
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hello ladies :) I hope everyone is doing well. I am coming out of lurkdom to say

Anywho...I am 12w3days currently. We have out NT scan coming up on Friday, I am excited to see the bean. Still feeling sleepy/pukey/emotional but I am seeing the light at the end of the first trimester tunnel. I have a cheapie doppler that I bought from Amazon. I have had it since I was around 8 weeks. Since the midwife found the baby''s heartbeat at the 10 week appointment it has been a lot easier to find it on my home one as well. What I was hearing before was DEFINITELY NOT the Bean. Shim is just starting to come over the top of the pelvic bone and that is where he/she usually hangs out. I find the HB much easier in the morning for some reason.

I have another appointment coming up in 10 days after the NT scan, and then we schedule the big REVEAL ultrasound for May 25th I think :) though I am going to ask the peri to take a guess at the Friday appointment.
Meresal, what you''re describing is pretty much how my labour started off, but it was a couple of days of the annoying not-quite-contractions. They gradually increased in intensity, then my waters broke on the evening of day three.

Having had these contractions for a few days, I got a little de-sensitised and I found it hard to tell where they left off and real labour began, if that makes sense. Pack that hospital bag, just in case.

At one point on day two, I was 100% convinced that a couple of pushes would get my baby out, there and then. I was on a train, with a few hundred other people. When I booked the trip, I was sure that 1 day before my due date was the ideal time to go on a sightseeing tour. You''re probably way more sensible than me, and staying close to the hospital.

Thinking about you and hoping you''re holding your LO very soon. I wish you a quick and easy L&D. DUST!
hum, haven''t heard from meresal in a while. here''s hoping that''s because little is on his way!!
jus popping in to say congrats to JCrow, PrettyBlue and MonkeyPie

cant wait to meet your LOs...

And wishing Vesper and Meresal the best of luck
Well, I think that I''ve figured out that what I called "manual stimulation" was actually the OB "stripping my membranes" - thanks for the tip Mara! The OB didn''t tell me that was what he was doing - he just said it was a procedure to help me progress.

I think that it may be starting to work. I''ve felt rather crampy for the past 2 days, and have had increased BMs. Also, I lost my mucus plug early this morning. Last night, I actually had 2 painful contractions, but I didn''t say anything to DH, because he had a big meeting this morning, and I didn''t want him up worrying all night that we would have to go to the hospital (as it was, I was able to fall asleep, so I''m glad I didn''t say anything).

But, I am thinking that since things have been happening (albeit slowly) that I will hopefully go to the hospital by Friday, my due date. I took a long walk yesterday, and am planning another one today, so that couldn''t hurt. And I''m going to make DH DTD this weekend if nothing happens by then.

I''m still hoping to have the baby by Monday, so he can be an Aries. I am a Leo, and DS is a Sagitarrius, so I am hoping we can all be fire signs. DH is a Libra, and that''s an air sign, so he''ll still be the odd one out either way ;)

Meresal, how are you doing?

Thanks for all of the positive tips and stories ladies. I have come to terms with the fact that this could go on for weeks. I am still having consistent BH, and yes, it has been 3 days! I''m also having lower pains, but can''t tell if they are from my bladder being mashed on, or if they are my uterus.

My sister is being induced on Monday night, and I just found out that my parents are planning on being there for a week. (This weekend thru the next) I have my next check-up tomorrow, so I think that will give us a better idea of how things are progressing. I just don''t want our little guys to have the same birthday, and ideally I would prefer if they were at least a few days apart. My sister will always live in CA and I will always be in TX, and I just don''t want my parents to have to worry about which birthday party to be at, etc.

I am sorry for the intermittent postings, I am just super busy at work, trying to close things up before I leave for 5 months(!!!). I decided that if baby hasn''t arrived by the 26th, then that is when I will start my leave. Seems to make sense, since my induction is already set for the following Monday, and if I don''t go naturally, then that gives me a week to chill out by myself. If I didn''t know how long the doc was willing to let me go, then I would just keep working and working.

Vesper- It sounds like you are going to beat me!! As it should be
!! I totally understand about not saying anything to DH. Ever since I told DH about the BH on Sunday night, he has been like a lost puppy at my ankles for the last 3 days. So cute, but I feel bad that he is on pins and needles at all times, just waiting for me to call.
Meresal, I hopped right on and soon as I saw you posted and...nothing. This is torture for me so I can only imagine your frustration. Keep us posted and good luck to your sister!

