
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

blen- u look fantastic!

fiery- cute cute cute! love the pic..i think this was your first u/s no??
Blen, you have the cutest bump. I'd smack that coworker of yours and blame it on hormones if I were you.

Fiery, what a cute u/s pic! So, was your "friend" mad because you're pregnant, because she didn't find out from you or for something else?

We told the rest of DH's family yesterday by bringing over the framed u/s photo to the Christmas Eve party. We were the first ones at his aunt's and we just set it on one of her end tables and waited for people to notice. His aunt was the first to notice, but she noticed before anyone else really got there so we decided to just let everyone figure it out as they saw it. Our nephews (7,8 and 9) were the next to see it. They figured out that the frame said "grandma" but had no idea what the picture was of and were soon distracted by something else. Our 13 year old niece saw it next, but assumed it was just one of the other cousins. Everyone slowly figured it out and everyone knew by the time we were opening presents and taking pictures. The kids held the u/s pic up with them in the grandchildren picture so that the baby was included :). Everyone's really excited to have a new baby in the family and I'm super excited to not have to hide it anymore.

ETA: Mela, I just realized that you put up u/s pics too! Great shots of your little one! Have fun on your vacation!
Yay Robbie sounds like both sides of the family are super excited for you guys. Such fun!!!!

I am sorry for your loss. Hoping to see you here soon. HUGS!!!
Robbie...congrats on telling everyone! The frame photo was a great idea..esp having them in the pictures like that..going to be a nice keepsake for years to come..sounds like it was a lot of fun ;)
NYCBK-This is our second u/s but the first just looked like an ink blob lol. I tell everyone that the baby is sucking its thumb in that picture. That may just be excited eyes but that''s my story and I''m sticking to it!

Robbie-She found out after the wedding. Her husband knew because he was told by someone who knew but he was smart enough to wait until after the wedding to mention it. Congrats on telling everyone!!
Hope everyone had a happy holiday!
Mela and Fiery, great u/s pics! So glad things are going well!
Blen, you look adorable! How far along are you now?

We finally told all our family too! It was great with dh''s family. His grandma is currently in hospice care, and the doctors have been saying she probably only has another day or two (but they''ve been saying this for over a week), so his whole family has been spending a lot of time there, which made the holidays kinda bittersweet, but once we told everyone it seemed to be a nice distraction, especially for dh''s mom (it''s her mom). We didn''t get a chance to tell his grandma before she lost coherence, but dh told me that he''s been telling her in his prayers, which totally made me lose it. She''s in her 90''s and led a wonderful life, but it''s so hard to see his family basically waiting for her to pass on.

My family was happy for us, but I was a little sad that my extended family didn''t really seem to be excited. I shouldn''t have expected anything, these are the relatives who missed my bridal shower and basically favor my brother over me, but I still thought they would be excited. It was really weird, we were at my aunt''s with my dad''s sisters, my grandma (who is going to be a great grandma for the first time), and a few family friends who we see each year, and after the first "congratulations" my family didn''t say anything, but all the friends that we barely know seemed happier for us and actually asked us questions. Oh well. I''m glad that everyone finally knows, it was hard keeping it a secret!

I have my next u/s on Jan. 2nd, so we''re hoping to confirm that everything is still fine! 8w 2d today!
Hi Ladies. Hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas! Just dropping in real quick to wish everyone well and thank you all for your support and good wishes! Things are pre-tty hectic but going well overall. I will come back and give the deets for labor/birth hopefully soon. The baby''s surgery is on Monday and we have just been back and forth to hospital and trying to recover etc. Christmas was sweet. I will post eventually-

Does anyone know if we are allowed to put links up to other sites(I have a carepage with details of Tyler''s birth/surgery)? Also, is this too public a place to post the link? It''s a link that you then have to register on the site for, and I have control of the page and can block users. Just not sure how to invite those ps''ers who would be interested without inviting the whole world? Hopefully this makes sense as I am missing a little sleep these days.

Peony I know this is late but I am sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.

