
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 6/6/2009 9:05:54 AM
Author: Dani
Cute belly you have there, Sunkist!!!!
Heehee! Thanks Dani and Kaleigh, it''s so wierd how it just suddenly appeared

I have a question re: Baby Cribs. I hope this is a good place to ask it. Would you use a nearly 30 year old crib for your baby???? It''s from my MIL, so it was my DH''s when he was a baby. I know there''s a lot of new safety stuff since we were babies. I haven''t pulled it out yet to see how it goes together and if it''s sturdy. But would you chance it???
i''m back from the dr....he said nothing is going on down there...she''s just comfy and in position. her fluids look great and i passed the strep test so i guess thats great. so until next weeks appointment.........
Date: 6/6/2009 12:25:50 PM
Author: sunkist
Heehee! Thanks Dani and Kaleigh, it''s so wierd how it just suddenly appeared

I have a question re: Baby Cribs. I hope this is a good place to ask it. Would you use a nearly 30 year old crib for your baby???? It''s from my MIL, so it was my DH''s when he was a baby. I know there''s a lot of new safety stuff since we were babies. I haven''t pulled it out yet to see how it goes together and if it''s sturdy. But would you chance it???
Nice belly! Yours is really high! As for the crib, I''d look up the most recent safety requirements for modern cribs and then just check that the old crib met those. Things like: no more than 1 inch between the matress and the side of the crib, no more than 2 inches between the slats. etc. If it met all those requirements and would fit a standard new mattress, then I''d use it!
Oh, good idea, Dreamer, thanks! I found the document and reading it now.

Thanks on the belly comments :) You think I''m high? I was thinking I was low, but I have no idea. I hope it''s high, I think I''d rather have a high belly.
Are there any pregnant ladies here that are on their second or more pregnancy? I am only 6 weeks now, but my pants are already getting tight and my belly is already starting to poke out a bit. I have heard it is normal to show early with your second, but I''m trying to figure out if I''m bloated or if I need to go out and get a few pair of maternity pants already. I didn''t show last time until the end of the first trimester, so this seems awfully fast. I am trying to at least hold out until the 16th when we go for the first ultrasound. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well this weekend!
Cute bellies girls!!!

Steph- I know there's a few BTDT mom's on here- NYCSparkle maybe? But for sure Puffy and Qtiekiki (sp?) on the Mommy thread are and aren't much further along than you are. If you don't get responses over here, you might want to pop over there!

HI guys!
I have been MIA as DH and I are on vacation in the Bay Area- haven''t even read through the past 4 pages yet! The only reason I''m even on now, is I am praying that some of you are on and can help me out. I woke up yesterday with a ridiculous cold and am miserable! I really wanted to just tough it out, but this seriously sucks! I cannot stop sneezing, blowing my nose, and my eyes are so watery I look like I''m crying. WHAAT CAN I TAKE???? I don''t have my doc list with me! I did a Google search and it looks like Sudafed is ok? And Tylenol Cold? Is there a specific variety? I went to the store, but they ALL say to contact a doc, and it''s Saturday! Please help...sorry for the selfish post! I will be able to catch up on all the news in a couple days. I really just want to be able to enjoy our last couple days out here without this mess in my head!
Okay- browsing while waiting to see if anyone is out there...AND SEE THAT WE HAVE 2 NEW BABIES- both stunning boys! I knew Mela would probably have made an announcement by now, but CDT- wow!!!

Mela- Romeo is absolutely a doll! He looks so tiny! What a precious boy- cannot wait to hear your story!

CDT- Lex is such a sweetie and i love the name/nickname! Glad you are finally feeling better!

How exciting! Hope the new mamas are enjoying their gorgeous little bundles!
Hi girls! My apologies for being MIA, but I''ve been recovering and getting to know my little man. I finally wrote my birth story. It''s long (so ignore it if you want
). I''ll be catching up with all of you in the next few days. much love! mela.


The decision to induce was really difficult. Part of me just wanted to wait and see what nature was going to do, but the other part of me was nervous to wait too long. Baby was healthy but having heart arrhythmia (irregular heart rate) and I was already overdue.

