
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

On the left is 25 weeks. On the left is 27.

Yes, I only have one outfit.

I am outing myself as a shameless lurker on this thread just to say:

Jas, you are hilarious. Write a book, and I will buy it.

Carry on, fabulous preggos. Apologies for the interruption.
Date: 6/26/2008 8:27:00 PM
Author: darkeyesredshoes
I am outing myself as a shameless lurker on this thread just to say:

Jas, you are hilarious. Write a book, and I will buy it.

Carry on, fabulous preggos. Apologies for the interruption.
Aw, thanks. I''m actually working on it!
Keep us posted! You have a ready fan base.
Jas girl, you totally crack me up. My hubby and I are totally going to come see your show when you are back at Second City.

(and I TOTALLY want that t-shirt...maybe I''ll get two printed and find a way to send you one...hmmm...)
short one for now:

jas...can we preorder on amazon?? great photos!!!

pave: sorry you didn''t have a great NT u/s...the 20 weeker will definitely be better!!

jen et al: i totally hear you guys on the naming issues. dh has very specific ideas which i definitely DO NOT LIKE. samson??? and he turns all of my ideas down too. we are leaning towards jacob (yay for jakes!!!), but we''ll see...

jas... i would also LOVE to do a puppy theme. i have a done a few google searches, but haven''t found anything i love... will you let me know if you find some cute bedding? i had some friends several years ago do a puppy theme and it was the cutest thing ever!

kay: yup i''m in AZ. man the heat is truly unbearable!! i miss LA every summer!

dd: yup, i''ve already knit a couple things for my own little one. i think i posted a picture a while back. btw... to you and indy: i TOTALLY couldn''t stop POAS when i first found out. it all seems so surreal, and aside from the sore bbs, i didn''t FEEL any different. totally reassuring to know you''re still preggo!!

jess: hang in are SO close!!

QT: i hope it''s not contractions. hang in there...

regalada: good luck! can''t wait to see pics!

quick question: i''m having this really bad abdominal pain for the past 3 days...and i don''t know what it is. i am one of those doctors that make HORRIBLE pts...i don''t know why i am so opposed to calling my doc!! anyway, it''s really low down and feels almost like gas pain, but i don''t feel gassy. and i''m not constipated. and i don''t think it''s a uti. i''m totally confused. AND...tomorrow is my last day in phoenix so i hate to call my old doctor on the day i leave... ARGH. any ideas?? (no cramping--other than a few bhs-- or bleeding, thank goodness) to do more packing. cannot believe that i am moving back in with dh tomorrow FOR GOOD!! crazy crazy!! so excited...
Indy, have a great trip!

qtiekiki, how are you doing? Hope you aren't feeling a lot of pressure. Get lots of rest.

janine, as long as there aren't any complications and you aren't late, it's the norm to not have any u/s past 20 weeks. I had 4 u/s is the first half of my pregnancy so now I have u/s withdrawal! At least we get to feel baby movements now, which I love!

jas, the air quality in California has been horrible for the last couple of days. It's at unhealthy levels today and tomorrow because of all the fires here. The air smells like smoke.
Puppy theme is so cute! I've noticed that puppies are very popular right now for boy clothing. What a difference two weeks make. You look great! You're glowing! LOL about the T-shirt. I love it! I'd wear it.
A book? What's it about? I'd totally buy it! You are hilarious!

LIA, good luck on the move! I hope the abdominal pain isn't anything. There are no dumb questions so call your doc!
THanks snlee! YOu''re always so sweet on here!!
FWIW...I''d wear the shirt too. Maybe Jas is on to something! :)

I will probably call the doc tomorrow. I just HOPE she doesn''t make me come in to see her. After I''m done with work (my OFFICIAL last day of residency!!), I''m going to want to drive down to hubby ASAP!!!
Thanks everyone for your concerns. I am doing fine. I am pretty sure that it''s not preterm labor and contractions, but I was just curious as to what to expect. I still feel a lot of pressure, and some pain when walking. So I''ve been sitting and when my back hurts from sitting too long, then I get up to take a quick walk. That seems to be helping a bit. I''ve been drinking a lot of water.

