
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jen, how funny! They were big boys. Hopefully we won''t have any problems with. DH and I have no I have my fingers crossed.

snlee, I love our espresso. Of course I have other furniture the same color. Can''t say I love our travel system. I have used my chicco full size stroller MAYBE once. I am a snap ''n go mama.

Bobo, I can''t wait til she says mama either. That mom is strange. Oh well.

NF, don''t worry. Some days you will feel good others you won''t. I think that is normal.

Pave, thanks for your advice.

Okay monster is waking up. More later.
I''m feeling a bit
after my appointment on Friday. My GD test came back at 139, just one point over passing so I get to take it again - this time fasting two hours before the test. I''m so disappointed in myself
Doc wants me to cut back on all sugars and carbs for the time being and probably thru the rest of my pregnancy. I understand the risk but I love my carbs and so does baby. He''s not actually diagnosing me with GD yet but wants to be on the safe side.

Otherwise my appt was great. Baby''s heartbeat was strong and I''m up 25 pounds overall. I''m moving to every other week appointments now! EEK! It''s getting so close! Only about 12 more weeks until I''m a mommy

My hubby is working on the nursery right now. I can''t wait to go look at paint and see what can be done with the carpet. The carpet was supposed to be replaced before we even moved in and it wasn''t and it''s in bad shape so I just want it gone - even if we have to pay for it ourselves. I''m pretty sure we''re going to buy the house so I guess it won''t matter in the end.

Diva, sorry to hear that! I love my carbs and sugar too. Good luck with the second test. Can''t wait to see nursery pics.

neatfreak, my morning sickness was "all day sickness" and start to ease up until I''m 14 weeks but everyone is different. when I first find out I was pregnant at the first OB appt. my OB said if you start to bleed go straight to the E.R. so I think as long as your not bleeding (bright red menstrual like blood) you should be fine.

pavelover, yes, that is a new pix of little B. he got funny expression all the time.
I think it''s normal to be nervous and worried especially if you had suffered a loss previously. I think being a mom you will start to worry from the moment you found out your preggo. For me before the 3 months mark I worried about miscarrage. After 3 months I''m worried about pre term labor and when getting closed to full term I worried about labor time and the cord around the baby''s neck and of course durning all that time I worried if little B. is healthy...So just try to find things to distract yourself and not drive yourself crazy.
Diva, sorry to hear about your GD test. Hope you will pass the second test!
Sorry your outing with your mom didn''t go well.
Hopefully the next time you go out with her, she''ll be too wrapped up with the little one to notice other things.
Wow, you are so close to delivering already!

Love the pro pictures of Tayva.
That''s a great deal you got with the photographer. Very worth it.
Hehe, I hear you about putting a burp cloth while nursing.
My burp cloth would be soaked after each feeding.
I leaked on the side that she''s not nursing.
And some on the side that she''s nursing because the milk is coming out too fast.
She choked a few times already.
But when it slowed down, she''d get really frustrated. I guess she''s too lazy to suckle.

Fortunately she doesn''t do those hourly feeding often.
It takes her 45 minutes to nurse because she doesn''t suckle the entire time.
She''ll suckle 3x and rest a bit and sometimes she''ll doze off.
She''s getting better now....longest nurse time is 35 minutes.
That''s great that Jake is a fast eater

Hopefully, Jadie will be like Jake soon.
Believe me, if this long feeding continues, I may every well throw in the towel and go with formula.

Congrats on the increase in bra size.
You haven''t seen anything yet until you deliver

Don''t worry about the 2 1/2 hour feeding.
It''s just my little girl, she''s a lazy one and only really eat during the milk let-down.

Those cheeks on little B are really pinch-able.
And I love his mohawk!

Haha, I have the same issue with J falling asleep during nursing and tugging on the nipples while nursing.
Like I told LIA, she only eats when the milk is coming down fast for her so she doesn''t need to work for it.
She''ll work at it if she''s famished though

Hehe, I know. Aren''t they just sweet little angels when they are asleep?
Then the monster comes out -- face all read and eyes closed tight with a wail that can shatter the windows -- when they are hungry.

