
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations MP - welcome baby Micah (finally)!!!!!!

Congratulations again Jcrow - welcome baby Emily!!!!!

Melz - thank you for the well wishes!!! Also, I'm glad you told me your old name or else I wouldn't have known who you were. I took a hiatus during all the name changing and then came back to find myself not recognizing certain posters!
meresal - if this is it for you, good luck!!! wishing you an smooth and easy delivery and a happy + healthy baby boy!!
Ok... well, I am at work. I woke up every hour on the hour last night, and each time my stomach was rock hard. No pain though. So this morning I called our answering service and they told me exactly what you all have been saying, and what I suspected, "Unless it's painful, my water breaks, or I see blood... just to wait it out."

As far as this morning, the BH are still there, and I feel like baby is *burrowing* lower and lower. Very weird analogy, I know. The pains in my abdomin have been replaced by pulling and stretching pains in my pelvis. (Maybe that is the baby moving lower??) I have no clue. Just waiting to see if the contractions start to hurt.

We got the car seat in DH's truck and all of our hospital *stuff* is in there as well. We are ready whenever C decides to arrive!

This may be TMI, but did any of you notice that you had increased bm's before going into labor?

dreamer- They are definitely still BH. The difference is, when I had the consistant BH around 29 weeks after falling, the hardness was right at my belly button, in the middle of my uterus. Now, the hardness is up at the top of my uterus, just under my rib cage. Could this mean something different?

jcrow- The painful parts are down near my lower abdomin. If you followed the line of my uterus from the left hip bone to the right, it is all in that area. Not all at once, but just shooting pains every few minutes... or a constant *pressure* of sorts.
We got the hospital bags done... I actually thought about you, and wondered if you all had bags. I was like, "If they can do it without bags, then we can." LOL. Good thing I saw you post your reply last night, I decided it needed to be done before bed!
ETA: Just saw your post- I wish this was it. I would have given anything not to come to work today!

snlee- Thanks for the reply. No pain yet... other than what feels like gas pains.

Mara- I have this vision that LABOR is going to hit me sack of bricks! The minute it starts I am going to curl up on the floor. I just have a feeling there will be no mistaking it.

HH- You and me both! I talked with the nurse at the hospital this morning, and told her I wanted to wait as long as possible, b/c I want to aviod being sent home at all costs! She told me to hold out as long as possible because usually if some of the women had just stayed home another couple hours, they wouldn't have to be sent home. Most come back with *real* labor in less than 24 hours. (Not including MP of course, that situation was ridiculous!

Fiery- I'm having cramps, but I can't tell if they are gas or *baby* related. Thanks for the advice on the water. I guess it never crossed my mind since they have you hooked up to an IV.
Mere, the cramps could also be BM related. Maybe a combo of BH, gas and 9 months of being backed up?
Date: 4/12/2010 10:12:49 AM
Author: meresal
Ok... well, I am at work. I woke up every hour on the hour last night, and each time my stomach was rock hard. No pain though. So this morning I called our answering service and they told me exactly what you all have been saying, and what I suspected, 'Unless it's painful, my water breaks, or I see blood... just to wait it out.'

As far as this morning, the BH are still there, and I feel like baby is *burrowing* lower and lower. Very weird analogy, I know. The pains in my abdomin have been replaced by pulling and stretching pains in my pelvis. (Maybe that is the baby moving lower??) I have no clue. Just waiting to see if the contractions start to hurt.

We got the car seat in DH's truck and all of our hospital *stuff* is in there as well. We are ready whenever C decides to arrive!

This may be TMI, but did any of you notice that you had increased bm's before going into labor?
Well...not to freak you out but since you asked lol

Increased/frequent bms can be a sign of the body preparing for birth. I think its common within 48 hours of labor.

