
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lili -- those are the best pictures. I''m a sucker for fun baby hair! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks to all of you (lovely liars!) who complimented my pictures. I''m trying to go for the humor in these shots. Next week, I''ll do a Demi.

LOL diver -- i''m sure you rock every photo you''re in!
I''ve been MIA since my parents were in town for Memorial Day weekend, and we started painting the nursery. We opened all the windows and wore a mask. I am a little bummed because I like handy work and painting, but I don''t get to do as much as I like because DH won''t let me be on the ladder. I can''t wait to see how it''ll turn out.

Love all the baby pics. PS has the cutest babies. Looking at the pics makes me really anxious for Meena to be here. Just 10 more weeks.

Welcome Mela Lu! You''ll love the group of helpful and supportive ladies here.

Welcome Researcher! I was wondering where you were. Remember to post pics of your sweetie.

jackiejas - You look fabulous.

To everyone else I missed, hope all are going well.
I just stopped in to check for pictures and caught Tacori''s Tessa, Ella''s twins, and Lili''s! Your babies are all adorable and precious!!! But I''ll bet you already knew that!

Jas, sounds like a fun night with the in-laws.

I hear you about the belly and b**bs arriving everywhere first. I’m terrified to see how much bigger the girls will get when my milk comes in. BTW, I love your vampy pin-up shot, but can understand why you don’t want the scary in-laws to have it.

Burk, thanks for the info on pants.

Ella, love the pics of your twins together – twin love is so cute – they would be good calendar babies. Love G’s tourist outfit too.

Snlee, good luck with your u/s. I can’t wait to hear what you are having.

Tacori, I love Tessa’s beach pics. She is so cute in her swimsuit and hat. Glad to hear the swim diapers work well.

Tgal, yay for 8 straight hours of sleep.

Enjoy your trip.

Lili, sorry to hear about the reflux problem. J is so cute – I love her hair.

Diver, I look forward to seeing your new watch. You should post some of your pin-up pics.


Qtiekiki, can’t wait to see pics of your nursery.

I had my u/s appointment today and it took almost 3 hours! I waited almost 30 minutes for my appointment, then the baby wouldn’t cooperate with moving so they could get the views of her heart they wanted, so they told me to walk around for 20 minutes and come back – then they made me wait another 40 minutes for a room to be available. Baby girl is fine, but the placenta is resting against my cervix. If it doesn’t move, I’ll have to have a C section. Dr. also said no sex!
DH is not happy.
I have a question about name “etiquette.” DH and I agreed on our first choice girl name soon after we found out I was PG. I’ve been thinking about using it for a couple of years, but was slightly nervous about it because my Dept. head’s daughter (in her 20’s) has the same name. I was hoping she would be flattered rather than annoyed I used the same name. One of the guys in my dept just had a baby and they used the name we planned to use. DH still wants to use the name because we both love it and he thinks our daughter should not have to go through life with a “second-choice” name because someone I work with used it first. I think it would be awkward because they always send out an e-mail birth announcement at my office and it will look like we copied. Argh, it is so frustrating.
Gosh she''s precious, and yes that hair is adorable. What a sweetie pie she is!!!
Welcome Mela and Researcher!

Burk, Tacori, lili, and Ella, I love all the baby pictures! PS babies are the cutest!

Tacori, I love the picture of Tessa's little feet. You should frame it!

Ella, the picture of your twins holding hands is the cutest ever! You should frame it! So precious!

TGal, I hope the 10 days without TGuy goes by fast and Amelia continues to sleep a lot!

kay, that's a bummer your little girl didn't cooperate and you had to wait so long! I am hoping our little one cooperates! First JackieJas and now you - why no sex? Have you started feeling baby movements?

JackieJas, you look awesome with your twin belly!

Here's a picture of my at 19w2d - almost halfway there! I have been feeling the aches of pregnancy. Lot of round ligament pain, back aches, and belly muscle aches. I can't imagine how I'll feel when I get bigger!

Less than 2 days until the big u/s!
I'll definitely keep you ladies updated!

You look great. Can''t wait to hear all about your US!!!!
Thanks Lisa!

