
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I''m just curious, how early did you ladies start getting morning sickness? I woke up feeling so nauseous today but then after about an hour it went away and now we are concerned it might be morning sickness. It''s been about 2 weeks since my last cycle.
I''m not mature enough to be a mom, ahhh! But I bet a lot of people think that way before it happens right?
Date: 11/16/2008 6:35:25 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
I''m just curious, how early did you ladies start getting morning sickness? I woke up feeling so nauseous today but then after about an hour it went away and now we are concerned it might be morning sickness. It''s been about 2 weeks since my last cycle.
I''m not mature enough to be a mom, ahhh! But I bet a lot of people think that way before it happens right?
When you say "2 weeks since you last cycle" do you mean two weeks since your last period? If so, that is too early for morning sickness, fertilizations doesn''t even happen until 2 weeks after your last period. The earliest you would feel morning sickness would be around the time your next period if due.
yeah that''s what i meant. i just googled it and i saw that some women got it within the first week and was really concerned...
well i guess we''ll know in a month for sure huh
Date: 11/16/2008 6:53:54 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
yeah that's what i meant. i just googled it and i saw that some women got it within the first week and was really concerned...

well i guess we'll know in a month for sure huh

They probably meant in the first week of pregnancy, not the first week of their cycle. That'd be impossible. Well, nausea in week one of your cycle wouldn't be impossible, just not related to pregnancy. Maybe bad food or something.
haha ok whew
but if i have a baby coming out of me in 9 months you guys are gonna get it! lol jk :)
Hey all! Just wanted to check in and say Hi. Still pregnant, yay! I am now 33 weeks and a day, and today was my baby shower. It was great to make it to today, it was kind of a self imposed milestone because a month ago we had no idea if I''d make it to today or if we''d be having a shower in the hospital! It was so great to see my friends, a few of them I hadn''t seen since before my bedrest, so it was really nice to be social.

My best friend threw it who happens to live upstairs from us so I didn''t have to go far (and most importantly I technically didn''t break my bedrest because I didn''t leave the building) which was really nice. Everyone was so generous I am sitting here feeling a little overwhelmed with everyone''s generosity (and trying to figure out where to store everything!).

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good finish to their weekend.
Date: 11/16/2008 6:35:25 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
I''m just curious, how early did you ladies start getting morning sickness? I woke up feeling so nauseous today but then after about an hour it went away and now we are concerned it might be morning sickness. It''s been about 2 weeks since my last cycle.
I''m not mature enough to be a mom, ahhh! But I bet a lot of people think that way before it happens right?
I was about 6 weeks pg - and it wasn''t just an hour in the morning...

We are talking 24/7 nausea and throwing up which only got better when my wonderful GP prescribed me promethazine a week later. I''m nearly 14 weeks now and it''s still there...

I''d be VERY suprised if you are KTFU and even more suprised that you hit the wretched m/s so early.
neat- congrats mama u are really being a trooper and hanging in there..glad u had a good time..any cool gifts??
must be nice to have a gathering after so much bedrest. i would only want a shower closer to the 30 wk point as well.

keep baking
Date: 11/16/2008 7:57:38 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
neat- congrats mama u are really being a trooper and hanging in there..glad u had a good time..any cool gifts??

must be nice to have a gathering after so much bedrest. i would only want a shower closer to the 30 wk point as well.

keep baking

Yeah, if you can do your shower earlier than this I would HIGHLY recommend it. I didn''t want to be bratty, so when my BF suggested this date I said ok, but it would have been nicer to do it earlier with twins.

We mostly got stuff off our registry which was great because it was stuff we needed. We got a ton of great books too, which was wonderful as my husband and I are avid readers and want to start a good library for the boys too. We did get a few beautiful items as well, some gorgeous blankets and some hand carved baby spoons which were just stunning. It was a lot of fun, but really tiring!
Hey, just de-lurking to say that Target has the Britax Marathon car seat on sale for $42 with free shipping right now. The bump posters are going crazy about it, and I''m ashamed to admit that I ordered one even though we aren''t even pregnant yet.
Not sure if you guys have seen it yet, but the Britax Marathon in Granite is on sale at Target for $42.99, regularly $279.99. I know it's early, but I bought 2. I did some research and the cheapest carseat on is about a dollar more and at it's about $60, so I felt like I couldn't pass it up.

ETA: Sabine beat me to it. LOL.
I wasn't planning to buy a convertible car seat till later but I couldn't pass up this deal either. With free shipping, a 10% discount, and gift card, I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket. Even if I paid for it myself, $42 for a Britax Marathon is a steal!

