
Hmmmm....What''s This?

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heather i think you definitely deserve a stone like this for 15 years!! look i am only on year 2. hahaha...i know, the sheer insanity.

headlight...its funny you ask that about what people think about my upgrades. i posted in another thread recently about how i am really not going to tell people in my real life about this upgrade, only a few know, because they all think i am seriously nutso to begin with for having upgraded already twice. keep in mind that i don't know anyone who has a bigger rock than me so i already feel kind of like i have the flashiest ring, which doesn't bother me, but the reactions that people have sometimes to knowing that i want to go larger or that i would like to upgrade are usually things like 'you DONT need a bigger ring' or 'that thing is huge already'.

we told my parents inadverdently during lunch about a month ago and they were like 'what are you kidding?' my mom said something like 'you need to talk to your daughter' to my father, which kind of irritated me because hello i am 31 and my husband is 37. we are not kids by any means and i dont tell them how to spend THEIR money. it was a slip anyway, i didn't plan to make a big deal out of it, but of course after they found out i just felt like maybe i was not doing the right thing and was i being a spendthrift etc. after they were done freaking out i was like 'look this is why i dont want to tell people, because of your reactions!'. so after we got back that night i told greg that i was kind of irritated about the convo and that maybe i was not doing the right thing to spend this much on a bigger piece of carbon, and he was like 'look is this going to make you really happy?' i said 'YES'. he said 'well then who cares. i thought you didn't care about what anyone thought!' i said 'well i typically don't but it's hard when it's your parents because you respect their thoughts and you want them to be proud and not think you are foolish' (is this just so not ture? no matter how old you get!), and he was basically like 'this is our money, we do what we want, i am fine with this so you should be too' etc etc. he kind of got MAD at me for having a woe is me moment. it was actually kind of FUNNY, its so rare that i have anyone give ME tough love! usually it's the other way around...haha.

so after that i was like 'yes you are right, i am not going to let anyone make me feel bad about it.' and then he said (and this was really funny and i think so many of us here could use one of these since we are all nutsos and im sure our real life friends/family think so too) that i should make up a little 4x6 card that says 'appropriate responses to mara's new upgrade' and then list things out like --omg it's huge or --you really deserve it !! or --your husband is the greatest or --it looks beautiful, great job! and that i should pass it out to people so that no one would be allowed to make a negative comment about it.

as for my in-laws, well we don't really TELL them..they don't live near us so they aren't around us on a daily or weekly or monthly basis. so they don't even know that my diamond now is different i don't think and i certainly am not going to be flashing around my new stone next time we see them, i figure if people notice and ask, then i'll tell them but other than that, i am not going to be volunteering the information. 'normal' people JUST really do not understand...and i could explain til i was blue in the face that THIS is what is important to me. i drive an old car because i would rather have sparkly baubles. i don't buy these for anyone else but me...because i love them. and i'm lucky to have a great husband who allows me some leeway to be frivolous, but not too much, haha or else we'd be living under the bridge with my new 7c ACA!

anyway funny you mention that about one day it will be big enough, MAN i sure hope so. i'm kind of afraid that this stone won't satisfy me for as long as it needs to, but we'll see! oh and funny you mention kids because i thought the same thing, aka maybe by the time year 6 or 7 rolls around we'll have a baby or so and he'll feel generous, hahaa. OR i thought the exact opposite which is maybe after we have a child (if we do!) that the diamond hobby will become less important? sacrilege i know but i would imagine at that point in your life, other things are much more important than the size of your bauble. and maybe i wouldn't wear it as much then! who knows.

one year at a time...
We are so in the same boat. When i got my upgrade, I did not tell anyone (many people STILL think my rock is a moissanite)....most certainly not my parents nor my in-laws. They would just shake their heads and wonder why we are being so "foolish." Aren''t we lucky to have hubbies who are really into making us happy?

