
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

NY - Neatfreak is right. It picked up heart rate and it was 90 something. I started freaking out and DH pointed out that it was my own! I went way down until I was RIGHT above my pubic area and found the baby''s which has been about 145 lately.
Date: 11/14/2008 5:07:19 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks neat- I never even realized it was possible to hear your own hb in the abdomen?...but the ob was right now im worried that its a low rate...maybe if I pressed harder or waited longer ..bc it was slowly rising..hmm

Yeah, that''s why we didn''t get one. I think it adds more worry unnecessarily if you can''t find it or don''t think it''s right...
Oh and Pandora...I am right there you on the apples! LOVE them. Our grocery store sells this big tray of sliced red and green apples with cheddar cubes. Can you say yum??
NYCBK I bet you $1000 it was your own HB and it started rising because you started getting worried

How far along are you? Even the midwife couldn''t find our baby''s HB until my 13 week appointment. If you are very slim you can find it earlier, but if you are at all "puffy" then the padding gets in the way. If you insist on still looking for it, remember that early on your uterus will only be about 2 inches above your pubic bone, so try wiggling it around right down there...
DD- mon I will be 13 wks (can''t believe it!)..I just figures since everyone else (meaning docs lol) can find the hb''s since week 7 then id be able to...I was moving the doppler under bellybutton from left to right..I found one on both sides so I figure I hit the right spots...but maybe I didn''t wait long enough? It was rising but they both started in low 100''s ..I didn''t freak out bc I had no idea what the rate was supposed to be ..I was actually thrilled I found them and they were beating away..hmm duno...and boy am I puffy no skinny minnie so duno how that affects it?..maybe I should just return it?
Date: 11/14/2008 11:05:00 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
DD- mon I will be 13 wks (can''t believe it!)..I just figures since everyone else (meaning docs lol) can find the hb''s since week 7 then id be able to...I was moving the doppler under bellybutton from left to right..I found one on both sides so I figure I hit the right spots...but maybe I didn''t wait long enough? It was rising but they both started in low 100''s ..I didn''t freak out bc I had no idea what the rate was supposed to be ..I was actually thrilled I found them and they were beating away..hmm duno...and boy am I puffy no skinny minnie so duno how that affects it?..maybe I should just return it?

Honestly if they were both around 100 you found your HB twice I bet. You can hear it echo all around your abdomen usually...there is an art to finding the babies HB''s which is why OB''s often don''t like the at home dopplers because it causes people to worry when they shouldn''t need to. Especially so early and if you are "puffy" as you say, it can be hard to find the babies...
Yeh I think I will try it a few more times and return it..def don''t want the unecessary worry...I will try to go lower next time. Honestly never thought you hear your own hb that good to have u ladies with all the info! Thanx again.
Im actually much calmer these days..maybe since I hit the 12 wk mark..the ob wanted to see me in 3 wks as opposed to the usual 2...and I think im ok with that now. My glucose test was totally normal ( I was on pills up til 12wks bc I have pcos..insulin resistance.. which was the cause of infertility) so that''s a relief and knock on wood so far so good!
neatfreak sorry to hear about the ffn test results. It sounds like you know the test results aren''t all that relevant for you, but I''m sure you still would have rather gotten the other results. So many things to make a pregnant gal worry! I love reading about how your twins are doing, I can''t wait until they are born!

Robbie that picture was adorable. As much as my husband and I have wanted to have children, I''ve never been a huuuuuge fan of other people''s kids (is that terrible to say?) But I find myself all mushy lately, and the picture that you posted made me melt -- so cute!

fieryred get used to the constant worry. When we decided to try and get pregnant I was worried if I could, whether I was ovulating, etc. Once I found out I was pregnant, I was worried whether I''d have a chemical, or miscarry, if the hear would stop beating, etc. And I''m still worrying, and the smart moms over in the Mommies thread assure us that the worrying will NOT be tapering off once we have our sweet babies
It is annoying, isn''t it? I can''t tell you not to worry because I know that if you could just turn it off like a knob, then you certainly would. But the odds are in your favor that your baby is perfectly healthy, and you certainly did not jinx him/her! I''ll be thinking about you for the next 10 days!

nycbkgirl try REALLY low with the doppler. When I have my US''s (I have a ton) up until last week they were still right at/above my public bone most of the time. So don''t swipe under your belly button, at 13 weeks I think you''re still a good bit lower than that. Dopplers are scary -- I went in for an appointment and the OB couldn''t find the HB when I was 12 weeks -- she popped me over to a US machine, and there the baby was, heart beating away! I had been terrified. I hope you find the HB on your own but if not, your baby is still fine!

