
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 11/13/2008 2:55:01 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Neat- well I can''t say we have an unlimited budget but I have a huge family and we are insanely close and they insist on buying sis for example is doing the nursery..I of course have to ok I guess im lucky in that aspect but I just wasn''t sure if there might be other unique cribs that maybe I haven''t seen yet. I really don''t want to spend that much so maybe I will keep searching. I don''t know anything about these twin support groups..where can I look into that? Do they have websites?

I found my local one through my doctor. But I am sure if you do a bit of googling you can find one in your area.
NF-Is there a who''s who thread for you? You always seem to amaze me. I thought you were in Europe for some reason and you aren''t. And now I find out your a grad student!
Nf- will do soon as I get home..thanks again!
Sorry I haven't really been participating much recently. It's just been pretty boring over here on my end. I just got a call from one of my good friends that she had her baby though and I had to share! I'm so excited to go and meet him in a few hours (made sure she was ok with visitors first
)! I don't think I've held a newborn since my sister was a born over 17 years ago! I mean, I've held young babies, but not a newborn! Agh! I can't contain myself!

ETA: 6w5d
hi all. home today. took a day off to rest and see if i could improve a certain pregnancy discomfort i wont get into...not working so far. oh well. at least i get to surf all day.

robbie have fun visiting your friend and her baby! How exciting! i really zone in on the new babys at work and around town in genera. they are sooooo darn tiny it seems incredible to me.

Neatfreak what are you up to today? how do you keep busy these days? I like a certain amount of web surfing/tv but get bored after a bit. sort of like to read but am too lazy to post unfortunately.
I was reading your post about nursery/cribs etc. I am working on my nursery little by little mostly with hand me downs. Waiting to pick up my crib from my friends house- did you buy new mattresses? I am not sure if I am going to since my crib will come from someone I know. the crib is about 4 yrs old- think it needs a new mattress just from age?
My aunt and cousin are coming over this weekend to paint- as a gift. so sweet. My aunt is a paperhanger/painter for her career/job whatever you want to call it. I am going with the dots bedding from target! it''s pretty cute I think.
I need to figure out how to recover my glider cushions as they do not match and I do not love them. I found a cover I think will fit but it is like 200 bucks. I think I may buy some similar fabric and see if my mom can help me do it myself when she comes out in december. she can sew a little and it should be pretty simple. I am thinking choc brown chenille- the one for sale is swiss dot chenille I think.
Have you finished the nursery? Is the thread back open on nurseries? I cant remember.
One more question- do you have family coming to help after babies come home? I was told to see if my parents can get tdap vaccine or pertussis specifically I guess as I think they are not sure that the vaccines from childhood don''t need a booster? Was wondering if you had heard the same? My co worker told me the cut off is 65 yrs i think?
Hope you are having a great day. think I will go find a snack. im hungry.

hope everyone else is well!
howdy preggie partners!
I love reading about you twin'ners. the gear is such a "different beast". wow. Luckily there are a few of you here to swap ideas and product info.

Robbie - enjoy that newborn. My bestie is due in 5 weeks and I cannot wait to squeeze her newbie.

As for me. What a day I've had....

We started out at 9am at the hospital for our NT scan. The technician was one of these "I only take pictures, I don't interpret the results" kinda gal. BOO! I could tell from her face that something was wrong. She kept prodding HARD at this one spot, over and over, really deeply, and furrowing her brows. I kept asking "is something wrong". To which she would reply "that's what I'm trying to find out...sorry to poke so hard at you, but I need to get better pics". This went on for about half-an-hour, at which point I was crying because I knew something was wrong. She was asking me if there was a chance that this pregnancy was twins, or if anyone had talked about the shape of my uterus...I was getting REALLY nervous. I mentioned to her that i had some scant brown spotting over the past few days. She then made me go empty my bladder, and then she continued poking. urgh. THEN, she went and got the doctor!!!!!! I was freaking. Doc came, - was VERY gently (no poking) - and concluded that it was merely subchorionic hematoma and said it was really normal and that I should just avoid heaving lifting until the spotting stops.

phew. I was relieved to hear it was "just that" after the technician let my imagination run wild for all that time.

