
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

jas--LOL--that''s quite the list of potential diseases you have
I am sure you''ll be happy to finally provide the real reason for refusing the wine.
Yes, i ski coach (a high school team) I used to be a competitive racer and now feel it''s my duty to ''give back'' to the sport--fortunately we finsihed super early today and I was home just after lunch. yay--nap time!
--If it makes you feel any better my face swelled in the first Tri. as well, and my nose seemed to get wider!? I don''t know if it was water or not-but it seems to be common and in my case it didn''t go away. Also, you''ll notice that despite eating the same and exercising (as was, and still is, the case for me) your body will have a mind of its own and easily gain 3 lbs in a week. If you''ve lost a significant amount of weight pre-preggo often your body will make sure you gain it''s truly amazing (scary) what happens. Oh the joys of pregnancy--I am adopting the mantra "it WILL be worth it, it WILL be worth it..." ;-)

Q for moms--has anyone used vitamin D drops on their breasts (before BFing) or added the drops to formula ? My doc. mentioned that i should use it b/c we don''t get enough hours of sunlight this far north (and during the winter) so babies need to supplement. Wondering when to introduce it or if babies notice the taste at all?
MrsS - Well what happened was... the nurse weighted me and she said "you gained 4lbs. What did you eat? He (meaning my dr) is going to talk to you about it." So when the dr. came in and after he asked me how I was doing, I said "I gained too much weight?" I am basing the question on what the nurse said. Then dr. said "well since you were normal weight, not overweight to start with, I will be easier on you and won''t yell at you this time." I got the sense that 4lbs in 3 wks is too much, but it could also just be me being overly analytical/overreacting. Oh well, I am going in for extensive blood work (screening for chromosomal and other problems) in two weeks, so I''ll see how I am doing weight-wise then.
Woohoo for the little belly bump.
It is exciting knowing that you are indeed carrying something?
Isn''t the second trimester just the best when you feel normal again?
And please do post a pix to share with us all.
Don''t be shy.

I couldn''t agree more with the growth spurt.
I really ballooned up after the 25th week.
My belly is literally smacked against my ribs.
Now to add to my list of complaints -- I get extremely sore boobs.
Much more so than the first 2 trimesters.
Are yours?
And where is that belly pix young lady?

Too funny about the antibotics

I agree with MrsS and just pull that doctor friend aside and let him know the truth.
Being that he''s a doctor, he probably have an inkling that you may be expecting especially when your girls are growing.
Anyway, like MrsS said, you probably won''t be able to hear anything on the doppler,
but you''ll definitely see your lil lojack bouncing around in there.
It''s really something seeing that for the first time.
That''s great about not having any m/s, but boo for the water retention

Don''t worry about the weight gain.
I was gaining 1.5 lb a week from the end of the first trimester up to the second trimester.
I admit it was a bit nerve whacking see my weight go up like that, but the doctor didn''t raise an eyebrow about it.
As long as the baby is growing on schedule, that''s all it matter.
One thing I like to do is remember to wear roughly about the same amount of clothes to the appt.
Some of your clothes may be heavier than others
and they do add up.
Qtiekiki--I would NOT be worried about the 3 lbs! That''s not a big gain! As the other PS moms who have already been thru this told me, it''ll come on in spurts...some weeks lots and others, not much. I was just like Mrs.S. I gained around 12 lbs in the first tri. (much, much more than what is normal ''in the books''), and like you my Dr. made a rude comment: "you are not eating for 6 you know!". I felt really down about it b/c i was not eating crazy amounts or anything. Your body will do what it has to do.--don''t be like me and get stressed about it b/c it''s not worth it. As long as you have somewhat healthy habits it''ll all balance out.

Lili-isn''t it unreal how fast our bellies can pop--no wonder we preggos get stretch marks. Just this morning i looked in the mirror, shirtless and exclaimed to DH "charlie, i think i really grew last night" and without even skipping a beat he replied, with a giggle "yep, hon, you did!!" Sure enough, my ski jacket that i wore just days ago would not zip up. I had to wear my dress-coat to the ski hill!
My boobs have been tender, but not really sore. You''re probably getting colostrum production going on. I am already leaking a bit of milk which is annoying, but hey, at least i know they work
(i have to charge my camera to get my pics up--i am lazy--how ''bout you missy!?)
Date: 1/31/2008 7:05:50 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, for $500,000 it is only $30 something a month! So it is worth it. Whole is more expensive and you get your payments back (I think) but when we looked into it you could make more money putting the difference in a high yield savings account so it didn''t make sense to us. There was a third kind but I forgot what it was called.

