
The Official TTC Thread!


Due to a "work emergency" I am still at work and missed capoeira

Today was just rotten all around

Hope you lovely ladies had a much better day.

Maybe someone will get a nice blazing BFP--that would cheer me up

I''m going to swing by the store in a few hours on my way home to see if I can find some of those smiley face opks:-)
Sooo I found this site called my beautiful cervix. It's not for the squeamish, warning, not for the squeamish!!!
Anyways, a student midwife and her boyfriend documented her entire cycle for a full 30 days i believe. It's actually really interesting but if you do not have a strong stomach you may not want to look....definitely helps to determine different kinds of cm though for sure. If this is innapropriate please feel free to have it removed lol

**Edited by Moderator. Please keep the links family friendly**
Ahh thought that might happen, oh well, it still was pretty interesting, my apologies
ugh double post...bloated fingers a sign of pregnancy? no probably not lol
Bliss, congratulations, im so happy for you
sending you lots of sticky dust

Smurfy, i know you put a warning...but
i think my eyes are broken
no really...
Date: 5/11/2010 4:44:28 PM
Author: Bliss
Po, I am SO sorry about your FIL. Wanted to pop in to give you big hugs and dust. On the 5DPO cramping, it''s definitely possible to have implantation cramps that early. They even say it could start as early as 3DPO in rare cases. I had shooting cramps in the center of my uterus on the morning of 5DPO. My last pregnancy, I also had cramps on 5DPO but on the right side. If they are implantation cramps, you might be able to get a result in 3-4 days. Super hugs and dust for you. Just rest a lot because emotionally, you are going through so much.
Thankf for your kind words and hugs Bliss.

I''m just all over the place but I never get mid-cycle cramps so its very unusual and af isn''t due for another week. I can only wait and see. I''ll hangoff testing as long as I can.


Date: 5/12/2010 12:40:22 AM
Author: Blackpaw
Bliss, congratulations, im so happy for you
sending you lots of sticky dust

Smurfy, i know you put a warning...but
i think my eyes are broken
no really...

lol I lurk on here for now but I am one of the unfortunate ones that clicked on that link as well.
I am still in shock!
lol The warning was not strong enough for that link!
Good Morning, Ladies! :)

Smurfy, I''ve seen that site before...pretty interesting! Definitely not for the squeamish, though. :) It takes a lot to gross me out (which is appropriate for a''s kinda hard to be a doc if the human body makes you squeamish! :) )

Bella, BOOOOOO for "work emergencies." I hope you do get to go to capoeira sometime soon! And I hope you found your smiley face OPK''s! :)

Bliss, you are such sweetheart.
I always appreciate your love and support! YOU are gonna be an awesome mom!!

Po, I am so very sorry to hear about your FIL. I''m glad you are able to be there to support your DH through this. Big hugs to both of you. Cramps are definitely a potentially good sign...I had them on 8 dpo with my last pregnancy (on the same day I had a mondo implantation dip on my chart!) and then got my 1st faint BFP the next day on 9 dpo! Gooooooood luck to you!!!

CatLuver, chin up, my dear! The girls are right, it''s not over till AF shows up!! But I understand what you mean about just not feeling it...if this isn''t your month, I wish you all the best for next month! Remember, it takes ON AVERAGE 6 months for a perfectly fertile couple. I know it seems like everyone else is getting preggo so fast, but plenty of other people have to try for awhile. Hugs!!!

Sweetlime, good luck on this new cycle!!

Krissie, good luck lady!! So I guess you''re probably 1 dpo today??

Keepingthefaith, any news???

Dcgator, how are you holdin'' up?? I guess you''re 5 dpo today, right? Any interesting symptoms to report??


Nothing too exciting here...I am 6 dpo today and getting itchy to pee on a stick! LOL! No real symptoms to report so far today....although I had a weird temp spike yesterday. ?? I will post my chart later tonight when I get home.
The link froze my computer because the images were so big! That''s not exactly what I want stuck on my computer screen, poor DH was a bit put off by it!
Thanks all for the recommendations on TCOYF. I received it yesterday and read like a maniac.

Question though, in order to get accurate temps, she suggests having 3 hours of sleep. I am a NOTORIOUSLY bad sleeper and only sleep for stretches of maybe 2+ hours at a time and doze in and out a lot (rather than have cycles of REM). Will this affect my temp'ing? And if so, what should I do?