So, the GREAT news is that the baby looks amazing. It is measuring perfectly, looked like it had really long legs (lol) and it was sucking its thumb and EVEN YAWNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO cute. Seeing that made most of the stress of the poking melt away. My ute may be a bit busted, but my baby is healthy and strong.

I'm going to scan the pics tomorrow at work and upload them for y'all. Sorry for the long post. You girls are one of my lifelines!!!!!!!!!

13weeks tomorrow!
Date: 11/13/2008 5:22:38 PM
Author: pavelover

Neatfreak what are you up to today? how do you keep busy these days? I like a certain amount of web surfing/tv but get bored after a bit. sort of like to read but am too lazy to post unfortunately.

I was reading your post about nursery/cribs etc. I am working on my nursery little by little mostly with hand me downs. Waiting to pick up my crib from my friends house- did you buy new mattresses? I am not sure if I am going to since my crib will come from someone I know. the crib is about 4 yrs old- think it needs a new mattress just from age?

My aunt and cousin are coming over this weekend to paint- as a gift. so sweet. My aunt is a paperhanger/painter for her career/job whatever you want to call it. I am going with the dots bedding from target! it's pretty cute I think.

I need to figure out how to recover my glider cushions as they do not match and I do not love them. I found a cover I think will fit but it is like 200 bucks. I think I may buy some similar fabric and see if my mom can help me do it myself when she comes out in december. she can sew a little and it should be pretty simple. I am thinking choc brown chenille- the one for sale is swiss dot chenille I think.

Have you finished the nursery? Is the thread back open on nurseries? I cant remember.

One more question- do you have family coming to help after babies come home? I was told to see if my parents can get tdap vaccine or pertussis specifically I guess as I think they are not sure that the vaccines from childhood don't need a booster? Was wondering if you had heard the same? My co worker told me the cut off is 65 yrs i think?

Hope you are having a great day. think I will go find a snack. im hungry.

hope everyone else is well!

Ohhh that's a lot of questions! I'll try and do what I can.

Mattress: We did buy new mattresses because we didn't have anyone who could give them to us. It seems that no one can agree whether a new or old mattress is better for SIDS (new have the chemical vapors, old might have mold) but it seems to me that there is no harm in a used mattress if it's from a friend and is still firm...but that's just me. One thing to make sure of is that the crib is really only 4 years old and meets the current safety standards. But if it's only 4 years old and bought in the US it will be.

Glider: I actually reupholster furniture all the time, one of my hobbies, so if you send me a picture of the glider/cushions I can recommend how to start. It really is pretty easy if you are proficient with a sewing machine and a staple gun. Reminds me that I need to recover the recliner seat that is going in the twins room soon too!

We do have family coming, but it's complicated! My mom and dad will come right after the babies are born and stay a week or two, then they will go home for awhile (mostly to spend x-mas with my sister who would otherwise be alone, and she is in college so she can't fly out here with them, long story), then my MIL is coming for the week from x-mas to new year's, and then my mom is going to come back and stay for a month or maybe longer to help out and my sister might come for a week too. I don't know yet if my FIL is coming-he hates to travel but I think he would do it for his first grandkids!

Anyway, none of our parents are over 65...and my doctor hasn't warned me of anything, but I'll make sure next week when I go again.

As for the bedrest...I watch TV, read, and work on my computer mostly. With frequent PS breaks! But it does get very very boring. Just trying to focus on the end goal, healthy babies!

Fiery I don't have a Who's who thread but would be happy to answer anything you want to know within reason!

Mela That is so annoying, I hate it when the u/s techs won't tell you anything! I am so glad to hear that it's something minor though. BIG sigh of relief and YAY for your baby looking great! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Ok now a totally indulgent *me* post because my anxiety is getting the better of me today. Just venting here!

