
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

So glad to hear that Tyler is home and is recovering nicely.
Hope he gains the weight needed.
mela, courtney, cdt -- you preggo ladies are just adorable
I figured the pain was due to the pregnancy. Lucky me LOL I''ll be glad when that passes.
Awe, yay for pictures! Everyone looks great! Dreamer, I''ll be sending you "baby stay in there till she''s ready dust!" but oh my, you are getting close!
such cute bellies you all have!!

pave so glad to hear that Tyler is home with you guys.
Oh my gosh - look at all of the cute bellies! And I don''t know what you''re talking about, cdt.

Mela, I''m super jealous of your trip to Mexico. I wish it were warm soooo bad right now.

Vent coming up...
I''m sick of contractions and sick of worrying about how long the baby''s going to stay in there. I had four in a half an hour time span at work. And while I''m not leaking amniotic fluid, my m/w is a little concerned that I''m having this much watery discharge this early. It can signal lowering progesterone levels, and progesterone is pretty important in sustaining pregnancy. She asked me to start taking somethings to help my body to make more progesterone, and so my husband went to the store today while I was at work to pick them up, but he got confused and came home with nothing evidently. So now we need to go back out tonight. And it''s supposed to snow another 3-4" tonight, and I''m sick of dealing with it.

And then one of my coworkers today warned me that she had a friend or a daughter or something who got an IV put in when she was in labor and it gave her a blood clot and she almost DIED and even though she lived her arm hurt so bad that she had problems holding her newborn, and so I should be careful about IVs. I''m not even sure how that makes sense, but even if it does, why does she have to tell me that kind of thing!? She even said at the end of her story that everybody tells pregnant women all sorts of horrible stories and she''s not sure why they do it, but she just wanted to make sure that I''d be careful - so she knew on some level that she shouldn''t be saying that! She also got after me a little bit the other day because I was eating grapefruit, and she didn''t think it was good for the baby.

I think that I need to schedule some time tonight with my boyfriend (Dr Gregory House) to make me feel better. `
Date: 1/12/2009 6:13:35 PM
Author: puffy
such cute bellies you all have!!

pave so glad to hear that Tyler is home with you guys.
um, Blen...
What in the DANG is that girl talking about??? Grapefruit bad for the baby? Where did she pull that from? I think people are SO rediculous. Pay ZERO attention to her. Honestly, from someone who has really bad medical/surgical luck (me), and has had countless IVs, I can tell you that there is nothing to worry about there. So at the very least put that fear out of your head. URGH. That bothers me so much. Does she have no social skills? Maybe no social filter (i.e. that stupid story came to her head and she felt compelled to re-tell it)? Anyways, it''s bogus.

Oh the other hand, I feel badly for you about the constant contractions. I can see how that would be a) irritating and b) nerve racking. I''d ignore Mrs. DumbDumb and focus on getting all the advice and help from you middies and getting to a comfortable place with those contractions. I feel for you....

how many weeks and days are you again?
Mela, the truly insane thing is that she has FIVE CHILDREN and something like 8 grandchildren. It''s not like she''s never been pregnant and doesn''t know how it works. I''ve been trying to think of how it''s possible for an IV to give you a blood clot, and the most I can figure is that they gave her some drugs through it that made her more likely to clot. Much more likely, it''s a correlation vs causation type thing. And I have no idea how fruit can hurt the baby.

I''m 27w4d, and thankful every day that I''m getting closer and closer to really being in the safe zone. My m/w said last night that she has a good feeling and really wants me to have a big healthy 40-42 week baby, which would be wonderful. I have an appointment with her tomorrow night and she came to my house straight from a really really long birth (2.5 day labor, but she was only there for the last 24 hours), so I didn''t want to ask her to stay and chat more than necessary, but I want to spend a while tomorrow talking about getting to a better place with this emotionally.

My boyfriend abandoned me for the evening.
And with no warning, too.
hey what awesome pics..i shall be trying ot post one shortly
..i of course have no idea how to do that but will ask someone...havent been on lately bc of the wedding on went well and had fun but glad its over in a way so we can rest now

mela- im glad u had a good time...mexico sounds soooo appealing right now!!! love that belly 2 cute! and good for u taking charge

court, cdt- such nice bumps and pics!!

blen- please keep us updated...i dont know what to make of whats goin on there?? but keep that baby baking

china- feel better!