Also, when should I temp? Like do I need to temp "immediately" when I wake up or can I lie in bed for a little bit before I stick the thermometer in?
Had my temp spike, and cervix dropped - I''m pretty positive that I''m 1 DPO today

We couldn''t wrassle the energy to DTD last night. Instead, we ordered pizza and fell asleep on the couch
Blackpaw! Super hugs! Oh, your kitty is so precious! Awww, thank you for the sticky vibes! Super fairy dust to you!

Po, VERY excited for you!!!! Squeee! Eat some pineapple, girlfriend!

Smurfy! Get yourself TCOYF!!!! You will love it!

HOU!!!! Woooooohooo! 2WW! Torture, isn't it? Don't worry about not having any real symptoms. I didn't have any either. I still don't have the ouchie BBs!

Bella, sorry about the work trifecta of stress, deadlines and crap! Hope you're feeling better today. Glad you got through it though, sister! You're a strong woman!

Scarlet! YAY for TCOYF!!!! OK, so what you have to do is experiment. A lot of us wake up to go to the bathroom or etc. The standard protocol seems to be setting your alarm about an hour or so before your true wakeup time. Temp and go back to sleep. Get a BBT therm that stores your temps so you don't have to write it down. The key is to be consistent. So even if you wake up or etc, try to stay in bed if it's near your temp time. FF will adjust for the temps you take at a different time on your chart by making them white instead of blue. And try to take your temps at the same time - it's OK if they are a little wonky because you're looking for the OVERALL bigger pattern.
Oh, and to answer your other question... You should temp immediately when your alarm goes off - don't move too much, don't drink anything, don't talk or etc. Just roll over and temp...keep your therm close so you can limit your movements before you temp. I know, it sounds extreme but you really want be as accurate as possible! You can do it!!!!

Krissie! YAY!!!!!! Ovulation Celebration!!!!!

Hit it!
Ovulation Celebration Song

Hugs and love, everyone!!!!! Eat your pineapple and think positive thoughts!!!

Date: 5/12/2010 11:30:57 AM
Author: scarlet16
Thanks all for the recommendations on TCOYF. I received it yesterday and read like a maniac.

Question though, in order to get accurate temps, she suggests having 3 hours of sleep. I am a NOTORIOUSLY bad sleeper and only sleep for stretches of maybe 2+ hours at a time and doze in and out a lot (rather than have cycles of REM). Will this affect my temp''ing? And if so, what should I do?

Also, when should I temp? Like do I need to temp ''immediately'' when I wake up or can I lie in bed for a little bit before I stick the thermometer in?
Hi Scarlet16 - I am no professional here as I have only been at the temping charting game since Janaury and this is my first true cycle (up until the end of April, I had an IUD in. I was temping and charting to learn how the process works and to see if I did indeed ovulate on the IUD).

I too am a light sleeper. My OB said tha my sleeping habbits shouldn''t cause too much difference in my charting because I am consistantly sleeping in the 3 hours or less pattern. I am also a mouth breather at night which can make some of my temps look scarily low. To try and combat those days I will make sure I close my mouth until it is not dry before I temp. I always temp immediately after I wake up before I laze about in bed and certainly before I move out of bed (quite a challenge on mornings where I have to go to the bathroom badly!) - some mornings I doze back into sleep while I am temping - thank goodness those digital thermometers save your last temp! Also, sometimes I am not very good about waking up early enough - when those days happen I use a tool that will recalculate the difference in my temp due to time of day. So far this tool is handy and had stopped a lot of the absurd spikes and drops I saw as a result of temping too early or too late.

Good luck to you on your journey!

HOU - Thanks for asking! Nothing much brewing here - just waiting for AF to show up. My BBs are not very tender any longer. I am still holding off on testing as I truly believe AF will be visiting. If she does not I would be more inclined to believe that my body is still regulating after being off BC. One thing I have noticed that has made me very happy is how beautiful my skin is without the Mirena. I never realized how much it impacted my skin until it was gone! My face is no longer red, oily and blotchy instead it is now rosy, soft and clear- I am loving it!

Bella - If you found your smiley face OPK''s I anxiously await your review!

Po - I am sorry to hear of your FIL''s passing. It would truly be amazing if you were to find out you are indeed expecting - the circle of life works in vastly mysterious ways.

CatLuver - I totally understand where you are coming from in regards to just not feeling it this month. Keep your thoughts positive and keep on trying. Don''t let folks who are getting pregnant quickly make you question if there is something wrong with you. Just look back at all the threads from ladies who were on here for months, some years - it''s not always a slam dunk process. Just remember, we''re all in the same boat - you have plenty of support on here!

DCGator - How are things moving along for you??
DC know you can go 2 wks pass your EDD before you are considered overdue right?
There are quite a number of PS preggos that went close to 42 wks.
So you never know.
Fingers crossed for your second line this month.

