
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bobo, my OB suggested our pedi whom I LOVE. Try there as well.
Jas12- so glad you finally checked in. I wondered where you disappeared too although I know how tough it is to log on and then actually type anything with a newborn around. everytime i sit down at my computer jake seems to wake up or need something or just want to be held and it''s a PITA typing paragraphs one-handed so i''ve become a lurker most of the time. cohen is a cutie pie. the baby ache will clear up, don''t worry. Jake''s got a few tiny whiteheads right on his nose.

bobo, my ob recommended my first ped. too. i recently did change to an group closer to my house since we''ve moved since my oldest was born. i got the recommendation from mom''s in my mom''s club. most of them go there, my i loved the first one we had.

the sleep thing is the toughest part. I haven''t had a full nights sleep in so many years that i''ve learned to function on the lack of sleep pretty well, although there are days i''m so ready for bedtime. Jake sleeps in 3 hour streches so i''m only up with him 2 times a night with is actually pretty good considering i was up 5-6 times a night when 8-9 months preggo. it really does get better though.

hope all the rest of the recent mommies and mommies to be are having a nice weekend.

speaking of little Jake....mommy duty calls...
Happy Sunday!

Well, I went to BBB (the breastfeeding support class MsF recommended) and Amelia gained ELEVEN OUNCES! I was like, WTF??!?
I haven''t done anything can she gain that much weight? The average is 1/2 ounce to an ounce per day, so even if I figured the high end, she BLEW past the 7 ounces.

As it turns out, somehow, when I was about to give up, my breastmilk production doubled!!!
Keep in mind I had hardly anything, but last week I only managed to give her a half ounce. This week at the weigh in, it turns out I gave her 1.1 ounces (and I figured it was nothing, so I didn''t even keep her there for long). That means in addition to the 2 oz of formula I give her at every feed, it''s possible that she was getting up to an extra ounce, which would explain the massive weight gain. I didn''t know whether to be horrified or ecstatic! So the consultant told me to stretch her feedings to 3 hours (we had been doing 2 to mostly 2.5...hallelujah...I get a half hour extra sleep between feeds!) and we''ll see how we go. It''s possible that we may move to night feedings on demand instead of waking her. She said she''s getting big enough that she may be able to manage that. But since Amelia was such a worry when it came to gaining, she didn''t want to pull back too quickly. Still, she''s almost a month old and only a wee 8.4 pounds...but she looks like a porker to me now...

She also had a great tip about how to bottle feed. I had been propping her up and it just felt like it was going to fast. She had me put her on her side, arm over arm and hip over hip and bottle feed her that way. It made a huge difference. Thanks MsF for the recommendation...I was going to stop going after this week, but I think I''ll continue''s so helpful!!! Plus the weigh ins are getting addicting...and at only $10 each time it''s a bargain...

oops...more later..feeding time!

Jas, I think the key is "happy" awake time! hehehe. I like it when she''s happy and awake. When she''s not can have her! Does Cohen want a girlfriend this early in life?
That''s a beautiful pic of him so Amelia has agreed to have him if he''ll have her!!!

Baby acne does look awful...Amelia doesn''t have it, but her face is flaky in parts. Babies truly aren''t camera ready at least until 3 months, I think?

Burk, the lactatation consultant today said I don''t have to use the SNS''s too hard for moms she said. Like I said last week, I am fine with it, but I am happy to just try breast and supplement with a bottle...especially with the new technique I learned today.
And oatmeal raisin cookies sound YUM!!!
Date: 4/27/2008 12:00:49 PM
Author: Jas12
Re: bonding, i luv the happy awake time and try to take full advantage of it now, but do enjoy the naps! I think the hardest part of motherhood by far is lack of sleep--even thou Co will take a bottle he needs me to fall asleep at night and nursing is just easier than getting Charlie up and warming up breast milk etc. so Charlie never does a night feed. Cohen can sleep 3 hours stretches and go back to sleep without much trouble but i still find myself totally exhausted, esp since he nurses almost every hour during the day, napping for me is out. He is hungry ALL the time.

Ha, what happy awake time?

J is happy for like 1 minute and then starts wailing if the nipple is not in her mouth

Like Co, she feeds almost every hour too. I guess she''s one of those small frequent mealer.
Feed for 7 minutes and fall asleep. I''d be lucky if she feeds for 15 minutes continously.
She''s a lazy one....keeps on falling asleep after the let down. She doesn''t like to work for her food.

I love that BW pix of Co.
So precious and he''s so cute.
Definitely frame worthy.
Date: 4/27/2008 4:01:48 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Happy Sunday!

