
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks SO much guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was very helpful. I will try the cranberry and club soda thing, it sounds good! I actually don''t think my coworkers have ever seen me drink because I was pregnant at our last work party in Dec, so hopefully they won''t question it too much.

Just for fun, here is a belly pic. It''s just a baseline pic because this is what I look like normally.
Everyone''s bellies look so cute!!!!!!!!!!! It''s weird, but I have a really hard time picturing myself all huge and pregnant. I guess that''s why it takes 9 (or 10!) months, right?

DH is really into the idea of taking a lot of pics of the hopefully-soon-to-be bump, so I''ll try to post on here at least every other week.

5 weeks and 2 days

P.S. Viszla, congrats on the heartbeat!!!!!!!!! My first appt is next Friday, so I hope to have some good news to report.

you girls are all the CUTEST. For reals. WoW~ what an attractive bunch here.

Vis - yey on HB!
court - jealous of that closet! hubba hubba!
Robbie/Sabine - good work on the shower
and score big time on the bjorn!
peony - how cute are you! nice to see another pic - aside from your avi.
blen - I feel like I''ll be sad to see my pregnancy end too. I''m feeling GREAT as well. Sorry about your stretch marks. I meant to say that earlier. what a bummer

Here I am. 31 weeks and don''t know what to do with my arms?!

Mela - you are one smokin'' hot preggo!! LOVE your shirt!!
I luv Belly Pic Friday!

Robbie--a bunch of us found that around 26 weeks there was a sudden pop in the belly. I remember feeling like i looked the same for several weeks too.
You and Courtney look like belly twins in your similar shirts & you seem to be carrying the same way! Very cute.

A hot looking bunch of preggies here on PS. You all look SO terrific!!!
Robbie, you look so cute!! My DH didn''t build the shelves, but he didn''t buy a closet set either. He just bought some stuff and threw it together. He is so good at that stuff. He built all the shelves in our bathroom though.

Mela, you look fabulous! LOL at your arms. I always just cradle my arm under my belly.

Peony, you''re so cute! I look back at my 12 week pics and think WOW I was tiny!
Everyone looks A-mazin! Mela u funny wit da arms! Lol.

Peony- tiny but it will be nice to look back once belly pops :)

Cdt- sooooo itsy bitsy u r!

Robbie- u do look like belly buddies with def girl business :)~

Court- so great that u have everything soo prepared jealous lol..actually im just hysterical that I don''t have anything! Maybe I will give in real soon and start the orderin process.

All I crave now is pink lemonade! Lol...ugh bedrest is drivin me nuts...I watch tlc baby stories all day!!!
Hey ladies! Coming out of lurkedom to say that I looove belly pic Friday! You all look so beautiful!!

I also wanted to post these wierd but funny cakes. I thought you all would get a kick out of ''em. I can''t believe someone actually made these! The are from

The last and most disturbing one...

Thanks, CDT! If Blen has a girl, I think I''ll be all freaked out since I''m so sure mine''s a boy, lol.

Peony, you''re too cute! I totally couldn''t imagine how I''d look with a belly either.

Mela, you have an adorable bump!

Jas, it''ll be interesting to see if my bump follows the pattern!

Thanks, Court! Your DH is handy! I bet my FIL could do it. DH probably could with some direction, but he''s not the craftiest when it comes to creating something out of nothing.

Nyc, mmmm pink lemonade is yummy!

My legs are killing me! I thought they were swelling only on the outside because when I touched the insides of my shins it was so hard. When I just pushed on my shins though it left big indents. Eeew.
. How do I get rid of swelling? Just put my feet up? This hurts! It didn''t used to hurt!
Love BPF!!!!!!!!! You guys all look great!!!

Sabine I agree that you should keep the rec center! Even if she changed her mind, you don't want to do it knowing that's not what she initially wanted anyway...

cdt, whoever is telling you that you are huge needs to seriously take a look at my hips! lol...You are TINY and look awesome!!!!!!!!

Robbie Thank you for posting the bloat picture!!! Makes me feel a lot better!!!. I love you bump picture! very cute bump there Missy!!!!!!!

Fiery I have a feeling the same will happen to me (hips)...oh well, these hips don't lie!. I don't like Marc Anthony, so I'll have to agree with Mr Fiery on that one..hehe.

Courtney What a beautiful closet!!!!!!
I love the little tiny dresses, so cute!!!
. You've got a cute little bump! You're tiny!!!

viz yay for the u/s!!!!!!!
. I am so happy for you!!!

Mela That still looks like a Luna Mia bump to me!