Hope this cycle is it for you too.

I always enjoy reading your posts.
Your energy just radiates through the screen.
Lots of sticky dust to you.
Thanks for the link to the Ovulation''s too funny.

Awww..chin the other ladies said, it aint over until AF shows.
I''ve said it before and I''ll say it again, mine test was stark white when I tested 15 DPO.
And I got a faint line at 18DPO (and this was w/ first morning pee too).
Fingers crossed for you too.

*hugs* I''m so sorry to hear about your FIL.
That would be bitter sweet if you are KU.
Good luck.

HMG symptoms can be good.
The 2 time I got my BFP were when I had no symptoms at all.
I even felt the slight itching of impending AF.
I hope this month is it for you 3 (DC and Krissie).
I know I''m forgetting someone.
Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows
So many new mum-to-be!! So exciting!
Congratulations to all you beautiful ladies!

ICEKID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 5/12/2010 3:04:01 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved
Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows
Menstrual cramps at 6 dpo??? Are your cycles very irregular?
Lili-Everytime I see your avatar I smile:-) She is so adorable!!!

Keeping the faith-I went to 3, count them 3, drug stores in NYC today (and it is freezing btw!!!) and can''t find the smiley kind:-( I have a bunch of Amazon cheapies left so I think I''ll use them up and I am going to try the PreSeed next week. If I find smiley OLKs I''ll buy them, but I just don''t have time to look around any more. I''m still scared to try the Instead cups, which I also have been looking for and haven''t found. So...I think we''ll just give it a go with one new variable, the pre-seed, for this month. (and maybe HH''s legs over the head move
) and if I get BFN I will "celebrate" by going on a conception-related amazon shopping spree

CatLuver-I hear you! Most of my friends got pregnant by accident or very quickly, but there are some who have been trying for a long time so I am just trying to have faith and realize that this is totally out of my control
Very hard for my type-A-self
Hope you get a BFP this month still, or that it is soon coming next month!

Po-I''m sorry about your FIL and hope that you are able to take some time with your DH right now.

Krissie-Sounds like a great O!!!! Hope it''s a winner!!!

XOXO to everyone I missed I am still swamped at work and need to get cracking!
Date: 5/12/2010 3:47:30 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo

Keeping the faith-I went to 3, count them 3, drug stores in NYC today (and it is freezing btw!!!) and can't find the smiley kind:-( I have a bunch of Amazon cheapies left so I think I'll use them up and I am going to try the PreSeed next week. If I find smiley OLKs I'll buy them, but I just don't have time to look around any more. I'm still scared to try the Instead cups, which I also have been looking for and haven't found. So...I think we'll just give it a go with one new variable, the pre-seed, for this month. (and maybe HH's legs over the head move
) and if I get BFN I will 'celebrate' by going on a conception-related amazon shopping spree
Oh wow - I didn't realize the smiley faces were so gosh darn popular! I have only seen the packs of 7 around here - I'd rather the 20 pack since I'm new to the game I need a few more tests than 7 since I test earlier than necessary. I hope in a few months I will have a better idea of interpreting my chart and pinning down my cycle length so I won't need 20 tests. I give PreSeed two thumbs up. Heck, I may never go back. I like it that much! When DH and I DTD even when I know I am not going to O, we still use it. Just keep in mind, a little dab will do - the first time I used it I used a bit too much.

And I love the idea of treating yourself to a conception related amazon shopping spree if you get a BFN. Pretty good idea turning something that would otherwise be disappointing into something you get a "reward" for. I like the way you think!
Hello ladies,

Happy hump day to you all. Only two more days left in the week
. I hope everyone is hanging in there!

Bella: No worries, I am happy to be the list keeper. I am sorry about your awful day and you having to miss Capoiera b/c of stupid work. Seriously, they should know better than to keep you from your class
. Next time you should tell them that it creates balance and makes you a more productive employee if you can get exercise
I hope that you will be able to find your smiley face OPK and that today is a better day for you. Big HUG!

Krissie: Yeah for O''ing. It sounds like you gave yourself a good shot with BD''ing on Monday, so I wouldn''t worry to much about last night. I hope everything comes back ok for your DH too. Welcome to the 2WW, may it be a fruitful one

Bliss: I am going to have to make a trip to Whole Foods and see if I can''t find that Yogi mama tea. Thanks for the tip! Btw, I just watched the Ovulation video, OMG what a RIOT!
I don''t know how you found it, but please feel free to keep the giggles coming
Also, thanks for the inspiring words. You bring such a peace and happiness to the thread, I don''t know how we made it without you

Sweetlime: Yeah for getting to a new cycle. I really hope the clomid does the trick for you this cycle. Lots of luck!

