
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LIA Jacob is a cutie for sure, thanks for sharing your story!
I know who I forgot to ''shout out'' to in my last post....LINDSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big ol'' Congrats for your TEAM PINK! You''re so lucky to be blessed with a little girl, and Daddy - Daddy''s little girl - is just so special.

Great news Linds!
Pandora, I''m glad that it sounds like you have such a great doctor and that you''re able to get away from work for a while. I really hope your lawyer takes your company to the cleaners.

DD, I think that DH would get mad at the waste of money on tests when I already know I''m pregnant. I''m currently feeding my addiction by looking at other people''s bfps on FF

Blen, you have the cutest bump! I change my mind frequently about whether or not I want to know, so I''m no help in this department. I agree that you could just find out and keep it a secret from everyone until after the shower if that works for you.

LIA, Jacob is adorable!!!

Fiery, I had a pap too even though i wasn''t due for one. I think it''s pretty routine to get one in the beginning.

Mela, so glad to hear that you like your middie!

Ok, here''s my question of the day. To get the NT scan or not. I can''t decide. I''m pretty sure I don''t want it, but it seems like everyone else is getting it so it makes me wonder if I''m missing something in my logic. The way I''m thinking about it is that if I found out that my baby had downs or trisomy 18 I wouldn''t want to terminate the pregnancy, and it''s not like knowing early would be able to "fix" the baby. Plus, these things would most likely eventually be picked up by the 18-20 week scan, right? My understanding is that there are no problems that it could pick up that could be fixed by early intervention, right? How did Pave discover that her baby has a heart defect?
I meant to have this in the original post:

Part of my reason for not wanting to do genetic testing is because of the fact that doctors aren''t always right and I think that I would have major doubts no matter what the tests showed.

When my mom was pregnant with my sister (granted it was 18 years ago) they told her that my sister had all kinds of things wrong with her that she doesn''t. Even when she was born they said that she''d essentially be a vegetable (I remember at 8 not understanding how my little baby sister was going to become a carrot or a cucumber), would never walk, talk or have any kind of life. They were completely wrong. She has cerebral palsy and agenesis of the corpus callosum, leaving her with a mental disability, but she holds conversations, reads, has friends, does a million things that normal kids her age do (uses facebook, lol).
Date: 11/7/2008 1:43:03 PM
Author: robbie3982

Ok, here's my question of the day. To get the NT scan or not. I can't decide. I'm pretty sure I don't want it, but it seems like everyone else is getting it so it makes me wonder if I'm missing something in my logic. The way I'm thinking about it is that if I found out that my baby had downs or trisomy 18 I wouldn't want to terminate the pregnancy, and it's not like knowing early would be able to 'fix' the baby. Plus, these things would most likely eventually be picked up by the 18-20 week scan, right? My understanding is that there are no problems that it could pick up that could be fixed by early intervention, right? How did Pave discover that her baby has a heart defect?

If you know you wouldn't do anything IMO it doesn't make sense to get it and worry unnecessarily. Anything important that you need to know should be picked up at the 20 week anatomy scan. The 20 week is where they examine all the organs and such for problems.
Robbie- from what I understand the NT scan is not invasive and does not carry any risk at all...its the amnio and cvs tests that carry low percentages of not sure if I will do those either but the NT scan im def doing. Being prepared for everything can''t hurt ;)
I didn''t get the NT scan either. I''m having the blood work done at my 16 week appointment and that''s it.
Date: 11/7/2008 1:55:43 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/7/2008 1:43:03 PM
Author: robbie3982

Ok, here's my question of the day. To get the NT scan or not. I can't decide. I'm pretty sure I don't want it, but it seems like everyone else is getting it so it makes me wonder if I'm missing something in my logic. The way I'm thinking about it is that if I found out that my baby had downs or trisomy 18 I wouldn't want to terminate the pregnancy, and it's not like knowing early would be able to 'fix' the baby. Plus, these things would most likely eventually be picked up by the 18-20 week scan, right? My understanding is that there are no problems that it could pick up that could be fixed by early intervention, right? How did Pave discover that her baby has a heart defect?

