
Now I really did it :((


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cycled yesterday with DH and will again today. He has been burning the MN oil on his project not taking many breaks. He needs to get out if only for a bit. The weather has been fine so need to take advantage of that.

MY DS and I traipsed the mall yesterday in search of a belt....LOL...found a nice but spendy one. It's OK , they last a long time. Then we went for happy hour and brought food home for DH (who was greatly relieved he missed the shopping excursion).

@marcy hope your DH is feeling better and home soon. We also have been watching old Star Trek movies and episodes. I could eat popcorn everyday--but it is hard on my gums. I might buy a bag today.

@missy have you been watching the US Open? I love tennis! You could have got IRL!!!! For me that would be thrilling!!

I don't know why I seem to be at the market every day. :rolleyes: I am pretty organized but come home and am out of stuff. The prices are killing me also......anyway


@missy oh no to doing and taking so many more tests. I hope the cranky doctor is a really good doctor. That would make it more tolerable. Sometimes they just need you to snap back at them and they'll be nice. I don't blame you for doing the 24 hour test. I did that once, it wasn't fun. I hope all the tests go well. Marty is not feeling normal yet and he's even talking about he doesn't want to give up raw milk. Grr.

@canuk-gal sorry your DH is working so much. He sounds like Marty. I swear from 5 a.m. Monday to 9 p.m. Friday, he is working. I guess buying things from the market in smaller quantities takes the pain out of the total. I've been topping off my gas tank around half so it's not so awful. I let it go this time and it's getting lower every day. I'll remind myself it's cheaper than filling the pickup. I am going to start watching some of the later Star Trek series next. I watched Picard and Strange New Worlds.

It's cold here today. Feels like 44. I just switched the thermostat from AC to heat.

Last night, I dug out my observing journal (notebook) that I started in 1987. I kept detailed and frequent entries in it for years but quit in the 90s sometime. The covers are falling off and they have a list of comets I've seen over the years. So I typed them up in a list and added the occultations, eclipses and novas I've seen. I tired to nail my 34th comet this morning. I was set too. I got out a telescope, binoculars, my camera was all set, the tripod was open and a jacket was hanging on the chair. This morning was going to be it! I set my alarm for 5 a.m. and went to bed. I peaked out the window at 4 a.m. It was totally cloudy. I turned off my alarm and went back to bed. Phooey, The forecast is bleak for days too.

I got laundry done - and much quicker with Marty gone - did my lifting and ventured to Sams Club to stock up on a few things.

Speaking of popcorn, when I came out of the store this morning, the boy scouts were selling their Trail's End popcorn. Since I think it's great popcorn, I bought a jar of the popping corn. I wish I'd waited a day for my popcorn splurge. Oh well. Next time.

I worked a little bit but will probably just loaf the rest of the day.

Take care.

@marcy @missy the (pre popped) popcorn I bought today was the size of a pillow! LOL. Almost couldn't get into my cupboard! LOL Should last me a while...

Hello lovelies

Finally back in the land of the living!

I can’t believe you’ve got snow @marcy, it’s definitely cooler here ATM, but we’re still mid to high 90’s. I think we’ve only had the heating on for a couple of days since we’ve lived here. I wouldn‘t mind it cooler, but snow, oy, no thank you. I hope Marty is all recovered from his bug and feeling back to normal, and you’re feeling less stressed out by those mindless hooligans.

:lol: We’ve been getting cheese and caramel popcorn, sounds like a weird combination, but it’s absolutely delicious @canuk-gal. Unfortunately, we’ve discovered the supermarket is no longer selling it. One of our neighbours said they saw it in Costco, so we’ll try there.

Sorry you’ve got more tests scheduled @missy, and that the Dr is a grump. Hopefully they don’t throw up any more issues for you to deal with.