Vesper, sounds like things are moving along. Is this similar to the beginnings of your last labor? I''m only 24 weeks and I''m beginning to get really nervous about REALLY nervous.

Allie, welcome! I coaxed you over didn''t I? I can''t believe you''re almost done your first trimester. I remember when you got your BFP! Good luck on Friday! It''ll be so much fun to see your baby - he/she will totally *look* like a baby. I hope your hubby gets to come and have a peek.
Date: 4/13/2010 9:43:36 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Not sure if I should be glad you''re not really uncomfortable because it means things are moving slowly of if I should be sorry. LOL!

So I know about 10 people right now, not including myself who are expecting. I''m on an email chain with a bunch of college gfs and we all are so most of our conversations revolve around pregnancy, cravings, etc. Yesterday all we could talk about was fried pickles. I wrote this song for the tune of ''I need you now'' by Lady Antebellum...

Greasy cardboard boxes scattered all around the floor,
Reachin'' for the phone cause I can''t fight it anymore,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call but, I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

Another squirt of ranch sauce can''t stop lookin at the door,
Wishin the delivery guy rang the bell like he did before,
And I wonder if they ever cross your mind,
For me it happens all the time

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....

I guess it''s okay to get fat cause I''m pregnant afterall.....

It''s a quarter after one, I''m all alone and I need fried pickles now,
Said I wouldn''t call, but I lost all control and I need pickles now,
And I don''t know how I can do without, I need fried pickles now.....
HH, OMG, that song is way too funny! I love Lady A and the words totally fit the song. I can''t say I share your passion for fried pickles, but the song sure made them sound good, lol.

I hope everything is going well with you and your LO.

Pupp- It is really hard.


So, I have an irrational vent and it has to do with baby names. My reaction is probably a bit exaggerated by the pregnancy hormones.

For the record, I understand that there is no way to tell if DH and I will ever have a girl in the future. With that said...

I have always known the name I wanted to use if I were to have a girl. DH actually loved it as well, which was lucky for me, considering it is really a "boy's name". Well, I just found out that my sister chose that name to use for their son. I found out last week that it was on their short list, and I really thought I didn't care... but, I guess I was just secretly hoping that they would pick the other name they've been talking about for almost all 9 months of the pregnancy. I actually just cried. I feel horrible for being like this, and feel like such a baby, but I have wanted to use this name for years... and everyone in the family knows.

Also, I had decided not to post about this over the weekend, but when I talked to my sister on Sunday afternoon, and asked her about names... she mentioned the "name" and I immediately replied, "Ohh neat! C and I love that name! We were going to use it if we had a girl." Her reply, "Well, you won't be able to use it anymore. I don't want people thinking my son has a girls' name." It really struck a chord with me, and has been in the back of my mind since.

I need to get over it. I just needed to get that off my chest.
Wow Mere. I see where you're irritated by her choice, but I'd be more irritated by her reaction to you saying that was your girl pick. Is it really such a big deal if her son and your daughter have the same name? I mean, you're in TX and she's in CA. It's not like the kids will be together all the time. In fact, the only people who will really know them together is the family.

Also, you know you're having a boy and you have his name already picked out. As you said, you have ages (at least a few years) before you need to even think about a girl's name and by then you may have changed your mind. And by then her son would be a few years older and it really wouldn't matter if they had the same name.

She's being silly.
HH- You are correct, in that I am more upset about what she said, than her choosing the name. I think she realized it wasn't the right thing to say, becuase she said something about "just joking" a few minutes later in the call. Ohh, also, she mentioned using our Dad's first name as a middle name. Well, DH and I are using my Dad's middle name as our son's middle name.

Really? I mean, the whole thing just feels so underhanded.

I'll be over it in 5 minutes. I promise.
Mere, I''m sorry - feelings are feelings and I wouldn''t say anything that truly upsets you is irrational. It stinks that you love that name and your sister is using it but I agree with HH that it stinks more that she says you *can''t* use it. Before we knew our little guy was a boy we LOVED the name Kyle for a girl. My entire opinionated family had something to say about it. My sister even said she would *throw up* if I named my female child Kyle.

