
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi guys. Not in hospital at this point, but on a day-by-day thingie. On the upside, gained three pounds last week alone. Sheesh. Babies are going to come out and take up sumo wrestling.

More tomorrow, as I am really pooped.

No star baby namings will ever ever ever outdo Frank Zappa''s.

sleep well, all.
LOL "With his second wife, Gail Sloatman, Frank Zappa had four children. Their names demonstrate Zappa's devotion to eccentricity. The children are named Moon Unit, Dweezil, Ahmet Rodan, and Diva."

You have to admit Jason Lee's son's name is far out -- Pilot Inspektor --- Yup, you read that right! And he has one on the way - can't wait to find out the name!

Also I know Bob Geldof's children have unique names - can't remember them at the moment though....
I''m surprised at the name Nicole chose, some how, I wasn''t expecting Sunday Rose....

Rest well Jas!!!
Tom and Nicole''s kids together had "normal" names, Connor and ??, but when they re-married both gave very unusal names to their kids: Suri and Sunday. What''s up with that?
Date: 7/7/2008 8:52:21 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Tom and Nicole''s kids together had ''normal'' names, Connor and ??, but when they re-married both gave very unusal names to their kids: Suri and Sunday. What''s up with that?

Isabella I think?
Hey everyone! Hope you are all well and staying out of the heat(if it''s hot like where I am )! I think it''s supposed to be like 100 degrees all week! Yikes. I guess LIA and others in the desert are used to this,but not me.

I wanted to thank all the preggos and others for the info on the fatigue thing. If I already said this sorry but I don''t htink I did...I am feeling better I think. Have stayed away from the gym. Maybe that is helping? hehehe.

Gemma- I love your u/s pic. It is awesome. I can''t wait to get one like that!

I am confused about where I left off the last time I posted so I am moving forward to

NF- so exciting you can feel the babies! Yay. so cool. Last week I felt a little something, maybe like gas, I dunno. Didn''t feel it again since. I feel worried to sleep on my tummy to and have been avoiding it for weeks. I got the most awesome pregnancy pillow yesterday and besides finding it a little hot, I felt so cozy and tucked in. It''s like a question mark and you put your head on the hook, then there is pillow for your back and then it goes between your legs. It really hepled me to stay on my side and feel comfortable. We will see how night number two goes- I hope you have a fantastic vacation! rElax and enjoy your dh. and try not to let the mil get on your nerves too much.

Ephemery- I am sorry you had to go through all of that stuff with the contractions, etc. It sounds really scary and it''s a drag that the drs weren''t too helpful. Did you get to schedule your appt. with your ob? Hopefully he will be more helpful? It''s amazing how much worry these little ones can cause. Hope today was better.

Snlee- did you hear of/research hypno birth? I had a phone call today at work and the lady was expecting and she started telling me what she was going to try and that she just switched to a midwife/ob team. I am starting to think I may switch too. I like my Dr. but am disappointed they have a new oncall system for daytime and nighttime so not a good chance my dr. will deliver me, and we never meet any of the drs in the practice. Sorry if you all have heard this before- But i kind of just accepted the ob/standard birth plan and am thinking maybe I should do some research.

IG thanks for the tips of good superfoods. I am gonna try that soup and pumpkin seeds. I love soup. Do you make it homemade? I don''t have any superfood ideas- I just try to eat some veggies and fruits cause I already really like meat and dairy. I need to pick up on the fish but I am so confused about what fish to eat, etc.

Sbde- welcome back- are you still away for work? Sorry you are having m/s. Hope it goes away soon.

OH Jas 12and Jen thanks for the explanation of the hip/pelvic pain! Jen I hope you get better soon or time goes really fast for you and also hope it isn''t something I get to experience!

Jas- glad to hear from you- if it makes you feel better I get overwhelmed by this fast paced- forum and end up reading and avoiding writing - we can only do what we can do, but love to hear from you. Were you serious about second city? Did I imagine that? Are you a comedian? I agree with all the other ppl you should write a book!

Janine- good to see you! I know all of this stuff with finances etc is heavy! I have a chance to move jobs where I would like the work/ppl better plus have a set schedule , but it''s less money. So confusing what will be the right choice when I can''t predict how I will feel 6 months from now. eek. When is your shower? I hope you have a great time- maybe if they were wrong with the stuff you would be able to return? Even though that would be a pain. It does happen sometimes that they are wrong, but I am not sure if its a boy confused with a girl or girl confused with boy too- if that makes any sense. oh i iwll be quiet now. I''m sure it is a girl!