If you know you wouldn't do anything IMO it doesn't make sense to get it and worry unnecessarily. Anything important that you need to know should be picked up at the 20 week anatomy scan. The 20 week is where they examine all the organs and such for problems.
Ditto. If it matters, the NT scan needs to be combined with 2 sets of blood tests at 12 and 16 weeks to have a reasonable accuracy (90%) and acceptable false positive rate (5%)... if you only have the NT scan it is accurate about 80% and false postiive about 15%
Courtney this is something to be aware of with doing just a blood test, the false positive rate for blood tests alone is about 15% - 20%, so if you get a higher risk assessment it needs to be taken with a big grain of salt.
Then maybe I should skip the blood test too and just wait until the 20 week anatomy scan. Either way won''t make a difference to me.
Date: 11/7/2008 3:23:35 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Then maybe I should skip the blood test too and just wait until the 20 week anatomy scan. Either way won''t make a difference to me.

I''d skip it then DD said the false positive rates are just so high that you might worry unnecessarily. And if it won''t change your actions about the pregnancy, there''s no point IMO...
Date: 11/7/2008 3:23:35 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Then maybe I should skip the blood test too and just wait until the 20 week anatomy scan. Either way won't make a difference to me.
That's what I was thinking... with such high false positives, the blood test doesn't really tell you any important information anyways and there is the potential for a lot of worry. The 20 weeks scan will pick up major physical abnormalities with greater accuracy anyways, if forewarning is all you want. I sort of think that you either have the whole kit-and-kaboodle (2 blood tests + scan) or skip the whole thing all together.
Can that scan be done after 20 weeks also? It sounds like a lot to go to a 16 week appointment, go to my u/s appointment 2 weeks later, and then have to go in for the 20 scan?
Date: 11/7/2008 3:50:09 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Can that scan be done after 20 weeks also? It sounds like a lot to go to a 16 week appointment, go to my u/s appointment 2 weeks later, and then have to go in for the 20 scan?
I'm not sure what scan you mean, but if you mean the NT scan it needs to be done at 12 weeks (plus or minus a week), so it's too late for that test. In essense, I was suggesting you just have the regular anatomy scan at 20 weeks, which will pick up any physical issues that you may want to know about (to mentally prepare or create a different plan for the birth location etc.), and forgo any of the blood tests screenings since they have such a high false positive rate. I was referring to the NT scan plus blood tests at 12 and 16 weeks when I referred to the "whole kit and kaboodle".

If you meant can the anatomy scan be done later than 20 weeks, it can. I think they like to do it between 16 and 22 weeks?

Why are you having an u/s at 18 weeks and then the anatomy scan two weeks later anyways? Just curious...

ETA Docs take blood for other reasons during pregnancy, it isn't all just screenings for disorders... maybe that is the blood test your doc is sending you for at 16 weeks? I am only suggesting you don't have the blood test done where they screen for down's markers, since that test has a lot of false positives.
Hey everyone. I just wanted to pop in and say I got the results of my blood test today and it was positive (as I thought it would be). We''re telling FI''s parents tonight so that should be fun! See you all later.
Date: 11/7/2008 4:56:44 PM
Author: fieryred33143
Hey everyone. I just wanted to pop in and say I got the results of my blood test today and it was positive (as I thought it would be). We''re telling FI''s parents tonight so that should be fun! See you all later.
Enjoy hsaring the news, granparents are always ridiculously happy!
Yeah Dreamer I was talking about the 20 week anatomy scan. Ok so I could wait until the 22nd week to that. I just meant going in every 2 weeks like that seems like too much this early in the pregnancy.