So at 41 weeks, 1 day, we decided to begin the induction process. Our midwives supported our decision either way, so they guided us through the transfer of care to the Obstetrics team at the Hospital. I was fitted with a “Foley”, a balloon that is intended to dilate my cervix, and we were sent home for the night.

The next morning, at 41w2d, I started having really mild contractions on my own at 9:30am. By the time we were checked into our L&D room, my own natural contractions were about every 8 minutes apart and mild. My cervix was only 2-3 cm dilated.

They started me on a dose of Oxytocin (Pitocin) and the contractions increased in strength, duration, and intensity; and were about 2-3 minutes apart. They were moderate on the pain scale, and I could handle them. *Typically, they start women off at a dose of 6 and increase to 12 within the first hour – and continue increasing the dosage until the cervix is fully dilated.

Soon after the pitocin was introduced, the baby’s heart rate dropped rapidly and couldn’t completely recover. They took me off the pitocin and let me labor on my own for a couple hours. On my own, my contractions were about every 4 minutes apart and mild to moderate in intensity.

They started me back on the pitocin, at a meager dose of 3, but the same thing happened to the baby’s heart rate. The staff seemed really discouraged because a dose of 3 was almost a joke in the scale of Pitocin dosage.

I was getting really tired. My legs were shaking and my labour was getting more active. I found that the best way for me to tolerate the pain at this point was just to lie down and allow my body to get completely relaxed. I had to almost “melt” or “fold” into the pain while squeezing someone’s hand. The hand squeeze was a must. I couldn’t bear a contraction without. I could see how a nice warm tub of water would have been ideal at this point.

We continued this cycle of ‘pitocin - heart rate crash - natural labour’ until 8pm, when the OB said I couldn’t keep doing this to my baby. And I was still only 3cm dilated!!!

She said she’s let me try one more dose of Pitocin, but if that didn’t work, then we’d have to consider a C-section. He had already crashed 5 times. She also said that if I didn’t get an epidural, then most likely they would just knock me out for the Cesarean. I didn’t want that to happen, so I decide to get the epidural – especially if for some grace of God the dose or Pitocin was tolerated and I could have a vaginal labour as a result.

At 8pm, the anesthesiologist gave me my epidural (it was a huge relief, I have to admit) and the baby’s heart rate dropped immediately. They tried to stimulate his head (up my Vahoodle) and they were turning me side to side in attempts to recover his heart rate. When it didn’t, the OB said “I’m not kidding, we need a Section Room STAT!!!”

I would have thought I would be more scared and upset than I was, but I just wanted my baby OUT at that point.

I was in the O.R. within minutes and Stevie was scrubbed in at my side. I couldn’t believe how many people were there and how fast everything happened. My epidural had barely kicked in, so I felt almost everything. It HURT. A lot. The anesthesiologist said that if I couldn’t take it, he could knock me out – to which I adamantly opposed. I moaned deeply and loudly through the whole procedure.

My parents were waiting outside the OR and said they could hear it all, so they also heard the OB say, “Here comes your baby, It’s a BOY!”. I was so relieved, and happy to know that the baby boy I instinctively knew was coming, was alive and well.

Romeo Christian was born at 8:34pm, weighed 7lbs on the dot, and was 22 inches long.
From where I lay, I could see them cleaning him up and the second I saw his face I thought he was so beautiful.

Ironically, the drugs truly kicked in while they were sewing me back up. They wheeled me into recovery where I finally got to hold my little piece of heaven. He was so little and yet SO strong. He was lifting his head by himself and totally alert. He was too tired to nurse, so we just lay skin to skin getting to know each other.

It was the birth I most feared, and yet, in the end, it was OUR birth and it brought us together. I have no bad feelings about how everything played out because I got my prize in the end just the same. I’m so proud of myself for trying my hand at a natural labour, and I’m so proud of Romeo for coming into this world healthy and happy, just like I prayed he would.


Mela- wow what a story! I can''t believe that u actually felt stuff during the section! O man u are a strong woman and a fighter! Romeo looks sooo much like u....congrats again mama!...I also felt like it was "our" birth or moment when it was just me and my husband holding the babies in the o.r.
Wow Mela, I was totally thinking of you (and I thought Luna) that day, and wow, you were so strong through all of it! You indeed have a wonderfully adorable baby to show for all the struggle in bringing him into the world. I can''t even begin to imagine the emotions of realizing you''re a mother. Forever. To a wonderful little boy. Congratulations, lady!