Kay, I forgot to say that I think you should name your daughter the name you and your DH agreed on. I agree with your DH. My department has three Sean''s that I know of - all born within a year or two from each other. I don''t think it''s awkward or that it''ll look like you copied. It''s just a popular name.
lili and ella...LOVE the pics!!

snlee: you are too cute and tiny!! you look amazing! can''t wait to hear the u/s update!!

jas: you are adorable!! what a great photo. i can''t believe it''s twins in there!!

nothing new to report for me...
yesterday, a nurse i work with said, "wow, i can really tell you''re pregnant!" my repsonse: "i know, i''m already fat." her reply, "i wasn''t talking about your belly." hubby got a kick out of that one!! when i told him, he said, "was she talking about your boobs or your butt?" isn''t he sweet?!
Date: 5/29/2008 12:27:03 AM
Author: snlee
Kay, I forgot to say that I think you should name your daughter the name you and your DH agreed on. I agree with your DH. My department has three Sean's that I know of - all born within a year or two from each other. I don't think it's awkward or that it'll look like you copied. It's just a popular name.

Kay, I totally agree with Snlee and your DH. They are just coworkers, it would be different if the kids would be cousins or something, but it's not like you will need to live with these people the rest of your life, but your child WILL live with their name for their whole life!

SNLEE: Expecting a full report over here!!!! Good luck with your big u/s!!!!!!
Here is little B...
ETA: oops...pix too little B is thinking "mom you made my face look big!"

little B enjoying his drumstick...

ella: OH MY GOD!! the picture of them holding hands and baby K looking at him like that..oh my!! LOOOVE it!!! love it!!!! you have GOT to frame this picture and put it up in their nursery!!!

JackieJas: U look amazing girl!! i agree with the others, dont know wat ur in laws are all about!!

lili: shes sooo cute!! look at that hair!!!

Mela Lu: dunno how i missed u out the first time around!! CONGRATS!!

Reseracher: great to have u back

Qtiekiki: would love to see pictures of the nursery!

Snlee: ur looking great :) and good luck with the u/s!

Tgal: yay for the long sleep hours!! hope ur drive went smoothly!!

Bobo: cute!

Kay: I say name ur kid watever u want to name them!! who cares if someone else JUST named their kid the same or it belongs to a co-worker/relative/friend/etc....i hate it when ppl take it personally...its not something that u own!! yeah...i say name ur baby watever makes u and DH happy and if anyone doesnt like it, then who cares!

babyproofing- we did very little too..i agree with the fact that since im not a SAHM i havent worried about it that much!!
''morning all! Just popping in to say that the baby pics are cracking me both a funny way and also an emotional way! I''m still wrapping my head around everything (reading posts - I''m only on page 16!!!!!!!!!! hahaha) and I''m still just trying to get through these next few weeks without m/c''ing. Once I get a little farther along, god willing, then I''ll let myself get more excited. The good news is that I dont have to wait tooooo long for my first u/s. We''re doing it in my 7th week (June 18th). That will give me some relief.

Thanks for listening

Enjoy all of your precious little bundles!
they are all so beautiful and squishy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, Lili, that first picture of Jadelyn is hilarious!!! She's a doll - look at that face, ahhhhh I love it! Sorry she's having such eating issues. It sounds like reflux to me, and I think you should really push your doctor on it. If Burk and I hadn't pushed, our little babies would still be suffering too so you really need to be proactive sometimes. Good luck!

And of course little B is Mr. Handsome - quite the looker, Bobo!

TGal, hope you survived your three-hour drive with Amelia! Any good stories?

Kay, ugh on the three-hour u/s appt! That doesn't sound fun at all. As someone who had a c-section, let me assure you, it's not the worst thing in the world by any means so please don't worry too much if that's what winds up happening. I know it may be disappointing if you were hoping to deliver vag, but many of us have gone through them now, so we're here for you! ANd I agree with everyone that you need to use the name you guys love regardless of whether other people are also using it. You're not going to work with those coworkers forever, and chances are your daughter won't know their daughter, so who cares if they have the same name? Your daughter will have that name for her life, so make it a good one!

Aww, snlee, love the bump! I really do love cute preggie bellies. Believe it or not, I miss having one! It was nice having that big ole thing to rub! Good luck with the u/s!

LIA, I'm sure your nurse coworker was talking about your pregnancy glow

Mela Lu, that's great that you got such an early u/s!

We had a rough night last night. The babies went down at 7 last night without a peep, which was lovely, but then G woke up at 2:15 and then K at 3:15, and then I couldn't fall back asleep at all because of the darn tickle in my throat so then I was keeping Q awake with my coughing (aka barking b/c I sound like a seal - I ain't got no pansy cough, I cough with POWER. I've had bronchitis more times than I care to count, that's just where sickness hits me)... Basically, our night sounded like this: [G] waaaaaah, waaaaaah [me] ugggh can you get that child?? feed him, change him, swing him, just shut him up! I'm sick and need sleep! [k] waaaah wahhhh [me] uggh, can you get that child?!? feed her, change her, swing her, just shut her up! I'm sick and need sleep! *cough bark cough* sorry, honey * cough bark cough* sorry, honey *cough bark cough* .... [Q] I'm going to the couch!

