
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LittleL - so sorry that you''re suffering.
Really hoping the mild dose of celexa will do the trick for you

Neat - I suuuuuuuuuuuuure do love my EYEtal names
. DH loves Chiara! Good one. It reminds me of the movie "under the tuscan sun"; where the young girl was named Chiara!

So Cal - If you want my honest opinion...I think that bedding is too skewed to the ''boy'' side.
Sorry... But. If you love it and don''t mind the decor a tinch more masculine, then go for it
. No rules, right?
So Cal, I agree with Mela that it''s skewed more towards boy, but I think you could make it work for a girl too. I love so many of the neutral choices. Willow (at Baby Depot, but very similar to BRU''s bunny meadow) is one of my faves.
Baby is -1 station and LOP as of about an hour ago, and I''m about 70% effaced and fingertip dilated. Not that it means all that much for when baby will arrive, but yay for some dropping and effacement!

Thanks for all of the name opinions! DH is not budging on Virginia Elizabeth (but could always change his mind after I go through labor
), and on any Virginia E name for the same reason but really likes Virginia Isobel, so that''s been bumped to the top of our list. I''ll need to sit on it for a few days to know for sure, but I think that may be the winner.

DD - the historical significance was not lost on me - I was actually thinking of how naming a daughter Virginia would be a teensy bit like naming her after me anyways, but figured that the point would be lost on everyone but me. I like that you picked up on it too.

PilsnPinkysMom - thanks for weighing in, but picky hubby vetoed that one as well.

China - I''d prefer to keep both names feminine, but thanks! And I know that I''ve listed about a million combinations on here so far, haha. I have issues.

CDT - So I''m not the only one with an overzealous grandma in the picture?
They got their turn to name us, so as the parents now it''s definitely our turn to decide. It''s not like I''m choosing Lemonjello or anything here. And I like Warren. The name sounds like it belongs on a thoughtful hottie to me.

Pandora - Doris the Donkey is making me giggle. Maybe we should avoid that then. So funny about Daisy and the heating blanket! When did you get to be 31 weeks!?

Viszla - We''ve actually gone around in circles with the possibility of using various maiden names and none of them are really speaking to either of us. Sorry to hear that the morning sickness has set in.

Mela - I''m still liking Wolfgang... how did that non-latin name make it back on your list!?
I prefer Romeo to Christian as a first, and like the Romeo Christian combo. I''m also a fan of Luna Valentina, followed by Luna Bianca and Luna Mia.

Amber- Welcome! I''m so happy that you''re here!

November- congrats and welcome!

Sabine - what do you consider cheap, as far as shoes go? I haven''t found any cheap shoes that are really comfy for long. I''m living in my Borns these days, which are expensive for me (about $100 a pair).

Fiery - what the heck on the testing! I hope you figure it out.

NYC - are you allowed to go in for a pregnancy massage? Or would the pressure potentially set other stuff off? My hips have felt worlds better since mine, so I''m just wondering if that would be a possibility for you.

Mandarine - so cute about the two little birds. I really like both Gabrielle and Marcos.

sorry to everyone who I''ve missed!
Thanks Mela - I appreciate the kind words. I'm actually feeling about 95% like my old self after being on the meds for a week - and they generally take a couple weeks to really kick in. and I'm on an ULTRA low dose, so I'm feeling optimistic that I'll be good to go! But I appreciate the good thoughts!!
Date: 3/17/2009 9:22:09 PM
Author: littlelysser
Thanks Mela - I appreciate the kind words. I''m actually feeling about 95% like my old self after being on the meds for a week - and they generally take a couple weeks to really kick in. and I''m on an ULTRA low dose, so I''m feeling optimistic that I''ll be good to go! But I appreciate the good thoughts!!
Glad you are feeling better littleysser!!!
Date: 3/17/2009 9:13:09 PM
Author: Blenheim

Baby is -1 station and LOP as of about an hour ago, and I''m about 70% effaced and fingertip dilated. Not that it means all that much for when baby will arrive, but yay for some dropping and effacement!
Blen, what does that mean? Sounds promising....!
Date: 3/17/2009 9:48:29 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 3/17/2009 9:13:09 PM
Author: Blenheim

Baby is -1 station and LOP as of about an hour ago, and I''m about 70% effaced and fingertip dilated. Not that it means all that much for when baby will arrive, but yay for some dropping and effacement!
Blen, what does that mean? Sounds promising....!
Engagement is measured on a scale of -5 to +5, with -5 meaning that the baby''s head is 5 cm above the ischial spine and floating around really high and 5+ meaning that the baby''s head is 5 cm below the ischial spine and basically that you can see the baby''s head poking out. 0 is considered being engaged, so I''m almost there. In case that made no sense, I found a diagram.