I had a regular OB appointment today and the darn hospital hadn't sent over my u/s results yet. So my doc had no idea about the calcium deposit and so I had to tell him what they saw and what the specialist said. And then he said that he hadn't ever had a patient see that on an u/s! What the heck, I thought this was supposed to be a common finding? But he assured me that if the specialist thought something was wrong she would follow up as she is a very proactive that made me feel a teensy bit better. But I was really hoping he'd have some answers for me. I can't really find much information on it except everywhere says "it's common and usually means nothing. When it does mean something it's accompanied by other abnormal u/s results". So that is reassuring but a bit annoying...

And then the second sucky thing is that I got a positive FFN test today. Which is annoying because it's more uncertainty to add to my week (can you tell I have anxiety around uncertainty yet???) because it doesn't reaaaaally tell us that much but I don't have that reassuring negative result anymore. It's positive predictive value is only about 19% in twin pregnancies, but it introduces more uncertainty for the next few weeks.

Sorry for the rant, I realize that in the scheme of things everything is really good, but I'm having a rough day with all this and bedrest certainly hasn't helped my mental health.

On the upside my doctor said I am measuring at 40 weeks (which may be why I got the positive FFN), my NST was fantastic, and he's really happy with the boys weights and how I've been doing with the pregnancy. I'm usually an optimist but today I feel like someone came over and poured out half my glass of water!

Ok done. Sorry for that. Needed it.
Hope everyone is well!!!
Shoot neatfreak i am sending out big hugs to you. that totally sucks. is the u/s place at a different place then the dr/ I guess so. that must have been so frustrating for you to have to try and explain and then for him to say he never saw it before. yucky. maybe after he looks into it im sure he iwll be in touch?
Regarding the ffn- im sure that is not what you wanted today. sorry for that. i am so glad that the boys are doing so well growth wise though- and well, that you were telling that other person with the 32 week preemie that lots of bad possiblilites are already gone at 32 weeks- sorry if that is not helpful but i hope it is.
Is your dh back to work? I find it better when I get distracted by someone else. i get a little kooky when i spned to much time alone with only my mind and worries? I think it has to be close to dinner time in wisconsin ,right?
Well I just wanted to tell you I m thinking of you. keep the babies stayed-put and keep up the good mommy work you are doing. take good care.
Date: 11/13/2008 7:07:46 PM
Author: pavelover
Shoot neatfreak i am sending out big hugs to you. that totally sucks. is the u/s place at a different place then the dr/ I guess so. that must have been so frustrating for you to have to try and explain and then for him to say he never saw it before. yucky. maybe after he looks into it im sure he iwll be in touch?

Regarding the ffn- im sure that is not what you wanted today. sorry for that. i am so glad that the boys are doing so well growth wise though- and well, that you were telling that other person with the 32 week preemie that lots of bad possiblilites are already gone at 32 weeks- sorry if that is not helpful but i hope it is.

Is your dh back to work? I find it better when I get distracted by someone else. i get a little kooky when i spned to much time alone with only my mind and worries? I think it has to be close to dinner time in wisconsin ,right?

Well I just wanted to tell you I m thinking of you. keep the babies stayed-put and keep up the good mommy work you are doing. take good care.

No you are totally right, even at 32 weeks my boys would likely be fine. But of course we want them to bake as long as possible!

I go to the hospital to see a perinatologist for my u/s results and honestly they are usually really good about making sure my doc gets everything (they are all in the same practice technically)...I guess I had just built up anxiety about the situation and was hoping he'd have some reassuring things to say to me today.

My DH is busy himself these days trying to tie up everything he can before the boys come...but he is great when he's here! He's home now but leaving again to do a shift at the math tutoring center at the university. Yuck.

Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words. You are very right that likely everything will be fine. Just stressing, you know how that is.
hey neat! I just went to Ellyphotog and I saw you and your dh!!!! so beautiful! Her stuff is totally amazing. I wanted to give her name to my hairdresser tonight when I go. She is planning a wedding. She is thinking of tahoe but I knew that elly may be more affordable than the lady I used since she is newer to the business. She is looking pretty polished though- not sure how affordable she will still be. Now I want to have her take pics of my new baby in a couple of months. whohooo!

glad your dh came home for a bit. too bad he has to tutor tonight. My dh works usually like 12 or 13 hour days. im not looking forward to that when the baby is here but i guess plently of ppl deal with it and I will be able to.
My parents just bought their plane tickets to come out. I am excited. they are going to spend christmas with us and then just wait it out to see when the baby comes. Im still not sure on the whole induction vs waiting thing- I was talking to one of the anesthesiologists at the hospital the other day and he was really steering me towards having the baby during hte week with the right ppl easily accessible instead of possibly on the wknd where they have to call ppl in etc- and I know he''s been around it for years so I am inclined to trust him , you know? anyhoo. sorry i am gong on. been on the couch too long today.

thanks for anwering all my ? from earlier. very helpful. You should ask about the pertussis thing- I may have confused things earlier- but I think what my friend was saying was that there was a cutoff at 65- but ppl younger should consider it if they are gonna be around a new baby - My friend used to work in public health and knows tons about immunizations, etc. I can ask her again if you want any more info. I see her twice a week.
I will try to send a pic of the glider but basically it is a cushion for the back and seat on a wooden rocker looking glider- and then the ottoman too. an older style and not dutalier or any name brand that I can find. so I just need to sew cushion covers bascially. I just love the look/fabric of this one except in brown:

My glider does not have any cushion on the arm rests.

Ok I have gone on enough tonight. Have a great night!
Pave I highly recommend Elley as much for her sunny personality as for her photos. She really is just a joy to have around, such a fun person. Tell her Callie sent you if you have her take pictures of your new baby!

And as for those cushions, you can totally DIY if you are so inclined. The best way to make something like that look finished is the welting (i.e., the round piece that is on the edge of the seams), so either buy some in a pattern you like or I can send you a tutorial on how to make it, but that's really what makes it look good. If you have welting you can be a bit more lax about the seams, etc.

What I do when I want to reupholster something I have is start by taking it totally apart with a seam ripper. Label the pieces (and it's a really great idea to take pictures if you can at each step). You then have a pattern you can work with to cut out the new fabric. Then just follow your steps to put the piece back together in reverse order. Make sure you pay attention to what is sewn where and if anything is stapled vs. sewn. But it looks like your cushions are very basic and just sewn.
Burk--My heart goes out to T. She has been thru it all. I really hope the antibiotics kick in fast! poor bug. Keep us posted.

Lottie--feeding sure is messy business, but so fun to watch. I wouldn''t worry too much about the utensils, that''ll happen eventually i am sure. Cute that neve wants to feed herself--an independent streak already

Bobo--Little B is a tiny thing but i am so glad he well. How precious that he gave u a kiss

Good idea with the lanolin, i''ll have to remember that.

MSB--yay for good eating. Must be a relief and make life soo much easier

Tacori--i''ve had a few of those days when i can''t wait to hand over the little monster. Not often, but enough to know how it feels to be trapped in the house wanting to pull your hair out. I think the terrible twos will be prime-time for that sentiment. Great that your DH gave u some sleep-in time.

Tgal--how''s the week going? is Amelia still taking a few naps a day? Co is showing signs of transitioning from 3 to 2 naps, wondering what the other 7 month olds are up to, and she is the gold standard ;-)

So Cohen had some looong naps today so i decided to finish my half a** pregnancy scrapbook. I went in search of my birth story i posted on here since it''s the only documentation i have and it was so neat to read over some of the posts from waaaay back. I remember joining around the time Tacori was due and reading about her anxiousness as her due date came and went (thinking that''ll probably never happen to me
haha) and then Ella''s announcement that her water broke before the twins were born, and then of course Tgals dramatic and hilarious/touching/scary birth of Amelia while i waited, and waited. Then came the stealth birth of Jadelyn followed by the arrival of Jake and finally, 14 days late, my little Co. I had to laugh at the 4 repeat posts that Charlie put up while i was in the hospital (cuz he didn''t really know how PS worked) and then all the new moms who joined over the months. It was fun to take a trip down memory lane. It wasn''t even that long ago, but it feels like a lifetime away.