I got my rented doppler today and rushed home from work. Heartbeat is still there are strong at 148, though less than last time. It was 168 4 weeks ago. It''s such a relief to hear it even though I was sure everything was fine.
After reading all of your responses, I''m wondering if the OB made not finding out the gender into a much bigger deal than it really was at my head count ultrasound on Monday. He wouldn''t be doing the anatomy ultrasound, so it might be much lower key. Hmmm.

We''re probably scheduling the anatomy ultrasound for AFTER the family shower, so regardless of our decision we would not know the sex at that point.

Date: 11/6/2008 10:14:50 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 11/6/2008 9:30:24 PM
Author: Loves2Laugh

Date: 11/6/2008 9:06:14 PM
Author: Blenheim
I am scared of tons of pink with hearts, or blue with cars on it though.
Hi Blenheim, I just wanted to add my .02 about not finding out the gender. We want to be surprised and decided not to find out and it really wasn''t a big deal for them to avoid that ''area'' during our 20 week ultrasound where you usually find out the gender.
Ditto on this, it wasn''t an issue at the u/s. Actually, the u/s tech never let us watch what he/she is doing anyways, in case something ''bad'' was discovered or the person watching freaked out over some image. The anatomy scan is just that, and some of the things the tech looks for are hard for a lay person to interpret.

And in case it matters, I am a social psychologist and I can assure you that whether or not you personally encourage a particular gender role, your son or daughter will become perfectly inculcated with gender norms and role expectancies from his/her peer group. All the research suggest that gender typing comes from one''s peer group and society at large, so what we do as parents matters little! I think the cases your mom may have seen in her work where she observed negative effects of not being ''gender normed'' (e.g., peer issues etc) were the result of other develomental issues that happen to correspond with gender-atypical behaviour and not the result of mom or dad refusing to buy their son trucks or something like that. I plan to raise my son or daughter as androgynously as possible, to help counteract the effects of their peer group!
LOL! Actually, research also suggests that the most psychologically healthy people and the best marriage partners are people who are psychologically androgynous--men and women who balance agentic traits and communal/warm traits are the best off. Soooooo if you don''t want to dress your kids in gender typed clothing, then go ahead and trust that your son or daughter will be fine. Just don''t let your son play with dolls, THAT will really mess him up

PS: about finding out the gender, we opted not to find out and I am glad... don''t tell hubby
I like not knowing and thinking of my child as ''baby'' right now, I find it stops me from forming too many expectancies about what baby will look like or behave like, and that is kind of fun... in a way I feel it allows him or her to simply be who he or she will be, without me projecting something onto his or her identity before it is formed! The only hard part is aleays saying ''he or she'' all the time
Of course it matters.
I should have mentioned initially that I was hoping for your opinion, as you are a social psychologist and all. I appreciate your input and really identify with a lot of what you''re saying here. I feel pretty confident that I won''t project onto the baby''s identity, but I just don''t trust other people not to do it. And I feel like the kid''s going to undergo so much social pressure as to what it means to be a boy or a girl that I want to do my part to counteract some of it.

I actually don''t mind not being able to say "he" or "she" that much. I mean, "baby" (like "Hubby, baby wants steak NOW") is almost as easy to say.

I''m not looking forward to this weekend. We have too many plans and not enough down time built in.
Date: 11/7/2008 6:40:01 PM
Author: Courtneylub
Yeah Dreamer I was talking about the 20 week anatomy scan. Ok so I could wait until the 22nd week to that. I just meant going in every 2 weeks like that seems like too much this early in the pregnancy.

I got my rented doppler today and rushed home from work. Heartbeat is still there are strong at 148, though less than last time. It was 168 4 weeks ago. It''s such a relief to hear it even though I was sure everything was fine.
The heartrate will get steadily slower as baby grows. It doesn''t mean that it''s less strong, just less fast.

