
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Anyone heard from Indy since the funeral? I can''t stop thinking about her & her cubs. I just hope she''s doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. One of my very dearest friends (who did my maternity photos) is a volunteer for an organization that goes into hospitals & takes beautiful fine art photos of the babies for the parents, regardless if they are born alive or still. It might seem morbid if you have never been in that situation, but for someone like Indy, who had her sons for such a brief moment, it is nice to be able to remember the curve of their cheeks, their sweet profiles. OMG...I am so heartbroken for them. I hope she was able to take some photos of her boys to cherish forever.

I pray that all the PS mommies and their little ones stay safe and healthy, and just want you all to know you are surrounded by a caring family here.

Diver...(mom to Jake & Delaney)
Date: 11/8/2008 12:54:02 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Mrs. We are taking a class, but it is organized by our midwifery clinic and focuses more on the nature of labour and post-baby life, not on specific techniques. I have read and been told by my friends who have had natural labour that you really cannot ''prepare'' in the sense of learning breathing techniques etc. Most of the preparation comes in terms of attitude and perhaps becoming familiar with some of the changes your body--and mind!-- go through when the hormones kick in during labour. It is apparently an altered state.

I think if you want to go natural the best thing is to find a committed and trained brithing attendant who really knows how natural labour works and who has attended lots of births. Having someone like that with you through most of the labour (i.e. from the point where it starts getting really intense) is probably the only way to ''prepare'' since that person will be able to guide you and make suggestions and support you. I think doing a natural labour without such an attendant would be hard, especially since in a hospital setting things are not necessarily set up to support natural labour (e.g., the monitoring that takes place, being left alone for period of time, being offered pain meds regularly). One of my friends did a natural labour without an attendant (just nurses and OB) and she was great, but she is an unusually strong woman who is very good are disociating from her body or pain when she is physcially working really hard. I think that made the difference for her. Snlee had a natural labour in the hospital too, without a particular natural-birth attendant, so obviously many women do it and good nurses can make all the difference it seems!

So if you want natural and don''t have a midwife, perhaps you could look into a doula? I just know for me, when I think about labour, the thing that makes me feel most confident is knowing that I will have two widwives with me for the vast majority of the labour, coaching and supporting me... so I don''t have the ''prepare'' and have a plan, that''s that they are for! I will just trust my body and them and see what happens! I have mentioned it before, but the book ''Birthing From Within'' has been very interesting to read and it helps you think about your attitudes and ideas about labour a lot, which is probably good to process before the big day actually comes. Other friends have also recommended Ina May''s Guide to Childbirth, which has a lot of stories of natural labours. We really are exposed to so few eamples of it in our cutlure, that I have found it really great to read and hear about others'' natural births so that I have an idea of what it is like and it isn''t so scary because it is such an ''unknown'' if all you see are medicated labours. I also like watching ''House of Babies'' of the Discovery Health Channel, which is about a midwife-run free-standing birth center, so it is cool to see all the natural labours there too.

Anyhoo, just my thoughts!
Thanks DD! I''ll check out those books. For some reason I don''t really want anyone there but my husband so I''ve not really considered a doula. I think if the two of us (dh and I) do everything we can to understand what can happen, we''ll be able to manage it ourselves but I will check out other resources here in that regard since I may very well need other help. I''ve heard the same about how you can''t realy prepare which is why i''ve been reluctant to try a class that might suggest that you can... I''ll let you know what we decide to do once we figure it out. Thanks again for your thoughts!

Cutie baby!!

My friend at work went in for her NT scan yesterday, 13 weeks, 3 days. They found out it''s a boy. Early to tell, but they say they''re sure of it.
Pandora, I'm so glad that everything turned out well at the scan! And cute baby.

Mrs - Ditto to everything that DD said. I think that I'm taking a local class that's not really based on any particular method. Our other plan would be taking Birthing from Within classes. I'm reading through the book right now, which my midwife lent to me (she used to teach the classes).

