
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Good luck and lots of L&D dust for a speedy and smooth delivery.
Date: 7/1/2008 11:58:52 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Good luck Diva! Wow, is it crazy that I wouldn''t mind going through L&D again? It was just so exciting to finally get to the hospital...on the cusp of something amazing. I''ve gotten nostalgic!!!!

You are crazy TGal. Much be why I love ya!
Diva, good luck!! Can''t wait to hear about it!
Good luck Diva!!!!
Keep us posted, Diva -- good luck!!

NF -- just echoing what everyone else has told you -- you''ll gain more later (don''t stress!)

Jackie -- take it easy and i agree with the "no baking" rule around here! My girls told me to tell your boys they need to stay put!

Quick update -- birthday day and no baby charms b/c yesterday DH asked me where to get them (typical last-minute man), so i told him nevermind, wait til the girls come. So i''m waiting for some indication of a baby name or two at this point -- maybe he''ll do something totally out of the norm (for him) and buy me a card from the girls or something
We talked about the names on Monday and he said he thinks they have names, but i''m waiting for something *absolute* you know? Thanks for the extra ideas, btw -- "Mariska" is cute, but DH likes Marina better.....i''ll let you know later today if we get it settled (which i think we will)
Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I hope you get the name settled too.
Date: 7/2/2008 11:59:42 AM
Author: snlee
Happy Birthday Jen! I hope you have a wonderful day!
I hope you get the name settled too.
Diva! Wishing you a happy, healthy, speedy delivery!
Good luck Diva!!!
Congrats DIVA!
Happy Birthday JEN!

More later...tons to write and I''m going to take a nap first. :)
Happy birthday Jen!!! Hope it''s wonderful Good luck with the names!!
Good Luck Diva! We''re rooting for you here!

And Jen, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How about he lets you name one of the girls "your name" for your birthday?
Diva- hope all is well ...can''t wait for pics of your new little one...

tgal-i actually didn''t mind my deliveries at all and that moment they place your baby in your arms is just so amazing and perfect it really did make me forget much of the misery of my pregnancy. I think women have to forget or else they wouldn''t keep doing it over and over.
Hi y'all! I'm back from my trip. And now that I'm back, it looks like I have to leave again on Friday, since my mom is having surgery to remove her thymus gland (cross your fingers that the lesions aren't malignant!) next Monday. Sheesh. That's a lot of globetrotting! I was soooo tired last night.

The cub is hanging in there, and a couple of days ago, the spotting finally stopped completely. I'm at 7 wks tomorrow, and still barely any m/s, although I'm definitely sore in the boobage department. Mom never had m/s with any of her pregnancies, nor did MIL. Anyone know if this is hereditary? My ultrasound is tomorrow, so cross your fingers.

I hope that the low level of m/s keeps up, as a dozen hours on a plane with m/s doesn't sound like fun.

In other news, I had an entertaining (
) run in with my dad's wife. I was talking to her while I was traveling and she started asking me questions about how much weight I intended to gain (disapproval), and telling me all the vitamins I should be taking. And then she freaked out on me that I was drinking coffee (half a cup a day, people!). She said "I sure didn't drink coffee when I was pregnant!" and then she said I was "making my baby nervous". Does my baby even have a nervous system yet?! All in this earnest, lecture-y tone. Then my dad started in with the latest research on vitamin D and was I blah blah blah. So I had to freak a little, though given how hormonal I was feeling, I thought I better do it safely to my dad, and let him, gently, deal with his wife.

Basically, what I do with my body (within limits) whether or not I'm pregnant is NOBODY'S business but mine. So I just promised them that I would ask for advice if I needed it, and that I would be sure as I could be that their grandkid wouldn't come out with three heads or addicted to crack, and that otherwise, they could just keep their opinions and advice to themselves.

Geez. I hope I nipped that in the bud. I was ready to throttle her. Like I NEED that?!?

Neat, I''ve also read that weight gain, at least in the first while, is really nothing to worry about. You''re only "supposed" to put on about 3 pounds in the first trimester and a pound a week after that. So if you''re 14 weeks, roughly doubling that means 10 pounds is just about exactly right.
But lots of people lose in the first trimester. So even that''s nothing to worry about.
Diva, good luck!
Oh, and thanks for your concern, ladies! I''m doing fine, but it''s so nice to know that you kind ladies were thinking of me.
Welcome back Indy!! I have to admit that I didn't know you'd be gone so long and I was worried that maybe things went south, so I am really glad that things are still a-okay! Yah!

I have know-it-all-family too, and it is annoying (like you aren't a researcher yourself
Have they not met you?) Sounds like you did a good job of making your expectations/boundaries clear, but try not to let it get to you... they mean well even if they are annoying.

I can't wait to hear about your u/s tomorrow! If you get a picture, pretty please post it! I don't get an u/s until my screening scan at like 12 weeks, so boo hoo to me! I will live through you.

I have no m/s either, but everyone here assures me that it may not start until 7 - 8 weeks, so you could still be in for it! Apparently it is partly genetic (yah us, my mom didn't have it either), and also if you are prone to motion sickness you are more likely to get it (poor me, I get that terrible). My only thing is that usually I don't snack after dinner, but now I am finding that I suffer from low blood sugar if I do not eat a snack around 10:30. I have always had issues with low blood sugar, so I am not surprised this is worse now. Easily remedied though.
Didn''t see earlier so sorry for the delay, but
Happy Birthday Jen!!!
Hope you have a great day.
oh yeah, happy birthday Jen!
Happy Birthday Jen!!!
I was talking to my mom on the phone today, and she reminded me to remind the doctor tomorrow that I''m RH negative.