As for the water, that's what my OB had me do. When I went to the hospital it was because I couldn't feel Sophia move anymore. Once all the monitors were plugged in, of course she started moving like crazy but they also noticed I was having contractions 1-2mins apart. I just couldn't feel them. The only thing I felt were cramps, which I had also felt all day long. The OB had me drink 4 8oz glasses of water within an hour to see if the contractions would stop and when it didn't, they had me walk for an hour around the hospital to see if my body would progress past 3cm. I did that for 6 hours

ETA: I also wanted to mention that I agree with staying home and resting as much as possible. If you feel the need to go to the hospital, definitely go but if you don't feel the need to then stay home. I was definitely going through labor but wished that I had known that before going to the hospital. I often think that if I had stayed home, maybe I would not have needed to be induced (although I had a great induction, so no complaints).
Mer, Just popping in to say good luck my dear! If this is it for you, hopefully your LO will come out sooner rather than later. I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible
Mere, I have no clue how to tell if it''s *real* labor but good luck! With DD I just knew but a lot of women seem to have early false labor pain. Good thing that nursery is ready.

I had my follow up ultrasound today to look at the ovarian cysts. The tech I had is the same one I had for my dating u/s and I really didn''t like her. She''s totally robotic so you can''t get any information out of her. She starts to answer your question before you''re even finished your question and she''s really cold. She kept saying she didn''t know why my OB wanted to look at my ovaries now because she probably wouldn''t even be able to see them...blah blah blah. Anyway, she found them - imagine that - and the radiologist said my ovaries look *good* and they''ll send the results to my OB by the end of the week. Any further follow up, if necessary, probably won''t happen until after the baby comes. No pics of my little man
Ugh Pupp that''s so annoying. I hate techs who lack personality. I get the whole professional demeanor thing but unless I''m there because there''s a concern about the health and well being of my child, please show some feeling. It''s an ultrasound with two incredibly happy parents and you''re essentially peeing on their parade. LOL, clearly I''ve been subjected to one of these techs (NT Scan). I''m hoping we get someone different when we go in to the Peri''s for the anatomy scan.
HH, she definitely was a wet rag. I was SO glad that we got a different tech for our anatomy scan. It really made a world of difference. I hope you get a friendly tech for scan. It''s getting close!
10 days! Not that I''m counting or anything.....Luckily I have a trip to Phoenix between now and then to take up the time!
Sounds like your body is gearing up Mer. The BM could def. be a sign.
I had false labor on and off for about 2 weeks prior to actual delivery so mild contractions alone are not a great indicator, but if you are seeing other signs too, then you may be pretty close.

Other sometimes subtle things to look for: plug, sudden burst in energy, belly dropping suddenly, feeling sickish ....

Anyone else in the 30 weeks range and actually wishing for their kid to get bigger faster so they run out of room to wind-up and nail you in the bladder or other organ
? i am just approaching 32 weeks and at that point where the baby has just enough room left to get some force behind a kick or punch and i am yelping out loud in pain on a regular basis. I was shopping yesterday and quietly browsing when "bam" kick to the bladder followed by my buckling over, grasping side of belly and giving a high-pitched "OOYY" . Cue funny looks from strangers. I don''t remember my son''s kicks as so painful, this baby is positioned just right to do some major damage & he/she has been in the same position for weeks so that area is getting tender
HH- I thought the same thing about the gas pains, but I really haven''t been *backed up* much, and especially not in the last 2 days. It has been quite the opposite actually.

Fiery- That is what I thought I remembered reading somewhere. I will try doubling my water intake, and see if the BH''s slow down a bit. 6 HOURS of walking! Yikes. I worry that my water would break in the middle of the hallway.
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I''m to the mental point where I just want it to start already. All of this, "Is it? or Isn''t it?" stuff is mind numbing.