DH''s sister also *suggested* a name that was already on our short list. When we found out we were having a boy she said "Good. Then Nora Jane is my name. I''m definitely using that if I ever have a girl." She''s not even in a committed relationship let alone pregnant! My point is - people get weird about names. You''re right - you don''t know if you and DH will have any girls in the future and you may change your mind anyway.

Maybe you saying you considered that as a girl name will make her hubby think twice about the name.
No worries, we''re all allowed to be irrationally annoyed at anything and everything. Comes with the territory. I know (this is funny) that DH would hit the roof if my SIL announced she was pregnant any time between now and Christmas. He''s been so hands off and laid back about all of my craziness, except for when it comes to my SIL and brother TTC...He will be livid and hate her for life if she gets and knocked up before next year.

Background, she and my brother dated for like 15 years (since middle school) and when TJ and I got engaged (labor day weekend) my brother was upset because I guess he''d been planning to propose that year. Um, yea, thanks for alerting the family...anyway, she was super annoyed that we got engaged before they did so they were conveniently engaged by the New Year and then rushed to get married six months later so they could get married before us. TJ''s been bitter about all of this since then(I don''t really care) and wants this year to be about us, vs them.

First, you get a free pass for anything irrational or ridiculous you might say, think or do until your little man shows up.
Second, I would be annoyed, rational or not. Did you tell her ahead of time that was your girl name and she used it anyways, or did it just now come up? And yes, her reaction was probably what set you off.

Because the flip side is that she has just as much right to choose whatever name she likes as you do. It''s a bit shady if she used the name knowing it was your girl name BUT on the other hand, you aren''t having a girl right now and it''s kind of hard to "call" names. I think it''s more of a consideration among family though. For example, my sister and I both love some of the same names but if I knew there was one that she intended for a future baby, I couldn''t use it because I just wouldn''t do that. Unless she gave permission.

But you know, everyone in my family has the same names and she''ll get over it. She can''t control whether people use boy names for girls, etc.

And of course, as she is near labor as well, she gets a free pass for her irrational and ridiculous behavior as well.

Also, good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you are on mat leave, if you need anything, advice or whatever, I''m around. Usually on newborn thread, but I think I can find you on the other site.

Can''t wait to hear your story and see pics. Hope you have an easy and peaceful labor!

JCROW- I love the name Emily. I think it''s just a perfect name- pretty and classy but not too trendy, will never be out of style. It''s my sister''s name and one of my fave all time names. You just can''t go wrong with an Emily.
Thanks for the reality checks ladies. I am happy to say that I am over it.... for now...

They have been very secretive about their name choices, so I get the feeling these have been their ideas for a while, but are just now surfacing.

Pupp- I''m with you. I don''t really get why people are so crazy about names. I really don''t care that my sister chose the name she did, I just care that I feel like she has been hiding it, and hasn''t aknowledged once that it was one of our favorites. My mom specifically told me that she and my dad both said something to her about it.

HH- I remember you posting about all of that "loveliness". Too funny about your DH. At least you all will have your LO first, and they won''t be too close together, even if they do get pregnant.

China- Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to track you down at least a few times afterwards. Also, now that Jcrow has had Emily, I am the only one left to deliver, and then we can set up our next lunch! Maybe this summer sometime!

meresal, coming out of lurkdom to say that I''m annoyed by your sister''s comment, and I don''t have pregnancy hormones! Just wanted to say that if you have a girl in the future, you should totally use that name.
Date: 4/14/2010 11:35:13 AM
Author: meresal
Thanks for the reality checks ladies. I am happy to say that I am over it.... for now...

They have been very secretive about their name choices, so I get the feeling these have been their ideas for a while, but are just now surfacing.

Pupp- I''m with you. I don''t really get why people are so crazy about names. I really don''t care that my sister chose the name she did, I just care that I feel like she has been hiding it, and hasn''t aknowledged once that it was one of our favorites. My mom specifically told me that she and my dad both said something to her about it.

HH- I remember you posting about all of that ''loveliness''. Too funny about your DH. At least you all will have your LO first, and they won''t be too close together, even if they do get pregnant.

China- Thanks for the advice! I will be sure to track you down at least a few times afterwards. Also, now that Jcrow has had Emily, I am the only one left to deliver, and then we can set up our next lunch! Maybe this summer sometime!

