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- Oct 30, 2002
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heather i think you definitely deserve a stone like this for 15 years!! look i am only on year 2. hahaha...i know, the sheer insanity.
headlight...its funny you ask that about what people think about my upgrades. i posted in another thread recently about how i am really not going to tell people in my real life about this upgrade, only a few know, because they all think i am seriously nutso to begin with for having upgraded already twice. keep in mind that i don't know anyone who has a bigger rock than me so i already feel kind of like i have the flashiest ring, which doesn't bother me, but the reactions that people have sometimes to knowing that i want to go larger or that i would like to upgrade are usually things like 'you DONT need a bigger ring' or 'that thing is huge already'.
we told my parents inadverdently during lunch about a month ago and they were like 'what are you kidding?' my mom said something like 'you need to talk to your daughter' to my father, which kind of irritated me because hello i am 31 and my husband is 37. we are not kids by any means and i dont tell them how to spend THEIR money. it was a slip anyway, i didn't plan to make a big deal out of it, but of course after they found out i just felt like maybe i was not doing the right thing and was i being a spendthrift etc. after they were done freaking out i was like 'look this is why i dont want to tell people, because of your reactions!'. so after we got back that night i told greg that i was kind of irritated about the convo and that maybe i was not doing the right thing to spend this much on a bigger piece of carbon, and he was like 'look is this going to make you really happy?' i said 'YES'. he said 'well then who cares. i thought you didn't care about what anyone thought!' i said 'well i typically don't but it's hard when it's your parents because you respect their thoughts and you want them to be proud and not think you are foolish' (is this just so not ture? no matter how old you get!), and he was basically like 'this is our money, we do what we want, i am fine with this so you should be too' etc etc. he kind of got MAD at me for having a woe is me moment. it was actually kind of FUNNY, its so rare that i have anyone give ME tough love! usually it's the other way around...haha.
so after that i was like 'yes you are right, i am not going to let anyone make me feel bad about it.' and then he said (and this was really funny and i think so many of us here could use one of these since we are all nutsos and im sure our real life friends/family think so too) that i should make up a little 4x6 card that says 'appropriate responses to mara's new upgrade' and then list things out like --omg it's huge or --you really deserve it !! or --your husband is the greatest or --it looks beautiful, great job! and that i should pass it out to people so that no one would be allowed to make a negative comment about it.
as for my in-laws, well we don't really TELL them..they don't live near us so they aren't around us on a daily or weekly or monthly basis. so they don't even know that my diamond now is different i don't think and i certainly am not going to be flashing around my new stone next time we see them, i figure if people notice and ask, then i'll tell them but other than that, i am not going to be volunteering the information. 'normal' people JUST really do not understand...and i could explain til i was blue in the face that THIS is what is important to me. i drive an old car because i would rather have sparkly baubles. i don't buy these for anyone else but me...because i love them. and i'm lucky to have a great husband who allows me some leeway to be frivolous, but not too much, haha or else we'd be living under the bridge with my new 7c ACA!
anyway funny you mention that about one day it will be big enough, MAN i sure hope so. i'm kind of afraid that this stone won't satisfy me for as long as it needs to, but we'll see! oh and funny you mention kids because i thought the same thing, aka maybe by the time year 6 or 7 rolls around we'll have a baby or so and he'll feel generous, hahaa. OR i thought the exact opposite which is maybe after we have a child (if we do!) that the diamond hobby will become less important? sacrilege i know but i would imagine at that point in your life, other things are much more important than the size of your bauble. and maybe i wouldn't wear it as much then! who knows.
one year at a time...
headlight...its funny you ask that about what people think about my upgrades. i posted in another thread recently about how i am really not going to tell people in my real life about this upgrade, only a few know, because they all think i am seriously nutso to begin with for having upgraded already twice. keep in mind that i don't know anyone who has a bigger rock than me so i already feel kind of like i have the flashiest ring, which doesn't bother me, but the reactions that people have sometimes to knowing that i want to go larger or that i would like to upgrade are usually things like 'you DONT need a bigger ring' or 'that thing is huge already'.

we told my parents inadverdently during lunch about a month ago and they were like 'what are you kidding?' my mom said something like 'you need to talk to your daughter' to my father, which kind of irritated me because hello i am 31 and my husband is 37. we are not kids by any means and i dont tell them how to spend THEIR money. it was a slip anyway, i didn't plan to make a big deal out of it, but of course after they found out i just felt like maybe i was not doing the right thing and was i being a spendthrift etc. after they were done freaking out i was like 'look this is why i dont want to tell people, because of your reactions!'. so after we got back that night i told greg that i was kind of irritated about the convo and that maybe i was not doing the right thing to spend this much on a bigger piece of carbon, and he was like 'look is this going to make you really happy?' i said 'YES'. he said 'well then who cares. i thought you didn't care about what anyone thought!' i said 'well i typically don't but it's hard when it's your parents because you respect their thoughts and you want them to be proud and not think you are foolish' (is this just so not ture? no matter how old you get!), and he was basically like 'this is our money, we do what we want, i am fine with this so you should be too' etc etc. he kind of got MAD at me for having a woe is me moment. it was actually kind of FUNNY, its so rare that i have anyone give ME tough love! usually it's the other way around...haha.
so after that i was like 'yes you are right, i am not going to let anyone make me feel bad about it.' and then he said (and this was really funny and i think so many of us here could use one of these since we are all nutsos and im sure our real life friends/family think so too) that i should make up a little 4x6 card that says 'appropriate responses to mara's new upgrade' and then list things out like --omg it's huge or --you really deserve it !! or --your husband is the greatest or --it looks beautiful, great job! and that i should pass it out to people so that no one would be allowed to make a negative comment about it.
as for my in-laws, well we don't really TELL them..they don't live near us so they aren't around us on a daily or weekly or monthly basis. so they don't even know that my diamond now is different i don't think and i certainly am not going to be flashing around my new stone next time we see them, i figure if people notice and ask, then i'll tell them but other than that, i am not going to be volunteering the information. 'normal' people JUST really do not understand...and i could explain til i was blue in the face that THIS is what is important to me. i drive an old car because i would rather have sparkly baubles. i don't buy these for anyone else but me...because i love them. and i'm lucky to have a great husband who allows me some leeway to be frivolous, but not too much, haha or else we'd be living under the bridge with my new 7c ACA!

anyway funny you mention that about one day it will be big enough, MAN i sure hope so. i'm kind of afraid that this stone won't satisfy me for as long as it needs to, but we'll see! oh and funny you mention kids because i thought the same thing, aka maybe by the time year 6 or 7 rolls around we'll have a baby or so and he'll feel generous, hahaa. OR i thought the exact opposite which is maybe after we have a child (if we do!) that the diamond hobby will become less important? sacrilege i know but i would imagine at that point in your life, other things are much more important than the size of your bauble. and maybe i wouldn't wear it as much then! who knows.
one year at a time...