
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

SS--no, you aren''t being nosy! my midwife mentioned that following the birth the only real thing that will be monitored (beside the usual) is peeing. They''ll want to ensure he/she is peeing without difficulty to indicate the other kidney is working well. I think then i''ll be refered to a pedi urologist to confirm by ultrasound that it is indeed missing (although it was confirmed by scan 3 times now). I know that other than limiting salt, staying hydrated and later limiting alcohol not much is done. The only thing that worries me is the large increased risk of recurrent UTIs.
Vesper--we were posting at the same time.
I feel like a single mom now too (DH building our home so like your DH, he''s in and out for an hour here and there). It''s rough for sure. I don''t know how single moms do child care in their last trimester.
Your labor sounds interesting (i love reading and researching about labor) you probably would have been one of those women like my mom with 2 days of labor
. I am thinking i may have been like that too if not for the augmentation (which i didn''t want, but it certainly did make things go from 0 to 90 in no time!). Funny, i didn''t have a BH either, but this pregnancy i am feeling some terrible tightening that reminds me of early labor and i am thinking "ooh, so that is what they feel like". No real defined stop and start to them, just times when i feel like my belly is so uttery stretched and tight. The only reason i know is b/c when my middie was listening to the heart rate she said, "oh look at your uterus contracting" and the feeling was that same tightening.
re: labor and water breaking, mine broke i think at 3am but i had been feeling 'light' contrax since 8pm the night before. the contrax were not bad and even kind of lulled in the morning but then started getting crazy (back labor) around noon. i was only 1.5cm at 3pm so that is when i got pitocin. from there it was relatively quick.

also in the US...i think it varies by hospital but our hospital wanted the baby out within 18 hours of water breaking. since we THINK it was at 3am-ish, going into the hospital at 2:30pm meant we lost 12hours which is why we opted for pitocin. we had the option to continue labor on our own to see if it could progress but since it had already been a while and i was only 1.5 and the pain was excruciating since it was all back labor...i said gimme pitocin.

just remember ladies... pitocin+epidural=happiness. do not attempt pitocin without it hehee.
I see that Vesper is around. Has Mere been around today?
quick me post:

1) my belly button is now popped during the majority of the day, but migrates back in when I lay down at night

2) I am in *need* of a strawberry cupcake from the bakery next door

3) it has been hard being pregnant with a bakery next door

4) work is making me looney

5) I am still in denial of labor


also have noticed mere''s absence and hope that it means PROGRESS!!
Ohh, Fiery, I am most definitely, STILL here...

Actually just got back to my office from my weekly appointment. Moved up to 2cm dialated, but still at 70-80% effacement.

The surprise was that my BP was at 140/82. Luckily it went down to 130/82 by the end of my appointment, or else it would have been over to L&D for me. I'm supposed to keep an eye out for headaches... but other than that, I am guessing we will be going full term with our little guy. He is moving around more than he has the entire pregnancy, but doesn't seem to be in any hurry to exit.

Ohh, also, I actually lsot 2 lbs this past week! Soemthing I haven't experienced in over 6 months. Good news is... it is still a good feeling.

Lulu- A BAKERY?!?!?
Date: 4/15/2010 2:48:01 PM
Author: meresal

Ohh, Fiery, I am most definitely, STILL here...

Actually just got back to my office from my weekly appointment. Moved up to 2cm dialated, but still at 70-80% effacement.

The surprise was that my BP was at 140/82. Luckily it went down to 130/82 by the end of my appointment, or else it would have been over to L&D for me. I''m supposed to keep an eye out for headaches... but other than that, I am guessing we will be going full term with our little guy. He is moving around more than he has the entire pregnancy, but doesn''t seem to be in any hurry to exit.

Ohh, also, I actually lsot 2 lbs this past week! Soemthing I haven''t experienced in over 6 months. Good news is... it is still a good feeling.