DD- allllmost there

catch up more later
Blen, I know you very much prefer natural things, but in your case I would urge you to look into progesterone suppositories or shots. They have been well studied and have been shown to reduce the incidence of preterm labor in many situations and they don't have any real negative side effects for you or baby. There are lots of studies on Pubmed if you are interested.

Anecdotally I took them (suppositories) and made it to term...of course we don't know it the progesterone helped or not, but it certainly didn't hurt!

Hope you all are doing well! Still here reading about everyone but typing with one hand takes FOREVER!
Thanks, NF - I''ll talk to her about it tomorrow.
Blen I''m so sorry honey!! If meds will help, then I say take ''em.

As for me I am poopy right now. Apparently at my midwife appointment my blood pressure was high. She took it about 3 times then I sat for 30 minutes and she did it again but it was still high. She isn''t overly worried at this point b/c I have no other symptoms and my pee stick was neg for protein, but I was ordered to "do nothing" for the next couple of days and then come back Wed. morning to see what the BP is doing. I suspect that it was high b/c I am exhausted from last week and not sleeping well, and this evening I have been feeling a little like I may be coming down with a cold or something (always happens after I fly) but we shall see! The timing couldn''t be worse, I have another interview of Thurs/Fri!! I guess if the BP is high on Wed then I will have blood tests done and if they are wonky then we go from there. So cross those fingers thar after a couple days rest and relaxation its normal of Wed! I really cannot afford to miss this interview, it isn''t like they come along all the time
and although of course baby and my health is the most important I also want to get a job for next year! Worste case I can maybe work out a more limited schedule with them... this one is already much less demanding than the others. They know I am 8mo preggo and I think they organized things so that my days are much shorter and less demanding.
Dreamer Don''t worry just yet girl, I had the same thing happen for weeks and it ended up being nothing. My doc said for some women their BP''s rise toward the end of pregnancy due to their own stress/anxiety and the stress your body is being put under from the baby. The most important thing is that they continue to monitor it closely.

If all looks good before your interview but you are worried you can buy a cheap blood pressure cuff from the pharmacy and learn to take it yourself. It''s very easy and might give you some peace of mind.
DD - fingers crossed that it turns out to be nothing. Is your interview at least nearby?
DD- fingers crossed for ya mama..but I do remember neat goin through that and turning out im hoping for the same.

I have a ?....I did the repeat of the anatomy scan today for the boy and they were supposed to look at the details of the hearts..but again apparently babies weren''t in good positions but I did see her looking at the girlie''s heart..but she said I need to go to get a fetal echo for both bc they can''t see the details...did anyone have this done? Bc im feeling worried that maybe something can look wrong and they aren''t saying?? Or is this smthg normal ?
Date: 1/12/2009 9:02:38 PM
Author: neatfreak
Dreamer Don''t worry just yet girl, I had the same thing happen for weeks and it ended up being nothing. My doc said for some women their BP''s rise toward the end of pregnancy due to their own stress/anxiety and the stress your body is being put under from the baby. The most important thing is that they continue to monitor it closely.

If all looks good before your interview but you are worried you can buy a cheap blood pressure cuff from the pharmacy and learn to take it yourself. It''s very easy and might give you some peace of mind.
Thanks Neat... I have been working too hard the last week and also I really feel like I am getting sick, and I feel like that is contributing. So we shall see. The m/w wasn''t overly concerned, she just wants to monitor it, which I can respect. My pressures were not in the danger danger zone, they were just higher than normal for me. I think that if it isn''t down and I am still feeling sick by Wednesday afternoon, then I will get in touch with the school and ask that they try to arrange all my meetings to take place in one room, that way I can just sit there like a Queen and let everyone come to me
Actually, I got my schedule and they seem to be taking pity on me anyways in this regard (they know I am preggo b/c I interviewed at another school to which they have close ties) so I think they will be amenable whatever the case.

Blenheim yes, it is only an hour or so drive from where I live, so it is not too big a deal. If I had to fly I think I would need to postpone until I knew for sure what was going on!
Date: 1/12/2009 10:15:55 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
DD- fingers crossed for ya mama..but I do remember neat goin through that and turning out im hoping for the same.