After popping out a baby, Greg will *for sure* feel more warmly towards getting you a lil'' something something for your trouble.
And I know that you will be buttering him up for just that! (play up the whole pregnancy discomforts/pain of labor angle! hehe, I''m evil.) I think that my fertility issues/treatments + 13 total months of pregnancy bed rest + multiple abdominal surgeries made DH feel sufficiently guilty and led to him agreeing to an upgrade only 4 1/2 years into the marriage. Funny how things work out.

My point is, you just never know what the next few years will bring and don''t count on having to wait a full 8 years before your next upgrade! (look at us, we''re awful! You haven''t even gotten THIS upgrade and we''re already scheming for the next! OK, we need professional help.)

Yeah, a lot of hubbub over some rocks. In the end, I know we''re all aware of the truly important things in life. But it''s the "little" things like sparkly carbon crystals that just make the day-to-day a lot more fun, right?!!!
If you can afford to do's your business, and people should just be fricken happy that you're happy! You can't take your $$ with you, and you never know what's going to happen tomorrow, so it's your duty to be happy NOW! Or, in your case, in May!

Can't wait to see what ideas you come up with for the head...diamond encrusted perhaps!
Darn, I posted a response to this and it got lost when I hit submit...

Anyway, I totally agree with you gals, after the pep talk from DH I realized that he was right! I just love the idea of the 4x6 cards telling people how to react to your baubles, I think all PS'ers should have them!!

Funny thing is that my Mom is making noises now about having a solitaire ring with a diamond, she has a 5 stone wedding ring she's worn for years but now she is saying 'well maybe i should get a big diamond!' poor dad. I just go...that sounds like a GREAT idea Mom!

Let the insanity continue!!!

The diamond is killer! But of course you already know that. Now the bad news... the !@#$ shrinkage will continue... but you already know that too, don''t you?! BUT OH, it IS indeed a GORGEOUS BAUBLE and I cannot WAIT to see it on your finger.

Congratulations! I ADORE IT!!!
Oh I am so excited for you, now there will be a picture in your reserved spot from Miss Lynn on the 2-3 thread!
Thank you for your candid reply!
Don''t you hate others saying things like "You don''t need a bigger ring", etc. -- like who put them in charge???
I, too, have received negative reactions through the years w/ my upgrade illness; I guess it is just jealousy??? I mean, we are clearly not hurting anyone. You would not be doing this if you truly couldn''t afford to do it. It is not taking food out of someone''s mouth, so I just don''t get the negativity.
My gosh, life is hard enough, and so often cut too short by disease and accidents -- what is the harm in indulging oneself in something that brings them joy???
Honestly, I think this size is going to bring you more longevity in the "size satisfaction" department (yeesh -- that didn''t come out right!) than did your (soon-to-be) former stone. It sounds crazy, but it will -- this new size is like a whole other "league". And, not only is it larger, it is going to sit higher as well and feel different on the finger just due to it being larger. So, those factors will also play into the whole "experience" of wearing a larger stone -- it isn''t just about the actual mm size, but the whole cumulative effect!
As for not being into the rocks as much after becoming a parent, well that certainly didn''t factor in for me (my boys are 14 and 12 and I''m clearly still going strong in the bling quest!!!). Trust me, you''ll be sportin'' that rock at "mommy and me"!!!
Ahh -- that recent comment from your mother expressing her potential interest in a large solitaire diamond explains why she had previously said to your father, "Talk to your daughter" after learning of your forthcoming upgrade. See, it all boils down to jealousy/envy -- she wasn''t so concerned about you being frivolous with the money, but rather you were getting something she secretly desired to have and here you are, still a newlywed and going on your 3rd stone, and she has been married many years....
All I can say is that you are lucky your in-laws don''t live close!!!
Well, even if the rest of the world doesn''t take too kindly to your good fortune, you know your DT buddies are here to support you
Date: 3/31/2006 11:07:42 PM
Author: Matatora
Oh I am so excited for you, now there will be a picture in your reserved spot from Miss Lynn on the 2-3 thread!

Hey, you, too, MAT!
And don''t forget the J thread AND the SI thread!!!! You''ll have a LOT of work to do when you get that beauty back!
Lynn, get the straightjacket ready!!!! I''m on my way! heheee...

