
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Yea, Tgal this reflux thing has been trying. I had a minor breakdown the other night because I''m just so tired of seeing my baby in pain. She literally went from sharing her giggles to screaming bloody murder in a snap of the fingers. We are taking her to another ped (the one who diagnosed her food allergy/intolerance) to see if she''ll be more aggressive. I can''t imagine how your super-mom friend sleep trained with reflux, as sleep is one of Tayva''s major reflux symptoms. She will wake up in terror, she sleeps really restless at times, sometimes has a hard time falling asleep, and often cannot be "comfortable" when lying down-she needs to be upright. Hopefully after Monday''s appointment we can get her feeling better. WOW your Amelia was quite the sleeper yesterday. Hope it was a good nights sleep too!
Yikes, I am so, so, so, so behind on my reading here! So much to catch up on!

ephemery and Kay, WELCOME TO TEAM PINK!!!!!!! I love being a "girl mom". I think it''s because I''m totally girly myself and would probably be clueless with a boy, although I guess you just figure it out! You''re going to go crazy with all the fun clothes, shoes, hair accessories, etc. I''m like a crazed person when I buy clothes for Lily (and now the new baby!) because I get all the matching hair clips, socks, shoes, etc. Gymboree is my big addiction but I only buy on sale and I recommend that to all the moms to be--these babies grow sooooo fast so don''t spend tons of money on clothes. Sale, sale, sale. I also buy stuff on sale at the end of the season in larger sizes and save for the next season. It''s so much fun!!

Tacori, Tessa looks so cute with her food! Squash was a good one in our house. Wait till she starts eating EVERYTHING. Lily HAS to have whatever we''re having now. Like she''ll grab at the fork or spoon while we eat or she''ll just stare at us till we are guilted into giving her what we''re eating! It''s actually fun that we don''t have to really give her different foods anymore, she can just have what we''re having. She did have her first little taste of ice cream this weekend and of course, she LOVED it. But that was a special treat--not making a habit out of all that sugar!

Burk, I''m so sorry about Tayva''s reflux. I can''t even imagine how painful it is for YOU to hear her crying. I hope the new pedi can find something to help her. They have to have some kind of medication to make her feel better.

qtiekiki, sorry you failed the GD test. I did too. The 3 hour one sucks only because it''s sooooooo boring. I hope you pass--you are so tiny so I have a feeling you will. Keep us posted. We did the carseat at around 38 weeks too. Since we don''t even have a car, my parents had it installed in their car by the local police department!

TGal, Lily had like NO eyelashes when she was born and I was freaking out because both DH and I have long ones. Well, they grew in and I was thrilled! Give Amelia some time!!! And enjoy the quiet moments now. Seriously, if she sleeps a lot during the day, that''s great. You will miss it.

Jas12, we never used the swing. Actually didn''t even open the box, teturned it unused! It doesn''t work for all babies. We just did the swaddling and white noise and it worked like a charm.

lia, loved your ultrasound photos and congrats on the house!! Everything happens at the right time, doesn''t it?!

Things are good with my WALKING one year old! She is still tentative and looks like a drunken Frankenstein but she''s definitely trying to master this walking thing. She actually looks like she wants to run!!! She says a few more words besides mama and dada these days--she can say hi, baby and her version of thank you which sounds like "dank doo"! She doesn''t really get bye bye yet, she says hi whether she''s coming or going!! And she gives lots of hugs and big open mouthed wet kisses all the time. She''s always going for my mouth and if she wasn''t my kid, I''d be grossed out but who can resist a sloppy smooch from their own child?!?!
Jas12~so sorry you''re not getting sleep. Just throwing something out there...could you perhaps have your hubby watch Cohen for a while so you could get yourself some ZZZZZ''s? If you''re struggling to fall asleep maybe try Tylenol PM? My OB recommended it to help me sleep....just a thought?
Thanks Curly! I hope our new pedi helps too! Sounds like Lily is quite the character. How cute...."hi" coming and going. I so wish we all lived close and could meet and have play dates.
Burk--my mom suggested Tylenol PM as well--i am just not keen on taking anything while i BF--iam stubborn like that--i haven''t taken a med since i found out i was pregnant (well, not totally true, i had antibiotics while in labor)--but at some point i need to take care of myself and i know that tylenol is considered safe while nursing. I know it''s my brain that is keeping me up-i am a worry wort, i need to work on that.