Well, I went to BBB (the breastfeeding support class MsF recommended) and Amelia gained ELEVEN OUNCES! I was like, WTF??!?
I haven't done anything can she gain that much weight? The average is 1/2 ounce to an ounce per day, so even if I figured the high end, she BLEW past the 7 ounces.

As it turns out, somehow, when I was about to give up, my breastmilk production doubled!!!
Keep in mind I had hardly anything, but last week I only managed to give her a half ounce. This week at the weigh in, it turns out I gave her 1.1 ounces (and I figured it was nothing, so I didn't even keep her there for long). That means in addition to the 2 oz of formula I give her at every feed, it's possible that she was getting up to an extra ounce, which would explain the massive weight gain. I didn't know whether to be horrified or ecstatic! So the consultant told me to stretch her feedings to 3 hours (we had been doing 2 to mostly 2.5...hallelujah...I get a half hour extra sleep between feeds!) and we'll see how we go. It's possible that we may move to night feedings on demand instead of waking her. She said she's getting big enough that she may be able to manage that. But since Amelia was such a worry when it came to gaining, she didn't want to pull back too quickly. Still, she's almost a month old and only a wee 8.4 pounds...but she looks like a porker to me now...

She also had a great tip about how to bottle feed. I had been propping her up and it just felt like it was going to fast. She had me put her on her side, arm over arm and hip over hip and bottle feed her that way. It made a huge difference. Thanks MsF for the recommendation...I was going to stop going after this week, but I think I'll continue's so helpful!!! Plus the weigh ins are getting addicting...and at only $10 each time it's a bargain...

oops...more later..feeding time!

That's great that your milk finally came in!!!

Uh is hungry.
one more check-in before heading back to my moms--the constant back and forth game i play right now!

lili--sounds like we have ''cluster feeders'' hehe--i am just glad Cohen will sleep a bit at night

Tgal--that''s fantastic about the weight gain --healthy little bean

glad to hear the baby acne should clear up --tgal is right, they are not photogenic till much later--Co looks like a teenager who got picked on in high school--he has it BAD
thanks Tacori & MrsS, little B first pedi was picked by my OB. He''s pretty good but his office staff isn''t that good. I have asked them about his newborn screen result and they mail me the wrong baby. When I told them they said it''s what they have on file. The nurse said it''s probably got mixed up and she''ll go find it and the office never call back.

So I called again few days later they told me to get it from the hospital and I was like but don''t you guys have it? Finally she told me they lost it and they can''t find it. so I wasn''t really happy about it and since my company was switching insurance company I thought I''ll try my sister''s pedi (his current one) but that didn''t turn out great either...I guess we don''t have a lot of luck in the pediatrician dept.

TGal, yeah
on the doubled breast milk production!
jackie- good to hear from you. sorry about all that annoying. Hopefully you can work something out that will work through the summer. Good for you getting out and to the gym. I cant believe you only have 10 pounds to lose. I only have 5, but i''m a good 6 months ahead of you!

Tgal- i went walking yesterday from RAT to the redondo pier, i was convinced i was going to run into you and your BOB, as I had mine...but nope, no asian ladies with white babies!

Jackie- people are ridiculous with their comments, its aweful. I''d like to say it gets better after the baby, but somehow everyone thinks they are right or at least entitled to share their opinion. Seriously, learn to ignore it. its hard to do, but so beneficial!

Tacori- I leave for mexico on thursday. I''m so nervous. my inlaws keep harping on my DH to redo his will. Seriously, we arent going to die, and there is a clause saying any future children in our old will. So its taken care of. Leave us alone! I''m pretty nervous about leaving Ian, I just typed up a 5 page guide to the care and keeping of Ian as well instruction on defrosting his babyfood cubes and how to work the TV remotes. I wonder what I''m missing?

Here is my little man and I at the beach yesterday. He is getting so BIG- 7 months and 20 pounds!
Ok, i just posted and then realized I didnt read the posts on this page...and that my picture didnt post!

Tgal- I''m so glad you like BBB...I was addicted too. And it was only $5 when i was going, so i went several times a week. How exciting to find out that you are actually producing! It may not be enough to feed exclusively, but definitely enough to make you feel like you aren''t wasting your time. My friend who had such a hard time at the beginning, went to BBB until her baby was 6 months. she was so addicted to those weigh ins...and she actually met quite a few friends there!

Jas- that picture is beautiful. what a darling little man you have!

beach with mom 2.jpg
TGal, yay for more milk! That is wonderful news. Don't worry about her being small. Tessa is VERY small for her age and she meets all of her milestones.

