
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Mine is a convertible but in reality it will be like 10 years (give or take a few years) before I don''t use it as a crib. So do I think it is a big deal it is not? NO WAY! But please urge her to make sure there were never any recalls and buy a NEW mattress.
Date: 5/4/2008 10:02:02 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Mine is a convertible but in reality it will be like 10 years (give or take a few years) before I don''t use it as a crib. So do I think it is a big deal it is not? NO WAY! But please urge her to make sure there were never any recalls and buy a NEW mattress.

Will do. Thanks Tacori, that is what I told her too re: the not needing it forever.

For my info, is there a central place for recall info?
NF, m/s was an on and off thing for me. Some days were better than others and nights were the worst. Regarding your friend''s crib. There''s nothing wrong with the crib not being a coverable. I read that most babies can go from a crib to a regular bed with no problems. I also think the same way as Tacori, I''ll be using a crib for a looong time, so a convertible crib isn''t a big deal to me. Just make sure your friend does her research on the crib model and buying it used. I''ve read it isn’t a good idea to buy a used crib or use a hand-me-down crib.

DD, sorry to hear about your GD test and good luck on your second test!

JackieJas, you look great! Tiny for 20 weeks. I can''t believe there are two babies in there! I cannot wait to hear about your u/s appointment tomorrow! I think a boy and girl would be awesome.

Jas, the picture of Co is so adorable! I''m sorry you''re having a tough time and I hope it gets better soon.

Tacori and TGal, I think I was able to change my DH''s mind about the snap n go. We''ll probably go with that. I want to be able to go out with the baby myself with a stroller that won''t be troublesome to use.

TGal, I love the 1 month picture of Amelia with her victory pose! So cute! Good find on craigslist. The Maclaren stroller is really cute!

MrsS, glad you''re having a great time with Jake!

Bobo, B is so adorable!

I took my weekly belly picture and had fun looking at how much I''ve changed. Here I am at 16 weeks compared to 6 weeks. Bye bye flat tummy and hello little belly!

Ahhh. I''m so far behind. I woke up yesterday with a stupid migraine. I took my meds but it still got the best of me. Yuck. So, today is a bit least I can look at the computer screen.

Ladies, great belly shots!! So exciting to see these little (yes you are all still little) baby bellies!! Thanks so much for sharing mamas!

And Little B''s cheeks.... I just love them.

And Amelia and her fancy sign!

And Cohen. Such a great pic.

So much more to comment back later.
Bobo- thanks for the reply re: anxiety- It makes me feel better knowing others experience a similar feeling. And even better to see little B and all the other happy healthy babies on PS.

Tgal- omg amelia is adorable! Happy one month and good job on the breastfeeding. that is so cool. Thanks for answering me about the anxiety and yes you did make me feel better, lol!

Diva sorry to hear about the gd test- hopefully the second one goes better.

Jas12 did I say this already? your avatar is so cute.

Jas- can''t wait for the u/s!!! oh and I love the belly shot!! I can''t wait to get a pregnant belly instead of just a fat/out of shape belly, hehe.

Snlee awesome belly pics!

Hope you all are having a great day!!

I''m not sure if I already said this but I got both my beta hcgs back and the numbers doubled!!! yeah! feel so relieved. The dr. moved my u/s to a later date
. I am a little disappointed but I know it will be better so we can see more like the heartbeat.
Sorry about your GD test DivaDiamond! I'm sure you'll pass the long one with flying colors!

Tacori~Can you believe you are feeding Tessa solids already? It goes too fast.

Tgal~Congrats on the increase in your milk supply. Sounds like Miss Amelia is growing like a weed. Good buy on the stroller! Craig's List is great!

Jas~I have to second or third the recommendation to try the swing. Tayva LOVES her swing. And, I know I'm a bad mom, but I occasionally let her nap in hers!

And sooo funny about the cute baby talk. I was kind of the opposite-I was so sure Tayva was adorable(even though I knew I was biased, I just thought she was so cute) and now I look back at her pics of when she was brand new and realize no infants are really that cute. They just kind of look like aliens....

MrsS~Hurray for 5 hours!!

Jas~Today is the big US day!! Can't wait to find out what you got in there!
TGal, I am glad you are a SNG fan too! So easy, so light, so wonderful!

