
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers


That is tooooooooooooooo cute. Now it begins, everything in the mouth HA!! Isn''t amazing how FAST they crawl. Yes, it is true, I bet Tessa will be an early walker, both my grandson''s were.

Please post more pictures of that little cutie pie!! Pretty please

Linda, I thought babies crawled in the 8-9th month so needless to say we were shocked. She''ll be 7 months next week. Everything has been in her mouth for a few months already
Plus she was a drooler from the start. She does have a small bump so maybe a tooth will come soon. She was sucking on one of the 4 month old twins FOOT yesterday. It was hilarious.
Date: 5/28/2008 7:33:48 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lili, so cute! She has SOOOO much hair. T has always and still is a spitter/wet burper. She isn''t upset when she vomits so the doc said it''s fine. It doesn''t even faze her.

That''s what everyone said when they see her.
Anyway, that''s good to know that there are happy spitters.
Sometimes J is a happy spitter, but there are times when she''ll squeal in pain.
I don''t know if it is pain or she''s just a difficult one.
She doesn''t cry for long, just a red face and one shriek.
Thanks Jas and Lisa.
Don't know why her hair is so funky.
It sticks up at the top of her head, making her already long crown longer.
I have some pix with some funkier styles.

I've tried brushing it down but to no avail.
My mom and sisters suggest putting a beanie on her
lili, we put T on medicine for 1 months. Since it didn''t seem to help we all felt (her doc too) it was better NOT to medicate her. She will literally be SMILING with vomit coming out. It doesn''t seem to bother her at all. If you think she is bothered ask your doc if you can try medicine. It is liquid form.
Tacori, some babies start crawling earlier, My grandson''s did also. Yes, she may be cutting a tooth too.
LOL, for sucking on one of the twins feet. I bet that was funny. She is just too cute.
I had my big u/s today!
Even though my intuition was wrong, I couldn''t be more excited to be expecting a boy! The u/s took an hour because the little bugger was very mellow and stubborn. He was lying there very content and didn''t move much. In fact he was in the same position he was during my 13 week u/s! He didn''t even move for the doctor! Even after getting up many times to try to get him to move, the tech and doctor weren''t able to get good shots of his head and spine. I have to go back for a follow-up u/s in 2 weeks. But from what they saw today, everything looks great, which is a big relief! He is lying very low, which explains why I am feeling so much pressure down there! In a week or two he''ll have to move upwards since there''s not much room. He''s a full 12 ounces now, which seems big for 19w4d. I am so happy! I am going to have a son!

Here are a few pictures.

Profile shot

Cute little foot

See the turtle?

Go team BLUE snlee. I am so excited for you!!!
Yay Snlee!!
Congrats on a baby boy!
Do you guys have a name picked out already?
Cute bellies ladies.

That''s one of the cutest looking belly.

Love how perfectly round it is.

What a tiny belly and you are all belly.
Love that first shot of little B

Tayva looks like she's about ready to grab those bunnies off her feet!

I love love the expressions on Lily's face, especially the one where she's walking her cart.
She's so expressive!
Ah TGal,
Sorry to hear about your neck.
Hope you recover quickly.

What a big smile Co has.
I tried posting one of Jadelyn smiling, but somehow it gave me an error.
Oh well....
Sorry to hear that you are still sleep deprived.
Just hang in there a little longer.
I keep hearing people say that this is about the time when the babe sleeps longer....
Ephem, you don't even NEED those maternity jeans, do you?? You're teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeny. OMG, your belly is so cute!

snlee, congrats on your BOY!!!! He's beautiful

Love all the photos of smilin' Co, Ian (awwwww, smoochies!), happy happy Lily (as always!), and Tayva with her bunnies. Ohhhh babies!!!

Jackie, how far along are you now? About 25 weeks? I know that I was at the "lb. for # of weeks" thing (e.g., 25 lbs at 25 weeks) until I was about 28-30 weeks (and I know that the March of Dimes recommends that: "This breaks down to about 1 pound per week in the first half of pregnancy, and a little more than a pound a week for the remainder of pregnancy" for multiples). And then all of a sudden, I exploded. Between 30 and 36 weeks, I put on a LOT of weight. Sorry, I'm sure you don't want to hear that, but the last tri is gain, gain, gain. But in the end, I had two healthy, good weight babies (5 lbs, 12 oz for G; 4 lbs, 9 oz for K) that needed no NICU time even though they came early, so ... eat that ice cream! Based on your recent photos, you are ALL belly, so trust me, you will drop that weight pretty quickly once the babies make their appearance. I'm six months out and have only five lbs. to go, which I could probably easily lose if it weren't for that #$)%_ing cupcake thread that makes me keep baking! I wish we lived closer so we could hang out - I think we could relate on a lot of issues, you and I (mom issues, twinnies, etc.). Maybe next time I'm in Chicago (I've got two brothers and one of my best friends lives out there), we could meet up!