Headlight, you have a great point re: wearing a larger stone in general, I am looking fwd to discovering all sorts of new fun things about having a 2c+ stone, how high it sits, what it looks like in a 6 prong setting, all that will be new for me!

Funny also, kind of ironic, but Greg''s stepmom has a 2.5cish ring that she got after 10 years of marriage. Before she had a 1c stone I think. Anyway, it''s not that well cut, it looks deep, probably near colorless range, but it looks large. So I say 2.5cish because she says its 2.5c or so but it looks a little smaller I think. Anyway, I feel a little odd that I am going to have a stone that probably looks as large as hers does, and it will most likely be better looking because of the cut. I hope it doesn''t cause any weirdness...because she had to wait 10 years for her upgrade and here I am going on year 3.
I think that his totally conservative East Coast-ish fam already thinks I am your typical high-maintenance life-is-good CA girl, so who knows what they''ll think if they notice the new and improved bauble. Oh well. I already told Greg if they (or anyone else) says anything that he has to set them straight and tell them to step off. Also, he told me if I wanted to I could tell people that it was HIS idea to give me the upgrade for our 2nd year anniversary. I thought that was sweet of him to offer.
OH and you guys just crack me up!! PS diamond lovers are the best! Already plotting and planning on how I can get the 3c+ upgrade in the future, and I don''t even have the 2.32 in my possession just yet...hahaha!!!! Gotta love it! We are all such enablers!
Date: 3/31/2006 11:43:15 PM
Author: Mara
Lynn, get the straightjacket ready!!!! I''m on my way! heheee...

Headlight, you have a great point re: wearing a larger stone in general, I am looking fwd to discovering all sorts of new fun things about having a 2c+ stone, how high it sits, what it looks like in a 6 prong setting, all that will be new for me!

Funny also, kind of ironic, but Greg''s stepmom has a 2.5cish ring that she got after 10 years of marriage. Before she had a 1c stone I think. Anyway, it''s not that well cut, it looks deep, probably near colorless range, but it looks large. So I say 2.5cish because she says its 2.5c or so but it looks a little smaller I think. Anyway, I feel a little odd that I am going to have a stone that probably looks as large as hers does, and it will most likely be better looking because of the cut. I hope it doesn''t cause any weirdness...because she had to wait 10 years for her upgrade and here I am going on year 3.
I think that his totally conservative East Coast-ish fam already thinks I am your typical high-maintenance life-is-good CA girl, so who knows what they''ll think if they notice the new and improved bauble. Oh well. I already told Greg if they (or anyone else) says anything that he has to set them straight and tell them to step off. Also, he told me if I wanted to I could tell people that it was HIS idea to give me the upgrade for our 2nd year anniversary. I thought that was sweet of him to offer.
The thing about it is, why do we have to EXPLAIN ourselves -- or, rather, why do we feel compelled to do so??? Listen PS ladies, we are taking a stand: NO MORE EXPLANATIONS!!!
Q: Why do we have a bigger/new ring?
A: Because we do!!! (Honestly, I find this to be so much more polite than, "None of your f-ing business"!!!)
Date: 3/31/2006 11:50:10 PM
Author: headlight

Date: 3/31/2006 11:43:15 PM
Author: Mara
Lynn, get the straightjacket ready!!!! I''m on my way! heheee...

Headlight, you have a great point re: wearing a larger stone in general, I am looking fwd to discovering all sorts of new fun things about having a 2c+ stone, how high it sits, what it looks like in a 6 prong setting, all that will be new for me!