Lulu- A BAKERY?!?!?
Your body is doing A LOT on its own which is awesome! Some women labor for hours just to get to 2cm so you have a lot done already.
Lulu- I'm at 38 weeks, and I still choose not to think about what labor is *really* going to be like.
IMO, some things, like LABOR, are better left not thought about. Just experience it once it starts happening.

Fiery- That's a very good point. Thanks! My goal is to get to 5cm before receiving an epidural, so I'm almost half way ther without any labor yet!
Mere~ I started losing weight at the end of my pregnancy too. Perhaps you will go to your due date, but I can''t see you going over. Yay for 2cm dilated! Just makes it easier when labor hits.

Jas~ I''m glad to hear that there won''t have to be any major issues with your LO those first few days. I didn''t realize there''s an increased UTI rate.

I received my packet from the ped card today. The doctor is also a professor of cardiology so that makes me happy. I''m so glad that we have access to a major children''s hospital. It''s nationally recognized as one of the best for cardiology. I have a question. In my packet, I have all of the registration info that is supposed to be filled out. Am I the patient or is the Baby the patient?? There are all sorts of questions about health, activity, etc. I would assume that I''m the patient since Baby isn''t out yet, but my answers are obviously different from her symptoms.
Hi Pregnant PS'ers, stepping out of lurkdom for my first post in this thread. Does anyone know anything about delivering big babies?

Specifically, I'm at 37 weeks today and not showing any signs of imminent delivery. She's measured big all the way along, so we did an ultrasound today, and they're estimating 7.5 lbs, 92 percentile. I won't get to discuss the results with my OB till the next appointment and all I keep thinking is how in the world is such a big child going to make her way out of me?! I'm wondering all sorts of things...if babies are ever induced so vag delivery is possible before growing bigger? What is the cut off before a decision is made for a C-section? Do they generally attempt vag delivery first? Will it really do a number on my body to deliver such a big baby? Argh...any advice/experience?? TIA from a first-timer!
Date: 4/15/2010 6:22:00 PM
Author: lovinsparkles
Hi Pregnant PS''ers, stepping out of lurkdom for my first post in this thread. Does anyone know anything about delivering big babies?

Specifically, I''m at 37 weeks today and not showing any signs of imminent delivery. She''s measured big all the way along, so we did an ultrasound today, and they''re estimating 7.5 lbs, 92 percentile. I won''t get to discuss the results with my OB till the next appointment and all I keep thinking is how in the world is such a big child going to make her way out of me?! I''m wondering all sorts of things...if babies are ever induced so vag delivery is possible before growing bigger? What is the cut off before a decision is made for a C-section? Do they generally attempt vag delivery first? Will it really do a number on my body to deliver such a big baby? Argh...any advice/experience?? TIA from a first-timer!
What kind of u/s was performed? I can''t recall the exact measurements but I believe the Level I u/s (standard machines) have a 2lb discrepancy and the Level II (usually used during the NT scan) has about .2lb discrepancy.

Also, are they estimating 7.5lbs as the final birth weight assuming you deliver on your due date or is that her weight now?

If that''s the final weight, that''s not a big baby
. DD was 7.2lbs and we had no complications due to weight. If that''s her weight now, then your OB would have a better guess at what the final weight can be but again these things are not accurate.

I believe the OB had estimated an 8lb baby for Sabine but told her he could be as low as 7lbs or as high as 10lbs. He was 8lbs.
Hi Fiery,

Thanks for the response. Sorry I wasn''t clear -- 7.5 lbs today, not final weight. According to the weight chart I found online, average at 37 weeks is 6.3 lbs (and at 40 weeks is 7.63 lbs -- I''m almost there already!).

That''s a good point about the accuracy issue -- will have to discuss with my doc when I see her. But the reason we did the US in the first place is because we already expected big due to my belly measurements (I''ve gained I think close to 45 lbs, virtually all right on the tummy -- it''s huge! Quite a shift from intially losing weight due to morning sickness...). Now that it has even more confirmation, just not sure what to do with this info...I''m glad she''s growing well, but it''s daunting too...
Date: 4/15/2010 6:22:00 PM
Author: lovinsparkles
Hi Pregnant PS''ers, stepping out of lurkdom for my first post in this thread. Does anyone know anything about delivering big babies?

