
Now I really did it :((

Hello lovelies

Glad work wasn’t too stressful @canuk-gal and you didn’t get any thunder storms.

Yikes @marcy, that’s exactly why we’re getting the lightning rods fitted, the last thing we need is all the electrics fried. We do have whole house surge protection on the main fuse box, and the guy is going to put a better one on there and use that one on the pool equipment box. Was the ‘Marcy’ shopping successful in Colorado? :mrgreen:

Glad you’ve had the consult @missy, and definitely no harm in a second opinion. Hopefully (for once) it’ll all be straightforward and your sight will be restored. Another busy week for you both next week, but hopefully some resolutions to your current issues. Glad you did some damage at the outlets, we must all do our bit for the economy :lol:

We went in the pool yesterday, then went and got our hair cut. I had a different person this time, she’s done an OK job, but I think the man last time did a better job.

After going in the pool today, I went to get my night guard adjusted this morning, then we did our food shopping. We’re just waiting for the solar people to come and check over the system.

We’re now in Stage 5 water restrictions, which means absolutely no water except for essential use, so back to collecting our cast off shower water to keep the plants alive!

Hoping (desperately) that our cheque for the car will be ready to collect tomorrow (yes, ridiculous I know), so keep everything crossed we’re finally able to close the book on this.

Keep safe and cool :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy FriYAY!

@Austina fingers crossed for you with the check. What a relief it will be to close this chapter. Glad your night guard is all sorted. Ugh to stage 5 water restrictions. It's why so much of California lawns are not green grass. I definitely need a hair cut as my last one was august 2021 lol. Have a good friYAY and may it go smoothly

@Slickk happy FriYAY and have a great weekend

@bling_dream19 happy frYAY and hope your weekend is very enjoable

@canuk-gal hope work is continuing to go smoothly...when I saw my colleague on Wednesday we were reminiscing and I told him I thought I would miss working in our career but nope. Not at all and not for one minute lol. Anyway have a great weekend and hope cycling is part of the activities you will be enjoying this weekend

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. We cycled yesterday and enjoyed furry babies and ice cream. Today is rainy but Greg has an appointment with my nephrologist today late afternoon so that's OK. Trying to sort out a medication issue which is never fun. Anyway enjoy a fantastic FriYAY filled with lots of yay. XOXO

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May your weekend be blissful and peaceful
Hello lovelies

I hope Greg’s appt went well this afternoon. That dog just adores him! Glad you had a good day’s cycling yesterday @missy.

Colin called this morning to ask if the cheque would be ready, to be met with prevarication and excuses. He really lost his temper and told them if the cheque wasn’t ready to be collected, then they’d be hearing from our (imaginary) attorney :lol: The GM called back to say it was ready, so we went and collected it immediately. What a surprise, it was dated 3 days ago!

Needless to say, we took it straight to the bank and paid it in.

Honestly, I’m just exhausted dealing with this, but hopefully the worst is now over.

Quiet weekend on the books for us, we’ll enjoy the pool early and then just relax.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have a great weekend. :wavey:
Good morning and happy Caturday Saturday lovely ladies!

@Austina woohoo! So glad this chapter is behind you. Enjoy a relaxing cool weekend

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday...have fun

@Slickk stay cool and enjoy a wonderful weekend

@canuk-gal hope you are enjoying good weather and have a terrific weekend

Hey everyone else. We saw the nephrologist yesterday and he is very smart. He is stumped but not giving up and is ordering some more tests for Greg and will see him after he has the cystoscopy next friday with the urologist. He has the very same concern I do...that because we do not know the cause he is likely to relapse as he did last time after the antibiotics and he is done with them today. We have a plan to go to the nephrologist's hospital should that happen where he has privileges. But omg I do not want that to happen. He really did his homework before seeing Greg and read through all the hospital records CT scans, and blood tests and urology notes. So we were impressed. I knew if anyone could help he could but right now he does not know the cause but we shall see how this goes.

Today is a cycling day woohoo. So we plan on enjoying this Caturday Saturday. And I hope you all do as well. Enjoy, be well and hug your loved ones. XOXO

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May your weekend bee honey sweet and buzzalicious
Hello lovelies

Sorry you didn’t get any answers yesterday @missy, but this Dr sounds exactly who you’d want treating Greg. So glad he made sure he was up to speed on what’s been going on, that’s what all Dr’s should do before seeing a new patient. Everything crossed that Greg doesn’t relapse, but smart to have plan in place, just in case. Hopefully you won’t need it and Greg will be fine until his appt next week.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend lovely NIRDIs.