Funny also, kind of ironic, but Greg''s stepmom has a 2.5cish ring that she got after 10 years of marriage. Before she had a 1c stone I think. Anyway, it''s not that well cut, it looks deep, probably near colorless range, but it looks large. So I say 2.5cish because she says its 2.5c or so but it looks a little smaller I think. Anyway, I feel a little odd that I am going to have a stone that probably looks as large as hers does, and it will most likely be better looking because of the cut. I hope it doesn''t cause any weirdness...because she had to wait 10 years for her upgrade and here I am going on year 3.
I think that his totally conservative East Coast-ish fam already thinks I am your typical high-maintenance life-is-good CA girl, so who knows what they''ll think if they notice the new and improved bauble. Oh well. I already told Greg if they (or anyone else) says anything that he has to set them straight and tell them to step off. Also, he told me if I wanted to I could tell people that it was HIS idea to give me the upgrade for our 2nd year anniversary. I thought that was sweet of him to offer.
The thing about it is, why do we have to EXPLAIN ourselves -- or, rather, why do we feel compelled to do so??? Listen PS ladies, we are taking a stand: NO MORE EXPLANATIONS!!!
Q: Why do we have a bigger/new ring?
A: Because we do!!! (Honestly, I find this to be so much more polite than, ''None of your f-ing business''!!!)
Headlight you are a hoot!
sooo true gal...we shouldn't but somehow we feel compelled to do so. however when someone gets a brand spankin new mercedes, no one goes well you didn't NEED a mercedes, you should have just been happy with your old car. or if they do say that, everyone just laughs at them. but with a diamond it's like it's fair game for *everyone* to talk about how INSANE you are or what else you could have bought with that cash.

explanations are for the birds!!!
Usually I check PS a couple of times a day, but, today I''ve been gone from 8 to 8 and look what I''ve missed!!! That stone looks beautiful. I really said, "WOW!!!" when I saw that bad boy. Congrats!!! I know you can''t wait to have that set!!! That is one of the most fantastic stones I''ve ever seen.
I think that intellectually most of us know we shouldn''t need to explain ourselves to others whenever we get an upgrade (we should just count ourselves lucky and leave it at that), but personally, there''s that little part of me that really doens''t feel worthy of such a beautiful, large rock. I guess I need to develop more of a diva attitude! lol.
anyway funny you mention that about one day it will be big enough, MAN i sure hope so. i''m kind of afraid that this stone won''t satisfy me for as long as it needs to, but we''ll see! oh and funny you mention kids because i thought the same thing, aka maybe by the time year 6 or 7 rolls around we''ll have a baby or so and he''ll feel generous, hahaa. OR i thought the exact opposite which is maybe after we have a child (if we do!) that the diamond hobby will become less important? sacrilege i know but i would imagine at that point in your life, other things are much more important than the size of your bauble. and maybe i wouldn''t wear it as much then! who knows

No matter what everyone thinks I say if you have the money do it now...down the line when you have two kids or geez just one you''ll always find excuses why the money should be saved or spent elsewhere. There are I guess more important things when you have kids but sometimes you just need something for yourself to feel good and if that''s a diamond then so be it! You can''t take the money with you so if it makes YOU happy then who cares what everyone else''s all about YOU right now and I can say if I could go back and live my life differently before kids I''d make it more about me too LOL! You go girl

(I still wear my diamonds all the time and I''m a stay at home mom of two...if I could convince my hubby to spend the money for the 2c mom or not I''d be proudly displaying it
Small, you make a great point. That is exactly why I "settled" (if you want to call it that) on my current stone -- the expenses surrounding all the things for the kids both day-to-day and for their future, held me back. Because I was thinking of my financial obligations in regards to the kids, I couldn''t go for the big size AND a GIA stone AND a super white color AND a super great clarity AND a super great cut. Yes, we could''ve afforded it, but I just felt as though doing so would have been so very selfish at this stage of our lives. Yet, I so much wanted to be wearing that big rock. So, I got the big rock and compromised a little on the rest of it all so as to not break the bank. I went w/ a 3.29 ct RB, EGL cert, H color, SI2 clarity, Premium cut. At the time, I felt that I made the best decision in terms of having a stone that looked pretty visually without sacrificing too much in any one area for anyone to notice. However, I have to tell you that I have grown to love this stone more and more with each passing day! Also, I have since acquired a RHR that contains a generic asscher-emerald cut hybrid that has a GIA cert with H color and surprisingly I can detect no difference in color between that stone (and obviously stepcuts cannot hide color as well as brilliant cuts) and my EGL H color RB!!!
So, to Mara and everyone else who does not yet have children, I say spoil yourself now because after the kids come, most of the spoiling is directed at them!!!
Gosh, I cannot tell you how great it feels to write this post. For so long I felt like my diamond was so inferior to all these amazing cuts and qualities of stones. But this just brought it all home for me as to why I don''t have a stone of that caliber -- because of my kids

