
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

CDT: I had the whole indigestion thing and found the best cure was not drinking anything fizzy, no coffee or other acid things, and making sure to keep food in my stomach basically all the time, especially in the evening. The indigestion comes from too much acid and so having something in the tummy helped... I found that milk was the best cure, a really large glass (like 12 oz) about 30 minutes before bed drank sitting upright followed by lots of burping seemed to make it okay to sleep
And peanut butter toast seemed to work, basically anything that is really basic (i.e., non acidic). It went away for me after the 11 week mark.


Girl, are you in the third trimester now? Wow. Time flies!!

Are you showing more now?
Date: 11/11/2008 7:20:43 PM
Author: fisherofmengirly

Girl, are you in the third trimester now? Wow. Time flies!!

Are you showing more now?

Third trimester isn''t until 28 weeks.
heya gals. I need your memories (cause lord knows mine is failing). Can you remember, off the top of your head, any PS''ers who''ve had kick A$$ baby showers?

I''m throwing one for my bestie and would LOVE some ideas from fellow creative PS''ers.

I "remember" someone''s here being HA-MAZING but cannot remember whos it was...
Date: 11/11/2008 3:23:23 PM
Author: cdt1101
hey ladies! I had my first u/s yesterday! It was so exciting! We got to see (not hear) the heartbeat and it was strong! 154 bpm. It was so neat to see the little heart beating away. My DH''s face just lit up when he saw that. So cute. I don''t know why but I thought the baby looked like a little that''s what I''m calling it now, my little dinosaur.

So far so good for me, just really tired and feeling icky. Got sick this morning
I''ve had the WORST heartburn and indigestion every night. It kept me up all night last night. TUMS are not helping at all. If this last the whole pregnancy I''m going to have lots of sleepless nights.

Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling better than me

8w 3 days!!!
Haha. We''ve been calling ours the Loch Ness Monster (the monster, for short) because of a picture of a embryo/fetus I saw that looked more like a baby Loch Ness Monster than it did a human baby. The baby looks like an actual baby now, but DH is still calling it that. He slipped and said it to his mom and sister last weekend, and they do not approve at all. Ah well.

Sorry to hear that you''re not feeling well.

Pandora, I''m glad that you have such a good medical team. That sounds really tough.
Date: 11/11/2008 7:47:45 PM
Author: mela lu
heya gals. I need your memories (cause lord knows mine is failing). Can you remember, off the top of your head, any PS''ers who''ve had kick A$$ baby showers?

I''m throwing one for my bestie and would LOVE some ideas from fellow creative PS''ers.

I ''remember'' someone''s here being HA-MAZING but cannot remember whos it was...
I seem to recall that Jas12 had a pretty cool one, I think she posted pics in here a million years ago and it had lots of fun things...
Date: 11/11/2008 8:28:58 PM
Author: Blenheim
Date: 11/11/2008 3:23:23 PM

Author: cdt1101

hey ladies! I had my first u/s yesterday! It was so exciting! We got to see (not hear) the heartbeat and it was strong! 154 bpm. It was so neat to see the little heart beating away. My DH''s face just lit up when he saw that. So cute. I don''t know why but I thought the baby looked like a little that''s what I''m calling it now, my little dinosaur.

So far so good for me, just really tired and feeling icky. Got sick this morning
I''ve had the WORST heartburn and indigestion every night. It kept me up all night last night. TUMS are not helping at all. If this last the whole pregnancy I''m going to have lots of sleepless nights.

Hope the rest of you ladies are feeling better than me

8w 3 days!!!

Haha. We''ve been calling ours the Loch Ness Monster (the monster, for short) because of a picture of a embryo/fetus I saw that looked more like a baby Loch Ness Monster than it did a human baby. The baby looks like an actual baby now, but DH is still calling it that. He slipped and said it to his mom and sister last weekend, and they do not approve at all. Ah well.