TGal, how's the neck? Poor thing, that sucks. Did you ever make it to Stroller Strides? How was it?

Tacori, any sign of the PP yet??? I can't believe Tessa is crawling already -- holy cow!!!! That means my little ones are next

Kay, Alexandra is a beautiful name! I love Alex for a boy, too, but that's my BIL's name so we couldn't use it. (His name is Alejandro, which I LOVE (hubby is Venezuelan), but I also like Alexander.)

Neat, there's an article in the new Boston Magazine about twins in MA. MA has the highest rate of twins in the whole country! I assume it's b/c fertility treatments are covered by insurance here, but stilll that's pretty impressive that such a small state has such a high rate. I haven't read the article yet, but my stepmom saved it for me. And yes, statistically I think you should be b/g twins

ETA: found the article online: Double Trouble -- wow, what a clever name

Diver, is D feeling any better? K's bum is nice and clear again - yeah!!
How's the watch?

Jess, sorry about the GD test. At least you know you'll be eating healthy for your baby! And the diabetes is only temporary while you're pregnant and then you go back to normal, right? Enjoy your weekend getaway, mama!

MrsM, looking forward to more photos of Amelia! Sorry you had such a scare, but thankfully it sounds like everything is OK now?

Sk8r, ugh, sorry about the bug! Feeling any better?

Hubby is out on a bike ride, and it just started thundering like mad. And I am a huge baby when it comes to thunderstorms. Mama not happy.
Snlee - congrats on the u/s and a BOY!!!!!!!!! yey! That will help balance out the pink around here ;)


Have a great weekend ladies!
OMG, love the pictures. You guys have the most photogenic children!

Tacori -- yes, I know about the weighing. I am in that funky 6 month place right now...I am focused on gaining to make gorgeous babies that won''t need NICU time...but, as so many mommies here have noted, it''s hard to see certain numbers on the scale. I have a family history of eating disorders and body dismorphia, which is often held up to me like a mirror. My logic and emotion get all a-snarled! I also just want to make sure my weight gain is healthy, ya know? There''s not as much information about the "timing" of twin weight gain as there is for singleton, so sometimes I just flail. You guys keep me sane about these things at a time when my hormones are ready to take someone out back to the woodshed.

Ella -- please see what I wrote to Tacori. Also, thanks. I am better off knowing it''s coming so I can approach it calmly. Between my in-laws'' "jokes" and my mom telling me to "check with the doctor to make sure my gain is ok," I get very self-conscious, even though I know my doctor is happy with how I''m doing. Mom just says to "check w/ dr." to "have ammo against the in-laws" but I know it''s because she''s horrified...I grew up hearing stories of how little she was during her pregnancies...never mind that that is what was the norm back then (10-15 pounds of gain) and that she dieted during her pregnancies. Yes yes yes, come out to Chicago!!!!!

SNLEE -- Congratulations!!!

Off to prep myself...HUGE in-law day tomorrow that I need to attend. I''ll be sure to share the joy!!! (I''ve actually started keeping a list of their comments. Someday, there will be a book. Oh, yes...someday.
) I''m also willing to take bets on how long after our arrival the first insensitive comment will come. I am going for 2 minutes.
Linda, it was SO funny! Babies are so oral. I read in DH''s baby book he walked at 9 months!
He was a big kid though (born over 10 lbs) I didn''t walk until 15 months (retard that I am) so I am hoping she''ll be somewhere in the middle.

Snlee! Yay! We need some boys around here
Congrats on a great u/s.

Ella, Julian just e-mailed me and it is in route! He said I should have it 6/4. Keep your fingers crossed. I can''t wait to see it. I can''t believe she is crawling too. I knew it was coming b/c she would try to get traction with her toes (to push off) plus she would wiggle around and scoot places, but I thought I had another month before she actually crawled. Of course she veers instead of going straight but I guess it is only a matter of time before she moved her left arm. How is solid feeding going? Tessa LOVED sweet potatoes. She ate the whole jar.