I have a ?....I did the repeat of the anatomy scan today for the boy and they were supposed to look at the details of the hearts..but again apparently babies weren''t in good positions but I did see her looking at the girlie''s heart..but she said I need to go to get a fetal echo for both bc they can''t see the details...did anyone have this done? Bc im feeling worried that maybe something can look wrong and they aren''t saying?? Or is this smthg normal ?
I don''t know about normal, but I know they are not allowed to keep things from you, that isn''t good medical practice. So for now I''d take them at their word and just assume that they are being cautious b/c with 2 babies it is harder to get images.
Thanks DD- its just strange bc she was looking right at baby girl''s heart (from what I saw) I don''t know why she couldn''t get a clear picture..the boy def never cooperates with this position(today he had knees bent and feet crossed)..and didn''t react to me drinking oj..girl got excited though right after the oj..was funny seeing he so active

Did anyone have the fetal echos? Maybe it is a twin thing..neat?
Date: 1/12/2009 10:40:03 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks DD- its just strange bc she was looking right at baby girl''s heart (from what I saw) I don''t know why she couldn''t get a clear picture..the boy def never cooperates with this position(today he had knees bent and feet crossed)..and didn''t react to me drinking oj..girl got excited though right after the oj..was funny seeing he so active

Did anyone have the fetal echos? Maybe it is a twin thing..neat?

No, I did not. Either they couldn''t see something clearly or they are worried about something is my guess. Did you speak to the doctor? Or just the u/s tech? I ask because I know here my u/s tech basically wasn''t allowed to tell us ANYTHING. They were required to wait for the doctor to tell us, whether good or bad. So if you haven''t already I would ask your doc what''s up.

Actually, regardless I would ask your doc why you have to have it done. They should tell you.
Date: 1/12/2009 10:40:03 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks DD- its just strange bc she was looking right at baby girl's heart (from what I saw) I don't know why she couldn't get a clear picture..the boy def never cooperates with this position(today he had knees bent and feet crossed)..and didn't react to me drinking oj..girl got excited though right after the oj..was funny seeing he so active

Did anyone have the fetal echos? Maybe it is a twin thing..neat?
I had the fetal cardio echo done a couple of hours after my anomaly scan - they did one because one of the meds I take can cause heart defects. It was basically just like a normal US only they just look at the heart. The baby was extremely uncooperative and kept twisting away so it took a while.

There are some defects that don't show on antenatal scans so they can never give you a 100% clean bill of health, but I got as good as you can result wise. The person doing the cardio scan will be specialised in that area. I think they send you if they are even the tiniest bit unsure, so don't worry unnecessarily.

Re Grapefruit - grapefruit juice can be very dangerous if you are on certain medictions as it can affect the plasma levels and make them much higher than they would normally be. However, this is if you are in the habit of drinking the stuff daily and also take these particular meds, the odd glass or odd whole grapefruit is not a problem. Just thought I'd throw that out there as it is something people would normally never think of...

Am very pleased as my mini co-sleeper cot arrived this morning - it took me a whole 2 minutes to assemble and I'm really pleased with it. The size is perfect for our house. Hooray!

The only thing I will do is buy a new mattress and new sheets as the ones that came with it, although clean and with no marks or anything are fairly well worn.

DH and I went shopping for baby stuff over the weekend at John Lewis which is the holy grail of department stores in London. It was so busy that you had to book an appointment with their SA's - however they did give us a free voucher for coffee and cakes which was very nice of them (they do really good cake!).

We looked at prams, car seats, high chairs and carriers - I was very glad I had done so much research before we went as it helped a lot.

We narrowed it down to the Bugaboo Bee (in yellow) for the pram, the MaxiCosi Cabriofix for the car seat - it fixes to the pram and uses the isofix system that we have in our car, the BabyBjorn Active carrier and the Bloom Fresco highchair. Other than the pram and car seat I'm now on an ebay hunt!

The government here has just announced a one off payment of £190 GBP for anyone expecting a baby on or after the 6th April 2009. Hooray - therefore I can now afford to buy a fancy highchair like the Bloom!

I was amazed how much interest DH showed - they had a bear filled with weights to make it the same size and weight as a baby and he was happily walking round the store with it in a carrier to test them out!

Otherwise, I just seem to have a bump that gets bigger by the day. I'm having problems putting socks on already and my balance is shot to pieces. I crouched down in the shop at one point to read a label and went sprawling everywhere! I also can't get back up again so DH was having to haul me to my feet everytime. I think the back isn't helping there though.

