
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PilsnPinkysMom said:
8DPO and spotting, right on schedule. I jinx myself by posting on here. :knockout:

Ugh. I'm sorry PPM!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Some weird things have happened in the last week - foot cramps, left sided mild cramping sensations, revolting acid reflux in the mornings the last 3 days - but could all be related to just normal cycle I guess. I don't want to get my hopes up too much as I really really do think we missed the boat. But I am so tempted to test.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM - :( I hope next cycle is the one.

Pancake - I'm right there with you lady! CD5 is ridiculously early to test, but the heartburn is persisting (although lessened, thank god) and yesterday I was crampy and really emotional. Let's hope I'm not getting my hopes up for nothing...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pancake - I am on your boat in ways. Hoping it's positive for you though!

Anchor - Do you mean 5DPO? CD5 is too early to test for OPK I guess? lol!

I'm at CD29, 18 DPO. No sign of my normal spotting before AF. No nothing really. I had some mild pain that I couldn't distinguish b/t heartburn or boob pain. But it's gone now. Otherwise. Just. Nothing. I had my normal Pre AF bloating that is normally followed by spotting, but bloating is gone and no spotting. But also No NOTHING. There's just nooooooooooooooooothing happening. I haven't slept well this week, I do know that. Lots of tossing and turning, and I can't decide if I'm hot, or cold. The temperature has fluctuated a lot this week outside, so our house has as well. Plus last night, Sasha, or diva dog (she's a yorkie shih tzu mix. self explanatory.) decided she was going to lay Like this ------- /| with the left perpendicular line being SO and the right line being me and the horizontals being her. She took up an entire half of the bed!!!!!!!!! And SO just let her do it. Just Pppfhhhh We'll move over. I lasted a good three hours before I had enough and coaxed her down between my feet, which is her normal spot. SO just acted like he was sooooooooooo relieved. Like he couldn't have asked her to move himself???? (Yes, we ask her. I have yet to figure out how to tell her to do anything.)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, I meant 5DPO, sorry.

dragonfly - 18DPO and nothing happening? TCOYF would say you're preggo... When did you last test?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tested at 10DPO with a neg, but also still only had that blue dye test left. Haven't tested again since then.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Dragon- you're not temping right? And there is some question about when you perhaps O'd?

Cause anchor is right- if you are really 18 days past ovulating that's PREGNANT. So...TEST! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Right there is some question. At CD10 (once I shifted FF) I had a faded positive but positive opk. Otherwise, would assume I O'd that same Wed, two days later (didn't do an OPK that day, forgot). I normally have a 30 day cycle. I'm on CD29 with pretty much nothing. Just. Nothing. I almost don't want to test unless I'm late, it'd just disappoint me. But SO is also asking me when I'm gonna start AF. THANKS SO for bringing it to my attention over and over lol!!!

P.S. No I am not Temping. Did OPK b/c I had some on hand that I ordered a loooong time ago as part of prevention actions. Otherwise, we've just said whatever will be will be.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

aviastar|1385139821|3561307 said:
Hey Dragon- you're not temping right? And there is some question about when you perhaps O'd?

Cause anchor is right- if you are really 18 days past ovulating that's PREGNANT. So...TEST! :lol:

What they said!! A lot of what you said sounds like early pregnancy signs to me (based on what I've read since I've never been pregnant myself).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well I'm sure you ALL know what I did on my lunch break. RIGHT? :shock: Pancake. I'm going to bet you are. Why? B/C I NEED A BUDDY.
This is gonna be interesting with me job hunting. BUT in 6 months I can nanny for my friends with twins.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

GAH! I knew it! Congratulations!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dragonfly - CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's fabulous news!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OK so I tested this morning (?12DPO) and got a BFN.

Feeling queasy (obv too early for MS even if I were preg) and gross, just generally NQR, but no other infective symptoms to suggest it's a virus or anything. Bought a pack of FRERs this morning, thinking about whether to give them a shot tomorrow morning or just wait to see if AF comes by Tuesday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hooray!!! Congrats Dragon!!!!