So I will be 16 weeks on Monday, I absolutely cannot believe that -- I found out I was preggo when I was 4 weeks. I remember reading about ladies getting gender scans at 16 weeks and thinking that was soooo far away, and so far into a pregnancy. I had so many miscarriage fears early on ( sometimes I wonder whether it''s actually good to know how common miscarriages are when you haven''t had one) I couldn''t believe I''d make it to 16 weeks! But here I am, so I think that in a few more months I''ll be having a baby
The morning sickness is still here, I''m throwing up maybe once every other day now, so it''s nowhere near as severe as it was early on -- that was the worst. Now that the m/s has let up, I found out that this week I gained a pound finally, so I am happy about that. Let the weight gain commence! I have been working really hard to get my calories in, which has been a challenge since I don''t really want meat or junk food. I swear, why couldn''t I have had these food aversions when I was trying to diet? Life certainly has an interesting sense of humor!

My belly is getting rock hard, I can feel my uterus so well now! I definitely look preggo, I''ll have to post a new belly pic! I never thought I''d be excited to find myself with an expanding waist line, but I really am. I love feeling my stomach and knowing that my baby is growing. Also, I think I felt the baby move for the first time last night! I can''t wait for her to start moving more.
Hey lindsey! Nice to hear from u...thanks on the tip I will try the lower area tonite..will let u know how that goes;)
Yeh time is flying by..I am 13 u are 16wks! It was like just yesterday we were 4 wks. Sorry about the ms...I don''t even know how I got away with none but im done with food aversions and now into eating and eating some more. I can''t wait to have a hard belly so I can imagine its exciting feeling it. I thought of your 12 wk u/s where baby was "sucking thumb" lol...when I was doin my nt scan ..I did see the hands as if they were waving so it was cute.
Can''t wait to see your belly pics!
NYC as others said, you need to be lower. The very TOP of your uterus won't hit the belly button region until probably 16 weeks (since you have twins, it is 20 weeks with a singleton). You should be trying to find it about 1 inch above your pubic hair
Also, I bet your docs were using an ultrasound to find the HB in the office at 7weeks. A doppler is different and can't work until later. As I mentione, mine wasn't found until 13 weeks and at my 17 week appointment it was hard to find because the baby was hiding behind my placenta, which is at the front. Remember, at 13 weeks your babies are only about 6cm (2.5 inches) long! Think about how loud their HBs actually are and then I'd say, put away the doppler.

Leaving in 10 minutes for an ultrasound to find out the gender!!! So excited!!

I found a place right by my house that does 3D and 4D ultrasounds. I called to schedule one and she said she didn''t do those until 24 weeks, but that they do the gender one starting at 16 weeks. They had an opening today so we''re going!

I know it''s early, but I hear they can tell even earlier than 16 weeks. If for some reason she tells us wrong, then we will only be fooled for 4 weeks until the anatomy scan ultrasound.


Date: 11/15/2008 1:53:49 PM
Author: Courtneylub

Leaving in 10 minutes for an ultrasound to find out the gender!!! So excited!!

I found a place right by my house that does 3D and 4D ultrasounds. I called to schedule one and she said she didn''t do those until 24 weeks, but that they do the gender one starting at 16 weeks. They had an opening today so we''re going!

I know it''s early, but I hear they can tell even earlier than 16 weeks. If for some reason she tells us wrong, then we will only be fooled for 4 weeks until the anatomy scan ultrasound.


Very exciting! I hope they can find out for you, but they can usually only tell under the best of circumstances at that timeframe, so I hope you can see it! Fingers crossed.
It''s a girl!!!

At first her legs were crossed and feet tucked under her butt, but we tried all kinds of stuff and she finally stretched those legs out. It''s 100% a girl!

Alila Marie
Yay, that''s so exciting!!!
Courtney, yay! I *love* having a daughter. I am sure you will too
Congrats Courtney! So glad she was able to show you the goods!!!
Congrats Courtney! That''s so exciting!
DD- yeh I will get rid of doppler im not even that into I said..much much calmer now after nt scan and 12 wk mark eh don''t need it ..making progress ;)