My vertigo started last Tuesday afternoon, we’d been out, had lunch, and when I got in the pool late afternoon, I suddenly felt really unwell, rush in, and was violently ill. I spent all day Wednesday in bed, and did feel a little better on Thursday, but by Friday I was feeling really dizzy again. I spent the w/e relaxing and definitely feel much better today. Fingers crossed, it doesn’t happen again.

Hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well.


@canuk-gal those big bags of popcorn are good.

@Austina I will gladly share my snow and cold with you. Sorry to hear your vertigo is bad this week. Do they know what causes it? I had a friend in college with Meniere’s disease and she used get violently ill from that. I hope you are doing better. Your flavored popcorn reminded me of my college days. One of my roommates mom used to send us a big tub of three flavored popcorn every month. It never lasted the entire month.

I got another video done and scheduled today and then worked on several articles. I started so early, I was done by 4 this afternoon. Since it was chilly today I was glad to find a bowl of homemade soup in the freezer. Instant lunch. It hit the spot.

Take care.
Good morning girls and happy terrific Tuesday!

@marcy how is marty doing? How are you holding up? I cannot believe you had snow. Wow. Kind of you to support the scouts. Sorry you didn't to view the 34th comet the other day. Sweet you got another video done and enjoyed soup. Stay warm

@canuk-gal I am popcorn stocked lol. I prefer Redenbacher and pop it myself. I add avocado oil and sea salt and it is so yummy. Enjoy your popcorn too

@Austina I am so sorry and I hope the vertigo stays away. My fingers are crossed for you

Hey @Slickk hope you are having a good week

@bling_dream19 good morning

Hi everyone else. We went cycling after I did blood work and unfortunately some came back last night and my phosphorus and calcium are dropping. No clue what to do and the drs are also clueless. I cannot believe with all my specialists they are lost. I am concerned and at this point feel like giving up honestly. I won't but I feel like it

We went cycling despite thunder threats and got lucky. And then I had a four hour Zoom call with my friends. We had a lot to catch up on because my tooth emergency the other week delayed the call date. Anyway tomorrow is appointment one for the crown and then my OP specialist appointment. Which may or may not happen long story but he is not licensed in NJ and we are not driving to NY tomorrow because the crown appointment will end too late to make my other appointment on time. I hope he can do telemedicine but it might not be possible. I really need his help but unsure he can help me anyway.

Have a great tuesday lovely ladies. Big hugs and much love XOXO

Taken as cycling so excuse the bike bar in the way lol

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The osprey start their migration south in another few weeks
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NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@marcy--did I miss you had snow??? Lordy--then again when we got married during the iceage, we had snow on our wedding day, Sept 7th. So not impossible.
@missy sorry for the ???? on medical side about your labs. Answers and solutions would be lovely but often we do not get them. I saw your twin riding on the paths this weekend--she is always dressed in black and I always see her!!! I want to shout out--hey Missy!!!!! She is a speedy! LOL
@Austina my DH had vertigo that lasted several months. He believed he got a virus and it triggered "something"--but he was never ill prior to the vertigo. It was very unpleasant for him. It did resolve itself.

Rode today and it is lovely out. Enjoying fine weather!!!! I browsed around the shops today (wasting time) and saw some lovely things. But my closets are already full and I am not working much, so don't need new clothing. Or jewellery; but that doesn't stop me from WANTING it all!!!!


@missy I hate to hear some of your test results show some things dropping. I understand it's frustrating. Good luck getting your crown tomorrow and i hope the GP agrees to a telemedicine call. Marty didn't answer me how he is feeling today. He did hear back from Urgent Care. They have NO idea what he has / had. You know he'll go buy their milk again. I am glad you are stocked up on popcorn. If you ever see the boy scouts selling their Trail's End popcorn, you might try it. It is really good popcorn. Other than that, I use Orville Redenbacher too.

@canuk-gal we didn't get snow where I live, but some places in the state had snow and some of the ski areas in Colorado got some that night as well. Happy belated anniversary! I'm sure you've seen snow every month of the year where you live too. Makes us tough! It is fun to wander around stores. Window shopping is free, until we give in to impulse buying. Ha Ha.