They also have the Cowmooflage one for $59.99.

You won't receive it till end of December or early January but that's fine since you ladies are buying it way ahead of time!

robbie, why did you buy two? Did I miss something? Is it confirmed you're having twins?
Snlee, no, not having twins (as far as I know at least, guess I''ll find out for sure next Saturday!), but with us having 2 cars (and being lazy, lol) plus both sets of grandparents being in the area (and my mom has already declared numerous times that when we have kids she wants to watch them while I''m at work) I figured we could definitely use 2.

My mom has an addiction to garage sales and I''m a bit worried that she wouldn''t see a problem with a used car seat even if I told her I wasn''t ok with it. MIL has 9 other grandkids and used to carry her own kids on her lap when they were young (in her defense, car seats weren''t mandatory until my youngest SIL was a baby) so I can''t see her seeing the big deal about a used car seat either and my youngest nephew will be 4 by the time the baby''s here, so whatever she uses for him will be pretty old as far as car seats go.
Date: 11/16/2008 8:36:50 PM
Author: robbie3982
Snlee, no, not having twins (as far as I know at least, guess I''ll find out for sure next Saturday!), but with us having 2 cars (and being lazy, lol) plus both sets of grandparents being in the area (and my mom has already declared numerous times that when we have kids she wants to watch them while I''m at work) I figured we could definitely use 2.

My mom has an addiction to garage sales and I''m a bit worried that she wouldn''t see a problem with a used car seat even if I told her I wasn''t ok with it. MIL has 9 other grandkids and used to carry her own kids on her lap when they were young (in her defense, car seats weren''t mandatory until my youngest SIL was a baby) so I can''t see her seeing the big deal about a used car seat either and my youngest nephew will be 4 by the time the baby''s here, so whatever she uses for him will be pretty old as far as car seats go.
Oh yeah, two cars, didn''t even think of that! Oops, mommy brain! Maybe I need to order two too!

I hope we end up getting the car seats for this price. It makes me nervous that it isn''t shipping out for a month.
I''m sure if they end up charging more you can always cancel/return your order.
Date: 11/13/2008 8:54:42 PM
Author: neatfreak
Pave I highly recommend Elley as much for her sunny personality as for her photos. She really is just a joy to have around, such a fun person. Tell her Callie sent you if you have her take pictures of your new baby!

And as for those cushions, you can totally DIY if you are so inclined. The best way to make something like that look finished is the welting (i.e., the round piece that is on the edge of the seams), so either buy some in a pattern you like or I can send you a tutorial on how to make it, but that''s really what makes it look good. If you have welting you can be a bit more lax about the seams, etc.

What I do when I want to reupholster something I have is start by taking it totally apart with a seam ripper. Label the pieces (and it''s a really great idea to take pictures if you can at each step). You then have a pattern you can work with to cut out the new fabric. Then just follow your steps to put the piece back together in reverse order. Make sure you pay attention to what is sewn where and if anything is stapled vs. sewn. But it looks like your cushions are very basic and just sewn.
hi Neatfreak Sorry it took me a little while to respond- I appreciate your input. wanted to say i gave the wedding photog info to my hairdresser- hopefully Elly is still affordable for them.

I took in all your info on the cushions- and was really gonna figure it out, but my aunt came down and painted the baby''s room yesterday- and happens to work in same workshop as a custom slipcover lady- she''s gonna ask her to do it as a favor for me!!!! Yahoo- I just have to get the fabric and then voila! so happy. The paint on the walls turned out so awesome- i will post maybe when it''s all really done- we added a thick, color block blue stripe to these yellow-y walls and it added alot of warmth to the room. I picked the bedding from target dwell- i think its''s called dots or circles? I get confused. anyhoo. fun.

So I wanted to say how happy I am you had such a great time at your shower. I felt the same way after mine that everyone was just so generous- it is amazing and overwhelming. And it''s so fun to get lots of stuff for the babies. Good job on your bf part for throwing you a great shower and lucky it was right upstairs!

