
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi Mommies

It looks like everyone is doing well!

Diver, Delaney is just a doll! And I''m gald you liked the Noble Rot, did you meet Courtney?

Tacori, I''m so sorry your L&D was so trying. But look what you have now! Tessa is so cute, I hope she lets you sleep a little as she gets older.

Ella- you''re super close, I hope it all goes smoothly!

Best of health to all the other mommies and mommies to be!
Date: 12/5/2007 9:48:11 AM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 12/5/2007 1:48:13 AM
Author: ellaila
Ladies ... MY WATER JUST BROKE!!!!!

Talk to you in a few days!~!!!

you are so sweet for giving us a quick update. when my water broke with my first, hubby was on the computer emailing all the family b/c it was 3:00am. sending many warm thoughts and prayers your way as you go and meet your babies!!!!!
Ditto and YAY
Go twins go! Go Ellaila and sweet Hubby go!
Chrono--is there anything that has been changed in his sleeping environment lately? Maybe something that spooks him or wakes him? The reason I ask: I worked at a daycare in the infant dept. i couldn''t figure out why all the babies were waking up miserable at the same time during their usual naps--then i realized something outside (it was kids playing a game against the window) that did it--simple, but really perplexing until i clued in
Also, what about a temp. drop, a change in feedings, dreams etc. I am not a mom yet so I am probably not much of a help, but just throwing some stuff out there


Thanks for the nice belly pic comments ladies--i certainly don''t feel tiny--i have plenty of time to grOW!!! Tgal--wearing black is key (hehe)

Speaking of small bellies. I teach an alternative program in a high school so we have continuous intake of students who all work at their own pace (hence why i get a lot of computer time--they work solo a lot of the time) Anyway, i had a 16 year old come in for testing on Mon. I told her she needed to take regular grade 10 classes but she insisted she couldn''t b/c she was pregnant and due the same week as me!! I looked at this little thing...she looks to be about 90 lbs and not a hint of a preggo-looking belly (just a little teeny -tiny ponch). I was shocked, so we got to talking and she hasn''t been to a doc. since early August (she has run away from home and is living in a hotel with another student of mine), she can''t remember when exactly her last period was and she isn''t feeling definite movement from what info she could provide we determined she is probably due in April (a little later than she expected) but is still SUPER tiny (poor diet and teenage metabolism contribute, i am sure). I made some phone calls to set her up with different agencies in the area---the poor thing needs help. I couldn''t imagine being 16, alone, living in a hotel and pregnant. That baby has a hard life ahead of it.....
Yay ella!!! So excited for you!!
I''m keeping you in my thoughts for a smooth delivery! Can''t wait to meet the twins!

Jas, you look great!
YAY Ella!!!!!!! This is soooo exciting, prayers for a smooth delivery!! I can''t wait to see the twins!!!!

Jas you look terrific.
I wish I had an easy answer for you, but am coming up on empty. Has anything changed in her diet, is it teething?? A different routine, ?? I dunno. Are you eating anything different that could be in your breat milk??
Curly, Ellen, MSB, Skippy, Jas and Lisa,
Thanks for throwing out a few possibilities. I thought it could be my diet too but came up empty. My sister thinks it might be nightmares since he''s 1 year old and dreams start to get "realistic" about that age.

Exciting news!! Hope that your labor and delivery is safe and SPEEDY! Can''t wait to meet those twins!

I''m loving all the pics of the sweet babies! Please keep them coming.

Ella- sending lots of good vibes your way for a smooth delivery. Can''t wait to "meet" the twins!
Did the doctor say what caused your slight bleeding?
Date: 12/5/2007 9:10:32 AM
Author: Chrono

Date: 12/3/2007 3:52:58 PM
Author: Chrono
Calling veteran moms...
I think I jinxed myself a few posts back. Just last week, Baby C was sleeping 6 hour stretches, but suddenly he''s waking up HOURLY 4 nights in a row now. Cuddling doesn''t cut it either. He''s screaming and his eyes are pouring tears.
He doesn''t seem sick and he''s a happy camper once the sun comes up. Any ideas?
Is no one going to even try to answer this? Baby C is still doing this (for a week now) but has tapered off from hourly wakings to every 2 hours.
Sorry Chrono: I was pondering this & just got so busy with holiday stuff.....

