
Hi, I''m new here

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I will definitely be praying for you both!!! I just found this thread, and had to do a lot of catching up, and I just can''t believe you''re HIS girlfriend!!! Girl...he is crazy about you!!!! I''m so happy for both of you, and I know that it will all work out the way it''s supposed to and you both will be blessed for your faithfulness!!! You''ll definitely be in my prayers!!!
Hi again. Well, I''ve calmed down considerably, thank goodness. I just get so worked up sometimes when I feel like there''s no way for me to know anything. Yeah, I know, life''s not fair, I''m getting to marry an absolutely fabulous man, get over it. Yeah, I''ve heard it tons of times. I can just get so worked up and intense sometimes.

Anyway, a hard day at work, working with people with *real* problems and issues brought me back to reality. Isn''t it good how God will bring certain incidents into your life just as you''re about to have selfish moment, and remind you about what it''s really about? Yeah, He''s pretty good about keeping me in check.

Oh, and another happy thing is that his car''s running fine now, so maybe it was just a fluke thing this morning. Maybe the engine wasn''t warm yet, I don''t know. I''m just glad it''s doing better now. AND!!! He has *two* interviews for schools next week and is *super* excited about it, and I think a lot of stress he''s been carrying around with him is slipping away, which in turn, gives me a better feeling, too.

Amyq, what do you mean you can''t believe I''m *HIS* girlfriend? Haha... I obviously have the better end of the deal. I know.
Glad to hear all is settling for you guys! I hope things get worked out soon and you can get on with your engagement and your job hunt/move! Keep us posted
My dear, I think amyq means that it''s great to get to meet you after hearing so much about you!! Believe us when we say he adores you and wants nothing but the best for you.

Yes, God certainly has his way to teach us things, even if some of the times we don''t particularly enjoy the lessons... But from what I''ve learned, if you do your absolute best and have faith, things will turn out well in the end.

I wish you the best!
OH! Well isn''t that sweet! But still, of the two, I have the better deal. Without a doubt. He''s an awesome man. I''ve never felt as loved and *cherished.* That''s part of why I want to get this marriage thing started already! I won''t start that again, though.

I''ve been working on our scrapbook. Do any of you scrapbook? I just love working on it, and looking through the memories we''ve made and the history we''re creating as we journey through life together. What''s even better is that sometimes he''ll ask to keep it at his house, when he''s missing me a lot. I think it''s precious.

He told me he had a long talk with his dad last night, who also experienced a lot of this same stuff while he and his almost-wife were going through their pre-engagement phase. She is every bit as *spirited* as I am, and Paul and his dad are almost identical (physically and internally). He said his dad explained to him what his mom had said at the time when they were where we are, and that it sounded just like what I''m voicing, and he sort of gets it, a little. He assured me my time in *idle* mode won''t be long, and that we''re on the same page as far as what we want, and that God''s leading us, and that I don''t need to worry or stress over his love or level of devotion or commitment to me, and that the more willing I am to be calm and relaxed, the faster the process will go, not because he''s pushing me to act a certain way but because stress elongates the process. His dad told him I was a sweetie of a girl and that he had no doubt we''d be a great married couple as long as we remember to work with one another and keep communicating like we do. I knew his parents love me, but it''s always good when he calls me and says he and his dad talked and that his parents have such high thoughts about me. It''s awesome because they''ve raised *such* a wonderful son and they think I''m a good half of a couple for him. Yay!

My family''s in California, and I miss them immensely. Being around his family, though, makes it a little easier, and even if we end up staying in Georgia, it will be good to have a family that I consider *my* family, too, around. They''re so real, and welcoming, and just, happy. I mean, they''re a family that gets along and has fun together, genuinely. On Easter, we had lunch there and then watched home videos from back in the day. I adore watching him and his brother when they were younger. It''s both hilarious and precious. Then we played Uno Attack. I mean, how *wholesome* is that?

Anyway, thank you all for letting me *vent* and all that. I love him like crazy, and all I want is to be with him NOW. Forever. It''ll come. But gosh, I hope it''s soon. My version of soon, too!
Fisher, I''m not quite sure where to start. I agree with Anchor that we''ve heard such wonderful things about you and it''s so great to meet you. Everyone''s been telling your BF (if all of our hunches are correct, that is) that it sounds like you have such a great relationship and make such a great couple. Everything you''ve been saying just supports that. Your relationship has good foundations in Christ as well as in qualities such as trust and communication.

