
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

And Daners in it....

And then this is for Tacori:

Delaney has the same kind of eyes it sounds...everyone says "ooh what pretty blue eyes (especially if Jake is by her, his are so espresso brown its not funny) but if you look at them, they have brown spots (which get larger and larger by the day) and green flecks, and the irises are rimmed in blue. It''s pretty cool. I have to try and get some neato shots of them outside in the sun so I can enlarge the photo to remember what her "baby eyes" were like. Jake was born grey and turned DARK brown very fast. There was no "hmmm what''s her eye color" debates.

Happy Valentines day to all the mommies and mommies to be!!!

Caffiene: Well I stuck to 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day, ate chocolate whenever I wanted (not often).

Ok..well I need to go make dinner for my fella....

Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Oh D is so cute! Try to get some pics of her eyes. I am so curious. My mom can''t remember when my eyes changed and obviously DH''s never did. Cute dress you made. You are so talented! 3-6 mo clothes are pretty baggy on Tessa. She is very petite!
oh all these darling little girl pics

D is just a cutie pie too diver.....i too am impressed with your sewing skill, adorable little dress!!
Tacori--Tessa''s shocked face in that first pic is so funny, she has great expressions--and makes me smile

Diver--where the heck do you find time to make dresses woman--D looks absolutely adorable in it, what a beauty!! Yes, you are right she does have goregeous eyes--I stil think she and Tessa look alike with those big eyes, but less so now.

Had my 34th week OB appointment today--everything is good--weird thing: (and I am not complaining about this) but i''ve actually lost 3 lbs since my last appointment--the nurse said not to worry, but i am eating like a horse (and not always the best food either), working out less b/c of the pelvic pain and my legs/belly are always getting bigger--so i am really surprised. I have heard this happens in the 3rd tri sometimes and i still have over 5 weeks to gain so maybe it''s a fluke month...making up for the excess in Tri 1
Also asked about a section of my belly at the top, under my boob that feels tingly and ultra sensitive (even clothing rubbing against it bothers me) apparently it is caused by a pinched nerve in the back--and really common...gotta love all the new annoyances that crop up on a weekly basis. I have never heard of this one...anyone else get it?

I am going away tomorrow for what will probably be my last fun trip before baby. Off to Toronto to visit my sister--we are going to see a musical, have reservations at a trendy new Tapas restaurant and then have a day at the spa where DH bought me a "mommy to be" massage--yay!
The only thing that sucks is that my mom and sis are ''super shoppers'' they can shop for hours and I know I won''t be able to keep up with them--just too sore.I''ll just plop myself in a starbucks...

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Jas, I am a super shopper too but even I slowed down the last month. Plus it wasn't as fun seeing how I couldn't wear any of the clothes. I pretty much parked myself in every store and just people watched. Have a great trip. Do me a favor, SLEEP! Nap, sleep in, let me know how it feels. I have forgotten!

I agree that Delaney and Tessa look less alike as they get older. Of course I look nothing like Diver and my DH nothing like her's (from what I can remember) so it only makes sense that their looks will change.

Diver, I forgot to mention D is bald isn't she! So cute!

Oh I can't wait for DH to come home so he can take Tessa and I can sleep for a few hours.

ETA: so has SOOO many different expressions. It is too funny. Weird noises too.
How cute is D in her Valentine day''s dress.
You are so creative!
Wow, awesome 34 wk appt!
I''ve heard of dropping weights in the last tri but it''s usually in the last few weeks.
Like the nurse said, I wouldn''t worry since you say that the baby is getting bigger.
It''s probably all those weeks of step aerobics and exercises finally catching up with you

About the tingling sensation under your rib. I get those too.
Mostly if I sit in front of the computer too long. I figure it is probably the baby pushing up against me.

Just had my 32-wk appt today. BP, weight, and urine are all good.
Fundal height measures 31 cm -- so I guess that''s on target.
It appears that the top of my fundus sits right up against my breast bone.
Guess that explains the numbness on my rib if I sit too long.
Ok, here''s my 32wk belly I took today.

Here''s one so you don''t feel too alone.
I figure it''s better to bare my 32wk buddha belly instead of 34wk

Be''s not a pretty sight.

This thread was hopping yesterday, ladies! Loving all the baby pics - such cute little girls. Now what about the boys??? Our mini men are being under-represented!

Diver, such a cute dress!! You are so skilled, girl! Love it!

Tacori - love the push present. It only took me 18 months to get mine done! But well worth it, and we deserve it!

Lili - you are tiny!!! What a cute belly you have going. Hang in there - only a few more weeks to "grow"....
Lili -- you look *gorgeous*!
Diver -- oh my goodness, what a beautiful baby! Love the dress! You are so talented!
Sorry, I keep hitting submit before finishing my post. I''m spazzy this morning.