Sorry to hear that you''re not feeling well.

Pandora, I''m glad that you have such a good medical team. That sounds really tough.

We called ours Otter and Mountain Goat.
Hi Ladies- just wanted to drop by and say hello- sounds like everyone is doing well-

Pandora Glad to hear that you have such a team looking out for you. I find it helpful to get information from the team that will take care of us- it''s reassuring. Also overwhelming at times. But things are sounding good for you in that dept. And I am glad you do not have to deal with work for a little bit. I hope things continue to go as smooth as possible all around.

Mela I don''t have anything that was special about my shower but I loved it. Got to see great friends and family. Another friend is throwing me a shower this weekend(a teeny one) and originally she was going to have a prenatal massage therapist and then just nice food/drinks kind of like a pampering party. It didnt work out for us to find someone available short notice but maybe you like that idea? I think the idea was that ppl chip in for the mommy''s massage and then get their own shorter ones after?

DD I am wanting to get a winter coat- I wonder if the sale is still going at Old Navy- I''m not sure if I really need one but kind of just want one. I live in San Jose, Ca and think I could probably make due with a wrap and a scarf or something. Still it would be fun to find something cute. Did you get to wear yours yet?
I can''t believe you are already 24 weeks. time is flying!!!

Neat How are you feeling? Can you believe how close we are? You more than me- crazy. Are you getting NST each week? I went for my second one this week. Baby was ACTIVE. I think he saves it for the tests,haha.

Everyone else
Hope you all are feeling great!!!
Quick update here, had an u/s today and the boys weighed in at a whopping 4lbs 10oz and 5lbs! So even with the margin of error we are really really happy with their weights. Almost everything looked great, but they did find a small calcium deposit in one of the boys livers.

The peri told me that chances are it means absolutely nothing because it wasn't accompanied by any other abnormal findings at all, but she just noted it on his chart and will have the pediatrician check him out when he's born. But of course researcher me decides to go read up all about it and in the few situations where it DOES mean something, it's usually associated with chromosomal problems. But in almost all those cases they ALSO saw severe abnormalities elsewhere on the u/s, so it sounds like we are mostly in the clear. So cross your fingers that it's nothing!

Pandora I am really glad that you have such a great team surrounding you! That makes a huge difference in outcomes for both mom and baby.

Pave Looks like we were posting at the same time! I have my first "real" (i.e., not in the hospital) NST this week. Crazy that we are getting so close huh??? Could be anytime for me now...
Neatfreak Sorry to hear that you got some potentially scary news but *try* not to worry- If the dr. didn''t seem overlyconcerned. I know it''s so hard not to worry and also not to look it up. Just concentrate on alll those healthy babies around- and how much your boys weigh!!!!!! That is sooo awesome. Do you have someone here that you will keep in touch with to give us updates? I cannot wait to hear when the big day comes- How funny that the last ''big day'' we all worried about was the weddings and now they seem so long ago. Speaking of weddings- do you have easy access to your wedding photogs info? A friend is going to marry in the sf area and I was telling her about how your girl was just starting out back then and was great, etc. TIA.
Please tell me not to worry too- I was thinking about the baby''s weight before you posted- not bringing this up as a comparison to your guys- all the newly preggos who were tracking their calories on that site have me thinking that maybe I wasn''t eating enough all along? The drs. seem happy with the baby''s growth and he was in the 51 percentile so I know thats good and all- I just want to give him the best start as possible and I feel like maybe its too late? I am tempted to type in what I ate today but I don''t want to feel bad if the numbers are low. Ok I am done now.
Date: 11/11/2008 10:13:08 PM
Author: pavelover
Neatfreak Sorry to hear that you got some potentially scary news but *try* not to worry- If the dr. didn''t seem overlyconcerned. I know it''s so hard not to worry and also not to look it up. Just concentrate on alll those healthy babies around- and how much your boys weigh!!!!!! That is sooo awesome. Do you have someone here that you will keep in touch with to give us updates? I cannot wait to hear when the big day comes- How funny that the last ''big day'' we all worried about was the weddings and now they seem so long ago. Speaking of weddings- do you have easy access to your wedding photogs info? A friend is going to marry in the sf area and I was telling her about how your girl was just starting out back then and was great, etc. TIA.