I'm not doing Bradley, for two reasons. One, my midwife recommended not to take the local one because she's received a lot of negative feedback about the instructor. Two, I don't like the idea of being coached. I like the idea of having an arsenal of different pain relief techniques that I can use and deciding on my own what's best at a given time. Also, I've heard that some women can feel marginalized afterwards and feel that the husband who successfully coached her is given too much credit. And I'm the one pushing the baby out, dangit! I know that the people who like it often really like it though.

There are actually videos of natural births on YouTube, if you're interested. You generally have to sign in so that they know that you're at least 18. We also have a local natural birth group that shows movies like The Business of Being Born and Orgasmic Birth, and I've gone to screenings of movies there. I feel a lot more confident after seeing women successfully birth without drugs.

And thanks for the compliment! So I guess that there is hope that my friend will be able to feel baby movements by then.

DD, sorry about your ankles. No suggestions here.

We ended scrapping the weekend plans, which feels so much better right now but I'm not sure if it will continue to feel that way. We have a house project (building an exterior landing/stairs) that we have an approved building permit for, but the guy who approved it wrote on it that we need to make a couple of modifications to it and we've been trying since EARLY AUGUST to pry out of our stupid building and planning department what exactly we need to do. I finally got it out of them two days ago, and it's a lot more involved than we were expecting.
We were planning on making significant headway this weekend, but we thought long and hard and it wasn't realistic. Next weekend I'm out of town and hubby has to write a 15 page paper, then we're both out of town for Thanksgiving. And then the ground's almost definitely frozen and the weather will be miserable. I mean, some snow's expected tonight and tomorrow as it is. So, we're looking at tackling this next spring now. Hubby can do a lot himself, and can do all of the hard work himself. He'd need an extra person for holding things level while he attaches them and things like that, which I possibly do 8-9 months preggo (we'd need to play this by ear). And we can slowly build it into the summer, if we need to. And I suppose that we could get my dad to come up here after the birth and help him out while I hang out and watch the baby. Definitely not ideal, but the city dragged their damn feet so long that it took our options away from us. We hate them right now.

Oh yeah - Old Navy is having a 50% off outerware this weekend, and I bought this coat for $45. It's listed as more on their website, but it's $45 in the stores. The lower button hits just around the mid-boob area and it's definitely roomy enough to accomodate a big belly. I was one of three pregnant women trying them on and buying them at the same time. And, since it's not maternity, it wouldn't be weird to wear it again next winter. It's not as warm as my wonderful down coat that I'm about to outgrow, and it's not 100% wool, but with all of the pregnancy hormones and maybe a sweater I think it'll do fine. Just thought I'd mention it, in case anyone else is in the market for a winter coat and doesn't want to spend a bunch of money.

I bought a coat today too! I have one now that is like that blue one you posted, but hip length, and it is getting too tight in the belly region for me. I caved and got a down filled one that is knee length and has a hood at Motherhood Maternity for about $120 Canadian. It gets really cold here and we get a lot of snow, and December - February when I will be biggest is the coldest of all, so we figured there wasn''t really a good option. Even though it is matenrity, it still looks fine without such a big belly and I am pretty sure I will wear it next winter too.
Date: 11/8/2008 4:31:58 PM
Author: Mrs

Thanks DD! I'll check out those books. For some reason I don't really want anyone there but my husband so I've not really considered a doula. I think if the two of us (dh and I) do everything we can to understand what can happen, we'll be able to manage it ourselves but I will check out other resources here in that regard since I may very well need other help. I've heard the same about how you can't realy prepare which is why i've been reluctant to try a class that might suggest that you can... I'll let you know what we decide to do once we figure it out. Thanks again for your thoughts!
I feel the same way about people in the room, but I really like the idea of a midwife, who is trained to be an observer and helper rather than a bossy britches per se. I have read that there is moment in every woman's labour where she feels like she just cannot go on, usually around trasition, and I think it will be good to have someone knowledgable there to be able to honestly say, "You are progressing well, things are moving along, your baby will be here soon!" I think if hubby said that I may not believe him
but I would believe my midwife! haha

Pandora you little alien looks like our little alien at that stage! I love their fat little bellies...