LOP means left occult posterior, which isn''t the best positioning in the world - anterior makes for an easier labor. The left means that the baby''s back is more on the left side of me than the right. But babies can move around enough up until they come out that this isn''t too much of an issue. I''m just supposed to avoid sitting back for extended periods of time and to use good posture, lean forward, things like that (which I''m not doing right now... oops.)
blen- yay for making progress!! doesnt this all mean labor though?? or does it mean labor will be coming soon>?>?
i would love a massage but im too scared to get one..only thing i can possible do id therapy but im ok for now just trying to keep them baking..i can deal with my pain (me= irrelevant now)

im not contributing to names bc again too superstitious lol but everything you all are choosing sounds great!
Aw NYC, hugs. Can you at least give yourself a facial or have hubby paint your toes, so that you don''t feel completely irrelevant?

Honestly, it doesn''t give us any more information than we already had, namely that I could go into labor tonight or five weeks from now. My middie doesn''t even routinely do internal exams unless asked, I just wanted to know cause I like to know as much as possible about things! Internal exams are much weirder than I was expecting - I''m used to being alone in a room and getting undressed and covering myself with one of those cloths, then having the doctor to come in to examine me. And while I''m sure that they would do it if I asked them, it''s like - why have them leave the room if they''re going to see the end product anyway? So I just stripped down in front of them. But it''s just weird getting undressed in front of guests in our house (except hubby, of course). I probably need to get over this. They''re going to see way worse pretty shortly here.
On the plus side, I did my own GBS swab.

LL - glad to hear that you''re starting to feel better!
Blen that is great that the baby is getting close to engaged! And the effacement is key... the issue that I had with my polyhydramios was that hunter NEVER engaged... he was maybe -2 station right up until I got my epidural. Also, perhaps because of this, I never really effaced much prior to labour. So that is all great news for you and bodes well for your home birth. The closer you can get to beaing ready before labour actually starts, the better. I wouldn''t worry at all about baby''s postion, Hunter changed daily in the last couple days, torquing from LOP to OA in the last day. Contractions force baby into the "right" position most of the time, so the engagement and effacement are by far the most important! Re names: I loooove Tudor english history, it is my fave historical period. The drama surrounding Henry''s reign and then the drama when he died with only one young and sickly male heir and two "bastard" female children is simply amazing. Not the mention the added drama of the break from Catholocism! Fact is often so much stranger than fiction. Are you sure you can''t conving your hubby? I love names with meaning, but then maybe you aren''t quite the Elizabeth I lover that I am...
Blen- o don''t get me wrong I still do facials,mani pedi,eyebrows etc...I mean in regards to pain or feelings what not..there I am irrelevent..w.e. Is best for my babies ;)
Oh wow Blen! You are moving right along! When you say fingertip dialated, how much is that exactly?
Date: 3/18/2009 9:09:34 AM
Author: Courtneylub
Oh wow Blen! You are moving right along! When you say fingertip dialated, how much is that exactly?

A fingertip.
But it depends on how big your practitioners hands are honestly. It's usually somewhere around 1cm.

I was fingertip dilated for 11 weeks!
Courtney - glad you chimed in!! I was wondering if you were ok because your last post you were not feeling well.

Sabine - I meant to mention yesterday that I''m wearing crocs now, but I bought the Malindi style. They are slimmer then most crocs and don''t looks ''as casual'' so I wear them to work. They are SUPER comfy and I LOVE them!! They are still wider then a regular shoe so no worries there...but they''re not big and clunky looking like the regular crocs

Link here.

Mela - I love your names!!! And i''m so impressed you have such a large list! I wish. I just wish I LOVED something...but nope. Nada...I still have about 3 months though

Blen - that''s great on the progress!! Go baby go!!! Hope labor comes soon (although not too soon) for you!!!

As usual I''m missing people....sorry! This thread was jumping last night!!

My DH and I tried to play the name game again last night and here''s where we''re at. Can you ladies tell me which you like best??? I''m so stuck.

Dane Thomas
Warren Thomas
Kent Thomas
Evan Thomas

Thomas thomas thomas...hehehe.......we know his middle name
Date: 3/18/2009 9:23:16 AM
Author: cdt1101

Dane Thomas

Warren Thomas

Kent Thomas

Evan Thomas

Thomas thomas thomas...hehehe.......we know his middle name

I love Evan or Warren out of those four names!
thanks neat! You don''t think Evan is feminine do you?? My DH always worries about the somewhat androgynous names (which is why Layne was taking off the list awhile ago).
CDT - I lurve Evan!!! Its totally a boy's name; although I betcha it will be used as a girls name too. My gut says that the majority of people would assume BOY. Any girl named Evan would have to sign her email signature Ms. Evan Lastname. Otherwise, it would look like a man's name.