I know, it''s so petty but it''s not often we get the advantage with them. My brother is totally the "golden boy" of the family and she''s miss perfect. So when there''s a chance for DH to come first...
Ladies, let's talk Melasma. I believe I may have a spot under my right eyebrow. It's about the size of a large freckle right now (one of many freckles on my face) but it popped up over night a week or two ago. I know it's hormonal, but how do I prevent it from growing? Sunscreen does nothing to keep my freckles down in the summer. When the sun comes out so do they. I did a google search for pictures of what it looks like (OMG not pleasant) but I noticed that most of the pictures were on medium skinned women, and I'm pretty fair.
Date: 4/14/2010 12:17:53 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Ladies, let''s talk Melasma. I believe I may have a spot under my right eyebrow. It''s about the size of a large freckle right now (one of many freckles on my face) but it popped up over night a week or two ago. I know it''s hormonal, but how do I prevent it from growing? Sunscreen does nothing to keep my freckles down in the summer. When the sun comes out so do they. I did a google search for pictures of what it looks like (OMG not pleasant) but I noticed that most of the pictures were on medium skinned women, and I''m pretty fair.

i was always told to wear sunscreen to help with the brown spots. i have spf in my makeup, so that''s what i used during pregnancy.
Date: 4/14/2010 11:50:40 AM
Author: choro72
meresal, coming out of lurkdom to say that I''m annoyed by your sister''s comment, and I don''t have pregnancy hormones! Just wanted to say that if you have a girl in the future, you should totally use that name.
Meresal, I totally agree with Choro. It sucks that your sister knew that you wanted to use that name and now wants to use it. You never know, though, maybe they will change their mind when they see the baby, or maybe you will change your mind by the time you have a girl. Still, though, that would make me upset as well. I have had rants on here about people "calling" baby names before, but that has been in regards to friends/acquaintances, when some are not even pregnant. Two sisters pregnant at the same time is a different story.
Hi Ladies!

Just popping in to let you know we got the results of the NT scan/blood test and it came back low risk for both babies!! WHEW!!! Such a huge relief!!! Now maybe I can start enjoying my pregnancy for once!
One of these days I'll remember to bring in the ultrasound pics to the office so I can scan and post them.

Meresal - sorry about the whole name dliemma. It is a big deal esp. if it's a name you and your DH love. If my sister did that to me, I'd be FUMING!
I also hope that your baby makes an appearance soon - we're all waiting!

Vesper - I've been checking in on you as well to see if there's any news!
Date: 4/14/2010 9:27:48 AM
Author: puppmom
Meresal, I hopped right on and soon as I saw you posted and...nothing. This is torture for me so I can only imagine your frustration. Keep us posted and good luck to your sister!

Vesper, sounds like things are moving along. Is this similar to the beginnings of your last labor? I''m only 24 weeks and I''m beginning to get really nervous about REALLY nervous.

Allie, welcome! I coaxed you over didn''t I? I can''t believe you''re almost done your first trimester. I remember when you got your BFP! Good luck on Friday! It''ll be so much fun to see your baby - he/she will totally *look* like a baby. I hope your hubby gets to come and have a peek.
Hey Puppmom, unfortunately, when I had my first son, I never went in to labor, so I have nothing to compare it to. My water broke when I was 39w3d, but I never started dilating, effacing, or had a single contraction (not even BH) so I have no idea what normal labor is supposed to feel like. I do know what Pitocin feels like, though, and it''s not pleasant, so I''m hoping to progress more naturally this time :p

HH, regarding melasma, you need to use a good sunscreen every day. (I use Clinique Superdefense SPF 25 for Oily Skin). I also use Clinique Even Better Clinical Dark Spot Corrector twice a day - in the morning under the Superdefense, and alone at night. It helped to fade the slight sunspots I got during the pregnancy.
Date: 4/14/2010 2:25:56 PM
Author: blushingbride
Hi Ladies!

Just popping in to let you know we got the results of the NT scan/blood test and it came back low risk for both babies!! WHEW!!! Such a huge relief!!! Now maybe I can start enjoying my pregnancy for once!
One of these days I''ll remember to bring in the ultrasound pics so I can scan and post them.