Bought myself a hooter hider tonight!
Tacori: LIfe insurance cost depends on your age & health. (we also buy term) we are both non=smokers.

I am 37 & in perfect health (so I get the Preferred Plus rating) and my 100k of insurance is 10 bucks a month.

DH is 42 with high blood pressure, high cholesterol (271) and about 20lbs overweight--he gets the standard rating. His policy is $53 a month for 300k.

And that is WITH the multiple policy discount (home auto, etc_

DH is trying to lower his cholesterol/bp...and his bp is now down into the land of good health (no salt, less caffiene), and he used just a few diet changes to impact his cholesterol & it got down to 211. He got his bloodwork done by his doctor last month to be sure it was better before we buy bigger policies now that we have 2 kids and his doc said if he cut out all red meat, dairy, and any other cholesterol containing foods, he''d lower it another 30% by Feb. 8th when the ins. co sends out their med. person to take our blood, etc.

He was supposed to drop 15 lbs...but somehow he hasnt. Oh well. I''m glad he was able to correct his cholesterol & bp without meds. It empowered him to take care of himself and when he did it drug free, he realized that his health is because he eats like crud on the road, and its his fault & within his power to correct. I have no problem with him taking Lipitor or some other med if it meant saving his life...but....when its due to lifestyle (aka CHANGEABLE) issues...then I think you have to tackle those first before you start pounding pills.

If he can get into preferred plus, he will pay $54 a month for 500k in coverage. Plus I have another 500k through his work. So at least we have good insurance.

NJC: interesting about babywearing, calm babies. I hold D a ton. I wear her often in my hotsling. I just try to keep life simple and calm around here and it works for us...but I think my kids are also just wired for sleep. Come laugh at me when I can''t get them out of bed to go to school. LOL>

Qt, sorry you were made to feel bad about a little gain. I''ve gained a ton of weight so far, from what I can see. Where I live, we aren''t weighed at appointments (unless there are other risk factors or a huge, obvious gain). Research in the UK suggests that for some people, the stress of the weigh in is of greater harm than the actual weight gain, so they don''t do it here. I was weighted at my first scan, but the nurse just wrote down the weight - she didn''t tell me what it was. I don''t have scales in the house, so I''ve no real idea unless I use the scales at the gym. I tend not to bother. I really hope you''re not too stressed about it, but maybe you could have a word with the Dr about comments etc? Unless there''s a medical need to tell you something (oh, and that isn''t going to include yelling at you. Ever) maybe he could keep it to himself?

Hope you''re feeling better.

Qtiekiki - I would kick that doctor in the head for being such a jerk!! I agree that you have to keep you weight gain under control during pregnancy, and I was cautious not to binge on cheesecake or anything. So I only gained about 25 pounds, which I understand from my doctor to be good, since I was average weight to begin with. I know there were weeks where I gained more than "average" and weeks where I gained less. Now, I get harassed to gain weight (another story... damn babies!).

Divergrrl, I definately think babywearing keeps the wee ones calm. I used my babybjorn until mini man was 25 pounds!!!
Jas, that is a funny story.

Q, don''t worry! I got a few weight warnings myself. It''s all for a good cause.

Diver, yes of course age and health do effect the cost. We locked in our rate for 30 years. Now we need to get a will done I FUN to think about.

update: DH is coming to AZ!!!! The closing is tomorrow I am so excited (and relieved)!
As a laywer, I highly highly recommend getting wills. As a mom, I hated it. I was also the worst client (my GF lawyer told me so). In short, it sucks.
LC, we haven''t even talked about who would take care of her if something happened to us. Neither of our siblings are married. Both our parents are still young....I don''t know.
Hopefully it will never be an issue.
Happy Monday all!

Well, I had my baby shower this weekend. It was perfect...small group of gals and very unbabyshowerish. If any of you have seen Sex and the City and remember Miranda''s baby shower, it was kind of like that - with fried chicken and all! Hee hee! They did a spread of "comfort/preggo foods" like PB&J sandwiches, pickles (not IN the PB&J!), fried chicken, mac and cheese etc. I loved it. We also had no baby showery type games, instead playing a game where we all got to know each other better (you write something that you think no one may no about you and put it in a bowl. They get read and people have to guess. Some of them were hilarious.) All in all a nice time.