I peaked out the window at 4 and the sky was mostly clear. So I got back up about 5:50 and it was too stinking light to see the comet. I did enjoy seeing Venus and the moon though. I even took care of my scope, binoculars, tripod and camera bag. The comet is moving to the evening sky and I have a horrid view looking west, so I'll venture out this weekend somewhere and look for it.

I got another video ready for final preview. Making charts for the shorts (vertical videos) was a PITA. It took several tries, but I got it done. I grabbed a few groceries. Strange, it only cost $17. Amazing how cheaply we can eat when it's just me.

Take care.

I no longer have the fortitude to pop my own corn: But I love OR--whether seeds or prepopped. Big kernels--the best!

Hello lovelies

Feeling 99% today, so progress!

Oh no @missy, I’m so sorry that there’s even more to contend with after this latest round of blood tests. I really hope there’s someone out there who knows how to treat you. Fingers crossed that at least the crown goes smoothly!

:lol: Window shopping is the best @canuk-gal, all the fun without the expense. I’m sorry I missed your anniversary, how many years has it been? I always tell Colin I could’ve murdered him and been a free woman by now :mrgreen:

Sorry Marty didn’t get any answers, seems to be so many weird things around these days @marcy. I’m not surprised the bill was so little, I’m sure Marty eats enough for 3 people!

We went to Costco this morning, and bought a little air fryer oven. Our ovens are huge and take a long time to heat up, so hopefully this will be more fuel efficient. I also got a lovely swimsuit, well I actually bought 2, but I didn’t check the label and one was the wrong size :doh: Mega bargain at $6.97, I nearly bought it at the full price last time we were there. I also got a lovely pair of black trousers at Marshalls, lovely fabric, really good fit, slim leg with a little kick split at the ankles. Well, you can never have too many pairs of black trousers, can you:cool2:?

Weather has been cooler today, mid to high 80’s, so we spent the afternoon in the pool.

Good morning girls! Happy terrific Thursday!

We had a busy day yesterday. I got my temporary crown and saw my bone specialist. Both appointments went as well as they could have. Today is another really busy day but for my DH. Work calls, board call and cycling. Hopefully as I have not yet checked weather.

@Austina I hope your vertigo is totally gone now. TY for the good wishes. My gums are a bit sore but it went smoothly and in three weeks hopefully I can get the permanent crown completed. We went to Costco yesterday too. In between appointments. Hope the air fryer oven works well for you. Sweet you got a good bargain on swimsuits. Score!

@marcy how is Marty feeling? And yes will do. We don't get boy scouts coming around selling anything here but if I see that popcorn for sale I will get some. Thanks for the tip. Glad you got to see Venus and the moon. Sweet about getting another video done.

@canuk-gal how's the cycling going cycle-sister? I tasted Costco popcorn (they add sugar) and OMG it is soooooo yummy. It tastes just like cracker jacks. Wow But I will continue to pop my own because I don't need the extra sugar but darn it is tempting :lol:

And LOL I have a twin out there! Freaky but I am very curious...I should have been born a cat as I am a curious kitty :)
Wish that was me because then we could cycle together sweet cycle sister :kiss2:

@Slickk hope your week is going very well

@bling_dream19 how are you? Any updates?

@rainwood fingers crossed the weather will cooperate for us...maybe we should keep Sunday open for a rain date? Just in case?

It's been a busy two days. Have a terrific Thursday lovely ladies and be well. Enjoy. XOXO

In our backyard

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We reached 6,000 miles the other day, woohoo!

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Taken as we were cycling hence the blurriness. The roads are a bit bumpy in some areas sorry lol. Not bad as we were going at 12.3 mph when I took that photo

Lastly oh so yummy ice cream. I got all coffee and Greg got salted almond chocolate plus coffee....yummmmmmm

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Enjoy the sweetest Thursday all XOXO
Hello lovelies

We’ve had rain !!!!! Yay, we really needed it, and could’ve used more, but at least it’s a start.