Catluver: I am sorry to hear about the BFN. I know that it is easy to blame yourself or think something is wrong with you b/c you can''t get pregnant right away like others (ie my firend who got pregnant 2 weeks after stopping the pill
when she wasn''t even trying), but don''t get down on yourself sweetie. For the rest of us, it does take time to get KU. And when push comes to shove, it really is out of our control. We can do everything to help it along, but sometimes, all the TTC business can just be a BIG lesson in patience. And yes, I think stress has a lot to do with it. Hang in there and hopefully it will happen for you soon. BIG (((HUG))). And like the other ladies said, it ain''t over til the fat lady sings!

Po: I am soooo very sorry for your family''s loss. That is just terrible. I will keep your FIL in my prayers. I really hope that your cramps mean something good and that with the passing of one life, another will come to be. Do check in when you can and I wish you peace when dealing with this awful turn of events. EXTREMELY BIG (((((HUG)))))

Houie: Hello my cycle and soon-to-be pregnant buddy
. Glad to hear all is going well with you. I am hanging in there today. I *think* I was having some cramps late last night/this morning, but I am not sure. Oh well, I am taking your wait and see approach. I am getting kinda itchy to POAS stick too though. I am actually going away this weekend, so I am trying to decide if I should do it while away from my DH or just wait till I get back on Monday, ohhh, the suspense! We shall see though. When are you going to test?

KTF: Thanks for asking about me. I am hanging in there and trying to get myself busy so I don''t think about the 2WW. Grr, this it totally a lesson in patience for me, but I am trying to keep calm and positve
Yeah for the nice skin. That I''m sure was a pleasant side effect. I am still holding out some hope that you may get a surprise BFP. Stranger things have happened around here

Lili: Lol, yes, so I have heard...
. Although, if I did make it to 42 weeks, the potential LO could be born on my b-day. How crazy would that be!
We''ll see though, you do indeed never know... How about you, how is the baby making coming? Is it easier the second time or still the same drama? Thanks for the well wishes and I will hopefully have some happy news by the end of the weekend

Well, I am 5DPO today and rolling right along. I am trying to think lots of happy thoughts and be little Miss positive. I still have a pretty good feeling about this month, and hope that my combination of a serious BD''ing marathon, the HH "legs over the head" approach, and lovely CM will result in a big + HPT. We shall see though
. Lots of happy thoughts to all you other ladies, wherever you may be in your cycles!
Date: 5/12/2010 3:34:46 PM
Author: kama_s
Date: 5/12/2010 3:04:01 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows

Menstrual cramps at 6 dpo??? Are your cycles very irregular?

Nope they show up at the same time every month (give or take a day because not all months have the same number of days i assume) why?
Date: 5/12/2010 7:37:57 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved

Date: 5/12/2010 3:34:46 PM
Author: kama_s

Date: 5/12/2010 3:04:01 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows

Menstrual cramps at 6 dpo??? Are your cycles very irregular?

Nope they show up at the same time every month (give or take a day because not all months have the same number of days i assume) why?
Because normally menstrual cycle begins 14 days post ovulation.
Hi ladies! Sorry to be so MIA lately, I am definitely following along, reading on my phone! I hate posting on it, for whatever reason.

Middle of finals and DHs sick Dad, but we have managed to BD quite a bit, I am CD14 (!!!) today, and I think I oed between here and 16 last month (screw temp on CD 15 from drinking, le sigh).

Anyway, because of all the craziness I havent temped AT ALL this cycle, and its kind of liberating! I forgot what day I was a lot. We''ve been BDing every day since 11, using preseed and Instead (WHICH I LOVE!) so I am hopeful! Also I hope the 2ww passes as quickly as the first half did.

Krissie, yay for O!

KTF, I never thought about the skin/Mirena thing but I had a similar experience!

Bella, dont let Instead intimidate you, its actually pretty awesome for the clean-up factor. I also love the Amazon spree, I pretty much did that last month! BFN...ordering some preseed and B vitamins! Lol.
Date: 5/12/2010 8:35:44 PM
Author: kama_s
Date: 5/12/2010 7:37:57 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Date: 5/12/2010 3:34:46 PM

Author: kama_s

Date: 5/12/2010 3:04:01 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows

Menstrual cramps at 6 dpo??? Are your cycles very irregular?