Snlee, you look great!

Pave, I just read that you should only worry about the things you can actually prevent. So remember that

Burk, is your T sleeping any better? It is crazy that she can eat solids but since she has a cold I have decided to wait until she feels better. Luckily she is not acting sick but her nose is one stuffy mess.
Hi gals

Life has been totally different the past 48 hrs due to the Baby Whisperer hehe...i wish i had started Cohen on this ''routine'' from day one. He is sleeping/napping like a dream *knock on wood* (woke up only once for a quick feed the past 2 nights in a row, and last night i trusted his ability to sleep soundly and i actually got some zzz''s as well) I thought her technique sounded too regimented, and i know i''ve only followed it for 2 days now, but i already see a major improvement. For new moms to be, i recommend getting the book (The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems) and at least keeping it in mind --good tips

I am still at my moms--kinda a PITA since i feel like my life is scattered. My mom luvs it and is playing every angle in an attempt to get me to stay. Her newest thing is " there is too much dust in the house due to the unpaved roads, the baby can''t breath that in!" So i dunno when i am moving back.

The weather is nice again--many strolls in the bugaboo--i heart my bugaboo. It''s so light and easy to push around. Worth every over-priced penny. (see pic of Cohen, just a few days old in the bassinet atachement for the bugaboo)

Tacori--i agree with the white noise. I do the "shh, shh, shhhhs" sound occasionally if Co has touble settling into his swaddle (he fights it at first) --i like that i can "shhs'' him anywhere so i don''t have to worry about bringing noise with me. right now we are at my house and i took him out of his car seat, swaddled him and placed him in his crib with the air filter on in the room (white noise) . I walked away and looked in 5 min later and he was out cold! So i guess any noise will do the trick

Tgal--i do think my little guy is cute, but i am critical as well so where my mom sees pure baby perfection, i am a little more realistic ;-) I am NOT one of those parents who will brag on end with comments like "he''s 30% stronger than other babies his age" --like some friends of mine luv to do--ek.
And i totally agree--would much, much rather have an intelligent,well adjusted, kind hearted child over a drop-dead gorgeous one any day.
Re: noses, mine is broad and chubby--i totally hate it
Re: Amelia--i don''t know why every one says ''she''s so white" i really see Korean in her! And i''ve said it before that i think kids of mixed parents, as a major generalization, are so beautiful and she''s included in that theory! There is nothing funky looking about her.

bobo--little b is a dolly

Jackie--possibly 3!! OMG, wouldn''t that be a shocker! You look pretty darn small for having twins (or triplets!)

snlee-you look so good!

Burk--i will have to try the swing thing again. I ''ve never heard of a baby who didn''t like his/hers so i''ll have to move mine to my moms place soon

Jas, he is adorable. Glad you found something to work for you. That is the most important thing. Lack of sleep can be so horrible. Blah. Does your swing swing BOTH ways? Some babies prefer one of the other. I guess the side to side was is more like when we were preggo and walking so most babies like that way. Tessa likes both ways so I guess I am lucky. Make sure you are turning it on high enough. It seems fast/dangerous but it really does work.
Thanks all to your sweet comments on little B.

Jas & snlee, love the belly pix. Jas, can''t believe there are two babies in it.

Jas 12, Cohen is so precious, love the new pix.
Tacori~Poor Tessa with a stuffy nose. That''s no fun. Hopefully she''ll get it all cleared up and you can try more foods. So fun. My T has not been sleeping great. She is going about 7-8 hours (no more...and as you remember she used to do 9 or 10), waking to feed and going back down but is really restless when I put her back the point where she wakes herself up. She sleeps like that during naps sometimes too. That''s why I let her sleep in her swing.
I know, I''m a bad mommy....but it''s either that or in my lap sometimes.