So glad your dental appt went well @missy, and I’m glad they’re waiting a few weeks before the permanent crown goes in. I cringe every time I hear someone goes for a crown appt and they put the permanent in straight away. I hope Greg’s work left time for you to go out cycling today and the weather co-operated for you.

We had a lazy day yesterday because of the weather, and today we had an early appt with the solar people. We’re having more panels fitted later this month, as despite telling the salesman we were getting a pool, our current panels are not giving us as much solar power as we’d like.

We went food shopping after that and it was so nice being out in 80 degs temps rather than 100 degs.

Tried out my air fryer oven and am really pleased with it, a much better size for the two of us, than the huge wall ovens.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs are doing well.

We’re going in the pool now, :wavey:

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy I've been meaning to tell you about your twin for a long time!!! I've seen a "Greg" only once, recently but you are always here! She is a sleek beauty--just like you my cycle sister! She is always in black tho--and you are a color queen! Glad your dental visit was uneventful.

I rode today as the weather was very fine, then wasted a lot of time going to my DS place DT; the traffic was terrific. All the roadwork bc of the good weather --and no less than 3 people cut me off within two blocks..... :rolleyes: luckily I am a patient driver.

@Austina yay for rain! Glad you are feeling better. I have a large 5 in 1 Ninja that I never use. Weights SO much--I have no idea why I bought it. I guess for the grilling feature....LOL oops!

Went to Williams Sonoma and picked up some clearance etched glasses (YES) and a new day of the dead spoon holder. Gosh that is such a gorgeous collection. I could have it all!!!!!!

KIT and be safe folks.

Good morning girls! Happy friYAY!
What a morning. Quest messed up Monday and left out two tests that couldn’t be added on so the supervisor had someone come in special for me at 630 am this morning and hopefully they did it right this time. I appreciate how responsive the supervisor is and she’s on my speed dial lol. Not really but you get my point. Not the first time this happened but I am grateful because for the most part they’re great.

@canuk-gal aww thanks. She sounds more sophisticated than me but I used to always wear black in my younger days. Cycle sister hope you’re cycling today. We are but brrrrr it’s chilly out now. I wish I was a patient driver. I’m more of a reactive one. Not good I know but I’m working on patience and will look to you as a role model thank you :)

@Austina so glad you’re feeling better and yay for rain. Should have asked you about th crown material. My dad said I should get gold as it’s indestructible but my dentist said with my smile it’ll show. So we are doing zirconium. How can anyone get the crown the same day? They take a mold and have to order it from the lab. Wow I never realized some get it the same day. How can that fit right?

Hi everyone else. Working out then going cycling. Have a friyay filled with yay! ♥️

We rain into our dear friend b yesterday. So great seeing him as he was out of commission for a while due to surgeries. He’s back and as strong as ever

Oops forgot our ice cream from yesterday

Last photo


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@missy no cycling today as I had a medical appt across town, so I took advantage of poking around places I don't go often to. And if I thought the traffic was awful yesterday--worse today!! Every bloody road had constructions on it!!! Couldn't turn or go straight!! Anyway it did TRY my patience LOL. I did have a lovely walk tho and some lady stopped me to tell me her life story. I think she'd be talking still!!!

I stopped at a nice French bakery....yum. Got to practice my terrible French!

Glorious weather, again. LOL there was a frost warning on the golf course today tho, my DH went nonetheless. The mornings are brisk. Such is the season...boohoo....although I do look forward to the pumpkins!!!! Heard through the GV that one of my MOm's friends passed away today. She was younger than Mom--and very funny, charming and a good friend. Made me sad.

Hello lovelies

Ugh @canuk-gal what a pain. Hope your appt went well despite the frustrating traffic. French bakery, I hope you treated yourself to a lovely pastry :lickout: How sad about your Mum’s friend.