And people were so hugely generous with the gifts. With only 8 girls there, I couldn''t believe that I probably got over $1000 worth of stuff. Maybe I''ve been a good girl and didn''t know it!
And speaking of baby wearing, one of my favorite gifts was from a girl who couldn''t make it who bought me an Ergo. I had been researching (although not for the purposes of wearing the baby all the time) and decided this was the carrier that would work for me. Of course, it wasn''t on my registry, as it is hard to find in stores so no one knew. She took the time to ask around her work on what was a cool baby gift. This gal has no kids so I was really touched she''d go through the effort of getting me something like this when it would have been a lot easier to get a gift card at BRU.

Ephermery, glad to hear things went well...I''m keeping my fingers crossed for ya!

Ella, I definitely will buy at least one miracle blanket.

And thanks ladies for the tips on life insurance/wills...we need to get cracking. I wish we did it when we got married...TGuy seemed a lot healthier then!!!

Diva, yeah...I still can''t believe how much I slept in the first trimester. It was borderline freaky. It''s wonderful to get your energy back, isn''t it?

Jackie, that is pretty darn funny about the antibiotics. Hee hee.

Qtiekiki, I agree with the other girls. From what I remember, you are a slim gal, so it doesn''t seem odd that you might gain a tad bit more in the first tri. I only gained 3 pounds in 13 weeks, but believe you me, I''m making up for it now. My guess is that it all rounds out the same in the end. Now is not the time to be freaked out about weight gain...your baby needs it!

Jas, I haven''t noticed any milk production or leaking yet. Hm...I kind of wish I would make me feel better that my body is getting read to feed the kid!

Tacori, WOO HOO! I am happy for you. Things have a way of turning out for ya, yay!
Date: 2/4/2008 3:08:29 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
LC, we haven''t even talked about who would take care of her if something happened to us. Neither of our siblings are married. Both our parents are still young....I don''t know.
Hopefully it will never be an issue.
That one was easy - my DH''s brother is a disaster (fired from his last job for theft
), so my sisters were the obvious choice. The one we chose has a 6 month old, so my 20 month old would fit in nicely.

The real issue becomes all the other stuff - the money. If we both die, who manages our finances for my little guy''s ultimate benefit. I wanted my sisters. He wanted his father - I have posted previously on that &*^% man. Anyhow. We reached an impasse, could not agree, and did separate wills. I have been forced to personally structure my affairs with life insurance, etc. to address the issues that this could potentially cause.

As I mentioned, it sucks, but it is a necessary evil.
Hi gals

Tacoris--yay for DH joining you on the trip. I bet you are super relieved!

Tgal--your shower sounded perfect--fun, casual and thoughtful. My MIL is conspiring to throw one against my will of course--despite the fact that i have made it clear i am conveniently booked every weekend until the birth, and then after which point i will be booked for life
I know i won''t get off this easy so i am going to describe the type of event you had in the hopes i get something that more closely resembles sex and the city vs. l a rainbows and bunny rabbit, tea sandwich soiré''s hoping
I wouldn''t worry about the no-milk thing--i don''t think everyone leaks--i don''t get BH contractions regularly like most 3rd tris seems to get--so apparently my boobs need practice, but my uterus is lazy.

LitChick--you are right, a will is important--damn, another ''adult'' thing i need to do now. I haven''t given it much thought at all, but i guess i should. Anything you recommend about completing the process?

Just heard on the news that the journal of pediatrics has measured significant levels of Phalthates (sp??) in infant urine. This is a chemical found in a lot of plastics and cosmetic products like shampoos and lotions. I''ve read about them before and it was part of the reason i switched to natural toothpaste, lotions, shampoos etc. when pregnant--it makes sense that they would be in baby products as well since really there is nothing inherently ''baby'' about the lotions and potions on the market--they may be a bit gentler, but there are few regulations on this stuff. Who knows what the study ''really'' reveals and we all know to take this stuff with a grain of salt.... it’s pretty unrealistic to avoid that stuff altogether!
That said (and here''s my preaching for the week-feel free to ignore me), when it comes to putting stuff onto your skin and into your body sometimes it is just as easy to use a natural product and then not have to worry at all. Pure olive oil for a baby moisturizer, beeswax for diaper rash protection, soap free shampoo etc. Recently I just put it in little jars on the change table so i''ll remember to use it on baby-to-be.
So annoying though, seems like nothing is safe--we have so many toxins around us, it''s really an uphill battle.
Jas, I hope you get the kind of shower you want. I still can''t believe how much enjoyed mine. Simple, yet so many thoughtful touches. They got pinkberry (it''s a frozen yogurt craze) gift cards for all the guests and created special holders for them (the girls are so crafty). They know I am not a big fan of flowers, but got a couple of awesome sunflower arrangements, which I love because they are bright, bold and cheery and don''t seem delicate. They also got sprinkles cupcakes (which are also some kind of craze) which I''ve never tasted, and they were perfect. My cousin even bought me a vibrating bouncer...if you remember SATC and the episode where Samantha finds a vibrating solution for the baby. Hehehe...