We just keep getting closer and closer to the big days! amazing. Thinking of you and hope you are resting :) see ya.
Date: 11/15/2008 1:02:33 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
NYC as others said, you need to be lower. The very TOP of your uterus won''t hit the belly button region until probably 16 weeks (since you have twins, it is 20 weeks with a singleton). You should be trying to find it about 1 inch above your pubic hair
Also, I bet your docs were using an ultrasound to find the HB in the office at 7weeks. A doppler is different and can''t work until later. As I mentione, mine wasn''t found until 13 weeks and at my 17 week appointment it was hard to find because the baby was hiding behind my placenta, which is at the front. Remember, at 13 weeks your babies are only about 6cm (2.5 inches) long! Think about how loud their HBs actually are and then I''d say, put away the doppler.
Hi nyc I am a little late but I just wanted to chime in with my experience re: dopplers, and amplifiers. I did not get a doppler but would use one at work about once a week. I always found my heartbeat first and got all excited, and my co-worker would have to point out to me that it was too low and that it must be my own heartbeat I was hearing. We always had to move the doppler lower towards my pubic area and then we would find it. I am a nervous person but I told myself ahead of time if I had any troubles finding hearbeat, etc. I would not let myself freak out because I knew it was too early to be doing it probably and also because I am not an expert, so you really have to kind of do it with a grain of salt- if that makes any sense?
We bought an amplifier at babies r us and used it way too early so I knew it would not work and it did not- I heard a lot of gas noises and also maybe the baby moving around or maybe just my movement. Eventually I did hear the heartbeat earlier than the package actually says, but again, I never stressed out if I couldn''t because I knew I was using totally crappy equipment and that it was too early according to the package. I guess what I am trying to say is use your doppler if you want but know that we are not experts and it''s not easy to hear at the beginning. If you can do it without driving yourself crazy, keep trying and it will get easier and more fun. If it''s really a source of stress than maybe stay away? ANyhoo hope that wasnt too much writing- just my 2 cents.
Courtney- congrats on the u/s and the little girl. How wonderful!!!!

Pandora, hope your back is feeling better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope things get easier very soon for you. Did you ever post any pics of your honeymoon?

Robbie thanks for the heads up on the car seats. I am all excited to order one. Just wanna check in with my dh. that would be a great deal!!

Hope you guys are all doing well!

I am feeling good for the most part. Next nst and ob appt tuesday. 4 more weeks of work! woohoo! 33 weeks tomorrow!
I just popped into say that I just bought the cowmoofloge Britax CHEAP, but looks like several people beat me to it.

I had a great weekend in Chicago - lots of shopping (not too much buying though) and eating. At one point yesterday I had my hand on the belly and felt a jab. I grabbed my friend''s hand and put it on my belly, and she felt another. I felt it again a few hours later, but most of the kicks/jabs/whatevers aren''t strong enough yet. Hubby has yet to feel it, but I''m hopeful that we''ll get the timing right any minute now. I was not expecting to feel it from the outside this early and am really excited.

DD, glad to hear that you''re looking pregnant and that your hubby can feel the baby. EXCITING!

It''s late and I need to go to bed, but I should be back tomorrow.

Neat- sounds like u had a really nice time but yeh a little bit earlier woulda been easier..what can u do..I love the idea of books..that''s exactly what I will ask of people..educational items and activities for 3 1/2 yr old niece is learning to trace and color inside the lines now and I think that''s the cutest thing..I love doing it with her..I will make sure to announce NO stuffed animals lol...I think they are a waste, collect dust and are terrible on my allergies!

Robbie/sabine- u guys rock! How do u find these deals?? I grabbed dh and headed right to the was the only one at such a low price and kinda made me wonder..why so cheap?? But nonetheless I ordered 2. I figure free shipping and all..if I don''t like can just send it back..I hate to order ahead of time but when there''s such a deal I can''t pass it up..I just won''t bring anything into the house before they are born. Thanks again and keep the tips comin ;)

Pave- thanks for the advice but my doppler is packed and ready 2 be sent back tomorrow. I can''t deal with it and I just think its better that I leave things be and relax my head. Wow u and neat are 33 wks already! Goodness time is flying. Can''t wait for new ps babies..but keep bakin we will be patient ;)
Date: 11/16/2008 10:41:17 PM
Author: Blenheim
I had a great weekend in Chicago - lots of shopping (not too much buying though) and eating. At one point yesterday I had my hand on the belly and felt a jab. I grabbed my friend''s hand and put it on my belly, and she felt another. I felt it again a few hours later, but most of the kicks/jabs/whatevers aren''t strong enough yet. Hubby has yet to feel it, but I''m hopeful that we''ll get the timing right any minute now. I was not expecting to feel it from the outside this early and am really excited.
Blenheim we have the best luck with DH feeling baby with me eating a meal and then layiong on the couch right after... the little jump in blood sugar seems to make baby bounce around, so maybe try that and he will feel it! You are so slim, I''m not surprised you felt it earlier than I did, that''s fun!