So I''ve been doing some reading, and apparently, I should have got the anti-antibody shot within 72 hours of bleeding. I''m trying not to worry about it yet. Probably, everything is fine.

I just feel so stupid for not having thought of that before. If I''m ''sensitized'', it could be a rough 30 weeks.
Date: 7/2/2008 9:37:50 PM
Author: Independent Gal
I was talking to my mom on the phone today, and she reminded me to remind the doctor tomorrow that I''m RH negative.

So I''ve been doing some reading, and apparently, I should have got the anti-antibody shot within 72 hours of bleeding. I''m trying not to worry about it yet. Probably, everything is fine.

I just feel so stupid for not having thought of that before. If I''m ''sensitized'', it could be a rough 30 weeks.
What does the RH positive RH negative thing mean for pregnancy? I have heard of it but don''t know what it means... I guess I should google it

Indy, all you can do is move forward now, good luck tomorrow!
Yes, you''re right DD! The chances are very good that everything is fine.

Basically, if you''re RH negative, meaning you lack a certain protein in your blood, and the bebe is RH positive, then if its blood mixes with yours, your body sees it as a foreign substance and develops antibodies that attack it. So basically, your body starts attacking the baby''s red blood cells, making it anemic. That can range from mild to very dangerous, and regardless, the kiddo will need a blood transfusion as soon as its born. And this will happen for all subsequent pregnancies too. Your body essentially becomes ''allergic'' to the baby and attacks it.
Wow, you guys really know how to make someone''s day!! Thanks SO much for all of the birthday wishes
Definitely feels like a family here...oh and the new pics just made me smile from ear to ear -- i love PS babies!

Indy -- I bled for the better part of my first trimester, like i''ve said, and I am also RH negative. My doctor told me that if my bleeding continued into my second trimester, then I would need the shot early. Before that, he said, the baby/babies are too small for it to amount to anything. So I just wanted to reassure you b/c I''ve had that conversation!

I''m being stared at to come to bed, so quicky birthday update... first of all, something you all can appreciate...DH got me earrings for my birthday :) He picked a pair that he said reminded him of how the babies are in my belly (theres a stone on top, the gold makes a small "s" shape and there''s a stone on the bottom -- I loved the actual thought he put into that, even if he *did* buy them today
As for names, well, Marina is absolutely, positively settled on -- woo-hoo!! We''re down to 4 possibilities for baby b, but I''m SOOOO happy for progress (and he even said he liked that the name Marina was interesting and cute, not boring). Oh and he got me a "serious" card, too -- he got points today
I have an appointment tomorrow morning after i get done teaching, so i''m excited to "see" the girls again -- i''ll post when i get home and maybe i''ll have a pic or 2 to share. Thanks again for making me smile today!
Happy happy birthday, Jen. I hope you''re doing well and I can''t wait to hear what names you two end up picking for your babies!!
Yay Jen happy birthday! What a sweet hubby you have-he really came through for you! Jewellry AND a baby name!! Woo hoo!

Jess I am thinking of you-hope you are holding your baby in your arms now.

Indy I''m glad to hear that the spotting has stopped.

Well just got back from my 20 week scan-all good! I was holding my breath for the whole scan as I had become increasingly paranoid that something was wrong-for absolutely no reason whatsoever! I think I just miss seeing my baby between scans. Even though my belly is growing and I''m starting to feel movement regularly (YAY!) I''m a ''I''ll believe it when I see it'' sort of person. I couldn''t believe the detail on the scan too-you can see the lenses of the eyes, he could tell me that the baby didn''t have a club foot or a cleft lip or palate and so on-amazing stuff.

I have a question that I hope people will chime in on-I''ve gone from a B-C cup to, well, somewhat bigger!
I''m currently wearing my stock of sports bras because I wonder if I should buy a larger size or wait until the milk comes in. Maybe I should ask on the Mom''s thread as well but when did you ladies buy larger bras if at all? Do the ''girls'' get bigger when breastfeeding or is this about it (I really hope so!!).
Indy, welcome back. Good luck with your u/s tomorrow. Keep us posted. I am crossing my fingers and hope everything goes well for your mom's surgery.

Jen, what a sweet husband you have! I'm glad he made it a special day. And yay for deciding on a name for one of your girls!

Gemma, congrats on a great 20 week u/s! It's such a relief to know nothing is wrong with the little one. Yay for feeling more baby movements!

Diva, hope you are holding your baby now!
Diva, good luck! Can''t wait to read details and see pics.

Jen, happy birthday! Sounds like your DH came up with a really sweet present, even if it was last minute. Congrats on making progress with the names.

Indy, glad to hear all is well with you.

I''ll have to catch up with the rest of the posts later. I''m just taking a dinner break, but have to get back to work.
Oh, rats! I missed your birthday, Jen -- bad me! Sounds like it was a good one though, and congrats on Marina!!

And good luck and/or congrats, Diva!!!! Looking forward to hearing from you ....

Indy, good luck at your appt. today!

Gemma, congrats on a good u/s - yahooo! Any photos to share?