I told my improv class last night that I am with child. They started to guess because I was sitting out of certain more physical activities (there''s much more tackling in these classes than you''d think!), exhausted by class end, and avoiding the drinking post-class. So I fessed up after being interrogated. It was so weird, especially considering I haven''t even told my family yet, but since we''ll be telling my folks soon enough, I am ok with that decision. The guys in the class started backing away from me like pregnancy is contagious! Very funny.

DH sort of made up for the BAG BALM valentine''s present with a lovely ensemble from Victoria''s Secret; however, I am not fully convinced that particular gift was for me alone. He''s getting more of the benefits!

I am having weird hand pains in my right hand...sort of like arthritis. I''m blaming pregnancy, because quite frankly, that''s what I''m blaming everything on right now, including my inability to match my outfits.
WOW! this post was moving yesterday...I will try to catch up.

Tacori- The bumbo pic was just precious. Ian used to hate the bumbo, but now he just loves it, I use it all the time. But now his chunky legs are getting a bit too big for it..he is about 19lbs and will be 5months next week. The little chunker!

As for your ring...It sounds like it was worth the wait, i would order the light saphires!

Diver- That dress is so precious! It is so great that you have time to do things like that...and she looked so adorable in it.

Lili- OMG, you are all belly. I'm so glad I didnt post on here when I was PG...You girls are all so tiny and adorable as preggers!

LC- As for the boys. Here is Ian's valentine, its a day late...but he will represent for the boys!
not sure why the pic didnt show up..

ok lili, how much have you gained?...girl, i think i was your size back in my first are itty bitty and you look great!! makes me wonder if maybe i really am carrying twins

jas, i can''t wait until monday so we can find out how far along you *really* are. have you decided for sure when you''re going to share the news with family?

ms.flutter- your little man is just a doll...
Love all the new photos!! The baby girls are just stunners, and Diver, that dress is just the cutest!

Lili, I''m bigger than you and I''m 10 weeks PP!

Jackie, sounds like carpal tunnel
I got it at the end of my pregnancy, and both my hands would be really sore and would tingle. It never went up my arms, but I guess that often happens too. Def. mention it to your doctor -- I think splints work well to make the pain go away. Sexy they are not though.

OK, two crying babies are making me
right now!!!
These babies are sooooo cute, love seeing the pics!! Lili you are tiny, you look adorable!!!
Ohhhhh - I love the cute baby pics posted in the past few days. The computers were down yesterday (at work) so I didn''t get a chance to see them until just now. Lovely V-day surprise!

The baby bumps are coming along and you all look great!! I haven''t gotten around to taking any pics of my own yet but I''m working on it. I''ll fee so exposed by posting them

I had an OB appt today and everything looks great. I gained back the weight I lost from the m/s so that is good. Baby''s heartbeat was strong and the little guy/girl is growing like crazy in there.

I think I started feeling movement too but I''m not sure. Last week before I got out of bed in the a.m. I felt a strange fluttering/tapping feeling inside and it was not gas and then a few days ago I was at work and got this "lava lamp" feeling in there and, again, no gas developed. The doctor said it''s a good possibility and it should really get moving within the next couple of weeks (I''m 17 weeks today). So exciting! I really can''t wait to start feeling more movement since I worry now since I''m feeling better.

On caffeine - I don''t drink much soda and I''m not into coffee so I wasn''t having much to begin with. I usually only have 1 soda a day and otherwise drink water or 100% fruit juice with no sugar added. I do like chocolate very much but I''d say I have that in moderation - every once in a while.

I''m really trying my hardest to eat healthier but it is so hard when you crave things that are really junky - like I had McD''s for breakfast over the weekend and again today after my appt
. It just tastes sooo good even though it''s really just garbage in a package. I''m still really into my mom and dad''s cooking right now so we do eat over there frequently and get the leftovers too so that can''t be too bad. I''m trying, I really am!
Everyone''s babies are so cute. And such pretty outfits to boot.

Diver, when I saw your picture, the first thought I had was that that''s the same Fisher Price aquarium bouncer I have at home too. Both my kids still love it.
Lili, you are BEYOND tiny! You are like a preggo model.

LC, I hope mine doesn''t take 18 months. I guess I just want to make the right choice since this is an important piece of jewelry (to me). I will give it to Tessa one day.

MsF, Ian is so adorable! Love the V day pic. I hope she will like the Bumbo too. I don''t think she felt secure in it (since she is so little). We''ll try again. Ummmm....did you see my belly pics. I was HUGE so don''t feel bad.