Date: 5/28/2008 10:34:12 PM
Author: snlee

kay, that''s a bummer your little girl didn''t cooperate and you had to wait so long! I am hoping our little one cooperates! First JackieJas and now you - why no sex? Have you started feeling baby movements?
You look great, Snlee. I hope your little one cooperates better. Ours didn''t flash the goods, so we wouldn''t know the sex if it weren''t for the amnio. I haven''t felt any movements yet, but she sure moves around a lot whenever we have a u/s.

In placenta previa, the placenta is attached to the uterus very low, instead of near the upper end where it should be. It will sometimes migrate further up as the uterus expands with pregnancy, but that is less likely with "complete" previa where the placenta is completely covering the cervix, which is what I have now. Doing anything that disturbs the cervix can cause bleeding because the placenta can start to separate from the uterus. Risks include hemorraging, maternal shock and premature delivery. Intercourse and internal exams (unless absolutely necessary) are forbidden for the rest of the pregnancy because any insertions can disturb the cervix. Strenuous exercise and heavy lifting are also forbidden. If I experience any bleeding, I will probably be put on bed rest. We may have to cancel our trip to France in July because the risk of bleeding increases at the end of the second trimester when the uterus naturally starts to thin a little.

Mornin'' ladies. Love to see all the baby pics - soooooo cute!!!

I have been a naughty mommy and not sent in any pics of my mini man lately. Only these babies.....


Bobo, little B is so cute – love the drumstick shot!

LIA, you must be glowing.

Mela Lu, this thread does become addicting, doesn’t it? Sending sticky vibes your way.

Ella, I am okay with the idea of having a C section. I don’t feel strongly about experiencing the whole birthing process as long as I have a healthy little girl at the end. In fact, I would prefer a planned C to a long labor followed by an emergency C. I’m not excited about recovering from the surgery, but I’ll deal. Sounds like you had a really rough night – hope you and G and K feel better real soon.

LitChick, loooove the shoes! Now those are some cute "babies."


It’s interesting everyone here thinks I should go ahead and use the baby name. I mentioned the problem to two of my close friends at work (who barely know the other person involved because they are in different departments) and they both said it sucked but agreed it would be weird to use the same name so soon after. My department is small, about 20 attorneys (with 7 babies born in the past 2 years – all to male attorneys so far). We are not close friends with the other couple because they are much younger, in fact, the father is technically my subordinate. We are invited to the same social gatherings 3-4 times per year, and children may be invited to some of those since there have been so many births lately. I am worried it will be awkward, at least initially, although that will pass and our daughter will have her name for the rest of her life.
Q, can''t wait to see the nursery!

DS, thanks friend!

Kay, I went up a cup size while preggo. When my milk came was scary....but once it is establish my cup size went back down to preggo and then pre-preggo size. So don''t worry! Baby girl swim suits are the cutest. Sorry to hear about your low placenta. I hope it moves for you! I also agree name *your* baby what you want. You won''t ALWAYS work with these people.

snlee, you are tiny! Congrats on 50% baked!
Good luck with your u/s.

LIA, my FBIL made a comment about how great my boobs looked while preggo. I guess preggo boobs are hard to miss! I remember men staring at them. Somehow they never looked down enough to see the belly as well.

bobo, I love little B. He is SO cute!

Ella, sorry to hear everyone is sick! Hope everyone feels better soon!
LC, I'll babysit your Louboutins any time!!!

lili, Jadelyn is toooo cute! Great hair!!

qtiekiki, only 10 more weeks?!?! Wow, time is flying. How are you feeling? My DH is just like yours, he won't let me do anything. I guess we shouldn't complain, right?!

Kay, sorry you had a 3 hour ordeal but at least they got to see all the important stuff on your baby and all is well. Regarding the placenta issue, I had a low lying placenta with my first pregnancy--they discovered it at my anatomy scan. Anyway, it actually is very common and often it will move up on its own as your uterus grows. When I had my growth scan at around 30 weeks (??-can't really remember when it was), they checked it out and everything was fine and I went on to have a regular vaginal birth. But a friend of mine did end up with full placenta previa and had a c-section which was no big deal. I wouldn't worry about it just yet, you have plenty of time for it to move and I'm sure they'll be monitoring you closely. Have you had any bleeding? As for names, I agree with the others--you should use the name that you and DH love, regardless of who else has it. These people aren't close friends or family so I don't think it matters. Are you gonna tell us the name?!

snlee, CUTE belly!!! You're looking great. Can't wait to hear your ultrasound results. Do you have any gender vibes??

lia, I am STILL waiting for boobs so enjoy them!! Mine simply do not grow when I'm pregnant. When my milk came in the first time after giving birth, I looked like a total **** star and it was quite interesting but I couldn't even enjoy it because the pain was excruciating!