Jas~glad the baby whisperer is working for you! Sorry you''re still dealing with going back and forth...that doesn''t make any type of routine easy. That new pic is absolutely adorable!!
Burk, I used to let Tessa sleep in her swing too so don''t worry. It is only recently that she naps in her crib. Still sometimes she naps in her car seat. Oh well. Do you try waiting 15 mins before getting her?
Thanks Tacori! It''s all about survival!
She sleeps in her carseat when she''s at the babysitters. When she wakes up in the night I give her time...usually 10 minutes or so before I go get her. Maybe I''ll try a little longer. Anything is worth a try. How long is Tessa sleeping now?
Burk, Tessa goes to sleep between 6:30-7:30 (I try to keep it at least 7 but sometimes she is just too tired). Wakes up around 2am-3am for a feeding. Then wakes up at 7am for the day. She always has a morning nap (9:00-10:00) for a 1.5-2 hours and her afternoon nap varies. Last night she didn''t wake up until 5:30 for her bottle but she is sick so not as hungry. She probably COULD go longer but DH is in charge of the nighttime bottle so I leave it up to him. I would a bit longer b/c you know she CAN go 9 hours.
Tacori--sounds like tessa is on a good schedule! You must be feeling much more rested now.

I find the hardest thing right now is determining what Cohen wants--his cries still sound somewhat similar to me. It''s easy to rule out hunger if he just had a good feed, but tired/attention/pain are harder to distinguish. Does that get easier as they get older i wonder?

Ricki Lake was just on the view, talked a little about he documentary The Business of Being Born. I think she mentioned it comes out on DVD today. I''ll have to rent it sometime when i am able to sit and watch something for more than 30 seconds at a time.

An old high school classmate just gave birth at home to her 9 lb 4 ounce baby girl this past weekend--big girl!. I can''t wait to hear how it went!
Tacori~Sounds like our T's are on very similar schedule! My T goes down around 7 ish as well but sometimes I can't get her past 6:30 and is usually up 3ish for a feeding. Then she wakes around 7 or I wake her to take her to the babysitters. Miss Tessa had a long night of sleep last night!! It won't be long and she'll be sleeping through the night.
jas~ 9 lbs at home?!?! That is one tough lady!
Tacori~ stuffy nose is not fun, poor Tessa...try the saline drop, it help little B.

Burk & Tacori, what''s the feeding schedule for Tayva and Tessa? Because the sleeping schedule you guys have is kind of different from little B''s. and I''m just wondering maybe I need to adjust his?

jas12, 9 lb mama..
Bobo~little B''s hair in your avatar is sooo cute!!! As for a feeding schedule... Tayva is not on a strict schedule but a typical day she eats about every 3-4hours and takes 3 naps. We start bed time routine around 6 or so depending on how crabby she is(bath, book, bottle) and she''s usually down by 7:30pm again depending on how crabby she is. Night time is not her best time. She wakes to eat around 3am and goes back down. Up at 7am to do it all over again. Does that help?

Yikes, there is a lot to catch up on.

Snlee, yay for picking out your crib color.

Espresso is a great color and is very popular right now. I was considering the Munire Urban crib in espresso because it would look great with blues and greens for a boy or pink and green for a girl. Your little belly is cute. I wasn’t up for pictures this weekend, but might try tonight.

Neatfreak and Pavelover, I had good days and bad days with the nausea in weeks 6 through 12. I wouldn’t stress about it if you are not having pain or bleeding or other signs of problems. Although, I must admit I have stressed out at times too. It is always so reassuring to go in for an appointment and see the baby on the ultrasound. It’s like, whew, everything is still okay in there.

Diva, so sorry to hear you have to take another GD test. Giving up carbs is hard (I only lasted 1 month on the South Beach diet), but it is better to be safe. Only 12 more weeks – yay! Can’t wait to see nursery pics.

Bobo, little B looks so cute in your avatar and with his little pooh! He looks like he has a lot of personality.

Tacori, sorry to hear T has a cold and the carrot experiment did not go well. Which Munire set do you have?

Lili, thanks. We are anxious to get the results, but the Dr. said it would probably be 10-14 days. My parents get her Friday night, so we are probably going to spill the beans this weekend and just trust everything will be ok with the results.

Jas12, sorry to hear you had a rough Saturday night with Co. Sounds like you had a great turn around with the Baby Whisperer routine -- I will have to make sure I buy a copy. That is an adorable pic of him.

TGal, sounds like the milk decided to come in just when you had made peace with giving up. Her weight gain sounds good and yay for 4 hour stretches of sleep! Congrats on the Maclaren score – I love the green bubbles design. Amelia’s victory pose is so cute.

