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True! I'm looking forward to it.Winks_Elf|1307597357|2941404 said:What a great couch! You could have so much fun with pillows...pops of accent colors, or mix-n-match!
TooPatient|1307987838|2944822 said:You're almost there!
I'm sorry he is being so miserable about this. I know it doesn't help, but look at it as a daily reminder that you ARE doing the right thing.
I didn't subscribe to this thread so it wouldn't have been in my emails at all. So I'm not worried about that. But still, this whole situation is terrible. The conversation his Mom and I had may sound strange, but we're really very close. She and I are friends, and have hung out regularly just the two of us since we'd started dating. It didn't feel weird at all, it felt loving and cautionary. I'm just trying to get by.AmeliaG|1308070512|2945662 said:Be careful - if he read your emails, he could find this thread.
I would take his mother's words with a grain of salt. It looks like she's projecting some of her marriage problems on her own son. You don't need that.
But yeah, its over, its been over for a while and both of you have known that but neither of you wanted to admit it and this is what happens. And it sucks.
Sorry I can't be more supportive but the best thing you can do for yourself is move on and move out. Watch out for yourself - move in with a friend if you have to.
Forget him, forget his mother (I don't even know where to begin with that conversation she had with it - its strange), start making your own way on your own two feet.
You can do it.
I just got off the phone with the property manager. She confirmed all the repairs were completed over the weekend and that it's vacant. She'll contact the owner and if he's okay with it, I can move in on Friday. I'm staying with a friend tonight and will figure out something every night until then.chemgirl|1308072449|2945689 said:Ouch, sounds like a horrible night! I hope everything calms down and that you can move in to your new place this weekend! I think things will start to get a lot better once you distance yourself from him and this entire situation. You need time for yourself. Rehashing everything and arguing with him is really just going to drag things along. At this point I think you need to cut ties and worry about yourself (easier said than done I know).
I second AmeliaG's opinion that his mother is projecting her situation on yours. Its not really helpful and its a bit strange that she would be having that conversation with you.
Regarding Facebook: you can't be listed as in a relationship with somebody if they don't allow it. They get a message every time you try to list yourself as in a relationship with them and they can accept or decline. If its over and he's listed as single, you probably don't want to be listed as in a relationship with him anyway.
Oh yeah, and change all of your passwords! His actions right now (ie checking your email, telling his mom you confessed to sleeping with your friend) are deceptive. He can't be trusted with any of your accounts/information/property. I know that sounds like I'm being paranoid, but he's not thinking clearly right now. Checking your email and lying about you is really not ok. You don't know what else he'll do. I'm not suggesting violence, but he might go in to other accounts. Also keep your ear to the ground to see if his cheating story makes it to your friends. It seems like he's enjoying playing the victim here.
I wish you the best and hope this whole thing blows over sooner rather than later.
Thanks. I changed everything, except my cell. I don't want to if I don't have to. I've had the number for 8 years. If it becomes a problem I will, but I don't want to if not.merilenda|1308074806|2945757 said:I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Like the other ladies have said, I would make sure you change all of your passwords. Go get a new cell phone number while you're at it (my friend left her husband a couple weeks ago and immediately changed her number because she knew he'd start harassing her if he could figure out how to contact her).
I would definitely stop all contact with him at this point. Have you already gotten the pet situation figured out? It sort of sounds to me like he's using that as an excuse, but if it's easier to not argue and to just stay with friends for a couple weeks, then I would probably do that.
Good luck - we're here for you!
AmeliaG|1308077423|2945814 said:Another thing - you know he's playing a game with you to get you out of the apartment so he can live there alone for the remainder of the lease and not have to deal with living with you while the relationship has fallen apart.
Resist the temptation to defy him for pride's sake so you stick it out in the apartment for the remainder of the lease. Its called winning the battle and losing the war. You don't need the sh!t that's going to come down if both of you are living in the apartment together after what has happened and its only two weeks. You can impose on friends for two weeks - if they're real friends, two weeks won't kill them.
And you do realize that even if you and his future roommate weren't having an affair, it would have been a very sticky situation with him rooming with one of your friends after a break up. That's why everybody was telling you not to get an apartment with one of his friends. The situation was going to come to a head whether he accused you two of sleeping together or not. It was unavoidable.
Don't waste your energy on it. That friendship will have to fall where it may. Your friend will have to decide which one of you he wants to keep as a friend. Just be prepared for some distance from the friend too.
Whatever you do, don't lose focus on your life. People will make judgments so let them. All you can do is live your life the best way possible for you and let the chips fall where they may.
I'm doing the best I can, considering. My friends have all stepped up and none of them have questioned that I did anything wrong. They all said I'm a better person than they would have been in the same situation and that I don't have to explain anything, they know nothing happened, because they know me. That's comforting.AmeliaG|1308087880|2945942 said:Well, it looks like you're taking the right steps in a really tough situation.
About his mother, I could write a book on mothers who take it badly when their child takes on physical traits or personality traits of the ex they divorced and the results are never pretty for mother or child. But you don't need to know that - its not your problem any more. Just be wary of the mother. Your relationship with her should grow less over time anyway and that's a good thing.
