
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 3/19/2009 12:11:50 PM
Author: Sabine
Isn''t it weird what the stomach craves? For a while I was living on bagels, french fries, and granny smith apples. Sometimes even plain pasta was enough to upset my stomach. I''m so glad that has passed!

However, after reaching 20 weeks yesterday, (woohoo!!!) I threw up in the shower this morning! I''m still having days like this, but they are very few and far between. The thing that really stinks for me is that I have to take thyroid medicine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and then wait an hour to eat, so some mornings I just need to throw up and get it out of my system.

Vizla, I really like both Carter and Emmett! I would totally suggest Carter to my husband, except our last name starts with a K and we''ve nixed any alliterative names! Do you like the name Fletcher at all?
Sabine, I take my thyroid medicine in the middle of the night on one of my many bathroom trips. I just have to remember to throw the bottle on the floor when I''m done so I don''t take it twice in one night. It makes it so much easier in the morning because even before I was preggers I would get really sick if I didn''t eat within a few minutes of getting out of bed. If you don''t sleep through the night you might give that a shot.

Sorry you are still feeling sick once in awhile, but at least it is getting to be less often.

Date: 3/19/2009 12:36:10 PM
Author: mela lu
NYC - tee hee about the babies gaining and you staying the same! I WISH!!! I''ve already gained 26lbs so far.

Viszla - I like the idea of not being able to create nicknames. That is why Christian is not a consideration for us as a first name; it gets shortened to ''Chris''. I love Myles (or Miles). In fact, these are my favourite names that I *would* consider if we weren''t hell bent on having a latin based name:


Love all these for a boy. Classic, strong, and hard to screw up with terrible a shortform.

A lot of people are suggesting the name, Sebastian, to us. I like it...but not for me.

ETA: sabine. Funny you mention the alliteration. My parents are SO upset we''re not alliterizing (is that a real word? don''t think so...). They wanted a G-G baby.
I guess to call Gigi. lol.
My friend Conrad many nicknames because we love him and he is easy going... Conrovia and Connie are what I usually use.
ohh i also love james.. classic, simple... DH nixed it.. that boy is tough!
thanks for all of the other votes for carter.. it''s a top contender for sure.. do you see a problem if our last name ends in r too?

oh how i can''t wait to be 20 weeks and have something to show :) i''m just bloated, tired, hungry and sicky poo all day.. oh and pimple faced.. it''s ever so fun

oh and re: kids making fun .. yep, my name isn''t anything.. it''s just a name.. a pretty classic name and kids found a way to take one nickname and rhyme it with "dizzy" - can''t win. that is not why i don''t like nicknames.. i just like the name as the name...

Tomorrow is our appointment to meet a new Doctor!! I can''t wait!. If we really like her I will ask he if she can do (right then) the u/s we have scheduled with our current Doctor for Monday. That would be an extra bonus!. We will see

My MIL has been making me "power raw juices/smoothies" for the little beans. This is obviously something I can drink because I don''t have any m/s (knock on wood)...because well, let''s just say this is not ''Jamba Juice''!...BUT they are ALL vitamins/nutrients for the little ones, so I say cheers and drink up! (think cucumbers, spinach, celery, red chard, ginger, romaine lettuce, banana and blueberries!...sounds gross, but it really isn''t so bad!). So I DID have a green drink for St Patricks

The other twins are getting out of control...haha. I switched to a sports bra and may need to go get a couple of bras for the ''in-between'' phase.


Sabine- Awesome news on getting the rec center!!!! woohoo, good job Robbie

Peony- I wasn''t able to sleep essentially since before finding out we were pregnant!. It''s just now getting better (meaning my alarm finally is waking me up) but on weekend I''m up by 7:30am (where as before I could easily sleep until 10!). I''m not going to bed any sooner either!. Add to that the 2-3 times I get up to pee. It sucks...I think for me is just anxiety. As soon as I open my eyes first thought is "OMG I''m pregnant"...and now it''s like "OMG I have twins in there"...the rest as they say, is history!. Of course then I spend the rest of the day exhausted!!....I''m hoping it keeps getting better!....but since I wake up with happy babies thoughts it doesn''t really bother me

Viz I love Carter!! I think it''s cute but also elegant. Congrats on seeing the little one yesterday! Isn''t is awesome!?

