
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Monkey Pie -- congrats on little monkey and congrats to you on getting through that difficult birth experience!
Well Carlos has been renamed AIDAN! Yes, we''re on team blue. Big shock because I totally thought we were having a girl. But we''re cool with it being a boy.

I have an anterior placenta, which is why I haven''t felt anything from the LO yet. He was rocking out during the scan thanks to the OJ I drank before the appt, but I didn''t feel anything at the time.

Unfortunately the doc pointed out an area of concern on Aidan''s heart. Apparently it''s a soft marker for downs. So our chances are now at 1 in 550 vs 1 in 1100 estimated from our scan. So we''re now considering having the amnio done. I''ve got an apt with my OB this coming week so we''re going to think about it and talk with her and then make our decision.
Just popping into say congrats again to MP...what an experience!

And HH, congrats on team blue!
HH -- Congrats and welcome to team blue! You''re gonna love it.
Congrats on the boy HH! Wow what a shock! Sorry about the Down''s soft marker, and good luck with the amnio decision. On the other thing, my intent was not at all one of schooling, sorry if it came off differently.

Vesper I am with Andrew on this one! Baby, get out of there!! And congrats on having one potty trained child - that is an accomplishment even if you acquire a new diaper-needing kiddo quite shortly.

Me, I''m feeling a bit under-the-weather preggo-style. Still nauseous. Have gotten up the last few nights around 3-4am to go pee and then been too nauseous to fall back asleep until I get up again, take another nausea pill and eat some toast and wait an hour+. And I don''t know if its in my head or what, but it seems like I am fighting a bit more nausea during the day too. Was hoping it would fade out one of these days. OK, onward...
Congrats on team blue, love the name!!!
Congrats on a boy!
Congrats on Team Blue HH. I wish you every positive thought for baby Aidan.
MP: You poor thing! I''m so glad you''re okay and you got a healthy baby boy out of it, though.

Congrats on team BLUE, HH! Re: Being shocked- Didn''t you have a bunch of people at tell you BOY?
The nub reading seems to be pretty accurate over there.
Congrats HH!!!! And welcome to Team BLUE!!!!

I love the name Aiden, that was one name I liked for a boy, but it was either a Jr. since my husband always wanted a Jr. or the only other name he liked for a boy was Hunter, so I talked him out of a Jr. cause I HATE having Jr.''s I think a boy should have his own name! But I thankfully love the name Hunter James!!!
I understand Cara. After two days of being condescended and patronized to in the mommy thread, I was a little sensitive last night. I went back to edit it after posting, realizing I might have been harsh, but I couldn''t edit it.
Date: 4/22/2010 5:03:43 PM
Author: E B
MP: You poor thing! I''m so glad you''re okay and you got a healthy baby boy out of it, though.

Congrats on team BLUE, HH! Re: Being shocked- Didn''t you have a bunch of people at tell you BOY?
The nub reading seems to be pretty accurate over there.

Yes but over the past few weeks I''d mentally convinced myself it was a girl! Mainly due to my major body-wide weight gain and addiction to jelly beans. I wasn''t disappointed by any means, just surprised.
So full name is Aidan Campbell D.
HH, congrats on a boy! You''re going to love it! Sorry to hear about the area of concern on Aidan''s heart. Hopefully it''s nothing. Keep us posted.
Congrats again on team blue HH!

Vesper-I'm just going to send you one big ole hug. Seriously girl, HUGS! lol!
Hi All!

MP -
I can't even tell you how many times I cringed reading your birth story. You poor thing!!!! Thank god you and Micah are healthy and everything turned out well. Wow - after reading that, I'm officially scared of L&D!

Congrats HH on joining Team Blue!!!
Also, if one of my babes is a boy, he could be sharing the same name as your LO!
It's one of our top two for boys names. Love it! Also, keep us posted on his heart - I'll be praying that he's A-OK!

