
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Just a quick drive by. Thanks to everyone for the sweet comments on my big girl! She is a trip.

Regarding morning sickness, I totally don''t believe there is any correlation to the gender of the baby. Two of my friends puked nearly every day for the entire 9 months and both had boys. My friend at work never felt a thing and had a girl. And even for myself, with both pregnancies I had nausea but nothing unbearable and no vomiting and I''m on the girl train. So I think you just never know how your body is going to react to the hormone overload!! But for those who are wishing for a certain gender, I hope you get what you want, although HEALTHY is the most important thing.

I''ll be back later but wanted to say hi and hope all of our new moms (
TGal, Jas12, mrssalvo, lili) and preggos are doing well!
TGal, thank you friend! Of course *I* think she is perfect
Amelia is too I am sure! All her measurements are back up to 25% so I am sure A''s head will grow too. A little boy in my play group has the OPPOSITE problem. His head is big so the doctors are worried about fluid.

Burk, do you get professional photos every month? I still haven''t gotten any for T.

She is 6 months tomorrow!
Where has the time gone?!?
TGAL - Genetics go figure!, Her dad is a total ginger! Irish-scottish. I thought she was gonna pop out covered in freckles!

KAY - thinking of you during amnio. Ours was scary but went fine. We had to wait until 18 wks b/c amnion wasn''t attached to uterus. I leaked a little the rest of the day and had some cramps. It was totally worth it and I''d do it again.

You guys are a fantastic bunch! What great mommies and mommies to be..............
Thanks LIA, Kay, Bobo, and Jen!!!

Tacori~We got them at 4 weeks, and then 3 mo. I plan to do them again at 6mo and 9mo and 1 year. Our photographer is just getting started in baby/child photography so she gave us a really good deal that she lets us use every time we use her ($75 sitting fee that includes free proof book, 1 8X10, 2 5X7's, 5 4X6's and wallets and then 10% off our order!). Wish you lived close so you could use her. She's fabulous. She also comes and sets up in our house so it's really hassle free for us.
6 months tomorrow?!? Happy birthday to Tessa!!
Burk what a sweet deal! I wish I lived closer for more than just that! It would be fun to get the babies together. Well, it would be fun to have one BIG PS play date. We could gush over diamonds and strollers (though I don't have a fancy one like some of you). My exersaucer is hot though

ETA: A mom in my playdate has a photographer that charges $150 which I thought was cheap but she is stingy and won't share the name
Tacori~Yea, PS play dates would be sooo fun. I would love to see everyones adorable kiddos and sparklies in person!

That''s so ridiculous that mom won''t refer her photographer. Her child isn''t going to grow up selfish..........
I can''t believe Tessa is going to be 6 months!! And that''s terrible the Mom won''t share the name of the photographer. You asked and what did she say? That''s crazy!!
She just kind of changed the subject. I brought up a few times and another mom who I am friends with said "you know she is never going to tell you." I *love* sharing info...sometimes I forget people can be stingy with info and tips. Whatever!

Lisa, she is getting so big!

ETA: BTW I ordered a high chair today! Figured it was time.
Ok people. I. Cannot. Keep. Up. 4 pages in like 2 days! The joint is jumping here! I love it!

I think I may have gained like 8-10 pounds this month
...I''ve not changed my eating habits and I''ve actually been working out on the elliptical the last 2 weeks, so I''m assuming it''s a "growth spurt" but I''m still at like 20 pounds in 20 weeks, which for twins is just fine. It is what it is, but you all weren''t kidding when you talked about seeing numbers on the scale that you never thought you''d see.

My uterus seems to be right up under my ribs now (remember for twin preggos that we "show" like we''re 6-8-10 weeks ahead on a other words, at 20 weeks I''ll look 28 or so weeks preggo and apparently I''ll look full term when I''m 28-30 weeks. That''s so cool!)

I haven''t taken a belly shot in a few weeks, so I''ll ask DH to whip out the camera tonight or tomorrow (in my ridiculous dress for the wedding shower).

All right -- here''s my attempt to catch up.

