
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Erica, DD, Jen, SBDE, Snlee, thanks so much for the support re: the u/s. I talked to one of the pedis in my office and he is a cardiologist too- he told me what my ob is doing(f/u) is totally appropriate and not to worry b/c like DD said there is more technology meaning more reporting and then more follow up. Also another pedi siad she had a friend with similar findings and she polled a few ob docs and radiologist and some of them would not even follow up. This information is making me feel lots better and its only a week away now for the other u/s and echo. thanks again.

SBDE aren''t the clothes out now awesome for us preggies? I switched to some maternity clothes now cause the pants are way more comfortable and they stay up better for me.

Gemma I was wondering where you have been. good to see you! Anything new in your pregnancy? Fill us in.

dd What a cute u/s!! You must feel so relieved. It is nice to have confirmation that all is ok and yet still unbelievable, no? Wait till you feel the lo move. oh and good news about the nt scan result. oh and I like your belly pic/new skirt too! what fun!

Erica Sorry that you are still having tailbone pain
. I am curious if you read anything about accupressure/massage causing problems later on in pregnancy? I started going to my chiropractor again for shoulder/neck pain. My regular therapist was out and I had another person. He didn''t have anything to say about any risk with using accupressure type moves in pregnancy but when I looked it up online it is used to stimulate labor- so does it only stimulate labor when your baby is ready(almost ready) or is it a bad idea all along? It really helps me to feel better so I don''t want to stop it just because I am a nervous nellie. And btw I will check with my doctor too.
oh, Yay for maternity clothes from target! so much fun shopping!

Neatfreak Your bellypic is adorable! Lol on your dh name for your new friends!! I promise that I will work on it this week to get one up- we have takes pics all along but without a shirt covering which is a little yuck in my opinion. Now my belly is looking like a belly and I will show you guys but only covered!hehe. I am so exicted for you to find out the sex of the babies! And shopping will be soooo much easier. I am looking for crib stuff and there are basically three choices for gender neutral- farm animal, jungle animals, or abcs. luckily I think they are cute but there are so many cuter gender specific choices.
Have you been picking stuff out yet? I can''t remember.

IG hope your trip is smooth and that you guys get settled in quickly!! Good news about the nt scan. I agree with pp who said you are in good hands with your docs and things are gonna go well!

Snlee that is great that you got to meet with your perspective pedi and you clicked! oh i just saw your other post about bedrest until sept 8th- sorry to hear that but I am glad your docs are being so careful! what are you keeping busy with so far? My credit cards would be screaming from overuse I bet!!

Kay Yes I got my stroller!! We were playing with it the other day and I like it alot. Thanks for the tip about babycatalog. I registered for some stuff from there and some from babies r us. I love your pic from your vacation and you look great! I am so glad you got to go on such a great trip before the lo comes.

Jas I see on the 16th you were still on the boards! Sorry you are dealing with family stuff. me too. have you checked in since the 16th? hmmmm...

mrs good news on the u/s! pretty amazing, huh? Sorry you are having some skin issues- hope it goes away very soon for you.

Everything is good here- quiet weekend. seem to be popping out more each day and Im pretty sure I finally put on a few pounds!! feeling the baby a little more each day and I''m 99/9% sure my dh could feel it too! so cool and he was really happy.
heres a little bit of tmi- yesterday I was so uncomfortable- shuffling walk and just tight in my belly - well I finally figured out I think it was just gas!! well, and constipation I guess. I couldn''t believe how quick it came on and how much it made it hard to get out of car/chair etc! I can''t imagine what it will feel like when this belly gets bigger! Yeesh. does anyone know/think that being full of gas makes it harder to feel the baby? I didn''t feel it moving much yesterday and was kinda worried but I think there was too much air in the way! today the lo is moving around so I am feeling like that was the connection...

Have agreat day people. see you soon.
Hi all -- 35 w1d preggo, and officially off bedrest (although I will allow myself to crawl back to bed anytime I need.)

