
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 8/20/2008 12:04:57 AM
Author: snlee
Lisa, oh wow! TWINS! Congrats! That''s great you saw a HB. I hope the next 10 days go by fast! I thought it might be twins for you but I didn''t want to say it. Another set of PS twins!? I can''t believe it! Even with fertility treatment. A 6th set of twins???

DH just said ''maybe since you''re on PS so much, we''ll have twins with our next pregnancy.''
I''m staying away from PS when we try for #2!
Lisa, I''ll say an early congrats on the twins and keep my fingers crossed for you!

Snlee, you ain''t kidding. Dude, I stay away from PS even when I watch a love scene in a movie.
Congrats on your two boys!!
We need more on team blue

Oh wow, how exciting.
Congrats on your twinsy.
Lots of sticky dust your way.
Date: 8/17/2008 4:20:06 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Here is my u/s from my 12 week scan. Placenta on the top, baby laying on his/her back on the bottom, seen in profile, head to the right, legs to the left. He/she was just plum tuckered out after 15 minutes of calisthenics.
That is a precious ultrasound picture. Ahhh!!!

I''ve been poking in every now and then, still hopin to see some sign of Eph. None, though, huh? Golly, we''re praying for her and hoping she''ll be back soon!

Jas, two weeks! Aye! You''ll make it, you''ll make it. And when it''s finally time, you''ll have two little ones to hug and squeeze on. Yay!!! Hope delivery''s quick for you!!
Congratulations Lisa!
Lisa, I kinda thought it was gonna be another set of twinkies! I''ve been reading how common vanishing twin can be. Do you think you''d be relieved or sad or some combination of the two, if it was down to one at the next u/s?

Oh, and one other thing I was reading about is that the more you puke, the lower your miscarriage risk. So hopefully that will be a little protective factor for you. I''m hoping and praying! And I totally know what you mean about the first several weeks of pregnancy being worse than the 2ww... even though I only went through one of those.
OMG, Lisa - CONGRATS on your twinnies!!!!! And ugh, worrying about VTS is horrible - been there, done that. But unfortunately (or fortunately?), there is not a darn thing you can do to prevent it, so all that worrying isn't going to do anything but stress you out and make you feel worse. But back to the good news -- YOU'RE HAVING TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It truly is the most amazing thing in the world, and I am thrilled to have all you soon-to-be-twin-mommies joining me in the mommies thread!! Jackie, I am getting antsy, lady - I want to meet those two boys of yours!

And speaking of two boys, congrats Indy!! I think ID twins are just mind-boggingly awesome. Have you checked out twinstuff yet? There are tons of ID mommas there and lots of info. I think it's hysterical how parents of IDs don't think their kids look alike at all when to everyone else they are, well, identical. There are always tons of "Do you think my IDs look alike?" postings over there - too funny.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

ETA: "mind-boggingly"!? Mind-bogglingly?? Having a brain fart and can't think of what that phrase is .... mind boggling, right? So "mind-bogglingly"? Not important, I know, but humor me.
Lisa congrats on seeing the HB for one baby, and congrats on TWINS!! more later...
I''m a prego-board stalker from TTC land...

Congrats Lisa!!!!!!
Also popping in with Congrats to Lisa!!! Twins!!! Yay!!

Also: IG: congrats on the double boys!

Elaila: Your mind boggling thing is exactly what I do!
Hi all. Still here and pregnant and just large. I think I have two teasers in there. No sign of more plug. Maybe it did regenerate and I"m gonna have these two in here until Christmas.

Not two seconds after I posted another thread about my inlaws/parent relationship, I get an email from my MIL telling me my mom told her I had "bloody show" (which I did not, nor is that what I told my mother.) Then she told me to put my dog in a kennel now so I can just go to the hospital as needed rather than burden my parents.

Really, is that the first thing you''d think of if your daughter or daughter-in-law is going to have babies at any moment?

Indy -- Yea boys! Such a blessing! I''ve wanted boys ever since reading Little Men by L.M. Alcott. LOL about "nubbins." I may have to add that to the Words I Love Thread.

Dreamer -- Yeah, ligament pain is the first thing I thought, too. I had it pretty early, partially due to my ginormos fibroid.

Lisa -- More twins would be so exciting! I''ll keep my legs crossed that everything works out the way you want it to. We''ll keep the countdown for ya -- 9 days now, right?

TGal -- bwahaahhahahahha! Snerk.