For all those who commented on the Baby show I saw -- Phew. I thought I was just nuts. It was traumatic for the little boy watching his mommy in pain. The worse moment was when she was rocking on all fours, and he was lying underneath her (for reasons I will never understand) and she was literally panting, "Ow ow ow ow...I love you sweetie [to her son]....owowowowow." Ick times 20.

Bobo - I hope baby B is doing better. It seems so hard when we''re not sure what is "normal" for a little one who can''t tell us what''s wrong! Hang in there!
LIA -- lol about the "outlaws." It was totally ridiculous and I came home just wanting a glass (or seven) of wine. Didn''t have it, natch, but I told DH he owes me a bottle. Has your sinus headache gone away? Hooray for bigger bras! For you, that is. I started out in a C cup, and am now aggresively working my way out of a D cup. When my milk comes in, I''m just going to strap a couple of big ol'' cone coffee filters on my girls. I''m afraid of what is to come.
Diver -- I hope the mix up with the stroller is fixed by now. That sort of thing is so aggravating!!!
Neatfreak -- Feel better, hon. No idea if its genetic or not (lack of M/S is apparently 4-5 generations strong in my family, but that may be unrelated.)
QT -- you''re so sweet! How are things? I''m so sorry about your cousin. Did you want a shower?
lili -- congrats on the umbilical cord stump falling off! I hope your little one is feeling better!
Jess -- please take pictures of the nursery! How fun! I hope your test results are good!
Mrssalvo -- how are ya doing??!!!
Lisa -- holy cow what a beautiful baby you have there! Thanks for sharing!
Mrs Mitchell -- good advice! Thanks! I have a pretty scary stare down (from years of teaching middle schoolers) and I only whip it out when I need to...your strategy is much better and much classier! This dinner was ridiculous and I just managed to smile, make witty little comments, and curse under my breath when necessary...good thing I sat next to my nearly-deaf FIL. Unfortunately, to compensate, he SCREAMS a lot, so there you are. At least there was cake. And good lord, you poor thing with your mom''s comments. Or maybe we should just label you a hussy? j/k
Jas12 -- I adore your new avatar. Thanks for checking in! Hang in there girl!
Burk -- I hope little Tayva had a better night''s sleep (as did you!) Your pictures are fantastic! What a little beauty you have! I swear PSers have the most gorgeous babies.
Sk8rJen -- Whoo hoo on the doctor appointment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your belly shots. You look awesome! You''ll feel so tiny when I post mine. Feel free to also circle the zits on my face and use the picture as a topographical map.
Your ultrasounds are so cool. I love the early appearance of sibling rivlary. Mine are now kicking each other. Baby A will (apparently) kick Baby B, who will then kick me.
Tgal -- Happy One Month! Sounds like you are doing splendidly
Tacori -- it''s always so good to read your advice/experience on here. I adore your little blondie pictures. She''s getting more beautiful by the week, no matter what percentile her head is!

Kay -- good to see you! I think most women get a GTT, but mostly at the 24-28 week mark. I''m just ahead of the curve. I''d like to say it''s because I''m gifted, but I think because it''s twins and because I''m so freakin'' old apparently.
I hope the amnio is over by now!
Hi curly!

Phew! I think that''s it...if not, chalk it up to pregnancy brain.

The countertops are ALMOST in...the guys are finishing up. I may actually have a useable kitchen and bathroom within the hour (not that I''ve been holding it in for 3 weeks, mind you!)
belly pics - thanks for all the lovely comments ladies! Lisa, your belly shot is so cute! I hope I look as good as you when I''m 36 weeks! jen, you look great! Love the u/s pictures!

Jas12, love the new avatar of Co. He''s adorable!

Jas, great news on the Glucose Tolerance Test! Yay for almost hitting the halfway mark and for feeling your babies move! Can''t wait to see your belly shot!

TGal, happy 1 month to Amelia!

Tacori, happy 6 months to Tessa! I can''t believe

Burk, those pictures of Tayva are so cute! The pink sweater she''s wearing in the first picture is super cute! The b/w picture is so precious!

diver, I''m sorry about your Babycenter store experience! They suck! Makes me not want to buy anything from them!

NF, sorry the m/s has started. I hope it doesn''t last long!

q, I''m very sorry to hear about your cousin''s loss. I hope the other baby girl pulls through. My thoughts are with them! It''s May now. How is your nursery coming along?