I am SO DONE with being pregnant in summer. Really. D.O.N.E.
Fortunately, my dr. said I''m in the safe zone, especially cuz I had the steroids and because my sons are so frickin'' big. Apparently I cook large children. I''m now having nightmares that I will go 42 weeks and need some sort of pully system to get around.

We went on the roof the other day to watch the air show, and some blonde bimbo in a bikini (the bikini, by the way, does not make her a bimbo, neither does the blondeness. ''Twas the writhing around to show my husband her semi-flat tummy and ample b**bs.) said to me, "OMG, when are you due..." wait for it....."you''re huge."

I frickin hate her.

I have to bake brownies today for one of DH''s functions, so we''ll see. I feel like I should put on a Depends just in case.

Yesterday I spent all day on the couch having BH contrax that were 10 min apart, on average, but erratic and not painful. I was exhausted by the end of the day!

DH melted my heart yesterday by pulling out this coffee table book on dogs and reading it like a bedtime story to our puppy as we all were on the bed ready to go to sleep last night. Puppy heaved a big sigh, put his head on DH lap and fell asleep. I almost wept.

I have about 3 pages to catch up on, so I''ll do a page at a time throughout the day.

Lisa and Erica -- no way am I posting more belly shots. My clothes don''t cover my belly anymore and I just feel like a giant freak of nature (read: glamourpuss). Yes, it''s all belly, but boy oh boy.
Lia -- sorry I didn''t respond sooner. Yes I had the steroids-in-the-butt be honest, the IVs were worse, and those weren''t bad. Think of them as an insurance policy for your little one. Sounds like there is a lot going on for there anything we can do to help (virtually)? Cute shrug...I am trying to teach myself to knit. You are such an inspiration!
Jen -- I think it''s interesting what your drs are telling you about delivery re: baby positions. Mine (and I''ve seen 3 out of the 4 in the practice) say that as long as Baby A is head down, Baby B will most likely come out naturally...once Baby A is out, B usually turns around (although sometimes they need "help" as in the dr. reaching up there and turning them
) My worst nightmare is delivering one through the shute and one via c/s. Keep me posted on your gals'' positions. AWESOME picture!
Pave -- sounds like a very emotional scan you had. It''s hard to stay positive, but I really believe that the best drs/hospitals are trained to find potential problems and probe some more. Good in the end, but really stressful for mommies.

More later, folks. I am now in "Have to be prepared in case today is the day" mode, which means showering so I do not cause the 20,000 people who will be in the delivery room with me to pass out from my funky stench.
Firstly - DD, Neatfreak, Kay awesome pics. you guys!

Just wanted to give you a shout-out while I can still sit upright.

Be back for more.....Indy love the cheesy header by Doc. will catch up on your mono-di''s I have so many quests for you.

I yaked twice in the car Sat. near the Getty Center - I felt so green all weekend.

OK, back to reading..........
pave, that''s so great that you''re feeling the baby more and more now! I''m not sure what the deal is with certain acupressure points, but my muscular therapist made it very clear that she wasn''t going to press on any of them. This was at 6 or 7 weeks, so I guess she''s playing it safe. At any rate, she''s found other ways to help ease the body pain, so I wouldn''t worry too much if your therapist adjusts the program a little.

jas, I can''t believe she said that to you. Oh wait, no, yeah, I can totally see it. Hooray for being off bedrest! There is nothing sweeter than a little puppy falling asleep on your lap. I wish my husband would relent and allow me a small dog, but with two cats, mom, and baby, I think our little condo would implode.

lisa, I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear about the puking. I hope you and your family had a good time at the Getty anyway. I bet Olivia loved the garden and all those fountains!
Erica - u crack me up! We were actually stuck in traffic on the sepulveda pass when the barfing commenced on the way to my mom''s in OC. No lovely gardens for us.
I haven''t barfed since my labor - not reallly a natural barfer so when it happens it''s an event. Luckily I grabbed a plastic bag in the backseat. Seriously it would have been a projectile window roll-down debacle otherwise.