Vesper- How are you doing lady??
lol re the " is it or isn''t it'' " ... i remember that well. too well!! at the end i was having BH''s every night for like a week or more! and they would always stop at around midnight and i''d sleep like a rock. finally i was like COME ON ALREADY. it does a number on you mentally...all that waiting and wondering, esp for first time moms who don''t really know what to expect. what does ''you will know when you are in labor'' REALLY MEAN. having been through it now i know but before you really don''t know. hehe.

anyway i know it''s trite to say it but before you know it you''ll have the baby in your arms and then the real craziness begins. sooo enjoy what you still can and try to relax.

oh and ditto the BM''s mean labor is coming, i read that too but it never actually happened for me. then again with my water breaking ahead of time and us not really knowing totally threw it all for a loop so i consider my labor not to be ''typical'' though what is really typical.

MP hope you guys are doing well. can''t wait to read your birth story.
and guys seem to be doing pretty well since you are posting pretty regularly! are you home yet? our first 2 weeks at home were pretty easy actually as all the kid seemed to do was sleep so we had lots of sleep and hangout time. the ''deprivation'' came later after he woke up more but even then we got really lucky as he is still a very good sleeper (knock on a lot of wood).

join us over on newborn when you guys get your legs!
Mer BH contrax are often at the top. When they get real, for most women, they move lower and wrap around the lower abdomen and back. I had what you are describing for about 10 days off and on before labour began. Its good, the more work your body does now the less you will have to do later. Hopefully, some good effacement is happening, it is the biggest predictor of successful v-birth.
Good luck Mer!

HH, I know the feeling, we have our gender scan on April 24th at 9am and we can''t wait! Can''t wait to hear what you are having! We both think our LO is a baby girl, although DH wants a boy first. We will be happy either way!
Date: 4/12/2010 10:12:49 AM
Author: meresal
... dreamer- They are definitely still BH. The difference is, when I had the consistant BH around 29 weeks after falling, the hardness was right at my belly button, in the middle of my uterus. Now, the hardness is up at the top of my uterus, just under my rib cage. Could this mean something different?

jcrow- The painful parts are down near my lower abdomin. If you followed the line of my uterus from the left hip bone to the right, it is all in that area. Not all at once, but just shooting pains every few minutes... or a constant *pressure* of sorts.

We got the hospital bags done... I actually thought about you, and wondered if you all had bags. I was like, ''If they can do it without bags, then we can.'' LOL. Good thing I saw you post your reply last night, I decided it needed to be done before bed!

ETA: Just saw your post- I wish this was it. I would have given anything not to come to work today!

snlee- Thanks for the reply. No pain yet... other than what feels like gas pains.

Mara- I have this vision that LABOR is going to hit me sack of bricks! The minute it starts I am going to curl up on the floor. I just have a feeling there will be no mistaking it.

the pain you''re describing is what i had and didn''t realize it was contractions until i was at the hospital and was having contractions and the pain was the same. i thought baby girl was just doing punches in my groin. nope, contractions. i had no idea they could be so low. yep, we had no hospital bags and it was so frustrating. we were just so unprepared. however, the hospital does provide nearly everything that you + baby needs.

i thought the same thing re: labor and bricks and crying on the floor. it didn''t happen that way for me. it was just pressure. and i felt like if i didn''t move or no one would touch me i would be okay. i didn''t even need to do anything beyond the first stages of breathing. i hung in there just fine. i didn''t scream at people or curse or get into hysterics like i expected. haha. i was pretty calm and collected, really.
mara - we were released late saturday afternoon. i was actually released friday, but emily had jaundice so they didn''t let her go home. we were lucky that they had an extra room so even though i had been discharged, we were able to stay and room together [although in a smaller room]. i don''t know, i have to say the first days were extremely trying. we''re on a rigorous feeding schedule due to the jaundice. between that and the nurses coming in and us trying to figure out a name, there was just NO time to sleep. when we''d get a break it was time to start all over again. so so hard. now we''re home and there''s no one interrupting us every time we close our eyes and it''s much better. we were able to get a few hours of sleep in a night. makes all the difference in the world!
Mere~ Sound like baby is dropping quickly! The burrowing feeling is definitely an accurate description of what it felt like when JT came down. AND, he came down DURING my induction!! So, while I think it''s probably very early labor, I do think it''s labor! Best of luck and lots of dust!!

