
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Eph, I''m sorry things have been rough, but CONGRATS on the girl!! Wow a pink wave here on ps!

Tacori: Aghhh! Smack your DH silly for me!! Slap slap slap! Never wake a sleeping baby in the middle of the night!!! not at her age!! What is he thinking??? You guys will never get sleep again if he keeps that up. My dad did that with my little brother & my mom said he killed the ''thru the night sleeping'' for them. If Tessa is asleep all night long, then she wants to be, let her rest! She''s old enough to not need night feedings.

I tried Cakesters on my trip. yummm.........bad bad psers.

Tgal: umm, you''ll want the double, trust me. Its great for walks, parks, heck it would be fine at the fits thru any standard doorway. Just don''t get rid of your single, because you''ll want it for baby #2 when #1 gets bigger. I figure I will sell my double once Jake can ride a bike. he''s a ways off from that now, he won''t even pedal a trike. he can, he''s just lazy.

And don''t worry about a second kid. I was sold on having an only child until Jake was 2. I even decided after trying 1 month that if I didn''t get pg, I was going back on the pill & forget having 2. period never came & have you met my Delaney? I think I was prego exhausted& didn''t know it, so I was emotional.

But truly, enjoy Amelia, and DON''T EVEN think about #2. That''s just crazy talk. your family will evolve as its meant to evolve & you will be fine however it pans out. RELAX!
Diver, to be fair he woke her up at 9 am. He was worried b/c she had never gone 14 hours in between feedings before. But I agree she is old enough to let us know when she needs something. Aren''t cakesters divine?
congrats eph!! another girl for the fall crowd! Did they tell you how much the LO weighed? Mine was on target and I noticed it was around the same as other moms to be--some who''d gained tons of weight, and others who''d lost weight--so it seems that the baby gets what it needs no matter what!
eph- congrats on having a girl...

lili- ah it was you with the teddybear pic suggestion. well, thank you so much b/c it was a great one.

diver- yay for losing all the Delaney weight!!

tgal- re: swimming. I a huge pool fan. I was an aquatics Director pre-marriage and am a huge advocate of kids learnging how to swim. With babies, it's fine to take them in young, I had Chloe in when she was 6 weeks old. she's 6 years old now and swims like a fish. lily has been swimming, jumping in, face in the water and accross the pool since she was 2. They wouldn't even let her in swim lessons until 3 but I'm a big believer that it's so important to have kids in the water before 3. If you wait until they are 3 to expose them to the pool, they will most likely be scared. developmentally, they will not be swimming strokes but my big goal was water safety. I just wanted to know if one of my kids feel in, they could get back to the side. Mom and me swim classes are great if you're unsure what to do in the pool and they usually start at 6 months. Personally, just having them in the pool on a regular basis will do wonders for their comfort level and then I suggest lessons starting at 3. Wanted to add that I don't agree with the teaching method that dunks babies/kids. There are plenty of other ways to teach them how to hold their breath and put their faces in the water. Also, check with your dr. on sunscreen. Mine says no sunscreen until 6 months, i'm to just to keep Jake shaded at the pool or in a shaded floatie. If he will be in the sun for bit, some sunscreen on his hands and face.

Jas12-i'm sorry you're not getting napping time. I don't get any either so you're not alone. Jake's got the acne too and it apprears to finally be getting a bit better, but still doesn't look so good.

Jakes been smiling a ton. Not sure if it's actually directed at us yet but it's so fun to see him grin.

ah and tgal, I found a local store that carries the Miracle Blanket so I'm going to go and get one tomorrow. I still swaddle Jake in the one bigger blanket I've got so I know he'll love it. I'll be glad to at least get a couple of months out of it. I wish I would have gotten it sooner. My sister, who is due today and still no baby, is going to go with me and get one for her little girl too.
Eph--congrats on the little girl! Yes, there sure is a girl boom on PS right now!
sorry u have been so sick, that''s awful.
As for the jeans--you''ll be surprised how big you get near the end--i thought my first pair of mat jeans would last all the way thru, but no suck luck--but you have a different body type than me (long torso), you might be fine.

MrsS. yaya, for jake smiles! Cohen has been smilin a lot too but i never know for sure if they are ''real'' or still gas induced--cute nonetheless!
Morning gals!!!

Ephemery...great to see you and CONGRATS!!! Lyla Joy is a gorgeous name...I really love it. How cool.