And on a totally unrelated note, i was helping a friend search for baby names and we were looking at the ''vital statistics'' for one of the canadian provinces and it turns out we are a trendy bunch! Quite a few of the PS baby names are on the ''most popular'' list. I saw Cohen, Amelia, Tessa, Kaitlyn, Gabe, Jake, Lili, Jade (but not Jadelyn)
Jas, sweetie, I think you have the wrong thread.

NF, I have my fingers crossed for you and your boys. If the doctors don''t seem too concerned, hopefully it''s nothing big.

I think I''ve popped a little again. The host at the restaurant last night said, "Do you have a smoking preference? Non, right?" while pointing at my belly. So apparently I now look pregnant enough that strangers aren''t worried about offending me by suggesting it.

I''m going to Chicago this weekend and really looking forward to it. And hubby''s birthday present to me is allowing me to buy some baby things while I''m there if I want. Haha, I think he got off easy.
Sorry Preggies--i meant to post my above post in the mommies thread. (i''ll try to delete it) I forgot i was logged on here when i started writing
Date: 11/13/2008 10:34:50 PM
Author: Jas12
Sorry Preggies--i meant to post my above post in the mommies thread. (i''ll try to delete it) I forgot i was logged on here when i started writing

No worries Jas! You are more than welcome here too.
See you soon on the Mommy thread!
Date: 11/13/2008 9:42:38 PM
Author: Blenheim
Jas, sweetie, I think you have the wrong thread.

NF, I have my fingers crossed for you and your boys. If the doctors don''t seem too concerned, hopefully it''s nothing big.

I think I''ve popped a little again. The host at the restaurant last night said, ''Do you have a smoking preference? Non, right?'' while pointing at my belly. So apparently I now look pregnant enough that strangers aren''t worried about offending me by suggesting it.

I''m going to Chicago this weekend and really looking forward to it. And hubby''s birthday present to me is allowing me to buy some baby things while I''m there if I want. Haha, I think he got off easy.
That would be my favorite way to spend my birthday! Happy happy birthday, Blenheim!!

Neat, I''m sorry about the FFN test. I''m keeping my fingers crossed that your little guys stay in a bit longer.

It was so amazing meeting my friends'' new little baby. He''s pure perfection and just about the cutest thing I''ve ever seen. At first he was very sleepy, but after a while he was very alert and making the most adorable faces. Here''s a pic of his adorableness while DH was holding him:

robbie3982 - colton -11.13.08.jpg
NF I'm sorry about the ffn test! And for your extra worries right now. I know it is easier said than done, but anything you can do to take your mind off things and try to stay posiitve will probably help in the long run... if it won't directly help your boys stay grounded for another 4 weeks (at least!) then it will certainly help you keep your energy up for the birth and the days after! I still think you will hang in there until 36 weeks, test or no test...

Blenheim have fun! I love shopping for baby stuff!

Robbie what a cutie! I love his gangsta-style hat

Breaking news DH felt the baby kick for the fist time this morning! It was very exciting for him. This week I think the baby went through a growth spurt--my belly got bigger and the kicks/punches got a LOT stronger. Anyhoo, that was a fun moment. I will post a belly shot in the next couple of days, I finally look totally preggo.

Neatfreak--the worry never lets up, but of course it is literally double with twins. I am thinking of you. You''ll have the best worry-reward in a few weeks --boys are so much fun. I luv mine to pieces

DD--that''s great "breaking news" it is *so* great when the dads finally get to feel what you have been feeling for weeks. I think it makes it all so much more real for them. Just wait till the baby starts running out of room and you can ''see'' movement. My DH always thought that was so cool.
My belly went on a big growth spurt around week 24 (and i know a bunch of other''s did too). Enjoy The last leg of the second tri!