BTW - as you can see, I changed my screen name to Blushing_B. After I came back from my break, I saw that several of you had done it and I've always wanted to change mine. I'm definitely NOT a bride anymore and certainly don't ever plan on being one again. I joined PS right after I got engaged (had been lurking for at least two years prior to learn about diamonds, etc), but I thought I would just gain some knowledge on how to plan my wedding - never thinking I'd meet some incredible people and be a member for as long as I have been. I just randomly picked my screen name and have been dying to change it as soon as I created it.

(14 weeks today!)
HH~ Congrats on team blue! I know from experience how much little boys love their mamas! JT just came up to me and asked if I wanted "some lovin." Then he continued to shower me in kisses. You and your LO are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish I had some advice on whether or not to proceed with the amnio. I know how worrisome potentially bad news can be. Try to stay positive and enjoy your pregnancy.

Vesper~ lol to Andrew yelling at the baby. And big YAY for potty training. One in diapers is enough!
HH, yay for TEAM BLUE!!!!
Sorry about the worrisome spot. I know a lot of friends who had false positives on the scan then no worries after the amnio.

Gosh, I don''t know why but I was so anxious to hear your results. I seriously kept PS up in the background at work and refreshed like every 5 minutes! I know, I know - I should get a life.
HH- Yay for team Blue, sorry to hear about your disappointing news while getting such waited news on gender...

Vesper- I also enjoyed the the comment of your toddler yelling at the LO..... everytime our 3 yr old hears our LO''s hearbeat on the doppler (home or at the Dr. Office) she asks "baby brother out now?" ... If it were only that easy to get em out ay?.. Congrats on the potty training!! I am dreading training a boy this time around because our girl was SOOO easy!

Not much new today with me... had an appt. yesterday and got checked for anemia again and..... still borderline just as I was before
I dont know what to do next on trying to get it to raise.. I cant take the straight iron pills (tried 3 different types) without it causing crazyness in my system so maybe I gotta go back to just eating a leafy green salad for lunch and see if that works??? Any ideas? I am still measuring ahead of schedule by about a week so hes growing great, I just am concerned of the anemia (I am only .4 pts. low)
Just popping in to say congrats to Hudson on TEAM BLUE!! :) I will be thinking of you and Aiden while you decide on the amnio...sending prayers that the heart echogenicity is nothing and he''s a normal, healthy boy. :)
SE~ Orange juice helps your body to absorb more iron too. Maybe you could try drinking a glass with your veggies. I wasn''t able to get my iron up on my own. The doc has me on 2 pills a day to try to bring it up. They aren''t fun! Have you tried the slow release formulas??

Congrats on the latest team blue news! I love the name you''ve chosen for your little one :)
Coming out of lurkdom in this thread to congratulate HH on the boy! Love the name Aidan. I also wanted to tell you that by complete coincidence about a half hour ago I saw an entire thread on another forum about the Down''s soft marker on the heart - a woman was worried about it and posted asking for advice because she was nervous, and *so many* people came on to post and reassure her that their doctors had told them the same exact thing and all of them went on to have beautiful, perfectly healthy babies. Good luck on the amnio decision, and congrats again on team blue!!!
Congrats hh!!!!!!!!!! Love the name and hope all is well with his heart and downs.
Popping in to say yay! to HH on finding out you''re having a BABY BOY!

I''m sure things will turn out ok with his heart- my thoughts are with you as you make your decision. My boss'' son also had the soft markers for Downs on his heart, they also had to decide if they wanted the amnio (they had it done), and everything turned out perfectly in the end.
Congrats, Hudson! Love the name!

Allie - I''m having the same problems as you with my blood pressure right now, but I have a history of high blood pressure. It was treated with medicine for about 6-8 months and when I finally lost a significant amount of excess weight it finally managed to get under control without needing meds.
At my first few visits at (7 and 10 weeks) my blood pressure was fine (110/60 - 118/60), but my yesterday I went in and it was 140/80! They waited about 10 minutes and checked again and it was still 140/70.
I really hoping that it might have been just a fluke, but who knows. I''m pretty sure I heard them say that they tested my urine for protein and didn''t find any , my pulse was fine, and I haven''t had any problems with swelling, but I have to go back Monday for them to check it again and hope it goes back to normal.
I don''t really have any advice or experience with Pre-E, but I wanted to let you know that you''re not alone with the BP issues right now and I hope things get better for you soon!!
HH, congrats on team Blue, and I LOVE the name Aidan. Hopefully it''s just a false alarm with his heart and everything will be A-OK.