I'm wondering though...what are the odds that come fall, one of these girls will turn out to be a boy? Wonder how often that happens. Obviously the amnio ones are a sure thing though...

Diver, when you mean velcro for the BOB, do you mean the wrist strap? I think that is how it is supposed to close, but I haven't figured out how to loop it correctly yet. Granted, I haven't tried very hard. And yes...I am keeping this single BOB for a long time.

Monnie, I love your bro's sense of humor. How funny are those pics. LOVE the one with her in the sunnies. I think I will have to have a photo shoot with Amelia...

Jackie, your inlaws need to be quarantined somehwere...

Jas, you are not a bad mom for wanting Co to nap. Like I said, I'd die if Amelia didn't. I LOVE my sleep. Last night she didn't go 8 hours
, but I have no complaints as I put her down around 9:45 and she didn't wake until 3:15, then went down again until after 6 am, then again until 8:30, and now is down for a morning nap again. She's a sleeper to be sure.

I don't think I have any tips really...I think some babies are better sleepers than others and their sleep patterns change. Good sleepers turn into bad sleepers and vice versa. I think your baby whisperer book doesn't advocate swings, but ours has been a lifesaver. The Happiest Baby on the Block book says swings are good through the first 3 months, so I'm going with that advice. As soon as I put her in it, she conks out IF she is tired. I am weaning her off it though...she has to take one of her naps in the daytime in a bassinet or in her crib. I don't want her relying on her swing for a nap. I also use it because I have it set up in a way that she is on the back of her head instead of on the right (I have to try and get her not to lay on that side per the physical therapists orders). But she also just loves to hang out in it and just veg quietly. I do put her down somewhere when I see her yawn a couple times...that seems to help. I get in during the "window" of tiredness.

I actually don't nap much in the least in the last week or so because I have been getting enough at night. And it's also because I want to catch up on stuff like email and pricescope! I could be napping right now, but reading all this stuff is way more fun.

As for Co's swollen eye...Amelia had it where her right eye was sticky and pus-y. Something about tearducts not being mature or something...doc said it was normal. Her eye was swollen too. In fact, this morning her other eye is swollen, but no signs of anything. They always give you something new to worry about...

Tacori...that's awesome sleep news! And thank you Tacori and MrsS for the swimming tips. Perhaps I will get her a suit and do mom and me swim stuff in the will still be warm here. Oh, and MrsS, great tip on the sunscreen question...have that on my list to ask the Doc at her two month appointment. Let me know how Jake likes the miracle blanket!

Re: smiles...Amelia smiles more in the morning, but I still don't believe they are social smiles. My doc says he really doesn't think that comes full on until 2 months of age.
Morning ladies! This thread is moving so fast! It's hard to keep up but I love it!

ephemery, congrats! Yay for a girl! I am so happy for you! And I love her name. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. It's great to hear from you and of course you are forgiven! We are almost half way there, which is very exciting! Any belly shots to share?
YAY for a girl, I love the name Lyla Joy. I have a neice named Lyla, same spelling, and she''s the greatest. Sorry about your stomach bug.
Hurray for baby girls!!!!
Congrats Kay and ephem!

Tacori~ Go Tessa! That's awesome she slept that long. Tayva has her 4 month appointment next Tuesday. I bet she is similar in height and weight to Tessa.

Jas12Sorry Cohen hasn't been a great napper. Tayva goes in spurts with her naps. One day she'll do great, with a 3 hour nap in there and other days all I get is 45 for each nap. She sleeps good at night, but during the day she is typically not a great napper. I use the swing still.
Oh, and I can totally relate to clothes fitting but not looking great. I am pre-baby weight but man everything is "rearranged" and my clothes just don't look the same. I had to invest in Spanx!
I just wanted to hop on and say YAY EPHEMERY!!!! I am so jealous! Of course I will be happy either way with our baby, but it''s no secret I want a girl. It "feels" like a girl too, no matter how ridiculous that is, so I really hope I''m right. And Lyla is a great name.