Meresal - sorry about the whole name dliemma. It is a big deal esp. if it''s a name you and your DH love. If my sister did that to me, I''d be FUMING!
I also hope that your baby makes an appearance soon - we''re all waiting!

Vesper - I''ve been checking in on you as well to see if there''s any news!
Blushing, that is great news about your NT scan! I am still so excited about your twins. I can''t wait to see the US pics!
Great news BB! I too want some twin pics!

My FIL is visiting, and he is a twin, and we asked if his mom knew she would be having twins prior to delivery or not back in the day. Turns out she did, because she had an XRAY done which clearly showed the twins in her belly! FIL's wife also was subject to an xray in the womb to document the pregnancy - apparently they were standard in that era! Wow how things have changed.

Mere, boo on your sister and the name. Valid feelings on your part, and sucky way for her to phrase it, but really little for you to do but suck it up. She's allowed to name her kid what she wants. You *could* use the name later, but that would be over my comfort line. It's close family not a friend or distant relative. I have two cousins with the same first name, let's call it X, and it is a bit of a hassle though it happened through reasonable actions on everyone's part. My grandpa was X, his oldest son (my uncle) is X, and uncle X had a passel of girls and never got to use the name, so when uncle Y had a son, they called up uncle X and asked if it was OK to call their son X. Uncle X said fine, we are done having kids, and my older cousin X was named. Of course, then uncle X and his wife went on to have one more kid, this one a boy, and named him X also, so now when you use the name to refer to someone of my generation, you always have to add extra specifiers on to clarify which one you mean. Last names being the same doesn't help, but might for your case if your kid and your sister's kid get their fathers' last names? Either way, probably not a road you want to walk down but boo on your sister for phrasing it that way.

Allie, welcome and good luck with the NT! And yes, I think surviving the first tri deserves its own special prize. I'm 17 weeks, still a bit nauseous at times, but overall feel much better than that horrible time. Can't believe the weeks are clicking by!
BB--that''s great news, glad you feel more comfortable about everything now and can enjoy being preggo

Vesper--just curious, how soon after your water broke did they start the pitocin? My water broke before labor too. It was 7pm when that happened, but contractions didn''t start till hours later I think maybe around 11 pm . 10 hours after my water broke i was barely dilated, high and hadn''t effaced much. It was then i was placed on pitocin and labor started fast and furious. So, i think we had a similar situation and i too am curious what a more naturally progressing labor feels like since inductions/augmentation sucks pretty bad! I am hoping my water doesn''t break early this time!

I had a middie appnt yesterday and i am measuring better now. I am only about 2 weeks behind (which is in the range of normal) instead of 4! So i can stop worrying about that

I am slowing down now. 32 weeksish is when i felt all of a sudden really pregnant last time too. yuck. DH is going away for 5 days at the end of the month and i am already dreading being alone with my 2 year old that whole time. He''s an angel of a 2 year old, but he''s still lots of work. DH is going to owe me ....huge!
BB~ yay for your appt! I''m sure it''s a relief!

jas~ Yay for measuring within "normal." Just curious, and you don''t have to respond if I''m being WAY too nosy, but are there any tests or procedures that will need to be done at birth due to the kidney??
Date: 4/14/2010 8:22:06 PM
Author: Jas12
BB--that''s great news, glad you feel more comfortable about everything now and can enjoy being preggo

Vesper--just curious, how soon after your water broke did they start the pitocin? My water broke before labor too. It was 7pm when that happened, but contractions didn''t start till hours later I think maybe around 11 pm . 10 hours after my water broke i was barely dilated, high and hadn''t effaced much. It was then i was placed on pitocin and labor started fast and furious. So, i think we had a similar situation and i too am curious what a more naturally progressing labor feels like since inductions/augmentation sucks pretty bad! I am hoping my water doesn''t break early this time!

I had a middie appnt yesterday and i am measuring better now. I am only about 2 weeks behind (which is in the range of normal) instead of 4! So i can stop worrying about that

I am slowing down now. 32 weeksish is when i felt all of a sudden really pregnant last time too. yuck. DH is going away for 5 days at the end of the month and i am already dreading being alone with my 2 year old that whole time. He''s an angel of a 2 year old, but he''s still lots of work. DH is going to owe me ....huge!
Not Vesper, but my waters broke at 11am on the Friday morning, contractions started a couple of hours later and were every 6 minutes painful enough I couldn''t sleep through them by the evening.