Ella -- Thanks...I really want to meet them, too, cuz right now this whole "hide and kick" thing they''re doing, combined with "hehehe, let''s give her some labor signs and then stop" is making me nuts. I had a dream last night that they came out and I was so unattached to them (and in so much pain) that I asked the doctor to put them back in!!!

Date: 8/20/2008 11:23:29 AM
Author: jas
Hi all. Still here and pregnant and just large. I think I have two teasers in there. No sign of more plug. Maybe it did regenerate and I''m gonna have these two in here until Christmas.

Not two seconds after I posted another thread about my inlaws/parent relationship, I get an email from my MIL telling me my mom told her I had ''bloody show'' (which I did not, nor is that what I told my mother.) Then she told me to put my dog in a kennel now so I can just go to the hospital as needed rather than burden my parents.

Did you get your doggie sorted that he won''t be going to your SIL Jas? Why is your MIL interfering with this anyway, if your parents are happy to have him then why is she rocking the boat?
Wooo Hoo!
Just noticed Lisa that your having twins! Congratulations!!
Indy- Yay for 2 boys!
How exciting it is over here on the preggo thread
congrats lisa!!!! yay for twins...i hope everything sticks and you feel better soon!

congrats on the 2 boys indy...exciting stuff. i find out little jelly''s gender on monday - woohoo!!
congrats lisa! more twins for the board!!

i''m still hanging in there--I''m 34 and a 1/2 weeks. I''m a bit swamped trying to buy everything plus finish up paperwork on our house. I feel pretty good, but just heavier, slower and sleeping is not fun anymore (down to one position: back with pillows propped. I get a weird pain if I lay on my left side--maybe the baby''s there).

Also hoping to make one last trip to the beach for labor day, let''s hope it''s ok at 36 wks. I''m going to try to keep working till 39wks, but that''s getting annoying, but I have to try to make it since it''s better for me to use maternity leave for when the baby''s here than not.

Other than that, not much else going on! Doc appts still uneventful since no u/s, cervix checks, so I just assume things are plugging away in there. God knows my weight gain is plugging along!

I''ll try to check in weekly..I can''t believe how close it''s getting. We need to watch that Childbirth DVD asap!
Date: 8/20/2008 11:26:58 AM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 8/20/2008 11:23:29 AM
Author: jas
Hi all. Still here and pregnant and just large. I think I have two teasers in there. No sign of more plug. Maybe it did regenerate and I''m gonna have these two in here until Christmas.

Not two seconds after I posted another thread about my inlaws/parent relationship, I get an email from my MIL telling me my mom told her I had ''bloody show'' (which I did not, nor is that what I told my mother.) Then she told me to put my dog in a kennel now so I can just go to the hospital as needed rather than burden my parents.

Did you get your doggie sorted that he won''t be going to your SIL Jas? Why is your MIL interfering with this anyway, if your parents are happy to have him then why is she rocking the boat?
Yeah, nipped it in the bud...I kept your tiger image in mind so I''m walking around the house roaring (and bouncing like Tigger).

She is rocking the boat because she doesn''t agree with our plan of action. This is what she does.

DH says, "Yeah, my family is opinionated."

I swear if I have to I''ll sneak the puppy into Labor and Delivery with me. I figure once I put a gown and mask on him, he''ll just look like a very fuzzy, short, four-legged doctor.
LOL! I am very glad he won''t be going to your SIL''s anyway!
Twins-o-rama on this board.

Congratulations Lisa!!!
Hey Blenheim haven't seen you in a while and wondered how it's going? If you get a chance, pop on by!

ETA I see that she went to Vegas this past week! How fun...
NF - Thanks!!!!! My hope is to look like you even in the smallest way (stipper ti**ies and all). My boobs went from an "A" to a "C" when bf-ing rolled around. What a mind trip.
I'm caught between utter panic/fear and hope. Rollercoasters upon rollercoasters.

Snlee - Here's to little boy Snlee staying put and to you getting pampered and rested. I feel like a twin cheater. I mean it probably would not have happened w/o the drugs. I guess in the end a pg. is a pg. regardless of how you got there. Are you sleeping well? I was always so uncomfortable after a while laying on my sides. My knees got bruised and my hips began to hurt at the end.

Kaleigh - Congrats much appreciated! Needless to say we are feeling a range of things. DH says today "we'll just put them in the pack-and-play together in the living room" and I said "what for the rest of their lives? why don't we just stick 'em in the closet and throw in a slab of meat from time to time."