Lili, oh I remember the hourly feedings. That is when I started supplementing b/c I couldn't keep up. It will get easier and she will get happier. I promise. (((hugs)))

MsF, you and your DH will have a blast! I missed her but wasn't such a mess. I wrote out directions too. I included her doc's info (and directions if MIL had to take her). The nearest Urgent Care and ER and how to get there. Vet info. Good for you for only having 5 lbs. I have 10 still
but I haven't *really* tried to lose weight (though I did go to the gym twice this week). Love the photo of you and Ian! Inlaws are weird like that. My MIL was CONVINCED T would get kidnapped if we took her.

Jas, Tessa had it bad too. Don't worry. No scars or anything.
Ha lili, I don''t know if my milk "came in" but at least it''s gone from miniscule to slightly less miniscule. I kind of think it''s a fluke, but the scale don''t lie, so we''ll see.

But thanks all for the support!

Jas, I was thinking we dodged a bullet on the acne, but I see the beginnings of it on Amelia. It must be sympathy zits for Cohen that she has...

Man Bobo, your doc and staff sound imcompetent. Where are you located? Perhaps we can give you a recommendation if you are in LA. I know MsF loves her ped, as do I....

MsF, great photo! I LOVE that view of PV, don''t you? It rivals some of the gorgeous scenery I''ve seen in Europe, but I think we take it for granted here. I don''t often walk on that side...I mostly go from Hermosa toward Manhattan. I was there on Friday and was down in the area on Sat but didn''t head down to the strand. It was almost too hot to be outside!

Have a great trip also! I can understand your comes with the territory of being a parent. However grandparent anxiety seems worse by what you are saying!!

Wow, $5 when you went? That wasn''t that long ago and they doubled their price! But still, I think it''s a deal!

Tacori, how much does Tessa weigh now? I think Amelia will pass her for sure if she keeps gaining like this!
TGal, Tessa weighed 8lb 7oz at 1 month and was 9lb 11oz at 2 months. She was 11lbs at 4 months and 13 lbs 3 oz at her 5 months. I believe she is 25% tile for weight, height, and head (I''d have to check though)
Date: 4/27/2008 8:26:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, Tessa weighed 8lb 7oz at 1 month and was 9lb 11oz at 2 months. She was 11lbs at 4 months and 13 lbs 3 oz at her 5 months. I believe she is 25% tile for weight, height, and head (I''d have to check though)
She stands a good chance of being that exact weight at her 1 month check up this Thursday. Amelia wouldn''t mind being just like Tessa!
Oh you are so cute TGal! I was always a petite girl and it served me well. I guess it is okay if Tessa (and Amelia) is one too. BTW do you have a nickname related to her name? You gotta get an exersaucer. SOOOOOOO funny! I am going to have to post a picture. She lurves it (maybe more than me).
TGal, I''m in Orange County, CA. it will be great if you can recommend someone.
Tacori~I was checking out he Graco Contempo (I think) because it was on sale but not too sure what I''ll end up with....I registered for a Chico one so I may go and get it. What are you getting? So funny about the exersaucer! I am contemplating getting Tayva that or a thingy where they can jump (technical name) because she is always trying to stand up and jump on my lap. Knowing my MIL, she''ll end up with both. I just feel like baby stuff is taking over my house!! :)

MsF~Cute pic of you and the little man!! Have a great trip!

TGal~Congrats on increased milk supply and no more SNS. And yea for Amelia''s weight gain!

Lili~I feel your pain....every hour feedings are hard. It does get easier!
I guess Torrance, CA, would be too far for you to come Bobo? My ped also does not take HMO...
Burk, we have a jumper you put in the doorway that was gifted to us. Haven''t used it yet. I bought the evenflo exersaucer (with all the toys, lights, and sounds). I wish I got it sooner b/c she can spend an hour at a time in there (more PS time for me
) She can turn herself around in it and jumps around (it does move a little). She is so tiny though I might put a blanket in the seat with her to keep her snug. I noticed she was kind of moving all over the place (like she was drunk). She looked scared but I started laughing so she did too. But then she remembered she was scared and started crying (she was really tired though too).
Date: 4/27/2008 10:26:50 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I guess Torrance, CA, would be too far for you to come Bobo? My ped also does not take HMO...
yeah, Torrance is kind of far. thanks anyway.
TGal, that is fantastic news on the milk and weight gain. I''m so pleased for you. I''m also inspired. It''s funny, but I''m getting a lot of warnings from friends, family, even the one Dr I''ve seen so far that breastfeeding is hard and not to worry if I can''t. It''s not what I expected at all, since there is a huge public health drive here to support bf. Even my midwife has been a bit non committal about it. If it wasn''t for PS, I''d assume that it''s impossible and give up at the first hurdle.