9.gif''re pregnant! You are SOOOOO pregnant! So happy happy thoughts!!. I KNOW it''s hard, but try to do other things instead...look for baby names, or nursery ideas...or start a journal for the little one. Try to do positive really does help. Oh and my DH thinks Sebastian is also Seabass! haha

NYC 10 Lbs!!!???
. I feel like I''ve already gained 10 lbs!!! (I kid, I kid!)...but at least 2!. That''s awesome though, as long as the twinks are good then that''s all that matters!!!

Saphire Congrats on getting married!!!!!!!!!! I wish you love and much happiness!!!


Sorry, I probably missed a ton, this thread moves very fast!!!.

On shortening of DH best friend''s name is Darren...everyone calls him "D"...LOL

Have a great day everyone!!

*7 weeks today!*
Peony...I''m such an idiot..I thought you said trouble sleeping, not eating!!...LOL. Sorry see what lack of sleep mixed in with pregnant hormones does to me?

Anyway, ignore my previous comments...
Date: 3/19/2009 11:29:01 AM
Author: vizsla
i will say though, that seeing that flicker yesterday was such a relief! from what i''ve read the chances for m/c go down greatly after they confirm a heartbeat... (am i making this up?) so only a couple more weeks until you see your flicker.. it''s grand
When a HB is heard/seen after 9 weeks, then m/c risk is as low as it ever gets, 5 to 10%
Peony, I agree with everyone else, just eat whatever doesn''t make you sick. Have you tried chicken broth?

Vizsla, I really like Carter! We can''t use any names that end in "er" though because our last name ends in "er" and they sound weird together. I like James too, but my parents have a dog named Jamie that I grew up with, so I think it would be weird to use it. I think it could still be a possible middle name for us though if Jack doesn''t work with whatever we choose.

Amber, sorry about the migraines!

NYC, I''d gained 10 lbs by my 3rd appointment
. I''d thought I hadn''t gained since my last appointment since I weighed myself that same afternoon at Curves and it matched what it had been at the Dr''s office, but on Tuesday I had a jump of a pound and a half. Booo. I''m hoping it was water weight. I just have this mental thing about staying within the recommended weight gain range and I''m on track to overshoot it.

Sabine, yay for 20 weeks! Booo for still puking.

Mela, I really like the name Conrad. I suggested it to DH, but he vetoed because he has a friend w/ that last name.

Ebree, when you congratulated Sabine on finding a shower spot, I totally thought you were referring to her puking in the shower at first, lol. My brain no function. Congrats on 24 weeks!
I love the name Carter. My friend jsut had a baby yesterday and she names him Carter Edward. I think it''s such a great, strong name.

I got my 2nd betas back and they were 966, so that''s more than double the 391 in less than 48 hours, so I am very happy. First Appt. is scheduled for April 1st.
Well I must add that I don''t have to worry about weight gain and all bc I was overweight to start with...all of u skinny minnies will def have to gain more :)
dreamer, what about 8wks 5days? :)

robbie.. our last name ends in "er" too.. today on my walk to the gym i just kept saying "carter xxxxxxxxer" over and over again.. convincing myself that it didn''t sound weird :P
whoo hooo november !!!!!

i love the yes votes for carter! :) makes me think my choices aren''t so trendy or weird after all :) thanks ladies!
Date: 3/19/2009 2:34:30 PM
Author: vizsla
dreamer, what about 8wks 5days? :)
LOL! I think you are good to go! Start buying baby clothing!
Date: 3/19/2009 1:57:19 PM
Author: robbie3982

Ebree, when you congratulated Sabine on finding a shower spot, I totally thought you were referring to her puking in the shower at first, lol. My brain no function. Congrats on 24 weeks!

LOL at the above. haha.

Nov - great Betas!!