@missy that's too bad Greg didn't get answers yet, but it does sound like he has a good doctor. It's nice when they care event to read everything before hand. Yay for cycling and shopping. That's great you liked your eye doctor and have some solid choices for the surgery. I imagine since it's your field, you do know what may go wrong. Mega dust to both you and Greg, that everything turns out fine.

@Austina I did do some "damage" shopping but I am enjoying my new iPad and keyboard. Good idea to get a surge protector on the entire house. I will ask Marty if we have one. Did you have a power outage? My boss lives there and she was without power I think it was yesterday. That is too bad about water restrictions especially in that heat. We had a serious rain storm - several times - the other day including a tornado warning. It must have touched down somewhere since the sirens went off. I grabbed my phone, laptop and iPad and headed for the basement. One of Marty's man cave window was pooling water at the bottom so I soaked it up with dish towels. The design has this stupid slot that drains water and it can get plugged with dirt. At least it wasn't gushing in the house or down the wall.

Marty got home from his work trip yesterday. We went out for lunch and have been getting ready for the in-laws to arrive tomorrow. I am washing all the sheets and blankets in both guest bedrooms. I had Marty put up grab bars in both guest bathrooms by the tub-showers because they are kltuzier than I am, if you can imagine that.

I had my two small cavities filed the other day. He didn't even numb me, but it wasn't bad at all. I got a hair cut that day too.

Take care.
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Sunday!

@Austina yes, agree. Thanks. One day at a time but I am on edge because Greg finished the antibiotics last night and the countdown begins. Last time it was day 6 without antibiotics he relapsed and I am quite nervous about this.

@marcy thank you, appreciate the mega dust. Glad Marty is home safe and sound and you enjoyed lunch out. Good luck with the in laws tomorrow. LOL smart about the grab bars. But I do find it hard to believe anyone is klutzier than me and I do not have grab bars in the shower...maybe I should consider them haha. Have a nice visit. And good the dentist appointment went well. I have one tomorrow because at my last appointment which was a cleaning the dentist (my friend) saw a few teeth where the fillings were chipped or something like that. So I have an appointment with her tomorrow to fill them in and I hope like you I do not need anesthetic. I do not like those needles they inject into the cheek. No not at all.

Hey @Slickk @bling_dream19 @canuk-gal @MamaBee @mrs-b @springerspaniel @rainwood and everyone else. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. We went cycling yesterday and had delicious ice cream and enjoyed furry babies and got to chat with a few friends. All in all a terrific day. Today hoping for more of the same. Have a super Sunday. May it be filled with sweet fun and may you be well. XOXO

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NIRDI shout out!!!

Too busy for my liking!!!! I been here, there and everywhere! Honestly, some of it was needless busy work (looking for vintage stemware) but it was time consuming. At any rate, it was fun given all the other "stuff" I needed to do.

My DS had his ingrown toenail repaired this week and it looks pretty good ATM. My tongue is back to normal (bug sting) and my DH's forehead no longer has a golf ball imprint in it. At least I recommitted to getting take out meals for several days now. And thank goodness for distilleries!!!!

It is hot. Not Texas hot but 30C. We cycle early.

GM girls and happy marvelous Monday!

Greg has blood work scheduled this morning and then I have dental work planned. If the weather cooperates we plan on cycling later. Supposed to be a hot week and we have a week filled with medical tests and appointments. I have a heightened sense of anxiety and just hoping the week goes smoothly.

@canuk-gal hope the busyness slows down for you but glad you had some fun too. Stay cool

Hope you had a fun weekend @Slickk

@bling_dream19 hope the family is well and you are doing well and feeling good

@MamaBee so excited about your new home and I know you will enjoy many happy occasions there with your loved ones

@Tekate your new granddaughter is so beautiful like her grandma and her sister. Please hug them from me

@Austina hope you had a good Sunday and are staying cool and comfortable

Hey everyone else, hope you had a great weekend.