You are all inspirational - I really do want to BF and this is giving me a lot more confidence to persevere if the going gets tough!

Tacori~I think Tayva and I will make a trip to Kids Stuff after work (we don''t have a BRU in town!!!
) and see what we come up with. I need something that I can put her in so I can get stuff done (or spend time on PS
). She likes to sit in her bumbo while I cook but I just feel like I can''t move away from right where she is to even grab another ingredient.... Post a pic of Tessa in her exersaucer!!

MrsMitchell~breastfeeding is hard but this thread is a great support system!
Ugh. Back to work on Monday. Yesterday was Hubby''s 30th birthday so we did a lot of celebrating (and eating) this weekend and I feel like a Weeble. He enjoyed a few drinks and I enjoyed watching him getting a bit drunk
His mom gave him a party with family on Saturday and I took him out to dinner last night so he was happy with that. My dad got him some car stuff (he has a classic car he''s been working on).

I took my GD test on Friday and it wasn''t too bad. The stuff they had me drink was at least carbonated but it was orange flavored - and I hate anything orange flavored. I managed to get it all down and keep it down so it went well. My next doc appt is this Friday and the results should be in by then.

I did some shopping and got some spring/summer mat. clothes so I''m happy about that. I even went out on a branch and got some capri pants. I quit wearing shorts a few years ago (too cold in the AC) but my mom insists and I''ll be way too hot to not have some type of shorts. I didn''t buy much because I''m growing quickly these days and I don''t want to spend a lot of money on clothes that I won''t wear for long.

I really need to get out and register. My mom is having my shower on June 22 and my MIL is planning one too. I was thinking about only registering at BRU since they''ll have everything I need (I hope). The big ticket items like a crib, dresser and rocker will be purchased by my mom and MIL but I''ll register for them anyways so they know what I want. Is there anything that I must have? What''s not worth it?

Also do any of you know if they still make those crib "nets" to keep cats out of the crib? I have two kitties and I know they''ll be all over the crib if given the chance and we want to prevent them from using it as their own personal space right away.

New mommies - your babies are sooo cute! I just want to eat them up! They do grow so fast though - I hope I''m ready for this!

Hi Everyone- Just wanted to say thanks for all the warm welcomes- It''s pretty exciting to be here...Probably just wait a little while to write too much.

Can I just say how cute alll of these little ps babies are- and the mommies- not to shabby either. It''s so funny our love of picture taking- first diamonds, then babies!!! I can''t wait!!!

Tgal that is so cool about your milk increase- hope it continues for you!

Bobo I am glad your little guy is doing better!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Thanks again for your good wishes!
Jess, Our cat rarely comes into the house these days, but I wanted to be safe, so I checked this out and they do still make catnets. I got one for the crib and one for the stroller (which lays flat for newborns, like a sort of portable crib). I''m in the UK though and from looking at the box, it was made here.

The company website is

Yikes, I keep getting behind on my reading!! So much going on with the moms and preggos!!

Bobo, how's B doing? I hope he's all better and you find a new pedi soon. I found mine through my OB as well. I guess you may just have to ask around and get suggestions. Just ask any random person you see who has a baby! Keep us posted.

jackie, it's good that you'll get the renovation over with before the babies come. One less thing to think about! I just can't believe all the f'ed up comments that you get! You handle it all much better than I would!

ella, the high waist is DEFINITELY making a comeback! I hear ya on the sagginess--I had just come to terms with it and now I'm preggo again and enjoying my expanding waistline but have no idea what I'll look like after this one. NOT looking forward to it.

Diva, good to see you back here and it sounds like things are going well. You can totally just register at BRU--they literally have everything there. Have fun with it!!

mrssalvo, Jake is just yummy!! What a cutie pie!! Hope everything is going well in your busy household!

pavelover, CONGRATULATIONS and welcome aboard!!! Looking forward to sharing your journey with you!

Jas12, great to see you back here! Cohen is just adorable!! Sounds like things are going well for you. I definitely had the baby blues for a few weeks and maybe a little longer but I wouldn't admit it until much later!! Those hormones really screw with your head. I'm glad you've been able to get out on your own a few times. Must feel good to get back to the gym. The baby acne should pass quickly. Lily never had it but most of my friends' babies did and it was gone within a few weeks. Damn hormones again!

lili, you should try to get her to take the bottle as soon as you can just so you can get a break. It will make your life much easier!!

TGal, bubby is soooo cute!!! Great nickname. We've been calling Lily "pumpkin" since birth and it's stuck. She actually responds to it!
Hooray for your milk production!!!! You go, girl! What a great surprise. I'm glad things are going better than you thought!