Jas, I know I have mentioned before (and you can go back and read it) but my FIL and DH made many inappropriate comments about my weight. It was very hurtful and it took me a long time to get over them. Plus I was only preggo with ONE baby! Weight jokes are NEVER funny. Preggo or not. Hang in there. You look *GREAT*!
Just a quick drive by before my 9am appt because it''s important. I am posting it here since more mommies/mommies-to-be read this thread than the preggo, baby stuffs thread.

The Chicco KeyFit & KeyFit 30 carseat base is being recalled. There''s no details about why it is being recalled. From what I''ve read/found online, BRU had stopped the sales of them and the recall may have something to do with the base but not the carseat. Either way, just wanted you ladies to be aware of it.

Grrrr....what do you do? I HATE recalls!!!!
Oh yay, Tacori! Can''t wait to see it

Jackie, oh believe me, honey, I understand where you''re coming from! In no way am I trying to make you feel bad for being concerned about weight gain -- it''s not fun to watch those numbers go up. And it is hard to find the "proper" weight gain for twins, but I used the Barbara Luke book as my guideline, so when I put on almost 60 lbs, I was like, "Wow, that''s exactly what she said I should put on!" which made me feel OK with it.

I just don''t want you to feel bad for putting on more weight and/or being bigger than the singleton pregnancies you''re family is comparing you to. Apples and oranges. You''ve got two times the stuff in there!

Anyway, I hope tomorrow isn''t too bad for you. You''ve got all day today to come up with some good Jas zingers to throw right back at ''em!
286 pages? How will I ever catch up?

SNLEE- Congratulations on your little boy! I was always thinking girl for you, which makes sense, since I'm horrible at guessing. That puts me at 0/4. Woo-hoo!

And with that being said, mind if I cautiously join you? I had my first ultrasound today, and there was peanut, its heart beating away. 123 BPM. The ultrasound pic doesn't look quite like the ones posted here since the tech ZOOMED in, but there's my little Michelin Man/Woman. Kind of looks like a Ninja Turtle, no?

I do have one concern- peanut was measuring a few days behind. The tech said it's absolutely nothing to worry about as it's as small as a grain of rice and hard to measure using sound waves, but of course, the worrier in me is obsessively checking the internet for baby size at almost 7 weeks. But I guess the good, strong heartbeat is really all that matters right now.

Anyway, hello, everyone!

Welcome EBree!!!!!!!!!
From what I''ve learned, there is plenty to worry about and plenty of time to worry. Try to enjoy your little peanut!!!!

Thanks Ella and Tacori -- your encouragement and support mean the world to me!
YAY EBREE!!!!! So excited for you!!!

Try not to worry, your little peanut will be just fine.
Snlee, CONGRATS!!!!!!!! That is so so amazing to finally know huh??? Yay for little boys!

Ellaila, I prefer the term "twice as nice" to "double trouble" personally.
It is an interesting article however...I'm not surprised that MA has the highest rate. When you add the insurance component in with the propensity of east coast women to marry later and have babies later, it makes sense to me! I'm glad you mentioned the Barbara Luke book, I've been reading that too. And of course subsequently looking up all her/others research on the topic on Pubmed, what she says seems to make sense.

And EBREE: Welcome officially!!!! Yay! My question to you is how are they even saying that the baby is measuring a few days behind this early? If it is your first u/s wouldn't this be the one that is used for dating? And I thought they did dating by the measurement of the baby? Just seems early for them to be making any kind of comment like that? I guess if they are saying this just because of when you told them the dates of your LMP, it seems very possible that wat you told them could be a few days off either way right?
EBree, congrats! Love your little michelinman/gal. Here''s hoping for a event-free pregnancy!

Snlee, yay for a boy! Congratulations girl! Now you can go nuts shopping for boy stuff.

Kay, I''m with the "use whatever name you want" camp. I wouldn''t change the name just because a coworker had it. Names are important and meaningful and most parents give lots of thought when giving them. I say go for it!

MsF, I have to say that kissing photo made me go "awww" out loud. They start early eh?

And MsF and Ella, yes I did go to stroller strides. I am so out of shape and still have so much weight to lose. It kicked my patootie. Now I have a bad neck AND am sore all over. Sheesh!! I can''t believe I used to run I can barely run two blocks and I look it! Ironically, the only thing that I felt like I had no problems with were sit ups...considering I had a cesarian, I didn''t expect that. But I guess all those months of pilates paid off and my abs (underneath all that flab) are still in good shape. It''s the only part of me today that isn''t sore.