Specifically, I''m at 37 weeks today and not showing any signs of imminent delivery. She''s measured big all the way along, so we did an ultrasound today, and they''re estimating 7.5 lbs, 92 percentile. I won''t get to discuss the results with my OB till the next appointment and all I keep thinking is how in the world is such a big child going to make her way out of me?! I''m wondering all sorts of things...if babies are ever induced so vag delivery is possible before growing bigger? What is the cut off before a decision is made for a C-section? Do they generally attempt vag delivery first? Will it really do a number on my body to deliver such a big baby? Argh...any advice/experience?? TIA from a first-timer!

My son was 10lbs 7 oz at birth. I was induced at 39 weeks because I begged and pleaded with my doctor! Those last few weeks were miserable as far as eating, sleeping, walking and breathing. My induction lasted a long time and ended up with an emergency c-section. I never dilated past a 6 so I was never able to push. That really didn''t have anything to do with the size of the baby, but my body''s refusal. He wouldn''t have fit through my pelvis anyway (which we didn''t find out until after he was born) The doctor actually didn''t know he was going to be soo big so they were surprised when I couldn''t deliver. In my experience, big babies aren''t "medically necessary" to induce early, although believe me, I tried! I''m currently almost 27 weeks and the doctor estimates her to be between 9 and 9.5 lbs at birth. I have to have another c-section for many reasons one of which is my pelvis won''t fit her either.

As far as doing a number on your body, that really depends on your body. My grandmother had 5 babies over 10 lbs delivered vaginally. I have several small cousins who were able to deliver 9lb babies vaginally with very little difficulty. I also have a cousin who had a 5 lb baby she couldn''t deliver vaginally so it really depends on your physical structure and capability.

Since you know the baby is big now, the doctor will do another US closer to your due date. At that time if the head or chest is measuring too big for your pelvis, they may suggest scheduling a c-section.

GOOD LUCK!! And, if I can answer any questions, I would be more than happy to.
Somethingshiny, thanks so much for that information. Knowing the next step (i.e. that they''ll schedule another US closer to due date to determine whether the head/chest will fit my pelvis) is really helpful. It was sort of sucky timing that I didn''t get to discuss the results with my OB today so my brain is just kind of running wild with what it all means! It''s also reassuring to hear of other women who have successfully delivered big babies. I would say my build is on the smaller side (that''s why my giant tummy looks so crazy!) but not sure how exactly pelvis capability is estimated. Will have discuss that with OB. Thanks again for responding.
Lovinsparkles, maybe dreamer will chime in, or you could page her on toddler thread, but I think she was thought to have a big baby coming based on ultrasound and did some research on it... For one, the ultrasound weight estimates aren't perfect. And secondly, I think she found a much higher c-section rate if the doctors *thought* you were carrying a big baby than if you actually *were* carrying a big baby and the doctors didn't know it. In other words, the expectations were more important than the actual baby size in terms of predicting whether you need a c-section due to child not fitting through the birth canal.

One other question I have is how sure are you of your dates? if you are off by a week or two, then maybe your baby is much closer to normal size.

Def. discuss with your doctor what the implications are, but don't sign up for surgery yet! I think the circumferences are more important than weight anyway.
Re: Checking for blood on the TP....For almos the entire pregnancy you will be praying for no blood and right around the end you are praying to see a little blood! Oh the joys of birthing a baby!
Thanks, cara. Yep, I am 100% sure the dates are correct so I can''t blame that. My doctor specifically told me not to tell the U/S tech that we suspected a big baby, so as not to influence her estimate. And still, one of the first things she said was, "this is not a small baby", and later "don''t invest in many newborn clothes"!