I shouldn’t laugh @missy, but I think ‘pirate’ when I see gold crowns - you’ve made the right choice. Yes, I’ve seen places that do same day crowns and there’s no way I’d do that either. Oh no to more blood tests, let’s hope they get it right this time. So glad you met up with your friend and he’s fit and well again.

We’d just got out of the pool yesterday, when the mother of all storms rolled in, thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Poor Colin got soaked, I ran in, and he stayed out stowing things away. The rain was coming down horizontally at one point because the wind was so strong, and then we had hail! It rained for a few hours, which we desperately needed, and everything is looking much fresher today.

Lovely day today, but cool (well I say cool, I mean cool for us, still in the 80’s). We went for a walk this morning while it was cool (70’s) and this afternoon Colin had a derm appt, just for a skin check. He got bitten all over his legs yesterday by fire ants, poor thing has had a really bad reaction to them, so the Derm looked at those too.

No plans for the w/e (no news there :lol:) other than relaxing and enjoying the pool, and no having to get up at 7 on Sunday to water the garden :appl:

Have a great weekend :wavey:
Good morning lovely ladies! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@canuk-gal sounds like a wonderful day even without cycling and hope your medical appointment went well. Yummmmm French baked goods. SO delish. I remember my summer in Paris. Wonderful special memories. And yes same here. Construction is everywhere. I hate how it backs up traffic making traveling more challenging. Unreal how every road and highway has crews working. The roads suck here and are in dire need of repair but that they aren't doing. LOL have to laugh better than the alternative. I am sorry about your mom's friend. So sad. As for the weather same here too. It was so cool last night we slept with the windows open and the AC off which has been on since May. Giving it a rest for now and bundling up. Cycling was chilly yesterday but very enjoyable. Have a great Saturday cycle sister! Cycle on!

@Austina yes that was my first thought too...though my dad, a retired dentist feels gold is the most indestructible material for crowns and will hold vs other materials which eventually need redoing. So I appreciate his input and if it was on a tooth further back and that could not be seen I would have gone for gold. But I have a big smile so whereas for other people that same tooth could have been crowned in gold for me it would be seen. So Zirconium it is. But I do not want to be back in the dental chair too soon if you kwim. LOL cool for you is warm for me :) Glad you are getting much needed rain and that your weather is no longer brutally hot. Enjoy a lovely weekend

@rainwood it feels like autumn here and I hope the crisp cool lovely weather lasts. Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend and having sweet dreams right now

@bling_dream19 happy weekend and happy Caturday Saturday

@Slickk enjoy a terrific weekend. Mid September already. Wow

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well. Great cycling day yesterday and hoping for a good cycling weekend. Our weather has cooled though it is going to be warmer this weekend than it has been. Enjoy a wonderful weekend dear friends. Be well. XOXO

In honor of Caturday Saturday

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Pretty Princess Gracie as she was sitting on my lap last night. It was chilly with the windows open so I had my comfy soft blanket over me and the princess loves the red blanket :)

And our sweet treat from yesterday...I have been getting all coffee lately. So darn delicious

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May your weekend be sweet and fruitful and may it be filled with love and peace and joy
So pretty outside right now
Crisp, clear and cool


NIRDI shout out!!!!!!

@Austina glad you are better and that it is a bit cooler for you. We have been enjoying very warm temps (27C at present) and it was very warm last night, late. I had a lovely chaussons aux pommes (my fav) and bought a baguette for our meatball subs! Quite tasty.

@missy I didn't see you on the paths today :bigsmile: --as we went the other direction for lunch out. I got some ice cream as well LOL. I think you made the right choice on the crown--I prefer gold jewellery!!!!

@marcy is your DH home? Is he feeling better? I think I shouldn't have bought such a big bag of popcorn--it goes stale quickly. Can use it as a foot rest.

@Slickk hope the new school year is treating you well.