Please tell me not to worry too- I was thinking about the baby''s weight before you posted- not bringing this up as a comparison to your guys- all the newly preggos who were tracking their calories on that site have me thinking that maybe I wasn''t eating enough all along? The drs. seem happy with the baby''s growth and he was in the 51 percentile so I know thats good and all- I just want to give him the best start as possible and I feel like maybe its too late? I am tempted to type in what I ate today but I don''t want to feel bad if the numbers are low. Ok I am done now.

Pave, I do have a number of ppl''s contact info here to share the news when the time comes! My DH also offered to register as Mr.Neatfreak and post for me. Gotta love that man.

It is really hard not to worry isn''t it??? Guess that is what motherhood is all about huh? Now I get to tell YOU not to worry about your little guy''s weight! If he''s at he 50% percentile he''s heavier than 50% of babies at his gestational age! That''s a great thing. AND maternal weight gain is only a small part of the equation as far as baby weight gain goes. If you can just try and up your food a bit in the upcoming weeks, it''s just about time for your guy''s big growth spurts!

And my photog''s name is Elley Ho and her website is:
NF I am betting that the "calcuim deposit" will turn out to be nothing! I know it is hard not to worry and to read a lot, but they always err on the side of caution and interpreting u/s is a little art thrown in with the science. I'm sure it will be fine!

pave girl this is your last chance to pig out
Go for it, it can't hurt to gain a couple extra pounds and it will guarantee that your baby gets lots of good nutrients!

pandora it must be hard to think of your baby going through withdrawel! But it sounds like your medical group is so prepared and on the ball, it is the best possible scenerio.

Fisher please don't rush me
I am not in the third trimester yet. It is starting to sink in that I am having a baaaaaabyyyyy! Aaaaahhhh
At dinner tonight I said to DH "When did we decide it would be a good idea to have a baby anyways?"
It seems so simple in the beginning--Let's get pregnant! Then all of a sudden it hits you that you are MAKING A NEW PERSON, ALL FROM SCRATCH!! Oog... that is overwhelming. He said he distinctly recalls that it was my idea. I seem to recall it being the other way around, LOL!

We got our car seat today! DH's work gives all employees a free infant car seat when they are expecting. It isn't too cutesy-pie. Not what I would pick, but it was free s owho cares! It only lasts until the baby hits 22lbs. so I figure I will live with the little giraffes and elephants

AAaaaannnddd... drum roll please... we chose a stroller! After much hemming and hawing we opted to skip the $900 Bugaboo and spend the money on something else (like our downpayment fund). We are getting something called the Baby Jogger City Mini (see picture below). Don't you love the color? I am posting my review in the "Baby & Toddler Stuff" thread. And we got it for $100 off for a grand total of $170. Can't go wrong! If we need a larger one, we will get a BOB later... our friends have one and it is heaven and we think they will sell it to us.

Date: 11/11/2008 7:47:45 PM
Author: mela lu
heya gals. I need your memories (cause lord knows mine is failing). Can you remember, off the top of your head, any PS''ers who''ve had kick A$$ baby showers?

I''m throwing one for my bestie and would LOVE some ideas from fellow creative PS''ers.

I ''remember'' someone''s here being HA-MAZING but cannot remember whos it was...
Mela- If I remember correctly didn''t Diver throw a shower for a friend of hers that was pretty amazing. I was thinking she posted pics of it.
Dang, I thought 24 weeks was the start of trimester three. Duh for me, then.