I hope your recovery goes well and quickly!! Give Romy (love, love, love that nickname!!!) a hug from all the PSers in
love with Romeo!!
Nataline Apparently anything with an antihystemine as an ingrediant is okay. I was told Benadryl is fine. DO NOT GET NONDROWSY. You want the drowsy type that is made with an antihystemine ingredient. Tylenol (acetominephen) is safe too.
Mela What a wonderful story! I also knew instinctively that I was having a son, and when I say his face I thought he was just so beautiful! Enjoy him mama, he is precious!
meal what an incredible birth story!! glad that everything worked out in the end. hope you and romeo are doing well.

steph girl, i so know what you are talking about!! i am only about 11 weeks preggo with my second, and i have a little bump already. i mean, my clothes still fit and all, but i just feel like i am getting big quick. i know a lot of it also is bloat cause in the morning when i wake up, i can barely see a bump there, but by the time i go to bed, there is a definite bump. i am so so happy for you!! congrats again!! how is the m/s?
Date: 6/6/2009 10:00:19 PM
Author: mela lu

It was the birth I most feared, and yet, in the end, it was OUR birth and it brought us together. I have no bad feelings about how everything played out because I got my prize in the end just the same. I’m so proud of myself for trying my hand at a natural labour, and I’m so proud of Romeo for coming into this world healthy and happy, just like I prayed he would.


Mela- WOW. Thanks so much for sharing your story. The part I quoted above is so lovely and such a perfect way to describe what I think we should all focus on- the outcome of the birth, not how we get there. I am so proud of you!!!! Not that I''m surprised, but you are already a fantastic mom!

And Romy is soooo cute, I can''t stand it. Btw, I have been totally singing "A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade, laying everybody low, he''s got a love song that he made. Finds a street light and he steps out of the shade, saying something like "You and me, babe, how about it?"

All day long. Seriously had to go buy it off I tunes b/c I can''t get it out of my head!!!!

Hope you''re enjoying your little guy. Thanks for coming back and not forgetting us!!!

Natalina- I don''t know, but I know Tylenol is safe. So sorry, hope you feel better and can enjoy your vacation.
Ok, taking advantage of my internet actually working at home for a change!

Btw, I am feeling gordita myself. Just ate so much Mexican food. Yum.

Ok, so here is a belly pic. Definitely popped!!!

ChinaCat 31 weeks:

Oh MY Mela, what a story! That is also my "feared" delivery, but I''m starting to think it will be likely for me as well...especially if I keep measuring ahead and being borderline gd, I doubt they will let me go much overdue if at all before talking induction. I can''t believe you could feel the c/s! You are my new hero! Romeo is so adorable!

So Cal, Sunkist, China, great bumps! I love seeing everyone at different stages. China, I have to admit, I''m totally jealous of your cute 31 week bump as opposed to my gigantic one!

Steph, I can''t remember if I officially congratulated you yet, so if not, CONGRATS!!!! From what I''ve seen, you will definitely show earlier with the 2nd...and regardless of if it''s bloat or bump, it might be around, so you may want the mat. pants either way!

Phew! I survived the drive to Virginia and the first night in our new place. Traffic was horrible as usual so it took me so long to get here. Dh was waiting with flowers, and had already unpacked a TON of stuff, including building the crib and setting up the pnp in our bedroom (it fits perfectly in this nook on my side of the bed too!). He is such a sweetheart. But at the same time, there''s a lot of stuff I want to reorganize, and we still have a LOT of unpacking to do, so I jumped right in last night and now my body is paying the price. I''m so one of those people who can''t stand things not being where I want them to be, so it will really drive me crazy until I get our place to a certain point.

Our new place is awesome, although it''s weird. We have lots more room, but it''s not necessarily how we though. We finally have room in our kitchen and can FINALLY unpack our wedding gifts of things to use in the kitchen, which is wonderful. But our living room is pretty tiny, so we''re needing to put away or find other places for things we had had there. The bedrooms are big, but the closets are small, so we need to actually go out and buy a bunch of new storage options (which we will do today because I just can''t stand it). Dh is annoyed that I want to buy more stuff, but oh well, he''ll get over it!
ChinaCat, Thanks...I will look on the Mommy thread too! Cute belly pics!