Vis - don''t worry about the ''er'' ''er'' endings. We''re TOTALLY doing a ''oh'' ''oh'' ending. Romeo "Cargo". *lastname has been changed to protect identity
name again!! yay! I love talking about name for other people

I LOVE James, it's actually my uncle's name and would love to use it. But in Spanish (my DH is hispanic, so his family would likely pronouce names the spanish way if possible) it's said Ha-may (or something like that)....and that reminds me of Hymen
Me no it's out for us
But I also worried about it being shortened to Jim, since that's what my uncle is called. And i'm w/ some of you and no nicknames...i don't like names being shortened. My name is Christina, but my family has only ever called me Chrissy. I hate it! My DH, friends, co-workers call me Christina, but that's it, everyone else it's Chrissy. I'm almost 30 (next month actually...hehehe)! That sounds like a child's name......

So no names that can be easily shortened for us

I wouldn't worrry too much about the first and last name ending in the same letters. I think as long as the names don't rhyme, it should sound fine. And even if they do rhyme..who cares
OH and I just realized I''m 27 weeks today!!!! I''m officially starting the 3rd trimester!!!!!!!! WOO HOO
How did you get to be 27 weeks?
dreamer LOL! i''ve been a smidge apprehensive thinking is this real real real for real (esp. since i had some cramping and bleeding) and then thinking "when can i *really* start to get excited about this?" i go back tomorrow for another dr. apt and if everything is still a-ok we are going to tell our parents this weekend.... THAT will be the shot heard round the world and will seem real real real.

congrats third tri!
egad.. sometimes october seems sooooo far away.. but we also got married in october and thinking back to everything i did the summer before we got married it seems sooooo close...

i''m going to talk up carter some more tonight and see what DH reaction is... oh, i also luvvv the name leo. DH doesn''t like that either.... i can''t WAIT to hear his suggestions.. it will probably be mike. (not that there is anything wrong with mike
Vizsla - I have to laugh at Mike, because that''s my DH''s name (although his formal name is Miguel) and he keeps saying since we''re having such a hard time coming up w/ a name that when our little guy is born we''ll end up going with Michael/Mike....i''m like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! hehehe.....just too common, especially living in NJ, there are a ton of Mikes and Johns
oh snap! LOL...
i can''t tell you how many mike, johns, joes i went to school with. in fact, in college, when we would party hop and someone would ask us who we "knew" at the party our standard answer was always "mike" - because guaranteed there was one in every group of friends.. tee hee...

p.s. i totally LOLd at the hy-may name... and really, i can''t see anything wrong with that
Wow, so I totally didn''t read far back enough and missed Robbie''s post about having a shower location! I''m so excited now! Plus, I found out my insurance will reimburse for $65 towards a birthing class! But boo, the class dates that work for us are the same dates as a jazz dance class I really wanted to take (that also costs $60)...wonder if dh will get mad if I still take the class and have to miss 3 of the sessions...

As for the Mike/John other popular guy name debate, dh has been totally against those for us. His name is Matt (although his friends all call him by our last name) and he wants something that stands out more.
Note to self: never wait until 4PM to catch up with my girls

Ebree-Congrats on 24 weeks! It looks like we are a few days apart. Re: waking up starving, are you have something small at night? I was feeling that way also but now I have a banana with a glass of milk or a small muffin at night and I feel much better in the morning. LOL@ Tivo. We still don''t even have cable

CDT-I love strawberries! Congrats on third tri

Sabine-You are halfway through!! Congrats on the last observation! I don''t know what that means but if you''re happy, I''m happy
And Yay for the rec center!! Great job Robbie!!

Robbie-I love Jrs., III, etc. We have 4 Joses in my family starting with my grandfather, then my uncle, then my cousin, and ending (so far) with my cousin''s son (4 months old). That''s so cool about your b-day! Any plans??

November-I hope you are feeling better. That really was a scary experience. Thank God you were pulled over.

NYC-I''m rooting the babies will stay in there until 35 weeks just like you want! They''re doing so well though. I''m so proud of them

Tao-Welcome to the thread! I saw your update on BWW. If you need help planning, we can def. help out

Blen-Wow 37 weeks already

It sounds really perfect!

Peony-I didnt have m/s but I did have food aversions. I would just stick to whatever made me feel good at the time. Don''t worry about the baby. He/she will take what he/she needs. Just make sure you take your prenatals (which I realize is silly to tell you

Vizsla-I''m probably late to the party but I love Carter too! I wouldn''t worry about the endings. People won''t call him Carter LastName often
. I''m a Double M, not quite the same as having the "er" endings but it still didn''t bother me to grow up being a double M (even when kids would call me M&M

Amber-sorry about the migraines
. The waking up early will eventually go away. At least it did with me. I can sleep, and sleep, and sleep forever now.