We went cycling yesterday and enjoyed the day. I am compartmentalizing as that is the best way for me to live in the moment. Have a great Monday and be well. XOXO

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May your Monday be filled with marvelousness and sweetness and all good things
Hello lovelies

It’s completely understandable to be anxious about what’s going on @missy, and compartmentalising is a good way of keeping on top of things. We can only control things within our power, everything else, we have to accept that what will be, will be. I’m keeping everything crossed that the AB’s have done their job and Greg won’t relapse now he’s finished them. I hope your appts went well today and you didn’t need any major dental work.

Ouch to the bug sting on your tongue @canuk, how did that happen? Glad your DS is doing OK. I’d settle for 30 degrees, we’re supposed to hovering just under 100 this week, but we’ll see. Glad you’re sticking to your no cook rule :mrgreen:

How long are the out-laws staying @marcy :D? I love my IPad with keyboard, I rarely use my MacBook these days, just For FT our friends because of the bigger screen.

So, the good news is the cheque cleared on Saturday, so we’re done (apart from the settlement which’ll take a few months). I can’t tell you what a relief it is.

We’ve been spending time in the pool early in the morning when it’s cooler, and staying in the rest of the day. We’re out of Stage 5 water restrictions, and back to Stage 4, but we’re still being careful with our water consumption.

Shirley’s DIL gave birth yesterday morning to her 3rd son, unfortunately B is out of the country, but should be back soon with Shirley. J says she’s deteriorated quite a bit, which I expected, but hopefully we’ll be able to visit once she’s back and settled. She may not even remember who we are, but we’ll play it by ear.

Don’t have any plans for the week, we’re supposed to be going out to lunch with our Colombian neighbours, and our other neighbours have family coming and we’ve said they’re welcome to use the pool.


@missy I am sending mega dust for Greg not having any issues getting off the antibiotics. Glad you got to go for a ride and enjoy some ice cream. I’ve been having some every night. My in-laws have arrived. My FIL is running the TV and pushing the wrong buttons on all of the remotes. What are you going to do? I hope your dental work went okay and you didn’t need Novocain. And Greg’s blood work went smoothly.

@canuk-gal darn for being busy. You are looking for vintage stemware? Check with Dee Jay. It sounds like all of you are on the mend and what an assortment of ailments there and none of them sound pleasant. Hope everyone is back to normal soon. We’ve been hot here and still getting thunderstorms. Wyoming is green in July. Shocker!

@Austina I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying the keyboard with my iPad. I’d tried Marty’s a few times in the past but just for a few minutes and thought it wasn’t for me. After using this for about 10 minutes. I was sold. I am still using the MacBook Pro for work and the iPad is my second monitor when I need one. Yay, what a relief. Glad that is behind you. I hate to hear about your friend Shirley. My SIL was telling me my FIL didn’t pass his cognitive test. He is easily confused and his short term memory is bad. They don’t have a diagnosis yet. That kind of thing is tough.

I guess my BIL is diabetic now. He’s getting some heart procedure tomorrow. He hasn’t been doing well lately.

I worked most of the day. The highlight of my day was my Snoopy sticker showing up for my iPad care. Little pleasures.

Take care.
Good morning girls! Happy terrific Tuesday!

@Austina thank you. Wise words. I am very relieved for you and happy you can soon close this chapter. Congrats to Shirley and her son and DIL. I am sorry she is deteriorating. I was saying to Greg the other day it is sad we are made to age this way. That rarely does anyone go peacefully without health issues be it memory or physical ailments etc. Falling apart is the order of the day when you look at things realistically. And it is sad. We are lucky to even be here and I fully acknowledge that but aging, while it is preferable to the alternative, it a challenging process. Glad you are staying cool in the pool and hope your water restrictions are soon lifted

@marcy oh I am sorry about your BIL being diabetic now. I hope the heart procedure goes well today. Thank you for your well wishes for both of us. The dental procedure went OK though my mouth is sore from being open while she was working on my teeth. I did not need novocaine thank goodness. I am tough being from Brooklyn haha. And LOL to your FIL pushing the wrong remote buttons. My parents can't use the remote well either :lol:. I shouldn't make fun of them because I am no technology wiz myself but omg. Watching them try using the mobile is still quite amusing. My mom tends to hit FaceTime then accuses me of being the one who hit it lolol. Glad you got work accomplished, Sweet. Enjoy your in law visit. I am with you. Snoopy can brighten the day :)