Regarding hair falling out. Mine has been falling out even during pregnancy. It was slower, but it was falling out.
Now it''s falling out just as fast as pre-preggo. I''ll be bald pretty soon.
Oh, I see. I thought that it was kind of early for the doctor to determine the gender at 13 wk

I still think that it''ll be a boy/girl combo -- like your intuition suggested.

Glad to hear that your amnio went smoothly.
Hoping you''ll get your result before mother''s day.
Can''t wait to find out what you''ll have.

Post pictures of Lily''s big event :P

Wow, 6 months already?
Happy 1/2 year old Tessa!!
By the way, that''s funny about the lady not wanting to share the photographer info with you.
I guess there are some people who just don''t want others to have the same good deal they have.

Congrats on the half-way mark!
And 20 lb at 20 wk is fabulous.
I was up 16 lb ( I think) at 20 wk and I only have one baby and am a shortie (at 5'').
Hehe, get used to the baby (or babies) being right up against your rib.
They are going to be there for a while.
And yes, I think you are long overdue with a preggo pix

Happy 1-month to Amelia.
How about a 1-month photo of your lollipop? :)

I know what you mean about GTG.
I was actually thinking about going to one of those BBB appt and bump into you there :P
Anyway, it would be fun to see all the kiddies when Diver comes in town.

Bummer about the 1-hr GD test.
Don''t worry too much about it.
I failed my 1-hr too....and my numbers were alot higher than yours.
I believe it was 196 or something in that range.
But I passed the 3-hr test with flying colors.
The nurse told me that most preggos failed the 1-hr test but pass the 3-hr.

good grief....I''ve been hitting my little one''s head the last 4 times.
She''s napping right here next to my legs.
Gotta''s awake.
lili, I know. I think it is so silly. I love sharing/giving info. Guess that is what makes people different. Oh well. Too bad there wasn''t a way to force it out of her

I can''t believe she is 6 months old. I tried to give her carrots today. She has a cold though so it did not go too well. She refused her bottle too. I will try again tomorrow.
Date: 5/2/2008 6:03:22 PM
Author: Kay

Tacori, happy 6 month birthday to Tessa! I can’t believe it has been that long. I can’t believe that other mom won’t tell you the name of her photographer! What a weird thing to not want to share with another mom; it’s not like you want to copy her jewelry or something, lol.

Hehe, maybe she''s afraid that the photographer will use the same pose for the pictures.
And Tessa is probably a much cuter subject
Isn''t it just heart-breaking when the little one just gagged on the solids?
My newphew looked so pathetic and sad when his mom tried to feed him peas.
He got tears rolling down his cheeks and stuff.

Hope Tessa feels better soon.
Hi guys

wow, time flies--i can''t believe it was over a month when Tgal had her eventful cake-baking, water-breaking episode and i was desperate to go into labor!
and i can''t believe Tessa is 6-months--crazy

Things on the Cohen/Jas12 front are okay--we had a *really* rough night last night. Cohen has crying hysterically for several hours and i didn''t know what to do since this was his first real episode of long-extended crying. It was so utterly stressful i was in tears with him. I think he was really over tired and a little gassy. I am reading the baby whisper book right now and so many of the descriptions fit my spirited little guy---we are trying her E.A.S.Y routine (anyone used it?) which apparently is a lifesaver for some kids and moms. It is ''structured'' as far as structuring a newborn can be,--we are back to swaddling at night and making sure he has really long feeds so he goes 3 hours in b/w instead of snacking, and cat napping (which is creating the hungry/sleepy/cranky cycle)
Fingers crossed that this works. I am going to give it a good shot.

other than last night i am enjoying him so much--he''s just so darn entertaining-i could watch him all day when he''s happy ;-)

hope everyone has a good sunday

Jas, I have found with Amelia that the only time she seems to lose it and I am helpless about it is when she gets overtired. We have been much much better though, and last night (by accident since I turned off my alarm and didn't reset it) she went 4.5 hours before she woke up starving.

We have always swaddled her - never once has she gone down at night without it (although in the day we have tried to free her from it for stretches at a time for naps). She hates it at first and tries to get her arm out (I am starting to slowiy bring in the miracle blanket) but once she settles in, it's great. If I don't swaddle her, she definitely startles herself awake, which means a lot shorter naps. She also loves her papasan...hated it at first - but guess what. We put her in swaddled (and just strapped her in over the swaddle blanket), and then started swinging (sometimes with a pacifier which we started to use around week 3) and it works like a charm. Now she can go in the swing without the pacifier/swaddle, but I use rolled up receiving blankets around her body to get her snug. Calms her down almost immediately. That Karp guy was onto something.