How awesome to be able to hear it again! I love hearing the heartbeat.
Date: 11/7/2008 6:43:35 PM
Author: Blenheim
Of course it matters.
I should have mentioned initially that I was hoping for your opinion, as you are a social psychologist and all. I appreciate your input and really identify with a lot of what you''re saying here. I feel pretty confident that I won''t project onto the baby''s identity, but I just don''t trust other people not to do it. And I feel like the kid''s going to undergo so much social pressure as to what it means to be a boy or a girl that I want to do my part to counteract some of it.

I actually don''t mind not being able to say ''he'' or ''she'' that much. I mean, ''baby'' (like ''Hubby, baby wants steak NOW'') is almost as easy to say.

I''m not looking forward to this weekend. We have too many plans and not enough down time built in.
Yup, I fully expect others in our family to be really strong on the gender rules stuff... my DH''s family is much more traditional than mine in many ways. Hee hee, so we are spoiling their fun by not finding out! Actually, I really wanted to know the gender, but DH insisted, and it is really funny how many people LOVE that it will be a surprise. His parents, my mom, most of the family love the idea of not knowing and then getting "the call". And when we told the midwife she was like, "Oh that is so much more fun!" haha. Before that I hadn''t really thought about how invested she must get in each of her women. She is primary midwife for only about 40 births per year (the practice has 10 midwives and births 400 babies a year, so she would also be secondary on another 40 per year), so I imagine it is kind of fun for her, too, to not know and to have that surprise when she catches the baby for the first time.

Hey, have you felt baby move yet? For me it wasn''t strong until about 20-22 weeks, but I have an anteriour placenta and I am plumper, so I wonder if you will feel it stronger sooner.

Courtney that is fun you got the doppler... our baby''s HR got lower at around 12-14 weeks I think? It is consistently around 140bpm when we have heard it at the office.

Hi all,

Just checking in to say "Hi!" to everyone. I am 32 weeks today, so another milestone date for my boys. Now they have basically the same chance of survival as a baby born at full term and their chances of long term disabilities drop dramatically too. YAY! Only 2 more weeks until I am released from bedrest unless I deliver before then.
Date: 11/8/2008 8:57:26 AM
Author: neatfreak
Hi all,

Just checking in to say ''Hi!'' to everyone. I am 32 weeks today, so another milestone date for my boys. Now they have basically the same chance of survival as a baby born at full term and their chances of long term disabilities drop dramatically too. YAY! Only 2 more weeks until I am released from bedrest unless I deliver before then.
Hooray NF -- you''re in the final stretch...don''t be surprised if you get even more physically uncomfortable, but the emotional "release" of hitting this mark is phenomenal! Yea!
Date: 11/8/2008 9:02:32 AM
Author: jas
Date: 11/8/2008 8:57:26 AM

Author: neatfreak

Hi all,

Just checking in to say ''Hi!'' to everyone. I am 32 weeks today, so another milestone date for my boys. Now they have basically the same chance of survival as a baby born at full term and their chances of long term disabilities drop dramatically too. YAY! Only 2 more weeks until I am released from bedrest unless I deliver before then.

Hooray NF -- you''re in the final stretch...don''t be surprised if you get even more physically uncomfortable, but the emotional ''release'' of hitting this mark is phenomenal! Yea!

Is it possible to get more physically uncomfortable?

Thanks for the warning though Jas...just hoping my boys stay in there a few more weeks and are as healthy as Jackson and Logan!!!
Date: 11/8/2008 8:57:26 AM
Author: neatfreak
Hi all,

Just checking in to say ''Hi!'' to everyone. I am 32 weeks today, so another milestone date for my boys. Now they have basically the same chance of survival as a baby born at full term and their chances of long term disabilities drop dramatically too. YAY! Only 2 more weeks until I am released from bedrest unless I deliver before then.

Yay NF!!
I remember hitting 32 weeks and feeling a huge sense of relief, too, and what a great feeling it was! Hang in there -- you''re doing great (and yeah, you''ll get a bit more uncomfortable, but all worth it for healthy babies!
NF, that must be so much relief! Congrats on 32 wks.