I really don''t know that I would be that opposed to a C-section if she really is on the quite large side, but I would hate to go through the whole pain of labor and then at the last minute have to get an emergency C-section...lots to consider and I know I shouldn''t panic until I can talk it through with my doc. Thanks again for responding.
lovinsparkles, my OB would not even do a real estimate of weight because she said it is pretty much inaccurate. she said that they can get some idea of range but it is not guaranteed. and i know a ton of women who have had their Dr's estimate and the babies were either bigger or smaller (typically smaller) than what the Dr says. it seems like most stories i have heard the Dr is estimating a big baby and then the baby is 7.5 or 8 lbs which to me is average.

i was measuring small the whole time, usually 1-2 weeks behind, but my Dr thought i would have 'around' a 7.5 or 8lb baby. well he was 8lbs 2oz and i had the tiniest tear, really not bad at all. i also know a gal who was pretty small, about 5'2" and delivered a 10, an 11 and a TWELVE pound baby and i think that at least 2 of them were vag.

anyway... anything is possible but i really wouldn't worry too much about it. you might be surprised. and if you get in there and things are measuring large, then deal with it then.

i keep checking this thread to see if MP has posted her birth story!

oh and re: newborn clothes. J is 11lbs and he is JUST now entirely out of NB. he really outgrew a lot of it around 9-10lbs. we actually didn't buy that many newborn because everyone told us not to but then we needed more! lastly, Carters NB is much bigger than Gerber just FYI.
I know one person who was told if she carried to full term she''d have to have a c-section. She''s 4''10" and weighs about 90 lbs. They said if she naturally went around 37 she would be able to deliver naturally but definitely not with the baby full term.
Hi All - just a quick drive by to say:


Happy Friday Mamas!
Happy BPF ladies!!

Congratulations on 2-Tri Blushing!

*UPDATE*: My sister checked into L&D this morning at midnight, received her epidural at 3am, and is currently 7cm!! I''m going to have another nephew in a few hours!!
When does the 2nd trimester start anyways? :) I am 12 weeks 5 days today! So I think I am almost there.
Allie- If you are basing it off of a 40 week pregnancy, then just divide your weeks by 4.33. You will be in your 3rd month once you get to 13 weeks! Only a few more days! (You're 3rd-tri will start at 26 weeks.)

Here I am: 38w2d

Mer at 38w 2d 04.16.10 side.JPG
and a first for me... but here is the front

(Belly-button hasn''t popped yet. Just the top is sticking out a bit further than the bottom... odd

Mer at 38w 2d 04.16.10 front.JPG
Congratulations BB on 2nd tri!

Mere-You look great! Congrats to your sister!

Happy Due Date Vesper!
Thanks Fiery!

Meresal, you still look so great. Congrats to your sister & your family!

Blushing, congrats on the second trimester!!!

So, today is supposedly my due date, but nothing so far. I am heading out with my son & in-laws to take another long walk, so hopefully that will move things along ... According to my OB my due date is today, but I know when I ovulated, so I''m determined not to start getting impatient until Monday ...

Still, yesterday I took a long walk, then last night I baked cupcakes & bounced on the yoga ball, and nothing. I am hoping that I go into labor before I have to go in to the OB''s office for the baby''s stress test on Monday afternoon. I guess at the very least I''ll be able to hear what my progress is by then ...

I will keep you guys posted!

I know you had some worries earlier on regarding how much you body was changing and weight gain. I wanted to tell you that you look B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!
Date: 4/16/2010 9:40:26 AM
Author: AllieLuv83
When does the 2nd trimester start anyways? :) I am 12 weeks 5 days today! So I think I am almost there.
Thanks Ladies!!!

Allie - according to Fertility Friend, it''s 13 weeks. I''ve also read/heard that from other sources as well. You''re just a few days behind me! When''s your due date again?
13 weeks. That last week from 12-13 was a killer!

here I am at 17.5 weeks. Gender/anatomy scan is next Thursday!

hh 17.5.JPG
Blushing, congratulations on entering the 2nd trimester!!!! Hope you''re feeling great!