NF can you post pictures of some of the things you got? I''d love to see the handmade stuff especially.
Hey Ladies, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the Britax thing may have been a pricing error. I went on the bump this morning and saw posts that it was a pricing error so I called Target''s customer service to see what would happen to my order. The woman I spoke to verified that it is a pricing error and then told me that I would just be charged the new price, but she couldn''t tell me what the new price was going to be. I told her I wanted to talk to someone else and she told me that she doesn''t have the capability to transfer me to someone else. I''ll have to hang up and call back. Ok...

So, I hang up and call back and get someone else who tells me that it is not a pricing error and my order is not going to be canceled, but if by chance I were to order something that was incorrectly priced my order would be canceled and I''d get an email about it.

Ok...2 different answers about whether or not the price is correct and 2 different answers about what will happen if it''s not. Sometimes I really really hate Target.
Courtney-Congrats on the girl! How exciting!!

Neat-I''m glad you had a great baby shower! That must have been fun (especially to "get out" of the house).

You know, Target should honor the prices for those that purchased. It''s not the consumer''s fault they made a mistake. Hopefully they''ll send along a coupon or something.

This weekend was an interesting weekend for me. I had all types of activity going on from pressure in the lower abdomen, nausea, sleepiness, more pressure, and lots of "blah"-ness. I never felt pain, just uncomfortableness. And my stomach is itchy which I didn''t expect until later. Anyone else go through this?
Date: 11/17/2008 8:46:58 AM
Author: robbie3982
Hey Ladies, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the Britax thing may have been a pricing error. I went on the bump this morning and saw posts that it was a pricing error so I called Target''s customer service to see what would happen to my order. The woman I spoke to verified that it is a pricing error and then told me that I would just be charged the new price, but she couldn''t tell me what the new price was going to be. I told her I wanted to talk to someone else and she told me that she doesn''t have the capability to transfer me to someone else. I''ll have to hang up and call back. Ok...

So, I hang up and call back and get someone else who tells me that it is not a pricing error and my order is not going to be canceled, but if by chance I were to order something that was incorrectly priced my order would be canceled and I''d get an email about it.

Ok...2 different answers about whether or not the price is correct and 2 different answers about what will happen if it''s not. Sometimes I really really hate Target.

Robbie, I really doubt they can just charge us the "real" price. I believe they''d have to contact you first. But I am sure there is a disclaimer on their website that says that they reserve the right to cancel orders if there is a pricing error, in which case there is nothing we can do...

Mine hasn''t been cancelled yet, so we''ll just have to see! It seems that people who have called have been told mostly that the orders would be cancelled. But if that''s true they haven''t acted too quickly on it.
O wow that would really stink if they did that! Ugh they really should honor their pricing errors! O well we have to wait and see. I was so excited about it
Date: 11/17/2008 9:35:47 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
O wow that would really stink if they did that! Ugh they really should honor their pricing errors! O well we have to wait and see. I was so excited about it

Yeah, unfortunately in this day and age it happens all the time. There is some obscure federal law about truth in advertising that some people try to use to fight this kind of thing, but I believe that law also implies that if it''s too good to be true that the consumer should know that and thus not place the order. Not sure on the details of that one, but that''s what I recall...
Hmm, Fiery, maybe you''re farther along than you think! Your u/s is coming up right? I remember thinking yours was right around mine and mine''s scheduled for this Saturday. I''m excited to see how far along you are!

Neat, I doubt they can do that either and even if they did, I''m sure I could fight it with my cc company, but it just annoyed me that 2 different people gave me such different answers. Mine hasn''t been canceled yet either.
Date: 11/17/2008 9:44:45 AM
Author: robbie3982
Hmm, Fiery, maybe you''re farther along than you think! Your u/s is coming up right? I remember thinking yours was right around mine and mine''s scheduled for this Saturday. I''m excited to see how far along you are!

Neat, I doubt they can do that either and even if they did, I''m sure I could fight it with my cc company, but it just annoyed me that 2 different people gave me such different answers. Mine hasn''t been canceled yet either.

Yeah, that is really really annoying. I agree. It would really piss me off if they were allowed to just charge us the regular price because #1 we already have infant seats, so we don''t **need** these until later, and #2 I put it on my debit card and there''s a big difference between $90 and $600!

I''ll keep you posted if I hear/see anything else.
Wow you guys are on top of any deals that come up. I hope Target honors the original quoted price.

My headaches are back, so I need to schedule an appointment with a neurologist.