
What''s your mascot ? Meet ours

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Ok, last one..I promise. I lack complete control when it comes to my pooky

OK, I totally fibbed..but this one really is the last.

AAAAAAAWWWWW the kitties are oooh soooo cute !!!
Here''s another picture of Peanut w/ my new nephew Cameron.


Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how sweet! They are both just adorable! My mom had a dog named Tiny when she was a kid that looked very much like Peanut. Cameron is just a doll! I''ve always like the name Cameron.
"They kept the duckling in a cage on the patio of their dorm room......within 3 days it had escaped through a small hole in the cage.....oh well, it was warm and fluffy while it lasted and we all had a good laugh!!"

Hmmm. So let me get this straight. They kept the poor thing in a cage. It got out. Had no one to feed it. Probably is dead now? haha. Good laugh?

Sorry if I misread Lesley...but I''m very sensitive to animal welfare.
moremoremore and anyone else who I have offended:

The good laugh was that he decided to buy a duck, of all things, as a pet. It was a great talking piece. I certainly did not mean it to come across that we laughed when the duck escaped

They did feed it and it escaped at night. He was upset when it happened.

I hope that clears up this misuderstanding - I too am an animal lover and would never laugh at the misfortune of any living being.


Oh wow, Diamonds and DOGS?! How great can this website be.
I have an 11 month old shih tzu named Lyla. She is right at 9-10 pounds...and rotten as you know what!
She and I were so meant for each other! Similar moods, and some even say we look alike.
My boyfriend loves her too, thank goodness.. He wasn't keen on the idea of me getting a he loves her like she's our child!
I'll post a link to her dogster website, cause I have no idea how to post an actual picture.
Happy Holidays!
OH- what are all of your furry babies getting under the Christmas Tree???
Lyla is hoping for some muttluks, dingo bones and an argyle sweater!
edit--oooh i did figure out how to post a pic! yayy!!
by the way this pic was taken a week or so after I first got she's probably 8-9 weeks old here...she is a lighter color now and has long hair. Also she has the little underbite with one tooth that sticks out like a previous poster!


Gwen on a bad day!

What do you think about that one Denise??? Friendly looking huh?

Date: 12/20/2004 6:21:28 PM
Author: cryckman
Gwen on a bad day!

What do you think about that one Denise??? Friendly looking huh?
Man, I have FELT like Gwen on a bad day!!!!!
Date: 3/23/2004 11:16:22 PM
Author: innerkitten
These are my two kitties T.C and Peter.
T.C is blind ans his brother helps him out.
Aww, that is too sweet. Poor thing
If I could adopt every animal that was like that I would.
I soooooooooo want a Dachschund some day. This is my uncle and aunt's long hair Dachschund, Chloe. Such a sweetheart!

Edited: Sorry for the was the only time I could get a picture of Chloe and there just happened to be a foot there

Sorry lesley...I''m just too freakin sensitive!

These pets are SOOOO sweet. I must post my babies. Cryckman- LOVE the cat pic. Just so classic. Kitty was just thinking "These stupid humans just don''t "understand" me"
I don't think I posted Scotty before. Maybe I did...if so, sorry!

He is my big boy. You can't really tell from the pic, but he's about 17 lbs of pure DOG!!! LOL
Not much into anything other than sleeping, eating, and LOVIN!!!!!!!!! I love black cats, but I couldn't say no to Scotty at the shelter. He just came right out and SAT on the other cat I was considering (who also came home that day)... Oh yes, and Scotty is a TALKER.

Lalala... Here are my babies, Bud (the big one in back) and Sissy! Sissy is very shy so this is just about the only picture I have of her (it took her almost a month to actually want me to pet her--I thought she''d never like me!)... Bud is my avatar too! Around this time of year, I call him my "Christmas Ham" because he''s such a showoff!

They are the cutest little Himalayans in the world and I love them to death!

moremoremore -

Sorry if I misread Lesley...but I''m very sensitive to animal welfare.
are you vegetarian? (I am)
if you are not, it is hypocritical to say you are sensitive to animal welfare

sorry to sound like an arrogant, self-righteous, pompous, tree-huggin, veggie freak; but this is a personal pet peeve - mostly because I am an arrogant, self-righteous, pompous, tree-huggin, veggie freak...
Date: 12/21/2004 9:10:33 AM
Author: Diamonds4Me
I soooooooooo want a Dachschund some day. This is my uncle and aunt''s long hair Dachschund, Chloe. Such a sweetheart!