Sorry you had a rough night last night. I've had a few of those too. Now days are a bit rougher if she stays awake through 2 feedings. I am pretty regimented in the sense that I really want her to nap after two hours of wakefulness and we are in a groove now. It REALLY helps. She probably has 2-3 periods of wakefulness a day, which is working out great. She is now almost sleeping through the night, meaning I wake her, feed her, and she conks right back out for the next 3 hours. I feel almost human again and when I have a tough day, I remind myself that it's worth it that nights have been good.

So, on the bloody BFing front...came back from that support group today. She took 1.6 ounces...which is now triple what I started with. She is now half on formula/half BF per feeding, which is excellent for me. Even better, I got the green light today not to wake her at night and feed at will. Hopefully this will mean some 4 hour stretches like she had last night. Woo hoo! She gained 7 ounces this week...perfect!!

I told TGuy I figured out when it is I think she's really cute. It's when we're in the apartment kind of in the dark! In the natural light outside, she's not cute at all. Blotchy skin, reddish/auburn hair and those gray eyes. I don't know...maybe I'm not a good mom, but it kind of makes me sad she's so funky looking and got none of the cool features I wanted her to get (like TGuy's eyes and his lashes). Even worse, one eye has changed on me, so she has two different style eye creases (the asians here will understand more what I mean). One is "asian" style and starts from the inside of her eye, and the other one is now more caucasian style where the crease starts outside her eye. Kid's got lopsided eyes now...great.....

Tacori, I can't believe Tessa is 6 months! Man, I feel like she was just born! Yay for Tessa! I also think it's so weird that that mom won't share the name of the photographer. If I were you, I wouldn't be doing her any favors. Sheesh.

Burk, those pro photos are just gorgeous. I'll consider doing them for Amelia if she ever grows in some stinkin' eyebrows. I'm such a conditional mom.

Jackie, looking forward to that belly shot!

Kay, I'm glad the amnio wasn't too bad for you. It really is mostly mental. I mean, who likes the thought of the 7 inch needle going in you? Ick factor is high! I couldn't look either. And amusingly, TGuy couldn't either! He was worse than me...holding my hand, but hiding behind the curtain so he couldn't see! Keeping my fingers crossed for your results!

Qtiekiki, glad you are having a shower from your work colleagues. Every mom to be should have one shower...and that's coming from a gal who hated the thought of showers. My shower was very "a la Miranda" from Sex and the City. My friends had Popeye's fried chicken, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and other comfort food. Nothing frou frou. Just simple, down and dirty and very me. They insisted on playing one game, so at my suggestion we played a getting to know one another game that was hysterical, and not at all baby related!

neatfreak, morning sickness was consistent for me once it started. It was like clockwork. Everyday at 4 pm I'd start to get the icks and it would last until I went to sleep. Mine wasn't bad...I never puked but I just felt completely hungover. I don't think you have anything to worry about at this point...

pavelover, I totally had anxiety, although I didn't really show it. If it's not one thing, it's another. Now that she's born, I realized that pregnancy was the easy part (not saying it's easy, but man...nothing like seeing your kid exhibiting strange signs/symptoms to make you panic!). I think that anxiety just prepares you for what you'll go through for the rest of you life with the kid. There...did I make ya feel better?

Diva, sorry about the GD test...but as lili says, lots of women fail the first and pass the second with flying colors. Here's hoping that's the case for you!

lili, you are so right...they are angels when they sleep and then when they get pissed off they are monsters! Angry faces are not cute faces! And Amelia's skin tone is so different from mine and TGuy's...she just turns so RED!!! -->

snlee, are you sure you can't change your DH's mind about the stroller? Because my guess is that YOU will be the one using it most of the time and since you are little you are not going to want to lug it around.

