
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 8/14/2008 10:08:55 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/14/2008 10:06:21 AM

Author: erica k

DD, I don''t think you should feel badly about the bathing suit. There are many pregnant women at my pool, and everyone loves to admire the bellies on parade.

Yes, but will they admire my butt and thighs on parade?

They''ll be too busy oohing and aahing over your adorable belly.
Date: 8/14/2008 10:10:32 AM
Author: erica k

Date: 8/14/2008 10:08:55 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Yes, but will they admire my butt and thighs on parade?
They'll be too busy oohing and aahing over your adorable belly.
Yes, but Erika, my belly looks like you belly! Well, it doesn't look just like you belly since I am much plumper than you, but I also have no baby bump to speak of! Just an extra 6lbs
, 2lbs of which are strapped to my chest

I think when I have a real baby bump I will wear it with pride. I will paint a happy face on it and wear a bikini. I think it will make my butt and thighs look smaller

PS: I think I see the beginnings of a baby bump in picture number 2... can't be certain b/c the pants are different, but I think I see something...

PPS: I think I see why you aren't having pants-fitting issues, other than the zero-weight gain... your pants sit about 3 inches lower than mine!
DD, ah, but don't forget that swimming tones the butt and thighs!

Those jeans have always been too big on me. My regular jeans fit about two inches higher (more like the running shorts), and are beginning to feel tighter. There's probably the tiniest whisper of a bump. Nothing that anyone will notice for quite a while, though, since I've always worn loose tops and tunics. I think I'm going to wear a lot of tunics and leggings this winter, they've always been more comfy than pants.

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely swimming today!

ETA: 6 lbs is nothing, especially if 2 lbs is chest-related! I don't retain much water, and if I remember correctly, you were feeling more of the bloat. No matter what, there's nothing to be ashamed of! You can get a tankini with a looser top. My friend has one, and it looks super flattering on her (she was never a stick, even pre-prego).

The saddest thing I saw at the pool was a girl wearing a black t-shirt and basketball shorts while swimming. I don't know if there was a medical reason for doing so, but I suspect she has body-image issues. ETA: I don't think it was religious, or at least Muslim related, since her head was uncovered. I saw her outside, later, and she was dressed goth-punk. Anyway, just some ramblings of a late morning procrastinator....
Off for my now-weekly NST and of course my check-up (those have been weekly for awhile.) Nice to get out of bed!

See you on the flip side!
Off for the NT scan. Man, I really feel like I''m gonna upchuck. Bleuh. Like, bleuh.

Cute belly, Erica/. Mine sure doesn''t look that!! It''s popped out in a major way and I can''t wear any of my cute summer trousers. Eek.

DD yours isn''t sticking out either?

Guess it''s the twin thing.

Jas, good luck at your appt.
Indy, double the fun, eh? Good luck with the NT scan. Apparently I was also supposed to have a blood test (makes it more accurate), but the hospital didn''t do it. So, my nurse asked if I wanted to go back for that and I said, nah. The nuchal fold appeared to be normal length, and I''m not high risk for many of these genetic disorders, so I''m not going to sweat it too much.

Try some ginger candy, or strong ginger ale, for the nausea. Mine is so low-grade now that I feel blah.

I hope they find a membrane today! Crossing my fingers that your bambini are as low-risk as possible. With everything you''re dealing with, it would be nice if you had one less thing to worry about.

Jas, enjoy your time outside!

Snlee, I hope your bedrest ends soon. No fun to be stuck in bed during the summer.
indy no showing for me, yours must be a twin thing! Good luck with the NT... are you pukey from m/s or are you worried about the scan? I am nervous about mine, not so much for the NT results but because it will be my first u/s and I have no idea what is going on in there...
Erica - OMG, CUUUTE belly!!!! From what I can tell, almost no belly! I also love the house/condo. We painted our walls a buttercreamy yellow too. Did u find out the gender ???(thought I''d let that one go.......Not). I wish my hair was as long as yours. Guys, some of you will lose almost every hair on your head after delivery so be prepared. Mine came out in fist fulls 1 month after breastfeeding and keeps on going! I have baby hairs on top of baby hairs and grey baby hairs too.

Indy - I am so hoping they see a membrane today. I found your convo. w/ DD about women academics very interesting and true! I attempted to go the academic route after graduation but could tell it wasn''t for me. What you said about female professors and family is so true. The ones who had children never talked about it. Or their kids were so messed up they didn''t want to talk about it and no one had a stable marriage unless it was to another academic or similar field. I think you kick-a@@ wunderkind here are changing the face of it!