For those I missed- I am still trying to keep up on all your stories and love reading them. Take care.
Thanks for the compliments! I''m 25w1d today, and feel better every day that I''m closer to 36 weeks since the contractions keep on coming. Still not frequent enough to go in, although I did have to open up a contraction timer again yesterday.

We had an amazing Christmas, especially considering that we''re not near family and that we decided not to exchange gifts with each other. We had a fire going all day and just chilled out, watching the Pixar movies that DH got for Christmas. I finished knitting some baby booties, and then used the new sewing machine that my mom gave us to mend some clothing. My next project is sewing up some diaper covers. I got some wool sweaters from a thrift store for pretty cheap to use as material. Wool''s pretty water proof when washed in lanolin, and wool diaper covers are super cute.

Fieryred - cute pic!! Sorry to hear about your friend.

Robbie, that''s really cute.

Sabine, sorry about his grandma and about your extended family. At least everyone else was excited, right?

Date: 12/26/2008 9:50:29 AM
Author: pavelover
Hi Ladies. Hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas! Just dropping in real quick to wish everyone well and thank you all for your support and good wishes! Things are pre-tty hectic but going well overall. I will come back and give the deets for labor/birth hopefully soon. The baby''s surgery is on Monday and we have just been back and forth to hospital and trying to recover etc. Christmas was sweet. I will post eventually-

Does anyone know if we are allowed to put links up to other sites(I have a carepage with details of Tyler''s birth/surgery)? Also, is this too public a place to post the link? It''s a link that you then have to register on the site for, and I have control of the page and can block users. Just not sure how to invite those ps''ers who would be interested without inviting the whole world? Hopefully this makes sense as I am missing a little sleep these days.

Peony I know this is late but I am sorry for your loss. Wishing you peace and comfort during this difficult time.

For those I missed- I am still trying to keep up on all your stories and love reading them. Take care.
Glad to hear that thing are going well so far. Your family will be in my thought on Monday - I really hope that everything goes well. As for a link to your site, this is in the forum policies:
"For your privacy and security do not post any private information including emails, personal pages, and usernames on other sites or IM''s on the open forums."
Is there anyway that you can just copy-paste the details here? I know you''re probably really busy, but we''d all like to hear how things are going when you get the chance.
Hally Holidays Everyone!

Just a quickie since my mom is visiting and things are more busy around here...

Pave I am glad things are going as well as can be hoped right now, I eagerly await ay news you can post about your son''s surgery.

Blen stupid co-worker. Oh well, whenever I deal with such people I always just tell myself that those types of people are ususally miserable and unhappy in their loves or relationships, and that is consolation for me
You look GREAT!! You are carrying just like my cousin, so prepare to get really really big at the end!

Mela Great us shots! So glad things look perfect!

Robbie Yah for telling everyone! Doesn''t it feel good to finally some out?

Sabine I''m glad you shared the news too! Can you remind me, has your spotting stopped? Are they no longer worried about the whole "molar" thing? It sounds like things have stabalized, though, which is wonderful!

Questions for the day: Is anyone planning to get pregnancy photos done? Before being preggo I always wanted to get tasteful black and white photos taken sans clothing, when I was like almost 9 months. I still do, but with job interviews and everything I am feeling like it is a lot of hassel to find the right photog. Our friends also got Ann Geddy''s style photos taken of their daughter at around 3 weeks and I really want to do that too... anyone else thinking about this type of thing?
You look absolutely adorable and glowing.
That''s one of the cutest tiny belly I''ve seen.
Stupid coworker. I''s say that she probably doesn''t get any compliments on her belly, so had to make fun of others to feel better.