Anchor & Pancake, fingers crossed for you. Hoping all your symptoms is a good sign.

AFM: Not much to add. Feeling sick today. Took the day off and slept ALL AFTERNOON. Now I can't sleep! Between drinking coffee after dinner and my FIVE HOUR NAP in the afternoon, I can barely sleep. pretty bad. I *think* I'll be Oing some time between Thanksgivng and Dec 1. Nov's been a pretty crappy trifecta month for me (friend's passing, brother's surgery and sis moving away), so hopefully that means I deserve a BFP soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CONGRATS dragonfly!

Good luck everyone!
Congrats DF!!

Sorry about the BFN and that you're feeling cruddy Pancake. I hope you feel better soon.

What a whammy of a month LC. That's sounds like a lot to go through in the span of a few weeks. From what you've mentioned here you are really choose with your sister. I can imagine her absence will be a big adjustment. You are certainly due something positive!

CD 12 here for me. My OPK has been slowly fading in. My gyn appt yesterday was pretty routine except she had a student with her (they asked me first) and he looked about 12! It took me a few minutes to get used to speaking with him about how heavy my flow is and other lady stuff. DH and I started our vacation this morning and are on our way to visit five wineries today in Paso Robles. Hopefully our bnb in San Luis Obispo is nice! ;-)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone! SO was pretty surprised. I put our stockings up and added a tiny extra one. He totally didn't get it. I had to point it out and say "so why are there three do you think?". He's a little worried about our remodeling projects, but otherwise pretty excited. He says his uncle is going to give him He** b/c he had a dream I was pregnant earlier this month. Psychic I guess.

Pancake. I'm sorry you feel cruddy. I got my BFN at 10DPO so maybe try the early detection tests to see! It sure sounds like symptoms to me.

I still don't feel a whole lot of anything, just gassy and still not sleeping the best.

Lliang - Sounds like you've been super busy and really needed that extra rest!
Claritek - How funny about the student! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Hopping back off, have to see if I'm still going to this farm today or not. I farm sit for them regularly, and we are planning on T-giving weekend, but her horse had to have surgery this morning, so we will see.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

dragonfly - thanks! Truth be told, DH and I are both disappointed that I'm probably not pregnant, EVEN THOUGH we weren't trying. After the initial "whoops!" shock, I think we both came to love the possibility of it being the case. If anything, though, it confirms for us that we do want to be TTC now and we'll start "in earnest" next cycle.

With S (our little one), I didn't know I was pregnant until just before 6 weeks and so my memory of early symptoms is pretty hazy. I was sleepy and I did have cramps but they were a bit later, maybe around 4-5 weeks or so.

LC - there's been so much upheaval and difficulty for you these past couple of months. It must be so hard being apart from your sister, you guys have always been thick as thieves! Go easy on yourself; hopefully your holiday season will be relaxing rather than stressful and you'll be refreshed for the new year.

Clairitek - envious of your winery extravaganza! Definitely enjoy all these things now. DH and I used to do trips like that, loved them! Obviously life is immeasurably BETTER with S around and I don't really "miss" those types of trips, but gee they were fun!

Anchor - transferring all my good luck vibes onto you!

AFM, AF should be here around Tuesday I think (assuming I O'ed the day I had cramps, and assuming a 14 day LP). Ugh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok so now I'm confused.

I feel like I'm going to get AF like, today or tomorrow. But have had watery CM since yesterday. This morning on a FRER I got... Well, I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't POSITIVE as such, but it was kind absence of nothing where the 2nd line should be - like the faintest shadow where the 2nd line would go, but very hard to see. I know nothing about FRERs and what these things mean so I guess it's back to the original plan, which is to sit back and wait for AF...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

pancake said:
Ok so now I'm confused.

