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- May 6, 2007
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Erica, DD, Jen, SBDE, Snlee, thanks so much for the support re: the u/s. I talked to one of the pedis in my office and he is a cardiologist too- he told me what my ob is doing(f/u) is totally appropriate and not to worry b/c like DD said there is more technology meaning more reporting and then more follow up. Also another pedi siad she had a friend with similar findings and she polled a few ob docs and radiologist and some of them would not even follow up. This information is making me feel lots better and its only a week away now for the other u/s and echo. thanks again.
SBDE aren''t the clothes out now awesome for us preggies? I switched to some maternity clothes now cause the pants are way more comfortable and they stay up better for me.
Gemma I was wondering where you have been. good to see you! Anything new in your pregnancy? Fill us in.
dd What a cute u/s!! You must feel so relieved. It is nice to have confirmation that all is ok and yet still unbelievable, no? Wait till you feel the lo move. oh and good news about the nt scan result. oh and I like your belly pic/new skirt too! what fun!
Erica Sorry that you are still having tailbone pain
. I am curious if you read anything about accupressure/massage causing problems later on in pregnancy? I started going to my chiropractor again for shoulder/neck pain. My regular therapist was out and I had another person. He didn''t have anything to say about any risk with using accupressure type moves in pregnancy but when I looked it up online it is used to stimulate labor- so does it only stimulate labor when your baby is ready(almost ready) or is it a bad idea all along? It really helps me to feel better so I don''t want to stop it just because I am a nervous nellie. And btw I will check with my doctor too.
oh, Yay for maternity clothes from target! so much fun shopping!
Neatfreak Your bellypic is adorable! Lol on your dh name for your new friends!! I promise that I will work on it this week to get one up- we have takes pics all along but without a shirt covering which is a little yuck in my opinion. Now my belly is looking like a belly and I will show you guys but only covered!hehe. I am so exicted for you to find out the sex of the babies! And shopping will be soooo much easier. I am looking for crib stuff and there are basically three choices for gender neutral- farm animal, jungle animals, or abcs. luckily I think they are cute but there are so many cuter gender specific choices.
Have you been picking stuff out yet? I can''t remember.
IG hope your trip is smooth and that you guys get settled in quickly!! Good news about the nt scan. I agree with pp who said you are in good hands with your docs and things are gonna go well!
Snlee that is great that you got to meet with your perspective pedi and you clicked! oh i just saw your other post about bedrest until sept 8th- sorry to hear that but I am glad your docs are being so careful! what are you keeping busy with so far? My credit cards would be screaming from overuse I bet!!
Kay Yes I got my stroller!! We were playing with it the other day and I like it alot. Thanks for the tip about babycatalog. I registered for some stuff from there and some from babies r us. I love your pic from your vacation and you look great! I am so glad you got to go on such a great trip before the lo comes.
Jas I see on the 16th you were still on the boards! Sorry you are dealing with family stuff. me too. have you checked in since the 16th? hmmmm...
mrs good news on the u/s! pretty amazing, huh? Sorry you are having some skin issues- hope it goes away very soon for you.
Everything is good here- quiet weekend. seem to be popping out more each day and Im pretty sure I finally put on a few pounds!! feeling the baby a little more each day and I''m 99/9% sure my dh could feel it too! so cool and he was really happy.
heres a little bit of tmi- yesterday I was so uncomfortable- shuffling walk and just tight in my belly - well I finally figured out I think it was just gas!! well, and constipation I guess. I couldn''t believe how quick it came on and how much it made it hard to get out of car/chair etc! I can''t imagine what it will feel like when this belly gets bigger! Yeesh. does anyone know/think that being full of gas makes it harder to feel the baby? I didn''t feel it moving much yesterday and was kinda worried but I think there was too much air in the way! today the lo is moving around so I am feeling like that was the connection...
Have agreat day people. see you soon.
SBDE aren''t the clothes out now awesome for us preggies? I switched to some maternity clothes now cause the pants are way more comfortable and they stay up better for me.
Gemma I was wondering where you have been. good to see you! Anything new in your pregnancy? Fill us in.
dd What a cute u/s!! You must feel so relieved. It is nice to have confirmation that all is ok and yet still unbelievable, no? Wait till you feel the lo move. oh and good news about the nt scan result. oh and I like your belly pic/new skirt too! what fun!
Erica Sorry that you are still having tailbone pain

oh, Yay for maternity clothes from target! so much fun shopping!
Neatfreak Your bellypic is adorable! Lol on your dh name for your new friends!! I promise that I will work on it this week to get one up- we have takes pics all along but without a shirt covering which is a little yuck in my opinion. Now my belly is looking like a belly and I will show you guys but only covered!hehe. I am so exicted for you to find out the sex of the babies! And shopping will be soooo much easier. I am looking for crib stuff and there are basically three choices for gender neutral- farm animal, jungle animals, or abcs. luckily I think they are cute but there are so many cuter gender specific choices.
Have you been picking stuff out yet? I can''t remember.
IG hope your trip is smooth and that you guys get settled in quickly!! Good news about the nt scan. I agree with pp who said you are in good hands with your docs and things are gonna go well!
Snlee that is great that you got to meet with your perspective pedi and you clicked! oh i just saw your other post about bedrest until sept 8th- sorry to hear that but I am glad your docs are being so careful! what are you keeping busy with so far? My credit cards would be screaming from overuse I bet!!
Kay Yes I got my stroller!! We were playing with it the other day and I like it alot. Thanks for the tip about babycatalog. I registered for some stuff from there and some from babies r us. I love your pic from your vacation and you look great! I am so glad you got to go on such a great trip before the lo comes.
Jas I see on the 16th you were still on the boards! Sorry you are dealing with family stuff. me too. have you checked in since the 16th? hmmmm...
mrs good news on the u/s! pretty amazing, huh? Sorry you are having some skin issues- hope it goes away very soon for you.
Everything is good here- quiet weekend. seem to be popping out more each day and Im pretty sure I finally put on a few pounds!! feeling the baby a little more each day and I''m 99/9% sure my dh could feel it too! so cool and he was really happy.
heres a little bit of tmi- yesterday I was so uncomfortable- shuffling walk and just tight in my belly - well I finally figured out I think it was just gas!! well, and constipation I guess. I couldn''t believe how quick it came on and how much it made it hard to get out of car/chair etc! I can''t imagine what it will feel like when this belly gets bigger! Yeesh. does anyone know/think that being full of gas makes it harder to feel the baby? I didn''t feel it moving much yesterday and was kinda worried but I think there was too much air in the way! today the lo is moving around so I am feeling like that was the connection...
Have agreat day people. see you soon.