Hope you feel better soon!
Naps in swings...T used to ONLY nap in her swing. I think it is fine! Like I mentioned before I did not try to sleep train (or even worry about it) until 4 months. Now she naps in her crib. Her doc said we need to try to get her sleeping through the night by 9 months. Since she is smaller he said it is not bad that she still wakes up to eat but we just need to make sure she really is hungry and not just in the habit. She barely nurses anymore. He said that is also normal. Nursing is playtime for her. She is funny. She will de-latch and STARE at me. If I don''t look she will make a noise to try to get my attention. When I finally give in she lets out this huge smile and "talks" awhile. My doc said I did what I needed to do for the last 6 months and I can ween anytime. My MIL actually asked me the other day when I was going to "let myself dry up" since she is 6 months.
I feel like I am not ready and would miss it....never thought I would day that!

I wonder if some of these girls are going to come out boys too....if not hopefully there is a forum somewhere with all boys. Jackie your boys will have their pick!
I think I know why Amelia naps so well...

After I feed her, I put her on a pillow on my lap and do her exercises and just chat away at her. I shake her rattle (I''m suppose to so get her eyes moving past midline). I sing. I babble babble babble about everything. Work. Her father. How I hope she won''t hate me as a teenager. After about 45 minutes of this, she starts yawning and I put her down to silence. I think she''s just so happy to be away from her CRAZY mother that she''s thrilled to be in peace!!

Speaking of...she''s down in for her afternoon nap in her bassinet...yay!!!!!!!
TGal, you are doing a great job
That''s great TGal.
I can never get Jadie to go down without being on the boob.
Date: 5/15/2008 4:49:34 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, you are doing a great job
Ha, thanks Tacori.

So here''s one for a Thursday afternoon discussion (and let''s keep it nice). At what point do you think a baby is trainable? By this I don''t mean sleep training, CIO or anything like that. It''s almost at what point can they learn to be manipulative (for lack of a better word).

For instance, currently Amelia is in her bassinet. She is awake now and making little noises here and there but is not in any distress. I stop by and check on her, pat her, but don''t pick her up...nor is she "asking" me to. My reasoning is that I want her to learn that nap time is nap time. She doesn''t have to sleep, but she has to stay in her crib/bassinet. Hopefully down the road, she will be used to afternoon naptime.

I''ve seen babies as early as 6 weeks start to pick up on things. A friend of mine would pick up her baby every time it made a noise. It didn''t take long for the baby to figure this out and he started to make more and more of a ruckus if he didn''t get picked up. This continued for MONTHS and he almost couldn''t be put down for the most part.

I''m not trying to start a discussion on attachment vs detachment parenting...because obviously picking up and being there for your kid is a good thing. I''m just curious as to when you started to see your child "figure" out that doing "A" will cause reaction "B".
Date: 5/15/2008 5:21:28 PM
Author: lili
That''s great TGal.
I can never get Jadie to go down without being on the boob.
lili, have you tried just nudging her a bit before you put her down so she is even ever so slightly awake? Amelia would always crash when she was on my boob in the early weeks (remember I was using the SNS) and I would just rock her a tiny bit awake and then let her crash. It seems to be helping now that she is a bit older...and thank god because she does not fall asleep at the bottle very often....
Lili, one of the sleep books I read said it is fine to nurse/rock them to sleep. The other said it isn''t. Basically this is what I think, does it work for you? If it does keep doing what you are doing. My MIL tried to convince me/force me/guilt me/nag me to always rock Tessa to sleep. That is easy for her to say but do *I* want to rock her to sleep 3 times a day, EVERY SINGLE DAY?!? No! I let her cry herself to sleep starting around 4 months. That is what works for me and she is fine. Sometimes she goes right to sleep. Sometimes she has to cry a bit. Most the time I just have to pat her back and put her paci back in and she is quiet. If desperate I turn on her little crib piano and it plays music long enough to distract her and she falls asleep without help from me.

TGal, I don''t know what style my parenting is. Probably a combo. I really don''t think babies can be manipulative at 6 weeks. Their brain isn''t that complex IMHO. I think now Tessa could. She knows how to get our attention.
tGal...4 to 6 months. there is this thing called the trust cycle & its built by responding to tiny babies needs. If you respond as needed now, they gradually learn you will come to them and they can trust that you will be there, pretty quick if not immediately. Once this trust is built, and they start to grasp the concept of object permanance (they think right now when something is out of sight, its just GONE--object permanence is when they learn that it exists and will return) in regards to you, then they relax & begin to feel more comfortable being alone.

