
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jas, it''s not that big don''t worry :)

Man, you look fabulous! You are all belly! You still look thin and fit, I am so jealous! good for you, though. Is this your 1st and do you know what you are having?
I lied.

You are not my preggo twin. Unless you are some kind of strange miniature version of me. I''m 30% larger than you, with "overhang". Oh, and back fat. Pockets of bulbous back bulge.

You look awesome Jas. Now I know you can''t be wanting to go drug free because you are obviously on something if you think you are big.
Date: 2/13/2008 9:46:37 PM
Author: Jas12
Snell--The almighty ''they'' are conflicted on caffeine intake during pregnancy--i mostly read that it should be limited to max 2 cups a day--i stayed away from it in the first Tri (along with tons of other stuff when i was still enthusiastic about being preggo and doing thing ''by the books''--ha!) Now however I have a 1/2 cup here and there during the week--and order decaf when i go out very occasionally to starbucks or something.

Mr.S. Two weeks!!! Well, judging by you recent pic, and your claims that you *apparently* gained weight--I am not surprised. Yep, i hate you too!

i know the all-over body weight is different for everyone, but i wondered if the shrinking uterus was a more standard thing--ppl keep warning me that i''ll still look pregnant after the birth and to not be shocked--i guess it goes down slowly over a few days?

Speaking of weight--saw my hairdresser the other day--she had her first son 8 months ago and is still BF--she has always been really small but she is scary thin right now--her body can''t keep up with the milk demand, working, not sleeping etc. she is now on those supplement drinks they give to elderly ppl to increase their calorie intake--weird how some ppl can''t get rid of baby weight and some get rid of too much!

Tgal--LOL--the avatar is so cute!! I need to change mine--i am just so inept at using the computer and too lazy to come up with something cute.


On that note--lets see how big or small I make this pic--sorry it is terrible quality--I''ll try to take some better ones soon

34 weeks now--but this was taken sometime last week i get a prize for showing skin

On the weight thing, another culprit can be your thyroid. I went into a hyper-thyroid period for about 6-8 months, which caused serious weight loss. It stabilized on my own, but not before I lost a lot of weight - too much. My doc says that this is not uncommon, and I know it is genetic in my family (mom had the same thing).
caffeine- I didnt cut it out, but i didnt overdose on it either. I''m not a huge coffee or soda person. But I certainly had both while pregnant (i even had 2 glasses of wine in my 3rd trimester
) I also drank heavily on new years not having any idea I was pregnant. But I am a big believer in moderation. Be smart and try to do whats best for you, that will prove to be what is best for your baby.

Jas- You are too cute! I almost posted a pic of me at 34 weeks to make you feel better, but it was much too humiliating. I was a house! You still have normal woman arms...I did not. And yes you definitely get points for showing skin!!
Like TGal, I am not a coffee/soda drinker, so it wasn''t an issue for me to just stay away from it.
I admit that I did have a cup or 2 since I was preggo.
Now tea and hot cocoa, that''s another story.
I will have many cups of tea when I eat chinese/japanese food (granted the cups are pretty small).
And I did indulge in my nightly cup of cocoa or chocolate soymilk everyday and I think there are some caffeine in them.
I read somewhere that there''s something else in chocolate that''s not too good for you....but ok if you didn''t go overboard.
What a cute belly!!
And you are wrong about those nice people being liars.
They are telling you the truth when they say that you are "all belly".

Hehe, you sure do get the prize for baring skin.
And basing on your picture, I'd say your prize could be a chocolate cake or brownie.

Hmm...speaking of brownie...
Has anyone (those with a Trader Joes store near you) tried their brownie mix?
It's just heavenly.
My officemate told me about it, and I made a batch for my lamaze class.
Everyone loved it.
Thought I spread the weight gain around.
Jas12- you look fabulous girl, and i''ll give you props for showing the naked belly. seriously though, you look great!!!

re the 2 weeks: i wish i had my right after birth pics on a computer, it really is amazing how your tummy will just shrink back down. But, you won''t walk out of the hospital in your old clothes. i think i took overall''s with me. I plan to bring along my panel free maternity jeans and a comfy top to go home in. I found that i still had the baby gut for a little while, where i looked 3 months preggo or something. so definitely not like i was going to deliever preggo, but still carrying the extra around the middle/belly. and honestly, even though i got right back down to my pre-preggo size/clothes, my middle never regained the tightness it had pre-baby...abs oh abs...never to be seen again
But, i also did not go on a super strict excercise routine to get back to that place either. i figure it''s just my right b/c i carried a baby..hehe...
Gracious, you are ALL gorgeous preggos. You put me to shame already.

I adore the pics...seriously, we should do a Pregnant Ladies of Pricescope calendar. (All right, I''m getting to "know" you all well enough to know that the jokes will start rolling right
I cut back my coffee intake during pregnancy, but did not cut it out. I tried to stay under 2 cups a day, and did for the most part. As TGal said, moderation.

I hope everyone gets some treats today---we all deserve it right?

Sophie--Thanks for the nice comments--but i am still zooming past that pic when I scroll down--ekks, I am a little shy even when I am somewhat anonymous. Yes, this is my first, and it''s a surprise!!