OK speaking of gear, it's a little early as I still love the snap and go, but look what I got on craiglist yesterday (see pic below). I wanted a Maclaren for my umbrella stroller but don't like the current colors and designs. Then I saw this one and loved it! Got it for $100 which I didn't think was the best deal until after I bought it (after a lot of hemming and hawwing which is not like me at all) when I looked at other cities on craigslist to see what they are going for. First of all, it's hard to find a Quest in excellent used condition (this one was), and secondly, people ask a lot more than $100 for even older models. The moss bubbles one is a 2006, so it's not that old. I love green and circles. I love craigslist!!!

Oh, and per lili''s is Amelia at one month. I wanted to do a cute little photo shoot with a nice sign like MsFlutter did, but Amelia was awake and happy and I had to move fast, hence my "ghetto" sign. TGuy was like, "WTF is THAT? With all the technology you have, you couldn''t make a nicer sign?" Well, hmph.

Tacori: Thanks for the reassurance. It's so nice to hear it's normal from "real" people!

Bobo: Good to know about the bleeding. I didn't know if it was red to go to the ER because I haven't been to the darn doctor yet! One of the downsides of being young with no risk factors...they have no desire to see you.

Jas: That book looks great. I just added it to my amazon list of baby books to buy. Hope you and Cohen get some better sleep tonight!

TGal: Amelia is GORGEOUS!!! And don't worry those eyes may turn green after all...babies eyes often change colors later on. And thanks for your m/s experience. That is exactly how I feel in the mornings and evenings, just "ick". With a bit of nausea and food aversions thrown in. And YAY for craigslist! I swear half of our house was purchased on craigslist.

For anyone else with m/s I've noticed that keeping hydrated, eating some saltines before I get out of bed, and getting enough sleep(!!!) really really makes a difference for me. If I'm tired my m/s is way way worse. I also found that one weird thing I can eat even when feeling nauseous is watermelon. Yummy,healthy, and doesn't make me want to puke!
Tgal--i luv responding to your posts b/c you say the things i am too afraid to admit -ha
I thought Co was really bad looking at the height of his baby acne--i almost didn''t want to show him off for a few days b/c i was thinking "no, wait, don''t judge, he was cute just a few days ago! --and i am only half joking :-) I also think he has my nose which is my most unfortunate facial feature--poor kid.
I think Amelia will start to take on more distinct features, just give her time. Our babes will look totally iddferent with eyelashes and eyebrows i am sure! Like u said before--3 months till they are photogenic.

Re:swaddling--co hates it at first too but iam sticking to my guns, it really is good for calming purposes--he has rejected swings and carriers so far, but i have not given it much of a try. Also, he uses the pacifier a lot--i feel guilty about it, but i figure i need something for those "moments" and it''s my parenting vice...oh well.

New co pic ( acne is clearing so it''s safe to put one up==hehe)

Date: 5/4/2008 4:39:14 PM
Author: neatfreak
Tacori: Thanks for the reassurance. It''s so nice to hear it''s normal from ''real'' people!

Bobo: Good to know about the bleeding. I didn''t know if it was red to go to the ER because I haven''t been to the darn doctor yet! One of the downsides of being young with no risk factors...they have no desire to see you.

Jas: That book looks great. I just added it to my amazon list of baby books to buy. Hope you and Cohen get some better sleep tonight!

TGal: Amelia is GORGEOUS!!! And don''t worry those eyes may turn green after all...babies eyes often change colors later on. And thanks for your m/s experience. That is exactly how I feel in the mornings and evenings, just ''ick''. With a bit of nausea and food aversions thrown in. And YAY for craigslist! I swear half of our house was purchased on craigslist.

For anyone else with m/s I''ve noticed that keeping hydrated, eating some saltines before I get out of bed, and getting enough sleep(!!!) really really makes a difference for me. If I''m tired my m/s is way way worse. I also found that one weird thing I can eat even when feeling nauseous is watermelon. Yummy,healthy, and doesn''t make me want to puke!
Ha, thanks neatfreak. But you know what? I want her eyes to turn BROWN. Boring, plain ole brown. I want her to look more like me and she would with brown eyes!!!

How funny...when I was in my first trimester ALL I wanted was watermelon. No joke. I loved it. Lived on it. I could eat it even when feeling crap. Must be something special and healing about watermelon, doncha think?