Is there a chance of you and his friend hooking up when you move out? Especially since it looks like your ex is not going to be moving in with him? You mentioned that you've never been so happy as when you've talked with him and that's usually a sign of a pending relationship. It may be where the jealousy from exBF came from even though you didn't do anything wrong.
I don't need to caution you to tread carefully there. You just got out of a 7 year relationship that ended badly. No need to rush into another relationship so quickly especially since you've done so much preparation in the past few months to live life on your own and live for yourself.
Good luck!
thing2of2|1308090991|2945999 said:Wow, what a psycho move. I'm glad you can get out of there. Obviously you know you're better off without him. And ditto Amelia-we obviously don't have to nag you about not dating anyone for quite a while, right?
Thank you for sharing. I know I'm better off without him. I knew we were going to end up breaking up. I just wasn't prepared for it to end like this. It's killing me that he never wants to see me again.FrekeChild|1308108807|2946277 said:So this story sounds really similar to my husband's and his last ex-gf's breakup...They were living together, had been together for about 3 years. He and I exchanged comments on his myspace page for a few days, she blew it up into him cheating on her with me. We took our conversations underground, talked via myspace messages, ended up doing some instant messaging. And that was it. He ended it because nothing happened between me and him to that point, and because he found it easier to talk to me on a myspace page than it was to talk to her IRL. Not to mention she had some territory/jealousy issues long before that.
I told him he could call me if he needed to. He didn't. We kept IMing. One night he dared me to call him around 10pm. I did. He didn't answer. Lol. He called me back. Stayed talking until 6am the next morning. Still friends. Met in person. Still friends. Kissed....friends w/ benefits after that. "I wanna be single." "I wanna be single." "I wanna be single." until the night before he asked me to be his GF. More to the story, but that's the gist.
Now of course we're married. Obviously things progressed after that, and it was fast--we were together a little bit over a month from the time they broke up.
We've been together 5+ years, married for almost one and a half years, and now we're expecting a baby.
This will get better. You will find someone else. Follow your head and your heart and don't put up with any dude's BS again. You are better off. Relief is a telling sign...
I never said he didn't have a right to be angry. I had the pretense that we were not over until a few weeks ago when he made it clear that we were. I really don't know why we didn't just break up that night. I guess neither of us wanted to deal with being broken up and living together. His Mom told me he knew it was over when we agreed to live apart. He's been living under the mentality that we were done for over 6 weeks. And I know that emotionally, I crossed some kind of line with this new guy, but, and I'm not trying to justify my actions here, in all honestly I never would have even talked to him in the first place if my relationship were in a good place. Whatever it was that my Ex and I were still living in was not a realtionship. The whole things was one-sided with me tyring to fix something that was so far beyond repair that it was never going to come back around without me bending to everything he wants and throwing everything that's important to me into the wind. I know this could have been handled better, but I can't change what happened. We both stayed in this longer than we should have. If he had really decided 2 months ago that it was done, he should have said so. I've also been through a lot of (then) unncessary pain and torment over the last 2 months trying to fix something that had no chance of making it. I should have been the one to break it off when I developed feelings for this other guy. Either way, we're both wrong. And what you guys also don't know is that he was talking to someone else too. I just didn't "catch" him or hack into his email to make myself feel better about it. I don't know what's going to happen with their living situation. ExBF is looking for a new roommate to move in in place of this guy and the guy is looking for a new place. It'll all work out. It sucks that it happened this way. Never in a million years did I plan on being on bad terms at the end of this even though everyone of you warned me that it was more than likely going to be messy.AmeliaG|1308136912|2946450 said:OK, now after reading FrekeChild's post, I think your ex has a right to be angry with you. Its not whether you're sleeping with the guy; you've been keeping up the pretense that you and BF are not over up until your last conversation with his mother while at the same time you've been carrying on a dialogue with a guy for whom you say that it's never felt as right as it does with him. When you have that type of conversation, that type of intimacy with another guy, its over between you and your BF.
Regardless of what your ex has done, you haven't dealt honestly with him and anger is a normal response when that happens. You wouldn't be in this situation if you'd told him, yes, we're breaking up when he last asked you. If you had, the relationship between you and this guy wouldn't have posed a problem and your ex would have seen the light before he planned to move in with the guy.
Now he's committed to moving in with a guy that he rightly suspects is going to be involved with you and he's in danger of being screwed out of his lease if he backs out because he would rightfully find the situation intolerable. He's either going to lose money or his self-respect. That's a crappy position to be in.
Of course, you're worried about what other people think about you, Its a natural result when you don't deal honestly with people. The details of whether you slept with the guy hardly matter at this point. I hope that in the future, if you learn anything from this, you learn that the only way for people think well of you in the long run, they have to trust that what they're seeing is what they get. When you make a habit of being respectfully honest with people, they may get disappointed, mad, angry with you in the short term, but they'll never lose respect for you in the long term, because you'll be known as a person with whom everyone knows where they stand and they'll feel comfortable trusting you because they will know that with you, there will be no unpleasant surprises.