How old is baby Chrono? 12 mos? I say its teeth or night terrors. That is about the age. Teething bugs kids more at night because they are laying down & it aches, plus with no other outside stimulation (daytime activities) they have nothing to distract them from the pain. A tooth can bother your kid for MONTHS before it pops through. When Jake went through this, I gave him tylenol during the day & motrin & benadryl (benadryl to help him sleep) at night. (Motrin lasts 8 hours so better than tylenol at night). I got my dosing amounts for all 3 meds from my pediatrician, they base it off weight.

If it keeps up, I''d ask your pediatrician to check his ears, if its an ear infection that can wake them up crying. First time that happened to Jake I had no idea he was sick because he had NO other symptoms. No fever, nothing .

If its night terrors, it will pass. I''d try to give him pain relievers and see if that helps...if it doesn''t, its possible its terrors.

OR he doing anything new? walking, standing, etc.? They tend to wake a lot around major milestones because they want to work on them.


MSB: Thanks for the great recall article, I had not seen that yet! You are awesome! I have to say though, WHAT IDIOT PARENT leaves the changing table on the playard when the baby is sleeping in the bassinet? HULLO! it says very clearly in the instruction booklet to NOT DO THAT. When you are done changing them you take the changer off (it just sits on the top, its not attached) fold it up, and lean up against a wall till the next time. It always amazes me that people do not A) read instruction booklets/warnings and B) don''t practice common sense.
On Teething pain & night wakings: It seemed to me that Jake''s horrible teething episodes would last a month here and there and we battled teething for about 2 years, I was so thrilled when those last 2yr molars came in. It lasts friggin'' forever!!!!!!
Oh geez, when will it stop?!?!?! It''s seriously not safe to do anything anymore!!! turtledazzle, thanks for posting that but it just confuses me. I use powdered formula which they say is safe but it comes in a can too. I guess maybe the cans used for the liquid stuff is made of different materials? UGH. It''s too much for me to process!!
Is it possible for the motrin/tylenol NOT to work? I gave baby C (12 months) 1 dose right at bedtime last week and it did didly squat.
Maybe it is nightmares or milestone stuff. He's very close to walking unassisted but doesn't want to do it. He took his first steps at 11 months but has seem to have "given up" for fear of falling. He's a big softie.
Curly & Turtledazzle: Did you hear that noise? THAT was the sound of my head exploding!!!! ARRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!! I am right now prepping to call both Cosco & Evenflo to get recall replacement parts for BOTH of Jake''s carseats. NICE EH? I had lead Thomas Trains, lead paint in Elmo toys, lead in my boppy cover, BPA bottles (I went to a non-bpa kind), and I''m just FED UP. I swear, I feel like my children are a target.

Oh, and if BPA is in clear plastic baby bottles, I wonder if its in the clear plastic Brita pitchers. Its always friggin'' something. I won''t let Jake eat lettuce/fresh spinach for fear of e. coli poisoning. (a 2yr old died in Seattle last year during the spinach recall). I cook all his veggies. What a worrywart.
Date: 12/5/2007 3:34:17 PM
Author: curlygirl
Oh geez, when will it stop?!?!?! It''s seriously not safe to do anything anymore!!! turtledazzle, thanks for posting that but it just confuses me. I use powdered formula which they say is safe but it comes in a can too. I guess maybe the cans used for the liquid stuff is made of different materials? UGH. It''s too much for me to process!!
I know -- all of these recalls lately are crazy. I forward everything I see on to my four friends who had babies in June (yep -- there was something in the water for them all to be due within 3 weeks of each other) ... because goodness knows they certainly don''t have as much time as I do to read the news.

Regarding the BPA lined cans, I think that there is BPA in the cans for the powdered formula, too -- but the liquid formula causes more leaching. Here is a page from the group that conducted the BPA studies: Environmental Working Group
It sounds like they''ll be doing BPA tests on powdered formula soon, if they''re not already doing them.
Hi all- I''m not new here ( i usually just lurk but do post once in awhile on SMTR) anyhow- just found this tread and am so glad

I''m currently 33 wks and expecting our baby girl maybe sooner than later. My due date is Jan. 21st but I''m off work and on activity restriction due to my blood pressure so they may have to induce me early if things don''t start behaving more.