And yes, water is key. Even when I had m/s, I downed a lot of water which I think totally helped. I was a fish during my pregnancy. I never had constipation, which I attribute to lots of fluid intake.
Jas, I am not just saying this, but he is adorable. Maybe you are picking the best pics (like many of us do) or maybe like Amelia he looks funkier in person, or maybe you are just like me and more critical of your own child (poor kids have tough parents and are going to have a complex), but he IS cute!!!

Well, I know she''s not the cutest kid on the block, especially since the only comment I get when my friends see her for the first time is "she''s so WHITE!". But you know what? Cute babies are only for parents'' egos. I want her to be a smart and semi-attractive kid/adult...that''s when it will help HER and not just be so I can feel proud that our genetics were fab and feel all great when people compliment her when does doesn''t even understand!!

Try swaddling him and putting him in the worked for us. She hated it at first but the swaddle helped...maybe feels more secure while swinging about like that? Kind of like being in your arms and swayed, which she liked from the start. TGuy and I don''t mind letting her squawk for a few minutes and we work out what''s a protest and what''s a serious issue...

btw, what is wrong with your nose? I thought you have a lovely nose? One thing I am glad is that Amelia doesn''t have my nose...however we are afraid she''ll have MY eyes (small) and HIS nose (rather large). Not a winning combination!!! Can you will a nose not to grow?
hi ladies, i love catching up with everyone!

neatfreak..i only had m/s with Jake but it did come and go. some days i had it bad and other days nothing....

bobo-love the new pic of little b...just so adorable..

tacori- i can''t believe Tessa is 6 months. boo to the lady who won''t share the photographer..that''s just silly...

divadiamond- sorry about the GD test, hopefully your pass with flying colors on the long second one..

lili, glad the nursing going a bit better..don''t worry, you and little j will get into a routine and everything and the supply/demand will even out..

Jas12- glad little Cohen is doing well. I didn''t read the baby whisperer but it sounds like some things are working for you..woo hoo...

tgal- yay for more milk and getting to let Amelia sleep longer at night! Amelia is beautiful, seriously don''t worry about her. baby''s seem to change their look daily.

we are just having so much fun with Jake. My dad was in town for the weekend and just loved holding his first grandson. Jake''s soft new baby completion has now been taking over from the babyacne bandits
..poor guy. i hope it clears up sooner than later. He slept 5 hours straight last night though...woo hoo!!
TGal -- I love Amelia''s "victory" pose. I think she''s just precious!
Jas12 -- Co is adorable as well! Glad the baby acne is clearing up!

Can I just say that I''m glad I have an U/S tomorrow because, well, for the past few days listening with the doppler at home, we''re now hearing three heartbeats? I''m hoping it''s just an echo or something...but if it''s Baby A''s echo, we are not getting an echo for Baby B.

I''m having serious sweats about this! Of all things for me to worry about, for goodness'' sake.

But tomorrow we''ll know if it''s team Pink, Blue, or Lavender!
jackie -- i can''t wait to hear about your u/s tomorrow!! you may have said before, but what do you want them to be, gender-wise? so will you post a belly shot then?
I''d love the "gender" u/s pics if you could post them -- i''m trying to look at as many as i can so that i''m prepared for the "crotch shot" next visit even if my tech won''t tell me what they are! :) Also, i''ve heard about that "third heartbeat" thing -- so you''re not alone there -- and yes it was an echo.... that''d be some shock to find out you have a third one tucked in there

TGal -- sounds like the bf''ing continues to get better
Thanks for the new (ADORABLE) pic of amelia!

Jas -- i love that close-up of cohen!! he''s a doll!

neatfreak -- i was on the watermelon bandwagon too -- with these 2 as well as with my boys. I swear for a while i may have not eaten anything if it weren''t for watermelon -- glad you "found" it!

Well, I attacked my garage today -- i dunno what minute i was watching tv and the next i was up and dragging dh out the door to rearrange a bunch of crap out in the garage -- wth??! I knew i had a box with some of my nicer (old) maternity clothes that i hadn''t given away/garage saled, and a few baby clothes (that i don''t need for quite a while), but i was in full-on organizing mode. Since when does "nesting" start in the garage?? End result -- i know where the stuff i''ll eventually need is, and everything else that belongs together is actually together and it''s roomier
I love the energy surge, but i have NO idea what got into me. Thought i''d share a whacked-out preggo moment with ya

Hope everyone''s having a great Sunday -- i think i''m gonna take the boys and go get ice cream!