Snlee - I''ve heard about those cervical checks! They usually try not to "go in there" if they can help it b/c it causes trauma. I''m curious why they don''t do a level 2 US to measure each time instead of putting u through that? And as happened manual checks can be interpreted so diff. Request the perinatologist next time. Seriously if your cervix is shortening it is shortening and US can demonstrate this better than manual check. As you know there is not much they can do if indeed it is shortening so why go through all that? Being dilated should not be of concern. A lot of women walk around for weeks dilated to a 1-3 cms prior to del. - I did! 2.5 cm is still very good thickness - not much effacement. Where is the baby positioned? What station? Anything above zero is great! Zero is pelvis. Anything minus is below, bad.

Pave - sounds like you have the right med. team in place and early findings can be wrong. Chances are there is nothing wrong. When Olivia came out the RN said to DH that she thought her ear was screwed- up looking and the Neo. would have to check it out. Ears dev. at same time as liver so there I was thinking "Oh hell, now there''s something going on internally." She was wrong and I knew it b/c we had visualized Olivia through 3d US (no cleft palate, anamolies) but WTF!! Moral of the story is when it comes to babies "better safe than sorry."

Indy - So did u get any more guidance about mono-di''s? Any extra monitoring? Where do the amniotic sacs originate then in order to encompass both the placenta and each fetus? Are the cords entwined? Maybe I missed this along the way but are they identicals w/ 2 separate sacs since they share the same chorion? I''m sounding beligerent now.....

DD - great US. It''s cute that your bean''s head is the same size as his/her belly. Love the jean skirt. Personally I''ve moved straight into mu-mu mode. I don''t even want to wear underwear anymore. Oh and I love being barefoot in the kitchen - hee hee. What a sight/fright!

Jas - I''m impressed you didn''t throttle and/or sit on that blonde bimbo (not that being blond or in a bikini makes her a bimbo) outright! I can''t even begin to think of a good comeback to that.

My 1st US is tomorrow.......................anyone placing bets? (Please be a singleton)

6wks, 3days
dreamer, cute u/s picture!

pave, I've only used my cc twice - to buy nursing tanks and tickets for possibly our first date night after baby is born. Not bad at all! I've been watching a lot of the Olympics and netflix movies. I need to start up my cross stitching again soon too so I can finish it before baby is born. That's great your DH can feel the baby move too. It's very special sharing those moments. Don't worry about not feeling movements some days. Early on the movements aren't regular and some days you don't feel much or nothing at all.

jas, yay for being in the safe zone!!!
Are you SURE you want to bake those brownies for your DH? I guess it's okay since you're in the safe zone and you want those babies out sooner rather than later. I can't believe the twins will be here soon! Enjoy being able to get out of bed as you please.

lisa, I'm sorry about the m/s. Was it like that with Olivia too? I can't wait for your update on your u/s tomorrow! Good luck! I will ask about the peri and u/s instead of internal exams at my appointment this week as I've had the same concerns. They said the baby is head down but still far up. They didn't mention what station but I assume it's positive.

31 weeks!
Yea...I''m back. I was poking around a hot thread in another area of PS and I need to back away cuz it''s making my head hurt.

Dreamer -- I think your husband sounds so sweet, espcially about the shaving, cuz lord knows that gets tough towards the end. (Just call me Sasquatch). I love pools, I love oceans, but now I''m thinking about what''s in both (besides water). Not that I could find a bathing suit that would fit me now, but ohhh, a dip in a pool sounds heavenly!!!! Congrats on the U/S...and the surreal/unreal feeling may last the entire pregnancy. It has for me. I can''t even bring myself to write those cute notes to my babes...for me it would feel like writing to Santa Claus at this point. Are you going to share the news in any particular way? And your picture is excellent. You look great!!!

Jen -- send your husband to witness my birth. Then I promise you will get anything you want. Seriously.
My DH already has a combo hazmat suit/suit of armor ready to go.

SBDE -- yea for 17 weeks! It''s really going fast!

Mrs -- I will totally own up to having butt acne. My first trimester, I was one big zit from face to tush. Ok, actually ONLY face and tush. It went away 2nd trimester.

Lili --

Kay -- you look phenomenal! The details on the in-law drama are too ridiculous for words. Add to that my own parents'' drama and I''m going to put a hole in the drywall from banging my head against it. I''ve turned into TGal''s avatar.