I feel like I'm going to get AF like, today or tomorrow. But have had watery CM since yesterday. This morning on a FRER I got... Well, I don't know how to describe it. It wasn't POSITIVE as such, but it was kind absence of nothing where the 2nd line should be - like the faintest shadow where the 2nd line would go, but very hard to see. I know nothing about FRERs and what these things mean so I guess it's back to the original plan, which is to sit back and wait for AF...

How odd. I get watery CM when AF is about to show but if that's unusual for you then this definitely makes you go hmmm. I've never used a FRER. Is the "second line" the control line or the test result line?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pretty sure it wasn't anything "of interest". Ah well, it was always a long shot. AF not here yet but I wasn't expecting it until at least tomorrow.

Instead, I went and had a wisdom tooth extracted. Hooray!
Hi all! I'm back. Looks like the thread was plenty active without me :)

Well, cd4 for me. I used my last test at 14dpo and was sure it was going to be positive. Not because I felt pregnant (at all) but because the way the test strip showed up as the pee went across it. But it disappeared as it processed and was an obvious bfn. Woke up to AF the next day. I'm a little disappointed since our timing was good (BDed on cd 14, 15, and 16 and O'd on cd 16), which of course plays into my fears of secondary infertility (irrational fears, obviously). But it had been a while since we had done it so I know the swimmers on cd14 were probably pretty useless. This month I'm going to temp and probable use OPKs as well. Not knowing for sure when I O'd this month was enough to drive me crazy :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, I bought a BBT thermometer today. I don't know if it'll be much use though as I am TERRIBLE at remembering to do things every day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, dragonfly!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CONGRATS DRAGONFLY!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

pancake - I found that temping when you wake up just becomes a habit. You're 14DPO today, right? Are you going to test again?

AFM - 8DPO, mild heartburn and cramps, possible triphasic chart. Although I think TCOF won't call it triphasic because I only have 4 temps in the second temp range. So, I have high hopes, which will just make it worse if I'm not pregnant... :sick: Testing on Wednesday first thing in the morning.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anchor - I did test again this morning, not because I thought it was useful but because I had a wisdom tooth taken out yesterday and I don't want to take the antibiotics I was prescribed unless I know I'm definitely not pregnant. Still a BFN (which I expected) but no AF today either.

I'm wondering whether my body is playing funny buggers and whether a) I actually ovulated in the window I thought I did, or b) whether I ovulated at all??? I definitely had EWCM for 2-3 days a fortnight ago, followed by about 6 hours of constant left sided pelvic cramping pain, so I figured that was a pretty good bet for O around that time.

I feel completely physically normal today so I have NFI what is going on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anchor & Pancake sending lots of dust to you guys.

Pancake sorry you have to deal with your wisdom tooth. Boo. Can you ask your oral surgeon if it'd be safe to take your pain killers if you're pregnant?

Anchor, wow, I can't wait till Weds for you. But I'm really really hopeful.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC the tooth is fine - it came out yesterday afternoon, I took some preg-safe painkillers last night but haven't needed any today!

Still no sign of AF...
Anchor- possible triphasic chart sounds promising!

Pancake- glad your oral surgery recovery isn't too horrid. Your situation is certainly curious. Hopefully you'll know in a day or two what's going on.

I'm on CD14 and I had a blazing positive opk last night. BDed then and wanted to again tonight but DH was having very concerning severe testicular pain. We are on holiday and I was close to taking him to the ER. But he's now snoozing next to me so I think he'll be ok. I was worried he had testicular torsion or something. I've never seen him in that much pain. Hopefully tomorrow he's back to feeling normal. I haven't had any other signs of O besides the positive opk. I normally have plenty of EWCM so I'm wondering what's going on. Trying not to stress about it. Oh well. We'll know in 10-14 days what's going on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Clairitek - thanks, it is indeed all a bit weird. I should add that the other spanner in the works is that I'm still BFing, only very small feeds morning and bedtime, and I don't think I'm producing much at all, but it does add some physiological complexity to the whole thing.