I also saw that report you are talking about last night. Makes me wonder how the heck some of us survived our own childhood. My mom use baby shampoo and formula fed me because it was considered better. Shouldn''t I be brain dead, or at least much dumber than the average person? Hm.

TGuy put up the crib yesterday so I now I am on a mission to get my office ready for TTot. I''m going to adorn my scissors and staplers with cutsie bows and make sure I give them to TTot to play with in the bath while I wash him/her with consumer soaps and shampoos. Yay!
Yay for the closing.
That must have been a huge weight off your shoulder.
I''m happy for you

Nope, still no leakage yet.
I doubt mine will come in anytime soon since both of my sisters didn''t get theirs until they deliver.
I do get lots of BH though. Have been feeling them even as early as 3 months, which is kind of surprising.
I just hope with all that practice, I''ll get a fast delivery

(I did take a 30 wk belly shot, but need DH to download the software to upload the picture to the computer).
Anyway, hope you get the shower that you wanted.

Sounds like you had a blast with your shower.
That''s awesome about the gifts. It''s good to get most of the big item stuff out of the way.
And yay for getting the nursery together. Only single digit weeks left for you and Jas12 (and MrsS since she''s got history of early delivery :)
DH been hounding me about making a list of things that we''ll need for the baby
and I''ve been nothing but lazy about it

Have either of you give your employer your maternity leave yet?
lili, I have given notice for maternity leave. If the baby comes as scheduled, I will take 18 weeks off and come back August 1. I''m thrilled.

Let me know if you have any questions on baby stuff...the other already moms would have better advice, but I did recently browse through 6000+ threads on baby center''s baby products forum. I have no life, I know. But I am a dog to a bone.

And let''s see that belly shot!!!
Hey ladies! I am *very* relieved. Now I am looking forward to the trip. Plus this will probably be the last time I see my great aunt (she has cancer and has decided against treatment) so I am glad I''ll get to say goodbye and that she will meet Tessa.

TGal, yay to the awesome shower! I don''t wear Tessa at all. She hated the sling I had. She likes to see the world not her boring mom. The vibrating bouncy chair doesn''t really work for her but I DO remember that episode. Her favorite thing is her swings and she loves sitting on the boppy just "hanging out". She is next to me right now just looking arounf and playing with her hands.

Jas, I saw that report. I guess it is like the plastics issue. You gotta decide which ones are important to you. (can''t be all otherwise you will drive yourself crazy!) Buy some breast pads to wear. I personally like the washable ones. The other ones are itchy.

LC, I thought about setting up a trust for her. I guess we do need to make someone in charge of it though....what is the normal age to get it? 18 seems young. Maybe yearly or monthly amounts?

Lili, I didn''t leak until after she was born and I seem to have plenty of milk. Now I really only leak when I am engorged. I have soaked the pad and through my shirt before. Then I know it is REALLY time to feed.

Speaking of feeding when can I start trying to get her to go every 4 hours? Is 3 months too soon????
Tacori--thanks for the tip on the washable, less itchy breast pads--certainly don''t need more itching with my ongoing battle with eczema.

Tgal--yep, it''s a wonder our parent''s generation survived without internet, media hysteria, info overload-lol-ignorance = bliss chill side says relax about that stuff, but my over critical side thinks this generation''s sky rocketing cancer rates and other degenerative diseases must stem from something, i am such a conflicted gal....*sigh* I need a jujube

Lili--yay for hitting 30 weeks!--feels great to be in the home stretch eh? Not too much longer for the 4 or us.
I did submit my mat leave papers a few weeks ago. I officially go off work the second week of March and return the same time next year. I must admit i have no idea how it all works. I think my pay cheque just keeps being deposited into my bank account, b/c no one has told me otherwise, but who knows--i am so lazy with stuff like that!!