@mrs-b what's new? How is your DH?

Good morning girls and happy Sunday! And happy last weekend of summer!

@canuk-gal lunch out sounds like fun especially since ice cream was involved :) Nice your temps are warm and comfortable. And haha yes me too. Gold/platinum in jewelry only please lol

@Austina hope you enjoyed another lovely relaxing day by the pool

@marcy hope Marty is feeling better and home now with you

@mrs-b thinking of you every day with healing vibes being sent your and Tim's way and hugs to Ballin and Cyrus

@Slickk happy Sunday...hope you have a fun day on tap

@bling_dream19 hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend

@MamaBee waiting for the housewarming invite ;-)

Hey everyone else. Hope all is well and you are enjoying a wonderful weekend

Wow we had a fun day yesterday. Purrrrfect cycling weather and super delicious ice cream with lots of furry babies. We met a new furbaby named Benny. He's a cavalier spaniel. Precious. I didn't get the phone out of my cycling bag to take photos of him because I was too busy playing with him. OMG he just is so sweet and I want to eat him up (figure of speech haha).

Ice cream treat along the way

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We also got the extra treat of seeing a car show. It was a blast and I love imagining myself behind the wheel cruising down the road with the top up (convertible of course ;-) )

Just a taken as we were cycling through so I apologize for the lack of good photos

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When we got home I did a laundry load and then started my second load when bam the washing machine broke. Now we have a second washing machine and dryer in the basement but I was not happy. As luck would have it Greg figured out from the error code what was wrong (machine is 20 years old by the way and broke last september too). And fortuitously he had the valve part he needed because last Sept he had ordered it to fix the washing machine and didn't have to use it. He is so organized as if I had bought a part last year I would never be able to find it lol. And within the hour he had it fixed! And that was after needing to drain the machine as it broke mid cycle and so much water was in the wash. I am relieved and hope it holds.

Today is another cycling day woohoo. Hope y'all have a wonderful and super Sunday. XOXO

Happy marvelous Monday lovely ladies!
Hope you enjoyed a terrific weekend. Our weather was absolutely perfect friday, saturday and sunday. There is rain all day now but it was a amazing weather while it lasted.

We saw the egret again...looking regal and elegant

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Speaking of regal and elegant

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\And the ocean bold, beautiful and full of life

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Lastly our delicious treat of the day for cycling 60 miles woohoo

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May your Monday be marvelous and sweet with lots of good things
Happy Monday lovely NIRDIs

Weather was lovely this weekend, it’s definitely cooling down. I can’t believe it’s been a year since our friends from England visited, and wow, what a difference in temperature. It was in the high 90s then and now we’re in the 80’s. We’ve just been out for a walk while it was still cooler.

Glad you had great weekend weather @missy, and were able to enjoy the great outdoors. Love seeing your photos of the cars, wildlife and ice cream. We’re currently have a very small scoop of Dulce de Leche every other day.

I hope Marty is feeling better now @marcy, I don’t know if I missed what caused the upset, was it unpasteurised milk? Isn’t that associated with Listeria?

Yum, your pastry sounds delish @canuk-gal and I absolutely love a good baguette. I know wholemeal and grain bread is good for you, but IMO you can’t beat a crusty white loaf!

How’re things with you @mrs-b, how are you both doing?

I hope being back at school is bearable @Slickk, and the monsters are behaving themselves :mrgreen:

We watched 2 of our favourite films over the weekend, Secretariat and Seabiscuit. We’ve seen them both several times, but they‘re so good they’re worth watching again.

I’m going to sort out our clothes today for our trip next weekend, we’re off to Iowa to visit some friends for a few days.


NIRDI shout out!!!!!