I''ve only scrapbooked once, to document my study abroad. In some ways, I think that the technological age has destroyed scrapbooking for many people. Most of my pictures are digital, and sadly I do not have a working printer at the moment. I know that there are ways of giving digital images to places like Walmart and having them print them, and so I should probably get my act together and do that. It sounds like a great way of recording your journey through life together. My boyfriend and I are about to encounter immense change (college graduation and a cross country move), and it might be fun to have a record in the future.

Scrapbooking is addictive. I started one in the summer, once I knew he was a *keeper.* At first, he thought it was sort of girly, silly. Now he adores it and even asks whether or not I have any new pages, and suggests silly titles for our random activities. It''s fun.

I like the creative outlet of it. When I get built up with a lot of energy, it''s best to let it out on the creative realm, so I write, or scrapbook. Since it can be an expensive hobby, that''s another reason for it to become addictive. I''m quite behind, actually. When my camera was stolen from my car, I was so sad to have lost memories, that I just shut down on doing it for a while. But this weekend I got a new camera, and yesterday the police department said they may be able to get my camera back, and now I''m excited about it again. We did lose a few weekends of activities that were saved on the camera (Ruby Falls, in Tennessee... any of you been there? AWESOME!!), but I decided to make a new page dedicated to the fool who broke into my car, which should be a humorous way to document the thievery. Good word there, huh?

The biggest down side of scrapbooking is that it''s messy and you have to be organized to keep all the little papers and gadgets together. I love doing the pages, but I hate the clean up afterward. When I don''t clean up immediately afterward, Flip has a grand time chewing on the glue stick, and batting the scissors all over the living room. Good times, good times.
Fisher- I just meant that it was a huge surprise, and really neat to sort of get to meet you too, we don''t usually get both people on this form...I just think it''s cool!!
I don''t scrapbook, but I do keep photos, and I have a journal. I write a lot, it''s a huge creative and emotional outlet for me. It might sound weird for a 20-year-old (21 on May 6th), but I love cross-stitching!! My grandmother showed me and now I''m addicted.
I cross-stitch, too. And I crochet. And I sew, occassionally. My brother calls it "grannying" when I do those things, especially the crochet, but I love it. And it helps a lot with my racing thoughts.

It''s almost Friday again.

Just wanted to let you know that there is a thread for venting right I personally give you permission to visit that thread if you need to to vent

So that would give you another thread you can visit

It''s called "Don''t want to wait anymore!!!"
Since you''re not really supposed to peruse the other forums, here''s something in the Hangout thread that you may enjoy:

Date: 4/20/2006 9:14:01 PM
Author:moon river
The following ''brainteaser'' of sorts appeared in our local paper earlier this week. I''ve always prided myself in seeing ''beyond'' what''s in front of me so the fact that I''ve spent 3 days and only spotted 19 so far is really unsettling. Print this out and pass it around. I would love to see what others can find.

One clue I''ve noticed...the word can be in the middle of one word, or part of the ending of one and the begging of another. Good luck.

There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. Can you find them? This is the most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket, on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu, keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much that he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat. Another friend studied it while playing his banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist, was so intrigued by it that she mentioned it in her weekly newspaper column. Another friend judges the job of solving this puzzle so involving, that she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are really easy to spot. That''s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalized. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or a scholar to see some of them at worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this papagraph. During a recent fund raising event, which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Human humbly puts it, ''The books are all right here in plain view hidden from sight.'' Those able to find all of them will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothey and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also, keep in mind, that punctuation and spaces in the middle are normal. A chipper attitude will help you compete really well against those who claim to know the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus; there really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found.

God Bless.

Surely, between all of us here on PS and those we show this to, we can find 30

I''m on 12 so far...
i just sent that books of the bible paragraph to my boyfriend--his bible study group will love it!
Fisher--I also figured out who you AND your boyfriend were--I can''t believe I''ve been able to see both sides. Yall are lucky to have each other! Your relationship will continue to be blessed! And I can''t wait till he proposes so yall can read each other''s posts!
We just printed it off, and so far, we have 14. He found one and was *so* proud of himself.
Yay! Now 17. :)
Okay, now it''s slowing down, but we''re at 20. I found one, and he said, "I can''t believe I didn''t see that. That''s an outrage, girl!" He cracks me up.
That''s right. I found another one. He was like, "Geesh, I thought I was doing better than you. Argh!" I love it!
23!! Now I''m determined to get it finished. I think the sun''s finally going to come out, too. Whoo Hoo!
Hmph! We didn''t find anymore. Just 23. Oh well. Maybe we''ll look again later, but it''s making my head hurt now. And Paul started pointing out words like, "hat" and "ass." I think that means he got burned out, too.