This is not AP just some child psych i picked up somewhere. the ability to manipulate doesn''t really appear until about 6 to 9 months. Babies cry to communicate..they may be fine in all respects, but they might just be lonely and want to cuddle you. In my own opinion 6 weeks is just too young to worry about it, but also know, she''s not gonna disintegrate from neglect if you let her fuss a bit so you can either a) get stuff done, b) shower, c) take care of yourself.

Now truly, the expert on Amelia is you, so just do what you feel she needs & what works for you. She''s not manipulating you, its ok.

With both my kids, I picked them up whenever they cried for about the first 6 months. Delaney was tons needier than Jake and spent most of those first few months in my arms. But, since I try to put ''em down drowsy & always works towards what I want, I was gradually able to put her down longer & longer. Now she can''t sleep in arms cuz she wants to roll over & stick her curvy little butt in the air. I have kids who can play independently, and why that is I don''t know, but I didn''t worry about manipulation until about 13 months with Jake & I don''t see it yet in D. She just hollas when she''s got a malfunction or is hungry.


Tacori: Oh...retract the slaps! retract the slaps!! I thought he woke her up at 3 am to feed her! sorry!!! D did that one night & slept till 10:45 am. oooh was she pissd n hungry at that point! I kept going up there to see if she was even breathing! They do that when they hit growth spurts. :-)
Really quick because I''m playing with the kid right now...

manipulation is kind of the wrong word. More like conditioning? I''ll throw in more comments after I stop singing to this kid............
Diver, I have no idea how long she would have slept if he hadn''t woken her. He had a bottle in hand. She did take several naps today as well. Maybe she is growing. I just figured it was the shots she had yesterday. She is dead tired right now but is fighting it. I hear her fussing in the monitor. T totally sleeps on her knees with her butt in the air too. I think most babies do. Her knees are all red when I pick her up.
OK back...Amelia''s had enough of me and now is in her crib. She''s napping all over the house today!

I think I said the wrong thing...yes, I don''t think she is manipulating me at all at 6 weeks. She''s too "basic" for sure. I''ve just seen a lot of babies grow up and I wonder what comes first, the chicken or the egg? There was one baby whose grandma always picked him up when he cried and rocked him like crazy. He never went to sleep on his own...she sang and patted his back until he fell asleep. My friend had a hard time putting him to sleep for over a year, so I wonder...would he have had different sleep habits if it weren''t for his grandmother doing this? I also found it interesting that when his grandmother went overseas for a few months, his behavior changed dramatically...then went back a bit when she came back.

That being said, I totally agree Diver...I go to Amelia when she cries. How could I not! There are some cries I can tell it is because she is so tired (this happened more in the''s getting better as I read her better when she needs to sleep). TGuy and I had a heated discussion about this because he let her cry loudly one time in her bassinet when I wasn''t home (I called him and heard her). I said she was too young, but he said she was just overtired and just needed to sleep. By the time I got home (10 minutes later), she was fast asleep, so he felt justified, but I didn''t like the fact that she was crying so darn loudly and that he wasn''t consoling her, at least by patting her or something. Well, at least she doesn''t seem scarred from that episode!

I have to say though, this kid so far is pretty I guess the bottom line is you do what works for your kid.
Wait a min. TGal, I remember you saying you would have no problem letting her CIO
Easier said than done huh? I think habits are formed later and agree with Diver that 4-6 months is when I noticed Tessa being affected by things. She used to sleep through anything. Now if we are too loud (like fighting outside her room) she will wake up. She is also stimulated a lot more. But she sees up and interacts with us now. I didn''t *really* do any sleep training until 4 months. Now, besides the one feeding, I think she sleeps great. She sleeps 12-13 hours at night. My point is do not stress yet (that goes to all the new mommies).
Tgal, don''t get mad at Tguy, he might have been right...sometimes they do get overtired & just have to scream it out. But really, rocking/holding doesn''t ruin them unless you have to do it all the time once they get past 4 months. That''s why you introduce a bedtime routine, it helps them learn...but don''t worry just yet. Do what you think works & other people''s kids are not indicative of how yours will turn out. If this is your friend you''ve spoken of before, that kid sounds like he was spoiled in so many other ways, and horrifically over indulged from a discipline standpoint. he was screwed from the get go.

