
Tiffany & Co. Ribbon Ring

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KittyJt- I got my ring from a 3rd party, so I actually traded my original ring plus a little bit, to the 3rd party for the ring. We are right now in the process of switching the paper work with T & Co into our names which requires the ring, original paper work, etc. is sent to T&Co in NYC (so that the trade-in policy would be valid for us, not that we would ever do it)....
Also...I never dreamed of a T&Co ring, b/c I never thought of it as a reality. When I got mine, I realized I must have REALLY wanted one. I would go for will never wonder too much about the quality.
It''s a lovely ring. If you both love it -- go for it. You should ask your local Tiffany''s to call in other rings for you to compare. Ask what is the largest H-I, VS2 they have for $8,000.

The design is very cool. My only concern would be how a wedding band sits next to it. Before you buy, ask the store to let you try on the ribbon ring with a few of their wedding bands. Then you will know if the e-ring can sit flush with a wedding band, or if you can live with the gap between the rings. Some posters don''t realize they will have a gap and don''t figure it out until they are looking for a band a year later when it is too late and it drives some of them nuts.
Congrats to your Tiffany upgrade! Is it the ring in your picture? It''s STUNNING! And the diamond is HUGE! I have never dreamed a Tiffany that big!
So what you are telling me is that if I bought a Tiffany ring from 3rd party, it''s still possible for me to trade it in and upgrade to a bigger Tiffany? How complicated is the process of changing the buyer''s name on the paperworks? How does it work exactly?

Many thanks,

Kay, I''ll definitely try on some wedding bands together with Ribbon. Good thinking! I perfer a more classic plain platinum wedding band.
Thanks for your comments. I just love my ring.

If you purchase the ring from a 3rd party, you take the ring into your local T&CO. If you have copies or the paper work, even better. They send the ring to the NYC T&CO which then sends it out to a T&CO appraisal/paper place in Long Island. It takes about 2-3 weeks (with your ring gone every moment
)...then the ring will arrive with a new "original" of the paper work, and your name is inputted into the T&CO system as the owner.
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