Snlee -- glad your appointment went ok...those internals can vary from dr. to dr. due to their finger size (that''s what a nurse told me.) So there can be a 1/2 cm variance. Poo on the bed''s really frustrating cuz there''s just so much time to ... think...worry...etc. Those cervical checks are really no fun. I hear you. It will be a bit of a thrill the first time they tell you they can feel the baby''s head, though. But to be fun.

Neatfreak -- I can''t believe how excellent you look! Way to go! You do twin pregnancy right! I can''t wait to hear what you''re having!

Snlee -- I know they see newborns on a certain schedule, but for the life of me I can''t remember (I''ve hit full preggo brain this week.) I have it written down and will pull that out for you, but it''s like 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, etc.

Indy -- yea for the U/S...and the cheesy label is kinda cute. Safe travels.
And on to the final catch-up...

Dreamer -- hooray for the U/S...what a cute little one! How fun that you have a little Olympian in there!
Gemma -- so good to see you!
Pave -- yes, gas and constipation is part of the glorious world of pregnancy, and it does sorta interfere with feeling the baby earlier on. You may also have an anterior placenta (meaning the placenta is sandwiched between uterine wall and baby.) I have that, and it has inhibited some sensations. As they get bigger, it''s easier to feel them.
Oh Lisa, I''m sorry you had a tough weekend. I hope you are feeling better. I''m guessing singleton for you...have a great U/S.
Jas, yay for being off bedrest and being in the safe zone!!!
jas and jen there is the solution to Jen''s problem Jas!! Jen, if you can''t have a VBAC then send you DH to watch Jas give birth... all twin births are the same right!
Date: 8/18/2008 5:03:51 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
jas and jen there is the solution to Jen''s problem Jas!! Jen, if you can''t have a VBAC then send you DH to watch Jas give birth... all twin births are the same right!
I promise to make it dramatic. I''m ready for my close-up.
Date: 8/18/2008 5:11:40 PM
Author: jas

Date: 8/18/2008 5:03:51 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
jas and jen there is the solution to Jen's problem Jas!! Jen, if you can't have a VBAC then send you DH to watch Jas give birth... all twin births are the same right!
I promise to make it dramatic. I'm ready for my close-up.
Seriously, I find this hysterically funny... I can imagine the look on Jen's DHs face a) being told he should watch another woman's labor and delivery
, and b) actually watching it

Sorry, I don't know why this cracks me up it is such a ridiculous idea!
Hi Preggo Psers!

I feel a little silly posting this, but knowing how wonderful this thread and the TTC thread is, If figured this was the best place to post my question! And much better than me searching all over the internet

Long story short- I'm pretty sure I O'ed on the 16th. My LMP was Aug. 1st and I usually have a 28-30 day cycle. I had a lot of EWCM on the 15th and a TON on the 16th. DH and I normally use condoms or withdrawal but it was late Saturday night/early Sunday morning (2am on the 17th
) and ended up doing "the full deed" that one time

I'm very very fertile as is DH. So I'm trying to find out what the odds are that I could possibly get pregnant from this weekend? If I'm pretty sure I O'ed (based on the tons of EWCM) on the 15th or 16th...?

Knowing how many chart junkie's there are here
(as was I when TTC DS#1) I'm wondering who knows they got preggo the day of/day after Oing?

Thanks so much!
Date: 8/18/2008 5:19:49 PM
Author: february2003bride
Hi Preggo Psers!

I feel a little silly posting this, but knowing how wonderful this thread and the TTC thread is, If figured this was the best place to post my question! And much better than me searching all over the internet

Long story short- I''m pretty sure I O''ed on the 16th. My LMP was Aug. 1st and I usually have a 28-30 day cycle. I had a lot of EWCM on the 15th and a TON on the 16th. DH and I normally use condoms or withdrawal but it was late Saturday night/early Sunday morning (2am on the 17th
) and ended up doing ''the full deed'' that one time

I''m very very fertile as is DH. So I''m trying to find out what the odds are that I could possibly get pregnant from this weekend? If I''m pretty sure I O''ed (based on the tons of EWCM) on the 15th or 16th...?