Everyone - OK, really what is this thread w/o belly pics (go Erica)???? I would re-post mine from Olivia days but I did that already, like 20 pgs. back! Who cares if you got some chub. Hope u guys are taking some for yourselves b/c you won''t even believe how things have changed and will continue to do so! I regret not having more shots so will muster up strength to start using the camera now.

Jas - here''s to a normal NST. Pls. update.

L2L - regarding pelvic pain, leg pain. Yes me thinks this is round ligaments and general stretching in the area. You can also have reffered pain where it originated in one area only to be "felt" in another. I also had sciatic pain down the backs of my legs intermittanly. Regarding BH, I had a lot of them in 2nd trimester sometimes more than the alotted amt. (4-6 hr) . I noticed that my activity level correlated. Mt stomach would bunch up into a "missle shape" and hurt. This got progressively more painful as pg. went on. Sometimes they consider this an "irritable uterus." Olivia didn''t want to come out after 40 wks so those practice contractions didn''t amt. to much in the end.

DD - what other maternity clothes have u begun to wear? I fell like I have to jump into my preggo stuff now. I''ve read that 2nd pg. tend to show/feel be early pronounced than 1st and I agree! My belly is bigger than Erica''s! Yes, pics. to come......
Lisa I am 100% in maternity bottoms, I have two skirts and one pair of jeans, but I have about 6 summer dresses, some maternity most pre-maternity, that I wear all the time. I can still wear all my tops, just not the tighter T-shirts, which make my bloated belly too obvious
I promise, pics will come. I have no real "before" pics, so any belly would be purely speculative. hee hee

everyone FF is telling me that the second trimester begins at the end of the 12th week (for me, the end of this week)... what to expect when you are expecting and babycenter says it begins at the end of the 13th week (next week for me). Why the discrepency?
Lots of appointments today!

Indy, hope your NT scan goes well. Hope they find a membrane.

Jas, hope your appointment goes well and you have a normal NST.

Jen, hope your appointment goes well too.

erica, your NT scan is tomorrow right? Is there one other person that has an NT scan this week? I can't remember...

I have an appointment this afternoon. I'm happy to get out of the house. It's nice out. If all goes well, I'll be off to my parent's house after for dinner, as we have some family visiting. That will be fun!

This morning I kept feeling the baby's foot pressing on the side of my belly. I started crying (oh these hormones!) thinking about how much I love feeling my baby boy and how much I love him. How can you love someone so much that you haven't met? I can't wait to meet him!
Quick check in...

Babies did well on NST, although Baby A was terribly uncooperative...

I''m 3 cm dilated!!! Cervix is still 1.5 cm (so, I think that''s 0% effaced)...Baby A is 0 Station!!!

Could be any time now!

I''m very very achy from the "long day" out of bed and from the cervix check...more later.

Snlee, your post was so sweet!
Jas, so exciting! You might even have your babies the same time as my friend. Babies everywhere, ahhhh!

Snlee, I already had my NT scan, but there might be someone else who is having one this week. I think my next u/s will be around week 20 to find out about the, ohhh Lisa!, baby's gender. I think it's so sweet that you're all hormonal and in love with your baby.

I am definitely finding out; boy or girl, I think I've come to terms with maybe *gasp* not having a girl. Lisa, thanks for letting me know that I might be completely bald within a year, considering how much hair I've already lost! Just great. I've been growing my hair out for the past 4 years, and the thought of cutting it short because it's thinning makes me really despondent. I feel like all my new hairs are grey. I'm too young for this, darn it!

DD, I thought the end of week 12 marked the beginning of the second trimester, too. Hmmm.