Tgal--whatever. I highly, highly, highly, doubt you have this back fat you speak of--are you forgetting we saw your other pic--you must have tucked it under your bra, taped it down, strapped it in or something, b/c otherwise it doesn''t exists--let us also note that I don''t show my thighs in this pic--therein lies my main problem (we all have some deep, dark bodily secret we wish to conceal hehehe)--I am just happy it''s the dead of winter and I don''t have to expose these sausages....

Litchick--i didn''t know about the thyroid thing--hmm, speedy weight loss is nice, but not at the expense of your health--glad you are healthy now.

MsS. I think I''ll pack clothing similar to what you described--and ya, I''ve already kissed tight abs good-bye, but that''s okay, like you said, it''s part of being a mom

Lili--I''ll take you up on the brownie offer

Jas--haha, if we do this calendar I think we all have to have our porky hands on our bellies and PS-inspired e-rings highlighted for it to be a big seller on this site...MrsS. can have the cover with that upgrade of hers!!!

I have an OB appointment this aft--wondering if it''ll be worth the wait (he''s on call today--meaning we could all be sitting in his office while he delivers a baby down the road-groan) I think i''ll go buy a trash mag and some v-day candy to keep myself company

jas, love the bump! we really are our own worst critics b/c, girl, you look adorable -- not huge by any stretch of the imagination! and mrss, i knew you''d still look teeny, and you do!

tgal, the new avatar rocks! and by the way, that''s how you''ll look about two weeks after having the baby -- still bellylicious and banging your head against the wall out of sleeplessness and frustration

as for the belly going down ... yeah, def. don''t plan on leaving the hospital in any normal clothes!! i''m 10 weeks out and can fit into exactly one pair of my pre-preggo pants (and by "fit into" I mean, they aren''t skintight ... but they''re far from buttoning too!). I dropped 40 lbs. pretty quickly -- the first 2-3 weeks -- but I''ve been stuck at the "still have 10-15 more lbs. to lose" weight since then. BUT I also was pretty housebound and unable to do any type of exercise until about two weeks ago, so between that and the fact that I have NO CLUE how to diet, I''m OK with being where I am right now. I''m up one pants size, but eh ... I can live with that for a while. I''d ideally like to get back down to my normal size so I can wear all my old clothes, but ain''t happening anytime soon with this floopy flabby gut. Jas, they say BFing helps the uterus go down faster, but it still took a while to feel like I didn''t look 5 months pregnant. It''s funny but when I''m naked, I don''t look that big -- dare I say, I actually look decent weightwise (minus the stretch marks and twin skin) -- but when I''m dressed, I''ve got this big poochy belly that sticks out. I look worse dressed than naked!

caffeine: i did cut it out totally in terms of drinks, but i did not give up chocolate. i figured it''d kill me to give it up, but i didn''t get so much as one headache and i quit cold turkey. i''m still doing decaf, and i''m a bit scared of the spazfest i will be when i have my first cup of caffeinated joe again!
Ella--I tried sleeping how you suggested and I think it worked
--i did seem to have a better sleep with less stiffness this pelvis is still sore as anything, but my hip feels better!
Date: 2/14/2008 12:00:00 PM
Author: Jas12
Ella--I tried sleeping how you suggested and I think it worked
--i did seem to have a better sleep with less stiffness this pelvis is still sore as anything, but my hip feels better!
Yay, Jas!! Unfortunately, I don''t think there''s much you can do about the pelvic pain at this point. From my understanding, that''s the pubic bones separating, and yes, it hurts like a b!tch!! That was by far the worst part of being pregnant for me ... but thankfully it went away immediately after having the babies. Not sure how quickly it would go away after a vag delivery though (?). My masseuse did say there are a few things you can do earlier on in preg to strenghten your core, which i guess can somehow help this, but i think that once you''ve got it you''re stuck with it for the rest of the pregnancy. (Dani, correct me if i''m wrong please!)
Date: 2/13/2008 7:22:28 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 2/13/2008 7:15:01 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

TGal, a preggo should not be inflicting pain on herself though! Not much you can take for the pain
27.gif avatar now reflects how I am gonna feel when they tell me I''ve passed the window for an epi...

Jas, you look great!

I am still 2 sizes larger than when I started. Though I started out three, so at least I am making progress. Like Ella I really have no clue to diet and I am always SOOOO tired!

I don''t drink coffee or tea but like MrsS I relied heavily on pepsi to help my stomach. Also I have daily chocolate.

Happy valentines day all!
Tessa tried out her bumbo yesterday for the first time....she was terrified!

Tessa wishes you all a happy v day!!!

Tacori, that is just the best V-Day gift ever.

You and the Mister made a gorgeous baby.
After weeks of prodding, DH finally took some "belly" shots of yours truly.

Never mind that I already look five months pregnant, but when I looked at the pictures w/ DH and gasped, "Oh my God I look so big," he responded with, "Yeah, you definitely have a pooch already."

I''m sure I looked hurt, so he added, "Well, if you feel bad about how you look you should work out."