Knowing how many chart junkie''s there are here
(as was I when TTC DS#1) I''m wondering who knows they got preggo the day of/day after Oing?

Thanks so much!
Hey Feb, I think you meant to post this in the TTC thread, but since I am the charting junky of all chartng junkies, I can answer it
It is impossible to get preggo the day after you ovulate, as the egg only lives about 24 hours, and is only really healthy for less time than that. Some people get preggo the day of ovulation--best stats I read were that about 5% get preggo from intercourse the day of O. So if you are SURE you O''d on the 15th or 16th, then you are probably safe, but since you weren''t temping, if you actually O''d really late on the 16th or even on the 17th it is still possible!
Date: 8/18/2008 8:28:06 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 8/18/2008 5:19:49 PM
Author: february2003bride
Hi Preggo Psers!

I feel a little silly posting this, but knowing how wonderful this thread and the TTC thread is, If figured this was the best place to post my question! And much better than me searching all over the internet

Long story short- I''m pretty sure I O''ed on the 16th. My LMP was Aug. 1st and I usually have a 28-30 day cycle. I had a lot of EWCM on the 15th and a TON on the 16th. DH and I normally use condoms or withdrawal but it was late Saturday night/early Sunday morning (2am on the 17th
) and ended up doing ''the full deed'' that one time

I''m very very fertile as is DH. So I''m trying to find out what the odds are that I could possibly get pregnant from this weekend? If I''m pretty sure I O''ed (based on the tons of EWCM) on the 15th or 16th...?

Knowing how many chart junkie''s there are here
(as was I when TTC DS#1) I''m wondering who knows they got preggo the day of/day after Oing?

Thanks so much!
Hey Feb, I think you meant to post this in the TTC thread, but since I am the charting junky of all chartng junkies, I can answer it
It is impossible to get preggo the day after you ovulate, as the egg only lives about 24 hours, and is only really healthy for less time than that. Some people get preggo the day of ovulation--best stats I read were that about 5% get preggo from intercourse the day of O. So if you are SURE you O''d on the 15th or 16th, then you are probably safe, but since you weren''t temping, if you actually O''d really late on the 16th or even on the 17th it is still possible!
Thanks Dreamer! I will post this in the TTC section as well then.
I''m fairly positive I O''d on the 16th basing it on the amounts of EWCM I had on that day/ And then we DTD late that night. The last two days I''ve been fairly crampy, which for me is not normal, but I''m also looking for symptoms!
Even though we''re not TTC, I''m kind of hoping I''m preggo from this!
Time will tell I guess!

I will go post this in the TTC thread. Thanks Dreamer!!
Hey all,

Lisa, sorry not to give you a shout out-CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! Sorry about the barfing-hope it was just a one off and not m/s....

Jackie, YAY on being in the safe zone-I''m so stoked for you and the babies. YAY for growing big healthy boys too-totally better than flat abs! Someone said ''Wow, you''re getting big!'' to me the other day, and I just smiled sweetly and said ''Well, I have been swallowing my rage at tactless people a lot lately!''. Okay, so I didn''t but it would have been GREAT if I had.

Pave I''m sorry to hear that there''s a question mark hanging over your u/s. Hopefully the next one will put your mind at rest. Big hugs sweetie. On the *ahem* bowel issue, as I have got bigger I notice some days there''s more bloat than others (which changes how clothes fit a bit) and I have to be super aggressive with the fibre and make sure I ...y''know.... once a day. Sorry if that''s TMI! I agree with Jackie-I have an anterior placenta and it def affects how much I feel I think.

Kay, love the photos from your trip-so glad you got to go! How much longer have you got at work??

Snlee and LIA-have just caught up on your stories and
is all I can say! I''m glad things have settled down and you''re definitely in my thoughts! Are you on permanent bed rest or a few hours a day? Big hugs to you guys too!!