Okay, I had a breakdown last night. I am just always SOOOO tired. DH came home and he is not always sympathetic to my exhaustion. He figures I can nap all day though he does agree they are a poor replacement to a good night''s sleep. Tessa kept waking up and demanded to nurse every 3 hours so that meant I was only getting 2 or 2.5 hours of sleep at a time depending on how long she nurses. By 8 am it was all just too much for me. I love her and don''t want her to starve but it is hard to keep up (talk about sore!) and sometimes I wonder if she *really* needs it or if it is a comfort thing. She is 3 months so she is still an itty bitty baby but come on girl! Mama needs a break. So I was feeling used and abused so DH sent me into the guest room. Talk about sweet, deep sleep
I think we really need her to move into her own room. DH said tonight he would take her all night!
He''ll even feed her formula so I can rest. Of course I''ll have to wake up to pump sooner or later but my body can go 5-6 hours before I get really uncomfortable. Plus now I can build up my milk supply in the freezer for when we go to Mexico. I think we will make this a weekly thing. Best V day pressie a girl could get!
Tacori- that is so sweet of him, it is a good time to put her in her room. Ian started sleeping through the night right around then...but it may be different for breastfed babies! When are you going to mexico? I am counting down the days till we go in May! Although, I need to start having Ian spend the night at grandmas to prepare!
We are going in April. We were going to bring little miss Tessa but it is an 8 hour flight and SO stressful. My MIL offered to stay at our house with her so we figured we would ALL be happier. She''ll be 6 months which seems young to leave her but it is only for 5 days. Still I''ll probably be a wreck. I just hope I look semi decent by then
yay DH!!!! i''m so glad he came through for you by sending you to the guest room! having his support - and having him understand how it really is for you - is so key to the process! i think that is a great idea to make it a once-a-week deal. i think that will do wonders for you, and when he sees that he may realize even more just how much her schedule is affecting you.

i never did figure out myself if it was a comfort thing or a hungry thing (though i suspect both in equal measures). although he does sleep better now, he also still wants me to lay with him until he falls asleep which suggests he is a comfort personality. on the other hand, my second, the Great Sleeper, has never needed more than one story and a ''good night!'' from me. i tell ya, they are fascinating little creatures!

oh, and we knew we wanted at least one more and my DH brought it up around 8 months. my response? better do it now before i get sleep again and am reminded what it feels like.... if that happens you''ll NEVER get me to have more kids!
chin up, as i keep saying the second was a completely different experience and the sleep deprivation was not even close to that of our first!
Thanks Rainy! I hope it makes a difference. Though I have surprisingly had fewer break downs than I would have expected. I think I should start trying to space out the feedings a little more. 4 hours apart would really make a difference.

I found out two other neighbors are due this spring. Seems like we are having a neighborhood baby boom. I am glad T will have other kids to play with as she gets older.
Tacori - The expression on Tessa's face in the first pic is just precious.

Diver - Love the valentine's dress you made. Delaney's eyes are huge, so pretty. Tessa and Delaney do look alike. It's nice that your DH is giving you a break tonight. You deserve it.

Jas12 - You are all belly. Have fun in Toronto.

lili - You are tiny and all belly, too. I hope to look as good as you ladies later on. =)

Jas - I felt weird telling people I am pregnant too. I am just starting to tell people at work now (I am almost 16 wks) that I am pregnant. I actually just told a few and they kind of help spread the news.

MsF - Ian is styling. Love baby Vans.

On caffeine - I didn't drink any in 1st tri. Now I drink a cup here and there, maybe once every few weeks. I do eat chocolate whenever I crave. I couldn't give that up. I agree that moderation is key. I did get some caffeine-free coke, but I haven't drink any yet.

I have a dr. appt today. I gained 1lb since two weeks ago, so dr. said, "good job on the weight." I did bloodwork and AFP screening today. The blood was flowing slow/trickling out of my right arm, so the phlebotomy tech decided to draw blood out of my left arm after the first one and a half tubes. It took so long to draw my blood. We also got to hear the HB on doppler. I also went for a walk when DH was ranging. It was so nice. I love that the weather is warmer and I can walk outdoor.
Date: 6/23/2006 9:35:33 PM
Author: monarch64
LOL Kaleigh, you''re too much!
I promise not to divulge any bedroom/''practice'' details, hee hee!

I visited a website today called It helps you calculate your cycle and ovulation window. I used to be really good about using a calender, but I kind of fell off that wagon for the past few months. I''m so used to using the computer for everything now that this is an easier method for me. I made an appointment for my annual with a new doctor who is highly recommended by a friend of mine today, so if everything checks out well with him in July we will be trying in the next few months! He''s almost 36 and I just turned 29 so it''s high time we get started, and we are both content we''ve experienced lots of things together the last 5 years and gotten most of our wanderlust out of our systems. It''s about all I can do not to go on the Pottery Barn website and start designing a nursery, lol!
Beautiful new icon, Monarch.

I just visited the site; what''s with it predicting that a baby girl will be conceived on certain days and a boy baby on other days? Isn''t that all about the sperm?

I''m confused!!
I didn''t know half of you who are pregnant are pregnant! Congratulations!! I need to visit this thread more often!!

All of you who have already delivered: Your babies are GORGEOUS!! Ian definitely represented for the boys! Love those cheeks!!