Ok I am going to go back and read everyone''s posts.
Seriously Jas you should. You look nothing like Erma Bombeck but you remind of her style of writing.
You are really engaging not too mention funny *shrug* in a normal I can relate way
So put me on the wait list
jackie -- you look great! I love the difference the 2 weeks makes, even though i know you must be uncomfortable. Yours seem to be taking up more room lengthwise, while mine seem to want to stick straight out in front -- can''t wait to see how your belly changes as you get closer
Like the puppy theme, btw... And how did i miss that it was your birthday??? SORRY --- HAPPY BELATED!

Regalada -- i know i''m late, but i''m sending you easy delivery vibes -- looking forward to your birth story! GL!

Q -- glad you are feeling slightly better -- at this stage of the game, all of those discomforts are normal, but you''re almost there - hang in there!

Janine -- i had quicky u/s''s late in all of my pregnancies with no complications --- doctors just wanted to check position and guesstimate weight, but i think that really varies from doctor to doctor. Hope you find a way to get one more

LIA -- i like samson (i''m no help, sorry!) -- but i understand not liking perfectly good names! i definitely like jacob a lot -- hope you find something you both can agree on!

Tacori -- wanted to mention that "tessa" was a name i''ve liked for a long time and DH and I talked about it before -- he liked Tess and I like TessA and so even though it wasn''t a perfect match, it remains on our list..... how lucky you guys founf a name you both liked with him only writing 3 down! men
Great news about your neighbor''s twin boy!

Kay -- DH didn''t like any of the names I suggested that started with "Mari..." b/c he said they would shorten to Mary not Marie. picky picky
I think he likes Marina the more that he thinks about it b/c he said something yesterday that led me to believe that was her name (??!) Glad you and DH are working well together on names, though! Sorry to hear you had the same creepy dream i did haha

Kay and Neatfreak -- I''m in total agreement with you both about Pandora''s "box"

Jess -- yay for a crib!! you''re almost there!

Eph -- how cool that you and your DH were able to agree on Lyla before you were pregnant. I think that''s a great name! Glad to know someone else likes the name Marina

Indy -- haha i never thought of those lines from POAS as "twin lines" but I guess they really were for me, jas and NF
I was addicted to -- and I''m the nerd that kept her pee sticks in a nice little progression taped to paper and dated.

Snlee -- I haven''t felt hiccups yet and i don''t remember when they started with my boys -- I just remember that once they did, I felt them a LOT! I never counted kicks either. Basically i fi noticed i hadn''t felt them for a while, i''d start paying closer attention, but my boys were pretty active around the clock. My girls definitely take noticeable naps (but not always at the the same time
) How far along are you again?

Dreamer -- too bad you have to wait so long for your first u/s

Fisher -- good to "see" you again! And actually, no, i don''t really have ntil November since i will be induced no later than Oct 22nd :) I''m hoping to make it to at least October 8th (36 weeks) with these two, so we''ll see... I think it''s good that you and paul have already discussed names -- my ex and i did before we had kids too and it helped us both get an idea of the types of names we liked (plus he was fine with gabriel which was my fave boy name, so that was picked out before we were even pg!) Hope you join us on this thread sometime soon

Pave -- glad you got to hear bay''s heartbeat!

Hi to those i missed!

Well, the dreaded tooth extraction was yesterday and I''m still alive -- just have one more hole in my head (nothing new!) -- SOOOOOO glad that''s over with. I highly don''t recommend this to preggos!

So my 35th birthday is next Wednesday and DH asked me yesterday what i want --
-- well, i normally AM a jewelry kinda gal, but considering I got the diamond palm-tree necklace for our anniversary, something kid-related and inexpensive seems good (asking my mom to buy us some baby furniture since that''s my top priority right now) i was thinking, maybe i should ask him to get me something like 2 baby charms for my charm bracelet or something, perhaps one engraved with a *NAME*? Is that bad?? I''ll take at least one confirmed name at this point