LIA thanks, I just bought some tights actually, since I have a lot of maternity dresses and skirts, and I got ones that are medium support. I think if I am finding this is a persistent issue I will get the support hose you suggest. It has only happened once and I am wondering if perhaps I make more of an effort to sit and put my feet up, then maybe I will be okay. I only have 2 more long lectures this semester, then I don't teach again, so it may be possible to just avoid this situation!
Hmm. DD, is that the Quilted Puffer Maternity Coat? That''s the one down coat that I''m seeing on their website (don''t know if their selection is different in Canada). And is it really warm? If it is, I may return the one that I purchase and buy that one instead. I''m in Michigan, which isn''t exactly warm during the winter. I have a old, large man''s down coat that should be fine for shoveling show and going for walks with the dogs for a long while, but the vain part of me doesn''t want to wear it to work and especially not to visit clients. I think the one that I purchased will be perfectly adequate, but if I can find a warmer one I may want to jump on that instead.

I feel the same way about people other than hubby there when I''m in labor, but I''ve gotten to the point where I feel all warm and fuzzy about my midwife and her apprentice and want at least one of them there because I''ve heard the same things about transition that DD has.

Maybe this belongs in the nursery thread, but for those who are planning on having the crib in their room, what kind of bedding are you choosing? I''m thinking that the most practical thing would be to go with the ugly but practical breathable mesh bumper, plus basic blue or cream sheets. Our bedding is blue, chocolate, and cream, with tan walls and a red/blue/tan oriental rug. But I keep lusting after really cute nursery bedding sets that don''t match the rest of our room.
Re: Coats What I am quickly finding out is that I am so darned HOT all the time that I wouldn''t button my coat even if I could! And this coming from the girl who is usually always always cold. All I have been doing is bundling my neck up with a scarf and then leaving my non-maternity coat wide open!

I say this because it seems that even those coats for maternity just won''t fit you if you are a XS or S. You need to buy 2 sizes too big for the rest of your body just to accommodate the belly. So why bother IMO. And I live in Wisconsin for reference so it is certainly cold here!
NF, when did you start getting hot all the time? Just wondering because I''m not there yet. Although keeping the house at 60 degrees might contribute to that.
This is the coat I got in black and I find it toasty and very comfortable and just stylish enough. I love that it has a hood, which is a must for me in the winter time.

It is just around freezing now here and I really needed this warmer coat tonight for sure when we went out. But I am a weather wimp
It is not so huge in the belly that I will not be able to wear it next year, it will just be a looser fit, and I really like the length.

re: being hot... my friend was asking me if I had that yet the other day! I said no, but I am usually always always cold in the fall and winter, like chilled to the bone, so maybe the preggo heat is just making me a little more comfortable!
Date: 11/8/2008 10:13:12 PM
Author: Blenheim
NF, when did you start getting hot all the time? Just wondering because I''m not there yet. Although keeping the house at 60 degrees might contribute to that.

That''s a good question...I only really noticed it a few weeks ago I guess...maybe the third trimester?
Pandora what a lovely ultrasound picture! I am so happy that everything looks fantastic with your baby!
Mrs--i highly recommend reading a Bradley method book. Lamaze did not appeal to me, but the bradley method is husband supported natural child birth techniques that are very helpful. I wish there was a class in my area, i would have taken it.
As dreamer said, the best prep comes from being well educated and having good support. I know i would not have been able to get thru without my massage therapist and hubby (my coaches). Both highly value natural birth and were my cheer leaders when the going got tough. I was at a hospital that did not support me so if it was not for the 3 of us, our combined knowledge and motivation, i think my birth would have been very different. I also read and watched the same things DD mentioned and they were all very good for mental prep. Nothing in life goes exactly as planned but i don''t think that means you shouldn''t plan for it! Be flexible, but get educated.
Date: 11/10/2008 9:03:38 AM
Author: Jas12
Be flexible, but get educated.