MrsM, I''m sorry about your mom.
That IS ridiculous!

lili, I''d love to see a picture of J!

LIA, yay on the bigger bra! I am still waiting for that to happen to me. Haha. I''m fine with it though, as I know they''ll get bigger when the milk comes in.

Kay, hope your amnio went well. Can''t wait to see your belly pic.

I''ve started shopping for a crib. I think I''ve found the one but I am having the hardest time deciding on what color to get! I think the problem is, I''ll probably buy the crib online and it''s hard to choose the color when you don''t see it in person.
Jackie -- I can''t believe your kitchen and bath are almost done -- great progress!! Your "map" comment gave me a bad case of the giggles.... please note the lack of my entire head in my belly shot for quite similar reasons
I emailed my mom the same photo and she was like "I''d like it a lot better if i could see your face" and i told her i didn''t have enough time in a day to make my face camera-ready for now! I can''t wait to see your belly shots!!!

Tacori -- happy 6 month birthday to Tessa!

Jas, how exciting your countertops are almost done! I love home renovations. I am glad you aren''t letting your ILs bother you too much. I can really relate (and I was just preggo with one). It is so hard to watch yourself getting larger (even for a good cause) I just hate when everyone seems to think we don''t own a scale or mirror and need to REMIND us!
Don''t worry about the boobs too much. I thought mine would be out of control but once my milk was established they went back down to my pregnancy size. Actually they might be even smaller...hard to tell when I don''t wear regular bras anymore
Snlee -- thanks!! I just realized that i never commented on your belly shot, which was wonderful, by the way! I''m totally jealous!

Jen, Lisa, Jas & Snlee – Thanks for the well wishes with the amnio.

So, I feel a bit silly about having stressed so much about the amnio. It wasn’t exactly fun, but it wasn’t horrible either. My Dr called a few days ago, so I mentioned that I do not do well with needles and that I normally would take a Valium before going in for a procedure, but I assumed it wasn’t safe for the baby. He said it was fine to take one, you just can’t take it regularly because it will build up in your system. So I popped a V about 40 minutes before my appointment, and it took the edge off so I wasn’t so tense. I closed my eyes when they started wiping my stomach with the betadyne because I did not want to even see the needle. I just concentrated on breathing and trying not to clench my muscles. I felt the needle go in, and it hurt a little, but it was done in 30 seconds. I am glad it is over and now we just have to wait for the results. It turns out my blood is O negative, so I also had to get an injection of Rhogam. It seems like pregnancy is just a whole series of getting stuck and prodded. I’ve had a little bit of cramping this afternoon, but not bad.

DH gets so excited watching the baby on the u/s. He can’t wait to be a daddy. The Dr. tried to determine the sex with the u/s, but he could be sure. I guess we will know within 10-14 days.

I got out a tape measure for the first time today to confirm what I have been seeing in the mirror. My waist is 5 inches bigger and my chest is 2.5 inches bigger. (I started as a small D, and I am starting to think I will hit an E before this is over.) Of course, I dread the time when my belly actually sticks out past my chest.

Burk, that is a great price for the photographer. I wish I could find a deal like that.

Tacori, happy 6 month birthday to Tessa! I can’t believe it has been that long. I can’t believe that other mom won’t tell you the name of her photographer! What a weird thing to not want to share with another mom; it’s not like you want to copy her jewelry or something, lol.

Jas, congrats on your countertops getting finished. It is always so nice when remodeling projects come to an end. Post pics.

Snlee, post a picture of the crib you are looking at (or a link so we can check out the colors). I love to shop vicariously.
Date: 5/2/2008 3:50:23 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Burk what a sweet deal! I wish I lived closer for more than just that! It would be fun to get the babies together. Well, it would be fun to have one BIG PS play date. We could gush over diamonds and strollers (though I don''t have a fancy one like some of you). My exersaucer is hot though

ETA: A mom in my playdate has a photographer that charges $150 which I thought was cheap but she is stingy and won''t share the name
Oops, I didn''t finish writing to you before I posted. I can''t believe the mom wouldn''t give you the name of the photographer! I just don''t understand why you wouldn''t share that information!