Any other Fleetwood Mac Fans out there? An acquaintance of mine just had a baby girl. Rhiannon. LOVE IT!

Blen - thanks for the tutorial. I get it now. I can't WAIT to efface, engage and dilate!

DREAMER - back to the Baby Buddha sling. (I'm not done with this Do you find that one loop is strong and secure enough to hold Hunter? or do you really need the cross-support of the second loop? I ask because I notice they sell single loops as well. This may be all I need for the first couple months, then I plan on using the baby bjorn more often. What do you think?

K. Back to work - for now

Mela 30w5d

Thanks for thinking of me, CDT! I am feeling better, but still have the shortness of breath/heart racing every so often. It feels like a little bit of anxiety, but I''m not sure. If it gets bad, I just lay on my left side and try to relax for a bit.

I''m absolutely exhausted these days!! I wish I could just stay home and nest and nap. That''s all I want to do.

Mela - We''re actually going to a Fleetwood Mac concert saturday night!! too funny! My FAVORITE band EVER!!! Great name
CDT-I love Evan of the four names! I think its great!

As for our names, at this point I think we're going to wait until we meet her to figure it out. We have thought of a few but when we couple it with FI's last name, it just doesn't sound right. So we'll wait and see.

We have progress on the "nursery." I need to get the photos of the disaster that is that room on here so you guys can get a sense of what I deal with on a day to day basis. He has so much crap in there it's incredible. He just has a hard time letting things go. I lived out of a suitcase jumping from house to house for so long that all I really have are clothes. He has all kinds of stuff. Anyway yesterday he was taken apart the two computer desks that are in there because he gave them away to his friend
. And he said he's going to see if he can either sell or donate three of the 4 computer monitors he has and just keep one
I told him that if he gets rid of all 4, we can go get a flat screen which made him really happy

It'll be nice to be able to see the floor and walls in that room again

OH! And I got a call from the nurse. Her response was that they do the CF screening on all pregnant women regardless of whether you signed for it or not. I told her that they should have said something to me as my insurance at the time was not going to cover it and it's a $500 bill. I have to talk to my OB the next time I'm there and try to work out a deal with them. In the meantime, I'm going to try to submit the bill to my current insurance. I had signed up with them in November right after my BFP but the card issue date is 12/16. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll work with me. If not then I know where my tax refund is going to
Gak Fiery - I really hope your insurance covers that. Its like the price of a stroller!
I''m a really good purger. When I get on my tangents, my motto is "get rid of it"...and I say it over and over in my head like a mantra. It helps me when I''m wavering on whether to get rid of it. lol.

CDT - SO jeal of your Fleetwood Mac concert. I''d LOVE to see them live.

DH veto''s Luna Mia. (surprise surprise). He says it''s too "Mama Mia" "O Solo Mio" for him. He says it sounds like a pizza joint.

I''ve gone from "cheesy" to "the sublime".
Blen, how exciting that it could be any day!

cdt- My favorites are also Evan and Warren, in that order. I've always liked the name Evan a lot, and it sounds great with Thomas. Not at all feminine- it's the Welsh version of John, actually (something I just learned!).

mela- So is Luna Selene still in the running? That's my favorite.

I've started waking up starving in the morning. First it just feels like a stomach ache, but then I realize it's a hungry stomach ache. I'm literally hungry all day and night, so I've started eating around 6 small meals a day. Hopefully it'll help with the heartburn. Anyone else an eating machine?

Date: 3/18/2009 10:42:36 AM
Author: EBree
mela- So is Luna Selene still in the running? That's my favorite.

I've started waking up starving in the morning. First it just feels like a stomach ache, but then I realize it's a hungry stomach ache. I'm literally hungry all day and night, so I've started eating around 6 small meals a day. Hopefully it'll help with the heartburn. Anyone else an eating machine?


Luna Selene is still in the running towards being America's Next Top Model

I am an eating machine. I eat every 3 hours. right now....raw veggie and dip. It's always something small (like a yogurt) but I HAVE to, otherwise I get the growly stomach too. I've never woken up hungry before pregnancy, but now I'm ravenous when I wake up. Yesterday, for breakfast, I ate a fried egg ON A PIECE OF PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

ETA: I've eaten plain yogurt in bed (half asleep) a few times, just to put something in my belly because I felt it 'going'...

my ADD continues today. I'm having a hard time focusing at work today.
thanks for weighing in on the names ladies!!! So no one likes Dane?? What is about it that you guys don''t like? I"m interesting in hearing opinions on this one, since for my DH, Warren and Dane are his top 2. Is it the Dane Cook association???