Re: reflux--you are a strong mom for dealing with that--i would have many breakdowns! Do you elevate T''s mattress a little? That''s the only thing i know that can help--poor little doll, it''s the worst feeling when you know your baby is in pain and can''t do much--i have read however that most cases of reflux resolve themself by around 10 months, if no before.
Okay, so she did on Wed. night too but I thought maybe it was a fluke from the vacs and stuff. Well she did last night too (7pm-8am) and just woke up from a 2.5 hour nap. Could this be my new reality? I hope so. Okay I am done bragging.

Linda, thanks! My mom and brother are visiting this weekend. I might have to pawn green beans off on them
I bet they will love seeing her funny faces when she tries a new food.

TGal, I feel the same way when people tell my they are proud of me b/c of Tessa. I feel like we had no control about what she looked like and I''m just doing what anyone would do (raising her the best I can). My mom tells me ALL the time.

Jas, that''s an idea! That would be really cute to frame maybe three of them (green, yellow, and another color). I did buy prunes b/c she was backed up a week ago and they are a pretty color. How horrible to feed them to her just for a photo opt. Maybe I will wait until after she is backed up again. The nurse said bananas and carrots can do it. Oh orange would be good. Now you need to get some sleep lady! I got really sick (when T was a few months) and it was horrible. This weekend have your DH, mom, anyone take him out of the house. It is so much easier to sleep when you can''t hear or see him. Please take care of yourself.

Burk, poor Tayva! I hope she grows out of it soon. Must be horrible. Have you given her RC yet? Would that help her tummy? We put it in T''s nighttime bottles.

Curly, Lily is no fool I bet she LOVED ice cream. Did you decide on a name yet? I don''t think Tessa is really in to solids yet. She likes *my* reaction but still makes faces and spits it out. Maybe once we get to fruits it will be a little easier. I am just grateful for a big bathtub and the bumbo.
He''s sleeping ! during the day! WOOHOO. He''s due to eat soon so i know it''s short-lived, but i''ll take it.

I forgot to ask about Mother''s day--Charlie got me the T & Co. ''mom'' locket--it''s cute, and i got a nice breakfast and a photo of Co and I (we only have a few) framed.
It''s the only pic that you can''t see the bags under my eyes

Jas~You take care of yourself lady!!! I completely understand feeling concerned while breastfeeding but it really is safe and if you''re already sick and you''re not sleeping your going to be so run down you won''t be able to be the mommy you want to be. Sleep!!!!
And thanks for the well wishes for Tayva. We have her crib mattress elevated but she''s such a wiggler I don''t want to elevate it to much and have her roll into a corner at the bottom of the "slope"
The swing is great for naps because it''s upright and it''s safe. (and it doesn''t hurt that she LOVES movement)

Tacori!!!! HURRAY FOR TESSA!!!
That''s so great. Tessa must be realizing that sleep is a good thing...for her and her mama!! We tried to introduce RC a couple weeks ago (per request of doc) and she wasn''t exactly a fan. So, every few days I try again and last night she actually did a little better. Her tongue gets in the way....she has tongue issues, though, she cannot keep a paci in her mouth without someone holding it in!!! What a mess my daughter is.........
Jas~What a beautiful picture of you and your little man!!
Burk, I only spoon fed her the RC a few times. T was also not a fan. We just put it into her bottle and she doesn''t seem to mind (that way she is getting it and it is way easier than fighting with her). Just use a nipple that has a larger hole. We use the "x" ones. Helps her sleep longer too.