In name news, after he fell asleep the other day, i left the room and when he woke up, he got on the computer and browsed through baby name lists and wrote some down. He came up with about 10 names, most of which were very Asian-inspired and cool, but i dunno if we could have a child or two that could really *own* those names being that we are, well, pasty-white! But then again, I was wanting to use a Hawaiian name as a middle name, so those could work like that. I dunno --- what would you guys think if you saw little red-headed white kiddos named something like "Kioko"? Would it be weird? I''m I totally not being PC here? I don''t want to offend, i''m just really curious
I asked him if he wanted to scrap variations of "Marie" btw and he said he didn''t, so i think "Marina" is about 99% a done deal (he obviously spent some time thinking about it at work and has decided I''m not the bad guy he made me out to be)
He''s just trying to come up with more options for Baby B. Sorry for the novel (again)!
Double-posted sorry!
Jen It might be weird for your kids to have distinctively ethnic names of an ethnicity you have no ties to...but that is just me. But BTW I LOVE Marina. It''s adorable. I think that is a great compromise personally!
Jen, we are lucky! The other two he had were horrible! I am like NF and don''t like ethnic names UNLESS it "matches" our last name (which is scottish/irish) KWIM? One of the names he likes was Russian and it just sounded silly. Sometimes I call her Tess or Tessie. I like that she can have nicknames (since both of our names don''t have nicknames). I get a good reaction from her name....usually
Wow, you are tall.
So there is no correlation to birth length to adult height huh?
Anyway, any news on the placenta moving up?

Hope you are getting better sleep.
Does your hip and back hurt when you get up at night?
I find that if I stretch (put my hands on my hip and stretch my back backward) first, it eases the hip discomfort when you walk.
That''s tough about the no sweets, especially during your last tri.
I don''t know about you, but I had the sweetest tooth during my third trimester.
Anything chocolate and sweet, I want.
It''s a good thing you are so just hang in there.
Can''t wait to see what you will be having.

The kick count isn''t as nerve-wracking as it sound.
Basically, you just want to make sure that you feel your baby move that day.
My doctor just want to prevent situation where the mother thought that everything is okay since she''s already in her 37th week.
She didn''t bother calling the hospital when she didn''t feel movement for the last 2 days.

Happy 36th.
Like Tacori said, it''s standard to get a 20wk us only.
Some hospital or clinic will do a first tri us to determine EDD.
Yeah, we were pretty bummed when our dr said no more u/s after the 20wk unless there is a complication.

your posts are always so funny

anyway, thanks for the pix.
you look radiant and definitely all belly.
it''s neat to see how much of a different 2 weeks make huh?
i wished i had been more diligent with the preggo belly pix

i did make DH take one of me right before we went to the hospital on the day of delivery :P, so I''m not too sad.

How are you doing?
Did the ab pain go away?

I thought about it, contractions is like someone grabbing your inside and giving it a good twist and push out then releasing it after a minute.
And at the peak of your pain, there's a ringing or humming tone in my head. This dies down just as the twisting relaxes. At least that's how it was for me.
Happy belated 35th!
And glad the tooth extraction went ok.
Hi ladies! We made it, our beautiful Isabelle Mariana got here at 4:56 PM Friday, 6 pounds exactly, 19 inches, tons of dark hair. Delivery went fine and fast, God bless epidurals! I''ll post the birth story later, right now we have been home for a few hours and are getting ready for another long night. DH is so excited is a joy to watch, I''m still in a bit of pain from the tearing and swelling.

Thanks for all the good wishes. We have tons of pictures so will post a couple later.

Date: 6/29/2008 7:26:11 PM
Author: regalada
Hi ladies! We made it, our beautiful Isabelle Mariana got here at 4:56 PM Friday, 6 pounds exactly, 19 inches, tons of dark hair. Delivery went fine and fast, God bless epidurals! I''ll post the birth story later, right now we have been home for a few hours and are getting ready for another long night. DH is so excited is a joy to watch, I''m still in a bit of pain from the tearing and swelling.

Thanks for all the good wishes. We have tons of pictures so will post a couple later.

Congrats regalada!!! And welcome to Isabelle Mariana!! Glad your delivery went well. Hoping you heal quickly!!!
Congrats Reg! Take care of yourself and your daughter!
Congrats regalada and welcome Isabelle!
Rest up and take care of yourself.
Can''t wait to read your story and see Isabelle.
Awww, congrats Regalada!! Can''t wait to see photos and hear all the details!

Go rest, Mommy!
Jackie, you look gorgeous! Seriously, I think you look better now than you do in the first photo. You wear pregnancy well, for sure! Work it, work it .... own it, own it ...
regalada~CONGRATS!!! Can''t wait for pics!