MrsS, I am sure your dad is loving his time with his first grandson – post pics!

Jas, have you had the u/s yet? I’m dying to know what you are cooking in there. You look pretty small for 20 weeks along with twins. LOL re the gassy dog.


Jen, I have had a few of those crazy cleaning moments too (in between the bouts of extreme tiredness). DH and I reorganized the whole garage a couple of months ago, and refinished our wood patio furniture. Other days, I barely leave the couch when I am home from work.

Burk, sorry to hear about your migraine. I don’t get them often, but I really hate them. Hope you are feeling much better soon. Sorry to hear your T is sleeping poorly.

Pavelover, glad to hear you got good test results.

I am right there with you on wanting a pregnant belly instead of just a fat/out of shape belly.

Curly, please post birthday pics.

I didn’t do too much on Friday or Saturday because I had pains in my lower belly when I moved. I think it was the muscle tissue recovering from being punctured. It feels back to normal now. I can’t wait for my amnio results – I am trying not to stress.

On Sunday, DH and I went to look at baby furniture at USABaby since their once-a-trimester sale is on now. We took another look at the Munire Antigua, and discovered the dresser does not have dove-tail drawer construction like some of their other lines. Dove-tails aren’t everything, but at that price point you kind of expect it. Also, DH raised a good point about a kid potentially destroying the woven inserts trying to play with the textured parts. We also checked out the Urban line is espresso since I liked it on the website. I thought it looked sleek and modern and versatile (it would go with almost any color or pattern). Unfortunately, DH gave it the thumbs down. He thinks most modern furniture is boring and prefers a more traditional look. Of course, he may still get outvoted by the hormonal pregnant lady.
He is really into the Munire Savoy line (classic cherry, with leather accents on crib -- see pic below). I agreed it would be fine if we find out we are having a boy, but I think it is too masculine for a little girl. It is really well constructed though, and has great shelf space on the hutch (some hutches are really short). I thought the Sorelle Sherri line had potential – is anyone familiar with Sorelle’s reputation?

Munire Savoy 90.JPG
Thanks Burk, every night after we bath him I will tried to blow dry his hair down but it always come back up. I just like to change his hair style from time to time but I guess that is his natural hair style.

Thanks for the info. little B''s bed time routine start at 9 pm with bath and some play time with us while waiting for the bottle to warm up and after the bottle he is usually asleep until 5:00 ~ 5:30 am to eat again. He eats about every 4 hours.
Bobo~sounds like you have a very similar schedule...just starting bed time a little later. I wish we could, but Tayva is NOT a night time girl. She just gets crabby so it''s not even worth her being up.

Kay~At least your husband is going with you. Mine sent me with my mother-in-law and said "get what you like" so I brought back some pics and told him which was my favorite and he said "ok." End of story. If you plan to have more than one child I recommend getting something that could work for a boy or a girl so you can re-use it with baby number 2. (at least that''s what we''re doing)
Ha, the sleeping in the swing thing cracked me up. Sometimes it''s the only thing that gets Amelia to conk out. I leave her in there for a bit and then when I know she''s out cold I put her in the bassinet. The swing cant'' be too comfortable for long stretches, but she''s just zonked in there. I will admit I have left her in there for stretches at a time...bad mommy!

Jas, I haven''t read the baby whisperer...what have you done differently? I have Amelia on a schedule, but a loose one to some degree. When she''s awake, she plays, but I feed her within 2.5 hours and then try to put her down. Last night was the first night I let her feed at will, and she woke up like clockwork every 3 hours. I asked the doc why we are supposed to wake them every 2-2.5 hours when they are newborns and he said their stomachs are so small, you can''t just feed them large amounts to make up for the time if you wake them every 4 hours. Of course, all my friends did just that and their babies seem fine. Newborns are apparently not supposed to sleep through the night, and if they do you are supposed to wake them. It sounds to me like a ploy to drive moms crazy. And Cohen looks so snug in his bugaboo! Cutie pie. My friend just bought one so I am eager to see what all the hype is about. I never really checked them out.

MrsS,"babyacne bandits"...LOL. Glad they left Jake alone.