This is the key to a happy delivery that I have heard from EVERYONE. If you aren''t flexible, and things don''t go your way, you are likely to view your delivery experience as negative. But if you are flexible about it, you are likely to view it as more positive, which is good for YOU (faster healing) and the baby (less stress).

At the same time, knowledge is power. By researching you know what your options are and can ask the doctors/middies intelligent questions so that you can make sure you understand WHY you are deterring from your birth plan if you need to. Knowing and understanding why something is happening can be so empowering IMO.
Date: 11/10/2008 9:45:03 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/10/2008 9:03:38 AM
Author: Jas12
Be flexible, but get educated.

This is the key to a happy delivery that I have heard from EVERYONE. If you aren''t flexible, and things don''t go your way, you are likely to view your delivery experience as negative. But if you are flexible about it, you are likely to view it as more positive, which is good for YOU (faster healing) and the baby (less stress).

At the same time, knowledge is power. By researching you know what your options are and can ask the doctors/middies intelligent questions so that you can make sure you understand WHY you are deterring from your birth plan if you need to. Knowing and understanding why something is happening can be so empowering IMO.
Well said.
Hi everyone!

I have a question I''m hoping someone can help with. Over the past week, I''ve lost 4lbs. I''m pretty positive the reason why is that I''ve completely overhauled my eating habits and I''m exercising every day (nothing major just walking 2 miles which is roughly 45mins to an hour depending on how lazy I feel
). Anyway I''m wondering if this happened to anyone else and if I''ll stop losing weight once my body gets used to the change. I don''t have an appointment with the doctor until the 24th and was considering calling but figured I''d ask you guys first
Four pounds in a week is probably mostly water weight, but you might want to make sure that you''re eating enough. Since healthy foods have fewer calories, eating the same quantity of food as you were before could actually mean that you''re under eating calorie-wise. When I started tracking I realized that I was seriously under eating. Check out I''m not tracking every day now that I''ve gotten a better feel for how much I should be eating, but it definitely helped me to get on the right track.
Thanks for the site. It looks like I am undereating. Today alone I thought I was at least in the 1500 calories range and have only actually had 890.
Healthier foods are also lower in salt, which I find can account for 3-4lbs in my weight (higher on salitier days). The important thing is not to restrict yourself and to eat regularly and balanced, and to just keep an eye on whether you are eating enough calories. This early on a lottle loss here or there won't affect the embryo, but its good to get it in check before you hit the second trimester and your diet starts to really matter more! I recall from another thread that you commented that you are not underweight, so as long as you get things on a good track for the future I'm sure that such a small loss isn't going to be unhealthy.
Date: 11/10/2008 12:55:27 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Healthier foods are also lower in salt, which I find can account for 3-4lbs in my weight (higher on salitier days). The important thing is not to restrict yourself and to eat regularly and balanced, and to just keep an eye on whether you are eating enough calories. This early on a lottle loss here or there won''t affect the embryo, but its good to get it in check before you hit the second trimester and your diet starts to really matter more! I recall from another thread that you commented that you are not underweight, so as long as you get things on a good track for the future I''m sure that such a small loss isn''t going to be unhealthy.

Ditto. Many people lose weight in the first trimester, especially if you start eating much healthier. It won''t hurt your baby as long as you are getting enough nutrients. You''ll start gaining later!