Robbie-what a beautiful picture, doesn''t he make you so excited for your own?!
DD, that''s so exciting that DH can feel the baby kick now! I can''t wait to see your latest belly pic
Jas, he does. Not that I wasn''t excited before, but I''m sooooooooooooooo excited now. Her baby just made everything a little more real.
Date: 11/14/2008 8:45:35 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NF I''m sorry about the ffn test! And for your extra worries right now. I know it is easier said than done, but anything you can do to take your mind off things and try to stay posiitve will probably help in the long run... if it won''t directly help your boys stay grounded for another 4 weeks (at least!) then it will certainly help you keep your energy up for the birth and the days after! I still think you will hang in there until 36 weeks, test or no test...

Blenheim have fun! I love shopping for baby stuff!

Robbie what a cutie! I love his gangsta-style hat

Breaking news DH felt the baby kick for the fist time this morning! It was very exciting for him. This week I think the baby went through a growth spurt--my belly got bigger and the kicks/punches got a LOT stronger. Anyhoo, that was a fun moment. I will post a belly shot in the next couple of days, I finally look totally preggo.


Thanks DD. I hope they stay put too! Luckily the positive predictive value of this test for twin moms is only about 19%, AND that is averaged over weeks 24-34, and it actually gets less accurate as you that''s a good thing.

That is SUPER exciting that your DH can feel the baby finally! I know for my DH it got much more real for him after he was able to feel the boys. What a happy moment.

Robbie That picture is adorable. How fun to have a newborn around!
Hi Everyone

Robbie-The newborn is just soooo adorable. Congrats to the new family. How is she feeling?

DD-That''s really sweet about your husband!

NF-I''m sorry about all of your worries and hope the boys stay put as well!

As for me, nothing new. Everything is kind of boring except that I have a HUGE appetite. I don''t think I went an hour yesterday without eating something. Luckily I have my work fridge filled with fruits and have some crackers at my desk. It''s that or a bag of fritos and a snickers bar from the vending machine

My latest obsession now though is being nervous about the baby''s health and development now that everyone knows. I really don''t know how things got out of control. I told my mom but asked her not to say anything yet which of course, she didn''t listen. Then we told FI''s parents and forgot to say not to tell anyone so of course his entire family, including those in Chile, knows. I had to tell my boss because he was scheduling me for four weeks of back to back traveling (internationally) around June which would be a few weeks before the baby is due. Then while on a team building event, my boss (who had a few glass of wine) starts letting little things slip out and people started putting things together and I finally just had to say something.

I guess I do know how things got out of control
. But now I''m nervous that I''m jinxing everything. My appointment with the doctor is in 10 days and I''m literally counting the days until I get to see her and she tells me how the baby is doing. I''ve been reading up on baby stuff and it says the word miscarriage so many times in everything that I read that I just stopped doing research all together.

It''s going to be a long 10 days.
Hey Neat - you''ve always been here for us, I hope we can be here for you over these next few weeks (especially). Hopefully those little muffins continue to bake away...

Fiery - akk. What a yucky situation to be in...but let''s just hope for the best, and that these next 10 days fly by. Obviously, it''s not ideal for the whole world to know so quickly, but it''s really not then end of the world. hang in there.

Robbie - SO CUTE! Can''t WAIT for my own!!!

DD - yey on ''kicking Daddy!'' lol. What a new world this will be for your DH. So exciting.

Blein - pics pics pics. I love seeing belly shots!!!!!!!!!

*I forgot my U/S pics, so I have nothing to share today.
Dummy. I''ll try to get them up soon. They''re so cute.

13 weeks Today.