A Pregnant/Mommy PS''ers GTG sounds like a lot of fun! Too bad we all don''t live close to each other!
Kay, you make the Amnio sound so easy! I''m glad it went smoothly and you are doing okay. I can''t wait to find out what you''re having!

The crib we love is the Da Vinci Anastasia Crib. I definitely don''t want the Honey Oak color (I''ve read it looks too orange). Other options are white, amber, cherry, and espresso. White looks nice but will it get dirty fast/easily? I''m having a hard time deciding if I want light or dark furniture. I think we''re going with Amber, but it''s so hard to tell the true color looking at a picture! Each website makes the amber color look different.
Date: 5/2/2008 6:29:59 PM
Author: snlee

Kay, you make the Amnio sound so easy! I''m glad it went smoothly and you are doing okay. I can''t wait to find out what you''re having!

The crib we love is the Da Vinci Anastasia Crib. I definitely don''t want the Honey Oak color (I''ve read it looks too orange). Other options are white, amber, cherry, and espresso. White looks nice but will it get dirty fast/easily? I''m having a hard time deciding if I want light or dark furniture. I think we''re going with Amber, but it''s so hard to tell the true color looking at a picture! Each website makes the amber color look different.
I am not a fan of oak, but the other colors all have potential. Is there a store near you that carries Da Vinci so you can see the colors in person? What colors do you think you will use for the walls and linens (and what color/material is the floor)? Is the nursery large or small? What colors are the rest of the wood furniture in your home?
She is an odd mom. I agree it isn''t worth keeping a secret. The photographer would probably give her a discount for a referral.

Thanks Snlee, Jen and Kay! I will have to take my OWN photo shoot tomorrow.

Snlee, my crib (though it is by Munire so their colors may vary) is espresso and I LOVE it! I knew I wanted a dark wood though. It looks modern and chic IMHO. If you contact the company maybe they would send you sample chips. Worth a try!

Solid food question: If I put an open container in the fridge what is the best way to heat up baby food. Is it bad to start tomorrow even though she hasn''t had her 6 month appointment yet? I just feel like it would be a treat for her.
Thank everyone for your well wishes and prayers. I really hope the baby pull through. Our cousin is pretty strong; she says this won't stop her from having more kids. Her DH is taking it harder and looks really depressed.

Lisa - Your daughter is adorable. I can see the Korean in her.

MrsMitchell - Thanks for the tips on dealing with rude comments. I can't exactly do that to the people who made the comments because I was on the job. Sorry for the uneventful lunch with your mom.

LIA - Yay for bigger bras. They are much more comfy. hehe. And don't hope for too much. I went from small B to a full D that is barely contained. I love it when it was a C, but now they are such a dread.

Jas12 - Love your new avatar. Hopefully Co will establish a good sleeping schedule when he gets older.

Jen - Cute belly shot & sonogram. I can't believe you are 13 weeks already; it seems like yesterday when you announce your pregnancy.

Tgal - Happy belated 1 month to Amelia!!! Good that Amelia is catching up on her weight, but hopefully it's nothing weird going on like you think. I am down for a get together/play date in October when Diver is in town. Although our little one will probably be too young to actually play. hehe.

Burk - All the pics are so precious. And what's a great deal you are getting for them.

Tacori - Have it been 6 months already? I love seeing Tessa grow in the pics. And I, too, think it's weird that the other mom didn't want to share the photographer info.

JackieJas - 20lbs at 20 weeks... I don't know why your inlaws are giving you a hard time about it. You are having twins for god's sake.

Well I never expected a shower because none of my SILs or cousins (basically no one in DH's family) had one, my cousin's wife didn't have one either, and plus I am 400 miles away from my family. We just planned to have the traditional 1 month celebration. Then I thought about it when my friend offer to throw one if I wanted. I was seriously considering it, then we found out about our cousin's twins. Since the cousins would make up a large part of a shower if I have one, I don't really feel right having one when they are still worrying. On the other hand, I will probably get one at work and possibly another from ex-coworkers and ex-boss (one of my ex-coworker emailed me to say she is going to plan one for a month before my EDD and that my ex-boss reminded her to throw one). I thought that was really sweet.