Anyhow, I thought maybe you girls could offer some advice on things I can do to keep myself busy and my spirits up- this is my 2nd week not working and I already feel like I''m heading towards a breakdown!

Also, if anyone knows any cool websites for baby stuff or something to just kill the time let me know- I do alot of surfing these days!

BTW- all of the babies are too cute- someday I''ll have to start on page 1 and catch up on everyone''s stories!
ELLA!!!! YAH!!!! I can''t wait to see your babies. Good luck. I hope everything goes smoothly. Take care of yourself sweetie!

FD21, I love,,
Rest up b/c L&D might be around the corner. In the meantime you can read this thread and hang out with us. Hopefully your little girl will get comfy and wait it out til 37 weeks.

mercoledi, my L&D was a rough one (recovery was tough) but Tessa is worth it. Even when she screams for three hours non-stop and I have baby vomit ALL over me, somehow she is still cute.

Chrono, we are going to the doc''s tomorrow. The nurse just wants to make sure she is gaining enough weight (she spits/vomits a ton, sometimes hours after feedings) so for now we are just feeding her on demand. She had 4 oz of formula around 3 am and another 2 oz around noon (I had just fed her and felt empty. I then fed her again shortly after). I hope baby C starts sleeping better. Obviously I am no help! I agree call the doc if you think something may be wrong.

Oh by the way my friend''s sister had her baby. He was 10 lbs 1 oz, 22" long!!!
She had GD though and they say that causes big babies...ouch...
Good luck Ella! I''ll be keeping you and your new babies in my thoughts! Yay! I''m so excited for you!
Date: 12/5/2007 9:10:32 AM
Author: Chrono

Date: 12/3/2007 3:52:58 PM
Author: Chrono
Calling veteran moms...
I think I jinxed myself a few posts back. Just last week, Baby C was sleeping 6 hour stretches, but suddenly he''s waking up HOURLY 4 nights in a row now. Cuddling doesn''t cut it either. He''s screaming and his eyes are pouring tears.
He doesn''t seem sick and he''s a happy camper once the sun comes up. Any ideas?
Is no one going to even try to answer this? Baby C is still doing this (for a week now) but has tapered off from hourly wakings to every 2 hours.
Ugh! Sorry Chrono! I hope you can get some rest during the day. My son (who is now 13) woke up every hour between 12 and 6 for three months straight. Have you stopped nursing lately? Cut back? Or maybe you''re not nursing at all. If so, is someone else feeding him more than usual? I think these little tigers sometimes wake at night to have some time with mommy. Could it be teething or diaper rash? A tummy ache from a new food?
Hi all, so I went to the dr. today..all is well the heartbeat good and strong.
lili, apparently a little hanky panky is believed to be the cause of the light bleeding

chrono, i don't really have any advice either. sometimes kids just go in cycles, they will be sleeping great, then go through a phase where they wake up, then go back to sleeping well again. I don't think giving tylenol really helps them sleep unless it really is some sort of pain or discomfort keeping/waking them up. I'm not a good one to ask though. I've got one that sleeps great, always has and one that still wakes up once a night and she's 5. I did the same thing with both of them as babies.

jas, you look tiny, tiny gal. I'm up 20 lbs so far and offcially 22 weeks, so 2 weeks behind you and tiny, I am's a pic...

MrsS you look great! (Thought you were a blonde though haha!) All belly girl!

PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE! So I SQUEEZED my e-ring on today for the first time!!!!!! It is *tight* but I got it on and that is the important thing. My WB is 1/4 size smaller so I didn''t even try.

Push present update:
So I went to a local jeweler on a whim today and they can order a ring from Overnight Mountings. One is a really thin rose gold band with flamingo pink (dark, bright) sapphires for under $300 (would make DH REALLY happy). They also had a rose gold pave flamingo pink (I think there were three rows) for the same price as the other band I posted. I really wanted rose but I love the antique style of the posted ring...don''t know what to do!
Awww, you look great, MrsS!!! The time is flying by (at least to me!!!)