Bobo, little B is sooo adorable! I love the photo in the Bumbo with the drumstick!! Tooo cute!

ella, sorry you had a rough night--ugh. It's hard enough when the babies are waking up but when you don't feel well, it makes it that much worse. Hope everyone is better soon.
Kay, I''m gonna take a little different view on the name thing. If having a unique or different name is important to you, then you may want to re-consider. Also, if you think people may take offense, then you may want to reconsider. Personally, unless I was super-attached to the name, I would pick something else.
Hello lovely ladies!

First of all, thanks to Burk, Curly, Bobo, Lili, Ella, and Tacori for all the baby pix!! They are SOOOO much fun to see (and daydream about when Lyla is that size!). Ummm, Diver? TG? We need some updated Delaney and Amelia around here, too!!
Although you actually could have posted them somewhere in the last 25 pages and I missed them in my less-than-thorough reading... oops.

Kay, I would use whatever name you love and not worry about the other people in your office. As you said, this is the name your daughter will have for the rest of her life... and she will definitely encounter other people with the same name over the next 90 years, so who cares if 2 of them happen to be your colleagues' kids! I don't think it's a big deal at all, and if your colleagues do, that's their problem... not yours.

Congrats to Mela!! And Neat, how are you feeling? Your earlier description of your m/s (too many pages back for me to find it again) reminded me SOOO much of my own... here's hoping yours ends a little sooner than mine did.
But the good news is, when it finally subsides, you'll be even MORE appreciative of how great you feel!! (Nothing like finding whatever silver lining I can, right?
) I keep describing it to people as a 4-month-long, 24/7 hangover... fun.

Jas and Snlee, great belly shots!! You inspired me to take some more of my own, and these came out better than the first (all dark and blurry), so I'm attempting to post them. This is from this morning (21 weeks, 1 day)... I feel like I'm showing much more in the pix than I am in real life though!! Maybe my back is arched a bit? Ok first pic, belly covered (in my new one-size-larger Gap maternity jeans)... I am REALLY crossing my fingers this comes out an ok size:

Ok second pic, with belly bare... I'm praying that DH never sees these and realizes I posted pix of our messy bedroom all over the internet!

ETA -- I <3 these jeans, by the way, for anybody wanting a maternity jeans recommendation. I have tried on SOOO many pairs, and nothing seems to fit me right. But these Gap city-fit ones are amazing. I'm really hoping they wear okay and don't stretch out all weirdly like jeans tend to do.

I also should have taken a pic of the dining room table, which is COVERED with baby clothes... now that we know she's a girl, I am out of control with the shopping!! But I refuse to take full blame... my mom is definitely feeding the cute-little-girl-clothes addiction. At the outlets in Hershey, we have a Gymboree, Children's Place, Carter's and Osh Kosh, not to mention Polo and Gap... wayyyyy too convenient when they're all just 5 minutes away.

Tacori -- we are ordering our baby furniture today, and decided on the Munire Urban!! After lots and lots of searching, online and in-person, it really seemed like the most versatile look (especially since it will be in our main living area, and our other furniture is similar in style)... and DH loves it more than anything else we've seen. Such good ratings, too! We are getting the crib and armoire... in white though, to set it apart a little from all our dark wood living room stuff. I'm so excited!!
Just doing a drive by, work is super busy..

Thank you ladies for all your sweet compliments on little B. Let me tell ya he is so good with the ladies, we were at a restaurant last night and he won''t stop flashing his cheeky smile to every lady that come around the table to play with him..

gotta is calling x__x
Date: 5/29/2008 10:03:38 AM
Author: LitigatorChick

Mornin'' ladies. Love to see all the baby pics - soooooo cute!!!

I have been a naughty mommy and not sent in any pics of my mini man lately. Only these babies.....


Tacori, not sure if I’ll “always” work with this guy or not. I most likely will stay at the same firm the rest of my career because I am a partner and I am happy there. Not sure what the other guy plans to do – associates are more likely to move. Glad to hear the girls will return to normal, I am trying to keep belly & b**bs moisturized to prevent stretch marks and hopefully retain elasticity.