Ahh, it's true, I'm obsessed with belly photos. Even though I know that lighting and angles can be so deceptive during these early months, I love over-analyzing them. It's been interesting to see the minute changes in my body documented in the past 8 weeks worth of photographs.
hi guys!
sorry i've been so m.i.a. i think i've been a bit depressed and in my own world. things are looking up though... i had a tough weekend on strict bedrest (jackie, snlee, don't know how you guys are managing; but i was going out of my mind!!). i felt really down on sunday night and monday (when the exam would have been). saw ob again tuesday and got some moderately good news...cervix doesn't appear to be worsening, and in fact, may be slightly better (didn't even know that could happen...go figure!!). in any case, i'm now back on "home rest" meaning i should really not be doing anything, but if i want to get up and wipe the kitchen counters or something, then that's ok. i did think the contractions were getting much better a couple days ago, although they seem to be picking up again. my ob mentioned that if there are >6 hour, she really does want me to go to L&D for monitoring and for steroid butt shots (fun fun fun). snlee, jackie, what has been your experience? she mentioned that they are only given once in PTL and even if they are given now for me (just over 27 weeks), if the baby were born at even 35 weeks, he would still benefit... does that make sense??

in any case, this weekend should be VERY interesting for us... dh is having his tonsils out tomorrow!! apparently it's a really tough surgery in adults with a LOT of down time/recovery time. i'm not quite sure how we're going to manage with him being out for the count, and me on bed rest!! yikes! we are also planning on moving into our new house next weekend (aren't we brilliant??). the problem is that dh has 2 weeks off starting tomorrow and prob won't have any more free time before the baby is born. and gosh, who knows when that's going to be, right?!! :) i'm just hoping the movers can move the bed with me in it!

what else?? i have been following the thread and want you guys to know i am SO excited for all these u/s coming up. it hardly seems possible that indy and erica and dd are basically into the 2nd trimester! time is FLYING.
nf i can't wait to hear what you are having!! same with sbde!!
indy: anxiously awaiting the membrane update!
jackie, i can't believe you're almost ready to go!!!! please keep us posted.
same with janine and curly (where is curly btw??)!!! you guys are getting so close...VERY EXCITING!!
kay: how are you feeling?? you're well into the 3rd trimester now, right??
jen: haven't seen you in a while...hope those girls are behaving!!
l2l: sorry i can't help with the pelvic pressure. i haven't had too much of a problem with that (even though my baby is apparently much lower than he should be at this point...ob can easily feel his head on my cervical exams).
lisa: when is your u/s again...another one i REALLY can't wait to hear about!

and YAY for belly pics! keep 'em coming. i'll try to get a new one up one of these days... i've been really remiss the past few weeks in taking them...

27 wk, 2 d
Erika -- i'm green -- no fair
Enjoy looking so good!

Indy and snlee -- how'd it go today?

Jas -- so are the boys ok to come out or do you want them to hang in for an extra week or so? I told my dh today that i will be willing the girls out starting at week 35! Good luck -- keep us posted!

update on my appt: all is well with the girls -- Marina is weighing approx 2'15" and Sophie is approx 2'13", so they are a bit closer in size this go-around (and still measuring BIG!!) My doctor had a funny look on his face when he walked in, so i had to ask if *I* had a funny look on mine that made him react like that, and he just said "no, I can tell you're a lot bigger than last time" Well, yeah, but i'm impressed he can remember! :) We talked about me seeing a peri and i was gonna wait on it (my doc is actually not advising it), but then DH said i should have him schedule it so i'll stop stressing about my damn cervix, so i'm getting an appt for next week and my OB will be there too. I would just rather at least have the consultation with him and know that someone who specializes in this kinda thing agrees that i'm having a pretty uneventful pg so far (and a decent look at my cervix with u/s would make me feel better too!) Then i'll see my OB again the following week. So if i keep seeing the peri, i will basically have an appt every week until the girls are here!

The only bad news is that Sophie is breech and even though Marina is head down (all the way in my crotch, i swear! ;)), and since sophie isn't, my OB feels like we should just plan a c-section since i've had one before. But i really really want to try to go vaginal and he knows that -- and all along it was supposed to only be based on baby a (Marina) being head-down since sophie could turn over after marina's out, but he said he's *rather* plan a section now, which i don't want to plan *yet* you know? i know sophie is out of room to turn at this point, but she could during delivery -- and matt's never experienced this before, so i think a vag birth would be a better experience for him. I have no probs with a section since i know what it's like, but i'm just not ready to rule a VBAC out yet. Sorry that was a long rant!