@canuk-gal hope your work week is going smoothly. It is getting hot here. The weekend was purrrfect weather with temps in the high 70s low 80s and low humidity. Unfortunately that is all changing and the temps are rising as is the humidity and storm threat. Not sure we can go cycling today but we shall see. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of this week

@Slickk OK how did the end of July get here so fast...please slow down and let summer hang around. Hope you are enjoying a good week

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and hoping your July is going well and you are enjoying this lovely summer

Hey everyone else. We enjoyed a good cycling day yesterday after my dentist appointment. She told me she is having trouble hanging onto good employees (child-care issues etc) and I just hope she can hold onto her hygienist who is having child care issues as well because she is great. Today the weather looks iffy but we shall see. Enjoy a terrific Tuesday all. XOXO

Leaving you with our ice cream of the day...Jimmy is in the background

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NIRDI shout out!!!!

@missy it was 34C yesterday and is 24C easier to ride in the latter! I enjoy warm weather for sure. I believe the last minor filling I had, I didn't need freezing either.

@marcy I though of DeeJay but it is a hassle to ship across the border. Many box stores won't ship glass either!!! Enjoy your visit.

@Austina--stay cool!

Just a quick note today--off to see Mission Impossible!


@missy LOL on issues with technology and remotes. I can break electronics with the best of them. Glad the dentist wasn’t too bad. Good deal you didn’t need Novocain either. I know hygienists are hard to find or keep around here too. I don’t care for the one my dentist has now. She’s really rough. My BIL’s procedure went okay. His pulmonary hypertension is high, but not extreme. Your ice cream looks good and hi Jimmy! I plan on having one of those balls of vanilla ice cream rolled in crushed Oreos for supper tonight.’

@canuk-gal I didn’t think of shipping across the border. That makes sense. I like to look through her site, I swear some of it could have belonged to my mother. Glad it cooled off a bit for you there. That makes 3 of us who avoided getting numbed. Is that what Novocain does - freeze the area? I didn’t know that.

I worked only seven hours today. See I cut back. I could finish my latest video but quit since I wanted to run to a farmer’s market and get some peaches. We are all going out for supper once Marty is done with the gym tonight.

Take care.
Big hi and love girls. We get the keys on Saturday. After I hand over everything to the contractor the stress will ease up a little. Then I will book the move from Maryland to Va. After that I will book the move from Pa to Va. I hope to have a little time again to play here! I hope everyone is doing well. I can’t even imagine catching up. It will be like reading a novel! XOXO
Good morning girls! Happy wonderful Wednesday!

So Greg's MRI was canceled as the machine broke. Cannot make this stuff up lol. So he will reschedule when they get it fixed. Hopefully the cystoscopy friday is still going ahead as planned

Hi @MamaBee how exciting and cannot wait to hear you have moved in and it all went smoothly.

@canuk-gal our heat wave officially starts tomorrow with a heat index of over 100 for at least Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Oh well it is summer after all. Stay cool and comfy

@marcy haha only 7 hours of work what a slacker lol. So glad your BIL's procedure went smoothly and may his recovery go smoothly too. I hope you enjoyed the vanilla with oreos yesterday. Did you know many oreos are gluten free? It's true :)

@Slickk happy hump day though I guess for summer no such thing and every day is vacation or should be. Glad the UPS strike seems to have been averted. Whew.

@bling_dream19 happy Wednesday

We had a great day cycling yesterday and the heat is rising and starting Thursday we will be in our first official heat wave of the summer. Stay cool girls and be well and enjoy. XOXO

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Hello lovelies

Ugh, sorry Greg didn’t get his MRI yesterday, what a palaver. Let’s hope they get it fixed quickly and reschedule his appt. Glad you got to ride and thanks, as always for the lovely photos.

How exciting @MamaBee, fingers crossed everything goes smoothly with the renovations and you can soon enjoy your new home.

Glad your BIL’s procedure went well, and I’m sorry to hear about your FIL. From what I can remember, the numbing agents shuts down the blood vessels in the area, thereby causing the numbness, at least I think that’s what the dentist told me. I asked him if any of the anaesthetics we had in the surgery could be used for nefarious means! I hope the visit is going well.