@Austina those are both excellent movies. I'll have to revisit them as well We have been watching a lot of movies we've seen before--half of them I don't recall the plots!! Barbie is available for streaming--but I'm not paying 25 bucks. LOL

@missy did you celebrate with your family? I went out for a brief ride today--too windy and smoky. Think rain is predicted today. I was wondering if you see any mishaps while out riding. Recently a speedy (no helmet) cyclist hit a metal pole with his pedal and nearly flipped. I don't know how he managed to stay upright! And the other accidents people falling off, etc. Seen a few ambulances on the paths!!!

@marcy how are you??


Thanks for thinking of Marty. He got home Saturday and is feeling fine. I am buying him pasteurized organic milk so hopefully he’ll stick with that. He had a cancer spot cut off his arm yesterday and will have another one done soon. The first spot was something than can spread, so they did it first.

@canuk-gal I am fine. Thank you. How are you doing? Darn that your popcorn went stale so fast. I have no idea if you could freeze it in baggies. I don’t care for the bags of microwave popcorn. That would be bizarre if Missy’s twin had a husband that resembles Greg. It is good you are a patient driver. How frustrating to get cut off 3 times. I hate those people that can see signs the lane is closed ahead and they just keep going and expect everyone to let them in. I love shopping at William Sonoma, of course I have to go to Denver to do so. Darn for road construction season there too. It’s annoying.

@Austina I am glad you are doing better from your vertigo. I am glad to hear you like your air fryer. I keep thinking of buying one, but I use my convect oven to air fry things so just keep putting it off. That’s a deal on swim suits. I bet you are enjoying a bit cooler weather. Yes, Marty got something from unpasteurized milk. They ran tests and have no idea what it was. Listeria is one of the diseases you can get from raw milk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so sick. Poor guy.

@missy that’s good you got your temporary crown and the bone specialist went as well as they could. I’m sure your twin isn’t any where nearly as cool as you are. All of your latest picture are great. I enjoy see the cars at the car show and ooooh to the lovely colors in that sunrise picture. Sorry you had to go back for more tests. I have a friend that broke her wrist in several places about two weeks ago and she’s had nothing but trouble. She started at an Urgent care and their X-ray machine was broke, so they referred her to the ER. The ER said they had no one to read them, so they splinted up her wrist and said she’d hear Monday. She never heard a thing that entire week. Finally on Thursday they at least got a CD from the ER and made an appointment with her doctor. Her doctor is out of town so she saw her PA on Friday, he referred her to an orthopedic surgeon. He said they’d call her for an appointment yesterday. She heard nothing. I suggested - call them and see when they can see you. Her appointment is next Monday. She finally sent me a copy of her summary sheet from the hospital. From what I can tell - and Dr. Google - it sounds like multiple breaks in both wrist bones and some are not aligned. I’d bet money she’ll need surgery and by now it has already start to heal. I feel so bad for her. What a mess it’s been. Crappy service so many places.

We’ve had pretty nice weather too, with a few cool days mixed in. It’s sweater in the morning and short sleeves in the afternoon season. Plus, I’ve turned on the heat a few times.

I got my car services on Friday. I was in the dealer well over four hours but took my iPad and read a book I’d just start. I finished the book on Sunday. Marty got home around 1 p.m. Saturday and we went out to eat. We didn’t do much this weekend just things around the house. I got two new videos done and posted this week already.

Take care.
Hello lovelies

So glad to hear that Marty is feeling better @marcy, and yes to him not drinking unpasteurised milk again, yuk! Glad your car service is done and out of the way for a while now. Thankfully I’m feeling fine now, and hoping it stays that way.

It’s been noticeably cooler here now, thank goodness, so Colin and I have been going out for a walk first thing, and then going in the pool. I’m going out walking with my neighbour this morning, then I have to do my roots! I’m channelling my Lily Munster at the moment.

I hope everything is OK with you @missy, and you’re just busy with life.

Must dash, have a great day lovely NIRDIs :wavey:

@marcy I need my car serviced--and of course my DS car has a dead battery. When it rains it pours. And this is the last season for my summer tires. Cha-ching!!! Sept has been one $$$$$ month.