Honestly, I thought I had him trained better than that.

It''s ok...I already told him he gets the first round of poopy diapers. For six months.

Don''t even begin to ask me what he got me for Valentine''s Day.

Sigh. I do love the man.
Jackie, thanks dear. She is pretty cute. Your DH sounds just like mine. Did we marry the same man?!?
I vented here a lot during my pregnancy. Didn''t help that DH decided to LOSE 40 lbs during my pregnancy. That is just mean! I got a lot of negative weight comments from him and his family and one day I realize it is THEIR problem not mine. Weight/outer appearance is important to his family and they often make inappropriate jokes. I know how hard it is but I promise you will make peace with it. I wish I could say it gets better AFTER delivery...but it doesn''t. Though looking at your beautiful baby DOES make you feel better. Just remember, growing belly means growing baby and that is the most important thing!
Thanks Tacori...I think I'm just going to surpass the entire "glowing, gorgeous" preggo and go straight to "How the *&*(^ many do you have in there?"

And, yes folks, my darling husband got me Bag Balm for Valentine's Day. For my bags.
Jackie I don''t think I ever glowed! I was the "look at how huge her belly is!" preggo girl. Look back at pics if you don''t believe me! It is hard for husbands to see their pretty wives change. Sometimes they need to be put in their place (hey blame the hormones!) Crying always helps too
tacori, that first fear face pic of Tessa is just priceless...oh poor thing but oh so cute. and she is just a complete doll baby.

jackiejas, wanna help me write my book of the top things no one should EVER say to a pregnant lady? my hubby/family have been saying the same stuff to me, things like, you still have 6-8?? you look like you could go any minute. Wrong. Right? "i can''t believe how tiny you are to be 32 weeks along??" i''m sure you look just darling and girl you''re thin so you''re going to pooch out a bit and if you really are pooching as much as you say. my guess is maybe you really are further along than you think
MrsS, I think it is funny too (her terrified face). Hopefully she will like it the next time we try it out. I figured she would (see the world better) but she is so tiny. Maybe I should fill the extra space with a blanket so she feels nice and snug in there.

Oh, this "push present" is getting so complicated! I *just* found out that one of my favorite designers, Bev. K, will not only make a sizing bar (on their eternity bands) but will also make any ring I want in rose gold for no extra charge (!) The rep even sent me a few pics she thought I would like. One is EXACTLY what I was looking for from the start but I couldn''t find it ready made (and the custom quotes were pretty high)
She also said I needed to tell the jeweler what color sapphires I like (light or dark). I am not sure on that one, opinions?
tacori, i prefer the lighter pink sapphires. they just look more girly and feminine.
Date: 2/14/2008 6:24:19 PM
Author: mrssalvo
tacori, i prefer the lighter pink sapphires. they just look more girly and feminine.

Thanks MrsS. If I decide with a BK I will most likely order it through Pearlmans but I might see if there is a local dealer so I can see them in person. I am so excited b/c I love the style but wasn''t willing to spend $$$ when there is so many OTHER things I want (bigger studs, diamond pendant, etc...)
That terrified look on Tessa is just priceless

She's such an adorable little doll.
I see her hair is kind of blond...think her eyes will remain blue?
Re: your "push gift". I'd personally like the darker stones :)

I think all of us have our moments when we just want to clunk DH over the head for some of the things they say about our preggo bodies

You probably think you are huge because you are so used to seeing your slim body pre-preggo.
The first trimester is always hard on our body image I think cuz that's when we are just really bloated and fat looking as opposed to being pregnant.
And like MrsS said, you are probably further along than you think.
I'm surprised the dr didn't do a transvaginal u/s during your first visit.
Well, you'll find out soon enough :)
Thanks Lili! Her hair is getting lighter. Not sure what color it will end up. We both had blonde hair when we were little (though mine is very dark now) so I am guessing her hair will turn. It does seem to be growing in lighter. Vote is still out on the eyes. She does have a few brown spots (more than before). I am guessing they will change (I have brown, DH has blue). They are still pretty blue as of now. It''s funny b/c when ever people see her open her eyes (like if I am out and she was sleeping) they always comment on how pretty and huge they are.
Date: 2/14/2008 7:01:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks Lili! Her hair is getting lighter. Not sure what color it will end up. We both had blonde hair when we were little (though mine is very dark now) so I am guessing her hair will turn. It does seem to be growing in lighter. Vote is still out on the eyes. She does have a few brown spots (more than before). I am guessing they will change (I have brown, DH has blue). They are still pretty blue as of now. It''s funny b/c when ever people see her open her eyes (like if I am out and she was sleeping) they always comment on how pretty and huge they are.

They sure are!
And I''m totally in love with them

I''ve said before when you first post her birth pictures and I''ll say it again...
I''m so envious of those big eyes -- no matter what color they''ll be gorgeous.
Tacori: Tessa is so pretty & delicate looking! I think Daners would eat her alive! (I think D is about 16 or 17lbs right now...moose baby, and so long, she''s in 6 to 12 mo clothing!)

Here is the Valentines dress I made for Delaney (sewed a skirt on a onesie...I made the skirt)