Jas, that is a beautiful photo of the two of you. I hardly have any photos with T either. Get better.
Tacori....yay!!!!!!!!! I certainly DO hope that is your new reality. How exciting eh?

Aw Jas...I hope you feel better. Nah, you don''t sound like a sound tired like a normal mom! But it is a bummer you couldn''t take that time to sleep...hopefully he will do that again tonight! And that photo of you and Co is beautiful. I don''t have hardly any with me and Amelia...must take some when I look human.

Burk, maybe my friend''s kid wasn''t as severe as Tayva''s? She just spit up an awful lot is all I know, but I don''t know much about reflux. I hope the new ped can help her. Aww..I feel so bad for her.

Curly, that''s good to know because lily has great lashes! But I think Amelia is stuck with mine...they are sparse and thin and don''t quite curl up. We''ll see...maybe I''ll be pleasantly surprised. It won''t be the end of the world if she doesn''t get TGuy''s lashes though...right now I''ll settle for brows of any kind!
And is it more tiring that lily is now walking?

Amelia did well last night, considering how much she slept through the day. Put her down at 9 and she went 5 hours until 2. Then I thought she wouldn''t go down for sure...she fussed for a little bit then woke up at 6. Fed her then down until 9am and now down for another nap. The "goal" is 5 hours down for the first night run and 3 for the second, so she did alright! Believe me, I am enjoying this down time for sure...
Tacori~I just got online to look for the nipples you were talking about for the cereal in the bottle. Will be picking some up after work.....anything is worth a shot! I had tried cereal in her bottle but with her regular nipples and it made her MAD!!!

Tgal~ Yah Amelia! Sounds like she''s got herself a pretty good sleep pattern. As for the reflux-it presents itself different in every baby. So your friends baby maybe just had different symptoms. Tayva actually doesn''t spit up much at all(which is weird because spitting up is a very common symptom....but that is also why she wasn''t diagnosed earlier). Whatever the symptoms, baby is hurting and it''s so sad.

Speaking of reflux babies, Ella how is Gabe doing??
Tgal, 5 hours at 6 weeks is AMAZING! Way better than Tessa did at that age. Yay for both of us!

Burk, mine are from evenflo but I am sure other brands make them as well. We use them in our Nuby bottles (BPA free) and they work great. She loves them b/c the milk comes fast and that is probably one of the reasons she hates to nurse now. Too much work! Haha! Oh, she is rubbing her eyes. Better put her down.

Beautiful picture!!!

Tgal and Tacori, you both crack me up. All of these babies are soooooooo darn adorable. Wish I could babysit them all. LOL.

Linda, so do I!
jas12, beatutiful pic. i only have one pic of Jake and I together and need to get someone to take one while he''s still little. Love the black and white too!!

tgal, i bought the blanket today, it''s in the dryer now and I can''t wait to try it out tonight. Jake slept 4 hours last night and then woke up at 3:00am. He was up again at 4:00 and 6:00am and I thinks he wakes himself up when his legs or arms jerk.

tacori, i think framing some of those food pic of tessa would be so cute. My girls never liked the green baby food veggies but they loved sweet potatos and squash and wait until you get to the fruits. I could never bring myself to feed them the babyfood meats though.
MsS, the meats do look gross
I am hoping she will stop spitting out so much. I guess over time she will get used to it! I am guessing fruit will taste really good after all the veggies.
The pix of your niece are so funny.
Your bro has a sense of humor.
Was it you who posted a pix of a baby sandwich (hamburger) a while back?

CONGRATULATIONS. You will have to let us know what you purchase with your $1,000 gift from Pricescope.

You are an asset to all of the forums.