Tacori! I love your new avatar picture! Tessa is a doll! I want to see that push present, too!

I don''t check this thread often, but it''s fun to stop in and check on all you girls with babies to be and new babies!
Date: 12/5/2007 10:49:39 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Tacori! I love your new avatar picture! Tessa is a doll! I want to see that push present, too!

Thanks J! Should I do with a rose gold pave or the one I posted??? So confused! I still haven''t even seen if KP has anything. Wish they were closer now that I have an infant.
This thread moves too fast for me to follow. I find myself always having to catch up on reading. hehe.

Love all the santa babies pics. Super cute.

Also love all the belly pics. I think you ladies look so beautiful.

I need recommendations for pregnancy book. My friend mentioned "What to expect when you are expecting?", but I want to see what other options are out there.
MrsS: u look great!! and glowing i must add!!..being preggo certainly suits u....

Diver: I hate how we now have to question EVERYTHING we buy twice in case it was recalled or has lead or watever...i mean out of EVERYTHING that is on the market, i would assume that baby items would have the strictest rules and checks to make sure they dont hit the shelves unless a 100% safe...arrrghhh!!!

FD21Bride: congratulations!!!! just take it easy and enjoy the ''quiet'' time that u me, ur going to miss it very quickly!!! as for passing time, have u tried perhaps doing some paintings that u could possibly hang in ur babies room??

Chrono: hope the sleeping routine becomes better and baby C gets to sleep again..i hear u girl being in the same boat ur in and all!!! sleeping dust to both of us

Tacori: keep us updated after the docotrs visit!! I''m sure Tessa is doing great and is gaining weight steadily...

FD21--congrats!!--glad to welcome another preggo on here--and since you are 33 weeks already, we will have another baby to welcome on this site in the weeks to come!!!

Ms. S. you look awesome--i wish i had a belly like yours (with a distinction b/w boobs and belly--mine starts so high--i feel like a ''half-moon'' from the chin down. You certainly can''t tell you''ve gained 20. My question is where?
I''ve gained about 20 lbs as well! Seems to be mostly in my thighs--and apparently my face b/c ppl keep commenting on it (much to my dislike)
Tacori--yay for getting the rings back on-! Only PS''s could truly appreciate that. i am wondering when mine will come off--they are getting more snug by the day. When did everyone get the hand-swell going on????
Thanks for introducing me to the term ''push present'' --i had never heard that before. Is it common, or a PS thing? I tested it out on DH and he broke into a big smile (that''s a goooood sign hehe) I ''ve been dropping big hints that since i wear my *fake* diamond stud earrings almost everyday, wouldn''t it be nice to have a real pair--I am bad!
Can''t wait to see your new jewel when u get it!!!!

Diver--talk about all the bad luck with the recall stuff--how annoying!!! I am too lazy to write this stuff down so i am going to have to be careful when shopping--grrrrrr

Qtiekiki--I am reading "Creating Your Birth Plan" by Marsden Wagner-- As a heads up, it is a text that definitely advocates the least amount of medical intervention possible when giving birth (and cites plenty of reasons why--cross-cultural and national studies etc. complication rates etc.) I read it b/c I did a lot of research in this area while working for a Dr. in university and I am familiar with the research so was curious to see it come together in a book.
The book lays out the pros and cons of different birthing scenarios and purports to help you plan the best possible birth for you and your child. I do feel more confident in my body after having read it.
I read "what to expect when you''re expecting" and it is good for a light overview of everything (a good place to start) but then I found I needed other books that are more exhaustive on certain topics.
Google is really my best friend--so many sites to answer any of your Q''s, and then of course, just asking PS''s seems to be a good fall back

Q, Many people have loved Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. What to expect when you''re expecting is an old staple... I didn''t love it.

MrsS, You look soooooo CUTE!!!!
Oh yes Kaleigh, Belly Laughs is pretty funny for sure! --it''s an easy pregnancy read that will just make you feel a whole lot more normal

Read it on a day when you feel fat, smelly and grumpy!