Regalada- you sound like you are doing great! Good for you! It must be an amazing feeling to hold your little one!

Dreamer, thanks for the good wishes! Yeah I feel mostly better with small periods of fear. I believe most ppl say when you pass the first tri, you are ina good place. I would still like to fast forward a little which seems kind of sad but...
Also DD I loved milk at the beginning too. It took the edge off my nausea and it''s good for you! I usually eat every few hours anyway so not too much changed- I felt better after I ate, and only had a couple days when even eating didn''t relieve the nausea. Luckily, I never did throw up. fingers crossed for you. OH that is cool that you get to go to your midwifery clinic tonight! yay.

Jen- glad you had a good date night and got a crib! Yay. I lovvvvve the name sophie. my niece is sophie and she is a sweetie.

Tgal- thanks for all the good wishes for us- did you have an easy time not being a stress ball? Give me your tips please?????? hahah I just read further down and see that you say there is stress allo along. thanks, hahah.

Take care everyone and stay healthy!
Introducing James Emerson!

baby james.jpg
I love my little boy!

baby james 2.jpg
I just had to take him out in the travel system. I only walked him up and down the driveway though because I was so worried about how young he is and I''m sure my doc wouldn''t approve of any walks longer than that at this point. He''s such a good baby. Has his days and nights mixed up but it''s so worth it. All of it - the nausea, puking, stretch marks, sore boobs, cankles, everything. I just love him with all of my heart. He''s such a blessing.

Jess ,what a little cutie! And that blond hair, so sweet. I love sleeping newborns, they look like little dolls. I'm so glad you are in loooove
it must be wonderful!

PS He has a beautifully shaped head, I love babies with such lovely round heads!
Diva - I want to give him James a good cuddle; he is unbelievably cute. Congrats!
James is soooo adorable. I''m so happy for you!!!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW Diva, James is a little doll. He is just adorable.

Date: 7/7/2008 11:32:15 PM
Author: Linda W
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW Diva, James is a little doll. He is just adorable.

Diva, in agreement with Lisa and Linda, he is adorable, congrats on your beautiful son!!!!
awwwheee...he is just beautiful Diva! Enjoy him when he is this little...I already miss Amelia as a newborn (but not all the crap that came with it!)
Diva, James is so adorable!
Diva, he''s so cute, I just want to snuggle up with him! Congratulations & good job momma!

Jas: I can''t wait to see the babies, I hope you are feeling well! ooooh!!! soooo close!
My parents and sister were in town for the weekend, so I've been missing. It's been a long weekend for us. My parents' car overheated on their drive home after about 50 miles, and AAA tolled the car to a mechanic nearby. We drove to pick them up. My sister booked a last minute flight home because she started a new job and didn't have days off. My parents stayed an extra day. Turned out the radiator had a crack and coolant was leaking out. We drove them to pick up the fixed car today, and they drove home. So I am exhausted. And I didn't end up baking, which was kind of a bummer. My baby is spoiled already. My mom bought her designer shoes, and my sister bought her designer shoes and outfit.

I can't believe I am next/first on the preggo list. It passed by so fast. We are really excited. When my dr. did the internal on Sat, he said the baby head is still pretty high up. So he doesn't think I'll go into labor anytime soon, which is ok with me since I am not technically full term yet.

This Friday will be my baby shower with my ex-coworkers, and next Thurs will be my baby shower at work. So I am excited about those.

Thanks everyone for the comments on my belly. I am definitely not all belly. I know my butt and thighs are bigger because my pre-pregnancy pj shorts are tighter than before. I think it's the illusion of the black pants.

eph - Glad you are not dilating with the contractions. Hopefully your OB can give you more info or reassurance when you see her.

indy - Good luck on your u/s Thurs.

Diva - James is adorable. I love his hair, so pretty.

To everyone else, hope y'all are doing well. I am sorry, but I'm too tired to respond to you individually.
Have fun at your baby showers. Your pregnancy did fly by, easy for me to say. Good luck in the days ahead. I think you look amazing. Hoping you have a smooth delivery!!
Diva! James is adorable. GAH! Glad you''re enjoying him so much.