Natalina, hope you feel better. The pharm. at the drug store should be able to tell you what you can take.

Mela, wow that is scary about his heart glad everything worked out just fine in the end and you got your perfect little one!

Puffy, thanks for weighing in....I''m glad I''m not the only one getting big fast! I do think some of it is bloat though b/c I am the same as you....not much of a bump in the morning and then big bump at night!

Sabine, thank you! I think I will be getting some comfy pants really soon! Congrats on your new place! That was sweet of your DH to be there with flowers
MELA..that is such a great birthing story. Sooooo scary about lil Romeo crashing though. I am so thankful they doctors delivered the baby quickly, and that both you and baby are alright! Scary stuff! He''s precious..truly an angel, God''s miracle. You are truly blessed!
Oh, Mela, what a story!!!! Stat c/s''s are always so scary for everyone involved!!!!!! I''m so happy that everything is fine though. Romeo could not be any cuter!!!
I hope you''re feeling well
Date: 6/6/2009 11:55:18 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Date: 6/6/2009 10:00:19 PM
Author: mela lu
It was the birth I most feared, and yet, in the end, it was OUR birth and it brought us together. I have no bad feelings about how everything played out because I got my prize in the end just the same. I’m so proud of myself for trying my hand at a natural labour, and I’m so proud of Romeo for coming into this world healthy and happy, just like I prayed he would.
All day long. Seriously had to go buy it off I tunes b/c I can''t get it out of my head!!!!

I LOVE THE INDIGO GIRLS (and the Dire Straits version too). I grew up on the Girls. Ahhhh. It doesn''t surprise me in the least that you know that song off by heart. Of course you do, twin!
THanks for all the nice words about Romy. We''re so in love
Mela- Yep, the Indigo Girls version for sure. I somehow knew you would know that.
Of course I like the Dire Straits one, but IG sing it with so much more passion.

Sabine- Hope the unpacking is going well. Don''t overdo it!!! We are packing this weekend. Luckily I am having an energy weekend instead of a crashing weekend, but man my back and butt ached yesterday.

NYCSparkle- Thinking of you, hope you are feeling ok!

Ok, off to pack! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.
SoCal, Sunkist, and China, what cute bellies!

Mela, thanks for sharing your story! You're such a trooper for going through all that!!! Little Romeo is incredibly sweet looking! I wish I could snuggle him!

Sabine, good luck with the moving in! I hate moving!!
Kudos Mela! Your birthstory sounds similar to mine in many ways. I wanted the natural as well and labored with pitocin for 5-6 hours with no epi and just didn''t dilate enough, plus my baby''s heart rate kept dropping as well. And like you, when they said c-section, I wasn''t too fussed. It was what it was and I wanted the baby out!

So rest up, and all the good parts are now to come with your little Romeo in this world!
Mela, what a story. congrats...Romeo is just adorable.
Mela, what a story! The whole time I read, my jaw dropped further and further, kudos to you and your strength. Little Romeo is just precious as can be!

Hi all! Just another day here, I'm 16w today! Been busting my hump getting the casa together, DH went and invited everyone he knows to watch it with us (guess who has to make the guac and onion dip while he relaxes?)- but I'll owe him soon enough, as he's going to put the nursery together while I'm at work, once school is out this week.

Sabine, good luck with the rest of your unpacking! DH sounds like a total sweetie!

SoCal: Also a totally cute bump!!

China: Cute belly!

Sunkist, cute bump! I have one too, but under all the baby cushioning (i.e. FAT) you can't see it if you've never really seen me before. I actually feel pretty normal lately, an aside from being hungry yet unable to eat anything really (seriously, I can't even finish a slice of pizza!), I'm kind of anxious about the appointment on Tuesday, NOT looking forward to the blood tests!

Okay, gotta get back to the grindstone over here, God Forbid DH should have to make his own guac.(Can you tell I'm super crabby today??)
Wow, what an amazing birth story.
Kudos to you.
Romy is just so precious.....and I love his mouth
mela- you''re a rockstar mama!! I''m so glad that Romy arrived safely. No matter the route, your little guy is here and healthy