Ephemery, snlee, you''re both not need to leave this thread. What the heck is it with all you PS TINY preggo girls? I''ve been to BabiesRUs...this is not the norm! You''re supposed to get FAT when pregnant. Hmph! Seriously, you look great...

lili, that first photo of J cracked me up. And what made me laugh even more is your nursing tank...I LIVED in that same tank for WEEKS (is it the target one?) Within the last week or so I have been wearing T-Shirts and other things and just feel more human. You dress J so cute...Amelia lives in pajamas but I have been better about changing her into day outfits.

Bobo, can I tell you how much I LOVE that first pic of little B? It made me laugh so hard. I just love it. I need to save it and look at it if I ever feel will put me right back in a good mood!

Burk...hehehe on Tayva''s slippers. I guess people don''t really use that kind of stuff often? I received two bathrobes for Amelia, but I can''t see myself using them. After a bath, I''d use a towel and if I am going to make the effort to dress her, I''d just put her in her pajamas. But the robes are so cute...

DivaDiamond...aww, chin up girl. You and the baby will be OK...pregnancy, although it seems like an eternity, is really only a short time and hopefully you won''t feel too deprived. I know what you mean about veggies. I LOVED broccoli pre-preggo and couldn''t stand it when I was preggers...never touched it. I have only been able to recently eat the stuff. Hope you feel better!

Jas, such a cute photo...what a smile! I haven''t been able to capture something like that for Amelia. And I beg to differ...I think Cohen can attribute some of his good looks to his beautiful mama!

Eek, Jen...5 pounds in a day? Hope you feel better soon!

Tacori, yay for Tessa crawling! I figured she''d crawl soon. As you may remember, my friend had a son about a week and a half before you had Tessa. He started crawling about two weeks ago, so I don''t think it''s that uncommon. My friend was actually hoping the crawling would be delayed a bit because watching them becomes a lot more difficult!

MrsM, glad to hear Amelia is doing better...we went through a similar thing with weight loss. Must be an Amelia thing...eek....

Well, all is still good in this Amelia camp. She''s so much more fun since she''ll just keep looking at you. She''s two months old tomorrow...this last month went super fast. It''ll only get faster from here, I''m sure. I''ll try and do a decent photo shoot tomorrow since I want to send some photos to TGuy since he is out of town for her two month...

Have a great weekend everyone!
Ebree, early u/s usually are the BEST indication of EDD. You could have conceived a few days after you thought. Doesn''t matter much seeing how most first time mommies go over anyways
Congrats on your little bean. I remember my first u/s. I couldn''t see anything!

Jas, I''ll always be on your side! People don''t know when to keep their thoughts to themselves!
I used to remind my DH that we have a mirror so I KNOW what I look like
Now sometimes he says things about not losing all the baby weight yet. Men are so stupid.
Snlee -- CONGRATULATIONS on your BOY!!!!! You broke the girl epidemic around here
The u/s pics are wonderful too!

Ebree- YAY for a heartbeat and healthy bean!! Don''t worry about the size thing -- you may have implanted a bit later than the "norm" -- anyway, congrats!!

Tacori -- Tessa''s crawling!! That''s so fun! Of course, now you''ll really see what babyproofing you need...

TGal -- sorry you''re sore, but for someone in as good of shape as you were before amelia, it''ll all come''re on the right track

Well, I''m beginning to feel human again -- I still felt pretty beat up yesterday. This is really the first time I''ve had a bug like that while pregnant and I highly DON''T recommend it!
I figured the fluid weight that I lost would come back quickly, but I actually only got 2 pounds back... I guess it''s good that I have gained more than necessary so far. With my singletons I gained 50 to 60 pounds per pregnancy (really!) and had big, healthy babies, so I''m not too freaked out by gaining a lot for twins, actually. I AM concerned about dehydrating them though! After I type this i think i''m gonna go check their h/r''s just to make sure they''re fine since they haven''t been too active today... bbl!

TGal, we must have been posting at the same time. I can''t wait to see some more Ame pictures! I was hoping the crawling would be delayed too...oh well!

Jen, I know I need to baby proof. Still don''t know how I want to do it. Guess I better figure it out soon! Glad you are feeling better!
jas, Kaleigh, neatfreak, TG, Tacori, and sk8r,

Thank you all so much! I'm very happy to be here.

Tacori- You're right, they were comparing peanut's measurements to what I had told them as far as my ovulation date. The tech wasn't worried at all, though, and she's been measuring little fetuses for a long time! My next u/s isn't until just after 12 weeks, but I might request one at around 8-9 weeks (which is pretty soon, as I'm at 7) to make sure everything's looking good.