Edited: Sorry for the was the only time I could get a picture of Chloe and there just happened to be a foot there
that is a wonderful picture!!! I love photography

perhaps I am over-analysing this a little... but I love the fact that there is a foot in the picture, it shows that the dog is at the feet of its owner, gives you more detail about the character of the animal and its relationship with the owner. it really draws you into the moment, capturing the mood, rather than simply being a photograph of a dog.

but I do have a tendency to over-think things... maybe it is just a picture of a dog and a foot...
No problem diamondgeezer. Nope, not a veggie. I'm not perfect I guess... but I'm allowed to be very sensitive without being a make it sound like no one has a right to be without being one. And I even wear leather shoes. GASP!!!! It's a hot debate, I know! So you go ahead and say I'm hypocritical...I don't really care! If you are one, more power to ya! Cheers!
I've got to go out and kick some puppies right now...

p.s. I was responding to Lesley's comment...which I misinterpreted. I have a huge problem with people chosing to take an animal into their home and then not caring for it. So if I eat a hamburger, I have no right to feel that way I assume? Hypocritcal? Who cares. (well, other than you) Anyway, I misunderstood what she said. End of story!
Date: 12/20/2004 6:21:28 PM
Author: cryckman
Gwen on a bad day!

What do you think about that one Denise??? Friendly looking huh?

HELLO KITTY! This picture is worth 10,000 words!!!!!!! Love it!!!!

EEEEEEEKKKKK cryckman. Gwen looks like me when I come home and the house is a big mess..tee hee.

OK, I love my cat a little too much

Date: 12/21/2004 1:25
0 PM
Author: diamondgeezer
sorry to sound like an arrogant, self-righteous, pompous, tree-huggin, veggie freak; but this is a personal pet peeve - mostly because I am an arrogant, self-righteous, pompous, tree-huggin, veggie freak...

I''m vegetarian too, and although I try not to be an arrogant, self-righteous, pompous freak, I am tree-huggin and veggie!
J/K diamondgeezer!!!! I didn''t become veggie b/c of animal welfare though (GASP!!) - I''ve never enjoyed eating meat and became disgusted with the taste of meat in my early teens, so I stopped eating it. My mom tells me I was vegetarian from the day I was conceived - when she was pregnant with me, she was so sick all she could stand to eat was fruits and veggies, cause they don''t taste so bad coming back up. (EWWWW!!! TMI, I know!!)

Back to topic! I have 2 tabby cats and tons of pics of them at home! I''ll try to scan them in to show you all how cute they are! I love this thread!!!
Yay!! Pictures of my girls!!!

This one is Sammy. She''s 5 years old, and about 7 pounds. Some friends freshman year of college found her wandering around campus with a flea collar on at about 8 months old. They recognized her (by the name written on the collar and from meeting her before) as belonging to a frat boy on campus. Luckily for her, her "owner" didn''t want her back (his rowdy housemates would feed her beer and let their dogs terrorize her - no physical injuries, but she''s terrified of dogs now). The beer and inconsistent feedings left her pretty tiny, although she''s grown quite a belly since I''ve had her!

This is Katie! She''s 10 years old, and 12 pounds. Adopted her from our veterinarian''s office after my first cat Bamboo died. Katie and her 2 brothers were rescued alley kittens after their mother disappeared. Katie''s favorite thing to do is bury herself under my comforter and snooze until I come home at night and feed her!

And here''s both of my girls!! Sammy is on the windowsill and Katie is on the floor. Sammy gets fed on the windowsill so she can have all the dry food she wants - Katie gobbles everything up the moment it''s put out for her.

Our girls surprised us with this photo for Christmas. They said that by the time the photographer got the photo they were both sweating and covered in dog fur. Poor Rosie didn't know what was going on. The photographer "meowed" and that caused Rosie to stop wiggling and look at her inquisitively as you see here.

Sorry so big...I reallly need to pay attention to pixels or whatever.
Patty, I want to eat Rosie's face.

I know--I am a sick person. My heart is so full of love for dogs...and I know Miss Rosie is a mutt like mine--I do love those mutts--they are the best IMO!

PS Your daughters are beautiful too!
Thank you Jennifer! I don''t know a whole lot about dogs, but I never dreamed I''d love a critter as much as I love this mutt. The girls are totally in love with her too, as well as my husband. We all argue over whom Rosie loves the most. (Trust me, it''s ME.) Oh, and her face is yummy...sooooo soft.
I recently read a quote that went something like "Until one has loved an animal, a part of the soul is not alive."

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