Curly, I haven’t had any bleeding, not even spotting, during the pregnancy so far. As long as that continues, everything will be fine. I would hate to have to go on bed rest. I am realizing I need to make an effort to finish outstanding projects at work at a faster pace in case I cannot work until October as planned (and prepare summaries of all open projects in case someone else has to take over – what a pain).

Litchick, I don’t personally care if the two girls have the same name (it’s bound to happen in school anyway), but office politics can be tricky.

Ephemery, cute belly, girl! Feel free to post pics of baby clothes (one of my new obsessions now). The Munire Urban is a great choice – cool styling and good quality construction.

Bobo, sounds like you have a ladykiller on your hands.

The name we wanted to use is Alexandra. I like it because it is an elegant and classical full name, but also has such cute nicknames (Lexi and Alex). We are now considering Alexis, which we both also like, although not quite as much (maybe because it makes me think of Alexis Carrington). I could still call her Lexi, which I love but don’t want to use as her formal, given name. I have never met anyone named Alexis, but was surprised to see it is high on the list of popular baby names. Last night I came up with Alexis Sophia, so we are toying with that combo right now. Other names we like include Gabriella/Gabrielle, Isabelle/Isabella, Sophie/Sophia (as a first name), Danielle, Lily (my favorite flower – hope you don’t mind Curly), Veronica and Celeste. They are all lovely names, but none of them have felt as “right” as our first choice.

Date: 5/29/2008 1:05:09 PM
Author: Kay

The name we wanted to use is Alexandra. I like it because it is an elegant and classical full name, but also has such cute nicknames (Lexi and Alex). We are now considering Alexis, which we both also like, although not quite as much (maybe because it makes me think of Alexis Carrington). I could still call her Lexi, which I love but don’t want to use as her formal, given name. I have never met anyone named Alexis, but was surprised to see it is high on the list of popular baby names. Last night I came up with Alexis Sophia, so we are toying with that combo right now. Other names we like include Gabriella/Gabrielle, Isabelle/Isabella, Sophie/Sophia (as a first name), Danielle, Lily (my favorite flower – hope you don’t mind Curly), Veronica and Celeste. They are all lovely names, but none of them have felt as “right” as our first choice.

Kay, have you thought about Alexa? That is one of my favorite baby girl names... and not super common either!
FINALLY had my first real appointment today. It was the most uneventful thing ever. But my Dr. is super nice and doesn't push opinions. He seems to be truly fine with whatever birthing decisions we make, and also liked the fact that I was an informed consumer of healthcare (some doctors get really uppity when you tell them you've been researching on your own!). So that is all good.

Said my uterus is measuring at about 11 weeks, which is almost 3 weeks ahead. Makes sense. Didn't try to hear the heartbeats yet on doppler, so we're in the dark there still, but did see them on ultrasound last week so that is good.

He wants to see me again in 2 weeks which seems soon to me, twin moms is this normal? And all my u/s will be done at the hospital with the perinatologist, but I will otherwise stay in his care unless there are complications, so that's nice. He said it's a much nicer machine too with better picture quality. Yay!

Ephemery: Unfortunately the m/s has not gotten's so fun isn't it? I certainly have my eye on the calendar and hope it goes away very very soon! I'm managing, but it certainly isn't easy or fun. And you have the most adorable pregnant belly ever! Unfotunately I think I'll be pushing that size at about 12-14 weeks! Eek!

Kay: I love that name, use it girl!

Ellaila: Those twins just melt my heart. Statistically we're due for another set of b/g twins right???

LC: Those shoes are HOT! I love them!
omg, i''m turning into that bad mom that doesn''t take pics of her kids! aggh!! i''ll get on it pronto.

lit chick, your shoes make me want to go back to work....lets put it this way...HALF our household income disappeared when i chose to stay home. the fun half.
but i''m lucky to be able to afford the choice, many women i know cannot afford to stay home and not having a choice is the worst option IMO.

hey...mommas...check out They have the COOLEST mommy necklaces and daddy dog tags in sterling silver. amazingly enough, its a local chick here who does it, and i just ordered the 1/2 inch disk necklace, one for each kid...with their names and delaney''s has the swirl heart stamp and jakes has the triangle sun. they also have great baby/toddler bracelets.....

MY WATCH gets here today!! ayayayayayayay!!!!

Snlee, your belly is too darned cute!

Eph, same goes for you!

CHECK OUT the crazy baby hair on here!! I love it!!! These babies are too delish...what is it with the PS crowd? pretty mommas, beautiful babies, smart folks abound....

big hugs everyone!!!