Had an appt with the peri today. Her heartrate has gone up to 134 (yay!) but still skips every 3rd beat. However, it is looked at as improvement because she''s not spending so much time "stalled." I am 26w 3d and she is measuring between 26w 5d and 28w 2d, 2lbs 6oz. So she''s gained perfectly, staying on the big side. The consistent weight gain has brought me significant relief!! We saw her sucking during the US today so that was also a great sign that she''s developing properly. We will see a pediatric cardiologist within the next 3 weeks and have a consult and eval. The peri is trying to get all the doctors from our local hospital and the specialists at the big hospital coordinated so we can get all the necessary tests and procedures done at birth at the local hospital. He''s trying to avoid having her on the helicopter to the big hospital right after birth. DH and I have decided that if it looks like she''ll need to be at the big hospital, I''ll just get a new dr there and deliver there. It has to be a scheduled c-section anyway, so if I have to drive an hour and a half that morning, no big deal. I just don''t want her to be away from me.

that''s all for now. Hope you''re all feeling well today!
Date: 4/12/2010 11:07:53 AM
Author: meresal

HH- I thought the same thing about the gas pains, but I really haven''t been *backed up* much, and especially not in the last 2 days. It has been quite the opposite actually.

Fiery- That is what I thought I remembered reading somewhere. I will try doubling my water intake, and see if the BH''s slow down a bit. 6 HOURS of walking! Yikes. I worry that my water would break in the middle of the hallway.

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I''m to the mental point where I just want it to start already. All of this, ''Is it? or Isn''t it?'' stuff is mind numbing.

Vesper- How are you doing lady??
Very common - and tend to be on the loose side... generally around 24-48 hours before full-on labour. Or at least in my experience and that of a few friends!

Trust me, when it is for real, you will know. If you are wondering then it probably isn''t. I suppose there are those lucky people who get to 7cm without feeling anything much, but I reckon that is rare!
Popping in quickly as I now have a *bit* more time. Miles came home on Saturday afternoon, so we are now settling into our routine. It is still pretty busy as I''m still trying to establish breastfeeding - so I do that, followed by supplemental feeding with a cup, and then pumping, but it''s so good not to travel back and forth to the hospital.

Just wanted to say congrats to Jcrow on Emily

and congrats to MP on Micah

and it sounds like Mer, you will be having your baby soon too!

I have written out my birth story, but I still have to type it up. Hopefully will get that done in the next few days so I can post it.

Hope everyone else is doing well, sorry I can''t really keep up.
Vesper- Where are you ma''dear???

I''m still having consistant BH, but nothing new.
Not sure if I should be glad you''re not really uncomfortable because it means things are moving slowly of if I should be sorry. LOL!

So I know about 10 people right now, not including myself who are expecting. I''m on an email chain with a bunch of college gfs and we all are so most of our conversations revolve around pregnancy, cravings, etc. Yesterday all we could talk about was fried pickles. I wrote this song for the tune of "I need you now" by Lady Antebellum...

Greasy cardboard boxes scattered all around the floor,
Reachin'' for the phone cause I can''t fight it anymore,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call but, I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

Another squirt of ranch sauce can''t stop lookin at the door,
Wishin the delivery guy rang the bell like he did before,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

I guess it''s okay to get fat cause I''m pregnant afterall.....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....
Hi guys, I am 39 weeks, and had my appointment yesterday. Apparently, I am still only 1 cm dilated, but have progressed to 75% effaced. The OB decided to "manually stimulate" the baby through my cervix yesterday, which was incredibly painful, but was supposed to stir things up and start moving things along. Nothing yet, but hopefully it will take soon ...

The OBs have my due date set as this Friday, 4/16, but according to my charting, I am not due until Monday, 4/19. Either way, I''m hoping to go to the hospital by Monday, because I really don''t want to have to have Pitocin again.

They are scheduling an induction date for me on either Fri. 4/23, Mon. 4/26, or Tues. 4/27, depending on what the hospital has available, so at least I''ll have an "end date" in sight if nothing happens naturally. I am planning on going for a long walk this morning, so hopefully that will help ...