Fisher You are so sweet coming to check on us!
. You'll be here before you know it!!

You all look so great!!!


My update...I met the new Doctor and liked her!. She's very outgoing (a plus for me!) and sort of hippie...hehe. Not really hippie but looks really laid back (flip flops, etc). I dunno, for some reason she seems so much more approachable and I feel more comfortable around her. At the end of the day I'm not sick, I'm pregnant! So what I need is someone confident that I feel comfortable around. The overall atmosphere of this office seemed better too (bigger, friendlier, more organized).

Anyway, the u/s tech wasn't there so they couldn't do the u/s
...I asked them to do the dopler but they said they don't do it prior to 10weeks because it's hard to hear it on the dopler before that true??

Anyway, they can do the u/s on Monday so I'll see the blueberries then!!!!!!!!


ETA: OMG InLuv those are too funny!! LOL
Inluv-Those are hilarious!!

Mandarine-Do you have a sister with the initials JW by chance? *Never mind I just saw your non-pro pics
. There is a woman at my job that looks like she could be your twin!! I'm glad you liked your new doctor
Mandarine It''s very true and even more so for twins. Dopplar isn''t great for twins because often you have no idea if you are hearing 1 hb twice or two different ones unless they happen to have very different heart rates. So it doesn''t tell you much unfortunately!
Ewwww, InLuv!! LOL How vivid those cakes are!

NYC, don''t be too jealous. That is just me moving all my shower gifts from the living room into the closet. I still haven''t opened or washed anything. The nursery is still a work in progress, but should be done by next weekend! You also don''t want to see my own room and how my clothes are everywhere. I''m focusing all my nesting towards the nursery, but not the rest of the house!!
in luv- cakes are hilarious ..very original lol!

court- i ditto house being a mess! im on bedrest so i cant clean and that killing me!!! i finally see my house as it would be with just my dh handling it lol...even though hes mess and it drives me NUTS! ( i am a neat freak ;-) my bff came and dh helped her clean the kitchen so that was a big deal for me! but my nursery is just painted and standin there empty waiting
one more ?...which brand snap n go fits the chicco keyfit???
Robbie, peony and mela- You all look great!

Mandarine- We heard the heartbeat right around 8 weeks with our home doppler, if I remember correctly, but that isn''t the norm. 10 weeks is a good safe bet, because if you don''t hear it for whatever reason (but it''s there!) before, it could cause unnecessary panic.

Well, here I am. I kinda wish you could see my head/face (I actually had makeup on today!), but oh well. It''s covered this week because the uncovered belly makes me look about three times bigger than the clothed. I don''t know how, it just does! Maybe my big "pop" already happened? I hope so.

Wow, you girls all look great!! And Mela, you look like you''re trying to fly away.

Courtney - I''m majorly jealous of your closet. Wow.

Viszla - glad I could help! And that''s great about the u/s!

Bloat - I couldn''t button my pants even before I could get two lines on an HPT. Haha. I felt huge throughout the first tri and beginning of the second tri, and now I look back at the pictures and wonder what I was thinking.

InLuv - those cakes are... something. Words fail me. Haha.

Robbie - Put your feet up when you can. Keep exercising regularly, so that your circulation is good. Nettle leaf tea is supposed to help (and is available at Whole Foods type stores). Try not to wear shoes that are too constricting. If it''s really bad or sudden, it probably couldn''t hurt to contact your doctor to make sure that there isn''t something else going on, but some degree of feet swelling is completely normal.

Hey Fishie!

I think the baby dropped when I was in class last night - I sat down on an exercise ball feeling fine, rocked around for like an hour or two, and when I stood up there was so much pressure down there I could barely walk - and then more during the day today. One of my coworkers told me that she could see the baby dropping further in the middle of a conversation with me (I think she was exaggerating) and now she''s convinced that I''m going to go into labor in the next 3-4 days. I also lost part of my mucous plug this afternoon. Hmmmm. It''s kind of exciting that stuff''s beginning to happen, yet aggrevating that it means very very little as far as when labor is going to be.

37w1d 002 small.jpg
Blenheim, first of all, great pic!

It really does sound like your body is getting ready . . . SO EXCITING!!!! I will be anxiously following your posts!
We''re home!!! Hi ladies, I haven''t had a chance to catch up and probably wont for some time but I wanted to stop by to let you all know that we''re doing fine! Surgery went great and our baby girl, Sage Helen, is the most beautiful gift ever! She was born weighing 6 lbs 11 oz, 19 inches long. And she has TONS of hair - she looks like a little pixie.