Clearly we are totally unprepared.

Tgal - My Korean mother almost defened (sp) me yest. on the phone. "What???? Twins??" that was really all she kept saying.

Lili - In theory 2 babies should not be that different than caring for 1 except that it is completely different and you really need a village! We need 2 more diaper champs and a dedicated changing room to deal w/ all fecal matter issues. Since Olivia will still be in diapers we are screwed.

FebBride - Thanks for coming to the "dark-side" here on preggo thread! Hope to see you over here soon!

Indy - Boy you hit the nail-on-the-head. It's a mixed bag. Last night I was really feeling like I want those twins but then shirked back and took stock of the reality of it. Ellaila put it well too. I think I'll be sad if one disappears but relieved. But I'm so competitive that hell yeah that second embryo can make it! Oh, I'm all over the place and every twinge or gurgle is so pronounced. I wonder if the m/s is from the extra hormones or that no 2 pg. are alike. I had zip issues w/ this during pg. w/ Olivia.

BTW: Yeah boys! But I know how you could yearn for a girl. The thought of 2 boys is extreme. But the thought of 2 anything is extreme.

DD & Indy - I've read up a little on VTS. Apparently 1 out of 8 pg. started out as a twin that vanished. The complications go up if the vanishing one sticks around past the 1st trimester. A lot of people attribute their psychological problems to this early unknown or known loss in utero. Strange. I guess both embryos are equally competing for resources in there. What a harsh world it is already for them.

Little - Thanks too for braving this side. Here's to a little "Little" in the near future.

Amber - I can't believe your dad wore "Hammer" pants to your b-day party! I meant to comment on this before but what an image! And no shirt to boot! Remember the cartoon where Hammer would fly around using the extra folds in his pants like an umbrella? Ridicorus.

Jas - That mucus plug is, well, unique. Anyday now........I bet you can't wait. Go babies - go!

HIL - Another hearty thanks and come on over here the waters, well, twin inspired these days!

SBDE - Girl/Boy any preference?

Janine - GL on the childbirth DVD. We took a birthing class and for most of it they showed film of deliveries in the '70's. We were kinda traumatized by the whole thing.

Erica - Did you ever get around to eating that cheese platter of yours? I'm equally grossed-out by the thought of it but want it at the same time - go figure.

ETA - Thanks Lovely hope to see you soon to over here!

Now what do I do today? Lay on the couch, lay on the bed, shuffle around the house like a zombie? Get hungry and nauseated all day long?

Yeah pregnancy!

(6.4 wks)
Date: 8/20/2008 12:53:29 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
NF - Thanks!!!!! My hope is to look like you even in the smallest way (stipper ti**ies and all). My boobs went from an ''A'' to a ''C'' when bf-ing rolled around. What a mind trip.

I''m caught between utter panic/fear and hope. Rollercoasters upon rollercoasters.

Don''t worry Lisa, I am halfway there and I still have days where I am SO EXCITED and others where I am totally panicked that we won''t be able to handle it. So don''t worry, those feelings are totally normal. When we first found out I was so excited, but also a bit apprehensive. You''ll be fine either way and we''ll be here to support you!

And LOL about the stripper ti**ies, trust me mine are way too big to be cute. Just annoying!
Hello - popping in from the TTCer''s board! LISA - CONGRATULAIONS!!!!
I had a feeling you might have twins too - how exciting???
jas, your MIL needs to keep her comments to herself! Or she can kiss our pimply a$$es.
Go babies go! I am sending you lots of labor vibes!

janine, what childbirth DVD are you watching? I''ve been renting lots of baby DVD''s from netflix but they don''t seem to have any on childbirth. I''m sorry your sleep isn''t great. I hear you on the limited positions. More on that later. Wow, working up to 39 weeks? I can''t imagine doing that. The end of pregnancy makes you so tired. You''re amazing. I understand you want to save your maternity leave for after your baby is here. Good luck!

Lisa, nope, you''re not a cheater. All pregnancies are amazing, multiples more so. It doesn''t matter how you get there.