Happy weekend, peoples!!
Hey fisher - sorry I haven''t been keeping up and I totally missed your post about the rings you like! This past week has been such a crazy one and things just are not going my way with a bunch of things. Bahumbug. Actually earlier this week I was thinking, man I was so insensitive asking about rings when all she is trying to do is stay sane! And I was trying to find the time to come on here and apologize for bringing it up! But it looks like it didn''t make you upset or anything so I am so glad! I really love the ones you linked to, especially the ering! It reminded me of one of my favorites! Which of course I have to attach ;) Hang in there girl! I''m praying for you two and that his soon = your soon!


Don''t worry, I kept finding words like "whore" and "sin." We figured out that there are probably four typos, one by Moon River (Timothey should be Timothy) and three in the paper itself (Daniel Human''s last name can''t be right, one of the "the most"s should be "a most", and there''s a "...mat w..." that would work if a "the" were added between those two words). We managed to get everything in the other thread, working together, and assuming that there are those three typos in the original. I think that Moon River might have contacted the paper over it to check. If you want to see what they are at some point, just ask and I''ll post it here.
Have a wonderful weekend! I hope it''s slightly sunnier where you are.
Hi again. Yeah, we never went back to that Bible books name thing. It was fun, but I was SO frustrated that every time I thought I finally found "Amos," it wasn''t there! hee hee... oh well.

So guess what? Paul had asked me two weekends ago when he was at my house not to ask him anything about rings or anything for three weeks. Guess why? Because he''d finally saved up the money, and was planning on talking with Whiteflash on Monday to get things going, and then... Well, he probably posted this himself, but his car had issues, and he had to end up spending the night in a hotel, getting his car fixed the next day, and all that stuff. So, it took away from his funds, obviously. And, if that hadn''t happened, he thought he''d have it all set up and sent to him by this weekend, and he would have asked me. *This weekend.*

But since it did happen, and who knew that a spark plug could cost so much when it also burns out little wires around it?, well, because of that, he has to wait until he gets paid at the end of April, the 28th, actually. He''s going to plan on talking to WF tomorrow about sending a check, dated Friday, so that way by the time they get it and deposit it, the money will be there, so the ball can get rolling all the sooner.

I just about cried when I realized he really had all the money together and was about to make the purchase, until his car did that. And I''ve been so impatient, and he just wanted to surprise me by really doing it in April!

We had a great time at Six Flags. I didn''t even get sick or queasy or anything. I think he enjoyed his pre-birthday present. And good flippin grief, that new ride, Goliath is a *big* drop. Ah... I don''t know how many times I called out to my Father, asking Him to get me off that thing! After we had stopped and were safe, I loved it, though. Oh, and we did the caricature thing, too. Um, yeah, that one will NOT be going onto anything wedding related. I look like this little, innocent rodent with HUGE eyes, and he looks like some devil-type man. I''ve titled the piece of art "Satan and the Rodent." If I can ever find a way to shrink it down, I''ll post. It''s hilarious, if nothing else.

Okay, I have to walk Flip before church time. Happy Sunday!
Date: 4/23/2006 9:48:41 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
Hi again. Yeah, we never went back to that Bible books name thing. It was fun, but I was SO frustrated that every time I thought I finally found ''Amos,'' it wasn''t there! hee hee... oh well.

So guess what? Paul had asked me two weekends ago when he was at my house not to ask him anything about rings or anything for three weeks. Guess why? Because he''d finally saved up the money, and was planning on talking with Whiteflash on Monday to get things going, and then... Well, he probably posted this himself, but his car had issues, and he had to end up spending the night in a hotel, getting his car fixed the next day, and all that stuff. So, it took away from his funds, obviously. And, if that hadn''t happened, he thought he''d have it all set up and sent to him by this weekend, and he would have asked me. *This weekend.*

But since it did happen, and who knew that a spark plug could cost so much when it also burns out little wires around it?, well, because of that, he has to wait until he gets paid at the end of April, the 28th, actually. He''s going to plan on talking to WF tomorrow about sending a check, dated Friday, so that way by the time they get it and deposit it, the money will be there, so the ball can get rolling all the sooner.

I just about cried when I realized he really had all the money together and was about to make the purchase, until his car did that. And I''ve been so impatient, and he just wanted to surprise me by really doing it in April!