Meresal, how are you feeling? Have you entered active labor, or are you still having erratic contractions?

MP, I hope that you are recovering well and enjoying your new baby!

Shiny, I''m so glad to hear that you had a better appointment with your daughter! It sounds like she''s strong & robust, and I bet that she''s going to be just fine.

PB, I''m so glad that you were able to bring Miles home. Enjoy your new little guy, and settling into your routine!
Hey Meresal, we were posting at the same time! I see that you''re still playing the waiting game too ...
Date: 4/13/2010 9:43:36 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Not sure if I should be glad you''re not really uncomfortable because it means things are moving slowly of if I should be sorry. LOL!

So I know about 10 people right now, not including myself who are expecting. I''m on an email chain with a bunch of college gfs and we all are so most of our conversations revolve around pregnancy, cravings, etc. Yesterday all we could talk about was fried pickles. I wrote this song for the tune of ''I need you now'' by Lady Antebellum...

Greasy cardboard boxes scattered all around the floor,
Reachin'' for the phone cause I can''t fight it anymore,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call but, I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

Another squirt of ranch sauce can''t stop lookin at the door,
Wishin the delivery guy rang the bell like he did before,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

I guess it''s okay to get fat cause I''m pregnant afterall.....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....
HH, quit your day job pronto!
Seriously, that song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I''ve been eating a lot of pickle and cheese sandwiches lately but so is DH so it''s not a preggo thing, right?
Date: 4/13/2010 10:11:07 AM
Author: puppmom
Date: 4/13/2010 9:43:36 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

Not sure if I should be glad you''re not really uncomfortable because it means things are moving slowly of if I should be sorry. LOL!

So I know about 10 people right now, not including myself who are expecting. I''m on an email chain with a bunch of college gfs and we all are so most of our conversations revolve around pregnancy, cravings, etc. Yesterday all we could talk about was fried pickles. I wrote this song for the tune of ''I need you now'' by Lady Antebellum...

Greasy cardboard boxes scattered all around the floor,

Reachin'' for the phone cause I can''t fight it anymore,

And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,

For me it happens all the time....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,

Said I wouldn''t call but, I lost all control and I need pickles now,

And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

Another squirt of ranch sauce can''t stop lookin at the door,

Wishin the delivery guy rang the bell like he did before,

And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,

For me it happens all the time

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,

Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,

And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

I guess it''s okay to get fat cause I''m pregnant afterall.....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,

Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,

And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....
HH, quit your day job pronto!
Seriously, that song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I''ve been eating a lot of pickle and cheese sandwiches lately but so is DH so it''s not a preggo thing, right?

ME TOO!!!!! provolone, pickles, and mayo on a french baguette please! OMG I just heaved writing that out but I still want it SO BADLY!!!

Re: your husband...sympathy cravings or something more??? Perhaps he''s pregnant too and you can both quit your day jobs and live off of the publicity money!
HH~ I listen to country music all the time and that song is actually a ring tone of mine. I was just scanning the posts and saw the lyrics you added. Before I even realized you wrote it to that tune, that''s the tune I was singing in my head! Clever!

Mere~ Hope you''re progressing!!

Vesper~ Ow to the manual stimulation! But, I hope it gets things moving!

Looks like our April babies are ready to make their debuts!
"manual stimulation" sounds horribly uncomfortable!
is manual stimulation like stripping the membranes? when my Dr did mine she went inside and around the baby''s head with her fingers. it was owie but not too bad. however just the NAME..STRIPPING MEMBRANES. come on Dr''s. think up a more fluffy name for it please.
HH, if DH is pregnant then we have issues! I''m going to go with sympathy cravings. Fortunately for him, he hasn''t gained any weight as a result. Unfortunately for me, I''ve outweighed him for about a month...NOT COOL!

Vesper, sorry about the *manual stimulation*...ouch! The things we do...

SS, I''m so glad things are looking up!