Pretty crisp out today--8c. LOL Some rain. At least the sun is trying to poke through. So no riding for me--went to Wallmart to buy pumpkins!!!!! Best price in town! I adore pumpkins--I got three and will get another oval shaped one--my fav. WM only had rounds--but they were perfect. I kinda like the odd shaped ones with giant stems! LOL pumpkins. I cheated and went to Wendy's for their Baconator--even though I intended to cook. DH had an ECHO and EKG. Awaiting a CT scan.

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning girls and happy terrific Thursday!
Sorry to be MIA. Just busy enjoying cycling plus a thousand other things to do lol. Drs/labs/cycling you get the drift.

@marcy so glad Marty is all better! OMG about your friend. That is so horrific. Just unacceptable care all around. I am so sorry and hope she heals ok. You gave her excellent advice.

@canuk-gal ugh, sorry about your smoky conditions and hope they are cleared by now...our cycling weather has been awesome. Feels like autumn but not too cool yet. I love pumpkins too. My favorite is pumpkin soup and pumpkin pie...yummmm

@Austina thank you...all is well. As you said just living life and being busy. LOL channeling Lily Munster..I think her character is super attractive actually :) Yay for cooler than Texas heat wave weather lol. You deserve some nicer weather finally. Your self control is amazing to limit your ice cream consumption to every other day lol

@Slickk good morning, hope you are having a good week

@bling_dream19 thinking of you and hoping all is going smoothly

Hi everyone else. It's been a whirlwind this past week. And not slowing down. Cycling, labs, drs and more labs lol. But so far so good. Looking forward to cycling today and the weather looks to be purrrrrrfect. Hope all is well. Big hugs. Much love

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I think I missed sharing two days of ice cream so here you go...

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May your Thursday be filled with sweetness and light. Be well. XOXO

@Austina I am glad you are feeling yourself again. I am sure you and Colin are enjoying some cooler temperatures. Is it back to 2-digits? I had to think for a minute what you meant about Lily Munster. Too funny. Hopefully my car is good for another year. My dad was a mechanic and I'm sure he wouldn't approve of this synthetic oil that only needs changed once a year. He either changed it every 3000 miles or every 3 months. Our cars would just disappear from work for a few hours and then magically reappeared with a bill for the parts. Of course my bills were doctored - like oil $100 per can (not off the mark now), rotating tires $50 each, delivery fee $20. You can see where I get that streak from now. Ha Ha.

@canuk-gal isn't that the way it goes, everything happens at once? I hope all the maintenance and new tires and battery aren't too painful. I have some brand new Goodyear tires for my Macan in the garage. I wanted Michelin so we bought them right away after I got this car and we'll have "new" tires to put back on it when we trade it. Marty's pickup needs some work, I need to remind him to make an appointment to get it fixed. It is very crisp here at night and until mid-morning. Then it's getting warm the rest of the day. We had rain too, and I luckily went to get my iPad off the dining room table and saw it. My pictures aren't great, but I'll attach them at the bottom. I hope you DH's tests turn out okay. Marty has been getting some cancer spots cut out. They did the one that can spread first. I dug out all sorts of first aid stuff for him, but he's a guy. He left the bandage on for one day and hasn't been covering up the 3.5" incision with stitches up to shower. Sigh.

@missy you have been busy. But that's nothing new for you and Greg. Glad you have cycling on your list and ice cream of course. I checked the flavor of the day at Culvers and it's Andes Mint, so naturally I texted Marty at the gym - please bring us home supper and get me a flavor of the day. I feel bad for my friend. Based on my Dr. Google diagnosis of her summary sheet from the ER, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't need surgery and to get it all aligned again. I worry about her recovery, because she's not the type to push herself. Hopefully, it'll all be behind her soon.

Not much going on with me. I worked on videos most of the day. We had a few rain showers this afternoon and I was lucky enough to notice the double rainbow. Off to play retired lady for a while now.

Take care.

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