Tgal again...I looked at my BOB (and took pics with my Treo, I''ll have to msg them to my email) and you are such a former bottle fed baby. LOL. Dude, you just take the strap, and wrap it around the handle bar & put the fuzzy side of the velcro on the scratchy side of the velcro. You are not serious are you? lololololol....

Ok..have to pack my gym bag, I''m off to kickboxing in about an hour or so & want to clean the house whilst my babies rest.
Date: 5/15/2008 7:22:13 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Wait a min. TGal, I remember you saying you would have no problem letting her CIO
Easier said than done huh? I think habits are formed later and agree with Diver that 4-6 months is when I noticed Tessa being affected by things. She used to sleep through anything. Now if we are too loud (like fighting outside her room) she will wake up. She is also stimulated a lot more. But she sees up and interacts with us now. I didn''t *really* do any sleep training until 4 months. Now, besides the one feeding, I think she sleeps great. She sleeps 12-13 hours at night. My point is do not stress yet (that goes to all the new mommies).
Hehehe. I actually don''t have a problem letting her CIO. As I said, if she cries and I know she''s tired, it doesn''t faze me although I do try to pat her and let her know I am there. But the book I am using doesn''t recommend CIO until she is 3-4 months and I agree...less than that is way too young to CIO IMHO. However I don''t think it''s bad to let her squawk at this age...she often goes back to soon after a few minutes of squawking and that way I don''t deprive her of precious sleep by picking her up and waking her up. TGuy was letting her full blown scream at 4 weeks. Not OK in my book.

And then there was the time when she was crying at about 3 weeks and he was just sitting there calmly, ignoring it. I asked if he had checked her diaper. He said it was changed an hour ago and before than she hadn''t needed a change for a few hours. Of course her diaper was wet again. I told him, dude, babies aren''t robots...they don''t pee on a schedule. Check her already.

He''s actually doing great at a lot of things and is very supportive, but suffice it to say IMHO a mother''s intuition is a bit better than dad''s! Ha!

I agree about the do not stress part. I was just thinking this today because I know people who wonder why baby acts in a certain way and I saw things along the way that possibly conditioned the baby to act that way now. Like one friend whose baby (7 months) doesn''t like to eat veggies and savory foods. Well, she started him on wouldn''t it make sense that he prefers sweet stuff because he started on it? Hm.

I think it''s harder to see things when you are in the thick of it.
Date: 5/15/2008 7:31:45 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tgal, don''t get mad at Tguy, he might have been right...sometimes they do get overtired & just have to scream it out. But really, rocking/holding doesn''t ruin them unless you have to do it all the time once they get past 4 months. That''s why you introduce a bedtime routine, it helps them learn...but don''t worry just yet. Do what you think works & other people''s kids are not indicative of how yours will turn out. If this is your friend you''ve spoken of before, that kid sounds like he was spoiled in so many other ways, and horrifically over indulged from a discipline standpoint. he was screwed from the get go.

Tgal again...I looked at my BOB (and took pics with my Treo, I''ll have to msg them to my email) and you are such a former bottle fed baby. LOL. Dude, you just take the strap, and wrap it around the handle bar & put the fuzzy side of the velcro on the scratchy side of the velcro. You are not serious are you? lololololol....

Ok..have to pack my gym bag, I''m off to kickboxing in about an hour or so & want to clean the house whilst my babies rest.
LOL Diver...I''m just lazy. I haven''t looked at it that closely at all...every time I close it, I just load it and think later I will figure it out. But I mean which way to tie it. Every time I fold it, the strap is on the *wrong* side of the stroller, you know what I mean? I think I have to lay the strap a certain way first.

I do think that at some point, yes babies are overtired and will scream. I was probably concerned because I wasn''t sure that he really tried to figure out if that was it. But I do think that moms have to let dads do things without interfering, or else they won''t want to do it at all.
Tacori, Jas, Diver, Janine, MrsS, Jas12, TG, Snlee, Kaleigh, Burk, and Neat... thank you so much for the baby-girl congrats (and forgiveness...hehe)!!

Tacori - It really is CRAZY to think I am almost half-way through!! Especially since I feel like I've missed out on the "enjoyable" 2nd trimester thus far... ugh. Oh well... some people definitely have it worse, I know. Next big task is deciding on a crib... yay!! The Munire Urban is currently in the top 2, but in the white color (goes better in the small space we have planned for it)... I'll have to post the other one on the Baby Stuff thread.