Personally I am quite happy to wait another 18 weeks for the sprog to arrive! Although I loathe being pregnant and can't wait till you can grow babies to full term in jars, I just don't feel ready for the reality of having to be responsible for a small person yet!
Date: 1/12/2009 10:40:03 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks DD- its just strange bc she was looking right at baby girl''s heart (from what I saw) I don''t know why she couldn''t get a clear picture..the boy def never cooperates with this position(today he had knees bent and feet crossed)..and didn''t react to me drinking oj..girl got excited though right after the oj..was funny seeing he so active

Did anyone have the fetal echos? Maybe it is a twin thing..neat?
The ultrasound tech is not able to tell you if they did see something questionable, the doctor would have to, so I would call your doctor and ask. They probably just weren''t able to get a clear picture. When they look at the heart, they aren''t JUST looking at the heart, they are also looking to make sure all of the arteries, veins, chambers and valves are in the right place, the right size, working like they should, etc. As you can imagine, on a 20 week baby the heart is very small. When you factor in twins it makes it that much harder to get a good picture. Someone who specializes in fetal echos would have a better chance at getting the best picture they can.
I''m sure it''s because they want a better picture, but I understand how much this must worry you. I would ask the doctor if it''s because they couldn''t see everything, or because they saw something that worried them.
oh sux Dreamer! I really hope that the BP is nothing. For obvious reasons, but also to get you through this interview. GL with that!! Where abouts is it? (Your fellow Ontarian)

Pandora - I''m SO jeal of your shoppping expo. We''ve done...ZERO. Nothing. Nadda. Zip. Zilch. Haven''t even started looking. I want my DH to get into it...but he''s not at all interested yet. We''ve ''agreed'' via a compromise to start the nursery in Feb...but only after we''ve set up our home office which we''re going to try to do this month (Jan). Hopefully he doesn''t drag his feet on the home office. He''s a procrastinator where I am not. Urgh.

LOVE the bugaboo Bee. Love love love. We''re going to go with the day. lol.
Thanks neat/pandora/tiff- it was jus the tech and she just basically said they can''t get a clear picture...she never went to the doctor to review the u/s with a doc...I do it on another floor and they have their own docs reviewing it...but she never left the room to ask or anything so I don''t know..maybe I should call my nurse and have her find out?
Date: 1/13/2009 10:28:26 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Thanks neat/pandora/tiff- it was jus the tech and she just basically said they can''t get a clear picture...she never went to the doctor to review the u/s with a doc...I do it on another floor and they have their own docs reviewing it...but she never left the room to ask or anything so I don''t know..maybe I should call my nurse and have her find out?

I would...even just to know what is going on.
Date: 1/13/2009 10:51:24 AM
Author: neatfreak
Date: 1/13/2009 10:28:26 AM

Author: nycbkgirl

Thanks neat/pandora/tiff- it was jus the tech and she just basically said they can''t get a clear picture...she never went to the doctor to review the u/s with a doc...I do it on another floor and they have their own docs reviewing it...but she never left the room to ask or anything so I don''t know..maybe I should call my nurse and have her find out?

I would...even just to know what is going on.
D''oi. Totes meant to say something here NCY. sorry. I would def follow up on this one too. It''s probably nothing (but couldn''t get good pics) but why worry if a phone call can help put your mind at ease, right?
In my experience, the tech thought there was something wrong (when I had that hematoma) and she called in the Doctor. She said she couldn''t tell me anything, as her job was just to take pics, but the Doctor came in and told me what was going on. I''m sure they would have done the same if there was something wrong. Espesh with twins. Hang in there. Make a call, just to be sure, but try not to worry
Ditto everyone else NYC. They are there to asnwer questions like that!

As for me Yup I am sick! Came down with a cold overnight. Called the midwife and she said she isn''t worried at all about the BP (only the first number was elevated and not in the danger zone) and thinks it is related to my illness and both are a sign that I should Shut ''Er Down! LOL! So I am laying low. Still gonna get the BP checked more to make sure its okay, and I still have to do the interview thing, but otherwise I am not doing ANYTHING! I have contacted the people at the university and I am going to ask if it is possible to schedule some of my meetings in the same room so I have less trooping around to do, just to decrease the energy expended, especially having a cold!
Date: 1/13/2009 10:24:13 AM
Author: mela lu
Where abouts is it? (Your fellow Ontarian)
Rhymes with "Pronto!"
Date: 1/13/2009 11:18:58 AM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 1/13/2009 10:24:13 AM

Author: mela lu

Where abouts is it? (Your fellow Ontarian)

Rhymes with ''Pronto!''

Am I weetarted? I don''t get it?!
Do I live there? Does it also rhyme with Foronto?
DD- I feel like im getting sick as well..woke up with sore throat and nose congestion...what can preggod take for sickness??..I miss nyquil lol.

Left msg for nurse.