Snlee - The nursery is, well, still full of stuffs. SIL's stuffs are still here. We plan to paint in early June; I've been looking at paint color. We are painting the room sky blue and my SIL think we are lying about the sex of our baby. We are going to paint stars and cartoonsy angel-winged characters on the wall. And we are leaving the full size bed in there, so it might not look completely like a nursery.

The Anastasia crib is cute. I vote for Espresso. Of course I am biased like Tacori. I love dark wood furniture.

Oh one of my co-worker's wife came in yesterday with their 16 mos old daughter. She was so adorable, and had the most beautiful blue eyes (they just sparkle). Too bad I didn't have a camera to take pics of her. The wife is pregnant with their second, and she is a month after me. It was fun to take pregnancy and kid stuffs with her. I can't wait til our peanut is born.
Q, T''s room is a sky blue. We did not find out the sex but I think it is totally fine for a girl''s room! And it looks fab with her dark wood furniture.
Hi Tacori I heat up bottled food either microwave or use pot of boiling water.

If its plastic then transfer to glass bowl or pot of boiling water and let it steep in another bowl.

I don''t think 6 mos. is to early. If Tessa doesn''t use her tongue to spit it out then she''s ready.
Date: 5/2/2008 9:37:10 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Hi Tacori I heat up bottled food either microwave or use pot of boiling water.

If its plastic then transfer to glass bowl or pot of boiling water and let it steep in another bowl.

I don''t think 6 mos. is to early. If Tessa doesn''t use her tongue to spit it out then she''s ready.

The ones I bought are glass so I guess that helps. I am going to do veggies first with the 3 day per new food cycle. I tried to spoon her rice cereal a month ago and it didn''t go so well but I thought maybe now that she is older AND I am guessed they taste a little more exciting she will be interested. I figure I will end up using the same jar over the 3 days.

My neighbor starting giving her twins RC at 2 months and applesauce at I do think 6 months is fine. I just didn''t know if I should wait until the pedi gives me the green light...what signs of allergies should I be on the look out for? Hives?
FWIW, I started all three of my boys on rice cereal at 4 months with the pediatrician''s ok. I did each foood for an entire week, once or twice a day, so that we could rule out food allergies. After the cereals, I alternated between veggies and fruits each week. Once they were eating regularly, I could give them more than one food a day, as long as it was only one new one a week. I was fortunate and had no problems with *any* food, although they certainly had their favorites

They seemed to be really happy getting to eat solid food, too....and they were big boys from the start (8lbs, 8''11" and 9''10.5"!).... enjoy it!! Now all mine seem to want is pizza, mac-n-cheese or pb&j (not that that''s all they get, but in *their* little perfect world, that''s how it''d be

We went to BRU tonight to look at cribs and try to decide on a color. Even though they don''t have the crib we want, we got a good idea of what color we like. In person I didn''t like the white at all and DH never liked it. DH likes light colored but we didn''t like most of the honey oak colors. Cherry was too reddish and amber seemed a little too antique. We''re going with Espresso! I really love how the dark color looks with baby pink or blue. We also picked out our car seat and stroller. We''re going to get the Chicco KeyFit 30 Cortina Travel System. I am not thrilled about having a bulky and heavy stroller but DH really wants one.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hi Tacori,

Yes hives or any skin issue (red bumps, patches).

They can get really gassy or have strange poops and belly distention.

Olivia got bumps on her face when we tried meats around 7 months.

I backed off and gave them to her again a couple months later w/o symptoms.

Some moms have started giving their kids foods at 4 months!

I guess it depends on the kid.

Good idea about waiting for 3 days before introducing a new food.
Tacori, happy 6 months to you and Tessa!! Baby grow up so fast and yet so slow at the same time (maybe it''s just me). I wish little B. will grow up faster so I can hear him call me mom and see him walk but I guess I need to slow down and enjoy him at this stage because it''s not coming back.
Can''t believe that mom won''t share the info. with you. It''s not like your asking her to share a top secret with you.

Thanks Jas, little B is getting better each day. can''t wait to see your belly shot.