Feb2003, you have a 25% chance of pregnancy if you and your DH have normal fertility and BD on the right day. EWCM may mean that you O''d anywhere from the 15-17th. If it was the 15th I think your chances are low (maybe 5%?) but if it was the 17th probably about 25%. The only way to know for sure is to do a pg test in about 10-12 days! HTH!

As for me, I have hardly had a chance to think about being pregnant! Three of my work projects have suddenly come due, I was asked to step in for a colleague at a conference at the last minute, we are renovating our bathroom so have had to move out of our property, and one of our tenants in a rental property has trashed the place so we have spent every spare minute around there fixing it up so we can get it ready to rent out again! My OB''s happy with my progress and I feel okay (a bit tired but I think that''s normal!). I''m feeling movement heaps but actually sleeping much better than previously which is HUGE help. My GCT is coming up in a couple of weeks so I''m hoping that is normal obviously. My OB just does the 1 hour screening test then followed by a 3 hour if needed so fingers crossed that the 1 hour is fine! It''s in the afternoon so I will have to go back and pull out curly''s tips for how to pass....

On the baby acquisition thing-we have bought a cot and a change table plus a baby bjorn. The job next week is to look for a stroller and a car seat! We are getting the nursery painted and the floor in the nursery repolished so I''ll post pictures when it''s done.

I''m sorry that I''ve been MIA and haven''t caught up on all the goss-I''m sure I''m missing things. My apologies-it is totally unintentional so I hope no one is offended!

Janine, you must be due soon-how are you going??

I think I''m nearly 27 weeks?? Ooh, bad preggo, will have to get out my diary and check!
Good news -- I lost some plug this morning (and, ok, eww that that''s good news)...

Bad news -- my scheduled doctor''s appt. was rescheduled for Thursday morning. I suppose it''s ok, cuz she''s delivering a baby. It''s not like she''s taking a sno-cone break.
Date: 8/19/2008 3:27:00 PM
Author: jas
Good news -- I lost some plug this morning (and, ok, eww that that''s good news)...

Bad news -- my scheduled doctor''s appt. was rescheduled for Thursday morning. I suppose it''s ok, cuz she''s delivering a baby. It''s not like she''s taking a sno-cone break.
Yay! Labor is approaching soon! Well, we all knew that but it''s exciting to see things progressing as it should.

Were you supposed to see the doctor today?

How are you feeling? Excited? Ready? Are you having more contractions than usual?
Date: 8/19/2008 3:38:12 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 8/19/2008 3:27:00 PM
Author: jas
Good news -- I lost some plug this morning (and, ok, eww that that''s good news)...

Bad news -- my scheduled doctor''s appt. was rescheduled for Thursday morning. I suppose it''s ok, cuz she''s delivering a baby. It''s not like she''s taking a sno-cone break.
Yay! Labor is approaching soon! Well, we all knew that but it''s exciting to see things progressing as it should.

Were you supposed to see the doctor today?

How are you feeling? Excited? Ready? Are you having more contractions than usual?
I was supposed to go to the doctor today...I''m bummed because I have been having lots of contractions, some with minimal pain (like a 1 or 2 on a 10pt. scale, as opposed to no pain). I really wanted to hear how dilated I am.

I am excited and terrified. Ready? No way, girl. My heart started pounding when I lost some plug. Talk about yer flop sweat!

How''s bed rest going?
Date: 8/19/2008 3:41:03 PM
Author: jas

Date: 8/19/2008 3:38:12 PM
Author: snlee

Date: 8/19/2008 3:27:00 PM
Author: jas
Good news -- I lost some plug this morning (and, ok, eww that that''s good news)...

Bad news -- my scheduled doctor''s appt. was rescheduled for Thursday morning. I suppose it''s ok, cuz she''s delivering a baby. It''s not like she''s taking a sno-cone break.
Yay! Labor is approaching soon! Well, we all knew that but it''s exciting to see things progressing as it should.

Were you supposed to see the doctor today?

How are you feeling? Excited? Ready? Are you having more contractions than usual?
I was supposed to go to the doctor today...I''m bummed because I have been having lots of contractions, some with minimal pain (like a 1 or 2 on a 10pt. scale, as opposed to no pain). I really wanted to hear how dilated I am.