They started pitocin at 2am on the Sunday morning as I had been in labour over 40 hours with good, strong contractions and was still only finger-tip dilated. After the pitocin I got to full dilation in about 9 hours. I had an epi so it was great!

Sadly due to malposition I ended up with forceps, but had she been a good presention I would guess that I would have had her on the Saturday evening (lack of head descent meant I wasn''t dilating).

I think in the USA they want the baby born within 24 hours, in the UK they start induction and IV antibiotics after 36 hours (as long as NOTHING enters the vagina the risk of infection is low and they don''t do any internals in the UK until you are in established labour).

Mere - Sorry about the name situation. I would go ahead and use it if you want to, you don''t exactly live next door and I assume you have different surnames?

In my family we all called dibs on names years ago! I told everyone both our girl and boy choices as soon as I was pregnant - I wanted to be sure that if any friends or family also got pg that they knew our choices and there was no accusations of copying etc.

My SIL was annoyed we''d chosen Daisy because she liked it, but I said it was no problem if they used it BUT that if we had a boy this time and a girl in the future, even if they had had a girl and named her Daisy in the meantime I would still use it.

My youngest sister has called dibs on ''Violet'' which I really like and is also DH''s granny''s name. If we were to have another girl in the future it would have been top of the list, but she''s wanted to use it for as long as I can ever remember and so I would happily give it up.
Confession - at 24 weeks I still check the TP every time I wipe for spotting. If anyone''s giving out lessons on how to be more laid back, sign me up!
PM I do too and I never had spotting in the first tri. I also panic a little every time I get a twinge of cramp or pain in the ute area.
Date: 4/14/2010 8:22:06 PM
Author: Jas12
BB--that''s great news, glad you feel more comfortable about everything now and can enjoy being preggo

Vesper--just curious, how soon after your water broke did they start the pitocin? My water broke before labor too. It was 7pm when that happened, but contractions didn''t start till hours later I think maybe around 11 pm . 10 hours after my water broke i was barely dilated, high and hadn''t effaced much. It was then i was placed on pitocin and labor started fast and furious. So, i think we had a similar situation and i too am curious what a more naturally progressing labor feels like since inductions/augmentation sucks pretty bad! I am hoping my water doesn''t break early this time!

I had a middie appnt yesterday and i am measuring better now. I am only about 2 weeks behind (which is in the range of normal) instead of 4! So i can stop worrying about that

I am slowing down now. 32 weeksish is when i felt all of a sudden really pregnant last time too. yuck. DH is going away for 5 days at the end of the month and i am already dreading being alone with my 2 year old that whole time. He''s an angel of a 2 year old, but he''s still lots of work. DH is going to owe me ....huge!
Jas, I''m so glad that you''re measuring larger now. It''s great to not have to worry about that anymore. I know what you mean regarding your husband being gone. Mine has been in town throughout my pregnancy, but he''s a workaholic and gone from 6 am - 8 pm or so every day, so he maybe sees DS for a 1/2 hour - 1 hour every day. I totally feel like a single parent sometimes (he does take over on the weekends though, so that''s great). Still, I had his parents come up to help when I hit 38 weeks, because I just can''t do it by myself at this stage with a 3 year old.

Regarding my water breaking in my first pregnancy, I was 39w3d, it broke at around 5 am, but it was Thanksgiving weekend and I had guests visiting who were leaving that morning, so I wanted them to go before we called the OB (besides it was only a slight trickle, so I wasn''t even sure that that was what happened). I finally went to the hospital at noon, and I was on Pitocin at 2 pm after over an hour of monitoring. I had never had a single contraction, (not even BH during the pregnancy) and I was not dilated or effaced, and the baby was still in the highest station. Still, I guess I was lucky that I reached a full 10cm dilation by midnight, so I guess it only took 8 hours to dilate and was successful.

So, I never had a single natural contraction, so even though this is my second pregnancy, I just started experiencing BH for the first time a few weeks ago, and I have no idea what actually going into labor is supposed to feel like. I am also hoping to start labor naturally this time, because I hated Pitocin. I hope that you have better luck this time too!