Mandarine-Good luck tomorrow!



As for cravings: cheese sandwiches with mustard

I stood home today. Yesterday she was moving around a lot and when she finally setlled down, I felt some pain on my backside but didn''t think much of it. I got up at 2AM to use the restroom and almost fell off the bed
. I was in so much pain. When I woke up this morning I couldn''t walk at all. Mr. Fiery stood home to help me out. I''m feeling much better now but it still hurts when I try to sit or when I try to stand. I''m guessing it''s the whole sciatic nerve
Date: 3/19/2009 10:47:12 AM
Author: peonygirl
Hi gals! I am having an issue that hopefully you can help me with. I''m 5w1d, and I''m having a LOT of trouble eating. I''m somewhat nauseated and vomiting occasionally, but mostly every food seems absolutely disgusting. Even foods I usually like! If I didn''t have to eat at all right now I wouldn''t, because I have very little appetite. However, I''ve already lost 3 pounds and I''m worried that the baby is not getting sufficient nutrition. Help! Thanks so much.

A lot of the other gals have given you good advice. I want to echo that you should eat anything that''s appealing. As long as you''re getting plenty of fluids so that you don''t become dehydrated, you''re fine. My morning sickness hit right at 5 weeks, and by 7 weeks I was throwing up over 10 times a day (once 20 times in two hours!) until my Dr. prescribed Zofran. My calorie intake was pitiful until I got on the meds and I did lose some weight, but now my weight gain is right on track and my baby is measuring ahead.

Sliced up fruit may seem less offensive, as well as smoothies, popsicles, and crushed ice. Every gal''s morning sickness is totally different. I hope that you can find foods that you can tolerate and that your morning sickness doesn''t worsen!
Amber, I had a Sebastian in journalism and the class really did call him "Sea Bass." Or it might have been "C Bass." He wasn''t really the chummy kind of kid who got called a nickname a lot, but that''s what they wrote on the story board.

Peony, I''m on Zofran for my M/S and it is a lifesaver. I didn''t throw up but I did burst into tears several times a day. I never knew what I would feel like I could eat, and then when I came up with something, DH had to find a way to get it for me (luckily we live in walking distance to lots of take-out). The Zofran causes constipation so get some Metamucil if you''re going to go on it. It''s a Category B drug, and while I would like to avoid all medication if possible, I just couldn''t deal and decided it''s worth it. I still feel mildly nauseated, especially as it wears off, but it''s not interfering with my eating or life.

On the plus side, remember that women who experience symptoms like M/S are less likely to miscarry. Those symptoms are a good sign that your hormones are on track.

I''m 9 weeks today. My U/S is Monday at 9w4d. I am really looking forward to it because seeing the heartbeat will be a relief.

Guys, I think I already have a baby bump. Or a belly fat bump. My BMI before getting pregnant was 19-20, and I didn''t have belly fat. Two years ago when my BMI was 23, I just had more fat in my thighs and belly and everywhere, but no bump. Can it be a baby bump this early? WTF?

DH and I read the Mayo Clinic guide about how you may get a negative body image this month. I swear that I am ok with gaining weight! I lost over 20 pounds before and I can do it again. I just worry that gaining this much this early on means I''m going to gain a gazillion pounds, and that in a week or two I''ll look really obviously pregnant even though I won''t be out of my first trimester yet. Did anyone else show super early? I know that women with lower BMIs are supposed to gain more, but I secretly hoped I''d be like my similarly thin friend who is due in less than three months and has barely gained 10 pounds. I''m sure I''m well on my way to 10 pounds . . . but I''m not going to weigh myself lest I obsess over it.
Quick question for you ladies - when did you/will you have your first ultrasound? My first appt. is April 1, and I know that it''s not their practice to do an ultrasound at that appt. I will be 6.5 weeks at that point. I would really like to request that they do an ultrasound at or right after that appt because DH and I will be seeing my parents and brothers a week and a half later for Easter (and my 30th b-day!) and I would really like to tell them that I am pregnant since we don''t see them that often. But I would feel a lot better telling them if we had heard a heartbeat. It seems like a lot of people get early ultrasounds and I''m not afraid to ask, but I don''t want to if it''s out of line.