Neatfreak, I''ll be hoping the deposit is nothing for your or the babies!!
Neatfreak, wow...I didn''t realize the 3rd started at 28 weeks. I worked through it and it makes sense to me now. The only thing is the 2nd trimester seems like the longest of them all!
Date: 11/12/2008 7:37:17 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Dang, I thought 24 weeks was the start of trimester three. Duh for me, then.


Neatfreak, I''ll be hoping the deposit is nothing for your or the babies!!

Thanks Fisher. Most likely it''s nothing because they found no other abnormalities at all on the u/s, but it''s hard not to worry with such limited information!

And the third tri thing, it''s really confusing because people refer to being "safe" once you enter the second trimester, but you are "safe" at 12 weeks, and the second trimester doesn''t really start until the end of week 13 in reality. So it sets everyone up for confusion.
Date: 11/11/2008 9:57:29 PM
Author: pavelover said "I live in San Jose, Ca and think I could probably make due with a wrap and a scarf or something."

HOLY HANNAH PAVE! The mere idea of a winter so warm boggles my Canadian Mind. I bundle up like a friggin' Cartoon character up here!!!! I'm talking fur hat, down-filled parka, fur lined boots. you name it.
You're SO lucky!

Neat - fingers crossed that the calcium is nothing. It's probably hard not to worry though.

All - thanks for the shower tips. I'm going to Sherlock Holmes' Diver and Jas12 now. haha. a PI's work is never done...
Date: 11/12/2008 9:06:05 AM
Author: neatfreak

And the third tri thing, it''s really confusing because people refer to being ''safe'' once you enter the second trimester, but you are ''safe'' at 12 weeks, and the second trimester doesn''t really start until the end of week 13 in reality. So it sets everyone up for confusion.
Yeah, tri one is weeks 1 - 13, tri to is weeks 14 - 27, and tri three is weeks 28 till you pop!
Mela--i had a "welcome" shower (post baby) and it was lots of fun, but i don't think it was as ultra chic as diver's. Mine was more 'typical'--but the food was awesome. What kind of ideas are you looking for? a theme, food ideas, location?
--i totally hear you on the winter bundle-up. I am in northern ontario and it is -5 here today. yuck yuCK YUCK! I am so over winter already. I went thru my 3 tri (jan, feb. march.) in the dead of it. I dreaded getting dressed in the morning and DH had to put my boots on for me. It was sad
I totally feel for ya!

ETA: i can re-post a few of the food pics if u can't find them on this thread (let me know, i just don't want to clog up this thread if you've already found them)
thanks for all the advice ladies w/ the sickness and digestion issues! I''ll be sure to try them all! I was sooooooooooooooo sick last night..vomiting like an animal! Not fun. But I feel better today. For some reason I don''t have the sickness everyday, but the heartburn is still here.

NF - sorry to hear the news. I''ll be keeping my fingers crossed that everything turns out fine!!
Date: 11/12/2008 1:01:56 PM
Author: Jas12
Mela--i had a ''welcome'' shower (post baby) and it was lots of fun, but i don''t think it was as ultra chic as diver''s. Mine was more ''typical''--but the food was awesome. What kind of ideas are you looking for? a theme, food ideas, location?

--i totally hear you on the winter bundle-up. I am in northern ontario and it is -5 here today. yuck yuCK YUCK! I am so over winter already. I went thru my 3 tri (jan, feb. march.) in the dead of it. I dreaded getting dressed in the morning and DH had to put my boots on for me. It was sad
I totally feel for ya!

ETA: i can re-post a few of the food pics if u can''t find them on this thread (let me know, i just don''t want to clog up this thread if you''ve already found them)

Jas12 - I so far have gotten as as far as figuring out when your Shower posts were - my next step will be to go find the posts!!!! Thanks SO Much for your offer. I don''t object to you re-posting
but I know eventually I''ll keep searching till I find. ahhh the tribulations of PS''ing at work. lol.
There is no theme to the shower, other than it''s at my house and for a baby girl. I''m making a little take-home for each guest (9 total) and want finger foods only.