I am overweight so from what I''ve researched, I can only gain between 15 to 20lbs. I have to confirm with the doctor but I''m sure that 15lbs would be healthy enough for me. My eating habits were awful before this. I didn''t eat fast food or too much junk I just had weird eating times. There would be days when I would go without breakfast and then have a light lunch and have dinner at midnight
. We used to eat out a lot and even though I eat salads regularly, I don''t think I ever really had fruit. I also never drank water. So the loss is probably due to going from no water to 5 bottles a day. And I''m actually eating breakfast and having fruit as my snack so my body is probably in shock LOL
Date: 11/10/2008 1:39:35 PM
Author: fieryred33143

I am overweight so from what I''ve researched, I can only gain between 15 to 20lbs. I have to confirm with the doctor but I''m sure that 15lbs would be healthy enough for me. My eating habits were awful before this. I didn''t eat fast food or too much junk I just had weird eating times. There would be days when I would go without breakfast and then have a light lunch and have dinner at midnight
. We used to eat out a lot and even though I eat salads regularly, I don''t think I ever really had fruit. I also never drank water. So the loss is probably due to going from no water to 5 bottles a day. And I''m actually eating breakfast and having fruit as my snack so my body is probably in shock LOL
Fiery It sounds like you are making really good changes to your eating habits! I too am "overweight" and my midwife didn''t seem to concerned with limiting how much I gain and she has never nagged me about my gains, which have been steady and in the range that would be expected for a "normal weight" woman. I think your body will do what it wants, so as long as you focus on eating well then maybe don''t worry too much about the scale? Some doctors are really weight-nazis and I think it doesn''t help preggos much... you should never be restricting what you eat, and feeling guilty all the time is no fun either! Gaining only 15lbs will be very hard, since water and baby weight alone will weigh close to that. Anyhoo, I guess my point if that you will be fine if you focus on good habit and don''t worry too much about the numbers on the scale... every woman''s body is different!
Date: 11/10/2008 1:39:35 PM
Author: fieryred33143

I am overweight so from what I''ve researched, I can only gain between 15 to 20lbs. I have to confirm with the doctor but I''m sure that 15lbs would be healthy enough for me. My eating habits were awful before this. I didn''t eat fast food or too much junk I just had weird eating times. There would be days when I would go without breakfast and then have a light lunch and have dinner at midnight
. We used to eat out a lot and even though I eat salads regularly, I don''t think I ever really had fruit. I also never drank water. So the loss is probably due to going from no water to 5 bottles a day. And I''m actually eating breakfast and having fruit as my snack so my body is probably in shock LOL

Hey fiery, I am in the same boat as you -- I started out this pregnancy overweight (I''m 5''2 and was 160 lbs.) My morning sickness really prevented any weight gain during the first trimester. Now I''m 15 weeks and I weight 161. I don''t think it would be that difficult for me to only gain 20 pounds total, as I will be having my baby by 38 weeks due to medical reasons. I still have no appetite and have to work very hard to make sure to get in enough calories, which has been difficult since being pregnant has caused a total aversion to one of my favorite food groups -- meat!
Where once my favorite meal was a delicious steak and mashed potatoes, now I can''t even look at steak!

I think it''s great that you''re drinking more water and are working hard to add more nutritious foods to your diet! I second the good advice that the gals here have given you, especially trying to loosely track your calories to make sure that you''re eating enough. I think that as long as you''re doing your best to eat what you can, you''re taking a multi-vitamin (or whatever else your doctor prefers), and that your baby is growing just fine, that''s all that you can ask for. Good luck!
It sure has been slow here lately. I guess a lot this pregnancy stuff is just waiting around.

I have my 16 week appointment this Friday and get to schedule the ultrasound for the week of Thanksgiving. I hope my gummy bear doesn''t cross his/her legs so we can see what''s there!

I''ve been pretty hormonal lately. Oh and lazy.
I feel kind of guilty about how lazy I''ve been, but I have to say I''m enjoying it.

My eating habits are strange. I''m not craving anything in particular, but if I see a commercial or if someone brings up a restaurant, I''m all about whatever it is. My friend went to Illinois to visit some other friends of mine and they went to Flat Top Grill. I LOVE that place and there''s nothing like it in Houston. Now I can''t stop thinking about it. I''m very hungry in the mornings and around lunch time. I''m starving when I get home from work around 5pm and after that, I''m done eating for the day. Then I wake up starving once again because I ate so early the evening before.