Jackie~You look fantastic!!

RE names: Hubby and I both agreed on T''s name easily. Thank goodness because we could NOT agree on a boy name. We wanted something different, but we know her name isn''t for everyone. But, the other day a woman asked her name. I said "Tayva." and she replied "poor girl."
Are you kidding me? I don''t expect everyone to love it, but be PC and keep it to yourself!!

Hope all you preggos are doing well....feeling okay in this heat.
Date: 6/29/2008 10:10:29 PM
Author: Burk
regalada~CONGRATS!!! Can't wait for pics!

Jackie~You look fantastic!!

RE names: Hubby and I both agreed on T's name easily. Thank goodness because we could NOT agree on a boy name. We wanted something different, but we know her name isn't for everyone. But, the other day a woman asked her name. I said 'Tayva.' and she replied 'poor girl.'
Are you kidding me? I don't expect everyone to love it, but be PC and keep it to yourself!!

Hope all you preggos are doing well....feeling okay in this heat.
Oh Burk that's terrible. I think T's name is lovely. That woman should have kept her trap shut. Ughhh.
Congratulations Regalada and welcome Isabelle! I can''t wait to see pictures and read your story. Get lots of rest.
Congratulations Regalada! Welcome to your DD Isabelle!

Hoping to catch up on this thread tomorrow to see how the rest of you preggies are doing!
Hello preggos!! (And mommy visitors!!
) We were home for my mom's bday this weekend, and I feel like I've been gone from PS for weeks! I am actually enjoying the multiple-thread format... for some reason it feels easier to absorb everything when it's separated by topic. But the best part is that the mommies still post here, and the preggos still post on the mommy thread, so that "community" feeling is still alive and well.

And congrats to Reg on your new baby girl!!!

Jackie, you look gorgeous!! You honestly have that "glowing" thing going on... and I don't think I've ever told anyone that before.

LIA, I'm an awful patient too (though not a doctor myself
)... but I always feel like I can figure things out for myself or just save it for the next appt, then forget to ask. I forget how far along you are, but is it possibly Round Ligament Pain that you're feeling? I had that around weeks 23-25 on and off... felt sharp sometimes (especially when standing up or walking around), but otherwise just a continuous crampy pain mostly in my lower right abdomen. Similar to gas pain, just more intense. I read that RLP only lasts a few seconds then goes away, but mine was different.

Jen, sounds like your DH is coming around!! I agree it might be unusual to use a name that is more traditionally used in a language/culture/ethnicity other than your own, but not necessarily a bad thing! Just might require some additional explanation for nosy and/or ignorant people, which could get annoying. Keep us posted on the options for Baby B!

Janine, my OB mentioned I'll have one more u/s, at 34 weeks. I'm not sure what the purpose is... I guess to check the baby's position? I mostly just thought, "oh good, we can confirm it's a girl before the shower the following week!"
And Lyla's movement (at 25w4d) sounds similar to yours... I feel her throughout the day, every couple hours I guess? But most often when I'm lying down before bed. They are distinct, but not strong enough to wake me in the night or anything. Occasionally I can feel it from the outside, but not enough to play the remote game! I have an anterior placenta though.

Question for you Braxton-Hicks experts... I started feeling these about a week ago (around 25 weeks) and they have been constant since then. At least one per hour during the day, then several per hour during the evening. They happen more often when I am standing or walking around, and subside a bit while I'm sitting or laying... and the tightening can last 4-5 minutes at a time (I thought they were only supposed to be 30 seconds or so?). They are not painful, just uncomfortable. I've been drinking a lot of water and trying to sit down when I can, but it doesn't seem to be making a difference. Anyone have this experience? I know SOME are normal, but does this sound excessive? Something I should be calling the doctor about? Thoughts, please.....
Eph: I would call my doctor, but only because my twins book says that many people mistake BH for early labor, and if you catch it early enough it can be stopped with no ill effects, but if you don't the babies could be born super early. And I am paranoid.

This is mostly in reference to twins though, but they do mention that an excessive number/amount/unrelenting BH contractions *could* be signs of early labor. Probably not unless they are increasing in frequency and are regular in timing, and I know there isn't nearly the same risk with a single, but worth the 5 minutes to call IMO.
hi eph--I have to ask...what is the remote game?