What were your favorite parts of your shower?
Date: 11/10/2008 11:21:18 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 11/10/2008 9:45:03 AM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/10/2008 9:03:38 AM
Author: Jas12
Be flexible, but get educated.

This is the key to a happy delivery that I have heard from EVERYONE. If you aren''t flexible, and things don''t go your way, you are likely to view your delivery experience as negative. But if you are flexible about it, you are likely to view it as more positive, which is good for YOU (faster healing) and the baby (less stress).

At the same time, knowledge is power. By researching you know what your options are and can ask the doctors/middies intelligent questions so that you can make sure you understand WHY you are deterring from your birth plan if you need to. Knowing and understanding why something is happening can be so empowering IMO.
Well said.
Thanks Jas12, NF, and DD! I''ll take your advice to heart and will do everything I can to get informed but I''ll remember to try to stay flexible.

Any of you ladies ever seen the series on discovery health channel called "Deliver Me?" I just saw the end of an episode last night and it looked interesting. I understand it follows three OBs and their clients each week. The part I saw followed three women, two of which ended up having C-sections. I was surprised by how much they showed of the experience. Made me really NOT want to have a c-section - not that I wanted one before! But I guess it''s a possibility that I might have one so I need to not get too attached to the idea of not going down that road... Anyway, I''d love to know your thoughts. It''s on at 10PM PT on Discovery Health if anyone''s interested.
Date: 11/12/2008 9:04:16 PM
Author: Mrs
Date: 11/10/2008 11:21:18 AM

Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 11/10/2008 9:45:03 AM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 11/10/2008 9:03:38 AM

Author: Jas12

Be flexible, but get educated.

This is the key to a happy delivery that I have heard from EVERYONE. If you aren''t flexible, and things don''t go your way, you are likely to view your delivery experience as negative. But if you are flexible about it, you are likely to view it as more positive, which is good for YOU (faster healing) and the baby (less stress).

At the same time, knowledge is power. By researching you know what your options are and can ask the doctors/middies intelligent questions so that you can make sure you understand WHY you are deterring from your birth plan if you need to. Knowing and understanding why something is happening can be so empowering IMO.

Well said.

Thanks Jas12, NF, and DD! I''ll take your advice to heart and will do everything I can to get informed but I''ll remember to try to stay flexible.

Any of you ladies ever seen the series on discovery health channel called ''Deliver Me?'' I just saw the end of an episode last night and it looked interesting. I understand it follows three OBs and their clients each week. The part I saw followed three women, two of which ended up having C-sections. I was surprised by how much they showed of the experience. Made me really NOT want to have a c-section - not that I wanted one before! But I guess it''s a possibility that I might have one so I need to not get too attached to the idea of not going down that road... Anyway, I''d love to know your thoughts. It''s on at 10PM PT on Discovery Health if anyone''s interested.

I''ve tried to Tivo it but I don''t think I get that channel. On the same note, my hospital has a live c-section video up right now. It''s pretty interesting, but they do show a lot so be prepared to look away if you are squeamish. What is most helpful IMO is the commentary about it because they tell you all about recovery, etc. It''s interesting if you like this kind of stuff. The doctor in it is one of the ones in my OB''s practice.

Courtney- how is the doppler? Im getting mine today..ob wasn''t too happy about that but I will try it out.

Neat- have u looked at any twin strollers yet? Do u prefer side by side or front n back?
Date: 11/13/2008 11:20:55 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Courtney- how is the doppler? Im getting mine today..ob wasn't too happy about that but I will try it out.

Neat- have u looked at any twin strollers yet? Do u prefer side by side or front n back?

I think I have looked at every twin stroller on the market!
I have to say I really hate the front n back. They are just so so bulky and don't really add anything IMO that you can't do with a well designed side by side. As long as you buy a side by side that is narrow enough for doorways, it's easier IMO.