Q, I love that your bebe is all ready to be kitted out in bebe-couture. I bought my friend a Baby-Dior outfit for her son. It was adorable. And such fun! And 100% machine washable to boot.
But he outgrew it in about 2 weeks.
Pave: it is overwhelming, but I suppose in our case it''s heightened since we''re trying to pull off a lot at once over the next 6 mo''s or so: buy a new house, move to burbs, have baby, figure out balance between work and day care, buy new car (not in that order). Plus, gulp, I need to refresh my driving skills...I mean I''ve done it before, but it''s been ages. Can you tell I''m a City girl :).
We''ll figure it all out, and will take it in stages, but certainly a lot to digest! Glad to hear you''re donig well.

My shower is not till August 9th, but I''m kind of helping my sister through the planning. In laws are not much help (whole other story), so I''m a bit more involved than I should be!!

Diva: your son is truly adorable!! I remember when you first annouced you were preggers..and now he''s here. Time really goes so fast at the end of pregnancy!

Snlee: Cute that you have the same movement sensations! I can''t really tell the difference between pokes, kicks or rolls. Is your LO constantly moving? Mine takes long breaks, and I get worried, but I always feel something each day. I''m 28wks though, so I''m supposed to start counting kicks I think.

Qtiekiki: I can''t believe you''re next either!!
Awww Diva, he is so beautiful, and soooooo tiny! Congrats!
janine, he moves around regularly but there are some times I don't feel anything. An hour can go by without any movement. I read that the baby is most active from week 24-28. So at 28 weeks, I imagine the movements are stronger but not as frequent as the month before. I read you are supposed to feel 10 fetal movements in about four hours. Or if you are lying or sitting down when your baby is most active, you should feel 10 fetal movements in two hours. I also heard that boys are more active in the womb. I'm not sure how true this is. It probably depends more on each baby but my mom said my brother was way more active than I was.
tgal: thanks for the kind wishes! it''s so true, that us ladies really are such a great resource and support system for each other right now. it''s so nice to have others going through the same thing.

pavelover: i''m back now from my work trip, and don''t have to make another until about august now. btw, my dr told me that each 6 hrs in flight is the equivalent to the amount of radiation exposure to a chest xray, so she really didn''t want me travelling too much over the pregnancy.

diva: little james is too cute!
Date: 7/8/2008 2:52:01 PM
Author: sbde
tgal: thanks for the kind wishes! it's so true, that us ladies really are such a great resource and support system for each other right now. it's so nice to have others going through the same thing.

pavelover: i'm back now from my work trip, and don't have to make another until about august now. btw, my dr told me that each 6 hrs in flight is the equivalent to the amount of radiation exposure to a chest xray, so she really didn't want me travelling too much over the pregnancy.

diva: little james is too cute!
Is this for real?? I am in trouble then since I have a tonne of flight to take for work! Most are only about 2- 3 hours though... Will my baby have three heads?
I'm gonna look it up, because it does sound a little like an old wives' tale.

There have been several large scale studies of pregnant Flight Attendants, and while they suggest that, like all working women, there is a higher risk of early miscarriage, than sitting at home doing nothing (which I'm ashamed to say is what I'm doing today), and flying in the 9th month is an absolute no-no (evidence of pre-term birth, lower birth weight), there is NO evidence that your baby would be affected in any other way, especially between week 12 and 7.5 months.

By the way, the women who had problems were in the air 72 hours a week. The risk dropped to next to nil if they were in the air 60 hours or less. A WEEK, mind you.

So no worries.
thanks for the link IG.

DD - i''m just relaying what my OB told me, no real way for me to verify if it''s true or not. once she found out that i don''t travel too frequently (weekly) for work she felt better about it and said things should be fine.
Jas~tell those babies that all your PS friends say they have to stay in there!!!
Keep us posted and take it easy!!
Date: 7/8/2008 3:33:47 PM
Author: sbde
thanks for the link IG.

DD - i''m just relaying what my OB told me, no real way for me to verify if it''s true or not. once she found out that i don''t travel too frequently (weekly) for work she felt better about it and said things should be fine.
SBDE Sorry! I wasn''t meaning to sound critical of you! I know you were just relaying what your doc said, so sorry if it came accross that way!

I just wondered whether that advice was an exaggeration on the part of the doctor to make sure you/her patients err on the side of caution. If possible, I totally vote for avoiding any possible negative environments etc.! But sometimes it seems that docs give ultra conservative''slightly exaggerated advice that can scare women if it is accepted totally at face value. But I suppose from their perspective it is better safe than sorry.

Thanks for the info Indy, I should have known with all the flying you have been doing you would have looked into it already!
I''m glad I won''t have a mutant baby if I fly, though it it gave him/her super powers I guess that wouldn''t be so bad