My experience at the hospital was great - they took good care of us and I''m feeling well enough though my breast are HUGE and my nipples are very cracked and sore. I''m very lucky that she started nursing right away and I had plenty of colostrum. And my milk came in fully yesterday - she''s feeding like a champ. SHe has a very hard suck and a tiny mouth which is why my nipples are so thrashed. I hope they get better soon but it''s a small price to pay for such a wonderful baby. SHe sleeps relatively well and her dad has been wonderfully involved in everything. He''s great at swaddling her and changes her diaper more than I do.

Anyway, I''ll post a more thorough account of my delivery story when I can since I think it might be helpful to some of you.

In the mean time, here''s a picture of our baby girl. It''s not a great shot but we haven''t uploaded any others yet so it''ll have to do.

Sending all of you my best wishes - especially to Blen! You''re next hun!!

Blenheim I think those signs mean anytime in the next couple weeks! Yippee! FWIW I lost my mucus plug in bits over the course of the two weeks before labour started. And it is sad not to be preggo anymore! But luckily, it is so nice to have your baby in your arms that you can "forgive" him for not being in your belly.
Awwee....Sage is a doll!

I love her name too.
She looks like one of those precious porcelain newborn dolls I see -- so precious

Glad to hear that your delivery was great and that Sage is feeding like a champ.
Can''t wait to see more pictures of your little angel (without hat:P)

Congrats to you and family.
Rest up.
Blen, that''s great news- sounds like you''re almost there! Though, you are a PSer...that baby may just hang on until April for the birthstone!

Mrs- Congratulations! Welcome to the world, Sage! What a darling baby girl.
Mrs- words can''t describe how beautiful she is! O im so happy for u and mr.!!!I hope ur recovery is going well and we can''t wait to hear the LnD story and see more pics...congrats mrs. Mama! :)

Blen- gettin reallllly excited for u !!
Mrs- Sage is absolutely perfect! Congratulations!!! Rest as much as you can! We miss you around here!!
Date: 3/20/2009 5:08:10 PM
Author: nycbkgirl
one more ?...which brand snap n go fits the chicco keyfit???

We have a baby trend.
Mrs! I''m so glad you had a minute to update! Sage is simply gorgeous and I''m so happy for you!! I''m sorry your nips are sore
They will strengthen up soon I''m sure!!

Blen, wow! You are so close!

Lookin good, Ebree!
Mrs - Sage (love her name!) is so adorably cute. Thanks for checking in with us! I can''t wait to hear all of the details.

Ebree, I didn''t think about the birth stone! This evening, DH and I both told the baby that it''s allowed to come out now if it wants - we just took the newborn care class, and I finished a really big project at work that I wanted to get done before the baby came. But I''m now thinking of telling baby that it''s grounded until April 1.

DD, thanks for checking in. One of my coworkers (the one I share everything with) googled losing mucous plug this afternoon and it seems like some women go into labor almost immediately and others have their mucous plugs regenerate, so it seems incredibly variable like almost everything else in pregnancy. But two weeks sounds like a good amount of time to me. Not too soon, but not dragging on too much. And diamond birthstone.
And at least I''m not weird to feel a bit sad. I''m also getting excited though, don''t get me wrong.
MRS Sage is gorgeous!!!! Congrats and can''t wait to see you over in the Mommy thread!
MRS!!! Sage is beautiful! So glad that it sounds like everything went well and you are home and doing well! Congratulations!

Blen, so excited that things seem to be moving along for you!

I have a question...does anyone else get excruciating calf cramps? Twice now in the middle of the night, I''ve stretched out my legs a bit, and wooza, holy calf cramp that lasts a few minutes long! I sit there massaging it and nearly crying until it goes away, and after it does, I feel fine again. Any ideas on how to avoid?

We had a terrible drive to VA last night as we hit really bad DC traffic, so it took almost 7 hours when it should only be about 5/5.5. I was having terrible back pain, and dh is trying to get over a cough that came back with a vengeance for the last 2 hours of the trip. But hopefully it will be worth it if we find a nice apartment today! I''m trying to let dh sleep as long as possible even though I''ve been up since 6:30. And I have to say, I''m so proud of our pup who lasted the whole car ride without a potty break even though I had to take 2!
MRS - Sage is absolutely beautiful! What a doll
, and I love love love (love love) her name. CONGRATS MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blenner - you''re gittin'' sooooo close. HEE! I''m excited for you!

Sabine - I get leg cramps too. (in the middle of the night). Drink LOTS of water, take a calcium/magnesium supplement, eat bananas (for the potassium) and lastly, stretch your calves a lot. The combination of these things sure ''cure'' you. It has worked for me.