I am excited and terrified. Ready? No way, girl. My heart started pounding when I lost some plug. Talk about yer flop sweat!

How''s bed rest going?
Jas sounds like it will be this week! Yippee!
Date: 8/19/2008 2:51:16 AM
Author: Gemma12

Snlee and LIA-have just caught up on your stories and
is all I can say! I''m glad things have settled down and you''re definitely in my thoughts! Are you on permanent bed rest or a few hours a day? Big hugs to you guys too!!
Gemma, Good luck with your glucose test! I would fast for 10-12 hours before and eat a slice or two of toast in the morning to get your metabolism going. Get your test done early in the morning. This is my third week on bed rest (about half way done!). I can get up to use the bathroom, shower, and eat. That''s about it. I''m not supposed to do any housework. Although, one day I did do the dishes - I felt bad for DH, who has to do everything now!
Jas, that's exciting! I'm trying to remember which day I put my money on... hmmmm.

DD, cute alien/bebe! Have you made any swimming moves yet? Maybe we can have a virtual swimming club! Keep track of our laps or something. And thanks for the link. Looks like the cubs are measuring right on time again, according to that site. They were lagging 2-4 days behind, and now one is 1 day behind, and the other is dead on time. I was feeling pleuh from m/s I think, not from nervousness. I actually wasn't nervous AT ALL about the NT scan. The thing is, even from my age odds, it was something like 1 in 300? 1 in 400? And really, if you are going to spend your time worrying about something as remote as that, life is going to be long and tough! Especially with kids. I figure, if I'm managing to keep my worry under control where the odds for my cubs of death or brain damage are 1 in 4, I can keep it together for 1 in 400ish odds.

Pave, hope things are OK in there. Keep us posted. Try to convince yourself not to worry until you KNOW there's something to worry about.

lisa, can't wait to hear about the u/s! And congrats on the yacking! I know, it sucks. It sucks. But you worked so hard for the opportunity to puke for a good cause!
How you doing otherwise? Re the mono/di's, there's a good explanation on wikipedia if you want the full goods.

Jen, I also read that if the first baby is head down, the second twin can often be turned after the first one is out. I guess then there's more room in there? I dunno.

So, I unofficially (because my visa (=pay) doesn't start till Sept. 1) started my new job today. The woman who is nominally my "boss" kept glancing at my stomach, which is looking very pregnoid. I didn't have the guts to tell her yet, though!
Jas, congrats dear! I am so happy for you. My brother was born at 28 weeks so after I reached that I felt so much safer (he is almost 22 and perfectly healthy). Big babies is a good thing. Please don''t let things get to you. I was hideous and huge with ONE baby. I am sure you look beautiful!!!
Jas, very excited for you....good luck!!!
Date: 8/18/2008 5:14:10 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 8/18/2008 5:11:40 PM

Author: jas

Date: 8/18/2008 5:03:51 PM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

jas and jen there is the solution to Jen''s problem Jas!! Jen, if you can''t have a VBAC then send you DH to watch Jas give birth... all twin births are the same right!

I promise to make it dramatic. I''m ready for my close-up.

Seriously, I find this hysterically funny... I can imagine the look on Jen''s DHs face a) being told he should watch another woman''s labor and delivery
, and b) actually watching it

Sorry, I don''t know why this cracks me up it is such a ridiculous idea!

OK, you 2 are totally twisted (love it!)
I think my DH might frown on this idea, though -- haha :)

Jackie -- glad to hear you have been released from bedrest! But it doesn''t seem fair if you don''t get to "enjoy" it a bit longer (of course, i already am wanting to be done with this already, so i am sure you are anxious to get those big boys out of you already!)... so did you bake and then lose the plug, or was it in reverse order? i am really looking forward to the twins'' birth story, so i hope everything goes perfectly (and 2 pairs of footprints on a haz-mat suit might be cute, ya never know...
) ps can i hunt the bimbo down? i have some aggression to let out and she sounds like a perfect target...