After the appt, we went to lunch with my mom and the boys, and then mom and i went to Belk and got bunches more baby things for half off the clearance price! We couldn't resist! These girls have so many clothes already it's just plain ridiculous! :) :) :)

All righty, bbl!
eta: 28 weeks 1 day
LIA -- wow, both you and dh laid up?? ugh! LOL about the movers :) Hopefully your dh will recover quickly :)
here is what i accomplished my 1st 2 days of complete bed rest... a good friend is having her 2nd little girl on monday (scheduled c-section), and i was feeling bad that i hadn''t made anything for her yet... first try with this pattern...LOVE it!! supposed to be a cropped shrug with about 3/4 length sleeves, i think...

jill gift.jpg
jen...sounds like things are going really well! thanks for the update! that's great that the girls are measuring big for now. and jackie sure have this twin thing down pat!!!
i'm all for seeing the extra doctor...
that's a TOUGH decision on the c-section vs vbac. in my boredom that was today, i watched a bunch of those baby shows on the discovery channel. NOT TO SCARE YOU...but... one of them was about a twin mommy attempting a vag birth. she got the first one out no prob, but the 2nd was tranverse and did NOT move positions and they had to do a stat c-section. the babies and mom were all fine, but gosh, i can't imagine going through the recovery of BOTH types of labor at once!!!! :)

i think it's really cute that you want dh to experience a true vaginal delivery. i know what you mean about him being more involved.

but i'm prob the opposite of most of you women on mantra (which i've shared with my ob) is: IF IN DOUBT, CUT HIM OUT!!!! :) (kidding...kind of!)

keep us posted....
oh lia...hugs to you. i hope you''re resting it up - try not to worry abt the upcoming week. i hope your dh doesn''t have too hard of a recovery and the move goes ahead smoothly!!

erica, great belly shots!

sk8rjen - good to hear all is well with the girlies

jas - omg i can''t believe you''re 3 cm dilated!!! good luck!!!

my big u/s is scheduled for aug 25th, i''m so excited to see jelly again, and hopefully find out the gender!
LIA- so sorry that you are having a hard time on bedrest. but glad for the good news on ur cervix

jackie(jas) yea for a good nst and the good reports. how exciting that things are moving forward!!! not too much longer then, right?

Jen sounds like good weight gain for the babies. sorry your dr is trying to schedule the csec if you do not want it. I am reading some books, one about doulas and another by ina may gaskin that famous midwife and it is really making me think about how I want this birth thing to go(I know I iknow you can''t really plan but I do want to try and have some say, you know?)

Snlee- it sounds like you are doing well there- keep up the good work!

So I had my anatomy scan- it was sooooo cool. the baby looked really good to me- so cute. We did not want to find out the sex so I didn''t even get to see the area at all(I was kinda hoping i could just peek and use my imagination but not really know for sure). The tech just stayed away which makes the most sense if you don''t really want to know but still I just kinda wanted a peek! the tech said she saw it but I didn''t bug her for any info. MY dh was really no help(I was trying to find out what he thinks he saw b/c while she was measuring the screen was away from me but dh could see. At one point he was asking oh is that the head and it was the butt so I think he is pretty confused about the whole u/s baby anatomy thing. haha. so it will remain a surprise.
Ok so not expecting a call from my dr. the same day but I got one and she told me something potentially scary but I am trying not to worry about it yet as there is nothing to truly worry about. There was some highlighting(I think that is the word she used) around the baby''s heart that could signify an abnormality. The dr. told me that it is something that she sees frequently in u/s anatomy scan reports and that usually it is nothing but overreporting on the radiologists part. We have to have a f/u u/s and maybe a pedi echo at a high risk place...It''s scheduled for 2 weeks away and I hope that time goes really fast. So I am hoping that any of you that know ppl who first saw something on a scan and it turned out to be nothing will chime in and reassure me?

oh and back to the u/s experience so much more fabulous than my nt scan and the tech was really sweet. the baby was moving alot(I drank juice per advice from janine or maybe it was curly?) the tech asked me if I drank somehting sweet b/c baby was moving so much it was hard for her to measure(oops!!). Also the baby looked like it was opening its mouth a little(swallowing the amniotic fluid is that right any one?) it was really adorable to me. although I still dont really get that there is waste in there and they drink it ? It confuses me and grosses me out a little. please feel free to chime in and correct me or confirm this anyone.

Well that''s all for now. Sorry i didn''t hit everyone but I hope y''all are well. take care:)
OK, this is really a terrible picture and i''d *never* consider leaving the house looking like this, so why not post it on the internet?
I think it shows the massive belly pretty accurately, though...

sorry to scare the new twin mommas...