Can I just say I miss Lisa?! LIIIIIIISA - come baaaaaaaaaack. I miss your hilarity. Hope you''re doing well!
2.gif more ? About doppler..what hb rate do u usually get on there? I know u are a few weeks ahead of me but I don''t know what the hb''s are supposed to be...I am almost 13 weeks and the doppler started at 104 but was going up a that normal? I did find both hb''s though :)
Date: 11/14/2008 4:36:39 PM
Author: nycbkgirl more ? About doppler..what hb rate do u usually get on there? I know u are a few weeks ahead of me but I don''t know what the hb''s are supposed to be...I am almost 13 weeks and the doppler started at 104 but was going up a that normal? I did find both hb''s though :)

Should be somewhere between 120-160ish. But it''s hard to make sure you hear the baby''s and not yours...which is a lot lower.
Thanks neat- I never even realized it was possible to hear your own hb in the abdomen?...but the ob was right now im worried that its a low rate...maybe if I pressed harder or waited longer ..bc it was slowly rising..hmm
Hi All,

Heard from the nice people I work for today who sent me a letter by email in response to mine last week. I had to wait 15 minutes before I could read it as my heart rate went through the roof when I saw it in my in-box. I feel very pathetic...

Really there is nothing I can do till I see my lawyer on Monday. They are denying everything (obviously). Hey ho...

I'm finding things quite hard going - loads of things I'd like to be doing, but I just don't seem to have the energy or inclination I just seem to sleep all the time. DH is being wonderful and understanding which is a great help, but makes me feel very guilty.

Now 13 weeks 3 days. Still don't look in the slightest bit preggo. I don't even have bigger boobs - so very unfair! Morning sickness still there, but the tablets work wonders thank goodness.

I am absolutely addicted to apples at the moment - can you OD on apples?
Fruit in general is all I really want to eat. I dread to think what my calorie intake is, but the hospital just told me not to worry - the baby will take what it needs and if I start to lose a lot of weight we'll look at that then.

Glad to hear everyone else is doing okay.

NF - hope that they come up with some more info for you on the US, although from your own research it sounds like nothing to worry about. Hope the + ffn test doesn't produce any problems.

Mela, sorry to hear about your crappy us tech. I HATE medical staff who don't give me all the info and show me everything. Look forward to seeing your pics. Have you heard of the nub theory for telling gender? There's a forum at where they will have a guess for you if you post your scan pic. Mine was a bit tricky - they're thinking more boy than girl, but it's a close call at the moment.
Date: 11/14/2008 5:11:30 PM
Author: Pandora II
Hi All,

Heard from the nice people I work for today who sent me a letter by email in response to mine last week. I had to wait 15 minutes before I could read it as my heart rate went through the roof when I saw it in my in-box. I feel very pathetic...

Really there is nothing I can do till I see my lawyer on Monday. They are denying everything (obviously). Hey ho...

I''m finding things quite hard going - loads of things I''d like to be doing, but I just don''t seem to have the energy or inclination I just seem to sleep all the time. DH is being wonderful and understanding which is a great help, but makes me feel very guilty.

Now 13 weeks 3 days. Still don''t look in the slightest bit preggo. I don''t even have bigger boobs - so very unfair! Morning sickness still there, but the tablets work wonders thank goodness.

I am absolutely addicted to apples at the moment - can you OD on apples?
Fruit in general is all I really want to eat. I dread to think what my calorie intake is, but the hospital just told me not to worry - the baby will take what it needs and if I start to lose a lot of weight we''ll look at that then.

Glad to hear everyone else is doing okay.

NF - hope that they come up with some more info for you on the US, although from your own research it sounds like nothing to worry about. Hope the + ffn test doesn''t produce any problems.

Mela, sorry to hear about your crappy us tech. I HATE medical staff who don''t give me all the info and show me everything. Look forward to seeing your pics. Have you heard of the nub theory for telling gender? There''s a forum at where they will have a guess for you if you post your scan pic. Mine was a bit tricky - they''re thinking more boy than girl, but it''s a close call at the moment.
P - sorry that your work is being total pricks.
Hopefull your lawyer will fight fire with fire.
about your apples / fruit craving. My theory is that = GIRL, but i know Snlee and a few others here survived on fruit and then went on to have ho hum indeed to my theory! I''m still going to vote team pink for you

as for me, pre-preggo I LOVED fruit, now I can barely choke them down. I''m all carbs all the time it seems.

this sounds right up my alley. I''ll totally do it next week once I upload my scans and let them have a go at it. I totally think I''m team blue...