Tacori, we never got an exersaucer but all my friends RAVE about theirs!! I think it's actually really good for their little legs too. Glad your hair loss is slowing down. Mine seemed to last forever and now I have these horrible little hairs on my hairline that just want to stick straight up! Not cute!!!

msflutter, GORGEOUS photo!!!! Ian is just darling and you look great! You're going to have a great time on your trip--I'm so jealous!! I'm sure everything will be fine, don't worry.

Things are going well here in mom/preggo land! Lily will be one next week and I'm freaking out but what can I do, right? We actually tried some regular milk this weekend and she took it without any problem. We're just trying to get her to take it out of the sippy because I really want her off bottles asap! She loves water out of the sippy but was weird about the milk. Baby steps, baby steps. I have to remind myself that these things don't miraculously happen and we will have to work with her. Speaking of baby steps, she is standing on her own and tried to take a few steps but got scared. Unfortunately, she took a bad spill yesterday and landed on her face! She cried for all of 2 seconds and then was totally fine but then I saw blood coming out of her mouth and nearly died!!! But as a mother, I somehow managed to stay calm and get her cleaned up and gave her a little ice pack thingy to suck on. DH is the one who went into panic mode! I love how men are supposed to be so tough and are so quick to criticize us but he was definitely freaking out in this case. As it turns out, I think she just bit her lip when she fell so it got a little puffy but stopped bleeding quickly and she's back to normal today--you can't even tell. I just know it won't be the last time so I'm not going to get worked up over every little fall she takes.

On the preggo side, DH actually felt this baby moving for the first time the other night! I was surprised that he could feel it already but she's definitely making her presence known. It was really cool for him.

Mom tip: we went to Old Navy this weekend because Lily needed some summer pjs. They have the cutest ones that are a little short sleeved shirt and long pants in cute patterns and they were 2 for $20! She wore a pair last night and I nearly stayed up staring at her all night because they are soooo cute!! I highly recommend them!

Preggo tip: since I was fortunate to have my last child in May, I didn't have to endure the summer in full on preg mode. Not as lucky this time and I'm soooo not into maternity clothes. So I was in H&M this weekend and they have super cute loose flowy tops for really cheap. I bought a couple because I know they'll be good for this summer when I'm at my largest and I'll still be able to wear them again post-pregnancy since they're not actual maternity tops. Also got 2 basic roll top skirts from Old Navy (maternity) so I'm guessing my summer maternity wardrobe will consist of a few skirts, loose tops, tank tops and a dress or 2 and maybe some leggings. THAT'S IT. I refuse to go overboard especially since this is definitely my last pregnancy!!

MrsM, I am not going to lie, for me BFing has been the hardest thing I have ever done. But if you CAN get it to work for you it is worth it. I can''t believe I am a week away from my 6 month goal. If you ever have any questions or need support please know I am always here.

Burk, I am will post a picture. I think she will love it. I think the min. age is 4 months but if she is holding her head up well enough for the bumbo, I think she will be fine (sorry I can''t remember her age).

Diva, I didn''t think the GD test was bad at all either. We only registered at BRU. Do it online. So easy! We also have two cats. I put tinfoil down in the crib and bassinett while I was preggo (to scare them if they jumped on it) Now that she is here we haven''t had a problem. Our cats adjusted beautifully. I would be nervous about the net IMHO. Having anything extra that could fall on her when she is a newborn...I don''t know. carries them.

Pave, welcome again my dear!
Hi ladies! Question for all of you. Is it normal to be totally bloated only few weeks in? I swear I must have gained 5 lbs overnight in water weight. And only around my midsection, and I am only in my 5th week! Is this normal?
Date: 4/28/2008 1:24:03 PM
Author: neatfreak
Hi ladies! Question for all of you. Is it normal to be totally bloated only few weeks in? I swear I must have gained 5 lbs overnight in water weight. And only around my midsection, and I am only in my 5th week! Is this normal?
I was the same way with my Daughter.
neatfreak~perfectly normal...along with a lot of other things that will make you go "what?" Some days were worse than others but I could have sworn at times early in my pregnancy that I was so bloated people would know I was preggo and we didn''t tell anyone until 10 weeks!!

Tacori~It''s hard to keep track of how old all the kiddos are...Tayva is 3 months but she is more than ready for some "big kid" stimulation!!
Can''t wait to see the pic of Tessa having a blast in hers!!

Curly~Are you having a party for Lily''s b-day? First birthdays are soooo fun. We will NEED pictures!
Thanks for the old navy tip. I like their baby stuff and it seems to fit well...might have to stop at the mall some time this week.