28 weeks 1 day

belly shot 28 weeks 1 day.JPG
Drive by... Jen you look amazing! Twins are so facinating to me, especially thinking about how TWO WHOLE PEOPLE are inside your belly! Simply an amazing feat of nature.
Jen! Your belly is adorable! I''m not quite sure how you are still on your feet though, I am so impressed with you!
hi pave! i'm so sorry i missed you the first time around...
CONGRATS on your big u/s! that's definitely a little scary about the heart, but i would try not to stress too much at this point (easier said than done, i know). i think it is very common to find things on u/s. how many weeks are you now? a very close friend of mine had an u/s that showed something wrong with her baby's heart. she also had to do the echo and level II. i think that still showed that there *might* be a problem. in any case, she delivered at UCLA and there had to be a high risk neonatologist and a NICU team involved with the delivery b/c the ob was worried about the baby. well, long story short, baby ended up FINE. no cardiac problems whatsoever!! she is about 8 mo old now and follows up with the cardiologist every few months, but is completely ok...
i'll be thinking about you these 2 weeks. definitely try to do something fun to keep yourself occupied...

jen: you look FABULOUS!!! love the pic and thanks so much for posting! :)
Drive by 2, will post properly later: Indy any news from the NT scan? I know you are moving but the suspense is killing me.

BTW my bladder is also killing me cause it is so full! I have my scan in 50 minutes!
I am nervous!
LIA- thanks for telling me about your friend. Yeah I think that is probably what will happen- that it will end up being nothing. I was glad to hear that the baby is doing well otherwise- h/she is growing and the dr was happy with that so I am focusing on that.
I love that sweater btw- adorable. I am impressed. and jealous.

Jen- I love your picture- you look awesome and I can''t wait to see those babies when the time is right!
jen, awesome photo! It makes me think, holy moly, those are healthy babies in there. Somebody is clearly doing a great job

pave, I know nothing about u/s and possible heart abnormalities, but I hope further testing helps make things more clear for you. I will be thinking of you in the next two weeks.

DD, good luck with the u/s!!! It is definitely reassuring to see the baby for the first time, and believe me, you''ll be in for a treat having had to wait this long. I saw the baby again on Tuesday, and it looked even better than the week before (and more responsive!). I hope you went to the bathroom before the scan. A super full bladder is no fun at all.

indy, how did it go???
Date: 8/14/2008 10:25:13 AM
Author: erica k
DD, ah, but don''t forget that swimming tones the butt and thighs!

Those jeans have always been too big on me. My regular jeans fit about two inches higher (more like the running shorts), and are beginning to feel tighter. There''s probably the tiniest whisper of a bump. Nothing that anyone will notice for quite a while, though, since I''ve always worn loose tops and tunics. I think I''m going to wear a lot of tunics and leggings this winter, they''ve always been more comfy than pants.

I don''t know about you, but I''m definitely swimming today!

ETA: 6 lbs is nothing, especially if 2 lbs is chest-related! I don''t retain much water, and if I remember correctly, you were feeling more of the bloat. No matter what, there''s nothing to be ashamed of! You can get a tankini with a looser top. My friend has one, and it looks super flattering on her (she was never a stick, even pre-prego).

The saddest thing I saw at the pool was a girl wearing a black t-shirt and basketball shorts while swimming. I don''t know if there was a medical reason for doing so, but I suspect she has body-image issues. ETA: I don''t think it was religious, or at least Muslim related, since her head was uncovered. I saw her outside, later, and she was dressed goth-punk. Anyway, just some ramblings of a late morning procrastinator....
Erika thanks for the boost! Like most women, I have struggled wih body image issues, but I have always staunchly refused to let them get in the way of participating in any activites I want! I love love love swimming in lakes and even oceans---growing up on the west coast there was lots of opportunity for this--but I have never really been a pool person. The clorine, the thought of pee in the pool
, it just isn''t as fun as floating in a lake and looking at nature. Or swimming out to an island, or jumping out of a canoe. But after seeing all the beautiful swimmers'' bodies on the Olympics, hubby announced that he wants to take up swimming
so I may find myself in a pool after all! LOL!