Janine - Yay for fall girls!! The tech told us she was 9 oz (at 18w6d) but didn't say whether that was big or small... seemed small though. What was yours? I was a biiiiig baby, so I'm fully expecting this one to be too... it will be interesting to see what happens! My mom was skinny when she got pregnant with me, but had gained a lot by the end, so I'm also fully expecting that to happen... haha.

Jas12 - Thanks for the jeans input... I think I may send them back (although I've already worn them once... oops!). I tend to gain weight in my butt/thighs and these do NOT give me much room to grow there, so a size bigger probably couldn't hurt!

TG - I was wondering the same thing about all these girl predictions! Our tech seemed pretty sure (and the pic looks fairly clear), but she didn't linger there for very long at all... I really hope there wasn't something hiding and she just happened to miss it! DH reminded me that the tech was joking how if it WAS a boy, it was a boy with a serious problem... ha. I wonder what the odds are?

Snlee - I took a belly shot last week (at 18 weeks), but it ended up a bit blurry and dimly lit. But let me see if I can resize it quickly and put it up anyway! When is your big u/s... must be soon, right?? I forget if you are finding out the sex? I feel like the odds are you must be having a boy, given all the PS girls! But do you have a feeling either way? ETA -- The belly pix are reallllly dark for some reason on my computer screen
... they didn't look like that on the camera! I may have to retake some.

Kaleigh - I love that you have a niece named Kyla! It's always good to hear positive name associations.
I love that it is a classic name, even though it's becoming more popular recently.

Neat - You sound like me! I was definitely hoping for a girl, but I knew I would have been thrilled either way, so it was definitely a win-win situation.
I couldn't tell if my "girl feeling" was because of wanting one, or because of some deeper instinct... guess I'll never know! Although it's funny, today I was noticing cute little boys in the park and feeling a bit wistful knowing that we definitely WON'T be having one this time around. Then tonight I looked at an old pic of my grandma and mom with me as a baby, and burst into happy tears at the prospect of adding a 4th generation of strong, smart women. Haha... gotta love the pregnancy hormones.
TGal, you know what I have discovered....I think *every* mom feels like NO ONE can take care of their baby as well as them. That''s how I feel anyways
Date: 5/15/2008 7:48:38 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, you know what I have discovered....I think *every* mom feels like NO ONE can take care of their baby as well as them. That's how I feel anyways
Haha...that's not true in my case. One of my friends is the best mom ever and did pretty much everything very well. I can only hope that I am half as good a mom as she is to her two kids. Seriously...just amazing.

ETA, and know what I'm finding out? Whether I agree with the parenting or not, almost ALL of these kids are turning out fantastic. The only one I worry about is chocolate chip cookie boy.
ephemery1 - Yay for little girl! We are having a baby girl boom on PS. I got my big u/s at 18wk6d too, and our girl was 11oz.

lili - The u/s was great. She is on track and a little over 2lbs. Heart was beating regularly.

I got a call from my dr. office today. I failed my 1hr GD test. My number was high - 153mg/l. So I have to go in for the 3 hrs test this Sat. I hope I will pass the 3 hrs. From now on, I am going to go on a lower carbs and sugars diet.

The carseat was delivered today. When should I install it? a month before my EDD? or earlier?

Mommies - Did any of you read The Baby Book by Dr. William Sears? A male co-worker is recommending the book. If you have/read it, what do you think of it?
Date: 5/15/2008 7:46:53 PM
Author: ephemery1

Snlee - I took a belly shot last week (at 18 weeks), but it ended up a bit blurry and dimly lit. But let me see if I can resize it quickly and put it up anyway! When is your big u/s... must be soon, right?? I forget if you are finding out the sex? I feel like the odds are you must be having a boy, given all the PS girls! But do you have a feeling either way? ETA -- The belly pix are reallllly dark for some reason on my computer screen
... they didn't look like that on the camera! I may have to retake some.
My big u/s is in 15 days! I am counting down the days. We are so excited to find out if we're having a girl or boy! Can't wait! I have a feeling it's a girl but I could be totally wrong! And you are right, odds are I'll have a boy. There are just so many PS girls! When I told DH about the PS baby girl boom, he said, "that means boy for us." We'll find out soon! I'm looking forward to seeing your u/s and belly pictures. Have you felt any baby movements yet?