Did morning sickness come and go for you guys? I am 5 weeks along today (so starting my 6th week right?) (yay!), and I know it often doesn't really hit until later, but I had it bad 3 days ago. Then the day after it wasn't great either, then yesterday and today I feel a bit gross, but it wasn't as bad as that first day. Today's still could come in stronger later, because it did that the first day, but it just doesn't seem as bad as the first day.

Should I be worried? All my other symptoms are here and going I don't seem to be really losing symptoms as far as I can tell. And no cramping and no spotting.
Hi Neatfreak- I went through a similar thing this week and it was driving me crazy!! I asked a couple of people about it and did a tiny, tiny google search on it. I read that ppl said some days were good and some bad. I was glad to read that and stopped looking. I really worked myself up into a state over the lack of nausea anyway, and I don''t reccomend it. I got my betas done on tues and thurs- the numbers doubled so I am going to try to relax from now on. I caused myself a bunch of stress for no reason- so don''t do it! Oh and the nausea has come back and forth since it went away on tues night, but it''s never been as severe.

Hope you are feeling great! Are you guys doing anymore shopping this weekend? I went to Target and looked around the other day- it was fun. But their selection wasn''t that big.
Date: 5/3/2008 10:00:57 AM
Author: pavelover
Hi Neatfreak- I went through a similar thing this week and it was driving me crazy!! I asked a couple of people about it and did a tiny, tiny google search on it. I read that ppl said some days were good and some bad. I was glad to read that and stopped looking. I really worked myself up into a state over the lack of nausea anyway, and I don''t reccomend it. I got my betas done on tues and thurs- the numbers doubled so I am going to try to relax from now on. I caused myself a bunch of stress for no reason- so don''t do it! Oh and the nausea has come back and forth since it went away on tues night, but it''s never been as severe.

Hope you are feeling great! Are you guys doing anymore shopping this weekend? I went to Target and looked around the other day- it was fun. But their selection wasn''t that big.

Thanks Pave. The reason I asked here is because I was trying to avoid the whole "find the worse possible scenario and read it over and over again in google".

Otherwise I am ok. My boobs are at the point where even fabric on them sometimes hurts! So I am wearing sportsbras, which seem to be a bit better. I also feel a bit like a beached whale due to the bloating. I would so much rather have a baby belly than just a belly! We might do some browsing this weekend...but we aren''t really buying anything else until later. Just couldn''t resist that stroller deal!
Hi guys- just wanted to try and catch up a little bit- Feeling like a bundle of nerves, trying to be relaxed but it''s not so easy- Did/do many of you have anxiety about things going ok? Nobody mentions it here too much. I went on fertility friend and posted where ppl had suffered a loss previously- but I feel kind of guilty- even though they get it, some of them are going through things for an extended period of time- and it doesn''t feel right complaining there if that makes sense- well not complaining, but worrying even though I was blessed to get pregnant again pretty easily- just looking for other ppls experience- thanks

All of you new mommies are amazing- I can''t believe how you fit everything in including PS!

Jas12 Your guy is soooo cute. Love the avatar

jen- Your belly is so adorable. Yay for good u/s!

Burk- that is a great idea to get so many photo shoots. the pics are just adorable!

LIA hooray for a bigger bra, I think!

Bobo- is that a new avatar? Soo cute.

TG wow the first month went fast, at least on pricescope! I''m glad Amelia is gaining weight so well.

Tacori- tell your girl happy 1/2 birthday!

Kay- I am so glad to hear that the amnio went well! You sound like you handled it well.

Jackie- that birth show sounded a bit strange to me. scarring for the boy, likely. I always feel so bad for the sibs of patients I take care of- when we have to hold them down for a shot or something- it really freaks them out- I can only imagine what a baby coming out would do.jeesh.

Snlee happy crib shopping! sounds like fun. I can''t wait to shop...

Tacori- I think the 6 month thing is a general guideline for when they should be ready- but you know Tessa the best and what she can handle- I work in a pedi office and give out telephone advice- our guide says pretty much the same as you- one food at a time for a few days at a time- look for allergies, and then move on. Good luck with the next phase- so exciting...

Sorry if I missed anyone- you guys are awesome and have the best looking babies around! Yay for ps babies.