DD, it seems that people are always so opinionated one way or the other. The pro-finding out usually tell me that I HAVE to know so that people can go shopping, and the anti-finding out think it''s such a cool surprise. And neither argument really appeals to me, although it would be pretty cool to be able to call people afterwards and tell them. Plus I''ve heard stories of swollen labia being mistaken for boy bits, and things like that, which make me a little apprehensive about grandparents doing much shopping for a boy or girl even if I preferred gender specific clothing. I think my mom is at least on the same page as me as far as style of gendered clothes go, which is good. She dressed me in cute green and blue dresses.

I think I''ve been feeling movement since about 14 weeks, which I know is super early for a first pregnancy. Around 13-14 weeks, I kept feeling like I was having light lower back spasms. It''s something that I''m very sensitive to, esp since I''ve already had surgery on that area, because it can be a sign that I''ve been overdoing things and need to take it easy. But I couldn''t think of ways that I was overdoing it. At 14ish weeks I suddenly realized that it was coming from a couple inches IN FRONT OF my spine, which happens to be where my uterus was. So I think it was really early movement. I''m starting to occasionally feel more of the gas bubble and swimming fish type sensations, but I''ve still had nothing very strong.

My mom agrees on my assessment that the spasm feeling was early movement, because it''s from the right area and that''s about when second (or more) time mommas can start to feel it so it''s at least possible at that stage. And I''m so in tune with that area of my body.

Speaking of movement... when did other people start being able to feel movement from the outside? I have a friend who''s really really hoping that she''ll be able to over Thanksgiving (21 weeks), but is that too early?

And has Lisa checked in lately? She''s probably had the amnio by now, right? I think she''s about a day or two behind me, and I''m 18w2d.
Had my NT scan and blood tests done yesterday.

First, the results were great. I went from a background risk of 1:205 to an adjusted risk of 1:4075 for Trisomy 21 and from 1:370 to 1:7372 for Trisomy 13 + 18. The highest number they got on the NT was 1.9 and all the others were way under that, plus the nasal bone was present and everything else looked so good that we have decided not to have amnio or cvs.

The scan was amazing. It lasted about half-an-hour and they had a huge screen for parents so you could see everything properly. My sonographer was so nice and explained everything. We got to see the heart and watch the bloodflow, then she turned on the audio and a trace which was so strange to hear. Heart-beat was 169 bpm and the trace was perfect. They also checked one of the major arteries and we got to hear the sound of the blood flowing through (very odd).

The baby was really active and moving around - we could see all the fingers and toes - then it suddenly turned right towards us and we could see the face. I am definitely having an alien from what I could see! It's about 9cm long total with crown-rump of 6.15cm which was spot on for dates. The really odd thing was that nearly the whole way through the scan the baby was lying with one hand tucked behind it's head - which is exactly how I always sleep

They checked all the main organs and the inside of the brain. I couldn't believe how much detail there was and how well you can see everything. I didn't get to find out the gender - they will tell me at the next scan, although I couldn't see anything when they were checking certain parts so I have a sneaky suspicion. DH is convinced we are having a girl. The placenta is at the back, so I should feel movements quite well apparently.

I only got the one photo - sadly wasn't as nice as some of the screen shots she had taken earlier for the hospital, but having seen a friend's this morning, it is pretty good. I'll try and scan it later.

I really recommend getting the scan done. It made me feel so much better to know that everything looked so good at this stage and the chance to see the baby for so long is incredible.

I've got another two scans - the fetal cardio scan in about 7 weeks and the anomaly scan in about 8 weeks. Due to my meds, they are sending me to the fetal medicine consultants for the anomaly scan rather than the sonographers - slight overkill, but they are going with the better safe than sorry approach.

