is not too far off.

KTF, you never know, you may get AF soon. Thanks for your message, I am trying to stay positive.

lili, sorry it has been months of getting your hopes up. I''m starting to know how you feel! I''m hoping to be able to chill too, but I doubt I''ll be able to do that until AF is due, even. Thanks for the message. Your 18DPO story will give me hope in the future!

Kunz, thanks for the thoughts. Unfortunately this time wasn''t it, but I hope to join you soon.

Bella, sorry work has been so difficult. Hope it''s not wreaking too much havoc on TTC!

brightlight, thanks. My MIL asks DH every time they talk whether I''m pregnant too. I wonder if we waited too long too, but there''s nothing I can do about that now. I just really wasn''t mentally ready to even accept the possibility of being pregnant before I decided to go off the pill, so it is what it is.
So the doubt is now here.

I''m now doubting everything I''m feeling and wondering if its all in my head and I''m focusing on this too much because I so want something good to happen just now. I''m sure I''m not alone with my thoughts but its getting so hard especially when I was around my extended family last night and there were about a bazillion kids and my heart was soaring. I could really see it affecting dh as he so desperately wants a baby and he''s in such a sad place just now that it would be amazing for him. Grrrr, its just all too much at times isn''t it?

I''ve seen both the sadness and the joy on here with the latter being in the majority thankfully of late but us ttc women are amazing. No matter what is thrown at us and how sad we are when we don''t see that +ve, we brush ourselves down and look forward to the next month. The prize at the end of all our hardwork is certainly worth it and if my mind and body are playing a cruel trick on me at a time I least need it, then I''ll deal with it, as every other woman in my position has done and I''ll keep going as my biggest achievement is just around the corner.

Blimey, writing it down gets it off your chest!
CD2 here. I haven''t been posting much b/c I don''t want to drive myself crazy! haha.

Congrats to all the lovely ladies who got BFP''s in the last couple months and to those waiting, sending baby dust your way!! Keep your head up, it will happen for all of us when the time is right!