You should definitely get those maternity pictures.
Ellaila and Diver had theirs...and they are gorgeous and so precious.

mela lu
Cute u/s.
DD, I definitely want to get maternity (fully clothed though, I''m not that brave!) and newborn photos taken by my wedding photographer. Have you looked to see if yours does them? Mine just did a friend''s and I love how they came out.
Blen thanks for the good idea to copy the posts here. There are a few so far so I''m gonna add them. Hopefully it''s not too much (too long) for y''all. I still need to show you some pics. I will I promise.

here goes:

Christmas Day
Posted 3 hours ago
On Christmas Day, Kevin and I spent part of the day with Tyler. We brought him some gifts that were given to him by our family, and we had fun celebrating with him as you can see in the pictures.
He had an o.k. day, but was needing some tweaking to his ventilator settings. Sometimes babies with his defect have a hard time when they are stressed or irritated, and that was happening to him yesterday. The doctors and nurses need to figure out what works for him to keep him most happy and comfortable. The staff is used to these types of things but as a new mom and dad it was stressful. Tyler did get more comfortable and had a better night. Everyone there is so calm and reassuring and that is a big help.
It was amazing to have Tyler come as our favorite gift for Christmas and we feel so blessed. Thanks for reading and supporting our family.

Christmas Eve Day
Posted 2 days ago
We spent some really nice time with Tyler today at the hospital. He was having a good day overall. His nana and pop-pop got to visit with us and spent some time with him too.
He is still intubated and will probably remain so until surgery(and after for a bit).
Kevin got to hold Tyler yesterday and he looked like a proud papa. Tyler just rested in Kevin''s lap but he looked comfy and cozy. Kevin also got to change 2 diapers- he looked like a pro. The nurses are really good about getting parents included in baby''s care, and they are so patient with us. We also got to help him take a tiny bit of breast milk and use a pacifier and Tyler was pretty good at taking the paci even with the breathing tube in the way. It was nice to see him taking the pacifier a little. He seems to like his fingers/thumb too and I caught some pictures of him with his finger in his mouth(so cute)!
Oh! After he took his milk and we were getting ready to leave, he opened his eyes for a bit. It was so awesome and made us very happy. He looked like the lights were kind of bright for him and he was trying to focus- Hopefully he will feel more comfortable and have them open more often very soon.
I guess that''s it for now. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is having a peaceful, blessed holiday season. I know that we are, and we''re so grateful for all of your support.

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The baby is here!
Posted Dec 24, 2008 2:32pm
Tyler was born on Sunday December 21, at 9:10 p.m. He did great through labor and we got to hold him for a minute or so which was great. He was taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as planned and was evaluated by the team and cardiologists too. The baby''s heart defect remains the same(tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia). Tyler is being given prostaglandins through an i.v. and these help to keep his pda open. The medicine causes him not to breathe as well(forgets to breathe, so to speak) so he is being helped with a breathing tube. Right now his surgery to repair his heart is scheduled for Monday. I will try to update again soon. Heading back to the hospital to see the little guy.

Hi all, just wanted to drop in really quick to share a deal for those who might be interested. Baby Gap has the Maxi Cosi infant car seat in capri (really pretty aqua blue) and black on sale for $149. THEN there is a 25% off coupon code for their sale items... bringing the total down to $112 before tax and the shipping is $7. I think the last time I posted a coupon code I got my hand slapped by the mods, but you can find it on your own by googling "gap coupon code 25% dec 29" For anyone looking at the Quinny strollers, the capri color was meant to match the Quinny color. I think that we''re getting a Mutsy stroller, but I loved the color and this car seat is compatible with the Mutsy too.

In other news, I''ll be 22 weeks on Monday -- where is the time going? Before I know it, a baby will be here!
I haven''t been on here much this week, the in-laws have been staying with us and I''ve been busy playing host. Things should calm down tomorrow. I did a quick scan through and I''m loving all of the U/S pictures
hi all!!!! i''ve been mia, but i wanted to make sure this was a sticky baby and i''ve been way too tired to''m 14 weeks and at the ultrasound last week they said all looks good
. i have to go back for follow up blood work in a few weeks. i''ve been very sick this time around...everything makes me gag or run for the bowl...tmi...but i had NONE of that with my ds. hope everyone had a happy holiday!
Pave- will be thinking of you and baby tyler on monday...please keep us updated. All the best!
i''m a bit overemotional today...i was feeling good about myself until my mother''re getting some GUT on you. i was so pissed that i yelled and screamed some not so nice words at her...basically i said--i''m effing pregnant what the h@ll did you think was going to happen and you are a nurse...there was more choice words, but is she kidding me? anyone else get any rude comments lately?
I guess we react differently to comments like that- I can''t wait for ppl to start saying oh how big you are! I of course have a pretty big belly already but I can''t wait til its really really out there.and ppl do notice it more and comment..I will love that. For me ..the getting big is security that my babies are there and growing and no comment in the world would ever bother me about that ;)
I went to see my parents today with DH.