How much time did everyone''s hubbies take off after the birth?
Jas, you are so lucky you live in Canada. A year off...that is SO wonderful! My DH works from home and is self-employed so he didn''t take a formal leave. But it is awesome having him home for the days I need to run out without the monster. As much as I love spending time with her I can move SO much faster alone. Can''t imagine what it is like with 2+ kids
Jas, men don''t often get paternity leave here. TGuy might take a couple of days off to help me out, but other than that, I doubt it. Canada has a great policy and apparently does want its citizens to have children!
Date: 2/4/2008 7:01:57 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

LC, I thought about setting up a trust for her. I guess we do need to make someone in charge of it though....what is the normal age to get it? 18 seems young. Maybe yearly or monthly amounts?

tacori, we''re in the process of setting ours up now. we will have a bank trustee in charge of distribution making payments directly to the school, medical expenses etc. once our kids turn 18. they will not receive the full amount of the inheritance until they are 25. I think 18 is too young to handle that type of money. We also decided to have an institution in charge rather than a friend or family member. my step-mom is an estate attorney and has seen way to many times families being divided and fighting over issues so we''d just rather not put any of them in that type of situation.

tgal, so glad you had a fun shower and way to go on all the wonderful gifts. aren''t you glad you went ahead and let your friends give you one?

jas12- i saw the report on the news too. i think like everything you just have to go with your gut and do what you feel is right.
tacori: yay!!! thats excellent news..u must be so so so relieved!! i guess this will be a good experience for u flying with her so u can gauge for next time if u had to do it on ur own...

Tgal: great news about the shower!! glad u had fun !!!

Jas: that anti-biotic story is just too funny...

Jas12: i WISH we got that much time off!!! we only get 45 calendar days..anything else has to come out of our annual leave...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! i came back to work when my son was only 2 months was the worst thing in the world

the ''hubbies'' only get one day off from work
(and that is the day of delivery).....anything else has to come out of their personal leave days....


Q: dont let it get to u wat they say!!! i got weighed at EVERY visit (every 4 weeks till 8 months, then every 2 weeks then every week when i hit 9 months) thats a LOT of weighing that went on..but everytime it was only to document my progress and how much i was gaining against how much weight the baby is gaining....they never ever told me to watch my weight....ur a sensible lady and im sure ur going to watch wat ur dont feel to panicked about it just yet :)

LC: i need to start thinking about the will too..i just can''t bring myself to do it..its just so depressing!!

everyone else: congrats on reaching different milestones in ur pregnancies!! enjoy the days u have left and trust those who say ''enjoy the quiet'' truly is quite rare afterwards!! hehehe...
Tgal - sounds like an awesome shower.

Thanks everyone for your reassurance/support on weight gain. I won''t think too much about it.

Men can take paternity leave under FMLA, right? Maternity leave sucks in U.S.
Date: 2/5/2008 12:16:55 AM
Author: qtiekiki
Tgal - sounds like an awesome shower.

Thanks everyone for your reassurance/support on weight gain. I won''t think too much about it.

Men can take paternity leave under FMLA, right? Maternity leave sucks in U.S.

Yes, they can...but most don''t because they can''t afford not to get paid their full salary.

Here''s what my friend sent me...I haven''t checked it out yet. Names changes to protect the innocent.


I was just clearing some paperwork from our table when I found some Paid Family Leave documents. I''m not sure whether you know what you''re entitled to living in the state of CA so I just want to share it with you just in case.

For you, the state of california, pays 4 weeks of disability prior to your due date. If you''re working, this ends up being 5 weeks as there is a 7day waiting period before eligibility. You can use your own vacation days for this first week. Once the baby is born, you''re then eligible for further disability; 6 weeks for natural delivery, 8 weeks for c-section. You can reference this information at where you can learn about how to claim & file as well. Depending on what your company policies are, while you''re getting paid the disability after birth, they may opt to pay out the balance of what you normally get. This is what happened to me and it was awesome to get this influx of money :)

For both you and TGuy, you''re eligible for 6 weeks Paid Family Leave anytime in the 365days after the birth. Yours will commence anytime after your disability benefits finish but TGuy''s would begin anytime after the baby is born. Again for TGuy, it would end up being 7 weeks because he too would have a waiting period of 7 days where he can use vacation days before PFL eligibility. You can find out more information at . The best thing about this leave is that it doesn''t have to be in one hit.