Does anyone like the Melting Pot?? If you have one near you and never been, GO. Get the spinach and artichoke cheese fondue. *Drool*
Me again - back from yet another hospital appointment...

Today I went to see the anaesthetist. The appointment was in the Birth Centre rather than the usual ante-natal clinics so I got a sneak preview of one of the delivery rooms as it was the only place free.

All I can say is WOW! It was huge and even had a sofa bed for your partner to sleep on if they get tired. It also has one wall that is glass and overlooks the Thames and the Houses of Parliament. Best views in London for definite.

The anaesthetist was a really nice young guy (it's very strange, I have yet to see any staff under about 45 in the place) and we had a very useful chat. He had a look at the scarring on my back and reckoned that I 'should' be okay as far as getting tubes etc in.

If I needed a caesar, I would have a spinal rather than an epidural, but there's no reason why I can't have an epi for a normal delivery if I want one.

I discussed that the midwives were really pushing me to look at hypnosis, TENS and other drug-free choices, and that I'd been there in the past and they did nothing for me. He thought I should see how I did with gas and air and if that wasn't enough then straight to epidural and it was pointless my trying any of the others, which cheered me up a lot.

He also said that they'd make a note that I am opiate tolerant so that the nurses didn't have a fit about the morphine quantities that I will need, and he wants me to see a specialist pain management team on a regular basis to get my meds increased as my plasma levels will keep dropping.

Finally, it looks like I will need to see the neo-natal team as the baby is likely to be sent to the high dependency unit straight after birth - both as it will be very drowsy if I end up having pain-meds in labour and also because it is likely to develop an opiate dependency due to my taking them throughout the pregnancy and will have to go through withdrawal.

I feel really bad about this, I've tried withdrawal a few times and it's hell (I have a lot of respect for heroin addicts who go cold turkey) - he said that they have a lot of experience with it and that the paediatricians will be able to explain things to me better than he can.
Pandora, that is tough. I''m glad you are meeting with competent specialists and doctors for all of this. You and the baby will get through this.
Pandorsy (I call you that in my head) - you are one tough Chiquita and my heart goes out to you. You''re doing all the right things...hang in there
It''ll all be worth it in the end.

Nothin'' new here. Going for my ultrasound on Thursday (12w6d). YIPPEE!!! In unrelated news I''m wearing my first piece of mat clothing...jeans from Old Navy. Heavenly.

to all my pregnant sista''s out there!
hey ladies! I had my first u/s yesterday! It was so exciting! We got to see (not hear) the heartbeat and it was strong! 154 bpm. It was so neat to see the little heart beating away. My DH''s face just lit up when he saw that. So cute. I don''t know why but I thought the baby looked like a little that''s what I''m calling it now, my little dinosaur.

So far so good for me, just really tired and feeling icky. Got sick this morning
I''ve had the WORST heartburn and indigestion every night. It kept me up all night last night. TUMS are not helping at all. If this last the whole pregnancy I''m going to have lots of sleepless nights.

Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling better than me

8w 3 days!!!
Date: 11/11/2008 3:23:23 PM
Author: cdt1101
hey ladies! I had my first u/s yesterday! It was so exciting! We got to see (not hear) the heartbeat and it was strong! 154 bpm. It was so neat to see the little heart beating away. My DH''s face just lit up when he saw that. So cute. I don''t know why but I thought the baby looked like a little that''s what I''m calling it now, my little dinosaur.

So far so good for me, just really tired and feeling icky. Got sick this morning
I''ve had the WORST heartburn and indigestion every night. It kept me up all night last night. TUMS are not helping at all. If this last the whole pregnancy I''m going to have lots of sleepless nights.

Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling better than me

8w 3 days!!!
If you start to get it really badly, get your doctor to prescribe you some promethazine. It made a HUGE difference to how I felt - I was about ready to throw myself in the Thames by the time I got it I was so miserable.

Also, the earlier you start to take it, the more effective it is - apparently...
thanks for the info Pandora! I''m feeling better right now, but if the sickness continues I''ll ask my doctor to prescribe something.