Thanks for your support & labor dust everyone - hopefully this baby will get out soon!
vesper, sending you huge labor vibes!!

blushing...aww don''t be freaked out re L&D. honestly the whole time i have been pregnant i have maybe only seen one or two labors posted about that are extremely difficult. your chances of having an ok one are great! hehee.

re: iron... artichokes are also a high iron food. i tend towards anemia...i can always tell when my iron is low because i am so tired regardless of how much sleep i get. it happened to me post-partum, not during preggo..i think because the baby takes a fair amt of iron from you in your milk from BF''ing.

congrats HH... i love love love having a boy! re: the amnio... i was really nervous to do ours given the various risks, but i asked all my weird Q''s of the Dr ahead of time and he was wonderful in addressing every little concern and it was over very quickly and we were very glad we got the diagnostic testing.
The interesting thing about the amnio is that when we met with the Genetic Counselor, even before we got the NT scan done she quoted me the number 1 in 200 result in miscarriage, I just was taken aback by that. 1. Why is she quoting these numbers to an already terrified pregnant mommy. 2. I thought that the odd were much more friendly like 1 in 1600 from what I have read recently.

When my husband heard miscarriage his head just bobbed up and down and he said "We aren''t getting this done today right?" oh my goodness I thought he was going to faint from her describing the procedure.

I feel like (knock on wood) I really haven''t heard anyone having any really adverse reactions besides the slight cramping and having to take it easy for a few days. I just don''t know why she was so fast to throw the worst case scenario at me.

@Ambulance - at my 4 week visit to confirm it was slightly elevated, then when I went in for the 6.5 week ultrasound it was back to normal so I breathed a sigh of relief. The at the 7 week, 10 week, and yesterday at my school nurses office it was 130/80. When I told my sister she was like WHOA...when I was pregnant my blood pressure never went higher than 100/60 "good for you :) sister dear :)" so that made me feel like an even bigger freak show. I am glad to know that I am not alone!
Happy Friday!

Vesper, many many labor vibes your way!!! One last belly picture? For old time''s sake? Please?

SoExcited, sorry about the borderline anemia. I can''t take iron either so my doc monitors my levels. Hopefully, your levels will stay steady. It''s definitely hard to find (and enjoy) iron-rich foods.

Blushing, I''m getting really nervous about L&D too but I figure that, in the moment, we''ll be strong enough to handle whatever comes our way. the end, you''ll be doubly blessed!

MP, I know I''m late on this but I''m so so sorry you had such an awful (and what sounds like SCARY) L&D experience. I hope that you feel better with each day that passes. BTW, Micah is a cutie!

Swimmer, shame on those dummies for telling you exercise is a bad idea! I was a total sloth in my first trimester and had a hard time getting back into the swing of things so I''m just walking and doing light cardio when I can. I hate when people treat pregnancy like a disablility - except when it means DH walks the dog and rubs my feet.

Jena, not sure how I missed that you''re having a boy but welcome to TEAM BLUE!

Cara, doesn''t it seem *weird* to know that you''ll have a real live addition to your family in just a few months? Of course the logical side of you KNOWS this is what''s going to happen but it''s still so surreal!

Not much going on here...we''re finishing up the nursery paint tomorrow. Then DH''s job for Sunday is to get the nursery furniture, which is currently hanging out in our dining room, into the nursery. I ordered some REALLY cute owl prints from etsy so hopefully we''ll have time to get those up soon. The seller (ETSY SELLER) had so many cute prints to choose from and she was SUPER easy to work with. It was my first Etsy order so I was nervous. I also ordered our LO some baby legs from babysteals yesterday. I can''t wait to use them!

Oh, and we can now SEE the baby kick from the outside! Nuts!