
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Update on bachelor party- he just came home but while he was at dinner..I was texting him all the time...eeevil lol. He pissed me off somewhat bc he kept telling me he was leaving and then still there 40mins later and then kept asking about strip club in different ways...and he had a beer! Which we specifically said NO alcohol..bc he is im still pissed at the desire to go to strip club and the beer. Whatever I picked up my moh dress and its beautiful so im still ok :)

And next u/s is monday! Wow and I haven''t even stressed bc im so busy with the wedding..what will I do after the wedding!! ..back to insanity lol.
CONGRATULATIONS littlelysser!!!

robbie, you look great! What a cute belly!
Cute Bellies, Robbie and Blen

I just made a photo book with all my belly pics, and I don''t remember being so big at the end of my pregnancy. I really miss being pregnant.
Date: 1/11/2009 3:43:35 AM
Author: qtiekiki
Cute Bellies, Robbie and Blen

I just made a photo book with all my belly pics, and I don''t remember being so big at the end of my pregnancy. I really miss being pregnant.
You can always have number 2
Morning everyone.

So I was up all night throwing up. I have had nausea, but never actual sickness and I don''t think this is pregnancy related. It feels different, feels like when I''ve had food poisoning in the past. The nausea is totally different than what I''ve been feeling. I can''t really figure out what would have caused it considering what I ate yesterday but I''m a bit worried about what it could be. There''s been a salmonella outbreak, plus the always lurking listeria which I never worried about before but now of course I am!

Has anyone else been sick (not from pregnancy)? DD- Was it you that was so sick you lost a few pounds? What was it and did you call your doctor?

I don''t think it''s the flu. I got a flu shot but I know there can be other strains out there. But I don''t have a fever or chills (except when I am actually getting sick) or really any other symptoms but the throwing up and the stomachache.

If I keep throwing up all day I will call the doctor but I''ve been vomit-free since about 7:30 am.

Hope you all are having a much better Sunday!
Chinacat- I don''t know where you live but I do know that there have been a lot of stomach bugs going around. Nearly everyone at my work has had it, it typically has lasted about 24 hours and mostly consists of vomiting/diarhea.
The flu shot that you got is to protect you from influenza, which is a respiratory flu virus. It''s not the same as what is commonly called the stomach flu, although many people are frequently confused by this.
I hope you feel better soon and try to make sure you stay hydrated (although I realize this may be difficult).
Hi-here is an update from my son''s carepage- sorry I don''t have time for more. Hope you are all well.
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print friendlySunday, January 11,2009
Posted 1 hour ago
Hi Everyone! Well, we were released from the hospital yesterday!!!!!
Tyler did great this week and was able to get off of his oxygen. He still has a feeding tube(through his nose to his tummy)that we will be using for feeds while he works on breast and bottle feeding. We were so happy to bring our little guy home- you can''t believe it. Nana and Pop-pop were at the house to greet us- it was a wonderful reunion!
Last night was a normal night with a newborn, I think...Kevin and I split up the night, and he got the noisy part :). The baby takes feeds through his tube each three hours and he is always ready for more. He likes his bouncy seat, his swaddle me,and of course, his paci(with sugar water please). Oh and of course he loves to be held, which we don''t mind a bit!
We will visit the pediatrician and the cardiologist this week coming up, and hopefully we will hear that Tyler is putting on a little weight. He has been through alot and needs lots of calories to help heal, plus what a normal newborn needs.
Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers for Tyler! We are so relieved to be through the surgery and on to normal baby stuff. We are so grateful to have so many people pulling for us and can''t thank all of you enough! Please continue to pray for all of us as Tyler recovers at home.
Thanks Tiffany, and yes that sounds like what it is.

Trying to stay hydrated, luckily 7-UP is going down much easier than water, but still trying to get water in. I know if I get a high fever, that can be dangerous, but does anyone know if just the stomach bug is something to stress over?
Date: 1/11/2009 11:58:48 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 1/11/2009 3:43:35 AM
Author: qtiekiki
Cute Bellies, Robbie and Blen

I just made a photo book with all my belly pics, and I don''t remember being so big at the end of my pregnancy. I really miss being pregnant.
You can always have number 2
Q - Ditto DD here because I''m in the same boat you are!
China - I hope that you are feeling better soon. Call your doc if this lasts for more than a day.

Pave - I''m so glad to hear that Tyler was able to come home! I hope he continues to do well
Pave, so glad you got to take Tyler home and glad you made it through your first night!