If we have the chance to meet up, I''ll have to give you the spare PFL forms. You actually can''t find them anywhere - even online - as they have to send it to you. If we don''t meet up, then give the PFL guys a call 1-877-238-4373 and ask them for the ''Claim for PFL Benefits'' forms. This whole concept was sooooo confusing and having to deal with this with a newborn was just so taxing.
And in other news...I took a good look at my gut today.

I have decided to serve TTot an eviction notice. Bugger has 45 days to get out...s/he''s making the place a mess.
I''m late.

I''m NEVER late. Ever.

What the? I just realized tonight after kids went down that sumptin'' ain''t right. Checked my planner ( I always mark my first day of my I know when I can wear light colors of course) Dunno what I think. Surely, since I had a tubal ligation, if I were pg again, that''s one baby who wants to be here. But I didn''t sign up for 3, can''t afford 3, of course life is a whole lot of surprises, but OMG....

I''ve been reading on the internet, and apparently, the occurence of pregnancy after a tubal is pretty high. 5 in 1000, and after 10 years: 18 in 1000. My luck, I''d be one of those 5. My dear girlfriend who took my maternity pics just suffered a miscarriage 2 months ago...she had a tubal after her 2nd son was born is Sept. 2006. She''s having a hysterectomy tomorrow(for other reasons..uterine prolapse, severe endometriosis). But she has me freaked out. I NEVER knew tubals failed. I am so conflicted right now I can''t sleep. Its after 2am.

Man, I cannot deal with this right now. What the heck.

Pray for hormonal weirdness....but I have a baaaaaaaaaaaaad feeling. Like I said, I am NEVER late. I''ve already had a few cycles since Delaney has been here.

I take that back.... I was late 4 times. I was also pregnant those 4 times. Oh and then there''s my 50% miscarriage rate....(I''m 2 for 2) really don''t want to deal with that again.

I''ll test tomorrow..I have a WW meeting in the morning (still going to go since I missed last week due to icy weather & just in case I am imagining things, or Im *just* late like normal people, I can''t go abandoning my schedule) but I should be back here with a test in hand by 11am pst. I''ll keep you all posted.

I wish someone was up to keep me company. I CANNOT sleep. DH is gone. This SUX.
hey up ....i hope its just something silly like it being ''late'' and not more than that
im sure it will be very tuff to wait till the morning to get that test done

that is strange though that ur doctor did not inform you that there is a possiblity of being pregnant even after a tubal..a friend of mine had done that, and she ended up with baby # 4

keeping u company if u want to talk it out..but i would advise trying to relax and getting some zzzz''s and hopefully things will work out the way God means for them to work out...
Ugghh Diver, I am sorry you had such a stressful night--I don''t blame you for not sleeping a wink. Get that test ASAP and find out one way or the other. I would bet you are just late---it hasn''t been that long since D''s arrival i am sure your system is still adjusting despite the few regular periods....but if not, you have support galore from your virtual friends--i''ll be thinking of you today.
Diver, I''m sorry that I wasn''t up last night (but am so glad msb was!)...the whole cycle thing is so screwy, hormones are so delicately balanced that the weirdest things can throw them off. Every so often, I would be late by a couple of days when I was on the pill. Jas12 put it best that we are all here for you. I''m keeping my toes crossed that everything works out as you want it to.
oh heart goes out to you. I actually asked my dr. about doing the tubal when I deliver and he said they are not as effective if you do them at the same time of delivery and recommends waiting 3-4 months. he also made a strong arguement for why Hubby should be the one to snip. fortunately, my hubby agreed and will be getting it done. I will already have 3/5(2 step-kids) and just do not want anymore. No matter what the outcome, you are a strong lady and you know we will all be here for you...hugs.....

tgal- too funny about giving ttot the eviction notice. I''m at 31 weeks and have already had several people tell me that I look like I could go any minute. including my HUSBAND (who said it after 3 glasses of wine) but still. I have a beach ball on the front and seriously, I do look like I could go any minute and still have at least 7 weeks that the little guy needs to stay in...there was one kind lady last night that asked me when I was due and said "but, you''re so tiny" God Bless her