I knew when I purchased this current stone that it wouldn''t be my last; and I purchased it from a vendor with a great upgrade policy for that specific reason. So, when the time is right, and I feel I can legitimize my indulging myself with a stone of finer quality, it will happen. Until then, I still get to wear a very pretty AND a very large stone on my finger, and no one is the wiser as to my paperwork (except for you guys, and you won''t tell -- right??!!!)
those are great points ladies, i kind of thought that too...aka better do whatever we can now for ourselves, just in case we do have kids because i''m sure we would become consumed with them, rather than ourselves. i definitely believe in spoiling one''s self because life can be short and you don''t know what it holds for you, and that you should be as happy as possible! guess that includes big baubles too.
man mara that is gorgeous!!!! I can''t wait to see it on your finger!!! It''s gonna be huge!!!!!!!!!
Date: 4/1/2006 1:10:12 AM
Author: Mara
those are great points ladies, i kind of thought that too...aka better do whatever we can now for ourselves, just in case we do have kids because i''m sure we would become consumed with them, rather than ourselves. i definitely believe in spoiling one''s self because life can be short and you don''t know what it holds for you, and that you should be as happy as possible! guess that includes big baubles too.
So true! I''m putting close to 5K into my 12-yr old''s mouth next week...and it makes me very happy to be able to provide the gorgeous smile he''s going to have! This also partially explains why I waited just over 11yrs to get a 1.11ct (just noticed that those numbers are sort of matching)...and didn''t get something bigger because I would have felt too guilty!

Do it now for sure and don''t let anyone make you feel funny about it! Now, when you can really indulgently enjoy it, and especially since your DH is so on board!! Always run with that...
I am absolutely thrilled for you!

Only on Pricescope do people really understand what the upgrade process is all about.

Enjoy!!!!!! I am so happy for you!


p.s. I knew you were up to something

i know we disagree on everything
except when it comes to a beautifully cut diamond
but this stone got to be one of the cleanest SI1 on earth.
congrats, on a great find.

btw; at the rate you''re going, you''ll be breaking the "basic rule" in no time.
Oooooh - very nice!!

So who''s going to buy your 1.6 ct ?!!

mara, your stone is beautiful and absolutely huge! I think J colored stones are wonderful. Enjoy your upgrade! Can''t wait to see finished pictures!
congrats on your find!!!

Can''t wait to see it on your hand
Date: 3/31/2006 1:20:28 PM
Author: Mara

... i am going to have to do cartwheels when it comes in so that he feels like i am showing my happiness in an appropriate manner i suppose!
Do you REALLY think Greg will find cartwheels appropriate? Girl, you''re definitely gonna have to do beter than that.

Congratulations on your new rock. I''s going to be spectacular. When it''s all said and done, a side-by-side hand shot would be great!
Date: 4/1/2006 8:42:07 AM
Author: DiamondLil

Date: 3/31/2006 1:20:28 PM
Author: Mara

... i am going to have to do cartwheels when it comes in so that he feels like i am showing my happiness in an appropriate manner i suppose!
Do you REALLY think Greg will find cartwheels appropriate? Girl, you''re definitely gonna have to do beter than that.

She could do handsprings or dance a jig DL!
Mara, You are such a bad influance. Really. Bad. Bad. Bad. It looks so much bigger then the 1.6. And I thought the 1.6 was huge, but the stones next to each other makes the 1.6 look tiny. Here I was thinking that 1.7 -2 would be a good range, but when I see that monster rock I reconsider.

Congrats on your find, it''s truly too beautiful for words!
It''s interesting about how having a baby does change your prespective on diamonds and the things that really matter...

We''re expecting a baby girl in 7 weeks, now I want pink diamonds!

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