Jas12, sorry to hear about your rough night. Mabye Cohen has Colic? love the new handsome

Tgal, I''m sure her eye creases will change again when she gets bigger. I think baby change so much in the first 3 months. Love the first month photo shoot, Amelia is so cute! so is the sign...

neatfreak, i know what you mean by no risk factor. But always call ur doctor if u are not sure. you want to be safe than sorry.

thanks mrsS, and yeah

on the 5 hours sleep!!

Jas, can''t wait to hear about ur u/s!!

attached is little B. with his little pooh

Bobo-- so cute! Love the expression on Little B''s face!
Ok, 20 week twin belly shot. Not for the squeamish...and note the cheezy grin...I had the dog on my foot and let's just say he is quite gassy today.

And just the belly. Oy.

Date: 5/4/2008 6:03:24 PM
Author: sk8rjen
jackie -- i can''t wait to hear about your u/s tomorrow!! you may have said before, but what do you want them to be, gender-wise? so will you post a belly shot then?
I''d love the ''gender'' u/s pics if you could post them -- i''m trying to look at as many as i can so that i''m prepared for the ''crotch shot'' next visit even if my tech won''t tell me what they are! :) Also, i''ve heard about that ''third heartbeat'' thing -- so you''re not alone there -- and yes it was an echo.... that''d be some shock to find out you have a third one tucked in there
Thanks Jen -- belly shots above taken just after you posted this (thanks for the reminder)!

I really have no preference for sex of babies, although DH wants one of each. I will definitely post the U/S! LOL about "crotch shot" luck they will tuck the umblical cord between their legs in their first act of defiance!

Thanks for the reassurance on the echo. I swear I was losing my mind!

Enjoy the ice it nice where you live? It''s a glorious 70 degrees here and we just walked the dog to exhaustion because we didn''t want to come in (no worries, we had water for the dog with us!)

Oh, and Jas12, I hope you have a better night tonight. Poor thing.
Jas, that would be crazy if you were having triplets! Good luck on your u/s.

Lili, oh T is MUCH cuter than her son

TGal and Bobo, adorable babies!!!

Jas12, well I will tell you what worked for us....WHITE NOISE! Run that hair dryer/vacuum/shower/anything. it STILL calms T down when she is out of control (which TGal is 100% right b/c it is when she is usually overtired). Swaddling helps (tight, tight), paci, and swing....
Date: 5/4/2008 8:55:17 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Jas12, well I will tell you what worked for us....WHITE NOISE! Run that hair dryer/vacuum/shower/anything. it STILL calms T down when she is out of control (which TGal is 100% right b/c it is when she is usually overtired). Swaddling helps (tight, tight), paci, and swing....

The vacuum is pure genius. We had friends over last week with their new 1 month old baby. Baby was out of control crying and my friend asked if we minded turning on the vacuum. We did and within 5 seconds the baby was content and quiet. It was amazing!
NF, you probably didn''t read my earlier posts with T but we actually downloaded an mp3 from b/c we would fall asleep with our Dyson running and were worried we would burn out the motor. THAT is how much we used it the first 4 months. I bought a CD player with remote and we would turn it on in the middle of the night. Now we don''t use the CD that often. I think on a handful of times during the last couple months so don''t worried about the baby getting too used to it or NEEDING it.

Jas, you are TINY by the way. I can''t believe you have two babies in there!
Another Sleep Tip:

Another thing that really worked for us was waiting 15 mins before going to her. Your babies are too small for that now but once baby is bigger and can go longer between feeds my doctor suggests this. It cut down a whole feeding! Now we feed her only once a night b/c more often than not she falls back asleep before 15 mins is up.
Quick question about cribs for you super knowledgeable PSers:

A friend of mine who is much further along than me is looking for a crib. She found a great deal on a DaVinci crib on craigslist, but it isn't a convertible. Do any of you think this is a huge deal? The crib is $90 and in excellent condition. One of their sturdier models. I don't know anything more about it.

Any help is appreciated, I told her I would ask here because we don't really know many people who have had to use the convertible option yet!