Sleep and bed rest update - I''ve been fortunate that my sleep has been pretty good. There are times it takes me hours to fall asleep, or I have trouble getting comfortable but it hasn''t been that bad. I have to take my medicine at 5:30am every morning so that''s a bit disruptive but I''m used to it now. It''s my nightly bathroom break too. I am lucky to be a pretty heavy sleeper too so the baby''s movements don''t wake me up. I lay on my left side almost all day so when I get into bed I try to sleep on my right side. But the baby doesn''t like it at all. Almost every time I lay on my right side, I feel strong jabs on my right side of my belly, which tickles me or hurts me a little, and is just annoying. So often times I resort to the back with pillows propped position. When I walk around, I do notice that my hips are a bit sore. I''m a little worried about the effects of bed rest (muscle loss, weight loss, etc) but hopefully since it''s for 1.5 months it won''t be that bad. I just need to keep my eyes on the prize!
snlee: we bought the "laugh and learn about childbirth" dvd, but haven''t taken it out of its box yet, so can''t vouch for it. Should at least cover the basics though.
And I"m hoping ot make it to 39wks at work, but we''ll see. Right now I''m starting to think maybe 38wks--I''m getting so irritable at work and annoyed with basic things (walking to printer, bathroom every 1/2 hour, putting feet up).
And I have no patience for silly comments either (I''m finally becoming a nasty preggo I suppose, hehe). This one male (unmarried) coworker of mine never fails to say the wrong thing. When I first announced my pg, he was the one to say "OH I thought you''d put on some weight". And just now he said "WOW, looks like any day now". Instead of my usual laughing it off, I gave him a dirty look to which he tried to backtrack and say "which is a good thing of course, means things are healthy." UGH, so annoying.

How''re you doing--you''re a trouper with the bed rest. I hear ya on sleeping issues. I''d heard we weren''t supposed to sleep on the right side (organs are there or something), so I''ve usually switched b/ween left and back propped up. But left side no longer works for me..
Lisa -- yay! I''ll be crossing my fingers that both stick -- I remember that worry and it was not fun. It''s such a different experience so far than having one-at-a-time was -- enjoy it as much as you can!

DD-- I was thinking it sounds a bit like pelvic pain, but that doesn''t go away with water or feet up. A couple of times i have felt a sharp knife-like pain down there that was really quick, but i don''t think i can totally relate. If it IS round ligament pain, at least that comes and goes!

Jackie -- Well, you made it past my prediction day, so congrats for still baking those boys? How ''bout trying a cake or some cookies...?

Snlee -- I like that cross-stitch pattern a lot! I''m doing a mermaid for one of the girls and a bunch of fish for the other -- the boys'' were all done late in pregnancy when i spent a lot of time off of my feet, so it never felt like i didn''t have enough time to do them -- actually, i hate sitting down without having something to do (i''m a terrible fidgeter), so I think doing those really helped me!

I''m really nesting, or maybe it''s just that i''m keeping myself as busy as possible in my lonely house during the day, bt either way it''s paying off
I''ve already done so much today that i cannot walk anymore, so i''m layed up for the rest of the day, but my clean living room is worth it
Oh, and I''m 29 weeks today! I guess I''m a little surprised after my little hospital trip a couple of weeks ago that i''ve made it this far -- how the heck am i supposed to hang on for another 8 or so weeks though? bbl...

29 w
Janine -- so glad you checked in -- you''re almost there! I remember the tail end of the pg''s with my boys and wanting to be done with work too -- i was really glad to have that to look forward to and i bet if you make it to week 38 you might stick it out another week (baby-willing, of course
) keep us posted!

Ella -- long time no see -- i guess i better go catch up on the mommies thread huh?

popping in to say HOLLY POOPERS! TWINS!!!!!!! Lisa this is SO farking exciting! I''m not surprised, but over the top thrilled for you!

INDY - You jerkmart! BOYS?! So amazing. Independant boys. love!
Just a quick flyby to say congratulations Lisa! Lots of sticky dust your way.

Indy, congrats on two boys! I''m excited that you get to a name that you love.

Janine, good to see you. Don''t worry if the right side is more comfortable-for 80% of women it is the left and for 20% of women there is less aortocaval compression when lying on the right side, so you might be that 20%! Not long long are you working for?

Jackie, hang in there! Sorry the IL are being a PITA but glad you got the dog thing sorted.
Are there some sort of exercises that you can do while on bedrest?
Date: 8/20/2008 8:28:37 PM
Author: Gemma12
Janine, good to see you. Don''t worry if the right side is more comfortable-for 80% of women it is the left and for 20% of women there is less aortocaval compression when lying on the right side, so you might be that 20%! Not long long are you working for?

Funny you should mention that.
During my third tri, if I sleep on my left side after eating or drinking, I can feel the food coming back out

I usually sleep with back propped or on my right side -- and baby come out just fine.