My mother apparently told my father she didn''t think I looked pregnant (I''m nearly 20 weeks) - he told her to ask me to turn sideways... she was fairly taken aback when I did.

My father also did some acupuncture on my back for me - it''s absolutely driving me crazy. It''s like a tight band that just hurts so much and I can''t take anything much for it. Aaarrrrrgggghh.

He also wanted to feel to see where the baby was - apparently the top of my uterus is now above my navel. It was so sweet, he seemed really into the idea of getting another grandchild.

We were given lots of lovely baby books, little shoes with Rudolph the Reindeer that should fit net xmas and a gorgeous cream wool baby jumper with a pixie hood from The White Company.

My employers conspired to ruin Christmas by sending me their latest 4 page letter at 12.30pm on Christmas Eve. My response has to be with them by the 3rd January to be within the time limit. They obviously thought that I therefore won''t have access to legal advice over the holiday season.

Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Pave!
Pave, thanks for the updates! I''ll be thinking about you tomorrow.

Pandora, your employer is freaking unbelievable. Is your lawyer available to help you this week? (I''m not sure if you get more time off around the holidays than we do in the US.) Your visit with your parents sounds so sweet.

NYCSparkle, that''s so aggrevating. There''s a big difference between "gut" and "belly" to me, although I don''t know if our parents generation feels the same way?

A couple of times this weekend I''ve had contractions get about 5 min apart, but they keep going away on their own.

I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have been busy making diaper covers and pants out of recycled wool sweaters. The environmentalist in me is oh-so-happy.
Pandora- sorry u have to deal with these miserable ppl esp over the holidays! Im glad u spent time with family and had some acupuncture (love that)..o boy would I be happy if someone I knew gave me free acupuncture :)) back kills as well..and sleeping is getting difficult.

sparkle- yes sorry I didn''t differentiate "gut" vs "belly" comments..but to me it doesn''t matter..all the same..still wouldn''t get offended but I see how others might ...try not to take things personally ...ppl just don''t see the harm in things they say sometimes ;)
Date: 12/28/2008 6:36:18 PM
Author: Blenheim
Pave, thanks for the updates! I''ll be thinking about you tomorrow.

Pandora, your employer is freaking unbelievable. Is your lawyer available to help you this week? (I''m not sure if you get more time off around the holidays than we do in the US.) Your visit with your parents sounds so sweet.

NYCSparkle, that''s so aggrevating. There''s a big difference between ''gut'' and ''belly'' to me, although I don''t know if our parents generation feels the same way?

A couple of times this weekend I''ve had contractions get about 5 min apart, but they keep going away on their own.

I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have been busy making diaper covers and pants out of recycled wool sweaters. The environmentalist in me is oh-so-happy.
Sadly (in this case) we get lots of time off in the UK and my lawyer isn''t back until the 5th Jan - my brother is going to come to the rescue again... however it will look seriously bad for them in court!

Sewing machines are great - I love mine although it doesn''t get nearly enough use. Have you seen the ''green'' parenting book? My parents gave it to me today - I''ll let you know if it''s any good!

nycbk - sorry your backs on the blink as well. I must admit free acupuncture is a good perk - although I did have to be my father''s first guinea-pig when he came back from the first weekend course many years ago: think, my shoulder, piles of needles and him with book in hand. What a trusting daughter I was!
Quick drive by:

Pave we will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow!!!
Pandora Your employer just seems to get worse and worse. I am so sorry you have to go through this! Best of luck this week.
Neat- so glad to see u dying to know how you are handling those little bundles of joy :))
Another quick check in to say that Wendy''s workers are EVIL! After spending 6 hours at the viewing for dh''s grandma with no food, DH, DH''s brother and I stopped at Wendy''s for emergency food on the way home because nauseous me could barely move. And what did they do? They forgot my freaking sandwich! Of course we didn''t realize until we got home. Dh offered me one of his and to go back and get mine, but I just ate his because he''s had a long day too.