Peony, I am a little jealous of your not wanting to eat anything, I feel like I could eat anything in sight, but I am not sure I can blame that on pregnancy. I am using pregnancy as an excuse to eat a lot of ice cream though! DH keeps telling me it''s too early for cravings.
November, my first appointment is 3/31, and the woman said to make sure DH came because we're going to get an ultrasound, and "Probably see the heart". I see no reason why you shouldn't ask for one then, unless your insurance won't cover it.

ETA: I'll be 6w2d on my 1st appointment.
November, it can''t hurt to ask, right? I''d just make be sure to ask about insurance coverage and whether this means they wouldn''t do an U/S a little further along when they would have been doing your first one.
Date: 3/19/2009 7:08:49 AM
Author: Sapphire_Cutie
TOTALLY NON-preggers related........... I''M MARRIED!!!!! WOOT!!!! We got married at a small Gazeebo in our town. It was a VERY small event. Just 7 people and us. Had the ceremony at about 11am-ish and then went to my new inlaws for a home cooked Irish lunsh. Cornedbeef/cabbage etc. Then we drove to Atlantic City in the evening and had a nice dinner and walked around. Had a GREAT suit at the Borgata. Then drove to Cape May and rode around looking at the houses and walked a bit. Then drove back home. It was PERFECT!

Congratulations, Sapphire!!! Marriage is a wonderful thing!!!

Wishing you lots of happiness and joy....
Date: 3/19/2009 5:27:33 PM
Author: AmberWaves
November, my first appointment is 3/31, and the woman said to make sure DH came because we''re going to get an ultrasound, and ''Probably see the heart''. I see no reason why you shouldn''t ask for one then, unless your insurance won''t cover it.

ETA: I''ll be 6w2d on my 1st appointment.
Oh Amber,

I''m so excited for 3/31 to get here, for you, girl!!!! Promise us details, please!!!

(Put your thermometer away! You''re going to make yourself nutty!!
Date: 3/19/2009 5:16:57 PM
Author: NovemberBride
Quick question for you ladies - when did you/will you have your first ultrasound? My first appt. is April 1, and I know that it''s not their practice to do an ultrasound at that appt. I will be 6.5 weeks at that point. I would really like to request that they do an ultrasound at or right after that appt because DH and I will be seeing my parents and brothers a week and a half later for Easter (and my 30th b-day!) and I would really like to tell them that I am pregnant since we don''t see them that often. But I would feel a lot better telling them if we had heard a heartbeat. It seems like a lot of people get early ultrasounds and I''m not afraid to ask, but I don''t want to if it''s out of line.

Peony, I am a little jealous of your not wanting to eat anything, I feel like I could eat anything in sight, but I am not sure I can blame that on pregnancy. I am using pregnancy as an excuse to eat a lot of ice cream though! DH keeps telling me it''s too early for cravings.

No harm in asking but just beware that MANY insurance companies won''t cover it unless it''s medically necessary. So if they agree, ask how they will bill it to ins before proceeding unless you don''t mind paying the bill.

Most people don''t get early u/s unless there is a reason. Often the first one is at 12 weeks for the nuchal scan or for many people they don''t get one until 20 weeks.
Date: 3/19/2009 5:16:57 PM
Author: NovemberBride

Peony, I am a little jealous of your not wanting to eat anything, I feel like I could eat anything in sight, but I am not sure I can blame that on pregnancy. I am using pregnancy as an excuse to eat a lot of ice cream though! DH keeps telling me it''s too early for cravings.
My cravings were worst early on, by far. Tell your DH that if he''s not pregnant, he doesn''t decide when the cravings happen or what they''re for.

CDT - welcome to the third tri!! Yay!

Viszla- Of the 6 boys I know who were born in the last year, there were 2 Carters and an Emmett. The only other Carter I know is a woman in her 20''s, but I feel like I''ve been hearing it a lot on babies lately. So, it does strike me as a bit trendy. I seriously love Leo.

Newborn care class in 7 min (where did time go?!) so I''ll be back later.