Courtney- sooooo exciting..congrats congrats!...I can just imagine what a special moment that was when they announced it in the room...I haven''t really cried up til this point but I think I may shed something or other when that moment happens! Enjoy the excitment..yay for girls! My mom tells me sleep sleep...apparently old wivestale ..if u sleep a lot its a girl but yeh we love the girlies ;)
YEY Courtney! A girl!!!!
You''re so lucky! I can only hope to have a little girl of my own one day.
Major Congrats!!!!!!!!!! will the name be Alila Marie? sooooooooooo pretty!
Question..anyone have any issues with sciatic nerves? I can''t sleep on my right side (all the way down the outer thigh) gets all numb and painful...ob says nothing u can do it will eventually go away..but i think I should maybe see a therapist bc its hard to sleep at night when I turn over. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem.
Yay! Congrats Courtney!
Date: 11/15/2008 6:21:09 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Question..anyone have any issues with sciatic nerves? I can''t sleep on my right side (all the way down the outer thigh) gets all numb and painful...ob says nothing u can do it will eventually go away..but i think I should maybe see a therapist bc its hard to sleep at night when I turn over. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem.
I am having a bad time with my back since about 8 days ago - bad nerve pain in both legs. But then, I have 2 herniated discs and spinal stenosis at 3 levels - having had rather a lot of major surgery on my spine I was kind of waiting for it to rear it''s ugly head. I take serious opiates for it as not much else works for me - and I''m waiting for an appointment with the pain specialist to see about increasing all my meds.

In the past I have found acupuncture helpful - it''s also safe to use in pregnancy and avoids getting into the painkillers.

I personally avoid chiropractors and osteopaths unless they are also medical doctors and have full sets of MRI and x-rays before treating you.
Date: 11/15/2008 4:41:41 PM
Author: Courtneylub
It''s a girl!!!

At first her legs were crossed and feet tucked under her butt, but we tried all kinds of stuff and she finally stretched those legs out. It''s 100% a girl!

Alila Marie
Congratulations! That''s so exciting!

I''m hoping for pink, but have a sneaky suspicion that we''re having blue...
Date: 11/15/2008 6:21:09 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Question..anyone have any issues with sciatic nerves? I can''t sleep on my right side (all the way down the outer thigh) gets all numb and painful...ob says nothing u can do it will eventually go away..but i think I should maybe see a therapist bc its hard to sleep at night when I turn over. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem.

I''ve heard it''s really common...but I haven''t had it myself. Just wait until about 26 weeks with twins give or take. You don''t know what uncomfortable to sleep at night/hard to turn over is yet girly!
Date: 11/15/2008 6:21:09 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Question..anyone have any issues with sciatic nerves? I can''t sleep on my right side (all the way down the outer thigh) gets all numb and painful...ob says nothing u can do it will eventually go away..but i think I should maybe see a therapist bc its hard to sleep at night when I turn over. Just wondered if anyone else had this problem.
I''ve had my share of sciatic nerve pain so I know how you feel. A couple years ago, it was so bad I couldn''t walk. I saw a chiropractor, doctor, was on crutches and vicodin. I had some sciatic nerve pain during my pregnancy too (thankfully not as bad as before!). Have you tried sleeping with a pillow between your legs or with your leg crossed over your other leg/on the pillow? That helps a little. Unfortunately there''s not much you can do. Hope your pain gets better soon!
Lol neat- yeh im pretty sure I got my share of uncomfyness comin but I just never thought it would be here this early..o well guess I gotta deal.

Pandora- I actually do acupuncture once a week but she is afraid to go anywhere near the center regions during pregnancy..she just sticks to the head,ears,and no help for me there. I always wanted to see a chiropractor because I crack every part of my body all the time..especially back and I hear that it feels good after they adjust everything ..but I was always too scared and now even more so that''s out.

Snlee- haven''t tried the pillow trick but I can''t imagine the stuff u went through..goodness ..did everything heal on its own or still sticks around?
I actually thought mine happened bc of the progesterone injections I had to take arounf that area for such a long time..but I don''t know the cause. I think maybe massages and therapy may help some..might have to call nurse for referral.

Thanks guys.
I have had some sciatica, usually when I sit for too long at one time. I find sleeping on my side with both legs bent at the angle you would have them if you were sitting down, and then having a pillow between the knees helps. For me it usually lasts a day or so and then goes away. Trying not to sit for too long helps, apparently it comes from the uterus pressing the nerve.

Courtney Congrats on the girl!
Date: 11/15/2008 8:06:18 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Snlee- haven't tried the pillow trick but I can't imagine the stuff u went through..goodness ..did everything heal on its own or still sticks around?
Thankfully the sciatic nerve pain went away the first time after a month or two. When I was pregnant, it went away within a few weeks. Hopefully your pain won't last much longer. Hang in there!
courtney congrats on the girl!!! I know you were hoping for a girl, so you must be sooooooooooooo excited! How did your DH react? I''m keeping my fingers crossed for a girl for us, but honestly I have no idea yet, I''m not leaning either way. Only 9 weeks. I''m sleeping ALL the time though so hopefully nyc''s wivestale is right
Congratulations, Courtney. How exciting!