Pave, I''ll be thinking of you tomorrow and can''t wait to hear how everything went well!
Sabine- totally know where you''re coming from on the frustration part....I always check my bag before pulling away..they forget stuff all the time! Glad dh was there to save the day..even if it was a rough one
7.gif I take it things are going well with you and progressing?..when are the doc updates on what''s going on?
Pandora, that''s even worse (if possible). Grrrrr. I haven''t seen the Green parenting book, but would love more information/a review when you get the chance. Sounds like it might be up my alley.

Breaking news: I''m producing colostrum!! Woohooo.

Date: 12/28/2008 11:16:08 PM
Author: Blenheim
Pandora, that''s even worse (if possible). Grrrrr. I haven''t seen the Green parenting book, but would love more information/a review when you get the chance. Sounds like it might be up my alley.

Breaking news: I''m producing colostrum!! Woohooo.

Blen, how did you find out you were producing?
Date: 12/28/2008 11:51:30 PM
Author: Courtneylub

Date: 12/28/2008 11:16:08 PM
Author: Blenheim
Pandora, that''s even worse (if possible). Grrrrr. I haven''t seen the Green parenting book, but would love more information/a review when you get the chance. Sounds like it might be up my alley.

Breaking news: I''m producing colostrum!! Woohooo.

Blen, how did you find out you were producing?
If my breasts are compressed, some comes out. Once I realized this last night I kept pulling them out, squeezing them, and being like "eeeee milk". Hubby says that I''m not allowed to keep doing this today while I''m at work, although I can''t imagine why not.
Date: 12/29/2008 7:18:10 AM
Author: Blenheim
Date: 12/28/2008 11:51:30 PM

Author: Courtneylub

Date: 12/28/2008 11:16:08 PM

Author: Blenheim

Pandora, that''s even worse (if possible). Grrrrr. I haven''t seen the Green parenting book, but would love more information/a review when you get the chance. Sounds like it might be up my alley.

Breaking news: I''m producing colostrum!! Woohooo.


Blen, how did you find out you were producing?

If my breasts are compressed, some comes out. Once I realized this last night I kept pulling them out, squeezing them, and being like ''eeeee milk''. Hubby says that I''m not allowed to keep doing this today while I''m at work, although I can''t imagine why not.

Lol, besides the obvious, hubby is right, you shouldn''t do this in your situation because nipple stimulation has been linked with preterm labor. So keep those hands away girl!
Sabine-I''m glad telling the family went well. Are there a lot of children in your family? Pregnancies don''t really get my extended family too excited since there is a new baby every year (there are 4 of us expecting in 2009!!). I wouldn''t worry about it. You and DH are happy. That''s what matters!

DD-I won''t be getting pictures done. I''m not a photo person LOL. Even before the baby I had decided on not doing engagement photos. Although there is this really funny photo in the mall of a mom-to-be standing in front of dad-to-be with both of their bellies touching each other. I think that would be hilarious but doubt FI would want to do that

Pave-Thank you for sharing the stories. You and your family are in my thoughts today!

NYCSparkle-I know what you mean about the comments. My family feels the need to remind me every time they see me that I''m going to have a "wide" pregnancy as in my hips will stretch from Miami to the Keys. I try not to let it bother me because while the comments may seem insensitive, they''re just being them.

Pandora-I really hope everything works itself out with your employer. What a bunch of...well not nice people

Everyone else have a great day. I have loads of work to do and really shouldn''t be online. It''s a nice quiet day though so I shouldn''t get too many interruptions.