Ahh sweetie. I''m sorry about the car troubles. My BF and I seem to have THE WORST car luck. Car problems pushed buying an engagement ring back over a year for us. A few weeks before Christmas 2004 my BF had borrowed his moms car to go visit some friends inthe mountains because his car was too crappy to make it up the mountain (we tried, had get get towed back down
), on the way home he hit a patch of ice and drove the car off the road into a ditch, screwed up the alignment and ruined about 3/4 of the body panels. His parents had full coverage on it but didn''t want to make a claim. The repairs were $5000 we didn''t have. We had to take out a loan to cover 4k of it. We hadn''t been just about to get engaged like you are but we had just started saving and that whiped out the money we had plus any money we saved for the next 9 months went to pay off that loan. April of last year, my BF had just bought my diamond we getting ready to order the setting... clutch goes in the car, almost 2000 dollars to fix it. Only had 1k in the "car repair fund", had to spend ring money to cover the rest. He had been wanting to propose in May near our anniversary. I would have been angaged a year ago

I know how disappointing it is to know that something you''ve been waiting for for so long is pushed back again but he''s trying SOO HARD to make sure you are ecstatically happy and it will be worth the wait.
Wow, that''s rough, Rhapsody. I''m sure that during the time of wait, though, there are blessings along the way. I see them in our situation. Even though I tend to *not* look for them. But I have learned just how incredibly patient he is, and how sweet he is, and how set backs in life may upset him, but they don''t throw him down for the count. What a fabulous quality! I''m also learning that I don''t always get exactly what I want, my way, every time. That in and of itself is a lesson I''ve been being taught for years now. One of these days I hope to learn it and be done with it.

I pray he has a safe car above and beyond our being engaged, and I am thankful that he does have a safe car, and that we''ve been able to safely drive back and forth every weekend for a year without any issues preventing that. That''s another thing to be thankful for. See, there are *lots* of things to be happy about.

And just hearing that he had it all saved up and ready to go eased me a little bit. It also made me want it all the more! As of now, though, I''m just hoping things go well and he''s blessed and that he''s able to do what he''s been wanting to do for a while now...

I''m about to head back home, which is always a sad time for me, but I know it won''t always be this way where I have to say bye every Sunday and just buzz through the week, looking for the next Friday. It''ll be okay.

How are things going on your end, Rhapsody? Any idea when you''ll be able to marry?
I got that caricature downloaded. It''s too funny. I was talking to my best friend tonight and emailed her the picture. She said that even though it "uglified" me a "good deal," what I ought to be worried about is the way Paul looks like he''s trying to decide if he wants to love me for all my life or not.

What a punk thing to say!

Good thing it''s only a cartoon picture.

You should have seen us taking pictures today, trying to make ourselves look like "satan and the rodent." I love that he''s willing to be silly with me, and that he was able to get me to see it as silly rather than devastating. Like I said, I have the good end of this deal! Totally!

Hee hee... it came out grainy. Good. Looks better that way.
Okay, here's a random question: do you plan on wearing your ring in the shower? To bed?

Considering how clumsy I can be, I think the more I have it on, the better off it'll be.

A few friends of mine refuse to wear their rings in the shower, and even take them off before washing their hands. I'm not sure what the benefit in doing this is, though, since water isn't harmful to a ring.

What are you going to do?
I just checked the stones we''ve been looking at. Of the four, only two are still available.
As always, Monday''s been a somewhat hard day for me. I go through something like a withdrawl from being with him, and when I get off work, I get *so* excited to talk to him, see how his day went, all that. Well, he''s not answering yet, which I think means he''s still at school, grading papers and preparing for tomorrow.

So my point in saying that is to say this: since I miss him at this moment in particular, really badly, I am feeling *very* much like I might end up looking for him on here. I''m pretty sure it wouldn''t be hard to do. Since I said I won''t, I won''t. but I want to more than I''ve wanted to in a while.

We both started eating right again today. I wonder if he said no to Easter candy. I did. It was hard, but I did. Usually I get cravings for sweets in the evening, so I tend to have cereal for dinner. It''s sweetish, without being super bad for you. I like Special K Vanilla Almond. That''s some good stuff. If you''ve tried the plain Special K and you''re thinking, "that tastes like cardboard," you''re right. The Vanilla Almond''s not like that at all, though. Yummy.

I''m all about being random tonight I guess. Usually when I''m antsy like this, I call my best friend. She was sort of grumpy and irritable last night when we talked, so I''m giving her some time to get past that. It usually takes a couple days.

Anyway, I hope all of you had a good weekend and a decent Monday. They''re not weekends, but we can try to make the most of them, I guess.
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