China, that stinks that you are so sick. It does sound more like a stomach bug/food poisoning to me, and if I were you I''d probably call your OB tomorrow just to make sure they don''t want to test you for anything/keep them updated, but chances are, if you have stopped throwing up everything is fine. Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for the bump compliments ladies!

China, I think that, without a fever, the main concern is getting dehydrated.
So glad Tyler is home!! That''s great to hear. Sounds like all is going well!!

I hope you feel better soon. The throw up bugs are going around like crazy.
Date: 1/11/2009 12:48:57 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Thanks Tiffany, and yes that sounds like what it is.

Trying to stay hydrated, luckily 7-UP is going down much easier than water, but still trying to get water in. I know if I get a high fever, that can be dangerous, but does anyone know if just the stomach bug is something to stress over?
Well I had what I am pretty sure was food poisoning. It started around 6pm and I was up all night unable to sleep and vomiting every time I tried to eat anything or even drink juice
The next day I was feeling a little better and ate some food and slept and by the following day I was fine. I never called my midwife/doctor because I was able to keep water down and I only puked about 4-6 times?? Mild diarrheah only. So I figured that it wasn''t that bad
If I was unable to keep fluid down at all I would have called the m/w for sure!

So generally, no I don''t think a stomach bug is reason to call the doctor, but then I am not a real worry wort in that way. If it makes you feel better you may as well call! I think you should avoid sugars if you can, since they actually dehydrate you! Water with lemon may taste better, or watery 100% juice may be better than pop since the sugars in juice are processed differently than refined sugars. Still, water is best.

I lost 5lbs over those two-to-three days! I think it was mostly water-loss. About 3 lbs came back within 5 days but it took about 3 weeks for the other two lbs to return!

As for me: I''m doing well. Spent last week accross the country at a 3 day job interview which was very tiring! The flight was 6 hours
and was not very pleasant. But I persevered and I think it went very well! One more job interview at the end of next week and then *hopefully* I will be done because I should be hearing whether I have offers in the next few weeks!! Oh, and the pregnancy is going well too

33 weeks today!
China, I hope you feel better. Get plenty of rest and fluids in you.

Dreamer, happy 33 weeks!! WOW!

Pave, so glad to hear about Tyler. I bet that''s a huge weight off your shoulders and I know it will be even better when the feeding tubes can come out. He''s in my prayers.

Is anyone having the most insane mood swings I''m having? They''ve been pretty bad for the last couple of weeks. I''m also pretty sick of being pregnant. I know that sounds horrible, but I''ve been asking things like "Why couldn''t God let pregnany last 3 months instead of 9?" I''ve got such a long way to go and I''m already feeling like this? I feel like such a weakling.
Thanks Qtiekki. I second DD.

Pave, glad to hear he's finally home!! Thanks for the update.

China, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I think the main concern would be dehydration (or fever), but if you're mostly keeping things down and able to drink that's not as much of a worry. Try to push fluids.

DD, hope the job interviews all went well!

We got a bunch of snow dumped on us yesterday, and it just started back up again. Is winter over yet?
I've had some watery discharge, and I'm taking it really easy until we figure out what's going on. It could be regular watery discharge (but more than usual), or it could be me peeing on myself a little bit and not realizing it (how embarassing), or it could be leaking amniotic fluid. The latter would mean bedrest and antibiotics, so I really hope not.

ETA (didn't see the latest page): Courtney, I feel like I've been pretty stable, but I did start crying this morning because hubby was watching Godzilla instead of shoveling the sidewalk. He asked me why I started crying rather than just pointing out to him that he needed to shovel, but I didn't really have any good answer for that one.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts/suggestions. I do have a slight fever now, so I called the on-call doc and she didn''t seem worried. Said what you guys said- drink water if possible, but at least fluids and try to eat something plain tonight. If my fever gets to 101, then call back.

I think you are right about the 7-UP- at first it was heavenly, but now it''s too sweet and I am feeling dehydrated so trying to down the water instead.

DD- What I have sounds exactly like what you had. Will stop worrying unless it gets worse. Wow, 33 weeks and impressive job interviews! Glad they seem to be going well and you are almost done. I don''t know how you do it- I had to do some work today and I almost lost it.

Pave- Thanks so much for the update, Tyler sounds like such a little love bug, and I can tell how much you are already in love with him. Glad things are going well and hoping the feeding transition goes smoothly.