Thanks Linda. I will have two threads on "show me the ring" soon! I feel so lucky!!!
Love that mother and son shot of you two.
I wished I had some shots like that :)
DH doesn''t have an eye for picture taking :P

Thanks for the tip. I''ll give it a try.
I think she''s accustomed to falling asleep with the nipple.
And she tends to wake herself up with her gagging on her spit.
So when she wakes up, she needs the nipple to go back to sleep again
Congrats on your baby girl.
Yeah, it seems like there is an explosion of PS girlies this year!
Can''t wait Tacori.

Date: 5/16/2008 7:06:08 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks Linda. I will have two threads on ''show me the ring'' soon! I feel so lucky!!!

2 threads? Meaning 2 blings?
Date: 5/15/2008 4:46:42 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I think I know why Amelia naps so well...

After I feed her, I put her on a pillow on my lap and do her exercises and just chat away at her. I shake her rattle (I''m suppose to so get her eyes moving past midline). I sing. I babble babble babble about everything. Work. Her father. How I hope she won''t hate me as a teenager. After about 45 minutes of this, she starts yawning and I put her down to silence. I think she''s just so happy to be away from her CRAZY mother that she''s thrilled to be in peace!!

Speaking of...she''s down in for her afternoon nap in her bassinet...yay!!!!!!!

Wow TGal.
You are an awesome mom.
Maybe I should bring my little one over so you can chat away to her.
I''m not a talkative it''s humming most of the time for me
Date: 5/16/2008 10:21:51 PM
Author: lili
Date: 5/16/2008 7:06:08 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Thanks Linda. I will have two threads on ''show me the ring'' soon! I feel so lucky!!!

2 threads? Meaning 2 blings?

Yup! My PP and my PS gift
Date: 5/16/2008 10:41:09 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 5/16/2008 10:21:51 PM
Author: lili

Date: 5/16/2008 7:06:08 PM

Author: Tacori E-ring

Thanks Linda. I will have two threads on ''show me the ring'' soon! I feel so lucky!!!

2 threads? Meaning 2 blings?

Yup! My PP and my PS gift
Tacori!! You lucky girl!!!!
Did you pick out your ps gift yet? I can''t wait to see both of them....
HI Everyone- sounds like all of you are doing well.

Jas12 that picture is sooo awesome. I''m going to have to remember that pose!

Tgal that''s alot of sleep- thats awesome. And thanks for the info on working out. I do like pilates. I don''t stick with anything but stop and start- I would say I am moderately fit so I guess I will just try to do what I did before and not overdo it.

Eph- congrats on a girl- thats so exciting- I hope I am in the girl camp too(I feel awful for saying that)

Oh and Tacori- congrats on all that sleep too- it''s going to be a long 9 months plus 18 yrs for me I think- I am already having insomnia

Curly- how sweet Lily sounds- tell her I said "HI"

Kay congrats on the amnio results and a girl- sweet

Neatfreak-hope your nausea is better- mine is pretty much there for several days, then it might leave for a day or two, but then it always comes back- I feel better when I eat most of the time so I just keep on eating...

So I had my u/s today!!!! It went well but I was soooo nervous. We saw the heart beat and the dr saw the yolk sack and the fetal pole- she said that is all she expected to see right now and told me I was 6 week 2 days along I think- I was kind of so stressed that I wasn''t taking in everything she was saying. I am relieved but not as relieved as I hoped if that makes sense. Two more weeks is my first real appt and another u/s Yay for u/s I think...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
pave, congrats on your first u/s! I was only a few days farther along for my first. Visually it is not that exciting but hearing the heart beat is a wonderful sound! Being a new mommy is not restful that is true but I promise it is worth it. Feel better.
Don''t stress about the 3-hr GD test.
I failed mine w/ a much higher number but passed the long test w/ flying colors.

We installed the carseat the weekend before I delivered.
Thought that I had another week or so since I wasn''t seeing any pre-labor signs -- ie, dropping, change in energy levels, cervix still long, etc..