It’s actually ‘cooler’ today @canuk-gal, we‘re sub 100 degs :lol:

The day got away from us yesterday because our neighbour and her family were over all afternoon enjoying the pool. We’ve been going in early morning when it‘s cooler.

It’s our neighbour’s b’day today, and we bought her an Esperanza as I noticed she had a gap near her front door where she’d lost a plant. When we went round for pie and ice cream recently, she mentioned she needed an ice cream scoop, so I got her one and wrapped it as a jokey gift. She was pleased with both :mrgreen:

I was in the pool before 8am, while Colin was recycling our shower water on the plants, then after breakfast, we FT with our friends.

Another week galloping by, hope all the lovely NIRDIs are keeping safe and cool. :wavey:

I want to move next door to Austina!!!

GM girls and happy Thursday!

@Austina it's OK. He rescheduled for mid August. The weeks are galloping by you are so right. We used to have many people come over and enjoy the pool with us growing up. It's always so nice to be able to share the pool on hot days

@bling_dream19 is it hot by you? Our heat wave has officially started

@Slickk stay cool and enjoy this summer weather and hydrate

@canuk-gal hope you are having a good week

@MamaBee thinking of you and you will be so happy when you are settled in your beautiful new home and this hectic time is over. All worth it

@mrs-b hope all is well

@rainwood lots to talk about

@marcy hope you are not working too hard

Hey everyone else. Yesterday's cycling was fun though hot. Today is hotter. Greg suggested we go for an abbreviated ride so that is likely what we shall do. I do not want him to be overtaxed. Day 5 without antibiotic and I am nervous. And unfortunately one of my blood tests came back very very low and it looks like I have hypophosphatemia. Cannot make this stuff up. Unfortunately my appointments with any of the specialists who might be able to help is over a month away. This is very rare and most doctors have no clue what to do. So I am not expecting much but this cannot go untreated. Just what I needed lol. But one day at a time right? Have a good day girls, be well, enjoy. XOXO

I love this sweet as we were cycling by

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Happy FriYay lovelies

If you’re ever down our way @canuk-gal you’ll be more than welcome to stop by. It’s ’cool’ today, a predicted high of only 98 degs :lol:

I hope Greg is still feeling well @missy, I know you’re anxious about it being day 6 today. I’m so sorry to hear that another issue has shown up, and I wish you could get seen sooner, by someone who actually knows what they’re dealing with. We’ve had some good news that there’s going to be an Emergency care centre opening up here, which is really needed, otherwise I shudder to think how long it’d take to get to a hospital in an emergency.

Our daily routine continues of getting up early, getting in the pool, then staying in the cool. Yesterday, we did our food shopping, then stopped off to pick up a take away curry, it was absolutely delicious :lickout:

Have a lovely weekend ladies :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!

Work was decent but busy. Guess that is why they call it work!!!! It is pretty chilly here today--high is 12C and rain. We can sure use the rain tho. My pots aren't looking so great. :rolleyes: Did errands today--no cycling. But I think the weekend will be warmer. I saw a diamond riveria necklace today and tried it on...small carat weight. But it didn't sit well at all--flipped immediately. Anyway. Of course I got take out today!!!!

@Austina who hoo for 98 degrees! What a break!!! lol
@marcy@ only won a free play on the Lotto, but someone in my hometown won 35 million!
@missy keeping finger crossed Grey stays well. Sorry about your bloodwork. There has been lots of furry creatures in our yard lately--saw two young bucks! So cute, but smelly.
@Slickk hope your summer vacay is treating you well.
@MamaBee keep well under the stress you must be experiencing.

Good morning girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

We went cycling this AM (yeah we are crazy lol) and OMG it is hot out. Just took a nice long shower and I feel human again :)

Greg's cystoscopy went well Friday and nothing was found. So we are dealing with a medical mystery of which I am all too familiar. The urologist put him on a three day course of more antibiotics due to the procedure. And I am just hoping and praying Greg doesn't relapse as we have no clue what caused his pyelonephritis. I have good MDs on this but we still know nothing about the cause. And his egfr is falling and cystatin c rising so just waiting to hear from his nephrologist about the latest labs. He is feeling well but the last two times we went to the ER he was feeling great before he wasn't. It happens that quickly

That's my update.