Courtney- Apparently I have been quite moody but was a bit unaware. Thought I had been all sweetness and light! I feel bad, DH is pretty sweet usually but I have NO patience these days. He keeps asking me what''s wrong. And I''m like other than the fact that I am nauseous and tired and achy and bloated all the time? It''s like he forgets or something. But he''s been a really good sport about most of it, so I am trying to cut him some slack. Poor men, they just don''t get it, do they!

Blen- Funny about Godzilla. One thing I have learned is that logic is NOT my friend or around much for me these days.
My m/w came by to test the discharge, and it''s not amniotic fluid. Phew.
I''m Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! I''ve missed you all (so much!!). It makes me realize how much I HEART my PS girls!

I don''t know where to start! Individual shout outs will be hard b/c I''m still trying to catch up. A lot happens in 2 weeks!

the cute bumps (Robbie, Blen (and her Moby-dawg, lol). I love bump pics. I think we''re due for a few more, non?

Robbie - Looking back on it now, I felt the beginnings of the fluttering around 14 weeks. I didn''t know that it was them at the time, but now that I have a full on Ninja, I know it started around then for me. Maybe your feelings are the baby after all!!

Pandora - UM, A GIRL!!!!!!
Did I call it or did I call it! It was your extreme morning sickness and love of green apples that tipped me off. CONGRATS GIRL!!!!!! I''m over the moon for you
. Great u/s pic too. WOW!

Pave - so glad Tyler is home and on the mend. Thanks for the update!!

Blen - PHEW that that was just discharge! Sometime I have so much too, I wonder if I haven''t peed a little. sheesh.

Dreamer I can''t believe you''re already 33+ weeks. Time is flying. WHOA. Cannot WAIT for your surprise bundle.

Little L - YEY HOORAY HAPPY DANCE! So glad you''re back and that you have a heartbeat!!

I know that you won''t feel 100% confident yet, but have faith that everything is going to be okay. I''m SO happy for you

Sabine - GREAT u/s and so good to hear that things are going well. PHEW, double PHEW!

I know I''m missing tons of people so I''ll have to catch up more later. (NYCBK, Fiery, Mrs, China (feel better!!), Courtney, Lindsey, and so many more. Just cause I''m not calling out to you individually, doesn''t mean I''m not thinking of you....


Our 2 weeks in the Mayan Riviera was perfect. Everyday the weather was flawless and the beach was beautiful. Um, 2 weeks at the buffet was probably bad (for my weight and my self esteem) as I have grown EXPONENTIALLY! My thighs are rubbing together (ewww) and I''ve really widened. As many of you were saying a few pages back, if it weren''t for the strong fetal mov''t, i''d probably be really upset.
In the lurve dep''t, I forced (lol) DH to DTD with me on New Years because I felt strongly that we had to start 2009 off right. He is so hilariously scared of hurting the baby or me that he hated every minute of it. haha. We actually laughed during at how we were like 14 year old virgins (soooo awkward). Hopefully as time goes on he''ll get more comfortable with DTD. I''m not all that in the mood, so I don''t mind. We don''t have issues there typically - I think the m/c and then all the spotting btw 13-16 weeks really threw him off.

During the trip, my body changed so much that I''m now not so convinced it''s a boy. Aside from the lentil (and general carb) cravings which would signal BOY, I think I''m now carrying ''typical'' to how the old wives tale say you carry a Girl. Low and wide.
That, and my SIL did the ring test on my at Christmas and it was a clear girl. MMM. Who knows.

So, here are some belly shots for your entertainment. Prior to the trip (read: all you can eat buffet) I had only gained about 10 lbs. Not so much the case anymore. Observe:

and now a dreadful one in my PJs at the resort. This is a touch embarrassing...

(this one in Blen''s style, in the mirror, arms up) LOL. Love that you have a belly shot "style" Blen!

and lastly, a slightly gratuitous photo where you can see my wide belly.
Note, my belly button is going to flatten out soon. I can tell already that it''s starting...

OH! And the most important thing: 21w2d!!!

Welcome back Mela!! You look AWESOME!!! Who cares if you gained a little weight, you look blossoming and soooo pregnant! Those are definitely the preggo (*)(*) if I''m not mistaken
Enjoy ''em while you have ''em I say! You are definitely carrying low, though I don''t know about wide, you still look pretty svelt to me... I am definitely carrying higher up. Does that mean boy?