We ended up with two strollers. One is a double snap n' go for their infant seats. Then we bought a Maclaren like this:

The twin Maclaren can supposedly be used really early on too, which is nice if you need it. But I think we'll mostly use the double snap n' go for the first few months. But the Maclaren folds easily, steers very nicely, can accomodate a cupholder/organizer thing, and the seats and belts can be removed for easy washing. And the company has a very good reputation.

Other twin strollers I liked:

Bob- It was really big as a double, but reaaaaally smooth and nice as a jogging stroller. Just not what we needed for now. I wouldn't want this to be my only stroller but if we can afford it might buy one later on for fitness use. It's great.

Inglesina Twin Swift-But liked the Maclaren better and the Maclaren had better reviews.

The Baby Jogger Mini City Double-Was bulkier than the Maclaren and served the same purpose.

Ones I hated:

ALL the Graco ones. They just seemed so cheap next to the Maclaren and really weren't that much cheaper.
Kolcraft, again felt really cheap, but for what it is it's a great bargain if price is an issue.

Hope that helps! After I did a ton of research and selected what we wanted I joined my local moms of multiples group and turns out that a large number of women in that group did the snap n' go (and said it was indispensable) and then either bought the Maclaren, or went through a number of cheaper strollers before finally splurging on the Maclaren and being super happy. So that was nice to hear! I'll let you know in a few months what I think about it myself...
I love it...we listen to it every over day. It''s so comforting to hear and it just makes us all smiley.

16 weeks today
Hi Everyone!

Speaking of "Deliver Me", has anyone seen the documentary "In the Womb"?

A friend of mine bought the doc for her first pregnancy and had a girl get together where we all watched it. I
it so I''m suggesting for anyone that is interested in that kind of stuff. My poor FI is so clueless with everything. For example, he was watching a game on TV and said a curse word then turned to me and apologized. I said for what (he normally mumbles little words to himself when watching the game LOL) and he said because the baby "heard" a curse word

So I''m going to "force" him to sit and watch it. I''m not an expert in the least bit but I can''t have him going around thinking that the baby can hear him mumble something under his breath. HAHA I''m so mean, he''s in for a little surprise on our DVD night
Thanks guys!

Neat- I was also thinking of the car seat strollers for the beginning...and I also like side by side but not too bulky..I def don''t like the gracos...I will check out the sites when I get home...what about nursery..crib sister is set on a nursey she saw in boston..its the only place in the us that sells this brand apparently..its are 900 per I don''t know but I really like them

Courtney- im glad u are having success ...iwill try it out tonite..excited!..I know its harder with twins..but I have time and patience to play around :)
Date: 11/13/2008 1:37:25 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks guys!

Neat- I was also thinking of the car seat strollers for the beginning...and I also like side by side but not too bulky..I def don''t like the gracos...I will check out the sites when I get home...what about nursery..crib sister is set on a nursey she saw in boston..its the only place in the us that sells this brand apparently..its are 900 per I don''t know but I really like them

Courtney- im glad u are having success ...iwill try it out tonite..excited!..I know its harder with twins..but I have time and patience to play around :)

Sounds like we are in quite different financial brackets so I am not sure I will be much help on the crib front! We''re graduate students so we certainly can''t/didn''t spend a bundle decorating or furnishing the nursery. For example we bought cribs from the twins resale here (everything is inspected first) and refinished and painted them, etc.

Is there a local twins support group near you? Those women have been my best resources for great twin products.
Neat- well I can''t say we have an unlimited budget but I have a huge family and we are insanely close and they insist on buying sis for example is doing the nursery..I of course have to ok I guess im lucky in that aspect but I just wasn''t sure if there might be other unique cribs that maybe I haven''t seen yet. I really don''t want to spend that much so maybe I will keep searching. I don''t know anything about these twin support groups..where can I look into that? Do they have websites?