Thank you @canuk-gal much appreciated and I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday

@Austina glad you are enjoying the pool and staying comfortable

@bling_dream19 happy Caturday Saturday

@Slickk hope you are having a good weekend

I hope everyone is enjoying a lovely weekend and staying cool and comfortable. XOXO

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Oh my goodness @missy, nothing is ever simple or straightforward for you both. Good news that the cystoscopy went well, but Oy that they don’t know what’s causing the issue. Continuing to keep everything crossed that Greg stays well in the meantime. Welcome to my world of being hot and sticky! Glad you’ve cooled off now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

12 degs @canuk-gal, I can’t even remember what that feels like :lol:

I finally got around to getting my diamond bracelet out to take and get repaired. Just before we moved, one of the bolo chains broke. We went to a local jeweller, who was really complimentary about it, and had actually spent some time in England in the Birmingham Jewllery Quarter. He can fix it, but while we were there, I asked if it could be converted in to a bangle. He’s going to get me a price, and I’ll take it from there.

We went in the pool earlier before it got too hot, and our neighbour just brought round some gluten and dairy free chocolate and raspberry birthday cake!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend lovely NIRDIs. :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies and happy Sunday!

@Austina truth lol but one day at a time. Your neighbor's birthday cake sounds delish. Cannot remember the last time I had cake but even when I was little I loved loved loved ice cream birthday cake. I was always an ice cream fan :) Luckily our hot and sticky weather has taken a break and it is in the 60s right now with a cool breeze. Yay!

@bling_dream19 good morning...have a great Sunday

@Slickk hope you have a lovely day whatever you do

@rainwood hope you are having a good weekend and all is going smoothly

Hello everyone else. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. We went cycling yesterday despite the heat and it was hot hot hot but glad we cycled. Today is much nicer weather (yay) and we are looking forward to cycling and enjoying ice cream.

Enjoy a super Sunday lovely ladies.

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Happy Monday girls! Another glorious weather day here and we will take it. Just like yesterday today is dry, 70s and beautiful out. And just like yesterday we are planning on cycling by the sea...I hope you all enjoy a marvelous Monday. :wavey:

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NIRDI shout out!!! :wavey:

My DS and I had a nice lunch out (Japanese) after his podiatry appt. His ingrown toenail surgery is healing nicely so good news there. Of course I got take out for supper and work lunch tomorrow. LOL.

Had a lovely ride in gorgeous weather. 24C. Says there is a TS watch, but I don't see any clouds. LOL. I really should have gone grocery shopping but didn't. Can you tell that isn't my favorite activity??? I'm getting lazier and lazier.....


@MamaBee good luck with all your moves. It’s got to be a busy and stressful time for you.

@missy I did not know Oreo’s are gluten free. They are tasty for boughten cookies. The ice cream balls were quite delicious. Speaking of slacking, I worked less in July. By a whole 2.25 hours. Ha Ha. Still over 200 hours. I love all of your beautiful ocean pictures and of course the delicious looking ice cream. Phooey Greg didn’t get his MRI. That is awful it’s still a mystery what caused him to end up in the ER. I am sorry to hear about your blood results, and hope you get in to a doctor for it soon.

@Austina that’s wonderful you and your neighbors are enjoying the pool. That sounds like the perfect gifts for your neighbor’s birthday.

@canuk-gal pool party @Austina house. Wow that someone in your town won 35 million from the lottery. Go make friends with them now (or get in line). Darn that pesky work. Isn’t it strange how you can really like a piece of jewelry and then not so much when you try it on? Think of the money it saved you though. Some of my favorite rings were ones I didn’t even want to try them on. That’s good news your DS’s toe is healing well. I get it about grocery shopping. I finally did that today myself.

I had a busy weekend. Got two videos done to post. Got my club newsletter for August ready to go. Did laundry and got through most of my “to do” notes setting on my desk.

Here’s a few sun photos Marty took on Saturday.

Take care.


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GM girls. Quick post and run as I have a medical appointment
@marcy love those photos
@canuk-gal happy Tuesday
Hello everyone else. Hope all is well.
Yesterday was a splendid cycling day

@marcy not a double rainbow but here’s our jersey shore rainbow :)