DD -- i love your u/s pic

gemma -- great to hear from you!

lisa -- sorry to hear the m/s is still hanging around -- how''d the u/s go? pics?? i''m still betting on multiples, here (sorry!)-- no matter how many there are, i hope it''s/they''re healthy!

sbde -- thanks :)

pave -- i hope this week goes by quickly for you! yeah, i thought gas could make me feel less movement when i was about where you are, but i think i had an abnormally large amount of movement early-on (face it, 8 limbs :)) so i never got too stresses about the lack of it --- now that there''s less room, the girls can''t move as much and i find that stressful though!

Snlee -- what kind of cross-stitch are you doing for the baby? i''ve done a birth record for each of my boys, so i''m doing one for each of the girls and the first is almosrt done (minus the details) but i haven''t even started the second... post a pic when it''s done, k?

janine, curly, indy -- how goes it?

my shower was pretty well drama-free and rather small, which is good on one hand since it''s weird to be the center of attention when people can''t stop commenting (as nicely as they could) about how huge i am. you guys might have punched a few of em, i dunno
we''ve bought most of the big-ticket items we need ourselves, but we got a good deal of stuff from our registry, which was really nice, and nobody went overboard on clothes (yay!) I should have one more at the rink if i don''t have the girls first
Speaking of girls, it was fun to have DH tell everyone they were girls -- nobody guessed it at all... so that was that. i''ll check back later -- jackie, let us know you''re still around!

Thanks Tacori and T-Gal -- my luck I''ve got 2 weeks left, but it''s nice to have so much support here!

Can''t wait to join you!
Date: 8/19/2008 4:20:52 PM
Author: jas
Thanks Tacori and T-Gal -- my luck I''ve got 2 weeks left, but it''s nice to have so much support here!

Can''t wait to join you!

We can''t either. Take care of yourself!
Jen, so you guys didn''t tell that they were girls? We know (with 70/30 probability) the gender but I don''t want to tell anyone. DH says that''s silly. But I want it to be a surprise. I also don''t want people going binky on the pinky (or blue-y! not telling!) when they get us stuff.
Jas, good luck!!!!

Indy, I read the Wikipedia entry on twins, and I 'think' I understand it now. Mono/di is better than mono/mono, but still reason enough to be on the vigilant side. How long are you going to wait until you tell your 'boss'? Now that summer is nearly over, I'm starting to feel nervous about the appropriate time.

ETA: I hear you on people going nuts with gendered color purchases. Ironically, light blue was traditionally reserved for girls because it symbolized the Virgin Mary. If it's a boy, you can be sure he'll be wearing tons of pink just because it's one of our favorite colors. My husband loves wearing his pink t-shirts and button downs.

Lisa, I also avoid throwing up as much as possible. So, I'm one of those people who chews 30 times before swallowing and always spaces out the drinking. Throwing up in the car is one of my worst nightmares. Good for you for being prepared with that plastic bag! I hope it eases up soon.

How did the u/s go? I'm crossing my fingers for a singleton for your sanity's sake!
Erica, the Identical Twin (monozygotic) entry on wikipedia has the details. Basically, 50% of mono/mono twins die, mostly from cord entanglement, and "only" 25% of mono/di (my kind) of twins die in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. So, yeah, a 25% mortality rate is definitely reason to be vigilant! But literally half as scary as a 50% mortality rate. I''m still hoping those are old statistics.

In terms of ''when to tell'', I figure that nobody needs to know what''s going on in your body or your private life unless it affects them. So, you should consider who is affected by your pregnancy. Your advisor, and possibly director of grad studies should know, but when you tell them, you should come prepared with a productivity plan. As with anyone in authority, if you present a "problem" alongside its solution, it''s usually OK. So, maybe make a work plan of what you intend to have written by what date, so that they can see you intend to be focussed until, and again soon after the babies are born. That''s what my plan is. I''m going to see the woman around here who is in charge of employees with disabilities. I''m going to come up with a plan with her for in case I go on bedrest, so that I can still do my work. Then I''ll tell the ''boss'' that I''m prego at the same time that I tell her the plan, so that she doesn''t have a chance to freak out. It''s all "See? It will allll be OK!"