Re sex: The story about "forcing" your DH to have sex is hilarious! After fiery talked about her hubby having similar worries I asked my DH if he ever worried about hurting the baby when we DTD (we have been pretty constant at once a week the whole pregnancy, more when we were on vacation
, which was about what we managed pre-pregnancy) and he said this: "Ummm no!! How big are those guys'' *beeps* anyways that they think it will actually hit anything??" LOL! I know that isn''t what they worry about, but I thought that was pretty funny that he said that! I hear you on the awkwardness though... at 33 weeks we are generally having to get into odd positions (for us) and then after I am like "pant... pant... can''t... breath... pant... pant... get...pant... pant... off me... pant... pant... NOW!" I have absolutely NO lung capacity anymore which affects walking up stairs and getting it on

Everyone else thanks for the WOWEEs about being 33 weeks and well wishes about the jobs! I too cannot believe I am due in only 7 weeks
. Courtney I haven''t been having too many mood swings, I don''t think, but there are certainly moments where I would like to be able to bend over and put my own shoes on again! DH has to do this for me every morning now
The only thing that stops me from actually wishing the baby was here is... um... my absolute LACK of readiness for the baby to actually be here! LOL! I am NOT ready yet, please please give me 7 more weeks... or more, I will even take a week overdue so I can feel more ready. I think I will feel more prepared when this whole job market thing is resolved. By the end of this month I will know if I have a tenure track job, and if I do (knock wood knock wood) it will be the most amazing feeling in my whole life... until the baby comes 4 weeks later

Pave so glad you are home with Tyler! So wonderful!
hey ladies!!

Mela - you look GREAT!!! I'm so envious of your tan

Blen - glad the discharge was nothing to worry about!

China - hope u feel better!!

DD - you're so close! I can't wait to be that close

Courtney - I hear ya girl! I soooooooooooo wish pregnancy was shorter. I say the same thing as you! And i'm only 17 1/2 weeks! hehehe...I have an even longer way to go then you!

So I"m going to try to post belly shots.....let's see if it works. I think last week I finally started getting more of a round belly then the week before!

ETA: Notice the bubbly butt and thunder thighs!!!

DD, I can''t believe you only have 7 weeks left!

Mela, you look great! I understand what you mean about carrying wide. I feel like I am too, like my little bump takes up the entire width of my body.

CDT, cute pics! I see no bubble butt or thunder thighs.
Mela, you look fantastic!! So cute!

And ditto to what Robbie said, CDT. I see no flab at all. You look great!

I will join in on the pics. This was NYE when I was 23 weeks. DH and I dancing to Baby Got Back for the camera.

ETA: My strapless bra made my boobs look really strange in this picture. haha

23 weeks.jpg
Everyone looks so great!

Glad you had a great time Mela.

DD-LOL@ your husband. We are finally DTD more often although its been a little painful. I haven't said anything to him because its the last thing he needs to hear. I may never have it again! LOL

We celebrated FI's 30th in a nightclub this weekend. Preggo and nightclubs don't mix. I spent most of the time sitting and occasionally dancing when FI felt like dancing (he's not a dancer). He was *trashed* We, especially him, have not gone out that way in a very long time. I forget how funny he is when he's drunk. He has two sides of drunk: sick drunk and hilarious drunk. I've only seen the sick drunk once in 7 years. The hilarious drunk is my favorite. I'll see if I post a photo of us but its on facebook and I can't access at work (boo).

My next appt is on Monday. I doubt I'll get an u/s (another boo) but hopefully we can hear the hb!

ETA-Courtney what a great photo haha!
OMG all you girls look so cute and preggo. I follow this thread and I remember when everyone was just time reallt flies!
This is probably TMI, but speaking of DTD....DH finally initiated it last night after our long dry spell! Now let''s just hope he does that a little more often!!
Date: 1/12/2009 11:37:10 AM
Author: fieryred33143

DD-LOL@ your husband. We are finally DTD more often although its been a little painful. I haven't said anything to him because its the last thing he needs to hear. I may never have it again! LOL
Re pain: in the first trimester especially it is common to have cramping or pulling tugging feelings around the uterus after DTD... if that's what you feel then it isn't a problem! But don't tell you hubby

CDT & Courtney you both look great!
Courtney - I love that photo!''s hysterical! I love baby got back!! Glad to hear you got some last night

Fiery - I had some pain early on too when we did they deed, but it''s been fine recently. I just don''t feel that attractive so it''s hard for me to get in the mood.