Jackie can''t wait to hear what you saw on your u/s today. And 20 weeks and you have two in there? Eek, no way...I was bigger than that at 20!!!

Jen, you want to spend some of that energy on my house? It could use some cleaning...

Bobo, love that pic of little B...he has big eyes! And love his button nose. I''m really loving asian babies right now...

Tacori, I read your post last night on the vacuum...we coincidentally had ours downstairs and Amelia was overtired and crying. Turned it on and her ears perked right toward the noise and she stopped crying INSTANTLY. We haven''t had to use white noise much yet (she''s a good baby), but I tried it for giggles. Man, it really works!

snlee, that''s a tiny baby bump. Perfect and cute!

Burk, glad you are feeling better today.

Pavelover, it''s worth it to know you and the baby are doing well..the u/s will be here before you know it!

more later...
Kay, I have the Urban! How funny! You can see my nursery in the "show me your nursery" thread. It is the only crib that I really loved. Keep in mind slats on all four sides is a good thing. We use a mesh bumper (after a traumatic leg stuck in the slats incident) and am not sure how you would attach it w/o slats. There could be a way though...

TGal, you should know by now to NEVER doubt my wisdom
Glad it works *just in case*

Bobo, feedings....hmmm....she eats around 6pm (before bed) then her nighttime bottle around 2-3am, then when she wakes up around 7am. The rest of the time I feed her if she is fussy.

Jas12, I still don''t know her cries....still a guessing game.

Burk, I hope she does sleep through the night sometime. She is so cranky at night too!
Thank you all for your nice and tactful comments on my picture. It''s sure scary to see myself turning into something that looks like Dr. Seuss drew it.

Just got home -- two (and only two. We had them check) very healthy, very active babies...they are weighing in at 14 oz. each, which is pretty amazing for 20 weeks, never mind amazing for 20 week twins. Just beautiful little guys, although kicking the crap outta each other the whole time. 2 anterior placentas. I''ll post U/S as soon as I can pry them from DH''s hand.

If we were playing Red Rover, the BLUE team would have to call me over. Twice! Two boys! I''m in shock. I blame Louisa May Alcott because I always wanted to end up like Jo in Little Men (the sequel to Little Women) who had a big ol'' houseful of boys.

DH and I were told no more "relations" after week 22. I am not happy. DH turned purple. Insert your own joke here.

Snlee -- your belly looks gorgeous. I think your preggo picture looks like my non-pregnant belly!
Tacori -- thanks for the belly compliment. I actually have on my "to buy" list the babysleepsounds CD because you''d mentioned it a few months back. All of those sounds would certainly mimic the sounds of the womb!
Burk -- I hope your migraine is better now. I adore your avatar! I''m going to have to enjoy girl babies through you guys!
Pavelover -- glad the numbers made you happy! So sorry about the U/S reschedule. P.U. on that!
Jas12 -- Yea on the better sleep! I''m going to Amazon right after this to look at the book! I''m so sorry that you''re not able to be at your own house right now. I can''t imagine how stressful that is.
Bobo -- I love your avatar, too. I agree with Burk -- the hair is so sweet!
Kay -- sorry about the pains. Poor thing.

I''m off to deal w/ DH, who is both please with having 2 boys and a little sorry about not getting "Daddy''s Little Girl." He''s already mewing about having another one. I told him to wait to see how these two come out (literally) before wanting to send anything in there again.
Date: 5/5/2008 4:12:21 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

TGal, you should know by now to NEVER doubt my wisdom
Glad it works *just in case*
I know...*shame* on me. I had read that it works, but hadn''t tried it til now. Didn''t know it worked THAT well!
TGal, it is amazing but makes sense since it is loud inside of us. They are USED to noise. That is why she falls asleep in busy, noisy places. Anyways, if you do decide to use it more often the mp3 is only a few dollars. The CD is a standard new baby gift now
jas, congrats on two boys! How exciting! Why no relations after 22 weeks? Is that normal for twin pregnancies?
I have a bunch of CDs with sound effects...I am sure I can find something I can manipulate and use. But if not, where did you find the mp3?
Jackie, I missed your post...yay for team BLUE! How exciting. I find it funny your DH is already mewing for another one step at a time! He''s going to have fun with his boys!!!