It is hard to see the scale creep up, that''s for sure, but it really helps that hubby thinks I am the sexiest woman alive no matter what I look like, do, say, whether I shave or not, whether I burp or not... that makes life a lot easier!
LIA I''m so sorry that you are having a hard time on bed rest, but at least now you can move around a little. That sweater you knitted is beautiful, I wish I was crafty in that way but I am not. I am more into sculture and paiting-type things, so maybe I will do some of that for our baby, not sure. And I''m sure your move will be ok, do you have lots of help? Be sure not to try to do anything, just give yourself permission to be queen of the world and lounge on your divan and point out what people should do

snlee I''m so glad that you are staying preggo! I look forward to feeling our baby move, I think that will make it more real??

jen I am a big proponent of as little intervention as possible, but you really don''t want to take any chances with a higher risk pregnancy... you DH will be overwhelmed by the birth of his daughters no matter how they are born and if it doesn''t turn out that you can v-bac, maybe you can sneek him into someone else''s room to see a vaginal birth
? hee hee NOT

sbde you are finding out the gender in just 10 days! That is the same day as my next midwife appointment.

pave I don''t know anyone who had that type of u/s result, but I wanted to add that the doctors are VERY VERY conservative in identifying any problems. The odds of a false positive on most of these screening tests are much much higher than the odds of the actual problem occurring, so although it is easier said than done, try to maintain a sceptical attitude until you get more definitive results. It is probably nothing!!

as for me had my NT scan and all is well. Although I am not supposed to, I looked up the NT measurement on the internet and it is associated with about 1:2500 or 1:5000 risk of downs (it was 1.2mm) so I am not worried about that at all at this point. Apparently our baby was so active that she had a really hard time getting the measurements, but by the time she got them and then called DH into the room for a little show-and-tell, the little dude was so tuckered out he/she just lay there on his/her back with one arm dramatically thrown accross his/her face! LOL! We saw the heartbeat and the measurements of the head and crown-to-rump were right on target with my suspected ovulaton date.

I wasn''t sure how I would react to seeing the baby, would I cry, freak out etc etc, but all I felt was STILL a sense of disbelief and also a big sense of relief. I was worrying about missed-miscarriage so it was awesome to see the baby and see its heart and know its all okay. Now when I imagine what is going on in my expanding belly I can picture what is in there, so that is really nice. We are now going public with everyone except my work, I will tell them at some point in the next month, I''m just not ready quite yet.

11w 5d
Dreamer -- LOL about letting dh into someone else''s vag. birth! The image of the look on the *other* lady''s face-- priceless
I''m glad you had such a positive appt and saw the little wiggleworm inside you being, well, wiggly! Yeah, looking at me i think it''s actually NOT so hard to imagine 2 in here, but it still freaks me out a little! :)

Erika -- thanks for the vote of confidence! And I hope you are right about healthy! (what a *great* way to say "big" btw -- i gotta remember that one for future use
) If big babies=healthy babies, i''d say both jas and i are on the right track so far...

Lia -- ooooh oooooh, i wanna be your friend -- the sweater''s gorgeous! I''ve definitely heard of the vag birth WITH c-section outcome, and i''d love to avoid that, but i''ve also heard of doctors reaching up in pregnant woman and pulling breech baby b''s out by their feet -- sounds fun, no?
I guess we''ll see if sophie gets motivated to try to turn herself around.... i don''t mind having another section, if that''s what it comes down to, but i think it''s too early to make that call.

SBDE -- august 25th isn''t that far away -- are you finding out gender?

Pave -- i''m so glad you had a great u/s! Yeah they "drink" the fluid to practice swallowing and releasing the waste -- it''s kinda gross, but i guess it''s how they learn
I think it''s a good idea to know all your options before birth and be prepared for anything the fates throw at you! I had a c-section with number one and was just so excited that a) he was healthy and b) he was finally in my arms! so it didn''t much matter that it wasn''t how i planned... but i think it''s good to at least *have* plan :) PS thanks for the compliment!

NF -- thanks!! I''m not sure how i''m still on my feet either!
You should see me when i''m doing "choreography" from the side of the rink -- it''s kinda hilarious
Hope i didn''t scare you about the size thing -- you probably won''t get as big anyway since these are your first and second...

Indy -- we''re all waiting to know how it went....

28 weeks 2 days
pavelover: what a great u/s you had - i''m sure the baby looked adorable! try not to worry too much about what they saw around the heart until you have had your followup. good luck with that.

dd: isn''t it SOO cool to see the baby at that 12 wk mark? i was amazed at the change from 5 wks, although i believe this is the first time you saw the baby. congrats on the great NT results. i know what you mean abt wanting to keep the baby news to yourself for a while. i totally thought i''d announce it when the first tri was over, but i have only told family and work for now.

jen: awesome pic!

indy: any news? how did it go?

btw guys, i am officially 17 wks today