I'm feeling so much better knowing I don't have to see my employers for 4 weeks and feel I can perhaps begin to enjoy what should be a happy time for DH and I, although right now I just feel wiped out and exhausted by it all. I sent a very blunt email to them yesterday, cc'd to my lawyer, formally accusing them of sex discrimination on the grounds of my pregnancy so the ball is firmly in their court at this point. I have a formal meeting with my lawyer on the 17th to start drawing up my case.

Pandora, 12 weeks 4 days.
Hi all! Wanted to check in to find out what all of you are doing / have done in terms of pre-natal classes like Lamaze or Bradley. I''m trying to decide what we should do... I''m interested in having a natural birth but am trying to be somewhat relaxed about the whole thing since I know many people come up with a specific plan and then everything goes a different way and then they''re disappointed. What are your plans for pain management?

mela, I''m glad you like your Middie and that you have your NT soon - that''s exciting! Congrats on telling your boss - I''m glad that went well!

DD, your comments on this thread are always so encouraging and insightful and I really appreciate them! Thanks also for posting your belly pics - you look great! Like you (I think), I have been carrying relatively high so I don''t have a little (but obvious) baby bump like others sometimes do and it''s been kinda frustrating. I think I''m just now looking pregnant and not just plump which is nice.

Lindsey, congrats on having a girl and getting through the 1st tri! I''m excited for you that your blood work is so much better than your first OB thought. That''s great! Also wanted to say that your nursery is going to be beautiful! I love your taste. I hope your pregnancy continues to progress well.

Gemma, congrats on the birth of Philipa Joy!! Can''t wait for pics and your birth story!

Sk8rjen, I''m not sure if you''re still on this thread but I wanted to say congrats on your beautiful girls. They are breathtaking! I''m in awe of your ability to manage such a large family - it''s wonderful! I hope to be a supermom like you some day!

Pandora, Congrats on the NT - that''s great that your numbers are so good! I''m so sorry you''ve had to go through so much crap at work. This is a time you should be able to enjoy and cherish and it''s awful that they aren''t letting you do that. I''m glad you have such great dr''s! Try to enjoy your time away from work and keep treating yourself well.

NF, congrats on 32 weeks!! You are looking marvelous and you''ve been a champ through this pregnancy. good work! I hope the coming weeks aren''t too uncomfy for you.

LIA, congratulations! Jacob is so beautiful and your birth story was amazing. Thanks for sharing!

fiery, congrats on the pregnancy and best of luck with your wedding plans! What an exciting time this must be for you and your family!

robbie, I''m so glad this pregnancy is going well for you and that you''re feeling well. I can''t wait for your u/s!

ctd, congrats on your pregnancy. That''s so cool that your due right around your anniversary! I''m glad the nausea has stopped and that you had a good first apt.

Courtney, I hope your headaches have abated and that you''re doing well. Sorry to hear you''ve begun to have to deal with constipation. I suffer from that as well and my dr suggested 100 mg of colace once or twice a day which has helped. I hope you find something that works for you. Your little belly is adorable!

Indy, I''m so sorry that Isaac and Samuel were taken from you too early! What a wonderful mother and strong partner you have been through this very difficult time. I wish you peace and love always.

Blen, you''re looking great! I''m 21 weeks (yesterday) and my husband was able to feel her move last night for the first time.

I''m sorry if I''ve left anyone out! I hope you''re all feeling well!

21 weeks 1 day (this pregnancy is flying by!!)
Date: 11/8/2008 11:35:27 AM
Author: Mrs

Hi all! Wanted to check in to find out what all of you are doing / have done in terms of pre-natal classes like Lamaze or Bradley. I''m trying to decide what we should do... I''m interested in having a natural birth but am trying to be somewhat relaxed about the whole thing since I know many people come up with a specific plan and then everything goes a different way and then they''re disappointed. What are your plans for pain management?
Mrs. We are taking a class, but it is organized by our midwifery clinic and focuses more on the nature of labour and post-baby life, not on specific techniques. I have read and been told by my friends who have had natural labour that you really cannot "prepare" in the sense of learning breathing techniques etc. Most of the preparation comes in terms of attitude and perhaps becoming familiar with some of the changes your body--and mind!-- go through when the hormones kick in during labour. It is apparently an altered state.