Nope they show up at the same time every month (give or take a day because not all months have the same number of days i assume) why?

Because normally menstrual cycle begins 14 days post ovulation.

OH! The reason I was confused is I normally get pre menstrual cramping and then a few days later I get AF, I guess I am abnormal lol
Date: 5/12/2010 10:29:35 PM
Author: Smurfyimproved

Date: 5/12/2010 8:35:44 PM
Author: kama_s

Date: 5/12/2010 7:37:57 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Date: 5/12/2010 3:34:46 PM

Author: kama_s

Date: 5/12/2010 3:04:01 PM

Author: Smurfyimproved

Lol sorry to whomever clicked on the link and ESPECIALLY to HH who got it frozen on her screen!!

6 dpo and have had very very slight menstrual cramps all day...usually i get them full on and they are very painful so who knows

Menstrual cramps at 6 dpo??? Are your cycles very irregular?

Nope they show up at the same time every month (give or take a day because not all months have the same number of days i assume) why?

Because normally menstrual cycle begins 14 days post ovulation.

OH! The reason I was confused is I normally get pre menstrual cramping and then a few days later I get AF, I guess I am abnormal lol many dpo do you normally get your period? Even eight days is really short and could signal a hormonal imbalance that will affect you when you try and get pregnant. Before I started temping I thought that I ovulated 6 days before my period based on my body changes but once I started temping I proved myself wrong. My OB almost laughed me out the door when I told her that I thought I ovulated 6 days before my period. I have short cycles but even so I ususally get my period at 12 dpo. My suggestion would be to temp for a few months and figure out your patterns that is unless you are currently TTC.

For the record, we are not TTC but we plan to within the next year. I am overly anal and wanted to get to know my body early on given my thyroid imbalance issues so I started charting a year ago.
EM1-I saw your name and "ran" over to say congrats lol! Thought another former LIW was ttc

Anyway, I think perhaps Smurfy may be trying to say that she thinks she feels cramping from implantation.

DCgator-waiting foe good news!

Lots of dust ladies!!
Date: 5/12/2010 10:51:32 PM
Author: fiery
EM1-I saw your name and ''ran'' over to say congrats lol! Thought another former LIW was ttc

Anyway, I think perhaps Smurfy may be trying to say that she thinks she feels cramping from implantation.

DCgator-waiting foe good news!

Lots of dust ladies!!
LOL, Fiery!! Not yet! We are in the mix of an apartment renovation, DH is looking for a new job, and we want to go on another big vacation before we give in to the urge. The only challenge is that I will be 31 in a few weeks and we want to have two kids so I know that time isn''t on our side. This year and next are big for us in terms of what we want to accomplish before ttc so we will see. I want to start trying in July of 2011.

Personally, I''m scared that I won''t be able to get KU. I had a ton of issues after I went of BC but that was almost five years ago. I''ve had consistent cycles every 26 - 28 days now but the fact that I''m on progesterone and thyroid meds, I''m concerend. My gyn doesn''t seem concerened but she has me charting anyway so that if we don''t get pregnant right away she will be able to help us.

Is it weird that I still don''t feel old enough to have a child??
I have short AF days, 3-4 days tops.
I usually can tell Im ovulating by the cm and a type of cramp ive just learned to recognize over the years. Other than extreme cramping and occasional nausea the first day of af, its been pretty normal. It was totally normal, right to the tee when i was on birth control but had to be taken off it bc it gave me high blood pressure. I think unless it's been more than 6 months, dh and i will just keep trying on our own and then after that if we still aren't having anything happen we will get checked out again (more indepthly that a word? lol) but hopefully we wont have to wait 6 months, we'll see
but to answer the question, af usually comes 13-14 dpo
Well ladies, I am taking myself out for this month; according to my chart at least. I had a small temp drop the other day and a much larger one today - both below the cover line. At CD27 12 DPO this is exactly what I expected to see. I am hoping that AF drops in soon so I can feel confident that my cycles are right back on track; I need her to come along before I will feel like my cycles are somewhat regular. I feel like she is calling from the airport asking for a ride but I do not want to be overanalyzing every single thing - I'm just gonna let her do her thing.

Now I am focusing on the next big hope: a nice big O the end of May! (and maybe finding a box of 20 smiley face OPK testers too - my first real cycle deserves the fun testers, right?)

I hope everyone else in the 2WW is hanging in there - looking forward to a few more BFPs!!
KTF-sorry it''s not a BFP, but glad that your cycle seems to be right on track
Hope AF shows up, is nice to you, and that you can get a spectacular O (of all kinds
) at the end of May