Mela - I hear ya!! I can''t focus today either....but i''m enjoying it now, next week my temporary replacement starts so I''ll have NO time for PS during work hours
Date: 3/18/2009 10:52:37 AM
Author: cdt1101
thanks for weighing in on the names ladies!!! So no one likes Dane?? What is about it that you guys don''t like? I''m interesting in hearing opinions on this one, since for my DH, Warren and Dane are his top 2. Is it the Dane Cook association???

Mela - I hear ya!! I can''t focus today either....but i''m enjoying it now, next week my temporary replacement starts so I''ll have NO time for PS during work hours

It''s you and me here today!

Yup. For me, it''s Dane Cook. Its the first thing I think of when I hear that name. I don''t lurve Dane Cook, so maybe thats it. I have no other ''good'' Dane reference to balance it off of.

I like Lane better than Dane. Same sound, but no comedian to associate it with. lol.

This reminds me of one of my fave boys names that DH veto''s. Lake. Sounds like Jake and Drake, but softer. Lane is the ''softer'' side of Dane (IMO).
Date: 3/18/2009 10:52:37 AM
Author: cdt1101
thanks for weighing in on the names ladies!!! So no one likes Dane?? What is about it that you guys don't like? I'm interesting in hearing opinions on this one, since for my DH, Warren and Dane are his top 2. Is it the Dane Cook association???

Makes me think of a dog for some reason...sorry hon! But I love Evan and Warren!

ETA: Also easy to tease if he's chubby at all as a child: great dane and all those references.
Date: 3/18/2009 10:46:57 AM
Author: mela lu

Yesterday, for breakfast, I ate a fried egg ON A PIECE OF PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

Okay, just reading that made my stomach growl. But I'm in bed on my laptop (TMI?) and I dread the cold morning floors. Can I brave them to reach the kitchen downstairs for a delicious waffle (or 7) with 'butter'? Ugh.

cdt- I like Dane, but I do associate the name with the comedian (who I'm just not a fan of). That may be the hangup for me.
weird thing is my DH doesn''t like Dane Cook either, but likes the weird.....hehehe.....and my mom HATES Dane Cook (finds him vulgar for some reason), so I haven''t even mentioned we are considering it, figured I''d surprise her if we end up choosing it

I''ve thought of the dog reference as well.

I do still really like Layne/Lane and funny enough recently met a little Layne (spelled w/ the y). He''s 18 months and ADORABLE!! I was so shocked to hear the mom say his name that I had to go up to her and ask if I heard that right. Yup, a little Layne...hehehe......

This talk of food is making me hungry! I''m going to eat my strawberries....I think our son will look like a strawberry when he comes out....hehehe......i eat them sooooooooooooooooo much
Date: 3/18/2009 11:19:58 AM
Author: cdt1101

This talk of food is making me hungry! I''m going to eat my strawberries....I think our son will look like a strawberry when he comes out....hehehe......i eat them sooooooooooooooooo much

Me too! I''ve eaten a ton of strawberries this pregnancy. And orange juice. Mmmmm.

Okay, it''s waffle time. I shall brave my cold floors for the delicious, buttery goodness.
cdt, I like both Warran and Evan. Not so much a fan of Dane (like Layne/Lane much more) because I also think of Great Danes when I hear it.

Mela, I think Luna Mia is my fav. for you. I also like Lune Selene as well though!

I think we''re going to end up naming our son Jackson by default. It is the only name that we''ve come up with that we both like, and we''re kinda stuck to think of any other options! I don''t think it really feels like "the one" but I don''t know if anything will until we actually meet him. But then I worry, what if he''s totally not a Jackson and we don''t even have any other choices?

I just had my last ever observation as a high school English teacher! Woohoo! I think it went pretty well, but our principal is seriously a bit "off" so I won''t know until I meet with him to go over it. Seriously, our school is in an uproar lately because our principal (who is new this year) is causing all sorts of havoc, and nothing good is coming from it. I''m so glad to be leaving!

We''re going to look at apartments in VA this weekend and I''m seriously sooooo excited! The navy gives us a nice housing allowance, so we''re seriously looking at the nicest places we can find (although just apartments since we might only be there for 1 year).

I''m also having shower drama, which I''ll probably post about later, but right now I have lunch duty. Seriously, now that my observation is over with, I am going to have even less motivation to do things around here.