I think if you want to go natural the best thing is to find a committed and trained brithing attendant who really knows how natural labour works and who has attended lots of births. Having someone like that with you through most of the labour (i.e. from the point where it starts getting really intense) is probably the only way to "prepare" since that person will be able to guide you and make suggestions and support you. I think doing a natural labour without such an attendant would be hard, especially since in a hospital setting things are not necessarily set up to support natural labour (e.g., the monitoring that takes place, being left alone for period of time, being offered pain meds regularly). One of my friends did a natural labour without an attendant (just nurses and OB) and she was great, but she is an unusually strong woman who is very good are disociating from her body or pain when she is physcially working really hard. I think that made the difference for her. Snlee had a natural labour in the hospital too, without a particular natural-birth attendant, so obviously many women do it and good nurses can make all the difference it seems!

So if you want natural and don''t have a midwife, perhaps you could look into a doula? I just know for me, when I think about labour, the thing that makes me feel most confident is knowing that I will have two widwives with me for the vast majority of the labour, coaching and supporting me... so I don''t have the "prepare" and have a plan, that''s that they are for! I will just trust my body and them and see what happens! I have mentioned it before, but the book "Birthing From Within" has been very interesting to read and it helps you think about your attitudes and ideas about labour a lot, which is probably good to process before the big day actually comes. Other friends have also recommended Ina May''s Guide to Childbirth, which has a lot of stories of natural labours. We really are exposed to so few eamples of it in our cutlure, that I have found it really great to read and hear about others'' natural births so that I have an idea of what it is like and it isn''t so scary because it is such an "unknown" if all you see are medicated labours. I also like watching "House of Babies" of the Discovery Health Channel, which is about a midwife-run free-standing birth center, so it is cool to see all the natural labours there too.

Anyhoo, just my thoughts!
Blenheim Dh still hasn''t been able to feel the baby, but again, I have more padding in front so that may make a difference!
At 18 weeks I was also mostly feeling light fluttery things... as I mentioned, I feel like it only got really strong like punches in the last 2 weeks or so.

Getting closer girl!

Pandora you are so lucky they let you watch so much! Our techs always kept the screen turned away and just gave us a 10 minute peak at the end.
And great news about the results, it is reassuring that is for sure.

As for me, I''ve had my first bouts of swollen feet/ankles! I think it started when I was on my feet lecturing for 3 hours on Thursday! After that, I sat down and my feet just got huge. It went away overnight, but then I pulled a 10 hour work day on Friday where I sat most of the time and that brought it back. Seems to have gone again overnight. I read that walking periodically, putting feet up, and drinking lots of water help... anyone else got any suggestions??

I think it changes from hospital to hospital. At mine, the tech has a small screen they watch on and the parents have a huge screen that is fixed to the ceiling that they can watch. They're also very supportive of parents knowing the gender. Some UK hospitals won't tell you.

Anyway, here's the photo... quite some change since the one at 8 weeks...

Date: 11/8/2008 12:58:26 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

As for me, I''ve had my first bouts of swollen feet/ankles! I think it started when I was on my feet lecturing for 3 hours on Thursday! After that, I sat down and my feet just got huge. It went away overnight, but then I pulled a 10 hour work day on Friday where I sat most of the time and that brought it back. Seems to have gone again overnight. I read that walking periodically, putting feet up, and drinking lots of water help... anyone else got any suggestions??


dreamer: you may not love my advice, but the best thing is support stockings. they make a HUGE difference in the swelling and actually will make your legs/feet feel better when you have to be on them for a long time. i''d recommend 15-20mmHg to start, but you could also try 20-30 if you''re feeling brave. i used to order online; i think the website was something like britelife?? will check for you...